THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THE STATE. NUMBER 18S. 30, 1?16. PHD FOR EXPECTED THAT AT LEAST IF AUTOMOBILES WILL LEAVE WASHINGTON. INTEREST SHOWN Rcaidents of Che Country Aro Rn thuwiastlc About the Trip. Luki Number Are Expected to be 01 Head Friday Morulas. ' > ________ Judging from preeent Indications the Good Roads Automobile Excar ?lon to be held on Friday of this week will be a great suecesa not only for the cause of good roads and better condition* generally, hot from the standpoint of getting to gether on the part of town and country people. Whrn aeen thla morning. E. J* Stewart, aecretary of the aaaocla tlon, stated that he wai certain of *t least eleven automobile* at pree ent and that he expected at leaat flv or alx more cara. He alio reporter thai he had conferred with a num bar of reel^enta from the country and that all of theae wra anthualai tie about the trip afid felt ture thi a large cumber would be on ban Friday morning. All automobile ownera who hav received postal cards, aaklng then to provide cara, are requested t aand these cards back as aoon a possible, in order that the comml' tee may know definitely how man; cara win go on the trip. GERMAN WOMEN DEMAND RETURN OF HUSBANDS London, Nov. SO. ? Router's Am ?terdam correapondent forwards the following: "The Telegraaf la infor med on good authority that serious rioting took place last Saturday In Berlin, In which several thousand women gathered before the imperial ' caatle and demand d the return of their husbands from the front, and improvement in food conditions." FlYHN AFTER CONSPIRATORS William J. Flynn. clusf of the Unite ?d Slate* secret scrvico. has taken personal charge or tb<- bunt for th? Instigators of the plot to dynamite ?hlp? of the sllles leaving the United States with arms for the allied armxir a&j which has resulted in the arrest of Robert Fay. Walter 8cbols and Other* in New York. The case is about the most Important of tbe secret service work now aud Chief Flynn Is In almost daily conference with the government officials in Waal, mgton. ^ GOOD ROADS ASSN. MEETS THURSDAY Will Dlacu&s Final Arrangements for A a to Trip and Take/Up Other Important Matter*. At a special meeting, called for Thurvday night, the Washington Good Roads Association will make final arrangements and plans for Friday's automobile (rip and take up other matters of Importance rel ative to tho good roads campaign that is agitating the township at the present time. | The meeting will be held In the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce and will start promptly at right o' clock. Every member is requested to bt? present. I MANY INSTANCES OF HEROISM IN THE WAR / "? Official Report Makes Note of Ten Cases That Are Especially Striking. London, Nor. 28. ? More than 100, Instances of Individual bravery in the fighting at Loos and HuUuch a!* week* ago, are recounted In brief official notes appended to the latest list of awards of tho military crosur and Distinguished Service order. The ten most striking stories are as fol lows: Captain Denals, Scottish Border ers, was wounded In the trenehes. but after his wound was* bangaged ho escap d from the ambulsnce and went back to hla men. advancing with his company until again wound ed. He was carried back to a dress ing station, from which he disap peared after his wound was dressed. Later be was fen catching up with his company and again cheering them on nntil he was wounded a third time. Major Oordon, London Artillery, got dose up to the German llnee to ' reconnolter, and, although under h avy lire, brought back IS Qerman captives after having shot one man With his revolver. ? Lieutenant Carr, London Infantry, notloed while directing the removal of grenadee from the divisional ' "dump" that the fttro of a bomb had become Ignited. He at cnco{ picked It ?p and carried It on* or the dagout. It exploded just as It left his band, seriously wounding him. Hie coolnee* bared An explo sion o t many thousands grenades and bombs, which would have killed ecoree of men and destroyed the entire divisional bomb reeervee dur ing the heavy operations. Captain Bird, London Field Am bul*nec\ on one occasion worked for It hour* without isolation In tend ing and dressing the wounded. He we, twice observed carrying wound ? ed oa I stretcher an* tor 16 hours wns oont4nually eapos Ihf hlSMctf tp henry shell Are Lieutenant William* of the Buffs, took charge of a small party of bombers and attacked the enemy, throwing 2,000 bombs In 17 hours, it was raining all the time, and the damp fuses had to be lit from nig arettes. Williams was wound d early in the fighting but refused lo leave his post. Lieut. Hollwey, royal artillery laid a telephone wire through the Hoh' nrol'.ern . Redoubt under heavy Ore. One leg was disabled before be bad gone ten yards, but ho drag ged hlmse f on. the same leg being again fractur d by a bullet before be had finished his task. Whon two telephonists endeavored to carry him to safety, he Insisted that they leave h!m and tend the wir<\ Lieut. Pusch, London lnfaatry, led a party of bombers during the advance through Loos. Going alono nto a house he captured seven Oer man?r, although shot In thr face by jne of them. Notwithstanding h'.s round he cohMnued clearing the en my out of the oellars of the town. CapL Williams, Welsh guards, was In command of a squad of ma chine guns. After having a wound dressed he went back tQ his place and continued to direet the work until midnight, although the nature of hit wound compelled him to Ho flat on his back all the time. Lieut. Wood, Gordon hlghlanders. took 176 prisoners In Looe, marched th'm back under heavy fire with a mall Mcort, and returned with much-needed ammunition tot the men In tha firing line. Being by thl? time tha only officer left In hi? company, he ra'lird It on the rf!ope of Hill TO and heldirte new position with great bravery and resources Captain Kcarvley, Welsh Fusiliers although wounded early in the Oghtlng, continued at the front of |hl* men and maintained hhr position vaU) 1>? t?*B Mt Wt?D tlBM ATTACKS U. 8. SHIP WITH ONE 8HOT QVX New Bern Man Conduct* Effective Attack Against the V. 8. 8. Elfrltla. (By Eastern Pross) % New Bern, Not. SO. ? Grover But ton, a young white man, went on a rampage Saturday night and armed w!th a shot gun attempted to shoot .he smokestack off the N. C. Naval Reserved training ship, the Elfrlda. thinking that an advance guard of ho* Kaiser's troops had arrived, cought shelter and In the meantime Chief of Police C. Lupton was noti fied of the affair aod In company with Policeman I^ardy Whitford, rushed to the scene of action. Arriving at the firing Una the of He rs located Sutton and attempted 10 place hjm #nder arrest However, Sutton did not want to be arreatcd and tnrend his weapon on the Chief but the latter grasped tho flrrv arm and saved being annihilated In this manner. Sutton however, seemed intent on slaying the Chief and nr*t made an attempt to stab him with a knife but this attempt was alio frustrated. In police court Sutton entered a plea of guilty to a charge of resist ing an officer in tho discharge of his duty. Probable cause was found and he was bound ovter to the next term of Craven county Superior coutr under a bond of $100. HE WROTE INSULTING LETTERS TO MRS. GALT Samuel Whit? Under Arrest in New York. Also Wrote Letter to Mrs. Gait's Mother. New York, Nov. 30. ? A man de scribing himself a9 Samuel White, 27, an Investor, was arrested her" 'oday by police and secret service agents charged with having written Insulting letters to Mrs. Edith B. Gait, President Wilson's flanc*. and her mother. Mrs. Boiling. White was arraigned later and sent to Bellevue| hospital for observation. White, according to the Do'Joe, admitted having written to Mrs. Gait and Mrs. Boiling concerning a patent egg carreir 16 bo used in the' .-sails and two new musical instru ments. The prisoner said, the po lice added, that he wrote the first letter for a Samuel Osborne, of .Chi cago, who had Invested one of the mus'cal instruments. White to'.d the police that he m<~t Mrs. Gait and her mother at the cfand Central palace here in 1913. Thn complainant In the affidavit .ig^nst White was given as Mrs. Gait, but a det ctlve made the1 "barge when White appeared in :ourt. HOW TO KEEP A ROAD FROM GETTING ROUGH IX WINTER WEATHER Washington. D. C., Nov. 30. ? If a road iff kept dry In winter, road -.pocfallsts Id the Department of Ag .icu'ture say cold weath r will do t little or no harm. A dry road vill cot "heavo," as li Is called. Hock, gravel, sand, even clay con 'raet a little on freezing. Water xpands when It freezes and wet oads will burst In cold weather jnxt 13 a water pitcher or pipe will burst vhen the water is al owed to freese. To kep roads In good condition hrough the winter, the Jlrst esaen ial ig to see that drslnage is good, ill ditches must be opened, accumul ations of weeds and grass removd, utd the surface gone over to smooth ut possible jvater holes. This work bou'.d be done early in the fall while ;.hd ground is still dry and hard. CHANGE AT BELLMO. Owing to cbangae being made the Be'lmo will be closed this week. The opening will be announced In this paper. 11-30-lte. J , French Stenmer Sank. . London, Nov. 80. ? The Frrnch steamship Algeria has been sunk. Twenty-nlno members of h4r crew are massing. Eight were sav^d. The British steamship Tanls has been sunk. Her crew was landed. HIT WANTS NEW NORTH CAROLINA CON. GRESSMAW GIVES OUT INTER. VIEW 4T THE CAPITAL. IS REPUBLICAN Will Begin His First Term tf a Con ET*wnin Wf?k. Hun't Announced Wh?t Stand He Will Take in DefB*?e FUn. (By Parker R. Anderson) Washington Not. 30. ? Congress man J. J. Brltt^ the only Republican m mber from North Carolina, la a ctrong advocate of national defense. Mr. Brltl is B?t certain, however, that he will toId for Prealdent Wl'. son's program. Mr. Bitt. like mor every othkr Republican, wanta e much larg r army and navy progran; than thst ou|Jiaed by Jhe White House. In other words the Republican' are preparing to get whatever credi that may corns from the passage or an Increased appropriations for na Honal defense. It la evident, too that unless the proposed legislation i has the approval of James R. Mann Republican floor leader In the house th re Is not mucb chance of an} crest amount of money being apea for this purpose. Mr. Brltt, who will begin his firs' term as a congressman next week said today that he Is strongly con vlncod that we should speed a ver\ larg ? amount of money for the arm? and navy. He !? afraid, however (hat the administration will not g> far enough and therefore he Is no ready to say Just now whether h will support Mr. Wilson's program MRS. ARTHWtBE AE Passed Away Shortly Before Noo; Funeral Service* Have Not Yet Be*\n Arranged. Mrs. James Arthur, aged 68, dle< this morning at 11:45 at the bom of her sop, John A. Arthur, on Wee Second street. Funeral arrange menta have not yet been announced Mrs. Arthur Is one of the oldee residents of the city and is know and "oved by many residents In th: and other counties In Eastern Car olina. She was born in Hyde count: but has lived the greater part o her life In Washington. She waa i member of the Methodist cburc' and an earnest worker for th cause of Christ. Her ht /band pas' ed away eight years ago. One sor John A. Arthur, editor of the Be! haven Journal, survives her. MESOPOTAMIA N CAMPAIGN DISASTROUS FOR BRITIS1 Amsterdam, Nov. 80.? A victor over the British In the Mesopotamia campaign Is reported by the Turkls war office. In an official statem n received today from Constantinople The British, It is declared, wer driven out of Turkish positions whlc they had penetrated and suffers heavy losses. WAYOME CLUB WILL HOLD MEETING TONIGB I Members of the Wsyome club ar | requested to be present at an lir I portant meeting which Is to be h?)< n the club rooms tonight. CLOSING OUT. S. P. Cstlon has taken charge s sales manager and I am closing ou my entire stock of dry goods, no tlons and shoes at sctual and ler cost. Sale will continue until so d Also s la re* and complete stock o fireworks for sale. J. L. PHILLIPS.. 1 1 1-30-0 tc. WE WILL FURNISH Pure Distilled Water From blow on aa Follows: 10 gallons ftod over, 2 cent* per ga'lon; anything lees than 10 gallon*. 3 cents per gallon. Mlnmum amount told 6 cent* worth. No water charged on booke. Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83 WASHINGTON, N. C. ODD TURRET OF AUSTP1' ' BATTLESHIP Photograph taken aboard an Austrian battlaahlp of tb* now Tegbetoff claaa. showing tha doubla turrata. an* abor? tha other, each carrying Urn* Itina. IIIRTY DELEGATES PASSED THROUGH WASHINGTON YESTERDAJ*. 75 ARE EXPECTED cxrotary Pratt Interviewed. Open* inx Soiulon of Convention Lunt Nljjlit. liuslness Part of Meeting | Tulieo Up Today. About thirty delegates, en route a the drainage convention, which i being held in BMbaven, passed iirough the city yesterday after- j con. It is expected that at leant eventy-flve men will attend the onvcntlon. Among tho?e w,ho left here y eater ay afternoon for Belhaven was sseph Hyde Pratt of Chapel Hill, cretary of the Drainage Assoctn on. In an Interview with a reprt ntative of the Daily News Mr. ratt stated that he expected the rvsent convention to be one of the :oat succrssfu'. that has ever beef, eld by ihe association. He added mt Am of the great things the aa x*lation was working for was the reater use of t.lo dra'.napo through ut the State. Com nil tt ?s will also q appointed at the Beihavun meet ig to Investigate conditions in dlf .rent sections of the State and a port will be made at next year'H leetlng, after which it Ir expected lie matter will be brought before ie legislature. Several othT Important matters, ?cording to Mr. Pratt, will be rought up at the meeting today. The opening session of the con ation wag held in Belhaven ght. The business part of th eetlng will be brought up today :d tomorrow the visitors will take trip to Lake Mattamuskent to view 0 work that has been done on that ai'nage proj et. Report, of Convention. (Special to the Dally News) Be'.haven. Nov. 30. ? The drainage invention was railed to order last ght by J. Hyde Pratt, secretary of association, who acted as pre tllhg officer. The addross of wel imo on tfie part of the ci< Irons of Slhavpn was made by Mayor John ?. Tooley. P. H. Johnron, of Pan go. welcomed the visitor?. or> b ? alf of the Belhaven Board of rade. Mr. Johnson is first vice resident of the association. P. P. H'ham made the address of ??1 jmo for Beaufort county. All of lose addrf.?ECs were responded to 1 appropriate terms by Secretary ?ratt. Fifty-two delegates w err* regtsler J 'a?t night and many are ex pected to be hero this morning. An yater roast will be a featur- of the neetln^today. taking place this venlng ' ? fr. . ? IU8TRIANS ATTEMPT TO coNCLinys sepahatk peace London. Nov- 10. ? Tho tribune a? ?rta that Amrlrla la attempting to -onclude a aaparata pfaca. accord ng to a dispatch from Rom# to tha 'x change Telegraph company BAKER SAYS. A flft to p1eaa? thoaa you would ivor with a mark of your parional >ttaem ? your portrait. Mako an ap pointment today at B?k?r't o.jdlO. IN Kill DAILY NEWS TO ISSUE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EDITION IN TWO WEEKS. WORK STARTED Merchants Realize Value of Adver- ' tifclng Space and Are Responding ' Liberally. Several Hundred Ex tra Copies to be Printed. la order, to give the ^merchants cf ' (Vasblcgton an opportunity of tell UK the Chustmag shoppers of ti:e! huusandB of bargains which lh?y I aave to offer and also In order to Klv? its readers a lot of Interesting loliday reading matter, the Dfcily ^rws Is preparing to Issue a mam moth Christmas edition and work on ;his has already been started. The Christmas edition of the News fcii: bo Issued about two weeks b? :oro Christmas; the exact date being: undetermined at present and will be tbout sixteen pages In size, proh jbly larger If the advertising pat ronage warrants the same. There will be something of Inter est in this edition for every member >f the family and It will in fact be in edition which will be laid away ind k< pt for future reference by hose who receive a copy of It. Local merchants can readily see he advantage of advertising In this ?dttlon. In addition to the papers which will be sent out to th^ regu lar subscribers, several hundred ac" Utiona! copies will be mail: d ou ind th? advertisemer'.s and an nouncements which be con aln'd therein will Ve re. d by thous ands of poraor*. TRIAL BY JURY Men Chargwl With Having Too Mucli Ltqunr in Their Po?wwl<iti Given Hmring Yesterday. Before the recorder yesterday af j ernoon A. B. Wallace was given a hearing on the charge of having too much liquor in his possession. I pon motion of council, Mr. Wn'lai 'r i rial was set for Wednesday and will be decided by Jury. The same ar.tlon was taken acn.n?' Isaac B.ouut, colored, arrested oa a similar charge. l?d. Cherry, intoxicated, was fneil coats. William Sl?a', Ititoxlcatod. wa! Plied cost*. Kitchener Rcarhfoi Pari*. Paris. Nov 30. ? Field Marshal Karl Kitchener arrived In Paris from! Italy today. He we* given an ova tlon by soldiers and travelers at th? i station when he stepped from the train. fjpwire RMdf to Talk Term*. London. Nov. 30. ? The Oreek movement la ready to discuss the propositions made by the entente powers and satisfy all demand* which will not compromise Its neu trallty. eaya an Athens dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company. TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATION." I.INT ? 11H*. I SEED COTTON ? 1?.?0 ' 1 COTTON mwo? M?.M SHIRS WILL 111 HUUITE IIXISTKIOIS POTENTATE J. I_ II. Mills ISSUES 0KIIBK8 FOB THE COMING EVENT. HELD DEC 8TH I.ocal Men Are Planning to Attend. A Large Number of Shrloere Throughout the State Kxi?ected to be I*re>mt, Local Shriners. as ell as those In all partR of North Carolina, are an ticipating attending the great gath ering of the wearers of the fe* wbleh ts to be he'd at Charlotte on Wed p sday, December 8th. Several of the local members of the Shrine will be in attendance at this event and will Bfe to It that Washington Is well represent d. I'lustrious Potentate John L. lAabbs lias just lestu-d the following order ?n regard to the afTalr: Read and be filled with wisdom: ?Attention Nobles: "Th hoc.:s of our enemy are npon ?s, unuer tlie leadership of Llvutea Ant tieneral lndiflerenc", Major General lcdolenee and Brigadier Liberal Ignorance. It behooves us :o roily to our standard, the Sctml :ar and Cr seen;, and do battle for \2lah. "Tliereforo your Potentate issues this special ordftr: Let each and ev ery Noble in North Carolina assem ble at g nc-ral headquarters In C*bai '.Lt'.e. en ih? morning of Wed nesday. Deccr.ibor 8, 1915, to equip yourselves with weapons of offeneo xnd def nse, ammunition, and sup plies for the 'great drive.' "Our advance this year will be bade more glorious by martial mutlc iv'aich will bo furnished for. the first line by Oasis Temple's own band, vhose members know no fear and v ill lead cs (o the enemy's citadels n victory. "Our commissary department Is lireparlng for all that is nec'saary :or your sustenace while In camp .nd thi* ordnance department will upp'y arntH and ammunition, counts fjr the cavalry and all elBe leedful. "Noble*, w are neutral. We care ;iot whether a candidate is a 32 de cree Mason or a Knight Trroplar. If he will make a good Shrlr. .t, cap Lure him and bring hitu to head Quarters. "la ail thes" commands fall not under penalty of court martial and iiux;.::.: "y execution. "Yours in the Faith, "JOHN L. DABBS, "Potentate." "SKPTEMI1ER MORN" II EKE NEXT TUESDAY Mr. W. M. Roles, the special ascst for "September Morn," the big Chicago succesFful musical com ?dy lhat will hs here next Tuesday, vfts her today making arrange ments for the presentation of th& attraction. Mr, Roles states that he peoplp of Washing: on will o:.e of the b si high class musical ?om^dlea lhat has ever he?n to this ?ity h"n "Miss September Morn" irrivp*. This is the third trip here 'nr Mr. Ro> s, a* lie w n s here ahead of the "Modern Evo." and "Prlnco if Tonlgh!" a'trarMons that hav* !rp n here !:t tiic past. The i?at* for his Rt*r.irlon will rr> on ?a'o at Worthy nr.d E'herldgn's drug storo >n tills coming Friday at 10 o'clock *?Itarp Prleeg are from 60 cent# to $1.60. TO-NIGFT High C1?bh Photoplay* ? ? Splendid Heel? ? ? Friday, D?p. Srd "NEAL OF THE NAVY" &C ftOd IOC

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