Sr CONTgUTEir "B? oootantad" la a good pbrue; bat our boy doaa aot maaa that rou ?bould b? cnBtaflttd. with peer meat. BMt rour nyt tin.uijoi will be costantad, knowing that 70a are fettla* tba baat meat to ba loaad ?Brwhara. Tba BUT la noaa too food aat jou caa not afford to aat foor aaat at aar prloa; Pkoaaa IT*? 4T?. MANAGERS-CAPABLE, AMBITI OUS young men wanted M Travel - hit and BUte. Managers; fllOff.OO y??rly aklary and expenses, or cub and oommlssion. Also local represent* tlrei wanted; $11.00 waakly ealary and commission. OOODWEAR H08IERY MILLS, IHpt 27, Trenton, New Jersey. U-U-lwc. Nlw uyt OF POCKET KNIVES, Scissors and Rasors at Rum Bros. Variety Btofcs. 11-ll-Ste. OFMN FACE WATCH, HO YBAR ease, 11 jewel*. K engraved on ba*k. Stolen by Walter Tucker. Any one having bought tble watch retura to J. L. PHILLIPS. 11-1 0-8 U~ CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE ? ' Early Jersey and Charleston Wakeflfeld. Immediate shipments. Prices 10c per hundred. 90c per M. Parcel post or express charges i extra. R. W. HODGES, R. F. D. Washington, N. C. 1 1-1 1- J we. NEW LOT XMAS TOYS. BUY NOW and have them stored under our Xmas club plan. Rusa Bros. Va riety 8tore. 11-lt-Stc. LOST: WATCH SEAL, "J. H. C." Finder leaae return to James B Clark. Jl-10-Stc. NEW LOT WALL PAPER AT 10c, Ife and 80c roll. Ruaa Bros. Variety Store. rt-lMMa. J . WOMBK, YOl'Nfi OR M1DDLK aged, wanted aa apeclal represen tatives la home town; 912-00 weekly salary and commission Also State aad Traveling Manag ers wsnted; 91200.00 yearly sal ary and expanse*. or cash and commission. OOODWEAR HOS 1ERY MILLS, Dept. 27. Trenton. New Jersey. 11-12-lwc. LOST? PACKA4B OONTAINfN# papers tt| enrrsaef. lAberal re ward will be paid if Mtvrasi te I. H1VWI. WOMEN'S EXCHANGE AND TEA BOOM. Tea, coffee, cocoa, salad sd sandwiches. Fancy work re ceived at ten per cent ommls elon. Havens building. Main St. 10-17-4w-T?ea.-*'rl. ARTICHOKES SOc PER PECK. Walter Cradle 6 Co., Department Grocery. Phones 90 and 92. 11-12-tte. hlH, VHkllltn f"k Mew, ?o4?rn IHTlllWMI, liCkM. ntw. OTW4KI*. fmm Ml. Sleeplat ??"' ?" ?*rl?r. (or Saturday. Bcklln'a Ventilat ed meat stall. CltT Market. Do sot bundle beer. il-#-lw?. FOVR A ORB FACTOR* MTi 0* Hrer ?od railroad ?4Jol*l?l F?? lleo Ckemloal rtaitnr'i pl*?t. 1 Onlf ?!.?#?. Addreei A. 0. Hot* k mtu. WUklMtoi, N, 0. 1 tnitHMt. m SHORT ITEMS FROM 'Neighboring Cities. Need Mure Locomotives. ? The Norfolk Southern Railroad hu borrowed locomotives from the Seaboard Air Line for asr rice on the Charlotte dlVialoa. uji a New Bern report, bocaaae of the rush business. Fourtli District Doctor* Tarboro? The Fourth Dlatrlct Medical Association at the quarterly nee ting held here Tneeday elected for the ensuing term Dr. J. M. Ba ker of thle city president ; Dr. No ble of Belma, first vice president; Or. Grady of Kealy, eocond rice president, end Dr. H. B. Beet, of Wilson, treasurer. The term of the secretary did not expire with the neetlng Just held. ^reot New Church. Greenville? Plans end epeclflca ttona for the new Christian church to be erected here to the near futuro have been let to a New York man. who . waa here yeeterday to make irrangementa with the tmlldlng committee. Building will not be started Just now. FIND GIRL WHO RAN OFF Started Out to "Bee the World." Hod Only Seventeen Dollars in Her Possession. 1 Aahevllle, N. C., Nov. 12. ? Julia Smith, the fourteen year old Black Mountain girl, who, armed with $17, left home to see the world, has been located at Chattanooga. Tenn., and restored to her father, through the good offices of the rTavelers' Aid Department of the Y. W. C. A. The' girl had bteen missing several days, leaving a note telling her father! that ?he "waa going away to work: '.n a cotton mill." OLD CITIZEN PASSED AWAY WUIiaiu 8. liaUle, Aged VJ, Oldest CltixvD of Edgecombe County, Has Died. (By EaBtern Pree?) Rocky Mount, Nov. 12. ? Newa has been received In this city of the death of Mr. William S. Battle, aged 92 yeara, and a well-known and ro-l ipected resident of Edgecombe coun ty. Mr. Battle died at hia borne In Tarboro following an Illness due to i decline in years. The deceased was for a number of years an active power in the development of Rocky Mount during tt^early days and for more than a score of years he owned ind operated the Rocky Mount mills. The deceased Is survived by a lumber of sons, daughters and grandchildren, people of prominence hroughout this section, while be holds the rcvpect and esteem of -housands of friends throughout this and other States. The funeral waB held In Tarboro and a number of friends and relatives from this city attended. AmI In a Hurry. A Chicago doctor Bays It Is p*. 'Me to know when a person Is Ullloi < lie by feeling tte speakei* pils* * en son. p?#*s stents. fishermen an 4 Is the only way that will clear up the uncertainty satisfactorily to all concerned. BanJc of W ashing ton Washington, N. C. Burglary Insurance For stores. Residences, Offices Banks. Pays for loss of articles stolen and for damage to prop erty. Wm. Bragaw & Company, . First Insurance Aeents, Washington, N. C F resh Meats NATIVE 6f WESTERN BEEF Fresh Pork, Oysters and Dressed Poultry. "All Pork Sausage a Specialty" Walter Credle & Company THE DEPARTMENT GROCERY. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULfS OTM. - " "Yes, we heat the house w ith vood fire? and we save money by doing it. We believe in regulating the heat according fo the wenther. That is the only way to be perfectly ccufoi table End avoid wasting fuel. "But to do so, you must have a Cole's Original Air-Tight Wood Stove "For the secret of satisfactorily burning wood is abtolut ? draft control, "Ami you get it in no other stove but this. "Air-tight construction with thin polished steel radiating surfaces, permit* a slow and economical combustion from which every bit of heat is sent out into the room instead of up the flue. ''You much heat or little heat, and just as you like it. "You g?"t n steady, comfortable heat all night ? for it hr>ldB the fire. "It III a rwriarVably Inexpeniri vf heater, and you are lofting both money ond comfort ?? long ?s you do without on#." " Coim'm , " thm Original Patented Ait - Tight ||. Hmatmr i? told only by ut. H arris Hdw. Co. Washingtun. N. C. J. LEON WOOD JAMKfl W. OOI/K M?nk?ri Naw York Cotton Rithugo J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS and BROKERS. Stoaka, Bonds, Ootton, Oratn And Pro rial on*. 71 Plam* Btratt Carpanttr Building, Norfolk, Vt. wlr? to Nwr York Stock Extfbang*, Chicago Board Trad# and oth?r financial oantara. Oorraapondano* raapaatfaljy aollcltad. I?TMtaaa| and marginal aeoountt |1rvo caraftil tttentlo*. .DAILY HEWS WANT A Dfl OlVft QOQO RESULT^