Bowers Bros. Co. ? ? * Washington's Big Store. Specials in Ladies Wearing Apparel Crepe de Chine , Georgette Crepe U Taffeta Waists. R^^u\ir ?5 CO values for $2.98 ? A large assortment of V\ < j dis tinctice style ami partem. ?;*. c l f?r 4 98c Underskirts $3. CO ..rd S5.C0 Spec nil St;.V < ?i K::ik r.u:-. Bowers Bros. V\ athinpttn'* i? \j 5(<:ri (X EVERYTHING - You need to ir.fke ^ ir Tl'.-r \\ Q DINNER compi tc- c. !; hfc !.:*.?! ? t Our Store A full line cor.sM;rc v* r< ? j 5 1 ; r . Ci'ron, Ciirrcnt5. leles, } ]?s, ( r . r: ? 5. Y rn* Men*. Cel?-5 v , all V i n ? 1 s < ' ;-i: ' ? ?? t. 0 We handle r. ctl !t g i '.i < \ u. , i. ... Lei us have your orJtr Claud A, ? *ttle Cor. Thlr.' a:..l J!;u v? Phone 410 PI Mr*. Dave Pick 1*? h u returned! from an extended visit to her A?nt.| Mrs. W. M. Toler. In Norfolk. Va. ? ? ? ? Dr. J. T. Nicholson, of Bath, was] among the out of town visitors here| today. ? ? ? ? J. H. Davenport, of Acre, Is In the] city today attending to business] matters. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mri. F. T. Baynor, ofl Belhav n, mdtored to town thi morning and returned this after | noon. ? ? ? ? C. G. Mldyette, of Aurora, was a| business visitor in the city today. J. W. Crawley, of Bath. Is herf .oday attending to business matters.] .... Rev. L. B. Jones, of Belhavn, was, a welcome visitor to our city today. | ? ? ? ? Mr?. G. W. Ridgcly, of Maryland,' s visit. ng her son. C. A. Flynn, of ?Y&sh'.ngton ?ark. ? ? ? ? C. F. Bland, manager of th? Har :?:? Hardware Co.. motored to Green v 111:- tod^y on & business trip. ? ? ? ? Mr" W. D. Woolard left this for Ra'olgh, wh re she wj|' . iit her daughter. Miss Llllla: ..:ard. ^ J. H. uSy, of E ixabeth City :nur ti&h cjrnmlssioner, is In th y to lu> a'-ttuding to buainea. W. E. Patrick, of Ayden. who Is .li known locally, was among th*; - t of town visitors in the city yes rday. * ? * * W J. Bleakley, of Wilson, Mpeut >eiterday in :he city on business. ? * ? ? A T. Harper, of Wilson, was n JccjU visitor yesterday afternoon. i . E. E. Schooley. a prominent resi dmt of Bolhavcn, was among the out of town visitors In Washington yes terday. Mr*. 1). t). Moore. Mrs. Laura 1- nar.augh and Miss B ssle Joce.-t, o: Citocowiniiy, were In the city v . st-.-rday. Mrs Frank A. Moss left thl.i orning on a visit to friends in Y .Imington. ? ? ? ? G. C. Waters was a passenger on .? Norfolk Southern this morning i r New Burn. ? ? ? % Mr. and Mrs. James H. Harris I f: this morning for Baltimore, v- is rt! Mrs. Harris goes for special tutiu-.-nt. (' H. Jt'ehardson is spending ti> : ii Elizabeth City on business. Everythins M* Thanksgiving. E . I TilE 'ore 7 I LLI s , ":3 Groccij^ T urkeys Chickens Oysters Fresh Pork Corn Pork Corn Ham Beef W P, i out Oninges ' WW appI<-s 0 rapes ; S at Pickles IL. I ^ * i Figs C a cry i a icc ixl ca t Oats Olives E. K W v / ILLIS Main Street. Washington, N. (J. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pur* No Alum? No Phosphate \ * l?. D. Burton 1c In Plymouth to- ; (lay, a. tending to busineaa matters In that city. ? t ? ? Mrs. W. D. Woolard left thin morning for Norfolk on the Norfolk. Southern train. * RIVER ROAD STATION BRIEFS. | Thursday evening, November 18. Walter Raleigh Sheprard celebrated ?is seventeenth birthday, at Holy! len, th*- home of bis parents, Mr.! -nd Mrs. L. M. Sheppard. A large umber of his fri< nds and school aos were Invited guests and cn-| eyed games and music. Delicious c-fresbments w re sorved and every ?ne spent the time very pleasantly, le was the recipient of many fine lesenta and best wishes for the uture. We wish for him many re-j urns of such a happy day. Friday afternoon a very enjoyable ntertalnmect was given at Magnolia school house. The house was taste ally decorated with evergreen and autumn leaves; the co or scheme be r?g gre- n and red. The recitations by the children were appropriate and well rendered Mr. E. L. Stew art, attorney of Washington, deliv ered an Interesting ducational dis course which whs very much appre ciated. Mr. 7,'. A. Hrlvett, principal of the school, eloquently addressed the attentive audi nee. After the entertainment Mr. Privett made plc , turea of several groups. I Rev. Mr. Clark, of Washington Park, conducted services at Magrol I la school house Sunday afternoon, t: W. S. D. Eborn, of Bunyon, coii . duct d prayer meeting services a' Asbury church Sunday night. Mlsa Ruth Holliday was a gue* i : ol Mrs. I.. M. Sheppard Fri^foy nigh I at Holly Glen. The residents here are preparlir or Thanksgiving, and we have r , real deal to be thankful for. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. It. Jo:kh, o , Norfolk, have been visiting h mother, Mrs. A. J. Shcppard, e 'unyon, and her brother, L. J" :heppard, at Ho'ly Glen. They r ?jrned home Wednesday. Th festival that was to have bee Did Saturday night was postp>n n account of sickness. Since th :i:.ounc;mer.t two pramien: ret els of the district. Cicero Cun?. nd Sid Winstead, have been au n!y strck n with serious ill .. c SMTHERN RAILWAY Tremor Carrier of the South Truins from Itaiclgh. Following schdu'e flgur s rltov | ::ly as Information, not guaranLvt utject to without no'lc*. No. Ill 2:30 a m.. for Grt n oro. handles Pullman S'etping C. ?lelgh to Winston Sa cm open fo -""-incv if-ffi tti . rcction at Or ensboro for all point! unh and fOuUi, also Ash^vit e. i. oilis. Memphis and Cincinnati. No. 13 2 ? 4:30 a. m., for Orild* oro, ni:*'r A*hevil'e and Waynesvllle han Jiea Pu'lman parlor car OoldHhoiv o Ailievill- . connects at Oreenaborr or point3 north and south, at Ash-> ? I He with Carolina Special for Cln -iniiatl and al'. points, also Chatta nooga. Memphis and all points west. No. 144 ? 12:30 p. m, for Golds horo, makns connection at Selma a Mi. A. C. L. for all pointa north land K'luth, nlso at Ooldsboro for | Wilmington, New Bern and Eastern |>o!ltti. No. 139 ? 4: OS p. m., for Greens boro. handles free chair car for Charlotte, maeka connection at CHARGED DISORDERLY. On the cha.rg? of being disorderly Saturday night, the following wero brought before R corder Vaughan yesterday afternoon and were taxed with tho costs: C. Dowdj. I. Oara ener, J. War ace and -I. Harlrs. Ooorge Washington, :olored. was arrested on th-* charge of larceny, !*??* ?ra, found not guilty. "?Vandarbl't." The name at "anderbllt haa gia. ?all> been ?y>c*racted from Uirr vords Into one. Art Janiieo, the ecu ilott of Mr. Airred Vanderbllt's aacer I tors to emigrate from Holland to Amer ioa, used to spell his surname Van De. ill It. and so did ea-?h of his elevei children. Cornelius, his grandson, antf the rounder of the family wealth, a! ways wrote Uls name Van Derbllt, bu- j expressed a wish that his cblldrer sh..jld write It as one word. His eld eet son cocpromlBcd between hU fa j ther'a custom and bis expressed wlai by leaving a space after tie first ay) ' iable ? "Van derbllt. " On old Cor ar-llus' tomb the name Is Inscribed . "Vender BUt," but on the gorfeoix 1 mausoleum built for Coraollus II It *9 pstaia a* "Vaadnrbllt " Greensboro with through train for At'.anta, New Orleans, Birmingham, Memphis and all southern and west ern point b, laso points north; Ashe vllle and Knoxvllle. No. 131 ? 7:00 p. m., for Oreens boro, which makes conncctlon with No. 32 for Washington, Baltimore. Phllaedlphla, New York and all 'astern and northern points, aUo with through tourist Pullman cat or New Orleans and Ssn Francisco la the Sunset Route, also for Col mibla, Savannah, Augusta and .icksonvllle. No. 22 ? 7:25 p. m., for Qolds boro, makes connection at Selma svith Norfolk Southern for New Bern For detaild information, Pull lan reservations, etc., apply to any Railway Agent, or com municate with, O. F. YORK. Trave'lng Passenger Agent. 305 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. '03-y! My Corn-n!" H-m, Use"Gets-It" hen You'll Have No Corns fo Rnmr Your Corns Will Come "Clean OfT' Quick! D:d you ever see a corn peel off ^ter you've nsed "Gets-lt" on it? '"el*. it's a moving picture for your >! And you hardly do a to it one. There's nothing to stick Put shoes and stockings on right ?ver it. No pain, no fuss. 48 hourt ? corni gone. "Oets-lt" never harts rhe true flesh, never makes toea eore. If you hrfve tried almost everything Iso for corns, you will be much more surprised to sea how sulckly and easily your corns and calluses ?'ill come right off with "Oets-lt." Quit limping and wrinkling up your fare with corn-wrinkles. Try "Oets it" tonight on that corn, callus wart or bunion, and you'll be glad you read this. "Oets-lt" Is sold by all druggists. 25c a bottle, or eent direct by E. Lawrence ft Co., Chicago. Hosiery , Corsets & Underwear The Standard Brands of AMERICA. A Saving jon Every Item. . James E. Clark ANNOUNCEMENT W tpectors and much expense by th' | iaa and electric* mmntnlw | ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICK. I have this day qualified as admin- 1 >tratrlx of the estate of Cal K. Jor-| dan before the clerk of the 8np-rlor| court. All persons holding claims' against said estate are requested to! present them to me, duly ver!1 d. " tnd?bted to said estate are requested to make an lmmcdlaio|: This lBth day of November, 1915. | AMELIA ANN CA1RNE8. 1 23-6wc. I ?3.00 RICn.MO.ND NORFOLK (3.00 . FOOT BALL GAMRS "**For the Annua) Foot Ball Games? Thursday. November 25, U. N. C. vs. U. V., at Richmond and A. ft M. W. ft L. at Norfolk., the Atlantic coast Line will re'.l excur sion tickets from WashlnRton to Richmond and Norfolk at $3.00 for the round trip. Tickets will be sold for all trains on Novpmher 24th and 2Sth. percept train* srh"dnl'd to ar -?ve Richmond ^f4*?r 2:10 p m. and tfnrfolk aftor 1*SS p. m. on Nor^m b(?r 2Sfh. llmfffd to m'd n'rht nf Vftfumlinr 27'h 101K TVr> norf'ona^lv low f*r*? wT b*? made fron all ?tn'inn*. For fntW for mation. eali ?n ? 7? Ticket 4r?*nt. W?*l??T?rtnn. V C. ATT AVTTf m\<* T TfVff "Hie Standard W?11ro*d of lb* Son*h ccr*t> nov of cuorp. Va*V?*v??> foUliinna a ?*,n I*,.* ?# ? ??* ?krtVtf ? *T><1 ????>'(>/. '?? !???? 1% M?| M-? T V--? -n?r *"'? ? -* MtT Vft* *f % ???"V -? .f'-r o?W renedlet kail fa'Urf t r?? II *0 ???'? ??? ?? '?'If """"" ?*"""?? and heals. T)rt??. wort'* Fh*rf??^r. 1. I. ION WOOD JAMK8 W. OOLI M?mhm lfew York Cotton Exchange J. LEON WOOD 8c CO. BANKERS and BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Ootton. Or* In and ProrUrlona, Tt Plume Street Carpenter Ballding, Norfolk, W Prlrate wires to Hew Tork Stock Exchange, Chicago Board Trade and otker financial center*. Correspondence reepeetfally solicited. iATeetmeat aad marginal acoonats given oarefal attention. CJlNUIflMM. f W?1l wpar'nn mn'nrlil. fcf l atrlpr* and plaid1*, tond r.'ilor ?. Bale prlc - - 8 1-3 & lie Yd. J. K. Hoyt 1 !i<'inksr;ivifij? Is Near at Hand and So Are the Thanksgiving Prices at J. K. HOYT'S On blac]{?, brow alp pr'.f * -- #:i ok # m M much I ureon* OH AND Hl'ITS, l>r"*,n up* Tli? Kuirn ?n-1 ? oat* wo h ro p li (iwlnic aro a Joy to behold You'll be ?raly thankful for the prlcoa 25 Per Cent Off RIIIBOX.S. Lot No. J, 98c valuta. Sale price Lot No. 2. 35c valuea, Sale price 19c 49c MKN'8 8UIT9. A Kuppenheitnwr ault uevnr disappoints. It rfetalna Its shape ? woari w . ; I ? look# well ? imart and conaervatlvo obte-fqi urn off. MEN'S HATS. Freeh from the hands of the makere A variety of the beat atylee and' abadee, See our nobby one at-? 01.9S novg' suits, "Widow Jonev." Every wo man known 1 (for 1U quality ?n? wearing qu.lltle. g?o our winner ?t ? 93.69 SHKBTINO. UnbleatfM* y%rA wlde f00d w?lfht. Regular 9 Mo M)Ur. j Splendid r*lu? ? 5c Yd. J.R. Hoyt