AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 11 mi Nowfl7 toalxbt. Modtrtu uMirty wt , emjis iPISSGl AWAY i iicpiir Trmttimimk BwUwl of Grwnrllle Died at Hie Home Thto Morula*. Fpnersl Owilf Tomorrow. (By Eaatern Preaa) OrHBTlllt, Not. It.? Or. D. L James died at his horn* In this city this morning at 1:11 o'eloek. Death to attributed to heart trouble. The funeral will he held tomorrow morn lac at t ?? rlibt Robert P. 8klnner, American epnsul general In London, as he appeared aboard the steamship Rotterdam on Its arrival at New York. Mr 8klnner was summoned to Washington to give the state department a first-hand re port on trade conditions tn England and the methods used by Great Brit ain tn diverting and holding up Amer ican commerce. He admitted tbat be had heard the report that he was per ?ona non grata In England, but sajd he bad no reason to believe he was, and that before he left there several calls were made on him that refuted any such suggestion. BROWN-BUTLER Popular Doctor of this City Wedded Ml?i Bath ltatler, of Lynch burg, Virginia. - -An interesting account/ of the marriage of Dr. E. M. Brown, of thta city, to Miss Buth Butler, of Lynch burg, appeared in Wednesday's is sue of the Lynchburg News and reads as follows: A pretty home wedding charac terised by simplicity of design took place yesterday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents when Miss Buth Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Butler, was mar ried to Dr. Edwin Martin Browo, of Washington, N. C., Dr. Joseph B. Dunn, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, being the officiating clergy man. The lower floor of the home was irtlstlcally d corated with pa'ms ind ferns, and shaded lights cast a , ;oft glow over the bridal party grouped before an altar where tho bride and groom plighted their troth. Muslo for the occasion was ren dered by Prof. Emll B' rger, who played the bridal chorus from) Lohengrin as a processional, the recessional being Mendelssbon's march. During the ceremony the sweet strains of "I Love You Truly" floated through the rooms. The bride was attended by her two sisters as maids of honor, Misses Bessie and Ella Butler, the other i attendants being Messrs. Charles Brown and Frank Kugler, of Wash ington, N. C.? brother and brother in-law of the groom. The bride entered leaning on the arm of her father, who gavo her in marriago. Her costumo was a beau tiful creation of white crepe mnteor, chiffon and brocade with crystal trimmings, the long, flowing veil be ing fastoned with a wreath of orange blossoms. She wore a dainty neck laco of seed pearTs, a gift of th groom, a corsage of valley 1111*8 an orchid*. The Imprenitlve Eplscops service was read from a white kl prayer book carried by the bride. The maids were gowned In whit brocaded chiffon over Qeorgett crepe and yellow satin, wearing gold tlnnl slipper* and oarrylng armful* of yellow chrysanthemums tied with tall*. Miii Batler Is a young woman ->f charmlnfc personality and self poiep She Is one of Lynchburg's moat tal ented musicians, being a graduate of Randolph-Macon Woman's College In voice, piano and theory of music Dr. Brown le a prominent physi cian and surgeon of North Carolina, where he bas practiced for a num ber of year*. After graduating from a military achool he took bis medi cal training In New York, being as soclated with the Bellevue Hospital for three years. The bridal party and a few Inti mate friend* were entertained Infor mally last eyspiog at the home of KITCHIN GIVES STATEMENT FIRST TO THE DAILY NEWS i ' CoogreMD- en Announce* He Will Send Full Statement to This Paper Tomorrow. Others Will Publlah Sunday. In an Interview with a represen tative of the Dally Ne we thle morn ?ng, Congressman Claude Kitcbtn announced that his statement. which would anewer the criticism that had been heaped upon him lately, had been prepared and would be given o the large papers of the State for publication Sunday morning. He also stated that owing to the atand which the Dally New* had taken In the National defense project, a copy of th? statement would be sent to thla paper In time for publication tomorrow. "There are going to be some ENJOYABLE PARTY W aa Given Last Night at the Home of Mrs. John Rodmjui. Laot night from eight to eleven I Mrs. John Rodman wag hostess at a j nost enjoyable Bridge party. Her iome presented a cheerful and wl ome appearance to the guests ar lving out of a stormy night. With he glow of open Arcs, soft Mghts and nany baskets of brilliant chrysan hemums, hospitality reigned, and -ood cheer held sway. The games of Bridge WhlBt were followed by a salad coarse. Mrs. A. L. Bowers and Miff Barh Boyd made the highest bcojts, finding at the completion of the game the total of both scores alike. The guests who enjoyed Mrs. Rodman's hospitality were: Mrs. W. H. Williams, Mrs. J. D. Gorham. Mrs. Carl Richardson, Mrs. D. T. Tayloe, Mrs. 8am Malllson, Mrs. Dumay, Mrs. L^ach, Mrs. Clary, Mrs. Prank Short, Mrs. A. L. Bowers, Mrs. Worthtdfctoa, -ftfrs. Oreenr Mrs. H. W. Carter, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. John Bragaw, Mrs. Ed Willis, Mrs. Claude Carrow. Mrs. L. L. Knight, Missed Annie Cox, Jennie Cox. Ade line Mayo. Ella Tayloe, Lil Cherry, Mary Cowell, Mae Blount, Bess Boyd. A very enjoyable meeting of the Addisco Club was held with Mrs John Rodman. There was an un | usual large attendance. The paper for the afternoon was "Belgium's Neutrality." by Mrs. L. L. Knight. >The next meeting will be with Miss Radio Wlswall, Mrs. Lawson, the I hostess. START NEW CLASS Bookkeeping Claae May B* Added t c . tlio i ourse* at Night School. Since the opening of the night school, a week ago Wednesday, the attendance has Increaeed at the rat of nine at every meeting. There arc J now almost sixty persons enrolled I one-fourth of whom arc girls and1 ladles. More are expected at the meeting tonight. Arrangements are being made for a bookkeeping clase, which will b< gln In a short time. Those who art Interested In this class are requested to notify the superintendent. Mr. Campbell, whefher they desire to | nter it. ADD/SCO CLUB ?letting Held Yesterday Afternoon With Mrs. John Hodman. he bride. Immediately after -the ceremony he bride donned a traveling anlt of blffon broad cloth, trimmed with leaver fur, hat, shoes and gloves to -natch. Dr. and Mrs. Brown left on the Memphij Special for New York and othor Northern cities, after which thay will be at home to their friends il Washington, N. C. The large number of handsome oreaents attested the popularity of ;ha bride and groom throughout heir native States. The out-of-tojrn guests included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kugler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, Washington, N. 0.} Mrs. A. P. Hamilton, Miss Bdlth Frownfelter, Mr. La Roy Frownfelter, of Roanoke, Va., and Mr. Harry L. Butler, of Premier, W. Va. Thare were a number of pre nuptlal affairs, several ahdHera and card parties being glvtn it) honor 9! the brit*. ?urtllnf and appalta* facts (n that statement," declared Mr. Kile hip, "bat I can positively say that tbuty ?re true? every od6 of them. Thay come from -aatb^otlo tourcea rid can be railed upon. I tetl yo? that the facta are staggering and whtn the public became aoqualntad w^h some of the details of this propositi zpendltare of th?1r money. I hon estly believe that there will &0 M entire chance of sentiment." Including one or two papers In Mr. Kltchla's own district, the Dally Nrws will b? the first to give pub licity to Us statement. U. D. C. MEETING Will D# Beid Tomorrow Afternoon. Not "W. C. T. U." w Wan Stated In YMmlay'y Paper. Id yesterday's Issue of tbe Dally News it was stated that the W. C. T. U. would meet tomorrow at tfco pub | lie library. This was an error, and should have read, "Pamtlco Chap ter, U. D. C." Instead of the W. C. I T. U. j The members of both organlta-j tlons are requested to note tbe cor rection. Members of the U. D. C. are urgently requested to be present at tomorrow's meeting, which will be the annual session of thle organ ization and at which officers (or the ensuing year will bo elected. Annual dues will also be payable. Those members who cannot attend are re vested to tend In their dues. DELEGATES HERE -? ' ^ i. i ? ? I boat Twenty-fire VMtora Attend ing Reciprocity Meeting in ThJji City Today. About twenty-five delegates from ^armville, Greenville, Klnston, New! Hern, Belhaven and other towna In hit section of the Btate are in Washington today attending the! eclproclty meeting of the Federa 'ion of Women's Club*. The business session is being held it the New Theatre this afternoon. A reception tq the delegates will jbe held at the Eiksf hall tonight. Vf ANT CANAL EMPLOYES ARE BEING DISMISSED Panama. Nov. Id. ? Owing to the ylng op of the Panama canal by the ?ecent slide. many employes, mainly n tbe operating divisions, are being farloughed or given vacations, which p taken here to Indicate that the| anal will remain closed for a much 'onger time than was first expected. In most cases employes are being Msmltsed. CRATER MADE BY A ^ ^ miNE , ... ? This photograph abowt an enormous cavity made by the oiplonio:i or a rTench mine by which a Herman position was blown up, niHiiy eoldlern being killed. The position was then tukrn by a brilliant bayonet charge. MERCHANTS ARE ON WAR PATH Greenville Ilujitnp** Men Protest Over Method* L'ned by Awtyrian Merchant* of That City. (By Eastern Pre**) Greenville, Nov. 19. ? Owing to their me'.hod of business operation. It Is claimed that a movement is on foot In this city to force tho Assyr ian merchants to either chanKe their methods or rise give up their stores. There are a number of stores here that are owned and operated by Assyrians. Their "salea" and their method of buying goods and paying (heir bills aro tiald to Interfere great ly with the business of the other merchants. A petition has been signed by over fifty local buBlneaB men, asking that the Assyrian* b< requested to change their business operations. STORM REPORTED Wind Hoar he | High Wodty at Bel havm. Telephone lJjiew Down. A brief report was received this morning from Belhaven. stating that the wind reached terrific velocity In that city last night and did quite ? ? Ittle damage. Tho news win em bodied in a special message to the! Dalty News from Its Belhaveo r?p-j resentatlvr and read as follows: Dally News, Washington. N. C. Telephone lines all down. Heavy storm vere last night. As usual, lights went out. Central Warehouse Since writing our last article about tobacco, nn? rlv'ng aomo high *aleat wq mode ono atlll higher today. Tobaccos with color and tobaccoa that abow any wrapper* are high Our antes will ctoae hero for the Thanksgiving holidays on Tuesday and reopen Monday after Thanksgiving. If you have a load worked out and can *'??11 It Monday or Tceaday of next week, we will promlao you the hlgheat sale* you hare made this year. W? do not look for any drop In priced on good tobaccos after Thanksgiving. Below we give aomo flales made today: J. J. Bright? tie, 117.60. UK. |2?. 130. 139. 169 804 lbs. ave. ft* 40. J. C. DonflM? tti.Sf. 125, ISO. 196. 140. 16! 60 '!? Iba , ave. $30.60. ? Clark* ft Douglea ? 119. 120. 121.60, $26. $29. |36 J. O. Lewi* ? 916.60. tit. Ill 60. 120 60. $26. $ 2 R . $33. $46 Ave 924.70. W. T. Damby? $16.60. fit. $21, $22. $24.60. $24 Oscar Moera ? $1160. $16. 916.60. 920. 926 P. D Qurganue ? 916.60. 91t, 919.60. 922. t23 60 Shelburne-Buugham Company. EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETIInG tonight To Amn?0 for Tbunk?givlnK Rer* *lc?. Every M?inber UrgvO J to be Present. I The regular devotional and tiusl-l ness meeting of the Epworth League ?till be held tonight ia the Uarav-a uoai of (he M thodlst Church b* : Inning promptly at 8 o'clock. There ? as been quite a little thought ex ?en led towards tl*e formation of ;lans to make thi* a Thanksgiving ervlce long to be remembered by ill those who attend It. There is bastnesa of particular mportance to come before tho mem. ?ers and every one is not only re peated to come, but to be punctual ?s it Is of auch vital importance to he success of the class. .ERMANV HAH SEVERAL YEAR*' SUPPLY OF COTTON' Berlin, Nov. 19. ? Germany not I .nly has all the cotton alie needs for J miliary purposes for sovcral years. | >ut new fields of supp'.y are now >pen to her. says the- Overseas News] tgency today. Proventloa of cotton >hlpments to Switzerland on tl** oatentton that the material woul I Ind Ita way to Germany a:id be us?w lor making explosives will hur*. the v ultra] nation, bi:* wj|| r >t In. ire German*. It d?clai . In > -?rame:.t r.g on 8v ss rerort* :;iat the entente powers h: e s:;pped cotton ship ments for wlaa mills "Competent German authorities ? Washington ho*- ' pltal Although hi n condition la mill critical, phyalclan* helleve that h1*i chancea for recovery hav? Improved] and that they will bo able to pull, him through *af*?ly. Mrs. Munford. who. after coming to Washington the evening after the eccldent occurred, and who returned to Norfo k In order to bring their | little hoy to tho father'* bedflde. ha* been with her hunbanri ever J?lnc?* I TODAY S COTTON QUOTATIONS Uot ? 11c. R*?4 ?OttOD 1? ?? Cottoq (??4 ? !????, BRITISH AND VICTORIES IIL'LC.UUA.N'H LOSE IMPORTANT POINT. MAM' PRISONERS CAPTURED. SERBIA ALL IN IViaKIod Is Steadily (jruwliiK Worto. Italians (iuJu Victory Over the . Austrian*!. lliitltdi Attack Falls. PnrlF. Nuv. 19 ? Important suc t?>>es for both the French and Br'.t l'h forC"S m Serbia are reported by ?in- Alh correspondent of the I lavas hl* ncy Ace-jrdltg to his In formation. which the correspondent *;:>?- utiui'.c'.al, the Bulgarians ? !i??r In* town of Kastur'no to ?li?- F:*.-u?!i aid have been defeated * y the British 0:1 th Valundovo I; jlro-.o from Si rtituns" I'oM'iun Worse. London, Nov. IS. ? Serbia's posl j :i:-a Is grow.rg steadily worse, ac |?cml:nR to information obtained by [?.lie Ueuter correspondent at Athena. ; I :ie pf?p?!.i|iun of Mo: astir >a flee I in* tu Fiorina, sixte n tulles south, | across the Greek border and Saion ski. Italians (iulii Victory. Home. Nov. ll? -?A victory for the l:ai an for*-* which are attempting 'o caji!ur. (!it :!a wa? announced ufil :: ij-'hi '? > " ? ?ar office. A strong ]m.-l'Loti northwest of th? : v ?a< captured. Surprise Attack Fails. I Her':*:. Nov. 1?. ? British forceB | i* tempted a surprise attack yester lay on G--rmun positions along the road between Messlnes, in Belgium. ?lx miles south of Ypret, and At n}"nti*res, to the south of Mesaines. | This attack, the war office aanounc I ed today, failed. Nature of "(irucsoim' I Ird" Near Cliocowlnity i* Explained by h, L. Lupton TIir myatcry -of the sheet with t/ood stain* on tt. which wa? found :*r Cbo^owiniiy Sunday and which w a.? believed to have contained the body of a child that had met with foul p'.ay. h;:s U?*en solved. S L. Luptoo. of Chocowinlty, dropped .n*r> th!* ofTlc this morning and explain' d tho matter. "I hn.ln'1 h<-ard about a VaSy h<-:ne: kil>d until someone to <\ ni* i hat *hry liad seen It In the [ );i ? : ;? N'. ws- Wh'-n I found out what tin I happ n?d. though. I couldn't help a mhlnp and I guess it's up to nv to ??*; ia'r.. "I hil b ? n klii'nr becvw and harj :?!'.< n t ' e n-. to market, wrapped mji a rh f'.mi'r.c horn1*. I no t:f.d -!i <" iim't the w.i Ron *??? i I n . r" anv further use fir !\ I 1 11 r w it a to Hie huphc?. 7b t w!" *"> th w irry and ??x **:*?? !Ti ? r:f 'in "V- par? n' a nurnb'T I y riit r'-n rs, I'm but M K Mn *Vw? of Kluffton. a prri:nln?nt ri'ia n of that city, wu ? ?nnr j? tin- on' of town visltoro here yesterday TO-NIGHT 'lUby IlllSellft" ? III ? singing Dar.rlng Corned? 2nd cpt*odi> of "SEAL OF THE NAVY" 2 r??p!? "Til K CHTTOPUS" A ?pl