EXPECT IMY - 1I010BILES ifl m nv r*~* -* ? ? COMMITTEE IS URGING OWNER* OF MACHINES TO GIVE CSK Or THEIR CARS. sendTetters. Oommnnlc?tlon? Have Ben Sent U Vartoos Ante mobile Owner, h Township I leq nesting tho Cm o. Their Cars for Frldaj. Preparatory to making final ar rangemcnta for h complete succor of the Automobile excursion to bt bold on oefl FrMsy. December 8rd under the caro and direction of the Washington Township Good Road Association, for the benefit primer lly of the country people, the fol lo win* letter u being mailed out to day to automobile owners in th* city: Washington, N. C.. Not. 14, 1116. ? Dear sir: At a meeting of the Wsshlngton Township Good Roads Association last night. It wai decided to hare ao automobile excursion from Wash ington Township to some soluble point In Pitt or Edgecombe on Fri day, December 3rd. You ^wlU perhaps rccall that thl? excursion was 'originally planned for Sunday, Nov. 18th, but npon re \ flection, the Association has decided \hat It ould not be well to undertake trip on 8nnday; and 'Friday. December trd, hss been agreed on at si Batter time. A^ one Interested in good roadt and trip development and progress of Washington Township, wo write to aak if tou will furnish your . auto mobile to be used on that date for this purpose. It will le necessary thayeach au tomobile owner provide A simple lunch for the occupants of his ear and that the cars si! assemble In front of thi> building occupied by the Chamber of Commeroe at 9 o' clock on Friday morning, Decem ber trd. \ , For yohr convenience in replying, we cnclose self-addressed postal cards. Please fill this out, and sign and mail same AT ONCE, so thst we may know exsctly how many cars *e are likely to have, and conse quently how" many folks we csn take. Very truly yours, EDWARD L. STEWART, / ? ' Secretary. Enclosed instils letter Is a postal card reading as follows: . Dear sir: We wilt be glsd to furnish automobiles on Friday, December 8, to be used on the Oood Roads Ex cursion. We w!!l havo cars at the stated time and place, provided with simple lunch for occupants. Very truly, It Is earnestly desired that these! postals be signed and mailed at once1 to die end that the Association may know just how many people can be takeh 6are of on this excursion. The cards are already addressed, and It will be fonnd to be very little trou ble to All In the blanka and m^ll them. In fact the effort haa b en made to ao minimise the work of writing and addressing them, that they can be mailed almost aa soon as the letters ars taken from the postofflce. It Is very gratifying to the Asso ciation, and to all thoae interested In good roads and the development and progress of Washington, Wash lngton township and Beanfoft coun ty, to know that the country people are responding liberally to the Invi tation to go on this excursion over the bad roads of Beanfort county to thf good roads of eeine adjoining oouotles for the purpose of msklng aetual comparisons of extatltig con ditions. It will not only do the cause of fpod roads a vast amtftnt of good for this excursion to be held. ^ but to take the day off next Friday, and havs a general oUting and in termingling *f town and oonntry o?*., will do sort t?waril? ?llml natln* prajudlca nnd raolint. and aatabllafclnc that firm TaUtion o f harmony and good will which absuld pro parly axial batwaaa all mnmbari ' of a community, than anything ?? know of ^ 80 l?t the (0*0 folto raaftond |i? ' erooi'.y with their antomobllaa. lap. pi lad with lunob and <af? 4rl??r?; lat th?<? car? ba at tb? Chamber 01 Commtrca Bulldini promptly at nln? #'ol??li cm Friday aoraini. and i? ? ? \ &v>\ 2 ;? ?? JJg jg GRAND JURY MAKES REPORT AND OFFERS SUGGESTIONS Inspected Conditions of Court Houae. County Home. County Jail and the Convicts Camps. Advocate a Number of Improvement*. We the Grand Jdrymen appointed o luspeet. the county Jell do here with submit the following recom mendations: b That bucket* be placed to Ihe aegro apartment for prisoners to 3plt In, the walla now being oovered *lth tobacco Juice. t. T^at the walla be whit washed horoughly, and the floors cleaned md washed. 8. ^ThUt the old fence be taker lows from upend the Jail e? it is iow rotten and serves no good pur pose but can b^ used as a shield for outsiders to work In to release their jrfroaer friends. 4. That after the fence ia -token lown electric lights be plac d arounJ ;ut aide of the Jail to keep it well Uuminated to the paaslng public at ill times of night as a mesna to pre sent the escape of prUonerv. We would suggest that thla above I recommendation be acted upon at once. And further we would rec ommend that the Shrrlff'a office ]j_o moved out of the Jail into the court house so aa to give the Sheriff a bettor office and makS more room lor the prisoner* and tho Jailer. Also we won'.d recommend that an annex be bnllt to the Jall-doubl hg the aize of the baek wing ao the negro paleonefa' cells can be arras g d differently that they may have aore room poaalble end a corridor | tflth double row of cells which could be kept clean and sanitary. Also recommend that the Jail iewer now said to be choked up be clraned out. Very respectfully submitted, E. L. ARCHBELL, V Foreman. REPORT OP COMM1TTKK. 1. Clerk's office is in good aanl lery condition, also the vfcttlt ad-' joining Clerk's office is in good con dition with the exception of a hole !n the wall whero the electric con duit that enters the vault. This should be plastered. 2. We Inspected the Register of Deeds' offic? and record room at tached and we recommend that some shelving be provided for the county records, as we noticed that some of the books ere piled up on the boor and on top of the old shelves in vault. We alao notice that tho Reg ister's* office was not In as sanitary condition as it should be. Wo rec ommend that a suitable wood box be provid'd tor said room and coal be kept off the floor. We also notice that there were a number of tin cans and lota of waste paper under the shelvrs and against the walls and under the table In the rooms. ELKS Wlii HOLD MEM'RL EXERCISES Will Be Obeervcd Next Sunday. Mr. Turner to Make the Memorial v /- Address. The local Elktr lodge wlll^Jjpld their annual memorial services next Sunday. An lntereatlng program, consisting of addresses and good music will be rendered. Tho memorial addreae will be de livered by Roacoe W? Turner of Elisabeth City. , Negro Dies From His Wounds. Rocky Mount, Nor. 29,? Allen WIKlford, the negro 'who was shot three times by James Bloxom on Gold Leaf street thanksgiving dfed yasterday afternoon In a local hos^ pltal whore he was taken following tho call for medical atentlon. The negro was struck three times out of Are shots fired at hUn. Bloxom fired the fatal s^ots 'following a disagree ment over some whiskey. Negro Hanged by Mob. Henderson, K y., Nov. 19. ? Ellla Buckner. a negro, charged with hav ing attacked a young gin laet sight, was taken from the county Jail here today by a mob of about SO masked men and hanged to a tree * short distance bolow Henderson. jibe country people aVali themselves of this opportunity compare gooJ roads with bad ronde, and spend generally a pleesant day as the guoat of the town people, end with abso lutely no tost to them. The excur ?Ion Is to be fref \o all country This should aii^ be cleaned up and this room be kept In a sanitary con dition. room and found U in in unsanitary ocdltion with lots of dirt and filth ying about in corners of tha build ng. The toilet was In very bad coa lition and should be tleaned and jf the rooms aad leavs it. We also >otlce that the mala entrance of the :omrt house is In tcry bad and un anltary condition. Ws recommend .hat It be cleaneiToht and kept clean *nd suitable cuspidors be provided or all the rooms that need them. 4. We also find the Grand Jurors room Is la a bad and unsanitary .ocdltion. We recommend a thor ough cleaning and that said room lie kept clean. ItEPORT ON INSPECTION OF COUNTY BOMS. Inspection made November 26th, Hit. ( ? General condition of white depart ment fair. Found that there was ono white woman said to be insane who was conflfeed to her bed on ac count jof not bc[!ng allowed Wire. Some arrangements should bo made, by which she can have flre. We were told that she had to remain in bed '.o keep warm. This condition should be Riven' attention. The remainder if the white department seemed to ] be In fair condition. Yard and premises in good con dition. Colored departments ftx bad con dition. Found unsanitary conditions In one room In which there was a :olor*d man sick especially bad. The 3 dor bplng especially bad. Some trrcngements should be made to im prove the sanitary conditions of this room. General conditions of the :o!ored departments bad. All inmates stated they fared well. * REPORT ON CONVICT CAMP. We have examined the camps and! Bed them in good condition. Find1 ane slsk man In camps and qurstion sd h'.m as to his treatment. HU roply was that he was well treated We alto talked with the convicts >nd they all said they were well :nated and got plenty to eat. Sanitary conditions very good. We recommend that the County Physician be instructed to make at I ast one visit to the camp^ once a month whether called or not. 8. Next we examined the court E. L. ARCHBELL, Foreman. EE. L. ARCHBELL. Foreman. ADIEU TO MR. StVAIN. H. B. Woo lard Rep'lee to Articlt Which Recently Appe'red In tffh Dally News. Editor Dally News, Doer sir: P ea?e allow a few words In yotir paper to answer Mr. J. D. Swain and also to bid him adieu. I have made no threats nor given Mr. Bwaln any slurs as he has me. I simply wrote my views on the matter and this I sm standing by. I said their proposd boundary took In part of Fork school district. This you will not deny, will you Mr. Swain? Then why will you beat aroand the bush and try to make the public believe that somebody h he lied whefl they have notT Tou ca'.l me a law-glvr. Turn to page 101 of Webster's. Look at the word district] see If It means child or family. Ntfw. Mr. Swain, road my article of the 19th over sgaln and see If you art pot off the track; and when you write sny more, don't use "he" for "we," or "yon" for "Board," but stay to the subject under con sideration. You are wetcpme to keep these articles of tnlno fifty years for fn turn reference should you lite that long, but excuse me, I must bid you adteu Respectfully, H. B. WOOLARD TODAY'S COTTON QtJOTATl6N5 LINT? llHc. SBSD COTTON-^ 4.60. COTTON SEED ? 140.00. ANCONA AND HER CHIEF OFFICERS 0? 't,lm,Ulp AncODt ?hlcl1 ??? In tb? Mediterranean by a submartffe flying the Aunr;> zltzk EflSftESXEtj* th* rw,t c"< ?*? m?? ?? * ?r,n AUTO PARTY FROM OHIO Hade Trip la Two Omm. Were on Rood Since * Week Ago Lut Thursday. Az automobile party from Ohio trrived In Washington yeatorday for he purpoao of Inspecting the re ources of Braufort county with a flew of making thi? their home. Two cara were used In making he trip, which 1? aald to have been i most pleasant one, the Voada being n fairly good condition for prac ically the entire diltance. Tho personnel oHW party waa &a follcrwa: Mr. and Mrs. William Price and children, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Norton and children and C. ?. Norton and John Barker. GKAVES ASSAILS BOTH BIIYAND AND KITCHIN ^ay# -Bryan is an Ambitious Candi date for President; That Kitch tn's District Has Repudiated His Views. Charlotte, Nov. 29. ? "I am sur prised,'* said John Temple Graves, director of the Navy league of the United States, "that the public has lot long ago come to appreciate the actio* of William Jennings Bryan n he position ho is taking on na lonal defense. "Most obviously, be is an ambl ious candidate for nomination for -he Presidency at the next election and the question of national defense 's an Issue upon which he has hoped .hat hr? migbt gain sufficient support to make of It an Issue. In selecting this subject, Mr. Bryan has used the dea of building up the military branches of the government, to such an extent that It will bo unsafe that we should be attacked, is today the question of them all. over which the American people are most enthusl^s tlo. "It has bren obvious since the Baltimore convention that Mr. Bryan has had his eye constantly upon the possibility of again securing the nomination of thSt highest post !n the gift of the people. It waa Bryan who fathered that plank of the Bal timore platform which provides for a single term In the White House. When he did so, he had his eye on a nomination at the succeeding con v&tflbn. "Tfiero are but two men occupy ing positions that claim any consld^ erable public attention, who are fighting preparedness ? Mr. Bryan and Hepresentltlvs Claude Kltehln of North Carolina. Mr. Kltehln hai recently been repudiated In all parti of his home district and stat4. It li being shown that almost none of hli constituents agree frith him In thl) matter. "If one has followed the caroer ot Mr. Kltehln he has little difficult] in determining the reasons for th< position he takes. He has a wet developed policy on ill Issues tha srlse. That policy f? to Oppose Is sues, which other meo and parties lar'.y his own party espouse. Tbl takes htm out of tie run of his fel lows and get s him talked about. H has taken this position of oppoetni tho accepted views of his party li practical \j til of t*s great Issues o LARGE CONGREGATION HEARS DR. lHANCHER Made Interesting Address at the Methodist Church Last Night. Is an Exceptionally Ablo Speaker. A congregation of over 450 per sons listened to an extremely Inter esting address last night by Dr. J. W. Hancher, of New York Ctty. Dr. Ilancher took as his topic "The Real Boy." 'His comparisons and Illustrations were exceptionally good and he brought out his ^olnls in a clear and distinct manner. Ho show ed how the boy came Into the world, Vra?tlc?lly useless* from every point of view. By training and education, however, the boy yearly Increased In value until In young manhood he reached his zenith. The doctor used as his comparl&on a piece of |fon ore, practically useless. By refin ing, this ore Is reduced to pig Iron, and has a certain specific value. Through another process, the pig Iron is made llito material suitable for crow bars, wagon tires and other art'cles that receive hard usage. Through still another process, it Is cha iged Into metal that is used for cutlery, and Its value ir still further enhanced. Another process, and ft Is made Into main springs for watch es, and Its value is 200,000 times that of the Iron In Its original state. Still further refining and a metal Is made that Is used for hair-springs and Its value is two million times that of Ihe original metal. Dr. Hancher took the "real boy" through his various stages of devel opment, comparing each stage with that of the iron. His ta1k last d over an hour, but h!? congregation was as Interested and intent on Ills discourse at the close as it was a t the opening of his address. v "ROMANCE OF ELAINE" NEW THEATRE TONIGHT The New Theatre will open for the wek tonight with an exclusive pic ture program. Tonight they will offer the SUh epln?*1e of the "Ro mance of Elaine," a'so four other reels of good photoplays. For next week this house will offer tholr pr.trons two of the best musical comedies that they have yet pre sented. On Tuesday "September Morn" In all her splendor will be here, and then on Friday that great mirth provoking comedy, "Me. Him and I" will he feerc. V?r?llct for 96,000. Elizabeth City. Nov. 29. ? Virdict' for $6,600 was awarded the plain tiff In the caee of Rosooa W. Turner vs. the Southern Gas Improvement Company. _ BAKKR SAYS. - Com* along y?* good people, have your likeness taken every once and a white. Have It for your wlfe'a sake, for the children's sake, for your frteada' lake, and If you ?r? ?ln;;!q have it fofr the aake of a cer tain young lady ? I Will not mention her name. Do It today. We can pie., a you. We can detlve# th< goc ti; | C 4 BAKBR'S STUDIO. | the : aat. He dote to for ?4WtItl?| !,ptir?0^i and get. the advent*!*; REPRESENTING INSURANCE CO. Mr. Hackney Mm. Mecuifd Agcncj for Well Known Company. Is Located With C. Morgan Williams od Main Street. George Hackney, Jr., has accepted the local agency of the^ Union Cen tral Life Insurance Co., of Clncin natl, O., his office being located with C. Morgan Williams on Main street. Mr. Hackncy is confident that he will do considerable business for th' flrtn be represents, which is stated to be one of the moat reliaV'a in life coulQy. * In order" to call the" at tmtlon of his many friends in the city to his work, Mr. Hackney Is running a series of advertisements in the Daily News, the first being published .today. MRS. CAROLINA WILLIAMS. t>p tarboro. ends her lifk Rocky Mount, Nov. 29. ? Leaving her home in the early morning hour Mrs. Carolina Williams, of Tarboro wifn of Henry Williams, of tha place, drowned herself in Hyatt'! spring on Stoney Creek Saturda; nornlng, according to lnformatlor received hare. The deceased was BS v ara old and had been known to suffer from melancholia, while ra .cently she had declared that sh would take her life giving as her reasons that her advanced year; rendered her lucap ble of wor!:, and since she was out ">f a position at this time, and winter approaching cho cought death to a life of suCTcr ing and privation. Tho woman lived on St. Jame street in Tarboro while the scene o' tho point of heT drowning was onij a short distance away. CAR CAUGHT FIRE GaiM>Une Ignited bj Lamp Dtm*gi Wm Slight. M. "G. 8lngleton, while maklnf <orae repairs to hit automobile las night, met with an accident In whlo* toe car caught flrr, doing a dlgb amount of damage and also s'.lghtl. burning Mr. Singleton's hand. Mrs. Singleton was holding f lamp to enable her husband to se' what ho was about and In some wa; the gasoline In the car caught lire It wit extinguished before much damage was done UKKTINU EX-MEMBER8 OP HALCYON CLUB The ex-member? of the Halcyon | club ere requested to meet tomorrow n'.gbt at eight o'clock In the oflflct I of William Bragaw & Co. 8omf special business It to be brought up and It la hoped that every member will make It a point to be preaent. BPBC'IAI, MASONIC MKKTINO I Orr I.odge No. 104 A. F. * A. M, ? Will hold * per i d 1 communication Tueidar, Nov. 30th, it 7:30 p. m., . for work In Writ dofroo. All entor ' ed ?ppr#ntlc?, follow croft* u< 1 suitor moooni frotornolly Invito*. W. ?. ?INOUBTON, Hutw. , US HIB JIM BTATON IS SENTENCED TO 22 YEARS FOR KILLING JOHN HOWARD. COURT ENDS I s ? ? ? Concluding S<*?lon of Superior Court Wae Ho d Saturday. Da to Urlnuniff Ccti 18 Iran. Other Decisions Handed Down. Superior court for Beaufort county nded Saturday afternoon with de cision! rendered In several lmpor ant case?. Jim Staton. co!ored, chargd with tiling John Howard In this city a out a year ago, was sentenced to wenty-two years In the State pris >n. lie convicted of second .egree murder. Dav orlmmage, colored, charged ? Jth the killing of Spencer Borden, ?as found guilty of manslaughter ?nil was sentenced to a term of flf ?en years. Andrew Everett, charged with ?ous breaking, larceny and receiv ng. was sentenced to three years In ?rison Everett broke Into the larrl* Hardware Co. store about rtur years apo, made his escape and ;as capiur.d about two months ago a Wllaon. Charles Easnn. calored. was found :uilty of retailing and was sentenc d to thirty days on the roads. 32 MEMBERS AT BARACA CLASS Utcniluiicf lU'corda llroJi?A A^aiu Yesterday. Ample Accomnjod* llnns for ClaNK Bring Madv. Eighiy-two persons attended th? nectlng of the Baraca class yester lay morning? the largest attendance ret. A number of new members verc added to the ro'.l, the Blues elng still in the icad. A report was made by Flavius . illgood on the providing of more ommoclious quarters for the class. !o stat' d that by next Sunday (ho .nnex to the church would be par tloned off so that room would I 1 urnisbed for all members and vis tors. ? The li ?on was conducted by W. M. Kear in bis usually capable naaoer. S REAPPOINTED TO TUB COAST DISTRICT A telegram was received this nornlng from Rev. J. H. Warren, atlng that he has been reappointed o the coast disirlct of the Blue tldge and Atlantic Conference.whlch as held at Newton last week. Mr. Warren has pr-sided In this ilstrict for the last four yeara and Is many friends in this section will ?e glad to know that he will work ere for another year. CARD OF THANKS. On behalf of myself and my wife's arerits, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ramsey, desire to express my slncre ap rec!atlon ^or the many acts of Irdness and expressions of sympa hy extended me during the Illness nd death of my wJfr. I wlBh to ?nure my Washington friends of otb Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey's and my ;ratltude to them. R. H. VERRELL. TO-NIGHT 34th eplflod* of the "Romance of Rlaine" ? aluo ? 4 -OTHER REELS-- 4 COMING! COMINOl ?SEPTEMBER MORN" PriCM Tonight Be *nd 10c

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