Bowers Bros. Co. Washington's Big Store. NEW Plush Coats. Unpacked this morning and now ready for showing. A 'arge number of deeded) y attractive ana stylish mode f. moderate! y priced. Coats & Coat Suits Several new gormeits new on dis ? piny embracing (he latcsc ii, ns. Priced from $12.50 Up. Street Dresses a * exceptionally rea son able prices. Beautiful shou ing of Furs, Sweaters and other articles of ladies u ear wg apparel. Bowers Bros. Co. Washington's Big Store. 93.00 RICHMOND NORFOLK $3.00 FOOT BALL GAMES For th? Annual Foot Ball Games. Thursday. November 25, U. N. C vi. V V.. ai Richmond a-i A. ii M. tb. W. & I. at Norfolk., tlio- ; Atlantic coaut Line will se'I excur sion ticket* from Washington to Richmond and Norfolk at J 3 OU for! lbs round trip. Tickets wi.i to su.d for all trains on November 2 4th at ! 3 5th. except trains BChrdul d to ar rive Richmond after 2:10 p. 1 j 11:1 J Norfolk after 1 35 p. m or. Novem ber 25th. limited returning to in.d nlfbx of November 2 7rh. 1!>I". Pro- , portlonately low fares wU* be made Krew t*j Flaw of Rlvff*. I No one starts :o bolld a houso w!tn rut Hp?**log how uj.toh ro? m t? f i cr how many pt_"ji>l?? are ^xjn'cn .?. :c cer'-ipy thf kou?? The same thiuf j'-.OLld b.? trj* of power p!ant?. vau, | s'ipl iy :na, Fm-n ?? dltpctul ? ?'aw;., tcvvc, S!/od cot:' iv.1 works. ir 'Iv-Ui^c v crt-.s anl lar^J drainm;* c>s ? If f ? -h t ??lutrui-tioti worfe I- tc >*?- d; r.e < e : c : .. t [y and ?ucc?*ssfill. ? k?:ow f.-dg* o' if.<? amount of w i.ej cvo3\??u la oaA?r.:uL from at; ia'orm d:ar* sta'tons. For irkfdultfft and furtliir 1 r; Tor- 1 :.r.. call .S ll ri.AUY, Ticker Afvrti. \V.i>h.r:r::oa. N C. AM.v.V;;, COAST I.IN'R | ' .!?? ?, f ?' 'r I H <i r Mi?k Ronilil Let Us Sell Ycu Y;>u your Thanksgiving Dl?m?=r. Will have nice l;ir> e Turkey, Cranberries, Celerv, Nu's ai:d i v ei> thing gooctoeat. Will Be Delivered Promptly CHAS. M, LITTLE. "ILAWr AND WWC11 OOMM nn tonight "TIm Suba&rta* OlrU Cmwy." t ? mualral comedjr eonputjr, will o**a ? mk'i nnmai >t A* Ha* Theatre toaight. with ft high Cfcqp repetoire of the latest musical com edies. The company comae here highly rwomaeod?4, aad II te s*ld to be one of thi boat companies on ihe road today. Every attruttoa ihat they will present will be clean and highly amusing. They carry a tpkndld quartet, also some ol the best com dlans in any tabloid iroupe. There will be a complete change of bill every night, with a a-atlnee on Thursday (Thanksgiv ing) also on Saturday. The prloes for lh.s week will be 10 aad ftO I jc cts. The usual program of high I I c.ies pictures will be shown, wit* the "Romance of E!alae" en iioh uay night. and "Neal of the Navy" | oa Friday night. | Ki:rbd OVT 50 PINTS. The pollc Saturday afternoon poured out fifty pints of high grade ?b skey, which had been confiscated irulng the last few jveeks. The. procedure attracted quite a crowd. I ?Htra kYater. Do you realize ho* bar J water l\ ' ?hen .a boat Bails through It at full ipfeed? Water paftelng at flity mtles uj hour la not the limpid liquid we are ux'^itomed to oatbe iz. If you put! your ami overboard from a hydro- 1 plane. running fifty miles an hoar, and I at i ike a wgvo crest, the probability la 1 that you will break your arm or wrist because at that cpeed the witer hat not time to give, or even to changr :hape. and 6trlklng it 1 s Ilka striking so much metal. If a l words mat ?hnuld enter one of the great hydrau lic quarries, where a stream of water, uuier enormous head, is used to wa?> down hillsides, and attempt to cut Into one of Iboso streams, his sword would fly In pieces without being able to penetrate the water. The stream Is llko a l>ar of Iron. ? Touth's Coa? , VHUlOD. XUI THERX COMMERCIAL CONGRESS 910.2.1 ? CHARLESTON ? 910.23 Tor the above occasion the At lantic Coast Line will sell excursion* from Washington to Cbarles -?,-i $10.23. Tlck ts wl'.l be sold fur all trains on December 11, 12 ajid 13, limited retiming to mid : S'it of December 22. 1916. Pro ;???: :lcna:<?ly low fares will be made ir&:u all points on the Atlantic Co;.i?t Line. 1 li is Is a convention of the great si Importance to the South's coxn ruc: eia!r manufacturing and Indus r ;?! Interests, and will he an opcn | ing wedge for its opportunties at U-t n recognition of Ita im ? r ance tfca United States Govern ing t proposes lo s nd nine (9) bat tu .:ps to Charleston and In add. ih?re w .li be a large number of I'm si iv. torpedo boat* and subma rlnci tbere for the Inspection and ur of sh- largo number of th ftr.h'a repn Beatative citizens who will le vr'-.' nt. For Echcdule and further Infor ma .on. Cai. cu a. K. CLARi, Tjck? \g?.n:. Washington, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South Without Hopo. "*o doing anything *ltb a poaalmlr A"h#n you find a bright aide for bit bm won't look at It for foar tb? llgt. tight blind him. ? Atlanta CoaaUt From the store that sells all kinds of Nuts, Figs, Dates, Currents, Citron, Raisins, Mince Meat, Spices of all kinds, new Buckwheat and Maple Syrup. IMiont- 474 A. R. STY HON & COMPANY. PERSONALS I QaOrgo B. Lath wn, ju*lc? of the P?aca at Belhaven, 1* spending to day in the city oa buslneea. ? ? ? ? ' Mrs. C. H. Russell, of Belharen. 1? the guest or her alater, Mr*. W. I H. Call, of Eaet Main street. ? ? ? ? Mrs. J. L. Warrn returned jea lerdaj from an extended riait to relatlYca and frlerd* in Norfolk. ? ? ? ? Rer. W. O. Winfleld. of Bath, wasi on oar atreets this lAornlfeg. ? ? ? ? -I Fenner Harris, of Pungo, la In the city attending court this week. P. Orl an ? has returned from Nev iork, where be purchased a num ber of ladies cloaks and suits. See '?!? ad on another page of this pa Mrs. Geo. A. Paul and daughter. Louise, returned yesterday from a visit to relatives and friends In Edenton. ? ? ? John Tool?, of Belharen, la at tending court In the city this week., ? ? ? ? I Prank Thompson, of Pantego.' spent the w ek end with his daugh ter, Mrs. Rnm'.lous Sllverthorn. on Eaat Main street. . . 4 . | C. H. Richardson was a passenger1 on the Norfolk Southern this morn ing. \ I ? ? ? ? i I Rev. J. H. Warren returned from Stokes last night where ho preached In the morning and afternoon. Last night he preached at the Washing-! ton Collegiate Institute, which wasj his last sermon for this year. Mr. I Warren left on the evening train ' for Newton. N. C., where ho will at toud conference which convenes in that town tomorrow. ? ? ? ? Harry I. Dail, of New Bern, spent yeat' rday In Washington on a visit to friends here. I ? ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bowers. Mr. and Mra. James Ellison and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gorhain with their respective families, motored to Williasmton yesterday and visited friends in that city. Mr. and Mrs. G'o. R. Jones, of Norfolk, are visiting relatives and friends In the city. ? ? ? ? Surry Parker, of Ptnetown, ?s spending today In Washington, ut ndii.g to business matters. i ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. R. Shlpman, who hare spent r very pleasant hree weeks In Washington will leave oday for Go'.dsboro and other ctt a In the State where their work Alls them. ? ? ? ? A. C. Cave left this morning for lyrnouth on a business trip. M. C. Dearborn, of El'.abeth CHy, /as among the out of town visitors ere today. W. T. Ball y Ib in Edenlon todny, -ttending to business mailers. ? ? ? ? S. F. Freeman and R. S. Ncal .?ere passengers on the Norfo k outh^rn this morning for Creswell, ;. C. J. C. Robbins Is upending tod^y i Elizabeth City on a brief busings trip. m ? ? Mrs. J. C. B. Ebrlnghaus, of Elis abeth City, Is sp ndlng a f?:w a.?v .vtth her Bister, Mrs. Justus F. Raai lolph, on East Main street. ? ? ? ? W. M. Hond, of Edenton, ppeiti yesterday In the city on a vi*lt !o friends. ? ? ? ? Mrs. W. A. Blount returned this morning from Vandemere, whe. she spent Sunday vrlth her daughter. Mrs. 8. L. Laughlnghouse. ? ? ? ? S. A. Wlndley and Btuart M. Weller, of Swan Quartor. were locil /Niters in Washington yesterday af ternoon. I?. L. Simmon returned ftaturdny from Bt Louis where he purchased n rar load of horses and maN for 'he Washington Horse Exchange. ? ? ? ? Mitten Mae Blount, Elizabeth farrow, Halle Carrow, Evelyn lonew and Mcssra. Con. Lucas, Don ild Oray and John Havens motored to Wllllamston yesterday afternoon. [ of Chocow laity, ti atUattln* 9: Til I tte o?t of ML TO FREEDOM hristntrt Make Daring Escape From German Camp. Flee hi Telle of the two gardlng their by 8?rg*ant Blrley tnterestlng. "It took as Just fi nig bU to get free of .we had once broken out of at Westphalia," the vent to the front with a the Finrt Gloucester*, as war broke out, and October M, 1914, near way to the prison we were pretty night fifty-three of a church and had more than they etaptli on to the floor and water. Durlnf the three of us were closed railway ran for Only once were we allowed to get out and that was for a few Alnotes. For food wo had some acttft of bread. "At the camp 1 for escaping, but ble opportunity. I myself transferred and there began which hare "It was not camp was, of high barbed-wire of its four posts a and night four powerful acetylene lamps lighted up the whole of the camp. At last bread hours. plana a farora to get camp plans matter. The by a On each posted, "The great night came- We waited till one of the sentries had his back turned, and then wriggled on our stomachs to the fencing. I then man aged to sever one strand of the fence ! and. to my mind, the tang of It mad< ! the greatest noise I've over heard, j But the sentry walked on. With beat ing heart 1 snapped the second strand. That made an awful noise. Still the sentry walked on. Then we crawled out. free men. I am glad we outwit- : ted that sentry, as he had caused us a lot of trouble. "We had to crawl for 100 yards be- ? foro we could get any sort of Bheltcr, | and then we moved away as quickly as we could In the circumstances. During the night a compass which 1 bad was a real friend. "The only food we had was a few biscuits and a little chocolate. When ever we came near a farm the watch dogs barked. In the nights that fol- 1 lowed the dogs afways smelt us when we were stealing apples In the or chards. For three days we had no other food but apples. "It wasn't safe to travel by day. Al though we had plenty of tobacco, ? DOUBLY PROVEN Washington R?*4era Can No Longer Donbt th? Erldfnce. This Washington cltlsen testified long ago. Told of quick relief ? of undoubt ed benefit. The facts now confirmed. Such testimony Is complete?the evidence conclusive. It forms convincing proof of merit. W. J. Hardlnson. grocer, 11 9 E. Seventh St., Washington, says: "My back troubled me for months and my kidneys were disordered, caus ing me a lot of annoyances. Finally I used Doan's Kidney Pills and two hove* relieved the kidney trouble and made my back feel much bet tr." (Statement given Nov. 19, 1910). Confirm* Hi* Statement. On July 19, 1914, Mr. Hardlnson said: "I still consider Doan's Kid ney PIHs a very good medicine for kidney trouble. They have given me great benefit and I hearllly con firm my former endorsement. " Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ? get Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mr. Hardlnson has twice potK llcly -recommended. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ? BIG Nou> Going On. Yo ii can save money at our store on every purchase. Ev erything included during this sale. ? mm ANNOUNCEMENT W< have opened a first elms Tire Repair Shop ? ith the best and most up to-date machimry that ran be had fur Vulcanizing and Repairing Autonu 1 jj ""i.> ? short notice. *e will send for your ti.*es iu p*iioi the city and return to you without extra cost. We ex tend free service to all. We also ca-ry a-full line of ' FISK TIRES. - Phone or send us your orders Washington Tire Company Phone 520. ... t2l West Main Street hid laid It down Unit there was to be no smoking day or night until we were out of the country. The smell of En* llah tobacco might eaally put an in quisitive German on our track. ' When we actually crossed the fron tier Into Holland we were in a pretty bad condition, so cramped with sleep ing out In the wet and our feet swol len and bleeding we could hardly 1 stand. The first Dutch farmhouse was a godsend." Subscribe to the Dally News. When Crown Was in Pawn. Li former centuries the crown used t<? be the fa fori te way of raising money, anu the royal Jeweis used to be in pawn most cf tU ume. At the time of the coronctlon of George IV the crown was In pswn, and was hired out for the occasion at s cost of $35 000. The king wanted to buy It, but Lord Liverpool thought It an unnecessary extravagance. Fi nally they browbeat the poor pawn broker down to $36,000, although the crown was then vslued at $750,000. and In celebration George IV had to march through the streets for miles wearing a 5^ pound weight on his bead. -? v ?Wardtr^Pt." The n ame o? "anderbilt haa | boen ?or*racted from ? threa ! worda Into one. Art Janseo, the ear liest of Mr. Alfred Vanderbllt a accee i tors to emigrate from Holland to A men lea, uKed to apell bia aoruarae Van Der i nilt. and ao did ea.-!h of hla eleven children. Cornelius, hla grandson, And the rounder of the family wealth. al> j r. aya wrote bla name Van DerblH, but ! expressed a wish that his chlldrer : aiu.oKi write it aa one wctd. Hie eld ! est *on cor -promised between bU la* ilier'a custom and bis exprefcaad wla> t y leaving a apace after the flrtt eyl? lnble-~"Van derbllt" On old Co* online' tomb the name ia Inscribed ' Vander Ditt," but on the gorgeou* r.avnoloura built for Co moll ua 11 ltAf .tfju u "Vaudorbllt/* EVERYTHING Yo? need to m?Vey??r Thanksgiving DINNER compl?te can be had at Our Store A full line constating of Raising, Citron, Currents, Dates, Fig*. Cranberries, Mince Meal, Celery, all kinds of Nuts and Candles. We handle nothing but the very best. Let us have your order. C. A. LITTLE Cor. Third and Harvey 3ts. Phone 410 J. UOH WOOD um W. OOL* Holm ??w Tort OMoa bduap J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS and BROKERS. Bond*. Ootton. Orals u< ProTMou. f? Ptumo Btroot Carpiotir Bonding, Norfolk, Va. Prtrota vim to Now Tork (took Brohanta. Cklooco Board Trado ood otkvt flnaaotoJ oootora. Oorrootoodoaoo roopootfa )lr oolteltod. laraotmoot aad BorstMl aooooou (Iron earafoi attootloo. fcilFFTM. Extra value, blnrh?<l. hf?m m?Ml. 70*90, full nlzo 50c ??Her, Hal* price ? 25c F.ach J.K. Hoyt A House Full of Crowning Values at J. K . Hoyt's Great Recor^Sale MFX'H SI ITH, CJ?t a Kupponholnior S?I| .?t fh?* m'p The man that ^ears th:? clothing a ai-aya gat!*- 1 nrd- - 25 Per Cent Off I I H!,A.\KRT? * COM FORTH A1 wool, cotton And mixed, full ?ii ?. The bent values for your more?. See our ?fac ials at ? 9 fie ard $1 ; 29 Mro'a, Womra'a aiu] ChJttfrnu t'.NDBRWKAR. Splendid Tallica, all nlzea l?od waighta. Warm and dur ?bit, 85o valaaa lie Taltiat me Hl'ird /> COATS In all* the JeatlLix cloth#? Mlitur-n una told . All th? |)??t and n?F#|t iUAm. gjtra v?)uot at ? $10.48, $12 98 rntKHH OOOM. Difficult to describe ttlfl bciutlfnl plildf xnd ?olid col or! ? Or??ti?, brown*, btuw, combination plikU. ?bowlnca ?t? Me Tart >? A oo3?etlop? blu.fc XWm, blaekc, |f#r ot, ooaMn.tlon and ,na ?Hit. ??!? print? $3.98. $4 98 PtlLOW CASKS. ' full bIm, heimned ? ?>lM?k?d.. Krgtilir lie kind *?i ? (eod riilii*. Salt price ? 10c Each J. K. Hoyti

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