? WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS ' WlATIlt<-Ou?nnj fair tacit bt. Tot* ^ifcSrNCTON N c. TUESDAY \TTER wqoNi *19 *\ )N N O TUESDAY AFTER NQON NOVEMHe* 2J, r?i5 Na lj0 DEEP WELl rpw~r~~ ? ? KBfl. JOHN WHITFIELD TOOK HB OWK LIFB NEAR ROBERSONVHiLB. I CAUSE UNKNOWN! . f - | Wm Apparently la the B?m of Spirit*. Body Found Two Honrs After Act Wm Committed. Lmtc?| Uosband and Poor Children. (By Eastern Press) Greenville, Not. S3. ? Mrs. John Whitfield. agrd 35, who. Htm near Robersonvllle, committed suicide here some tlmf yesterday morning by Jumping down a well and drown ing. Whlie of considerable depth, the well Is only two feet In diam eter. The body was found abont two hours after It Is supposed she took her life. No reason has been given for her act. Mrs. Whitfield attended church Sunday and appeared to be in the hest of spirits. Monday morning she attended to her domestic duties as usual, got ths children off to school and went on about her housework. Later she disappeared. Her hus band, becoming alarmed made a search for her and found the body. . She is survived by her husband | and four young children. I~REPLY TO WOOLARD J. D. Swain Answers Htatcmrarjt | Made by U. B. Woo lard Regard ing the Rural Schools. ' ~ , I _ ^ , Mr. Editor: Will you please allow xue space in] your paper to reply to Mr. H. B. Wooiard's article of the 19th? Wo J deny his statement and demand ofj him to giro us the name of one sin gle child or family whom we ha've taken In our tax district that belongs to the Fork school. I thought the prophets and the law-giver paBsed away over 1900 years ago, but it seems as if there has sprung up an cth r '.aw-giver in the person of 11.. B. Woolard to lead his district a-| cross the Red Sea. 1 have been thinking for some time that there] was a law-giver or a law-break'T < near his plsce. By the way, our revenue officers have been visiting and hauling a still out of the bushes In the hollow of their hands. They seem to bosst of their boundarlos lines. That is something new to me. I never knsw there was any such boundaries to tho rural district schools before. 1 always thought the Board of Education ruled the schools and assigned the children to whatever school would be to the best sdvantage, not to work hard ship on the children. But ss Mr. Woolard seems to know more sbont the law and what should be law, maybe he can give us the book and page where we can find It. Mr. Woolard goea so far as to say he would not "wonder if It don't lead to something bad." This threat will be k<*pt for future reference for| two years snd If anything bad hap pens, Mr. Woolard will be brought to give account for it. He goes so far as to slur our Superintendent because he discharged bis duty. Now, Mr. Woolard, come right down to the truth and tell th^ peo pie you tried to have a tax district within "hollering distance" of the Hawkins school house and because we got ahead of you and jou were defeated that your only chance to make good of ths "whole hog"* you spoke of is to stir up malice and envy to try to defeat our election so you can walk to and destroy our school. Ton ask us to meet yon before tho Board on the first Mon day. Ton may feel sure we will be there. t J. t>. 8WAIN. SAYS BAKER. We have In stock at present 14 new up to date Kodaks. Will make excellent Christmas presents. BAKER'S STUDIO. FOR ANOTHER WINTER CAMPAIGN Dunns tfte coid weather the new sleeping bajs ot sbeepsiln will be ; gTeat boon to tho soldiers of the silled troops. The lower photograph aho* one of the men comfortably Incased. The upper photograph nhows how th bsgs are examined and folded before sbtpmeut. Uricuui calls for more sn more of such bags ere made In England. EVERYONE URGED TO ATTEND "GOOD! ROADS" MEETING Washington Township Good Roads Association to Hold Important Session Tonight. (Contributed) i | Let everyone who Is interested iQ< sood roads attend the meeting of the Qood Roads Association to be held at the Chamber of Commerce rooms at eight o'clock tonight. Let us wake up in Washington, Wash ington township and Beaufort coun ty, work in harmony and co-opera tion of spirit and effort, and in this way obtain for ourselves the place to which we are rightfully entitled in the State and the nation. Other ^communities abound us are going a head by 1 e a p s a *b ouu8 s", VhTT6~ ttfo,1 with resource# vastly superior to tholrs, are doing practically nothing. We need progress because pro gress means health, wea'th, pros perity and happiness. All of our cltlzenB (and they are as good as any In the world), whether they fa vor the propped measure for good roads or not, will agree that the first step toawrds progress in a commun ity la a system of good, well kept highways. Unl'Bs we have these our| social, inte'lectual and commercial exchange will always be retarded, and instead of going forward, we will necessarily have to go back wards. i^et every man thun, who PRINCESS HERE In Direct Descendant of Queen Cleo patra. Made Address to I .adieu Lawt Night. I Washington la entertaining a real princess today in the person of Miss Qeorglna Fres of Egypt. Mis? Fres is a direct descendant of Queen Cleopatra and la In this country for the purpose of completing her edu cation. She was converted from Mohamedlsm to Christianity about eight years ago through the work of the Presbyterian missionary flelil. She is at present a student of Col umbia University and is now trav jellng among the churches of this section of the cojintry. I Sunday afternoon. Miss Fres made a highly Interesting talk at the Presbyterian Sunday School and also made an address at the Paynr Memorial church that night. Last night she addressed the members of the Ladles Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church and also a large number of the ladles of the church congregation, tit the homo of Mls: I Dettle Harvey. She will be In [Washington for a few days. TURKISH TRANSPORT SUNK. ALL ON BOARD DROWN KI) London. ?o< 28. ? Sinking of a Turkish transport which was carry ing 600 soldiers aoross the sea of Marmora la reported In a tneaaag< from Zurich, forwarded from Am star dam by the Central News. Th< > message says the transport struck ? mine and that nearly all on boar *ere drOwned. lias th : good of his community at heart attend this meeting tonight, and if wo aro agreed that the roadi n Beaufort county and Washington township need Improvement, and uere is anything wrong with the n'asure tow in force for getting his much needed improvement, lots ret together and remedy the situa ion. If It 19 only a question ol method in obtaining this improve ment, and there 1st any Inherent de cct in the system about to be.lnau jurated known to any cltlCen, ther TTSTlrB dirty- of e*?ry rlffcuhlnking nan to attend this meeting tonight, express his views, and lend his as ..stance towards the working out ol a plan that will be mutually accep able and satisfactory to all, or r. arge majority of voters, and no stay at home and cuss those who art .rying to do something for the good of the community. Let every one como out tonight and if you are not a member of thr flood Roads Association, then ge your name on the roll, bury faction alism and prejudlco, and let's al pu'.l together (or the good of Wash mg:on, Washington township ao< Beaufort county. HONOR ROLL AT SINGLETON SCH001 Friday Closed First Month of Schoo' Work. Bo* Party for Thanks giving Night. Friday closed the first month o' school at the Singleton school. Th ' honor roll for the month is as fol j Iowa: First gradp ? Olah Mar? Woo! aril Eula Bill#. Louverna Jackson. Ear Cheseon. Second grade ? Essie Wi1!ard Johnnie Ball, Ossle Grey Jackson. Th'.rd jtrnd? ? Jessie Chesson, and Charlie Woolard. Fifth grade ? Lillian Willard and Leona Woolard. Sixth grade ?Ira Willard and Harvey Singleton. A box party wl'l be riven Thanks giving' night for tho benefit of the school. "On Time Deliveries" ? The Ideal HAYS ItAKRR. If you can't go to see that friend it yours this Christmas, send their ?our photo. It will be almost like a personal visit. BAKER'S STUDIO. Patronise The Ideal Pressing Glut Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Yeate*. oi Vorfolk, Va., who have been vlsltlni heir brother, A. B. Yeatee, on East raln street, returned home yeet^r LOCAL OFFICII WOMAN WHO[ HIM IN MAKING This morning, while urn a half-erased oolored ? Officer Njre, of the local police *| ? force, brought his club Int^ ? and bent tho woman ovr head to inch an extent inflicted cute which drew The woman. It Is stated, a stubborn resistance to fleer*' attempt to arreet h> proved more than a mai him and one or two oth< sen* who were, on the also scratched Mr, Nye the face, nsed profane and ie said to have prominent white lady city. Those are the faete as them quoted to ne from ble sources this morning ? we have every reason for lng them to be true. In; ' of the women's resistance 1 actions, there as absolu ' excuse for tho officer usil ? club. She did not kno^Jpha! ' she wu doing and waa not re- * sponsible for her deeds, ?hat ? she Is colored makes no dlfer- ? ' ence; she Is a woman and np of- ? 1 fleer or any otb?"r man, unless ? . he defends himself against ser- * "? lous injury ot death, should ? ' take the responsibility upon * ? himself to use physical force a- ? ? gainst her. ? ' Officer Nye has proven ?lm- ? ' If to be a capable officer on ? - the local force, but we do not * ? believe that the cltltens of ? Washington will countenance * 4 any further actions on his part ? ' of the nature of those h? com- ? ? raltted this morning. ? OPPOSED TO 1 , BOND IS$UE 'eaufort County Farme* QifN Hi.* | Reasons for Not Supp^ttse the Proposed Ooo& Roadk feUe. Editor Daily News: Will you allow mo apace in yoarj aper to ray a few words on m> | leas of the Beaufort county farm rs voting the fifty thousand dollar | ond iaaue for better roads? 1 dont soe why the farmera of I '?eaufort county want to vote for omethlng to put more taxes on hom as there Is already enough irced on them without voting for nore. By the time that a poor irmer pay? his fertilizer bill and rocery bills and taxes he has not nough left to buy winter clothes or himself and his family. I don't lame the clly man for wanting bet or roads. It will add more to their kasuro in riding seven days to the eek with his wife In an automo I'.e. They won't get Jolted so bad n a smooth level road and of coursc . little more taxes added on his list on't hurt him aft he Is going to ave his anyhow whether the farm r and hip family get anything or ot. Now the Idea of a country armer voting to pay more taxes to mprove the county roads Is rldlcu ius as they are alright for him to aul what little produce he can raise o town and th y certainly are good nough to haul a'l what ho la able o bring back from town. If every other man was of my jplnlon taxes for keeping up the onnty roads are as high now as hey ever will be. What wo men vnnt to do. Instead of voting for nore taxes to make better roads that ?ro good enough for us la to go down nd take our spare money and make ?ore and better Improvements for he b noflt and pleasure of our dear neR at home -the ones that help us o till the soil, to make our bread, o pay our tayes, and tho onea wej olemnly promised to provide for.| f we go down and mako dry walks Ground our yard to keep our wives .'rom plowing through tho mud while jhe In doing her work we will be Joing a far greater work. I think that OOd would reward us more for this than if we voted to jay more, tax's for better roads. Then. If we should have a little noney left, give It to help Improve he roads after we have our homes mproved. A FARMER. THE IDEAL presses right GERMANY STILL ADDING TO HER FLEET Although the UermBi nany huA>evn bottled up bf-&?fle>-? Ulftini (hat fact does not prevent- her from toil strict ing other worships. The upn photograph shows, tho launching* qi t ho* latest Qertnan crulecr. with the m fn-^l'X68101 ,?k '"if d?Wn th6 w*sjT^ lo?er rtj>*oeraph shows th* launch ' g P^gyjpwlth Pr?u von Hln<J??frg. ?lf?.\?rF1?ld Marshal von Hiuden PH.rgJfe-.the launching bridge.""jL- ?>. SCORE A SUCCESS "Submarine Girls" Make IMg Bit *i Now Theatre. One of the Ucai, Shows Here Thb. Son son. Tho "Sub'marltiQ Girls," who are appearing at the New Theatre all tills week plr-ased a large audience last night with their first pcrform mce. The company Is an exception ally good one. and the voices are a* good as many a high priced 'how hat has been here. The cosiutnes ire new and attractive. The comedy ?nd is well supported by Prank King ' ind Jess Myers. The Paramount: ?vour ia one of the best quartets that; >as ever been hrre. The WalBomj Ulsters did some of the best singing bat any slstor team has ever put >ver In thSa town. Mersereau, Le ;'.air> & Morsereau, "700 Pounds if Harmony," did their part in tuak ?g u success of last night's perform mco. Wallace and Van. the re lined nlerialners, were not behind the .?est In pleasing e very one. A nil last Jut rot leas?:, Lo;u? l.e Claire and her beauty chorus wa a the best clior as that has ever bceu in Washing on with a popular prired attraction. Take the whole attraction through jut, and i; ran be said that every one went awuy la?t night well pleas ed, with the Intention of going back yvery night possible. Thcro wlil brt a complete change it bill every night. On Thursday ?.hero will be a special Thanksgiving natinee. with a special holiday bill or the offering. | The pictures at this house are still | jp to that high quality that th'yj have been presenting for tuind tiuiej >ast. 16 MEMBERS AT THE MOONLIGHT SCHOOL Night School Work nt Plnevllle I* Highly Succosnful. Three Mrm bm A(]<l?'<l l?ast Night. The session of the moonlight tchool at Pin- vllle, held last night, was hlgh'y successful. Threo nc# members were addod to the roll, making a to'.al of sixteen In all. Great Interest Is being shown in the work Mies Spain I* Instructing thr members of the c)*** In th? rud iments of education nrd her pupils are making fast proves*. si Is ex pected that others will Join the school. MRS. VKRRKI.L DIED. Mrs. R. H. Verrwll panned away at her home ot Second street last night, after a short put painful 1 nrss. She Is survived by her hus* band and a 11 -months old baby. Mr. Verrell, although he has been a resident of Washington for a com paratively short time, has made many frlond* here and the sincere and heartf< It sympathy of these i extended to him In his bereave ment. TO GIVE PLAY Cornelian Club Has Arranged Inter* j eating Program of Entertain- I meat fur Tomorrow Night. ' "An Open Secret." a comedy in [wo acts, will b? given by the trou sers of the Cornelian Club of the Washington High School tomorrow ight u; th?? school auditorium, be ginning at 8 : 3u o'clock. The play has a plot that 1? both Interesting .-.ml amuelng and furnished many h ug L^blu situations. An admission price of twenty-five cents will he' charged. The following program will be rendered: r. A Comedy In two acta, "An Open Secret." Cant of Characters. Madge Apthorpe. a college girl. Laurie Branch. Jean, her confidant- . Eleanor Berry. Mrs. Apthorpe. her mother, < Dora Bonner. Grace Apthorpe. her slater, age ten, Adell* O Brieu Classmates of Madge ? Ed.th . . ... .Dorothy Bro\v,\ Eliuor . . .L nora lilounv Carrie . Klalp Kelly. May Gladys Alligood Kate . Recta Warren Agatha Meade, a girl not In the secret Blanche Bob* | II. Scarf Fantastlcs. j Kathleen Latham, Etb.-l M.on.j Gladys Alligood. V :>renc Ha r .1:-. J | Dorrl# Jones, ! alia Liitham. The. ia , Mayo. TL Ima egg' ? Allc Whho. W 1 VT : 'RESIDENT'S IIP. I Washington. Nov 23, Opposing forces on the woman's suffrage ques tion will seek the support of Pr si dent Wllron during the first two weeks of December. An engagempM wan mad" today for Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, of New York. pre?'.d lit the National Association opposed rr? woman suffrage, and a delegation t"> *ee thn President December 14 Ar rangrm nts already had been read1 for 300 sufTragi*!* to call a* tti? White House December 3 HfG om;\'8!VK MOVEMENT BE .INS AT IMItlMNF.I.I.Ef I Rotterdam, Nr?v. 23 The f'ologn*' Gazette reports that a gr?>at offen s|ve movetmnt has bo?n Initiated nt ''ho Dardanelles by the a'.lle* I S|>< ? ln| MtiKonlr Meeting. ^ Orr I.ndg? No. 104 A. F ft A. M | will have a special social m?etln* Jnnd smok r tonight All Mn?ons fraternally Invited W. B SINGLETON. Mm fer. HAVs ll \ KF.lt If th?r? Is no one that wans your ' photograpli as a ClirUtma* p:aent. > you ran be counted as frlendl**** and are to be pitied BAKER'S STUDIO I VICTORY IILGARIANH AKK S.\1II TO HAVE 8USTAIXKD ENORMOUS LOSSES. HI<R WAR NEWS Wlill I'uiIixridisJ in Hrr CjcrtimtiH <"ulni Victory |um1uiik. Lit do Activity In 3. - The repcrt that have won an Important Bulgarians near .Mkovats^B^; '*>? N'lsh-Salonlki iailrcad. t wer ty-fHv miles south or >!!?h, !s corroborat <1 in a despatch "eJel vi d ? 0'!ay f-ota the Serbian ?sinister at A: hi us. The message ays that af'i-r a battle of several lays jo which the D.ilgarlnns sus alued enormous lo?s a, the rem .n: '.a of t:u*Jr army P.?'d in disorder the casu-ru bunk of the Morava river. Grocce Foam Germany. I.TtJon, Nov. 23 ? The British ! ? vtrnm nt h:.1* not yet Intimated *. i ? a : Grrtcc ims com pled with the 1> ma: d? of th-"4 alll*. .?>. Greece !b described n-? prey or conflicting emo 'Ions ? fear of (J rn.any, whose rail tnry *ucco*s?>* hav<? brought the Balkan w. r the-vro nearer, and he :autral ??:;]. r.thf for the cause of !;c a!l.? -. t!itta:!tig opposite paths :tt of hi r pre.s n* difficult neutral ty. Sc::io Greolc newspapers regard he blockade of Greeco a? a vlola of inurnatiora! law. it has ?lUfced a profound impression, upon hVu immediate action is predicted. lillSsinnK Driven linck. Hvr in. Nov. 23. ? Little activity on .I'ner the Russian front or that in franco and Belgium is reported by r.t-rman army headquarters in to lay's official statement, it is an .ounred that th ? Russians were ! river, bai when they made an ad . aiu* u'.?r l'.!oul:.-t in the Dvlnak vision. Ifnli. in* Ailxuruv. Hju.o. Nov 2:! ? Italia:s troop* .nvt! an important advance nn he ihrmza front, especially on th" iclRhts nor:hwfj?t or Oorlzla. ac cording :<? an official atn:- rrnt la lied yeMcrdny a: the ! .uartera ?f the general rtafT. Tuo ground ?*ain il ivao ti a.nol i: ;< claimed, bjiite of v.gorju* .Au trlan cou;. .? attacks. 1 i:\ii FCJOTIJ \ l.l. a vmk HF.HF. Til INKSCilVINCi ArrarK^mmt.t arp under way for ? bip foottal] g?mr at Fleming Park Thanksgiving afternoon at throe o' clock. Thi* r.ronilse* to b^ one of ?h" to-- r:i r jj r- - n? the ?pnson And 5t i* hoped that a lirco number of ? r? ?i:' bo on Ji.md to wit ness t | T Si :i : -rfiviru- Pressing The Ideal TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATION J U- t- lie cotton M fifl C oti.m * .1 -SSR.Oft. All Ladies Coats , Coat Suits & Dresses at Cost , Prices $ 7.50 to $1 8.50 Terms of Sale Cash. - ? ' - - 1%WI$ V CALAIS, w,aUT~ "?

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