W nwwtM run rxs. wwr. uw wun to BK DOO H^n. "TRTJOINiWAR TMbmmIb Mat TtkaUpAiM cm We or Twlwi Qtm* n^omd to B? T ml I Towde Alhew. Other War Xm. Loadon, Nor. II. ? Serbian reelst we? 1? weakenlag da . The de fender* of Rabuna pmac will boo n be eurroucded and the road to Prllep and Monaetlr will them be thrown wide to the Balgartane. More than 1,000 Serbians were taken prisoo ere by the Austro-Gernran forces Teeter day. Gtm oa Feet le ii Fnet. Along the Eaalern front late rest eeatere oa the attempted re-cross ing of the Styr, where the Austrlans and Germane claim an Important success. Petrograd report# merely admit Austro-German occupation of the village of Podcaele, about five ml lee from th? river and a- slight advance eaat of that place. Serbian* Appear Doomed. The fate of the 8erblan army may be only a matter of honn. Monas tir, in Southwest Serbia, lsr reported to b? in such a perilous position that the consular officials have departed. ' Greek Attitude Changing. The Qreek government appears to he adopting a leee uncompromising attitude, says the Athens correspon dent of Renter's Telegram Company. It la believed to be seeking a sat isfactory solution of the queetlon as to lta attitude toward allied troops which might take refuge In the Qreek territory, although It hrsl tatee to make a declaration in the form demanded by the alllee. The correspondent says King Conetantine has expressed a desire to fee Earl Kitchener, the British Secretary of War, who Is now in the Near East, and discuss the situation with him from a military stand point. Rumania With German*. Buchareet, Nov. 18, via London. ? ? Forver Premier Carp le credited by the bewsphpeT Adeverdl with the statement that Rumania will take ap arme on the aide of Germany la? December. Tho prediction is made by If. Carp that aa soon as estab lished communications make it pos sible Germany will make new oilers to Rumania in the form of an ulti matum requiring a reply wlthla 41 houra LIST or LETTERS Remaining unwilled for In thla of fice for the week ending Washington, N. C., Not. It, 111*. MEN? Allen Moore Dudley. O. H. Dlok in?on. Geo. R. Ferris. It. D. Gur gftous, John Griffin, Semuel King, Hoeee Martin, B. F. Kendall. Chlllie Smith. Bter F1*h Co., Larry 8 pel men, ?lleve that Sloan's liniment la good for brulaes; at Itaat It la cheaper ban shock abaorbara. I 0 CAMPBBLL, /awVlf r SIMM WILL EXPLAIN IN FULL HIS STAND ON THE NATONAL DEFENSE PLAN. IS FOR INCREASE Wiring That Country Should Be Ably Equipped to Repel Enemlew, But Will Not Countenance Urxe Appropriation. Klnaton, Not. 1 8.-<-Con grtnmaD Claude Kitchin It not (or peace at any price. He bellevee that tbe United Btates is dow "ready" to flgli: any posslblo foe on tbe high ?eas save Great Britain. He la expected to make a statement eoon that will, be believes, put him right In the minds of people who "misunder stand" him. Intimate friends of the Democrat ic leader iay that at a naval hear ing leaa than a year ago the opin ions of the Preeldent and secretary of the navy, coinciding, and of the naval board wer? compared. At that time the President and Mr. Danlols It la understood, moved for the "reg nlar, orderly rate of lnorease." Mem I hers of the naval board, experts of high rank, favored a big increase whelming!? against the proposed enormous naval Increase, and that the public never got the news about the hearing above referred to be cause newspaper men present were swayed by the preparedness propa gandlsm. Department heads are not Included In the seeming suspicion. 1 Th^ representative win make his I statement "under pressure" bin I friends say- He has been quoted a' bat admitted under question that "man for man, thlp for ship, gun for gun and personnel for personnol the United States navy was superior to that of Germany or JapAi." The friends of the Scotland Neck states man broadly Inltmate that the%navy year book is not compllrd to bo eaally understood by laymen, that pains are being taken to misinform the President on national aentlmpnt. which Mr. KItchta ssys Is over faying that the New York Herald deliberately mlaropiraented and fal aided In quoting him as. abiding b> aentlment In his own dlatrlct. Hi declare* he la baelng hla stand on sentiment In the nation. Mr. Kltchln Is said to fsvor e qulpplng the United 9tat'? as thor oughly with aubmarlnes, mines snd hydroplanes ss Is any other nation, contending that they have been the ta'.vstlon of Oermany from the Orltlah aea force#. WKItK MARRfKD YK8THROAY. 1 H?rl?-Tyr? Wrfdlnf Took FImo at Rath. Partfe* WeU Known Here. Bdgar T. Harris, of Hant?r'a irldgo, ?nd Mlw Mary Tyrm. of Bath w0T? onlUd Id marrlaco jootordajr it tb? homo of tho brtdo. Tho coa loft ob thotr bridal trip Imn* liotoly ?A?r tho cfmooy. Doth tro vol) hoown throughout tho onntr and tyro jfcftfty frlooda in .V??Mo|ton THE WH/TE SQUAY HERE LAST NIGHT H?d lDt?rectlng Plot, and lUaliatU Costume* and Socnerjr. A falr-slsed audience w}tarBBeJ the performance of "The White Squaw" at the New Theatre las. ulgbt. The play had an interesting plot, although there wre few exciting situations and very little, tf any comedy. The nctore were good in their parts with the poMlble excep ion of the lady Who played Octavia. $hf\ In the opinion of the majority, of the audlenco, lacked expression and feeling. Her lines were repeat ed with very little foroo. > The costumes and scenerj were | exes'. lent and t/ue to Ufa. MADE IMPROVEMENTS TO DANK BUILDING Savings A Trust Co. Ilulldlng Make* Ch?nge* In Heating and Furnishings. A modern and complete heatlnf qulpment has beeu Instated In tlie -.avlnge & Trust Co.. wlilch efficient y heats not only tho hank, but also ill the officer and rconis Id the building. The director*' roon: In the bank has also been newly furnished in luartered oak and presents a moat handsome appearance. This room s at the disposal of the public and inyone who has any business to ransact is cordially Invited to make use of these quarters. The farmers ! tre ospeclal!y urged to avail them .elvea of this privilege. WONDERFUL "BABY HAZELLK" Th? New Theatre Will offer their ;atrona the last three dnya of tble *eek, with a matlneo on Saturday, the mo?i wonderful child actre?B on [ he American stag* That la "Baby" Haiello," the moat talented dancer and alngnr of her ago. Thla small but wonderful child has appeared on the stage with auch well known ac tora and actreaaea as Oeraldlne Far rar, Caruao, Soottl, x Mar? Cardan, Bemle Abbott, Blanch* Walah. De Wolf Hopper. Qao. Cohen and oth ara. An act that you will not be able to ?eo here again, especially for the low price of admlaalon aa 10 and II eanta. She la called the "Mln ature Paylowa," and la equally a* good * dancr with age conaldered. It !a hoped that the uohae on each night ?1U be crowded, aa ?*g it* tfifUoo wall dmrrat It, higiessihn J. P. SIALL a GIVES EXPRESSION ON THE DEFENSE PLAN I - .. ?(MDied Oddfallowa (a thta Mctlqn of the State, l? today aala bratlng bV? Mth annWaraary He la receiving eonffbtulatlona from H4a many frlenda and partlaalarly hti lodge brethren. Mr. Frlaaall hae been an 0?4ftllow tgr orer 41 rcartJ ?r.n? of lotrrcaUonal friendship and jdiorate an In: rnatlonal court of arbitration tu deal with Justice and airti.-Mi towardH other nations and >*'t at th?" bprr.?i time to bo prepar ed to protect and defend our homt?? against aKgrvaeion of any lawlcti marauder. "To what extent shall we prepare l.iursetvea so that any aggressive :ovcr?mt.nt may hesitate to attack is or bo that we may maintain our rlitH against. aggression? Hnimon ground on which all may stand I I * Kvery pood man and woman ab | !mr.H that which has come to be 'a spirit of militarism.' 1'ranslHted into familiar terms, it simply mcar.B the cultivation of a -plrit of international domination, the lack of proper conception of our own naiioml rights and a dlwpoal tlon to trespass on the rights of oth er people. Surely tho American ? people have nmer possessed or e vlnced such a national trait and I cannot v,el!evo that militarism actu ates the natlona! spirit today. "In considering this broad ques tion we must he patriotic, practicable and Just and whatever division of sentiment may exist as to tha ex tent of which wc ought !o prepare for defense should be approached jnot in th? spirit which seeks contro tersy but with the disposition which !?? -ks unity in a national purpose." ANNUAL MELTING W. C. T U. SATURDAY Hw Ileen P held hern to morrow, thf me'lng of the W. C. T V has hp-ii postponed until Sat urday and will be held Is the pub lic library TH* wj'ii be i annual meetln* of ih? t'nion ami a"1 m^mbera are ?>rped io attend. N w ofllreri will I be elected and the u::nual dues will be payable. All tbos* who cannot om" In person are requested to a nd I heir dues *0 H\Y WR AM,! We ?ll! hare our pictures taken or our frlenda nake DAKFR'S BTUDIO. TO-NIGHT ? "Baby llaielle" ? in ? vnRinir Danrfng Comedy "Hiinitllnff Biiok'f Bunro" "His Singular I,w?ori" "Th?? Serpent's Tooth" Th? Clfrl on th? Rnrlnw" RIX RBELfl PICTURES Prle?10?16