WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS MM WBATHJtR ? Q?n?r*Il7 f*lr taalcfct. KoMntt ?Mtarlgr . ? ~ = - ' WASHINGTON N C. SATURDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER TV. mi ? 11. SIMS IS MOTE ? RISE [i~?" - ^.1? PIAK R 8 ?WRING NECESSARY WM FOB PLAN. -? - TAX GASOLINE *** Rx^ptUm Also ^ Too JUgb, Ho Says. o?,llnp B^l?. 8h"~ ufm-r- *7? 8<*?tary r?W"? ?' lnter e revenue aT.flclt 'J* l0TerameBl <?> meet ,n<1 co rer tho Initial ex 5" 'rm' *?1 ??7 Increases, w.r. Ind0rl,d t0?? by SeM(or Simmons, of North Carolina. chair man of the finance committee, who W ***** Washington to consider revenue problem, which Ki iMmmlttee must aid in solving Whllo Senator Simmon* was an n sundae his views. Senator Smoot, of Utah, Republican member of the Unanoe committee, gave out a state ment attacking Secretary McAdoo'e (?ural financial statement issued ye?terday The Utah senator u aerted that all 0( the secretary's revenue esUmates were too high and those for expenses too low. and that misleading bookkeeping changes had been resorted to. Differing from hla fellow North Carolinian, Rcpreeentatlve Kltchln new majority leader of the house! Senator Simmons announced himself as an earnest advocate of adequate defense and merchant marine legis lation. and expressed the conviction that the present Income tax exemp tion was far too high and that gaso line and automobiles ahould share the burden of the war tax. "Although I have not had an op portunity to Investigate closely the details of the administration's de fense program, '? saM Mr. Slmmone. "1 approve he general Idea which I understand underlies It. With ref erence to preparedness generally, I think that the sentiment of the peo ple of ray state would bo against what has been characterised as frenxled preparedness, but over whelmingly In favor of what might be termed common-sense prepared ness; that Is, preparedness that would enable us to protect ouraelves If attacked and to defend our rights upon the high seas, as well as the land. If these rights are Invaded. I would have a navy adequate not only for defense, but adequate to assert our rights. "1 think the reasons why the gov emmsst shonld provide for a mer chant marine are even greater to day than they were when the bll which failed at the last Congress was introduced, and I believe that the reasons will be stroqger when the war closes than they have been during Us continuance, becauae when the war cloves and the scramble for International trade sets In, as it In evitably will, our position will be a pitiably helpless one If we have to depend for ?he transportation to accommodate our yearly Bve billion dollar International trade, almost wholly npon our competitors In that trade. ."I am not In a position to express any dellnlle views about revenue needs because- I have not conferred with Presldsnt Wilson, the secretary of the treasury or members of the finance committee. Assuming that the deficit Will be no larger nexl year than this, U la evident that we will have to provide for raising a considerably larger sum of money. "I assume that the present tax on sugar will be continued. I aasume that the present war tax will. In the main, be continued with serine poe sible changes. I see th? suggestion that gasoline and automobiles shonld bs taxed. I believe that these two artlclea can well afford to bsar a shars of the burden that has been impoaed by war conditiona. "I Incline alao to think that the Inooas tax exemption la |00 high It ha4 results* In lass- than (00.000 people out of a total of 100.000.000 W'M t?o Wtlre tax derived from incomes. That does not seem to me to be quits fair." Turks Fall Back Before British. London, Nov. 1?. ? Turkish troops resisting the British adrtnee In Mesopotamia ars falling fcuk, ac cording to an oBoUl announcement last night, reporting a Turkish re OB nnr Bagdad ASKS CONGRESSMAN SMALL FOR VIWS ON DEFENSE PLAN Farmer Claims That Residents of His Community Are Not in Favor of Proposed Expenditure of M'mey. Editor Dally Newt, 1 Dear sir: I have been following up the Items of news in yoar paper about tho national defense plan and have also been reading your editorial* on the subject with considerable Inter est. This matter Is meeting with a good deal of discussion on tho part of the other farmers In my section of the county and after reading Mr. Kitchin's statement in the Dally News last Saturday, a good many persons have expressed themselves as bring in sympathy with his stand. In fact, I have not heard a single farmer in this vicinity favor the proposed enormous expenditure of money for useless battleships. We are all In favor of improve ment in the navy, but not to the extent that Pr?sideut Wilson desires to make. We also feel that some thing should bo done towards Im proving our army. The army Is far more in need of appropriation than the nary and our Bt&ndlng army should be increased to about twice the sixe it is now. 1 don't know which way our con gressman Is going to vote oa the matter this fall, but I hope he will take everything Into consideration and give the matter careful thought. I believe he knows more about th^s matter than we farmers do and I would like to see an article in the Daily News from him. giving us some more information about the proposed national defense plan and how he feels towards It. Yours very truly, AURORA. HOLD DEBATE Will Be Given by the Iinraca Glass, Business Meeting of the Class Held Last Night. At the business meeting of the M. E. B&raca class, which was hold Id the class rooms last night, a committee, composed of the carpen ter-membors of the class, was ap pointed to confcr with the board of stewards regarding the work of par-j tltlonlng off a part of the annex of: the churih for the accommodation of the class. The new quarters for the class will be in readiness for occupancy by next Sunday. Plans for a debate were discussed at last night'c meeting. It was de cided that the debate be held at the next business meeting of the class, ?he topic assigned being, "Resolved: that the manhood of America is de clining." LOCAL TEACHER ELECTED TO OFFICE BY TEACHERS Miss Kelly Read Historical Paper Before Teschen' Assembly nt llafeijcii. Mls? Minnie Lou Kelly, superin tendent C. M. Campbell. Jr., and | Mr. Johnson, of the local high school faculty, returned last night from| Raleigh, where they attended the | teachers' assembly, held in that city. Miss Kelly read a history paper before the meeting and was elected secretary and treasurer of the city blgh school association. Sh* was \l?o appointed to the position of 'hairman of the High School History Teachers' Committee. GETS FIVE YEARS Negro CWrgrd With Incest Was Tried and Convicted In Superior Court Yesterday. Although four cases were tried In Superior court yesterday, only onr sentence was given. The other ca?eF will be finally disposed of today. Jack Cheatham, charged with In cest, the defendant being his daugh ter, was found guilty. He was sen enced to five years In the 8tate prison. KAISER SENDS NOTE TO POPE BENEDICT Rome, via Paris, Nov. 17. ? It was asserted In well Informed quarters here today that Cardinal Von Hart mann, Arch-Bishop of Congress, who arrived in Rome yesterday, was thr bearer of an Important messagv from Emperor William to Popo Benedict, In which the war situation was presented from the Ocrman point of view. ' In the message the Emperor Is reported to have disclaimed respon sibility for the war, Qr-rmany being described ae having been forced into It in self-defense. COAST GUARD CUTTER PREPARES FOR CRUIMINU New Bern. Nov. 27. ? The officer* and crew of the coast guard cutter Pemllco, are today engaged In cleaning up the ship after its long voyage from Baltimore and for th' neat few days they will be making preparations to begin their winter cruising season which begins on December let. The men are glad to be back In port and are utilising their time off IB frnjing their van/ friends M. L MEETING Quarterly Conf?rence of Local Church Hold Last Sight. Want Mr. SdJjxn* Here Next Year. The quarterly conference, of the local M. E. church was hold last eight and new officers for the ensu ing year were elected. The samt board of stewards were re-elected ) E. R. Mlxon was re-elected superln tendent of the Sunday School and C. F. Bland assistant superinten dent. An advisory board was also appointed. The stewards unanimously adopt- 1 td a resolution which will be sent to the annual conference, to be held at Wilmington next Wednesday, asking that Rev. E. M. Snipes b<e leturned to Washington next year us pastor of this church. W. J. Janutaou was appointed an delegate to attend the conference. Mr. Snipe?, Mr. Reed and C. F. Bland will also attend. ItUSQLl'TJONS OF KHSPIXT. Whereas Almighty God in Ills wise uml mrciful providence hn tulceti out of tills world the soul of our beloved friend mid brother. Col. It uf U2 Watson Wharton, the senior oiilcei and oldest member of th* First Presbyterian church of Wash IrKton. N. C., the action of the said church desires 10 reocrd 1. Its gratitude to Ood for the long, useful and godly life of Col. Wharton. He was a righteous man. and as such shall be In everlasting remembrance. Of him it could be iruly said that h" adorned the doc rlne of God our Saviour lu all hings. His ideal waa to do justly, to lovo mercy, and to walk humbly with bis God. and in him was Illus trated the remark of the Psalmist, 'Mark the perfect man, and behold he upright, for the end of that man b peace." 2. To testify to our high esteem >f Mis life an a clttzen of this state, md to his exemplary conduct an a number of the church of Ood and a . ullng elder therein. Col. Wharton as a typical representative of the culture, the chivalry, and the Chris tianity of the old South. He bore without abuse the grand old nam^ it gentleman, and the memory of his iprlght life, liki* a benediction, will lve on in hearts made better by Its >res' nee. 3. To bear wf.'nesa to his falthful j ness as a member of the Session* of I our church. He loved his church, i was loyal to her principles, and faithful to every duly Imposed on him. He was constant In his atten dance on the services of Ood's house until prevented by the infirmities of age, and has left us a noble example of fidelity In thin particular. We feel oooAdent that he has been gathered unto the spirits of just men made, perfect In the heavenly Jerusalem; and, while he rests from Ills labors, his works will follow him ? "For all Thy saints, O l.ord. Accept our thankful cry, Who counted Thee their greut reward. And stfOve in Thee to die." H. B. 8EAR1GHT, C. M. BROWN. J. B. SPARROW. M. F. McKEEL, 8. R. FOWLR TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS LINT? H He. i SEKD COTTON? ?4. 80 1 COTTON W8&? MMO, . WILD COUNTRY IN WHICH TO FIGHT ?"? ? ?- <" o, mucb o, *. LEWIS IS IN BAD Man Who 8oId Medicine Hero Re. cently, li Accused of Having Passed Bogus Checks in Greenville. J P Lewis, who spent several veeks in this city recently. 13 ac used of passing bogus checks In IreenviUe. He is giving the offl ?ort there considerable annoyance, is tbe following article from yes .erday's Greenville Reflector will ;how: "J. P Lewis, the South Carolina nan who was arrested here recently m a charge of flashing bogus checks *nd who was placed In the county all to await the arrival of an officer from the town of North, S. C , on .vhich bank Lewis gave the checks. -ias given the South Carolina officers 1 hard run for their man. "When arrested here he told Cap ain Smith that he would not require requisition papers before he would 50, but that he would go with the officer when he arrived. Relying upon his statement the officer arriv ed here without the requisition pa pers and Lewis promptly refused lo go with him. "He was one mad officer, but a* the law says a man can not be taken trom one state to another without the uec-'ssary papers, the officer wr.s forced to go for them- An exchange of the usual red tap* between the North and South Carolina governors is now in progress and the arrival of ihi* officer with the papers ia ex pected every hour. "In the meantime Lewis quietly awaits his arrival." GIN 6,334 BALES Report .Made on Amount of Cotton Ginned in Beaufort County up to November 14. The amount of cotton ginned In Beaufort county "p to November 14 Is still in excess of that ginned last year up to the same time. The re port forthls year ehows that 6.334 tales havr been ginned so far as compared with 6,692 In 1914. In the entire cotton belt, for the same time, this year's report shows that 8,777,794 bales have been ginn ed as compared wUh 11.668.240 for last year. MAN AND WIFE IN COURT FOR IMPRISONING DAUGHTER Easton. Md . N6v. 27. ? Frank Marshall and his wife today were bound over to the county grand Jury on char*es connected with the al leged imprisonment for 12 years In their home, of Marshall's daughter. Grace, now 28 year* old. Marshall was charred with assault with In tent to rommlt murder and Mrs. Marshall with assault Bond ?f 12.600 each was furnish ed by a delegation of 8t. Mlchacl* residents Grace Marshall'? condition wa* re' ported today as itnrpovlng Jolt Brings Down Sparkler. ? Dixon, cal.? At the result of a *11*1. t earthquake shock recently Mrs. Gif ford found her |2fi0 diamond ring. S,* months ago she missed her ring ami presutred It had been stolen. 8> e found It on the floor beneath a pi tore hanging on the wall She th retard -red she had placed the rti Mind the picture, fhs Jolt ?ho<jk frm,. ^ MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT. Mrs. John Frankllu Graeber announces the marriage of her daughter Carrie Belle to Mr. Leonldas Harding Redditt Thursday, the twenty-flfth of November, nineteen hucdr- d and Qfteen Salisbury, North Carolina The following account of the wedding was received th!? morning IJplditt. ? G rubber. Salisbury. Nov. 25 ?In a very pretty wedding solemnized ?: th bride's home Miss Carrie Relk Graeber this evening at 7 : 3t> o'clock became the bride of Mr. Leonidaa Harding Redditt of Edward. N. C. The ceremony was witnessed by h large as^emblege of relatives and trlends from In and out of town. Th home wan beautifully decorated for the occasion, the color scheme being white and pink and green. audi chrysanthemums and feme wer-, used lavishly in the ban and parl.-r Just preceding the ceremony Mr.! Hampton SUrewalt. of China Gro\e. sang "Constancy." with accompani ment by Miss Ada Stirewalt of China Grove At the fir3i touch uf Loh< n giJn's \v * d<K:.h .March re:id"r*d by Miss Stirewah the member* of the bridal party began to rake their places. First came Mieses Annie ktid Mabel Graeber. sister and cousin of the br:J< . wearing white dresfes with pin I; girdls and carrying pink and white carnations. Then came :ho groom and his b st man. Mr. Neon Reddltt, of Edward. Nest ?ame Utile Mi=s Margcret Cilne, uicce of the bride daintily dressed in white with pink ribbons, bearing thv ring in a handsome white chry santhemum. The bride entered on 'he arm of her sister. Miss (JeuUh ( Graeber, who wore pink and carried | pink chrysanthemums. The brld^i was never lovelier than In her wed ding gown of white silk and chiffon ' tr'mmed in pearls, Hhe carried a| lovely bou<|uet of bride's ros's and feru. The ring ceremony of th?* Lutheran church wrb used, the vow* being said by Dr. M. M. Klnard. pas tor of tho bride. During the recital of th1' marriage vows '?Traumerl" was softly rendered by Miss Stlre , wait. The numerous presentg of silver ware and china and linen arteBt the popularity of bride and groom. The bride Is the oldest daujr^'er of Mrs. John Franklin Grabber She! wm educated at the State Normal; College and has been one of the I State's succssful teacher*. having' been k member of the Graded School faculty for the past rhr???> v"nr?. Mr. Redditt 1? a succe*?fi,| merrhai. . and farmer of Kdward Immediately after Die eeremony a reception was held, afier which Mr. and Mrs Redditt left on *helr wedding tour to Washington. Haiti more, New York and other northern cities. Among the out-of-town R?;ea1? w<re Mr l.eon Reddltl. of Kdward, Mr* K W. Graeber. of Charlotte; Ml?n Anni?? Graeber. of Roberdei; Miss Mabel Grabber, of Morven Mr. Hampton an<l Miss Ada Stlrc^nlt. and Mlns Agnes I.lpe of China Grove, Miss Danish l-yerly. of Granite Quarry; Mr W. A. Cllne. Mr. ('has. Stirewalt. Mrs. Mllas Stlrewan. cf Faith; Me??rs. I. R. and T F Grae ber, of Kannapolls and Spartans burg. 8 C. .A- - - LKT'H Hl'Il-D IN WASHINGTON PARK. 10-ll-tf. Tuas. flat ViIU(ll\I>l Uliu T " l-nrge \ umber PrmwDl m "The 1'aIiim" I.a.st Night Riid EnJojtMl IMea?ing Eiiteit-Hinnient. Ad enjoyable entertainment ?'?J provided at "The Palms" la?f r.igiiti irom 10 io 11:30 o'c'.ock. lForbea orchestra played a number yf sck-e< lons and dancing wan enjoyed. The quartette from the company now playing at the New Theajfre were present and sang severer selection* In a highly pleasing^fiaaner U\er ? hun.lr d person?*^*vv?fre prp-tui 'j i-njoy the entertainment li t* understood that the niauag? I n?er.t of ",Tliii? I'ajiu*" i- endeavoring to aecure a cabaret team and tin.: ihe act *?.; be here in n short um?? FOOTHILL STARS hktikm:ii hkmk. Tax |u?* and I'owell Here lor u Ki-m Hay-. Came Down from Ricliniouil. Litre Tayloe. captain and rip-.; half-hack at the Carolina f iotl>n/: team, and Horace Coweil. one of the stars' of 1 he I'nlv -raity's line, art upending a few day.1 :n the city, fuming here direct front Richmond, where Carolina played Virginia Thanksgiving day TO HOLD RALLY | A. M. K. Zlon Church to Hi I I S)> ? lal Sen-let* Tomorrow. White Residents Cordla'ly Invite;! t-? In* I "m" ;il . A spe al : rvlc. ;s to held to morrow a* th A. M E. V.k on church | to which iV ?? ill* resident of the1 rity are cudiailx invited. The ser vice Is termed "a grand cand> and altar rally" a;:d Is particularly beautiful and Impressive. Ther* will be special music by the ehurrh choir and eongr gat ion. 2 ARRESTS MADE I.oral Men Charged With llAvlng T?h> Much I . i> | ii < ? r in Their I'o* se?nlon After Triji to Norfolk. The excursion to Norfolk on Thanksgiving day r' suited in two arrest*. A S. Wallace was nrros'^il on ti?e eharge of hasing too much liquor In his pofiRPBvion. nine quart* helnj; found Isaa^ Hloon* wa- m!ho arrested on flip xnniM charge, he having thr^e vnllon* an?l r?r.e pint with hhn when tie was arretted Trials will lie he'.d Monday | local T??lt\c < o >1 UtKK'l TO RBOPF.V <?N MuMlii No SmI?-s mi Any itf thr Wim-huu-* Slnco Tuwl?) ? T)ip la*i aal??* on I lie local market w r*? hei<i Tuesday A number ?.f the buycm left town Wedneada* ' ? pend Thnnkaitivlnit in varlou* < ' le* Many of them h?vc return- rl and all will b?* here In time for Hie big wal* tbni I* ??xp??cted lo Ulte place Monday The aa'.ea on the lr?''al market ai* well above thai of 1AM year and Hie warehousemen ar? confident that th#y will top last ?eat on * icptket by a food p?rctnug*. SCHOOL HOUSE. OTHER CLUBS Vfr- Latham Abo Awlirfn] in Lh?? Organization of |loyM* Corn (Tuba jui<I Girls' < juiiiimj riuh ?t Under the dir ctlon of Farm H'tiiouftrator J F Latham a boys' orn club has been organized at 'hocowicltv a:.d a girls" canning '"ub baa a'?o b?en formed Great atcrest is being shown in both in stl'.ution* and a large number have jolted. I.ast nigh:, at the Little school hci!fc>?\ Mr. Latham, with a number af o". her prominent farmers, organ ized a Farmers' Club, which will met on ihe same nights as do's tho moonllgnt school. Agricultural '..?pica of Interest will be discussed iy thi? club ar.d It* members expect to derive considerable benefit and [ instruction from the discussions that ar>- t ? be held during tho winter It :? planned ic organize other cubs of this nutii' r throughout the county to in#': h: the differon hool it :: ?.] at the same tlm* a* the itu^i".! c.;; sfh-.o". classes. DR. HANCHKR TO PREACH HERE \\ >11 IMlu'r s< mum ut the Mcdiit. i liurcli Tomorrow Mgbi. I- a T"li*n|e?l S|K'aLfr. Ti.' ? jiiprepatlnn at the M. K. v .tuich torn ?rr iw : . i e i: - will have an ? pportualn ox hearing a sermon de livered by l)r John Handler of N? ?* \ 'irk 1 >r ilujieh?*r is a L .r. : ^ :.v::v';ng speaker anil thai a large number w.ll !? . -i.iti.1 :.i listen to his s*-r i I In K 1.1 ? TO l)| ATII \V:llla:ii.-5f?:.. v v 117. ? Friday morning, wbilc >!:? A :i Griffin was butdly employ. a* home ;n Griffins jtowrinhlp her l::t'.e child, ' year , old. fW a llihV. ? ?J half a p^an-it. which lodg d Ir. tlie throat. aud before CuuM bt n-ndvred th?* child d The parents sire cru*b?>d with gj o> er th- tragic ?!???* !i nf their b.'il1. a::J g !" .i t ?> : i . ji ' by t* felt ui* : i' ai. T''linr?"? lt<-Miri(*r ioiiM Itcinovtil. Washington. Nov. 27. ? All re srriiTlnns p'.need on export r?f to bacco by Yh* Netherlands. Ov' rsea* iru*r l:?v? been removed for tho present Hi refloats* to represent** l!on? ma1 ? ? Ti''' Netherlands gov ern m?nr American tobacco may i: nw b" shipped to an) person In Holland mt to order of anyone 'here 1"r ni Holland. American to bacco nmy *n'er Germany a:id Aus tria f re |y WE DON'T WANT T.-> fo*>; i ii :i* your rr.j'uard ap P'-arftn?f ?* holntt n*p" riprt. Tlii-ro !?> V?? \r?l of It. Tilt- ^ny w il#>un. pr#?ap and r'j.a'r rj. [L tip lo-rtn-fl nri-l Mir f.i'f-ns ar wiihln yiiir rn**:?ris C A"?J wr fM 1 7 WRIGHTS Srp AM PRESSING WORKS rHONF 231

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