Nal? NOVEMBER 22 f?< 5 there will bk hard fight nEPORE BIIXIOM DOLLAR PROGRAM 18 ACCEPTED. CLARK SILENT ' * '-it 8pe?fc?r Hm Not Tat Eipraaed Htowlf M Being Hither la F??or or A?^ut the Big Appropriation. (By Parker R. Anderson) Washington, Not. 11.? Membac* of Congreaa who have already reached Washington have passed the word around that there is going to be a very hard light among the hovae leaders before Congreaa ever aub mlta to the Prealdent'a billion dollar national defenae program. Not only will the admtniatratlon be forced to aak the help and cooperation of Republican 1-adera bat it would not be surprising to many men here if Mr. Wilson ia forced to accept a compromise, one entirely pleasing 10 Minority Leader Jim Mann and hla following. Probably the blggeat setback that baa bren given the propoaed plana as outlltied by Mr. Wl'aon was dealt laat night when Speaker Champ Clark emerged from the White House and told newapaper men that he did not know what poaltion he waa go ing to take. Ho gave not the alight eat intimation that he would aupport the Prealdent'a plan, and, according to thoae cloae to him. he aald thai there waa no cauae for any one to , ??gat excited" ovar the war altuation. Clark haa been touted from th*. Atlantic to the Pacific by Republi can newapapera a a being heartily in ^ favor of the plena a 9 outlined by the -Prceident. It haa been stated by ? men wbo ought to have known bet ?T ter that Clark was going to leavr the apeaker'a roatrum and take per aonal charge ot the Prealdent'a fight ontjbe floor ot the houao. Another atory freely circulated waa to the effect that Clark waa going to realgn aa" apeak er and go out in the coun try and make apeechea for the na tlonal d'fenae propaganda. "Tommy r?4," was the way the apeaker an awered these questions when ques tioned about them today. Clark ia not going to take the Preeiednt'a flght to the floor nor is he going to make speeches through out the country in favor of the plan. He may vote for the measure after It haa been trimmed down to a level where he can conalatently aupport The queen of Bulgaria, whose ability M a nurse baa been manifested time ?aft time again since she established to Sofia one ot the finest and best ?QVlppad hospitals, has again taken actively to the work which efie loves so dearly. The alleviation of the euf . ferlnta of her subjects has always been the thing nearest her heart, and I so, while the soldiers of hor kingdom I are marching to the war, she Is de ?otlpi h.*r time and attention to nurs- 1 tag the sick orphans In the orphan ages of her country. POLLARD FREE Found Not Guilty of Murder or Police of Fartnvllle. Decision * Saturday, (By Eastern Press) Oreenvllle, Nor. S2? The Jury in ?ho case of B. M. Pollard, of Farm >1U?, charged with the murder of :hief of Police Smith of that city, Saturday brought in a verdict of not guilty and" the defendant was re eased. The caae was tried beforo he Superior court, now in session in his elty. NO COURT TODAY fudge Cooke Detained at Elizabeth I City. Court Will Probably Con vene Tomorrow Morning. Owing to the Inability of Judgo -ooke to be here. Superior court 'a not in session Ik re today. The Judge s detained at Elisabeth City, where a lengthy caae la being tried. It la expected that he will be here In timo. to prealde over court tomorrow, al-l hough It may be Wednesday before' :ourt opens. THE IDEAL presses right. "BIGGEST THING EVER DONE IN WASHINGTON" Growth of Night School Hu Been Remarkable. Now Be tween 50 and 60 Pupils Enrolled. T 1 , (Contributed) "The biggest thing ever dune In Washington" ? The remark was made by an adult pupil at a recont session of our night school. It was r peated by several others end has been endorsed by many wlde-swake cltlsens. Do you know whst this "biggest thing" Is? If you do not, tt Is time to karn. The first Prlday evening In Nov ember there waa a preliminary meet ing in oar graded school building to which all who were Interested In th<* project of a night school were in vited. Twelve men came, some of them already of middle ago, who wished to tike advantage of the op portunity. Messrs. Campbell and Johnaon, the superintendent and principal of our graded school; Rev. R. V. Hop*. Mr. Bllli ant Hob. J??. H. Small, oar (bit C?n?r' ????. war* than to nit than. Wane wort formulated and It Wei d*?tded that tha Brat aaaeloa of Waahtkl ton'a night achool ah sold be ha Id an tha next Wedneada? arealng at r* 10 o'clock. On that night Jha Dn Bihar doahl ad, ? thara vara 14 ? and elnoe than tha average Incraaae ha* ba?a alnfj for rack erenlng Thar* ara lUoB ad soar between Oflr and aUIHK aaiar, determined atndaata, to eare aat tkat both taartara and etadania oftaa work orar tlm>, In a?!U of W m ">mi Ot tlfaaa m? go to their work at 3:30 In the morn Ing. There are pupil? from the 1 to tho 9th grade. A class In Lat'* hne just begun. Arrangem nts ar *ielnpr made to begin a class in booli 1 ? eplng Id a short time. There ? very reason to expect a continue ncreas of attendance ? the men and women in touch with the msvemett feel sure that the enrollment w! soon reach one hundred. It It ail free, ? absolutely. M-ssr? Campbell and Johnson not onl; su per In tend, but actually teach glve the town the benefit of theli training and experience ? three ev enfogs In every week. Th? seven ot eight teachers do the same, though they have already donn as much work at they are physically able to do. They are volunteer* ? in the noblett tense of the word ? serving i their oonntry at no soldier could. T)o you in now ? "the blggeat thlnf Washington has ever done?" Now whit Is your share? Surely yo? will not ahlrk. Ther? will br ? few eipenaea. Tho building inns have light tad bent. Some of ou rount plhttbera will (Ire the nece? leery work, putting In pipee for g? Itoree. You we th*ro are yolun Miora all nlonf the line. It la a aplen Mid laveetment for our oil? and th' teturaa will aoon begin to coma in If >ofc want to do four ehare com mnal^ato with Mr. Campb' II and let him know whether 700 wlU help ou' If tpf moTtm?n|. 8 m him todn; OBJECTS TO PROPOSED GOCD ROADS AUTO TRIP ? si. Mm li Good On*. Says LOcal Banker, Bfet Trip Should fit Made on Some Othtr Day Than the Sabbath Mr. Editor: ?..?*? "*vV.' Referring to an item in your issue of Saturday the SOth inat., headed Good Roads Excursion Planned." It is stated, "At k meeting of Iho -xecutlre commltte* of the Washing I on Good Roads Association, plans were made for an into excuraiob for Sunday, Nov. 28th." .There are many ohrlatlan men and ?vomen in this township to whom, his announcement will come aa a tlatlnct shock, and though they may iot express their protest by word or ?en they will fe 1 It none the less ;nd they are numbered among the -.urdlest, most inSuentlal. reliable I r.d patriotic, though perhaps the aost uiodr-st of our citizens, whoj like mys If are intensely interested! a ihe matter of good roads, willing o spend and be spent io the cause. ;nd to work with the foremost for is accomplishment. I be leve, however, we ar" going vrong, when we start out in defl of an express command otGod nd utter disregard of one of the fundamental principles of christian civilization. The plan as outlined, in itBelf, ap peals to me as a good one. 1 bo eve it is worthy of execution, but lot on the Sabbath. If It Is worth vhile, we can afford to take a dny >ff of the six that arc ours to put t through. We havo no -right to the Sabbath for worldly employment or recreation even though entirely proper or commendabla on other ? lays. The matter of good roads is of vital Importance in our econom'c life. It has already been neglected MISSIONARY TEA | Will Re Given Tomorrow Afternoon. Entertaining Program Has Been Prepared. The Woman's Missionary 8ocle'.y of the M'thodlst church will give a Missionary Tea Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the residence of -Mrs. J. W. Dailey on East Second street. The program will consist of a "trip to foreign lands," where curloa. pic tures, ctc., will be shown and inter esting Information given In regard to mission work in these countries. Children dressed in the native cobtumes of China, Japan, Brazil and Korea wi'.l give an interesting xerclse, and appropriate music will i;e given. Any one who wishes to help In this cause is cordially Invited to at .?nd. A silver offering will be taken. OVEK 100 BARACA lilrtocn New Members Added Yen Ifrdsj. Blues Are Now In Lead for Having H reared More Meroberi. Kishty-two persons wer??, prcsen it the meeting of the M. E. Bsraco aes yesterday morning. This wa; * argest number that has yet a: ad d a meeting of this popular or ir.lsat!on. ? hlrto n new members were add o the roll; 11 by the Blues and 1-y tho Reds. The first named sld< nw load n* In the number of oev pmhers occur d, the score being i to i7. The total enrollment of le class Is well above the hundred lark. IttinlneflM Meeting Friday. The regular business m eting of he class wl'l be held Friday night at eight o'clock la the Baraca rooms. Vs many members as can possibly | lo no are requested to b? In attan | lance. IVorMe Accommodatloaa. Plans are under way for the emo tion of a separate Sunday School Nodding. In the meantime, before bis handing can be erected, part of he church will bo divide?! off In or ler to accommodate the large hum >er of Baraea itudents. DIED HUDDRJfLY. Dr. Alexander, of Columbia, N. C. rho for many years haa been eell ng medlctnea through this section >f the Stat", died auddanly at the -atham house laet night His death 'a attributed to heart failure. The revtalni were sent t? Colombia this, morning on the Noitylk Southern '?m* .. too loo# ? it is time to act. and the cause It worthy of our moit earnest and united effort; hut let us start fight. We o*nnot afford to Incur God'a displeasure and risk defeat, A 1th rcrolUAf loss Of present anil permanent benefit, by reason of dis obeying Hltp, and 'dishonoring 111: ordinances. The foundation of our iiovernment was laid in the fear of Cod. Green, in his "Short History .jf the English People," tays the) *ero driven forth from their father :.ind rof by earthly want, or by t)? greed of gold, or by the lust of ad ?euture, but by the fear of God an | he zeal for a Godly worship." Ij !:?? very beginning of their work ii h i new world they pray d that tli ? 'm!phty wou'd have this countr under Hlg special care. A:: drew Jackson. declared th Ub'e to be **Th? rock on which our epublle ream." Ulyss s Grant ur* d our people to "Hold fast to th' .;ible a* the sheet anchor of our bcrtlea." There Is a story that a? East Indian prince visiting th" lat? Quoen Victoria, ob business of state, asked her to tell him the secret of England's greatness and glory. Sb' simply banded him a copy of th" Bi hie with the words: "This Is the secret o2 England's greatness." One of the ten word# on which all Btblo doctrine reats Is: r the Sabbath day to keep It holy." Let us work for good loads. Let us have good ro?de but lot us pro ct-ed In each manner that we may ask and expect Divine direction and he! p. Very tfuly yours, /NO. B. 8PARKOW. TO FIC^HT DRINK Loyal Tempmnre Legion to he Or ganJrod mt Meeting to be Held Tomorrow Afternoon. (Contributed) "Save America if you would nave he world," and If you would save America, begin with the children ? id children. That la just what the ?ood women of Washington are al ways trying to do, ? and a new effort 5 to be made beginning with a meel ng at Mrs. Zeph Leggett's on Tues day afternoon at 4 o'clock. We cannot avoid traps unless \\? '<now where and what they are. So our children muBf be taught to oe :n guard against dangers. Modern science le telling us of the awful effects of cigarettes, drink id dope. To save our souls, we 13 ust 1- arn to save our bodies. All over our great country. Loyal Tem perance Legions are being organ!z d. The aim of the organisation Is i teach children under fifteen years if a? 1n an Interesting way, that me cigarette and one drink are Junt be beginning of the end ? Ruin! The only dues are 10 cents wh*n hey Join the Legion and 10 c nts ?aln after six months ? twen!y n*R a year. Remember 4 o'c'ock Tuesday af rnoon. at Mr? Zeph Leggefa. i icrd your child and inf.uenc others i go, If you can. Practical'? every resident of Van demer has taken up crabbing. Nev ar before In the history of the com munity has there been such an earnest and lealous hunt after crab* as theer Is at prrsent. The Interest In the sport Is due to a catch made a few days ago by Baker Potter, of that fcectlon. Mr. Potter was dredging for oysters when he pulled up a huge crab with a pint bottle of bottled-ln-bond liquor attached to one of Its elaws. It Is believed that the bottle fell overboard from some boat and that the crab had beeo trying to get tho cork open, a* part of the cork was eaten away. In spite of the numerous crab bers. however. Mr. Potter's discov ery haa not been duplicated as yet. HAIjCYON CLUB DA NCR. The Halcyon Clvb'e Thanksgiving dance will be held at the R'.k'a ball Jutsday night. November Ifrd, UNUSUAL CATCH 'naghi Huge Crwtb With a Pint bot tle of Liquor Attached to One of Ita Cl*w>. MISS THEODORA BOOTH DAILY NEWS GETS nation-wide scoop W*s Only Paper Id the Entire Country Which Published Kltchin'a Statement la Pull Saturday . The Dally News was the only paper In the entire country to publish Congressman Kltchlu's arguments against tho National Defense plan In full on Satur day. A number of the papers carried short accounts of Mr. Kltchln'a views bat none repro duced his statement In full. The prominent State papers and the big dallies throughout the country did not carry any notice of the statement until yesterday morning. Mli* Booth is the daughter of Bal tic gton Booth, founder of the Volun taers of America, and granddaughter of the late William Booth, founder of tha Salvation Army. Mlaa Booth haa succesa for three years with un fortunate men and women through Volunteers of America in the con gested portion of New York. DISCUSS PLANS Washington Towtinliip (ioni] Itoaili Association Will Hold Important Meeting Tomorrow Night. A thorough discus 5 on of points :n connection with the gr>od roads ampalgu In Washington township will be h Id a', the meeting of the Washington Township Good Hoad* \mocia'Jon, which will lake piano o morrow night at elglit o'clock In he roouis of the Chamber of Cotn !\i:ice. I The proposed auio trip :o inspect be roaos of aJJo!nlr.g counties will - dsicusfed. the appointing of u on in. tt e to appear h< fore the board of county commissioners a! llio'.r text rtgulnr ine-t ng wl'l hp .v' n up and other Important mat rj* brought before th<? meeting. E.ery m.~ mb r of the assoratlor .i (I all others who arc Interested in he good roads movement are ut geat'.y request to be prea nt. \ FEATTRK PICTURE AT THE MO THEATRE thp Very 1 1 rat Picture Ever Shown on a Curtain Hcrf YV<-<hv?wlay Night. Wo have booked "The Nak*d Truth," In five parts, featuring the, celebrated actroaa, Lyda Hor' 111,1 from th?? famouH Fr*?nrh novel by Henry Batllle, m presented at the New Candler Th*?are. N- w York City, at * price of tISB P?r day. Our price will be len and fifteen cent a. We do not expect to make any thing out of this picture but w * are going to let the people of WaRhlngton nee a reel good picture thin night. Don't minx It. Aak for h folder giving the atory outlined We have an excellent show that we will show ThanKXSlvIng night. Tonight we will ahow the "Dia mond from the 9ky." Thla picture was to havo been shown lant Friday night but vii delayed. We ihow It I tonight so every body may keep up with It. A OOHHKCTION. Wright'* club rate* are $1.00 a ionth Inat-ad of fl.80 as advert la I In Saturday's Issue. Pfttrona will fltgfft tftke notice, v 'ID. (11(1 MENDS \ HUES D -I NEWS REUAltlK 1XG STAND UN 1JIG AHMY AND NAVAL P1?k;H\M. MAKES liOMMfc.s : I i'I'jkoJ 1'roKmni Stimuli! lit- . '?) '*?? ll'Jt Nujll( Ins I Canity mill Y.u, '? . r . ' **??$? \ i . JS ' a > , ?i : t: - . X. , ?'car sir: | r* . i m. t mo ,o tha' I haveb-c'i j ad'ng your sp'.md J*. a s nil th big aru.y and nuva! pr ?-> am. now being agitated w t uch pleasure a::d interest. Th ? sound and senslb'e. l'hc ad\ oca*. 03 o! the prop am J pin si all It by the euphonious xia:ue n: program of pr paredness" asd Program of National Defeat** ' These words are catchy. Suppot it be ca led as it In fact is. a pro gram for a auge militarism and uav aljsm; a program Tor the Increase of jour appropriation for navatisitt $200,000. 0UQ more than the com bined increas of all the nations "n the world for the whole five-year period preceding the European war; $50,000,000 raorp Increase than tho combined Incr ase of a?J the nations In tho world for the whole cpq yraru immediately preceding the European1 war; a program to increase ouri army appropriations more by many millions than both Germany and Russia, with their vast militarism, for the ten years procedlng the Eu ropean war. If called as above, bow many cf our people would favor It? To show that we have been thlnk I l g along the same lines read the pamphlet enclosed ? copy of my let ter to the New York World on Sep tember 4, 1916, ? especially the :a.?t four pages. With kind regards, I am. Sincerely yours. CLAUDE KITCHIN. DANIELS TO RESIGN? I Stated Service* of Brother to Secrr ??r)' of Navy Have Not Been Satisfactory. < By Parker It Andersc:. 1 Washington. Nov. 22 ? Th- cer vices of C. C. Danie b, of Wi'son u pec-al ans$st:ir.t to It. ? a"orr y ..'??ncral, have no! frave:! a . ory and unlt.j Secretary o! th ? " n- v Joser' ?s h'u *'"h r Is able to bring enough Influence to ..ta; 10 re a., n.a uiu.h r .n o c . he wj'.l bo asked to res Kn Mr. Daniels war naari'l to 'hs ->s!Mon soon after th Dinners Ic administration took rha-fco o! na i onal affairs In Wi'h n" vr ara ago. He wi? analgned to duty * special aRRlntiin. to Uie a ...... eneral to Investigate ih<? ronditlon >f the Whlt? UUrth Ind!ar.s in M.n i BOta. Although Mr. Daniel* has een given every opportunity to 'make good" and t h? " depnr' rn %iit nas gone bo far an to assign Attor ney Garnett. of Richmond. Va . -isslBt him. hlB service* havp proved inRatlnfar'ory. I'ASKft HKFORK RRC'ORDKH. At the recorder'* court Saturday afternoon. the following ra*** were irled and dlnpoiiwd of. A S Wallace; ?podding. CoaU Dave Rermonn; lnto*lcat?d, IG.00 and coata. Will Wright . larceny. not guilty. Vandy Cldvta and ch*r>* Hen ton aollcltlnic ?t Norfolk Southern depot, roata. I.KT'H RUII.n IN W AflHINGTON I PARK. 10-lt-tf- Tuea. flat TODAY S COTTON QUOTATION5 Mot ? He Reed cotton? 94. ??. Cotton hM-1110* I. E. GANNON ON HIS WAY TO AYDEN ? ? '? M IN S ? . ;K\K\.\i K ui. i:d. r, y .? f T ... I. ? J i ::i T. v i s r . x .? ? : -t.mj ? .? ; ? <? ? <i. i;>;?enr l: * u:r: u. ih? nu-ro-ant > ii ? ? u: W.ii fu.iud ou ft ?r \ w .'i.' n. h.u libera il.- a and we.] us the : ?* i ' ? r f r .1 :j? :o the > It . if :!i.8 c.') w .UpIiow: .1 : ' r 1 a.ij Kv:'? ccor, ;tf i:\.\U-. N r > hi- Mr H:bes For swo iii ihrv*- y#-ar.? I have li ?-n ?. a!. UK .u c ? ' : 'j future* and during haw altered several small n-f *, which caused me to drink tu t nl r to 1 1 ; 1 1 \v si m> f?? lings. Just u ,ew day.* In fi?r?? 1 look the New Hern .rip 1 sullen d a pal ticu arly heavy .um. I worn from New Hern 10 James I'ity. po: crazy drunk there and r turned to New Ilcrri On the way then-. :? satn* way, | ran my car :1jio the tide of the bridge and tuitie very nur beir.g drowned. I couldn't pel the machine loose, be cam frightened and decided to leave .t there. 1 left New Dern for Norfolk, got drunk as usual and things went from bad lo w-mp until 1 Dually found myhelf In Lexington, Ky. j When 1 found out what I had done, I decided to lake the treat ment for th liguor habit. 1 did ro and am now on my way home again to try and tieronie a man unce more. Very truly yours. T. E. CANNON. I Uichmor.d, Va nal li.c i> ami llar'nirs Ciib? : ? ? V? . I It l-j " mi ,?r < \.iii n Ni M N i 2" \V;i r way?* a < f ? ?? 1 i ? t xf Nn 'n-n! IMvera ? '.cr-- v h eh l? ru'. r X. f'. 10. Th"< iip'f ? f *r 'i rt i Mi? .if :> ? ' ...? '111. 5 Port lo 'i-r-a'-i a i h ?ri v W.'h j;.ir I: Ff i.: c -i ,ii >?? u- ??? fore ' - r : j it ry. ! !i ? <1 ? ii ? on ' ?? *? ; r'ally o?;ur nn It is exjicfed 'hr*t It J>r? '' "i M mpi' w'i| y ir* m i bi ? vn ij* r>f Improved Inland nn';.}* a- n'i #>l to th*? <--pp?Mly nielli! 7;i* t -?f *m< ri' in f'?r?-e* in n n? rtj n thrr-Hacn<d Invasion *1 : ? N.?! i'lfiji* If i \ "-r h aii<l Ifrvrhnra ( r>:iri' - Jj'nn-s ?? h'?M a irrm^ndou* ('(inv-utliin, a? a e'roriK protest n r?in<f tli?> bll'?T Bt'B'k.-* nnnlf r<? ?i * 1 y upon va'^r-vny nppr<?prl.i ?son* "Tli?- i?rn;.*-r imprnveni ni if ?b? iiRf'<?n': wir'.h v ronrs?"i" will b?* lhA b?n |<> rry WILL DISCUSS W AT ER WAYS TO-NIGHT 3 3rri ?plm?|p o "Romnncp of B'afn*" And oth??r plrliir?* "Thp Hiilim nrinr filrln" In a Ropetolre of MuaIcrI Cornell'-* Sln*in* l>*nrlnK Com?dy 18? I?. opl? ? IS PrlcelOAlO

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