IV.1 ' T No. 114 vrraws or m am war **? OKB OF STATE'S MOST "> HONORED OmZKtto. FUNERALiTODAY ? Took Place from th? Prabyfertaai Church. Ho?t of rHeadv Through o? the State Mora Their Loot. Col. R. W. Wharton. t(i tl. died ?t tho bom# of hla daughter, Mr*. Job* ff. to&all. yesterday afternoon at 1:19 o'clock. Tho ftaeral eer vlceo "Were bald this after?o6h from; tho Preebyterlan church. Rot. H. b. ?earlght officiating. Zaterment ?u Is Oakdale cemetery. Tho honorary pall bearera were C. M. Brown, I. R. Fowle, J. B. Spar row, Id. W. McKool. T. J. Latham. Bath Biidgoman and R. H Warren. Tho active pall bearera: C. C. Wil liams, T. H. Myera, Henry B!o*at. William Bragaw, Geo. T. Loach sad B. O. Mom. Colonel Wharton waa born in Qnllford county In 18S7 and la a mcmbar of the prominent Wharton family of that eectlon. He waa of Bcotch-Engllah descent, a staunch Presbyterian and for a number of TWi held the position of 8enlor ?lder In the local church. In 1849 he graduated from David son college and atudlcd law under the elder Judge Gilmer. He prac tised law for about ten yeare at Salem after which he enlisted In the war as captain, serving in what waa known aa tho northern army of Virginia until 1884. When tho 67th N. C. regiment waa organlaed he was maue colonel and served with that regiment until the cloe? of the war. _? - ? * "Z Col. Wharton participated in evcyy Important engagement While lir ttnr army of Virginia. He served under Btonewall Jacksbn and waa near him when the latter waa killed. Although in tho heart of every engagement and always at the head of hia men. Colonel Wharton was never wound ad in any battle In which he took part At the close of the war, he met the daughter of Bradford Perry, of thia county and thry were married. The colonel gradually abandoned \ law and devoted himself exclusively to farming. Ha waa attorney for the board of county commlaalonera of thia oounty for a number of years and alao pub lic Administrator. He waa a mem ber of tho State Board of Agricul ture for about fifteen tear*. There waa probably no man In the county in whom greater confidence waa re posed and he eettled more eetatea aa executor and admlnlatrator than anyone who ever lived In thia sec tion. Thero waa no mdre loyal or faith ful officer In the Confederate army, or none more active and faithful aa a member of the Preebyterlan ohurch. He waa a Democrat all his life and for many y^a? took an ac tive part In the party. His leading characteristic# were probably his unyielding lnttifcrlty, his loyalty to hia convlctlona and bla persistence In every matter which he undertook. He leavee a boat of (Mends through out the 'tate to mourn their loaa. One daughter. Mra. John H. Small, and two aona. Thomhe P Wharton end D. Evans Wharton, of thia coun ty, eurvlve bim. His wife paaaed away la 1904. A TRIBUTE OF LOVE. ? Washington, N. 0., November 15. Mr. Bdltor: In today's Issue of the Washing ton Dally New* yon record tho death of one of our oldest end moat hon ored elMaena, Col. R. W. Wharton. Will yon let me who was a hoy sol dier In the long ago, and a member of the teglmsnt of which Col. Wharton was the lieutenant-colonel, pay a' heartfelt tribute of regard to hts commander. When I left my childhood home a hoy of seventeen to Join the Southern army It was my good fortune to enter In the regi ment of which Col. Wharton was in command and from that day to this, he has ever heen my constant, loyal and respected friend. Promoted frofn the army of Northern Virginia to LU?toaaat-Co!on<i Of t hs ?7th ot N. m perhaps WILSON-GALL WEDDING TO TAKE PLACE HERE -P FT Not the President and His Bride, But Two Members a the Colored Race With Almost the Same Nanes. ? When Woodrow Wilson, president of th e United States, Uku Mnr. Gait m hi? brldo ant month at Waahlng ton, D. C., W. Wilson*. a colored farmer, who resides * abort distance from this city, will also become the lorlng husband of Ellsa Gall, a bux om widow of ths same race. Th? similarity wf names Is start ling and Is largely ' responsible for the local wedding. When Wilson ? the Beanfort county negro ? beard of the president's engagement, he mentioned the matter to Ellsa and solemnly declared - It waa 4 "prophecy." Ellsa urMd uu tke, decided that It wonld be go lot a gainst the dictate of the code not to recognise the "eigne" (bat haft been aent them. They are now waiting tor the president to annoanee the date of the wedding. When thte 1? done, the local parties will make their ar rangements and at the aame time the Wilson -Gait wedding takes place In Washington. D. c., the Wilson Oall ceremony wlU he performed In Washington, N'. C. WERE UP BEFOKE THE RECORDER r ' ? ? - The reoorder tried several cases >eeterday .atfernoon, among them being the following: | Mayhuo Paul; speeding automo bile, costs. \ Lonnle Squires; violating dog or dinance, costs. Charles Jackson; Intoxicated, :osta. Tom Bell, colored; Intoxicated, coits. Joe 8pain, colored; speeding, cost*. Drew Bender, colored; larccny, costs. Supreme Court Take* Recess. Washington, Nov. IS. ? The Su preme Court today recessed until Monday, Nov. 29, for Its usual Thanskglvlng holiday. Its most Ideal soldier. Cool and brave and self-sacrificing, he was at all times courteous and kind to the men whom he bad tho honor to ? ?aanandv sad they gladly followed and trusted htm. His men loved and trusted him and gladly gave him their Implicit confidence. Aftsr the war Col. Wharton was happily married to one of tho fair daughters of Beaufort county. He was a useful and most honored cit~ lzen. His word was his bond and what be promised was certain of fulfillment. For many years ho was a consistent member of tho Presby terian church and a ruling Elder of that congregation. I am not given to wrltlrg obituary notices, but 1 feel constrained to pay this tribute of love to my old commander of our ttfty years ago. j- . NATHANIEL HARDI NO. Co. O. 67th Regt., N. C. T. AT THIS Bank YOU GET Safety, Courtesy Accommodation, Advice, Interest on your time de posits, and money when you need it, Savings & Trust Company. Joha B, Sparrow, CaiM.r OVER 50 NOW A1 TEND SCHOOL Popularity of Local Movement u Growing Rapidly. MetubersWp . la Steadily Increasing. Over aft* persons were present at the night school, held at the hlgl school building last tflght. Th< memberahip of the claaa has doublet. Itself at each meeting and there is now no doubt but that It will be successful- In Ita work. Oreat entbuslasbi and Interest is being express d In the work. More teachers are needed and financial aid Is a'.eo requested In order that the rooms may be heated and lights fur^ dished. RECEPTION LAST NIGHT. Given In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. b. B. Bell of Shawboro. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bell wero at home last night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. B. B.. Bell, who have recently been married at' Ashevlll# and who have been visiting In Washington for the last few days. | A largo number of friends wero present and enjoyed the occasion. The house was attractively decorat ed with vines and cut flowers, th' color acheme being pink and gre- n The gueBts were met at the door by Caleb Bell, Jr., and Eva Hassell Hackney, who took the cards. The rociving line was composed of Mn? and" Mrs. C. B. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. | B. B. Bell, Mrs. E. S. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. John Gorham, Mr. aad Mrs. W. L. Vaughan and Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Simmons. Those who served refreshments were Misses Elizabeth Carrow, Elizabeth Sim mons, Eve'.yn Jones, Mary Fowle, Mao Blount and- Margaret Handy. Miss Rcbecca Simmons presided at the punch bowl. Mr. and Mra. Bell left this morn ing for Elizabeth City, where they | will visit friends before proceeding .on to Shawboro, whero they will I make their home. * Committees to Meet Tomorrow NIghf and Arrange for Mass Meeting j Next Month. A committee of three, from each church in the city, and all other in terested citizens, have been asked I; meet al the Baptist church after 'prayer meeting tomorrow night In | oWler to arrange for the Anti-Sa loon League mass meeting, that If to be held lfk Washington on the first Sunday in December. At thia meeting, committers will be appointed to attend to various details in connection wtih the work. The meeting tomorrow night will begin at S:16. BUSINESS MEN MEET TONIGHT A meeting of the Business Mea'f Association has been called for to< night at eight o'clock. All mem ben are especially urged to 'be present A pumber of important matters will bs brought up for discussion. Amonf I bom will be the new rato book Ntmbsr* are requested to be on band INGENIOUS DESltt ustu 8/ THE FRENCH jeesi 'v ^ th? ^ ? " * ? ? - MIX UP OVER SCHOOL LINES Matron of Fork School Declare* that Injustice Ha, Been Done that PhiK * Editor Dally News, Dear sir: - Will you allow me these word* ?n ho columns of your paper to men tion a matter In the school law that I do not think is right or fair? I r fer to one district outlining a spec ial tax district to come over and take what naturally beLongs te another If "A" want* a speclar tax, let her *eep to the line and let "B" alone. This would then causa ao confu sions. Of course I know you havo give It to you, but we sfcoald stand 'or tha true right regardtafts of the| lany laws we have nowadays. It 'ooks to me like the schools are ? laying, "Follow tho leader," and ve would not wonder If it does not I 'ad to something bad. An outline for Fork school dls rlct wag presented to our county ?uperintendent but he would not ac- ' ?ept It. saying that the Hawkins eop'.e were ahead of us. They had ome over and took In part of Fork Ustrlct. The latter district had not othered them, bqt the superlnten ( lent receives thrfr petition first. I iues? they were a little higher. Does it not appear that since they hsd ome over In Fork district asd Fork) Ustrlct had not run over on them hat he could have received both pe lons, and let the people and Board of Education agree on the two llnee ja the first Monday In December? I lon't know bow the law stands in bat way, but It looks to us like that would have been the fair way; but It seems to be whole hog or none. Now In conclusion, I will ssy to the leaders of Hawklnsvllle special tax district that If they are working for good will, and this Is what they -hould be, ? meet the Board on th? rst Monday and have your north Ins to run with .Fork school's old outh line- For this mistake (per lap* you call It a great thing) but lx It while you have the chance; *lve Fork back her old line and what taturally belongs to her, and takp what belongs to jou. If you are worklQ? for strife, Just >ush the thing along like you have Girted It; yod all ready have the ball rolling. Yours respectfully, II. B. WOOLARD I/A IH EH ARF. REQUESTED TO ATTEND MEETING Chalmrcn <oV Vartoas cfatt Commit* tw? to Meet Tortawow Morning. An urgent request has been issued asking for the attendftneo of every chairman of the various local club committees at the meeting that in to be held tomorrow morning at 10:30 In the rooms of the Wash ington Equal Suffrage -League. I; Is hoped that *!1 tha. chairman will be present and asslat In makln.i final preparations for Friday's con ventlon In this city. r. B. Mayo left this morning f;j Norton ob ? butty trip. Arm Broken and Other Injuries JU-| ceived WhUe Coupling *"'nrs At Loca; Station This Morning. H. R. Munford. a flagman on the) Norfolk Southern, met with an ac cident at the local station this! morning. ? which resulted In the breaking of Mb right arm, which | was also badly mashed, a brok n shoulder blade and other injuries. Munford, whose home Is in Ay den, but who 1b at present living wife- ta Berkley, wa? en gaged in coupling two cars when another car ran Into th~m, catching his arm In between the Iron work. Dr. Josh Tayloe was summoned and he took the Injured man to thej Washington hospital, lie was rest ing comfortably this afternoon. Word of the accident has bern sent his I wife. TOOK TRUNK BUT FOUND NO LIQUOK suspicions of Poller Arouncd Yester day but Were Found to be G round! esA. The police yesterday morning found a trunk at tho Norfolk South rn station, which excited their sus pic!ons. They !oaded it on a dray, took it to headquarters and there cpeced \i. It waa found to contain r.othlng but a number of articles of c othlng and a pint bottle of liquor. Tenderly restoring the articles ? the liquor includ d, the officers return ed the trunk to the station, whe^e' it now awaits the rightful owner. MASONIC MEETING TONIGHT, Regular meeting Orr Lodge No. 104, A F. & A. M. this evening at I 7:30. Work In the First degree. All entered apprentices, fellow crafts and master mar.ona frat rnally in vited. W. B. Singleton. Master. O. M. Wlnfleld, Secy. PROHIBITION ADVOCATE ARGUES FOR THE CAUSE Geo. R. Shipman Replies to Questions Regarding "Per sonal Rights" in Saturday's Daily News. Wash: lift ion, N. C., Nov. IB. 1915 To lh?- K?! 'or. Washington Dally *ly dea ? r:t: In answer to your qu**tlon Id Sat urday's Issue of the Da'.Jy N>?i in which you ask whether the law that prevents Illicit distilling should be abolished; or whether wo are being Imposed upon, and rob'.ted of our rights a? the gent'.cmnn you refer | to stated, 1 take pleasure In giving you my reasons for bcMivlng tnat I the rann whom you ment'on In this editorial, vas mistaken when he made tha' statement. In the first ?lace, no man should be n!lowed the liberty of doing himself s personal njury or of doing his neighbor a personal Injury; and thTf'nr* God I n Hie wisdom, gave us Ills laws. for; )ur conduct In *.lfe, whlcb are to be' .'ound In the 20th chapter of Exodus, and In Bt. Luke the tenth chapter, versc-a 2R to 37 Inclusive. Upon Irese Laws of Qod. are bs4-d all of he laws of the olvillsnd v.-orld to lay. Ifix-Ooverror Qlonn find othor ion of \ri.io learning and creat love for the. men and women of this ?tat', after a careful and prayerful tudy of 'he liquor and oeer busl >aur, came to the conc'us on that as' :eventy-flve per cent of the crime wmralttcd, was due to (ho use of In toxicating drinks, that .* was a crlm" to allow men to make It and use It themselves or to sell It or give It to other*, as in no case did It do acy man good, and In most cases it madn them bad and dangerous cttlcens and brutal husbands and fathers and destroy d the physical, mental and moral nature of the young men and even the boys, who were taught to drink It, to Mr nothing of the moth* era and their daughters who were led astray by Ui use and lsflu?ncs. After ~aat yea_r of iiror on the' part of th.o n. listers and tho "Wo- . men's Ch: 'Ian Temperance Union." tho "Prohibition- and Anti-Saloon] League" workers In thin Stat?. com | poa d of the best of Its citizens, they have succeeded In cutting down the use and manufacture and sa'e of In toxicating drlnktf. by passing laws which deprived the ptople of their t "personal rights," <as our friend! and brother speaks of !n the above article) to manufarture and us* or sell or give to his neighbor any strong drink that would make him self or his neighbor "less of a m?i," is px- Representative Hob son and >ihers hav- proven that even one glass of beer does, and which the iif? Insurance companies say. short ens life. And Just as the 'aw* of j Cod, and the laws of m*n hav? hern I nade ???> prev- nt crime; the best wayi "o prevent It Is to remove or f:?rbld I :he use of the things which cau?*e men (o commit it. And the fact that! there has been less crlmr committed] 'r this, nnd in other States where men have been denied their "perso nal rights" to mskr- liquor or to us* It, or give It to others, i? a proof that. In denying them of their per r.onal rights In this respect, the law !s doing the same heneflt to society and to the Individual, as when It' ?*ays: "Thou shalt not kill," or "thou shalt not steal;" for It has b- en proven that nlcohol Is a poison, and has recently been taken from the list of drugs and medicines by the consent of the medical suthorltles. All of the great nations now at war In Europ*. have either forbidden Its manufacture and sale, or Its use by the soldiers, as It Impaired their strength and usefulness. In our own country Its us? has bssn forbid (Contlnusd on pa?? (our) l> : i 8,500 SERBS BEEN TAKEN PRISONERS GARMX FORCER TOOK 7,000 G ETHER WITH KL'MRER OF CA-N.NO.V ITALIANS GAIN i laun Advance* A itrinm A nwt Enoch Tnk<* Gi-ruijui Tronrhtn. Ru-?*laoA A calf) on the .Offeiutvp, | London, Nov. lfi, ? Ca"pttire of [8.500 Serbians Is reported by Ger ?nac head juartcrg In today's officii I I'.a'.cmeai, TJi Uugarlan force* >pcra:r.g in S.-rbla tcok 7J000, to trther with six -.'annoa. The 8er iatis co:i;ir?.? 'j be driven bark all iloiig th?* ilae. It la announced Itnlmn* ('Hint Gain*. Ir :h?' latest oll'.cial report by thA a an fn-ra] staff progress for ?ie Italian* .n the on the onto from .s c'alroed. Advances re declared f? haw beer, mad on h*> hi phtiT to the north west of orlzia In the P ?>zzo basin, and on av or&ck. 1!(W I.o<>( on Ancona. I ??('?' official reports In Rome : d.catf iha; two hundr d and eight rrtons v?ere lost In the Staking of :.e ila'ian J'.nT Ancona by a sub marine, two hurdred. and ninety .ino being cav. J out of a total of Innd-e 1 and s?vsn on board. Ft- nch Tak?? (German Trenchr*. On t he front In northern France bo Gasman* ancounco th<s capture ?f a projecting French trench three mndri'il yards long northeast of '?Ccurle. the n w position being con ulldatcd with the German line at hat point. Germans Gain Position. Berlin claims a somewhat decided suroess for Gtrtuan arras along the Styr river. General Von Ltns<ngen'a troops have e'eared the entire west ern bank of the river of Russians, It Is declared. Russian* on Offennlvo. Th" Russians appear to have be gun an offensive movement in a new region, the German war office re |por:inR Russian attacks near Smor gon, east of Vih a, tfhich were re j pulsed Flr^t .Night's Work at Pii*f?vif|e Wm II iLClily Succi'svful. Gr<*at lnt<r est Shown In the Work. PInov! ILo moonlight school oponod Monday night with an enrollment of iwr'v . Great interest w.is Fhown an<1 'bo uludent* expressed them S'*l v*b as being wii'.!nK and anxious to do I!-* best they roit'd to better lira* :fi:i Th l^arhorn very much pr.eouraged by the Ir.ter '?at and onthusia-jft that la being '<t.n?'n in th's w-srk, and are pure h-'t p;n"vill?? la g'>!ng to have one .f ?h<* '.I ?* m:io flight achoo'.R In ';i?niifor' <"?tmty. TOD\YS COT TON QUO r ATIONS 1 Mldd In* ? - 1 0 5c Seorl rolton ? 1 4.fi0. frirron nor rt -J3R.00.

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