WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEW8 PRINTS MORE LOG At KEW6 THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THE STATE. VOLUME 7. WASHINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, 1915. NUMBER 12?. HE EKPECTED i no nr SIXTEEN CARS HAVE ALREADY BEEN DEFINITELY PROM WED FOR FRIDAY. MANY ANSWERS Secretary Stewart Hm Roc^Iyc" Word from Over Sixty Resident r Is the . County. AH Are Botha slastic About the Expedition. 8txt??n automobiles have alread' b en promised and several others arr expected to be furnished (or the good roads trip that is to be taken Friday through adjo'.n'ng counties. Secretary E. L. Stewart announced this morning that he had receivd forty potrtal cards from residents of, the country, notifying him of their intention of taking the trip. He alsp stated that he had seen twenty-five personally and hat these had ex pressed their desire of making the trip. Although many more may make the trip, It is now expected that be tween one hundred and one hundred and fifty men will take part in the expedition Prlday. GOOD PAPERS AT CHAUTAUQUA CLUB Interesting Meeting Held Lmi Nljcht To Invite Mrs. Cole to Pay a Visit Here Thl? Winter. An exceptionally w<ll-attended meeting of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle waa held In the room* of the public library last night. Interest In the work of the Clrc'.e la growing atradlly and sev eral new members were' added last siltbt The lesaon for laat night was thf early South. Mlsa Lite Rodman read a most interesting paper or tho life and work of John Randolpl' ot Roanoke. The reading received the closest of attention and the pa per showed careful preparation and research work. In answering the roll-call, thr members present responded witl some news item re'atlve to th' South. M'.ns Lena Wlndley read an exc Uent paper on the porolbllitie of the South. Another member gave out as a news item the fact tha' "Acres of Diamonds." the lecture p* the Chautauqua two years ago which made a d elded impression could now be obta'ned in book form One of the members a!?o gave a brief history of the prominent mer of the Sou'h. At the next me* ting of the Circle Mies Rodman will read a paper or Nathaniel Macon. Mrs. Catrer wl) a'eo read a paper, devoted to the lif? ot Edward Everett. It is planned to Invlt* Mrs. Col-* who was superintendent of thr Chautauqua here this year, to make the Circle a brief visit on her way to Florida. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Whereas, God Id His all wise Providence has ^n fit to take from us by death our faithful sister and co-wprker, Mrs. Annie Rowe. ther* fore, we, the Lad!*a' Aid Society of the M thodist Church of Aurora, N. C resolve: That we bow In humble submls elon to Ood'c will and we know our loss la bar gain and while we shall mlaa her face we know "He doeth all thinga well." That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, one to "The Free Will Baptist," one to the Ra leigh Christian Advocate, one to the Washington Dftlly News, and one spread upon our minutee. Mrs. W. E. Trotman, Mrs. T. P. Bonoer, Mis* Lottie Hal* Bonner. PINKVTLLB SCHOOL NEWS. Thb second month of the Plne vllle school has Just cloned with an enrollment of W and a# average at tendance of 63. There were ft who w*re present cacl^ day during the month. ? The moonlight school lr progress ing nicely. Thar* were nine pre*; -ent last night and tits/ are -so inter ested that they ?re asking now if ws will oohtlntte loo per t^an the aj n\h CAPITAL DEBUTANTES The Misses Sutanne (left) and Eliz abeth (light) are the daughters of Captain and Mrs. Volney O. Chose, U. S. N., and are among the prominent debutantes In Washington society this winter. Captain Chase Is a member of the ?tafT of Xdmlral William S. Ben son. of the bureau of operations of the nary department No date h&a yet been announced for their comicg-out party. sua SHEIK Voting Wilmington Lawj6r in Ap pointed Judge of Superior Court. I a Only 81 Years of Age. Raleigh. Dec. 1. ? William p.[ Stacy, New Hanover's present rrpre-j ;entfttive In the general assembly. I vaa appointed to the Judgaship made j /acsnt by the resignation of Judg Jeorge Rountree 10 da}4# ago and I ecelved h!a commission from Gov- 1 rnor Craig this afternoon. The fight for the favorite? was | ?arrled on to the finish last night. Jrook Eraplr, Clayton Grant and AMley Person Mangum Tufner be ng here in the afternoon to make n appeal for A. G. Rlcaud. rhey raw he handwrltlcg on the gubcrnator al wall but did not slop. They con ond d that Mr. R'.caud, who ha: ad about 3G years expericncc 'j: he bar. had the majority of indorse cnts and that the Southport bar ou d have supported him hcartilj ut for the caudidaey of Cranmer. Mr. Stacy's commission was slgn 1 by thi officers of state this ntora g and mailed to him on the noon alo. He is now the youngett man i tho bcnch and much the young ,>t one who ha3 been appointed by ovcrnor Craig. He will be 31 y ars Id Deccmbor 2G and haa been prac cing law nearly 10 years. At the nlverailty ho tool* high rank and von the Mangum medal in oratory e was oar- of th9 strong debaters a the last general assembly aud Dok high rank among the lawyers. Besides' being .a good lawyer and \ man of brilliance, he was recom n nded to Governor Craig as a man jf splendid Judgment. Ho is strong ?hysioally and will find the circuit riding no hardship. And physical conditions have played the North Carolina Judiciary pretty hard the last half dozen years. In that period he bench ha? lost some uneonv nonly strong men. Mr. 8tacy'? appointmrnt will stand itt'41 the next campaign when a nomination for ttffc unexpired term will be made. Judge Rountree war hosen last fall for a term of eight /ears, having served more than two and a half years by appointment and election combined. DISCUSS ROADS AT HIGHLAND SCHOOL Meeting to be Held Toalglit. K. L. Stewart to Make Addreas. A meeting, for the purpose of discussing the good roads work in Washington township, will be held at the Highland school house to* night. An interesting program has been prepared. A special delegation from the achool district waii In the *lty a few dsys stgo and rei|uottnd K L. Stew art to be among the speakers on to night's program. ^trJ?Biewart will explain in detail the nature of the work and sny other information he asked to fir# in ^sneotiu:i jwiia tttt proposed bond iffus. SURRY PARKER SUGGESTS ROUTE FOR AUTO TRIP Urges That Friday's Trip be Taken to New Bern and Kinston Where Much Road Work Has Been Done Plnetown, N. C., Not. 30. 1916. Editor E-al y News, Washington. N. C. Dear sir: The writer Is very much interest ed in the proposed Improvements. to Ihe county roads in Washington township and f ols certain that when your township gels good roads the other townships will immediately fall In line and also have improved roads. I have had to travel by automo bile in several other counties during the past f w weeks and have noticed the work .that is being done In all of them and I wish to ca'.i the at tention of all who will go on the trip this Friday to what soems to mo to be the points where they will see tho work that will be of the greatest use to them In forming an opinion a? to what sort of road we ihall have in this county for>the first money we spend. My idea Is th~y should start early and go to New Bern via Bridgeton. Just this side of Bridgeton they will see a few miles of the greatest im provement mado on any road In this >ectlon. The worst sand In the Stato has been mad6 Into one of the very lest roads in the State during the iast 60 days using Lilllngton gravel. ? want them to see this to prove to ill who go that while It makes a jcautlful road the expense is too ;reat for Beaufort county yet. When his road Is completed the cost per nile will be $7100.00. This Is the nme sort of road as those around iavannah, Ga., that are so highly ^raised by a'.l road experts and a-d omobile racing drivers from Europe ind America. It Is g'*i road but :oo costly. We should see It and ue able to eliminate it from our present calculations. Then run on Into New Bern and )Ut two mil "6 on the Fort Barnwell oad end see some more of this road vith the broken stone and *'Tarvia" ?oatlng applied. Then look over the >Id U. S. Government shell-rock oad to th* National cemetery ar.d hen to lunch at the Gaston, the ea'.ly only good place that will be landy about noon. After luncheon, which should bo :r.lihed by one o'clock take the Fort arnwcll road to Fort Barnwell, 25 li'es over the most practical road e can expect to get at this time in 'lis county. This road Of 25 miles in te made in 45 minutes without r.y hurry or nay In one hour easily >r all cars. This read cost $2.r?0 to SCO per m'.'e after running off of "an Mll'rgton gravel road with Tprvla" topp'ng. It was built it ly with convict labor and a few cod road tools and is the very best 'ece of road of 25 mile length In "'lis section of the State and I have nought a Rreat m^.ny times in going 'ver this road how happy It wou'd nake all of our peopl" If *? could a;et such a road in this county. Wo ME (.TING OF BOOK CLUBS ON TOMORROW \ddlsco, O. Henry and Cre?rlta Clubs to Hold Regular Meetings. Hostess** Announced. The three book clubs of the city vlll hold their regular meetings to norrow afternoon, the followlnR tn ouneoments being glreo out this nornlnf : Addlsco <Xub. , Will meet at th? boms of MIks Sadie Wlswa:i at four o'clock, with \frs. Law son as hostess. Crwrltf Club. Will meet at the homo of Mrs. K. S. Simmons on East Main street, with Mrs. C. B. Bell and Mrs. W. L. Vaughan as hosteffses O. Henry Club. Will meet at 3:80 o'clock at tho can have every road leading out ofi Washington to ths township line In thia ehapo after .baying the neces Miry road machinery and t am with the proposed bond* issue and evon make the roads aegr Washington in a somewhat mora' expensive com pleten as at double' the cost for say three miles on each main road aud a till ba wall within the limit. After (saving FArt Barnwell go lo K.nston over soma old time Beau fort county road jutt about th^ same as we are now uaingl From Klnston go to Hookerton. in Green county, live miles thia aide oT Hookerton you will gat on th? vary beat Ave miles of road in any oounty around hare. It is Just being built' sow, fire miles completed In one road leading di rectly into Hookerton, and three miles In another direction. Thia road is a higher grado of mixing of the material than the other and cost about $700 par mile but the same road can ba. built here for $4 00 to $600 per mHe because we have the swamps already graded and fllled aud bridged while they are doing a'-l of this work In connection with the present road improvement running the cost up to the figure named. You : should certainly see this road; It is' a groat road. Mado where a for, months ago the 6and wis almost im passible at all times. From Hookerton go to Snow Hill, six miles, and get on anouher goad road to FaTmvillc; then frr?m Farm vll'.e to Greenville to th? Proctor liotel for supper; then home. Over the bridge you will strike Uvo milos more of strictly good road and lb* balance fair dirt road to Washlng ? on via Pactolus. The main thing to see in my mind is the good roads of two grades ? jne extremely high, the other within our roach, ne^r New Bern. Then the Fort Barnwell road and the Hook erton roads, ?oth of gvSat interest :o us at this time. The Hookerton oad is now In conrso of construc tion. The extension of tho Fort tarnwell road is a'so under con duction using about 40 convicts ?vhlch are at this time working ibout a mile fr6m Fort Barnwell on he Oak Bridge road and by the way .his is the better way to go to K:? iton. You will in going thia way ?a33 teh placo called Tower Hill, he capital of North Caro'lna from '.758 to 1762. A granite monument will be seen Immediately alongside ?i the road showing thia spot at a olnt five m'.les from Klnston on tb - "}ak Bridge road. You will also se work being done near this monu'men n Lenoir county. They or* using i heavy truck to pull tha -road ma chinery such air drags an?J scrapers. It might be bettor to l ave early ?>nough to get dinner In Klnston to enable you to cover the route bet ter. With kindest wishes, 8. PARKER. CIVIC CLUU MEETS MONDAY AFTZRVOON Will IMwtjsi Work for Next Year. Meettog to be He'd with Mm. H. W. Carter. % Th<> Washington Civic Club will meet with Mrs. H. W. Carter Monday 'afternoon at three o'clock for the I purpQBn of discussing work for next year. A fu!l attendance Is desire.1 and It Iff hoped that all members of the club will be present. ' At the meeting that wan held Bat. unlay afternoon, the members wore ask d to make a report at the next mooting, suggesting what work the club abould take up. This report will be made at Monday's meeting. home Jof Mrs. Oeo. T. Leach on West Main street. WE WILL FURNISH Pure Distilled Water From Now on at FoVowt: 10 gallon* and over, 2 centa per ga'.lon; ?anything Imr than 10 gallons, 8 centa per gallon. ? Mlnmura amount sold 6 cent* worth. No. water charged on book*. Crystal Ice Company PHQNE $3 _ WASHINGTON, C. BEING INOCULATED AGAINST TYPHUS Th? Aaotn?n up to d?f (n adopt?d to -r?r-at 3urc*on? *r<! * e . 5^ c BO'dl?r? ?gUnst typbui, which hai been ?pldtalc to 8?rW? and p?rtt of Auslnm FREE COlYkSE OFFERED TO FARMERS OF STATE Colleg",j of Agriculture and Mechanic Art Announces its Winter Course in Agriculture, Jan. 10 ? Feb 8. J .aleigh, Dec. 1. ? A four weeks' ^ .ort course In agriculture la offered ihe farmers of North Caro'ltia by tho Agrlcultual and Mechanical Col lege. A special Invitation Is given them to como to the college and study In the class rooms and work r. the laboratories for four weeks without any charge for the tuition. While at the college mea'.a may be obtained at the meas hall ror tweu ty-flve cents each. Rooms may eith er obtained In the city of Raleigh ir out at West Raleigh In some of the boarding housa adjacent to the rollege as the individual may choose Special courses will be given in Sofa, Drainage. Fertilizers, Field Crops, Frulte, Vegetable*, Farai Animals. Dairying, Poultry, Plan* nd Animal Dis ases, Marketing and Parm Management. The co'.Uge has t aplaaild equipment for the pur WAYOME CLUB HELD MEETING ldr<] cn Club Colc.r.s. Financial Condition Discussed nnd Other Matters Taken Up. An im;)or*.ant meeting was held ast night by the Wayome Club In heir rooms in th" Laughinghoune uMdlrg. A majority of th? mem era were present, and inter?>st teems to be steadily increasing. Thn n niters hope to make th'a one of he moat helpful and flourishing lulis in the State. The members voted on the most ultable colors for the club, and inal'y red and while were accopted is Its future colors. The financial condition was also l!?rcussed, and a new committee wag ippointed by the President to help ollect the money subscribed by the various business men of the elty, or the benefit of a Young Men's Club. With the aid of Miss Radt' Wiswall, who ie a very prominent worker for the club, this committee hopes to collect a large amount for its benefit, which will put It on a tound financial basis and insure Its success. The mo'ting adjourned to meet igaln Wednesday night, December 8th, at 8:30 o'clock, and a special .nvitatlon Is extended to the Hoard of Directors to be present at tills meeting. ItRITT TO INTRODUCE TWO IMPORTANT DILLS Washington, Dec. 1 ? Represen tative Brltt said today that he will Introduco two bills of general in terest to Western Nortfe Carolina people when Congress convenes. He would provide for a term of the cir cuit court of appeals. of which Judgo Pritchard Is a member, for Ashevllle, and build public roads a cross the forest reservations, five of which are In his and adjoining dis tricts. These reservations cover a bout 500,000 acreg of land. Mr. Brltt favors the continuation of the Weeks Jaw appropriations for tbo purchase of other lauds. ?a?w>r!t>? to th* D*"s ?I?m. I pose of giving practical Instruction along all tbo '.Ices mentioned, and the opportunity offend the farmer to Improve himself in his method* has never before been equaled. This la duo In part to the many change* In farm conditions and to th fr??- j quent methods which are discovered, from time to time that are improve ments over old method? The new dairy and creamery a: tb col'eg which Ir now fhtppinp butt?-r on n' commercial scale wi'.l give n \v points. The Improved and pur*.* tred llveatcck in the col'eg barni &nd the methods of hand ing aamv bhould 'je of interest. The experi ments on the college farm and the methods of cropping could also be studied with profit. So a lot of practical good as well a? theoretical knowledge can be gnined. Every farmer in the stat is in vited to come. TO GIVE DANCE DECEMBER 31 Former Members of Halcyon Cluli to Give (krmun Coiii| ilnurniut-) to the I'rcsent Member a. At a meeting of former tne'.nb'r* of the 21alcyon c ub. which was held In the office of Mr. Bragaw *.3?' night. It wjib derided th*' a gt.man be given at ihe Flks hs.U on ' / ? r.!ght of Dec mbcr V. 1st. coniplim !?? lary to ihe m-rinbt'is >f the pres it lla'rjDn ('ub. fbe u::eting ?-na at tended bj a b Tibet of mt:) and great Intel U 6hr.vn in the coining 've:.t. C. H. Richardson, F. H. Rollins and Goo. Hackney. Jr., were ap pointed an a committee of arrange ments and F. H. Bryan was ap pointed to act as the finance coxn mltte. To Decide Eawtem Championship. Pittsburgh, Pa, Drc. 1. The football team of th ? University of Pittsburgh today ehall^ng^d the Cornell eleven for a gam? to d<*tpr m'.ne the eastern championship. Neither team lost a game during the season Just closed Bryan Approve* Ford's Plan. Miami, Fla . Deo 1. William Jennicgs Bryan who arrived hero today to spend three month* In hi* winter home said that ho hf.d forced to deelino to ?ail with i^ie Ford peace ml salon on Daeemhrr 4. Mr. Bryan, who found Mr. Ford's Invitation awaiting him when hn reaeh'd Miami, declared that he ap proved of the plan and expected 1o Join the party later at some point In Europn. H \ YH I1AKKK, The rich people who give Chrlni mas presents. when given in the name of friendship. l*avr> out ail money values, says ono what could be tnore appreciated and yet val uablenesa than ones photo. BAKER'S 8Ti;iMO. TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS LINT? 1 Hie. SEED COTTON ? |4.?0. I COTTON SEED ? 940.00. GOOD SPEAKERS Mr. ninuldilJp of Washington City, Mr. Dav!?, SainrinU-ndcnt of N. C. AntJ-Su]oon I.tsigue, to Make AddrtMtN. Sunday wl'.l be National Prohlbl :ion Day and the day will hav? a Li?tt-wor:by observance at Washing ton.. Uoa. E C- Dinwiddle, of Washington. D C., national legisla tive sup r.ntendent, w:'.l speak at :he Method's! church at 11 a. m. At 3 p. m. Mr Dinwiddie will epeak to a nia^ meeting of the citizen* of the town. Superintendent n. L. Davis of the North Carolina Anti "nluon Li-ague will ep ak at the Presbyterian church at 11 a m., and Rev. r i. (Jaj, field secretary of the t'hr.'^ria^ church at 11 a. in. and .it the Hap'.ist church at 7:30 p. m. Vlie abo.e article appeared In this ltt'-rnluv's News and Obs rver and v . u < evidently piven to the press by Hi v. 11 I.. Guy or some other per 1 or; who ftus af'iutrnted with the ac-'a.jM ii* ibc r,.l!y that Ip t obe !u lh - ? :'y on th above day. n:?rr>::.r u.:rlr<?s :-j assured those iv. j; h -ar Ii.ju Sunday It 1? e Wr nf jv '"-i1 will intend the aer va: " j u .* meeting places. 1' ."w'dj.fl a moot a larg?? num r aril ar. extremely Ili'.-Khirj o.-i urreil laM Night In | Trui- Wislcrn Highway iiien Ma:Ir* Tlielr Escape. r~ (By Ear-i rn Pr I Grc-envli'c. I>c 1 ? Jordan Wil son, a: t h lower e: d of the bridge ntro'-s the Tar river, v. . held up I u ; n by two ca'.o:. d .ncn and rel:*r <1 <-r ?:? 20 '.n cash and a ^r?d;f s"p ,'rom A, I. Mills" store. The hold-up was b com pUshed In ?: io wild west ?" v!r. As WilfiOQ .?^?reached. the two across sprang ( i :j :n the bushes. pointed th Ir ro ?ol\ers at his h?ad and commanded "hands up!" V."'lton could do noth ing but obey. Af.er they had rifled h p pocke'jc, th/. highwaymen order ed h'.m to prore d on his way and then disappeared. W Ivon has reported the matter t i tbp po iro bii* so far nothing haa I fcf-en that might lead to re pealing the identity of the hold-up meo. wants c;RFr\*nono TO r.r.T AltMT ( AMP W?*( 'nr'on. Per 1 - -Itrprf?en ?iiMve S'p'lnnr a*kr/i Secretary Gar , ri^nn o* the Wir D-parlm^n? to lo ?al" a'-, army tralnirg ramp nlml'ar to r h on? ai PlB"shurg. at Greens boro Mr Garr!*on promised to take the mart" unrt?*r rinsldnratlon Mj f did not bold oiif much hop* j "Mr S'^dmnn ealkrl upon the State I I^por'tnnTit for fts?:?tanee to get [ 'br-Mifb th- b'orkwd* pom? ayanlda of nnila for North Carolina manu facturer*. TO-NIGHT High Clue* Photoplay* 6- Splendid ( Friday. I>tc. Srd "NRAI< OF Tlltt NAVY" Go and 10c

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