DAILY NEWS Baton* aturii T\ No. Ill WEB 18 PRiOIE feme ruu EFFORT BEING MADE TO CALL MEET1NO OF OFFICIALS OF NEUTRAL NATIONS. GET TELEGRAM ^ President of Local Oirie Club Re ?rived Telegram This Morning A -king to Ami*t to the Moimwt Awmr Seal. An effort U being made to aeeare a conference of ofltela'.e from neu tral nations of the world, dedicated to finding a Just settlement of the present war. Telegrams have been sent oat broadcast throughout the land, requestng cltlsens to urge President Wilson to call this ooa lerenct. One of these telegrams was ro eelred this morning by Mrs. H. W. Carter, president of the Washing ton Civic Club. It reada as follows: Mrs. H. W. Carter, Washington, N. C. For ths sake of all the anxious mothers dreading that thslr sons may he addsd to tho ten million men already killed or crippled in this war, will 70a strengthen the appeal to be made next Friday by Ethel 8nowdm, of England, and Roalka Schwlmmer, of Hungary, to Presi dent Wilson by telegraphing him Immediately at Washington some what as follows: "We urge a con ference of natural nations dedtaatrd to finding a Jut ettlement of this war." ' JANE ADDAM8, Pres. Women's Peace Party. ANNA SHAW. Mrs. Carter answered the telegram as was requested. ORGANIZE CLUB Sixteen Members form Royal Tem perance Legion. Meeting Held Yesterday. The W. C. T. U. organised a Royal Temp' ranee Lefton at the home of Mrs. Z. N. Leggett yesterday after noon at four o'cock. Sixteen young boya and girls Joined. Mrs. Leggett was el cted superintendent of the work and the following officers were elected: Miss Bessie Potts, presi dent; William Byrd, vlce-presld nt; Th??ma Leggett. secretary, and Miss Mary Thomas 8tewert, treas urer. Great interest was shown In the format on of the organisation and it Is b lleved that many others will Join. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining uncalled for In this of fice for the week rndlng Washington, N. 0., Not. SO. 1915. MEN? O. C. Bennett. J. F. Caraway. Ban ford Chrlrtman, O. K. Denmxrk, Ar thur Johnson. Wllley Jones, R. H. Locke (S), E. D. Moore. Taradely Maekey. Z. It. Powell, Hallard Rlckr J. F. Wllllford. WOMEN ? Mrs. Mary Lisa Archie, Mrs. W. H. Hudton. Miss Ava Jones, Mrs. Eltsa Phillips, Miss Bthc| 8. Btan ce'.l, Mrs. Darkler Satterthwaito. Mlrs Edna L. Swrndell. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office Dreember 6, 1915. If not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say "Adver tlsed," giving date of ltart. N HENRY MOORE, P. M. NO NIGHT SCHOOL. There will be no session of fl?e nlgh\ school tonight or Friday night. TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS List ? lit. Sm4 tottol? (?.??. , Cotton Mtd ? ?I?M DECIDE ON AUTO TRIP GIVE BIG BARBECUE Giod Roads Advocates to Inspect Roads of Adjoining Counties Week From Friday. Barbecue Dec. 15 ?t the meeting ot the WMhing ton Township Good Roads Association, which ?u held at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce !a?t night, definite plans were decided upon for an eeto excursion, a barbecue and sending a committee before th~ board of eounty commissioners at the next regular meeting to decide is to the expenditure of the bond inane. R. W. Stanclll, president of the aesoclatlon. presided in the chair. - After a long discussion over the i advisability of having the proposed auto excursion ovr some ot the good roads in adjacent counties, i Judge Bragaw made the motion that' the trip be definitely d elded upon and taken. The motion was carried.! The question of date met with con siderable talk aud argument. Upon] [motion of Captain Leach It was fin ally decided that the trip ba tak en Friday morning, December 8rd. Tho auto? will leave here at nlna o'clock. : -w Whan the matter of having a bar becue was brought up E. L. Stewart moved that the event be carried out. at Old Ford on Deo mber 15th. The motion waa carried and tho follow ing committee was appointed to at tend to arrangements: T. E. Hodges, W. M. Cooper, John Gray Hodges,! W. H. Ellison. O. B. Wynne. A. S. Robinson, O. B. Raw Is and J. J. Hodges. ? resolution waa drawn up which will be presented before the ycounty commissioners at the next Aeetlng. The resolution, It Is believed, will bring about an arrangement of tho expenditure of the funds that w'U meet w*.h the approval of everyone in th^ township. MISSIONARY TEA .BISHOP TO MARRY Wu Given Yesterday Afternoon At the Home of Mrs. J. W. Dalley. A social meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church was held yesterday at the home or Mr*. J. W. Dailey on East Main street. The oceaalon proved a moat enjovable one and was attend ed by over forty ladlee. Varlout nations were represented by artistic and realistic costumes, Mrs. Baugh am representing Japan, Mrs. Spen cer, Mexico, Mrs. Lewis. China, and Mrs. Nicholson, Brazil. Refresh ments of chocolate and cake were served. ? silver offering was taken up for the work of the aoclety. ri'lXMAK IS HERE; WILL LEAVE TtWIGH* Excursion Ut>< to Norfolk Can Get on llo*ril at Nine O'clock. The Pullman car that is to carry! the Washington excursionists to Norfolk tonight has arrived and Jij now at the Norfolk Southern sta lion. It wll! be ready for occupancy it nine o'clock tonight and all those who so desire may get on board at hat time. The car will be attached o train No. 4, leaving here at 2:25 i. m. tomorrow morning. Returning, .he car will leave Norfolk at 11 p n. toxrorrow night, be'.ng attached to the through train to "Raleigh. 1 will bo dropped off at Washington JUDGE ABSENT Superior Court 11m Not Yet Been Opened. May Start This Afternoon. Superior court is still waiting or Judge Cooke to arrive from Elisa >eth City before opening the term - n this elty. It was stated this morn ng that the case the Judg-^ is trying n Rllsabeth Cllty wou'd probably >e brought to a conclusion today and '.hat he might arrive on the 4:30 rain this afternoon. In that event, J.ourt will open lml&edlately upon his arrival here. FIRE LAST NIGHT Destroyed Home and Furniture of Elijah Woolard Near Hun yon. PJrs last night completely de stroyed ths home ? and a'l Its con t< nt? ? of Elijah Gray Woolard. near Hunyon. Mr. Woolard was away at the tlma the blase started. His wife and children managed to escape from the house before the Are gained very great headway. In addition to the home and fur* niture, Mr. Woolard also lost sev eral hundred dollars, the proceeds of his season's crop*, which be kept .locked up In a tin box In the house. WILMINGTON WILL LIKELY GET IN VIRQINIA LEAGUE Wilmington, Nov. 14. ? It seems aleo certain that Wilmington will Announcement of Engagement cf Ills hop Darst to Young Lady from Wi'mlngton Lb Made Public. Wilmington, Not. 24. ? The en lagcmcnt of Bishop Thomas C. Dar*t jishop of the diocese of Cast Caro- 1 lea of the Protestant Episcopal hurch, to Miss Laurlston Hardin, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Har Jin; of thl? city, was announced yea .crday evening. The wedding 1* to ake place in the early spring. The irhJe-to-be is an accomplished young Wilmington woman with a host of .'rlecds h.re. DLNNER PARTY Wiui Given \ewterday Evening in Honor of Mrs. Xnelncr of Piiiladoyhia. Mrs. J. B. Moore was hostess at a Jicner party yesterday evening, which was given in honor of Mrs. Frank Nuelner, of Phlladelhpia, who 4 the guest of Mrs. H. B. Mayo, of his city. The attractive home was cuutlfuily dccoratcd with cut and ottf d (lowers, artistically arranged, lie color scheme being carried out u yo.low ar.d white. Unique place aids, consoling of chrysanthemums n which little mirrors wore arrang d, directed th": guestB to their accs at the beautifully laid table, n amusing feature of the dinner as a turkey guessing contest. Covers were laid for twelve, ?hose present were Mrs. Noulner, Irs. E. W. Ayers, Mrs. H. B. Mayo, | !rs. James Hodges, Mrs. W. A. U. '.ranch, Mrs. Geo. T. Leach, Mrs. . M. Dumay, Mrs. Frank Rollins, J Irs. W. P. Baugham and Miss Juliai loyt. ? I It. KITC'IIIN DENIES ANOTHER STATEMENT Wilson. Nor. 24. ? Claude Kltcliln lenles having said to a rcprcsentx 've of the New York Herald, "I now I am right and I don't care If verybody in my district is wrong." In this letter Mr. Kltchin state* hat he did havr> a telephone Inter view with Mr. Martin; of the Her i"d, *nd gives the substance of his onversat'.on, which with the excep 'on of the statoment denied, is practically tho same an sent from iere to the Herald and a copy of which was furnished this correspon ient immediately after the interview vas telegraphed. lave league baseball next year If she '.an secure a berth in the Virginia engue. Two-thirds of the amount required has already been raised a iong the fans. It has been propos d to orgrffclce a stock company here *llh $5,000 capital and two-thlrda of this amount has already be?n pledged. The meeting of tho Vir ginia league directors has been post 1 poned to December ? and local fanr hope to have all of the $S,000 sub scribed by that time. SUFFRAGISTS TAKE "LITTLE WHITE HOUSE" Cameron house. Ht'Wastjmgton. somvitmcs called tbe "little White House,' because bo tunny famous put have occupied It. wblob ban been rented by tbe Congressional Union for Equal Buffrage aa it* headquarters (or tae great suffrage rally to be beld In Washington beginning the day congress convenes and lasting for a week or more. This bouse la 'just across Lafayette square from the White House Tbe "little White House" will bo .be scene of many cQnrorences. mass meeting* and aocial functiona^durlng suffrage week, and Mrs O H. V Kelmont of New York, whose portrait la Inserted, has already arranged to hold a big reception there on the Tin* of th<* dnv thit DANCE LASTsNIGHT I-argu Number Attended Function of the Halcyon Club at Elk's Hall. The Thanksgiving dance of the he Halcyon Club was given last night at the Elks Hall. A large number were present and enjoyed ihe dancing, the music for which wan furnished by Forbes* Orchestra. Those present were M1b?. Emily Har ris with L. C. Warren^ Mls3 Mary Hill with W. A. Blount,^ Jr., Mlsa ?-aura Branch with P. vtafoids. Miss Elizabeth Carrow wUtwvun Laugh iilghouse, Miss Corrine Bright with Garland Hodges, Misa Mildred Davis lrom Wilson with Dave Carter, Miss Mildred Rum'.ey with Joe Mayo, Miss Louise Myers with Elbert Wes ton, Miss Mary Cowell with J. D. Calais, Miss Caddie Fowle with Charles Moore, Miss Bessie Connolly with John Bonner, Miss Eleanor Powell from Tarboro with Fred Moure, Miss Annie Grist with F. S. Worthy. MCss Fagun with W. B. 'todman, Miss Mary Fowle with Russell Clark, Miss Elizabeth Tay-, loe with William Baugham, Mlja Mae b,ount with D. E. Gray, Miss, fowling from Wilson with Char! s| Cowel'., Miss Evelyn Jones with Cou. uucas, Albert Willis, Tom Lltch 'leld, Tom Hackney. Cyrus Thomp son, Jr., William Fleming, James Williams. Robert Fowle, H. C. Bon ner, R. D. Kear, Mr. Mldcap and Henry Moore. Chaporons: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bragaw. Mr. and Mrs. J. ?J. Bragaw, Jr., Mra. M. H. Bonner, Mr. and Mrs. St ?hen C. Bragaw. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry McMul'.an and } Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brooks. WILL GIVE ALL FOR PEACE, SAYS FORD 1 Washington, Nov. 24. ? Henry Ford called on President wi'.son to day in support of the movement for a neutral conference to attempt to end tho European war and r?tabllsh 1 a permanent peace. He told the President he considered Christmas the b st time for such a movement, but declined to say how the Presi dent had received his suggestions. "I am willing to give all the money I're got and to go anywhere IT my dotng so will aid this move ment," said Mr. Ford as he camo I from the White House. ? NEGRO WOMAN BIT ? OFFICER ON HAND ? Inflicted Injuries That Are Both * Painful and Dangerou*. ? Relative to an article which ? was published In the Daily Nawv ? yesterday, It was learned this ? morning that the negro woman whom Ofllcr Nye arrested yes ? terday morning, camo at h'.m. ? with a bottle In her used ?n?f ? afterwards, while be was trying ? to subdue her, bit him a num ? bcr of times on the hand, !n ? flicting Injuries that reached ** the bone. It was after this that ? the officer struck her glancing ? blows over the head in order to ? quiet her. ? We publish this statement in ? ordr" to give a fair presenta ? tion of the facts and a low the ? public to form their own opln ? Ion as to whether yesterday's ? article did Mr. Nye an lnjus ? tlce or not. SOCIAL MEETING Mason* Kail En.'oyable Time LaAt Night. $50 ItalMNl for Orphanage. Orr Lodge, A. F. & A. M. held an1 enjoyablo social me ting at the Ma sonic hail last n.'ght at which a large number of members acd visitors were present. After refreshments i and cigars, a number of excellent addresses weer made, Ret. R. V. Hope presiding as toastmaster. A ? mong those who spoke were H. S Ward. Rev. C. I). Malone, _W. 8. Frlzzc'.l, Mr. Nichols ar.cl several of the visitors. Fifty doHt'rs was , rtlsed as a Thanksgiving present for the Oxford Orphanage. EMPEROR WI I. I.I AM TO MAKE PEACE OFFER, SAYS REPORT London, Nov. 24. ? A Pull Mall Gazette di.-patrh from Berne says: "Ther^ \a declared to ".*? jndoubt ed foundation for tho report that Emperor William will make an open offer for peace through Presldest Wilson aft?r the emp ror's coming state entry Into Conuantlnople." Remember "Good Taste" Crystal Ice Cream Can be had any time Time Thanks giving Day. Just call 83. Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83 WASHINGTON, N. C. CHAUTAUQUA CLUB lutcrcMtloic MevtiuR Held L??t Night. l.c?Hun<i Arc Proving llot'.i I Educational uud Entertaining. The Chautauqua Literary and' Scientific Circle b*ld a regular; ueetlng last nlgLt at which a large lumber of members w re proton'.. J In the dlscutalon of aows ev?u'.<. ! be case of the Chicago woman, wlu! vaa wll'lag for her deformed baby o dl . was brought up and a lively irgumc:.t ensued. Miss Windiey iIpo road a highly Interesting letter. The orgaulza^lon la still studying he early religion and politic* of this] country. Last night's study has] wrought them to the beginning of iperaUons on the part of Tammany 4a:i. The lesson* are proving edu-j atlonal and great Interest is being, ihown. At the next meeting Miss Rodman will read a paper on thel lfe of John Randolph. THE SUBMARINE GIRLS" SCORE ANOTHER HIT "The Submarine Girls" scored mother hti at the Now Theatre last light wh n they preeenied their ecc >nd performance to a crowded ?ouse. There was a complete clianpe 3f bill throughout, and every ni:.n :-er was equally as good If : .it bft ! er than Monday n!gh:. ThU troiip-'l Is proving Itse'.f to be the be?t tab-'j old eornpary this hoi;?*", has ever offered '.heir patrc^s, it d the pat ina are prolog t .. Mr appreciation by large hou?r i every night. There b a comp'ete change 'f program each night during tho week. Tomorrow there will he a special Thanksgiving matinee at 3 : no p m sharp, giving six reels >f good picture with a special! Thanksgiving b'.li by th^ company TO TRANSFER f . ( . IMMEI.S TO ANOTHER RKPAKTMFX r (By Parker it. Anderson j Washington, I). C . Nov. 2.? Congressman Edward Pou. who ramej here today to attend to some prlva'e business matters, said that the ;rto-| pie of North Carolina are fltroiip y 'lacking fr'Hldent Wn*oi?'s national defence program. RuMucss co: dS tlons he said weie improving stoal ily and everything looked good r? .r the administration politically If Attorney General Gregory -an llnd a position that will suit r ?' I'anleli. at preennt employed ft* special attorney to Inveaflgatn tli*? White Earth Indian". be will be transferred from hla present p's-* Mr. Danlela' cervices now are not satisfactory to the department. and as stated In this correspondence. he will not be allowed to keep the place. Influential friend* am busy In nn effort to have him transferred to other duties, and if possible, this will be done. NO BLOCKADE IN EFFECT ON GREECE mimsn foreign office gives CONTRADICTION TO GEN ERAL RELIEF. AUSTRIANS WIN \rc Snrreesful in Their Cnmpai^u Aunlmt the Italians. French Avtatoi * Win Rattle In the Skies. Lordcn, Nov. 24. ? In an official "atcraent today the Rritifh foreign .Wee uiv s a uradlction to In* jr? an informal . iiad been decid* .!??? allies. No blockade .cek port* has been Instituted or !> tn fjree and no Greek ships are bvny or d talced In Un tfd K.ngdoni ports, tho foreign of Jic?? statement declared. Priarend. n?*ar th* Albanian bor (itr, Is tbe Serbian capita), dlp'.o r.-atiMs lu Athens are advised, tbe r.c-t of government having removed !.om MItrovit??a, row threatened by ? T? utonic advance. Auitrmai IVnrirute Line*. In t.ie desperate battle being wuged 1'jr Gorlzia it is d clared bv ltoiE'.? that rl. ? advances scored la the 0:!avla Hector and elsewhere liove been r faitied, doyplte violent . ounter gi'acki*. Tfi Asutrians pen ? i rated :n' n> w Italian lines several l;: but oil *:>ch occasion wrre tack. General Cadorna's ro Add.t'oual prepress on the Carso p;:itv:.u tK-ar >lur.te han Mlche'.e and ?;i 11 Martinu also is claimed by the |;a.L1&iw. # . Turk* "ii Defensive. Ti.e lat< st Turkish war office itai-un- ut do'S not indicate a con tinuance of offensive op- rations on nn extensive scale by the Franco llr'.iith forces. It dec'.urcs, however .lie Turkish artfll ry Are drove off uanfport?! a: tempting to approach he coast of the Galllpoll peninsula possibly with reinforcements for the allied forces. French Av'ators ltu*y. Today's Fre^cli official s:at meat alludes only to operations of the aviators. Fr?n<h airmen have he?n >ucci'J>fv.l in several enp: :.unts. Five Gcrtrta:: a. mien were v .imted o!n thai buxKt if arria' enrount'rs j.? the rhaiur.ignc dli'.rlct. It Is de cl x-. J. MI ORE AT AURORA Kiiinous Pitcher Is Spending 8ora?? Time VHHliyi Friends In That City. Aurora ;* entertalnini: ? celebrity tli's v. prU '.n the pnr?-?n nf Kmest (I. Shore, pitch' r for the Boston Amer ??-a:.p h '? ?? liTO of the r rent world's ? .'!r. -S. i ?? vr?lilng friend1* 11 Aur rn ;t: 1 has hp^n there for tin* las' f w <lu> ??. Aur. - 1 l.i- lts.i *;sthu?'antiv are n! iiurinr to hnv?? hitn slay over ?? ?'1 n vi fprlne so liiejr ran take ftdvairaro r-oin** of his riachlnp nnd also rLtiy hint into some of the crimes tiia' tii?>y are K'''ng to plav agaln-t \Vn>!i inpton. Rior I hrPP HflV Slyllp Both Stores. Shoes , Hosiery , Underwear , Silks, Dress Goods , - % ? anci LEV^Js^ CA^Sh fpr ?OSterSFriday\Sat???"dW: v ' ' - ?g> .111,1 h:3W. . ; "

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