WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . - - , ? ? ? ? ? i ?AiiJ Till MM WXATHER ? Ouanllr imlr tsmlcht. IXviU Maurlr r" ' - VoL7 ' ? WASHINGTON N C FRIDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 2k Vni ?*- ?' isiic r w* LETTERS BEING SENT OCT TO THB VOTERS IX WASHING TON TOWNSHIP. TAKEfiTRIP FRf. ~Ro?te Hm Bee? DeekUv* PPW. Alloa Wl'l Um from ? ?f Chamber of Oonnmr M Ktme O'clock. Following up the resolution ? dotted by the Washington Townshf' Good Roa6? Association at- the' meeting on Tuesday night, to hav ?n automobile excursion on Friday December 3rd, the following invlta tlon haa been mailed to voters ii the township, and outside the city of Waahlngtoo: Waehlngton. N. C.. Not. 14, 1916 Dear Sir: You have perhaps been advisee1 that a Good Roada Automobile Ex cnralon la In contemp'.atlon for tb purpose of enabling the voters of Waehlngton township to compar< the good roada of Pitt and othoi counties with the preeent roada of Waehlngton townahlp and Beaufort county. It was orglnally intendedvto have thla excursion on Sunday. Novem ber 28th, but after maturo reflec tlon, it has been agreed that this would not be the proper time, and the time hat been changcd to Fri day, December 3rd. Please note this change. A number of cars will go out by the cemetery and by Mr. R. E. Hodges home to the old Washington and Jamesvllle road. They will turn there, and go by the home of Mr. W. H. Standi! and Freeman'a farm, and they will then go on the cross road leading by the home of Mr. O. B. Rawls to the Washington and Greenville road, and from there on out to Old Ford, Tranters Creek church and Latham's cross roads. Another line of cars will leave Washington, and go directly to Old Ford and around to nearby public places. All cars will leave Wash ington not later than 9 o'clock on Friday morning. December 3rd, and after taking on all those who desire to go, we will get together again at Old Ford, and go in a body on up to Pitt county and other places. Lunch will be provided, and it is earnestly hoped that every voter In the town ship will make a special effort to avail himself of this opportunity of making an actual comparison of the dlfferenco between Oood Roads and Bad Roads. It makes no difference whether you favor the proposed measure or not. We want you to go with us, and your doing so will in no way be binding on the character of vote you shall cast in the coming election. Please advise us at once on the enclosed postal If you will go, and Where you will exprct to meet us. The excursion in a body will leave Old Ford not later than 10:30 oV clock. Yours very truly, EDWARD L. 8TEWART, Secretary. Enclosed in each of these letters is a postal card, reading as follows: Dear Sir: 1 will be g!ad to go on the Auto mobile Oood Aoada Excursion on Friday, December 3rd, and will meet you at * Tours truly, It la desired that these portals ahall be signed and mailed as aoon as possible to the end that the As sociation may know approximately how many expect to go onNhls ex cursion, and provision made accord ingly. It Is possible that some voter mny have been overlooked as the method ot getting names of all voters Is very limited, and the Association take* this method of assuring all those living outside of Washington that they have a cordial Invitation to go ob this excursion whether they received on* of the printed Invita tions or not, sod If they will be At some point along the proposed route next Friday, the Association will be glad to have them go along. This excursion Is being given prl marlly for the benefit of the coun try people, and It s earnestly hoped and desired that the town folk' owning autornefcUes will furn'st them 19 response to the eall that t also being sent o?t for theee. Tbir |# ft important !? thi battling in the clouds Nothing in modern war far* it mere dramatic than the bettlee between air ornft The photograph shows ao ac tkm between a German aeroplane and e French dirigible airship NO WRECK ONN.S. 1 Startling Reports Were Current Tliroughout the City Yesterday. Wreck Wai on Southern Railroad. A number of report? were current hroughout the city yestrrday to the ffect that a wreck had occurred on :ha Norfolk Southern near New Bern, that the train had been imashed and that Ove or six prysone md lost their lives. Whero the re >ort originated no one koows but the local N. S. officials were forced :o answer a number of telephone in iulrle? from anxious persons who leslred Information regarding the "wreck." There was no wreck. The train out of New Bern bad some troubl with the engine and this caused a delay In traffic. It is believed that some person heard of the wreck on the Southern railroad yesterday and when the morning train from Raleigh was late, surmised that the wreck had occurred on the Norfolk Southern. BARAGAS MKET Will Hold Regular Bu?lnc?? Meeting Tonight In Clans Rooms. A business meeting of the M. E. Baraca class will be held tonight at tho clas* room. The meeting willj atari promptly at < ight o'clock. The j officers, committees and as many of the members as can possibly do 10 are urged to be in attesdanco. OHITUARY. Sirs. Sarah B. Higson. (Contributed) Belhaven. Nov. 26. ? On Saturday morning, Nov. 20. 1915, Mrs. Sarah B. Higson. the devoted and affec tionate wife of the late John W. j Higson, pat.6*d away. She wan only! confined to her bed three days. Mrs. Higson was born Nov. 6th, , 1881. She leaves behind four sook| and one daughter and a host of rel atives and friends to mourn theii loss. Her sons are E. W. and H. M. Higson, of Sidney, N. C ', E. J Higson, of Be'.haven, and B. W. Higson of Henderson, Vancn coun ty. Her daughter being Mrs. An nie E. Linton, of Washington, N. C She was 4 member of the F. W. R. church and attended. as often at she could. The funeral services were conducted at the grave Sunday af ternoon at four o'clock by the Itev. J. P. Linton, amid a throng of grief stricken relatives tnd friends. Hoi remains wrre laid to rest In the family burying ground. TODAY S COTTON QUOTAtlON.' Lint ? lie. Seed cotton ? $4.60. Cotton Med ? 138.00. right direction. It will not only do! a vast amount of good for the cauoe' of better roads, but will furnish a ? splendid opportunity for the termor i \n<\ town man to get together on s 1 basis of harmony and cooperation for the betterment of the wholo community It Is to be hoped there .'ore that every automobile own< r n the city will hsve his car in front of t&t Chamber of Commerce bnlld tot On Friday morning, December i, st nine o'clock, provided with s drttw and lunch for the occupant of 1*14 ear, and that the country will respond generously to TlMUOB t0 go 98 this ejeur IIAltNES FOVSV GUILTY OF BREAKING INTO TWO LOCAL 8TORES. OTHER CASES .Superior Court Opened Wednesday Afternoon. Only Jail Cases to be Tried. Judge Cooke Presiding. i Superior court convened here Wednesday afternoon. Judge Cooke arriving from Elisabeth City at 4:80. The docket waa tak^n up imracdlate'y after swearing in the grand 4ury. Upon motion. It was decided that owing to the brevity of the present term of court only Jail rases would be tak-n up. All cases where defendant la-out on boud have I been continued, defendants being 'required to renew their bond within r fifteen days. The court also convened yester !ay morning and afternoon. The] I ollowlng cases have been dlEpos d ?f: Mitchell Pender, colored, cari'y-J ng concealed weapons, $20 and osta. I l.lnd?ay Dudley, colored, carrying onceoled weapons, defendant plead lullty of aHsault, $5 and costs. Sam Blount, colored, three case 3, wo for carrying concealed weay >na and ono for maliciously lnjur . ng personal property, sixty days in ach case. Jack Staton, colored, carrying -oncaled weapons and assault with teadly weapon, two months. Attempt :o commit robbery, six months. Tom Mason, carrying concealed weapons and assault with deadly weapon, 939 and cost*. Ben Burrus, colored, assault with deadly weapon, one year on the roads. Lem Barnes, colored, housebreak ing, two cases; sentenced to five years In the penitentiary In the flrjt case, Judgment dismissed in the sec oud case. Barn>-a is the negro who Is alleged to have broken Into the stores of J. K. Hoyt and Pegram Watson Hardware Co. this summer. It Is expected that the grand Jury *<111 *ubmtt their report today. Court will adjourn tomorrow after noon. "nEWpremier of ffuSce" Aristlda Brian d, who has succceded Vlrlanl as French premier, baa held rarlous cabinet poaltlona and waa pre mier for two montha early in l?ig. Ha ia known aa an exceptionally strong man In national and Interna tional affaire. TWO TRUE BILLS * irand Jury F1d<1j* Bill* Against Dave Grlmmago atul Jim HUton. True bills have been returned by .ho grand Jury in two murder cases, one against Dave Qrlmmago and the other against Jim Staton. It is ex pected that these caaes will be die posed of by Ihe court either today or tomorrow. Judge Stephen Bra gnw and J. D. Paul have beca ap pointed aa attorneys to defend Sta ion and JL. C, ? ? -?* w. L. wki?i?7 ?? ?.Pr??>st Qrlmmago. The grand Jury will probably :i;ake their report tbls afternoon HAYS BAKER. A young man said to me the othor day In my studio, "I am just golug to have this done for a special lady friend. I never thought any person would be able to persuade me to have my photo made. But I'll tell you wo do things w? never thought we would do, especially when the right person gets after ua." BAKER'S STUDIO. DAVE TAYLOE ENDS FOOTBALL CAREER Yesterday Was His Last Game One of the Grea'est Stars That Ever Wore N. C. Uniform. One of the most striking flguroj >n the Carolina squad is Capt. Dave I'ayJoo, left halfback. The Thanks giving game will mark the end of >ls football career. Four four yearn 10 has been a momber of the Car Una squad, for three years halfback r.n tho Varsity eleven. To be elect d captain of the squad for two euc snivf; years la but one of his minor ch!ev' men (a. As the old saying oi-s Captain Dave has been trained o p ay football from his youth and ipwards. Sljce his flrst debut an a ootball artist in the fall of 1912. le ban been one of the heroes of the Jarollna gridiron. Whrn playing In Rood form Captain Dave Is well nigh nvlnclble. The Georgia game in Af anta last year la an example. To ise the words of tha Atlanta Conatl utlon "He (Captain Dave) Is about he best right ha!f In the South. In h? game he side stepped, dodged, itlff armed, pounded the line, tack led fiercely, executed forward pass ?s, backed up the line, and In fact, played a wonderful game tn every Jepartment of play." The lamo ?vords might apply to the contest with V. P. I. year before last. Fol lowing la a list of the gains in yards made by him In one balf ? SO 36. 20. 2, 4. 5. 16. S, SO. IS. Captain Dave was at his best In Atliinta last year; and he, too, euf ferrd a slump after the Georgia gHine from which he did not fully recover throughout the remainder of lh? season. This year the Carolina coaches predict that he will be In perfect form on .Thankeglvlag after - roon. Aad they further predict that he, Captain and ex -Cap tall Dave Tayloe, will make this, lift last eol lope gam*\ the greatest of hl4 foot D?ll WW l-??t 7??r CltlM pl?? passed under opposing goal lines for thirteen touchdowns. During his three active years on the Varsity eleven he han scored 120 points la touchdowns and han kicked two or three goals. Last year Captain Dave did all the punting and did It well. This year he han given place In this respect to Quarterback Long. As captain of the Verslty eleven for two years. Tayloe has shown that rare quality of leadership which hr so <-s sentlal to a team's success. For two year his one hope, ambition. an*l aspiration has been to lead a Caro lina eleven to victory In that great Thanksgiving Day contest? News and Observer. QUIET THANKSGIVING Day Was an Uneventful ()nu in Washington. Many Attended Church Herri cea. Thanknglvlng paswed quietly In Washington. A large number at tended the morning services at the various churches and liberal dona lions were made to the different or Vhunagn funds. At St. Peter'e Epls-I :Dpsl church $100.81 wns contrib uted ror the Thompson orphanage ??t Charlotte. It Is expected that th!n sum will be Increased as a consid erable number of envelopes sent ou; to the congregation have not yet been returned. Amounts almost equally as large were raised by tl;e other churcbes. Many apent the day out In th* country, others took auto trlpa u round town and a goodly number witnessed the performances at tin New Ttaeatrg. Moat of the stor., wtre tbrvwboiit tb? 4?r III1P MKT CALLS WILSON mm HPOKE BEFORE LARGE ASSEM BLY OF TEACHERS AT RA LEIGH TESTE*** * . C FINE SckMON Wilson "Raised Up for the rrwr vMlon of Peace With Honor." "We Cam Thank God for That Christian Gentleman." P.&le!gh. Not. J?. ? At the Thanks giving services of the North Caro lina Teachers' Assembly, In conven t!on In thi? city. Bishop Thomas C. Darst yesterday preached a bacca laureate sermon of exceptional In terest and lnstructlvenese. He was accorded the closest of attention and was personally congratulated by many of his audience for the lnspi. lng Ideas he brought out. Bishop Darst, the youngext of the Episcopal prelates, took hla them' from First Thessalonians, fifth chapter and the eighteenth verse "In everything give thanks." Ha began at an hour when the call of dinner was loud. Prellmlnark* in music and In the making of an nouncements deferred the sermon to 1 o'clock, but he lost only the mu sicians who volunteered to tuak<> the program today one of the assem bly's features. The Peace and Mer edith singers with an orchestra led' by that wonderful ti iglau, Mi&s. Ruegger, gave the auditorium the' touoh of another world. n?m onnV.i laai than 30 minute*. In that half-hour he had |t|me to preach a finished sermon Jf thanksgiving which reversed the custom of the fathers in the making and complimented the wisdom of the ! sons in Its preservation. Abundant harvests he found, manufactories busy, trade and commerce brisk, th* overworked many but the unemploy ed relatively few. Prosperity in llelde, In shopB and factories, in ?.nines and on the high B aa, in these ill he found cause for gratefulness because they made for education, for religion and for civilization. The Other Side of the Picture. He saw the othor side of tho pic ture, the. shattered idols, the wasted areas, th" "cruel and unnatural war, and tho dreams that have not come true." "But if you could only see God's purposes you would be thankful," he said faithful to the exhortation, "In everything give thanks." Grrat 'hings have come to the nation, wss has spared "our children, men and women are exalting righteousness the poor are taught and littl* chil dren are blessed with opportunity that never came to many before them." "Wo can thank God for lhat Christian gcnt'eman who rules tho destinies of this nation and for rais ing up a Joshua who has l*>d this nation to peace with honor." For thoBe whose sdn9 have been 'oat In the malestrom of war the nation h* declared has a tender sympathy and n dream of a peace soon to come. For those who think they have no cause for gratitude b^ brought com fort. thankfulness for the acourglogs and bufTetlnKB that smite aid sting when thoy turn a training for spirit ual efficiency Into mere skill In making themselves comfortable. Thankfulness for the rall to work and danger that constantly awakens men out of their srleep and summons them to perilous snd arduous tasks which make Ihem men; For the defeat of ambitions and plana which realised would wi^ck the highest possibilities of human natures; For the pressure of work and re sponsibility which holda men and wonion In their placp* end steadies them under the allures*' nts of ease and luxury; J For the quickening of the public conscience, the steady growth of an1 Independent and healthf,il public sentiment, a deepening aense of In dlvl'lual obligation to aoclety, for the a*archlng of soul that comeR with every good and perfect gift, for the Teachers' assembly, those Intellec tual guardians who hold the futures In their generous handa. He vent his hearers away with a glorious Injunction to work .pon the Immortal ohlld'a mind, "not (or king and ?outcry, tvt for Oofl " HER BACK A POSTER | The daring band of "sandwich wom en" who Invaded the New York scb way during the rocent campaign, bear ing placards Imprinted with the rea sons why one should vote for the | cause," were outdone by the most startling manner of appealing to the I voter. which has up to the presunt day been used by the suffragists. A beautiful and very attractive young woman is MJps Dorothy Newell, the young lady who made all New York sit up with her appeal fur 1 "Votes for Women." It required con siderable daring to promoto t!ie pub licity Miss Newell had mapped out lor the cause. In lending hotel# aud Broadway cafes where the usual election ev* crowds assemble. Mssa Newell dis played her charming tack with the alluring appeal "Votes for Women painted In large Mack letters thureon. 2 AUTO ACCIDENTS Automobile* and ilic>ctr? ( excellent program!. "The Submarine Girls" continue to please and their hill y sterdny was one of the host seen here ve*. The poker pantomlne of Frat. k King ;wa* an except!onaJ!y el ver piece of acting and accomplished in u rnnnnur that mnde every move plain to thone of the audience wh' were acquaint' d wlih the "natl na gume " The "crap shooting" p:?n :omlne work of Jea$o Myers was a- - other bit of clever work arid loudl> , applauded Mis* Hazel Mason, playing (h?> role of the bank thai) girl, was recalled repeatedly. She |? a big favorite. Merseroau, LeC'dlro. Mers reau and King, the talented quartette of the company. *f?r? al?o forced to give many encores. Th?* 'horns work wa? of a high order and taken altogether, the company has more than lived up to Its reputation and are proving themselves to h? one of the most popular attractions I. ever shewn In Washington. An entirely new program will ?* ? put on tonight. In addition, th' I feature film. "N^al of the Navy" , will be shown Have ChuutMiqHn A)d?i ? Ayden's boosrter chairau qua will open Saturday Lieutenant Governor K L- Daughtrldge wi raak* an address on Tuesday to b a feature of that day's grogr^nr Two4*jr It to be known as "Agrj cult#**! D*r " w SMS Mil OVER 17.000 CAPTURED BY GERMAN'S, SAYS BERLIN STATEMENT. ITALIAN VICTORY .amber of Austrian Trenchon Wrrr C?|> Cured. Al ie? Are Prrparinx to Remain At SalonlkL Berlin. Nov 26. via London. ? I.arge numbers of Serbians were captured by th- Austro-Uerman fore t?k?- iior|r*? that from now un j il th- public frliooks riose nrxt =pr'-jf th' off. re wl'.l ho open regu larly only fin Saturday*. Any busl I of ep^rfai Importance may b? ?akm up with nif on other days by :?pprv!n*mf'nt. Of pouthp. 1 shall b? -'.ad io Sr.t?-rviow any one on day? it:.?-r than Saturday if 1 should bo ln :h? olfifo, but would Bt>KK' *t that you make an appoint -nent to r?v? wniraolf ,*? probable inconvenience of orn.'if 'o town and finding me out ti tin country (Signpd) \\ r, PRIVETTE. County Supt. I 1 Sti-lwr