Which Do You Need?! Some Noteworthy Values KDAOIVAS. New arrival*. Bilk* and Crepea, Solid Colon. Jap and Oriental effecta. ? beautiful lot to eeleot from ? ?l.oo to m.*o COR8STS. Wo earry the ftmout Praia eet ead W. B. Coreeu end Braeeieree. Their eterllng qualities are known to all wo men. Braaaiere*. Co reel* . . . . 00c to 91-24 OOc to 90-00 H081KRY. The "Oordoa" Bread, known | everywhere for their quality! end long wear. Every pair! guaranteed. AH colore lnclud-| lac blecka, ? alike and Ualee. 30c to 91.0O WAISTS. Hard to deecrlbe them ? prettier Cplor combination* you never aaw ? weave* are finer. White and Colore; crepe de chine end allka, alao weah materiala. 91.00 to 90.00 J. K. HOYT first PRESSING CLOTHES IS AS MUCH AN ART AS MAKING THEM We ciaim that to properly *Qd thoroughly presa a-ny kind of garment It mum be done on a Hoffman panlt&ry st-atu clothes pn*eeliig machine This method produces the natural body shape tn clothes of every de?crlptton, raises the nap. brings out the color, gives the garment an appearance of newneas and causes It to last much Ion ger LETT US CONVINCE YOU WRIGHT S STEAM PRESSING WORKS Our ISlew Stock Of Ladies Coats Coat Suits & Dresses Which we put on showing yes terday attracted a large number of ladies to our store today. A num ber of sales were made of these beautiful garments and they are be ing disposed of rapidly. Their style quality and pattern make them high ly desirable and we earnestly urge those who wish to purchase any suit or garment of this new assortment to make their selections at once. Bowers Bros. Co Washington's' Big Store. NEW THEATER ONE NIGHT WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17TH The New York Producing Co. Prmen.s the Great American Comedy Drama THE "White Squaw" BY D. M. CLARKE Has a Punch For Every Act. ? The Best Play of Its Period. P^tlCE9 fl, 75c, tfOe, 2Sc. Seat# on Sale Tu??dav. Nov. 16, Worthy V Elherldg?'?. PERSONALS Q?r M. t? U? ettjr twUj MUMlM t* kut m* nun I . .1 0?a R. Boyd, of Plaetova^ s(M 1 a puwaitr oa the Norfolk BO*~thero th?a morning ? Lun Cahoon. of I *m a visitor 1a the cH y today. ? ? o ? W. H. Whitley, Of [?pent today here attendta* to fca*? [neM matter*. . o a o ? Cbaa. Briaa arrived la towa to day froia Fertavttle, ea route to lie home la Swan Q tartar. ??? ? | ? ? ? ? ) J. P. Bishop, oat of BelbavenV prominent merchants, waa hero to day on business. a ? ? ? Geo. Howard, of 8??& Quarter* waa amocc tk? out of town visitors In the city today. ? ? e ? Rev. J. E. McKlxMOy, of Choco-j wlnlty. wa? a welcome vtaltor here] today. t ? ? ? T. B. Riddlck, of Belharen, te a business v.?*iltor la Washington to-j day ? t ? ? S. B Wlodley end wife, of Teote vlUe, were among the out of tows] visitors here today. ? ? ? ? Chas. Mason, of Swan Quarter, arrived Id the city today from Perm) vllle. where he attended the conven tion of the I. O. O. F. yeeterdty. ? ? ? ? Mrs F M Mueller, of Philadel phia, is visiting her two slaters, Mrs. H. B. Mayo and Mrs. E. W. Ayerat and uncle, Edward Long, in tMa city. ? ? ? ? Mr?. J. W. Hays, of ChocowlnUy.l Jled thU morning at Bwaa Quarter, here she was visiting relatives, e v ? e C E. Brlte, of Merrttt, spent yee-j terday In the city attending to bue-| Incss matter* o e e o S W. Worthlngton, of Wilson, | was among the out of town visitors here today. Mary belle Mclllhenny. daughter of Mr and Mra. W. W. Mclllbenny. ia critically 111 with pneumonia. ? ? ? ? Dr. H. W. Carter returned thia morning from Raleigb, where he mado nn address before the meeting of the Wake County Medical Society. ? ? 9- :? C.aybrook Jones, of Wileon. was :n Washington yesterday on busi ness. ? ? ? ? M.ss Lizzie Hill Is visiting friends In Aurora. ? ? ? ? V. L. Hoaley, of Greenville, spent yesterday in the city attending to business matters. ? ? ? ? Mrs. 3* m Laughlnghou<|ft and sop, of Vandemere, are apendlng the day In the city wtlh relatives. ? ? ? ? Mr?. C. E. Jordan returned on the Washlnbton A Vandemere this morn Ing from Aurora. e ? ? ? Mra. Charles Harding, who at tended the fair at Aurora, came back this morning ABOUT A MILLION DOLLAR* ' damage to roebling plant Trenton. N. J.t Nov. II. ? Approx imately $1,000,000 damage was done by fire mhlch early today destroyed * a wire rop? shop of the John A. Roebling Sons company plant In ? hlg city. Due to the fact that th* company ban order* for war -mater ial for European countries, rumori were In circulation that the fire was of Incendiary origin, but nothing has h*en found to substantiate such re . ports. 3 ? ? g>'. Wo. th* nHura nt ?tabera at <fca Oe?p* Ftra C 4a ' m imrt % tka?e rwliUMa to par ? ?Jmpl? tribute of oar for* u4 ad "Ur?Uo? lor Joaapt a. Chauucar. oar lw?M tallow traau. who <le?arta? tkla lit* Octabar nth. 1I1& hi tho Hiknu ?t hla Ufa For tblrtj mn Hi. cheuncay ?m u acllae Of tha Ftra Deport Boat at Waahlacthn, lad' OUod or >? Iwn ud Chief ol the Depart maot with honor to hltMolt mod cradlt to the poattiona ho occupied. A? Ct?<aU Of lh.it company he W ahreye among the flr?t to an swer, the cali of duty, and Im t||b performance of that duty none more falthfal or sealous. Actuated by the true' spirit of comradsahlp and consideration for those under his command, he bound the members to hint with enduring tlee or friendship and la many a hard-f ought contest thejr proved their devotion by un flinching service where the flames raged fiercest, and men's work was to bo done. those* near and dear to him we aaiaaA.. heart-felt ? sympathy, and with thsm mourn the departure of a good cltlseh. s true friend and a gallant fireman. Be U resolved that these resolu tions bo spread on the minutes, a eopy be sent to his nearest relative sad published In the dally paper. Respectfully submitted. (Signed) Officers and Members of the Ocean Pire Company KltiHT PBR80NS KILLED BY TORS ADO IN KAXSAH Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 12. ? TheJ number of dead In the windstorm which swept over central Kansas early l&et night, wrecking hundreds of homes In Us course through sev-| eral towns, remained at eight today J Communication with all but a few outlying sections of the stricken dis trict wa? reestablished today. Many persons at first believed dead, were later found burled In the ruins of their homee and reecued alive. Come to The GARAGE Th^t guaran tees you Satis factory Service in everything. Whether you store your car with us perma nently or just buy occasional supplies, we guarantee to please you in both quality & Price. The Best Grade of Gasoline at the lowest market price, Try our Service once and notice the differ ence. Washington Motor .Car Co. You Need a Tonic There are times hi every woman's life When she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take ? Cardul, the woman's tonic. Cardul Is com posed of purely vegetable Ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on tha weakened womanly organs, and help* build mem back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women la Its past half century of wonderful success, and II will do the same for you. You cant make a mistake In taking CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. t. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark.) says: "I think Cardul I* the greatest medicine 00 earth, lor women. Bator* I began to take Cardul, I was so weak and mtvom. and had such awful dizzy spell* and a poor appetite. Now I feel a* weH and I WW - Thousands. . "NBAL or m HAVT" Rim TONIGHT The ft ret opleode of MN?*1 of I he Nacy.'* a greet eerla d which prom M to ootcMpoo ?T?r7 eorlal that hu ever bMB ehown In thla city, Win bo sfcpwa at the Nov Theatre tonight. This groot photoplay has more i>el exciting incident* la It than all >011010 combined ihown at tli 14 house before The battleahlpa and eobmarlnea of the United Statoo aro oood by the pormlaalon of tho government. The Now Theatre aoems to atrive to giro their patron* only the beet that they can secure In pictures, and should receive good patronage for thfeir effort*. . There will alao be three oilier reels of motion pictures tonight. As well as a complete chango of program hi "Faaaaoux," the hypnotist's, antic* with local subjecta. This aot last night kept the largcat audience that thla house ever bad convulsed In laughter throughout the entire program. Ho centainiy Is a wonder, and If bo la successful In getting pleaty?qf good subject* to go %n ths stage tonight ivory one present will boo a groat deal more fun than laat night's pro gram. 80 If you want to see good plcturea and get 1 good laugh attend | the New Theatre tonight AURORA FAIR PREMIUM LIST TO BE PUBLISHED TOMORROW A list of the premium* awarded at tho Aurora fair will bo publlBhed In tomorrow'a laeue. AT THIS Bank YOU GET Safety, Courtesy Accommodation, Advice, Interest on your time de posits, and money when you need it. Savings & Trust Company. John B. Sparrow, Cwhior The Second Day Of Our Reduction Sale With our store brim full of the season's newest merchandise and at such savings as w? are offering * the buying public can not mist purchasing their many wants. We offer a good bleached Sheet 78x90 at the small price of Remember this sale is abso lutely as advertised; no devi ations to any one. Nothing charged at sale prices or sent out on approval. ? Buy your Kid Gloves now and save money. We guarantee ev ery pair. 85c Yesterday we sold lots of Hand kerchiefs both for men and women. * Buy these and save them for Christmns. They are at a saving. James E. Clark *8.00 RICHMOND NORFOLK $8.00 FOOT BALL GAMES For the Annual Foot Ball Games, Thursday. November 25. U. X. C. v?. U. V.. at Richmond and A. & M. vs. W. & L. at Norfolk., the Atlantic Coast Line will sell excur sion tickets from Washington to I Richmond and Norfolk at $3.00 fori the round trip. Tickets will be sold for all trains on November 24th and 26th, except trains scheduled to ar rive Richmond after 2:10 p. m. and Norfolk after 1:35 p. m. on Novem ber 26th, limited returning to mid night of November 17th, Pro portionately low f*r?r will bo made rrom all Intermediate stations. For schedules and further infor Colds Relieved ^ Without Dosing If you haYO tried "Internal" medicine* without snooew, we want you to try the I "External" treatment ? Vick'n "Vap-O Rub" Salve. Apply hot wet towels oyer 1 he throat and cheat to open the pores, then rub Vick's in well and oovor with a warm flannel cloth. The body warmth release* healing vapors that are inhaled with each breath, and, in addition, Vick's Is absorbed through the pores. 25c, 60o, or tl.OCL WCKS^uetSAWE matlon, call on 8. R. CLARY. Ticket Agent. Washington, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE t'ho Standard Railroad of the South A Feature Yon Will Appreciate You will certainly find this shoe store a welcome relief from the old method of shoe selling and shoe buying. The success of our business is due not only to handling the best shoes your money can ouy? SELZ, but in the extreme care we taKe in fitting the feet with exactly the right model. It means a lot to you in comfort and an actual saving tn dollars and cents through the extra wear you get C. A. Turnage's "Selx Royal Blue" Store. 1

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