the DAILY NEWS PRINTS MOfaTLOOAt NEWS THAN AKY OTHgR PAPER IK THE STATE VOLUME 7. WASHINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY AfTERNOON, DECEMBER 2, 1915. NUMBER IJ7. DR RODMAN IS HOST AT MEETING beauport 6ouxty< medical SOCIETY MET WITH HIM LAST NIGHT. MANY PRESENT Interesting Paper* Read and DU cusecd. Dr. Mau Inrltod the MpJIom to Moot With Him In VMnurj. The Beanfort County If *41 eel Society met last night at the home of the Preeldent, Dr. John C. Rod man. Thrrt wu a good attendance of the memhere, and several prom inent pbysiclsns from other local ities. As In prsvlous meeting* held with Dr. Rodman, highly interesting and Instructive pepere were heard and discussed. The physicians who helped to make the meeting a success by ex hibiting such fine pepere were Dr. R. L. Payne, Jr., whose subject was "A consideration of some of the def inite indications for the use of local anaetheela." Dr. Schubert. "Haemo globlnurlc Fever." Dr. D. T. Tayle\ "Gunshot wounds of the knee Joint, with ease cited." A very tntereetlng clinical case of heart lesion was ex hibited. _ Dr. Louie Mann extruded a cor dial welcome to the society to meet with him la February. Thoee present were: Doctors. P. A. Nicholson, vice president; H. W. Cartrr, secretary; D. T. Tayloe, L. H. Mann, E. M. Brown. 8. T. Nich olson, J. O. Blount, J. L. Nicholson, Jr., Joshus Tayloe. Dr. 8chubert, of Aurora, A. K. Tayloe. of Aurora. R. 8. Primrose, New Bern, Norfleet 3. Olbbs, New Bern, R. L. Payne, Jr., Norfolk. Va.. J. L. Nicholson, Bath. MADETALK FOR ROADS K. L. 8tcw?rt Addressed Gathering at the Highland School House Last Night. Before a representative gather ing of farmers at the Highland school house last night, E. L. Stew art, aecrcrtary of the Washington Good Roads Association, made a most forcible and impressive ad dress on the proposed bond issue for good roads and the work that It Is p'.annd to do.* Mr. Stewart began his talk b y explanlng that the movement was not a political one, that It was being agitated, by Republicans and Demo crats alike. He went on to state that it was not a move In which th city people were trying to put some thing over on tho country folk, but a project that tended to aid In the educational and spiritual uplift of the entire township. Ho explained how Pitt and Martin counties had worked on the same plan that Wash ington township is contemplating and that It had bsen highly suc cessful In the townships of these other counties. Hlg discussion took! up every phase of the work and met J ?very possible argument that could be brought np. At ths conclusion of his address. Mr. Stewart anawered a number ot questions regarding the bond issue and detail* In connoetlon with the road work. i Aflv?rtlM In Th# D?llr New*. FORflES Orchstra -at- . . The Palms TONIGHT 8.30 to 10.30 DANCING PERMITTED BULGARIAN TRANSPORT AND CONVOY View of ? Bulgarian traniport train ut d its convoy of inraotrymao ?at, the Bul*ar? bad be*uu the Invasion of dor! >la. GIVE PLAY FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY Win Ho Staged at the New Theatre Tomorrow Night by Member* of the Cornelian Club. The Cornelian Club of tho Wash ingtdn High School will present "An Open Secret," a comedy in two acts, xi the Ker Theatre tomorrow night. I' his vlay was presented at the high achool auditorium last week and made such a hit with the audienci that it was decided to repeat the performance at a placo where u .arger number might hare the priv ilege of .viewing Kv . The proceeds from tomorrow eight's play will be turned over to the public library association. Program. I. "An Open Secret," a comedy .n two acts. Cast of Characters. Madge Apthorpe, a college girl. Laura Brand. Jean, her confidante, Eleanor Berry Mrs. Apthorpe, her mother, Dora Bonner Grace Apthorpe, her sister, aged 10, Addelle O'Brien Classmates of Madge ? Edith ...Dorothy Brown Elinor Eleanor Berry Carrie Elsie Kel.y May Gladys AlJIgood Kate Rita Warr n Agatha Meade, a girl not in the seurot Blanche llosa II. Vocal Solo. L'Es'.asi, Ardlti Macye Glasgow III. Scarf ? Fantastics ? Kathleen Latham, Ethel M1xo:i, Gladys A ligoud, Florence Uarr:i, Jorlg Jones, Lalla Latham, Thu'ni/ .Vlayo, Thelma L gget, Alicu White. MAY PUT TAX ON TOBACCO Rumored That Congress Is Consid ering Taxing the Weed in Order #To Raise More Revenue. Washington, Dec. 2. ? The pres eree here yesterday of R. J. Rey nolds, of Winston-Salem, and a number of other tobacco pien, start ed a rumor that the coming Congrei is preparing to lay a heavy tax or tobacco in order to help rals^ money for tha nations'. defense program. When seen today, Congressman Claude Kltchln, chairman of th way? and m ans committee, which prepares the schedules for raising revenue, admitted that many mem bers of his committee were urging a large tax on tobacco. Mr. Kltch'n hop s, however, he may be sMe to at least keep the tax down to a min imum. If a tax is put on tobacco the far mers and the consumers, it is said, will besr the burden. While the to bacco manufacturer will have to pay I the tax this yrar on such packages of goods as have already been put up. the large part of tt w!l! fall on the farmer who grows the weed, and the man who ehews and smokes tt. Tobacco, like optton, has bro?^ hard hit by thfwar. TobaOcomen claim that It will be an Injuatlce to | place aa additional burden on the I growers by ^?vylng a war tax for ' national defease. I Notice of Stockholder* Meeting. The annual meeting of the ?took holders of he First National Dank of Washington. North Carolina, wll be held on Tuesday. January 11th at tw41*a o'clock noon, 1916, at tfc?tr banking house ? " A. U PUMaY CMfcltr. ARCHBELL-BR0OK&. (Contributed) A pretty church wedding char acter. zed by simplicity took place Wedn oaday evening, Nov. 24th% at 8:00 o'clock, at 8t. Thomas Bpla> copaf ( 'hurch, Bath, N. C., wheimit* Audrey Brooks, daughter of Mr. and Mr. s. S. T. Brook*, wa* married o Mr. James Clark Archb<-'.1, of Bath. N. C., Rev. Howard Alllgood being tht ? officiating clergyman. The cl urch was artistically dec orated ith autumn leaves, chry anthem ut as and potted plants. Mu .,5c for t bo occasion was rendered by ?llss L n a Rivera Jones, attired ?n /hit? net over Pink silk, wearing ?arnatlons. She played the brlda horus fros ? Lohengrin as a proces .local, the recessional being Hen le.sibon's M arch. Tho br!do w*s attended by her :ster. Miss Ht Brooks, the maid honor. The other attendants v4re Mrs. T. \ V. M&rsb, dame" of .lonor, wearing \ ^ln.k chiffon over >ltk silk, caryiug carnations; Miss es Emily Mitchell, Ellabeth Latham, Ulldred Winll Id, . i Messrs. Qoldwi Burbage. G. Wt Ma rsh, Sam Pegram. Will Patrick was hi *?t man and Jim Jayne and Henry Campbell the jehers. .The bride's costuiCe was a beau tiful creation of white silk cr pe de .-bine, carrying bride's ro*es. The maldH were gowned In the rainbow . o'ors and carried carnations. MiM Brooks is a you tug woman of i charming personality. numb- ring Uer fritnds by her ac luaintancos. .Mr. Archbell Is a prom'. neat citizen j{ Bath. The large number handsome presents aire; ted thr popularity of ;ho bridp and groom throughout this e.-ilon. Mr. Settle to Pivach. Rev. H. H. Settle will preach at lie Cihrlstian church Su-day morn tig and night, instead of Rev. R. L,. Cay, as was announced in tha Sew* aid Observer ami: reprlted !>i :ho Daily News yestercfcLy. WILSON NEWS UKC3EFS. Funeral of Louis R. Jordan. Work Progresses on A. C. L. Station. Wilson, D c. 2. ? The rwmata s of Louis R. Jordan were brought to WilFon Tuerday from Char*otte, where Mr. Jordan bad read* his home for the &ast ten yrsvr*. Mr. Jordan died at an early ho-mr Bun rlay. Tuesday afternoon the* fuacr a] service wag held. ? large force of men Is a* work on the new freight etatlon of the' Atlantic Coast Line, the building Is lo bo of th- laest construction and ( will cover an entire city blec%. i FCRCHA8KD RESTAUR Ai*T, , George Diamond tk Co. hav? pur chased the cafe formerly owned by J. R. Proctor near the Norfolk Southern passenger station. The Interior has been remodelled and new fixtures Installed. The estab 'Ishment now presnnts a most neat end attractive appearance. S It wfll W open d^y and night under the ramc of "The Norfolk Southern Cafo." Washington l?* but a small city. 1 but the Baker Studio takes no back | A sk for what you will; the I goods will be delivered In good TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS UNT? 11*0. gF?!T) COTTON? 14.60. COTTON M? ??, 8AV8 BAKER. rupe. BAKER'S STUDIO. AUTO TRIP TOREHELD TO'MORRO' I AT LEAST as CAM A.ND ISO MKN" WILL TAKE "THB OOOD ROADS TRIP." .? < TO START AT 9.30 Cans Wflfc .-taaemble In Frost of tbe I Ch^ibcr of Commerce. Will Be Divided into Two Routes. Rnm ?wnblo ml Old Ford. ? ? * With tii? kind permission of the '?veather man, at least twenty-five I automobile#? end probably thirty ? *111 leave Washington tomorrow morning at 9:50 o'clock from in front of the Chamber of Commerce, for the gotftl roads demoaatratlon trip into adjoining counties. Half of the cars will proceed from bore to Old Ford, picking up those tarmers, who desire to make tho trip, along the route. The other half will go out on the Wilttamston road, past the home of W. H. Stan di! and the Freeman farm, for the same purposo. The cars will then re-assemble at Old Ford and the trip will be started In earnest. Pitt county will be the first section to be visited and. In order to show what 'he residents of Beaufort county can o when they make up their minds, lie cars w^U probably drop into Jreenvir.e to let the people of tba? ?l;y see the slso of the expedition. The drivers of the different auto nomies are requested to be in fron* ?f tho Chamber of Comm-rce a: line o'clock, In order that the trip .-nay start promptly at 9:30. Th? - committee in charge of arrasgp agents will route the different cars so a9 to avoid all coafusi^p and misunderstanding. At l ast one hundred and fifty nen will take tho trip. AID SOCIETY HOLD BAZAAR WiU lie Hei'd Friday Evening and Saturday by Ladles of the Baptist Church. The Ladls Aid Society of the Baptist church will have a bazaar ?n the Simmons' office building on j "a*v?t street Friday evening and Saturday of this week. A full line or fancy work, luc udlng many suit able Christmas glfta, will be shown and lunches will be served. I DA LI A SCHOOL NOTES. Editor Dally News: Please allow us (Idalla Graded School Colored) to express a few | thoughts re'atlve to the many good! things of this, a part of the "Qarddh 1 of the World." | Wc arranged a splendid program ( for Thanksgiving, such an solos, ' duets, quartettes, quintettes, speech es. recitations, etc. By 7:30 our epacloua school houae was filled with all ages from one year to 98 years old. I have never met a more ap^* preclatlve people. Illstorleal'y we did our best to make them know the real meaning of a "Thanksgiving," and how very much our President of the United Stat' a and the Governors of the several States endeavored to make tho whole nation know the manner In which It should be celebrated. The deportment of all was ex- ? cetlent. We have organised a free light school for all who will attend. We t'achers have duties Incum beat upon us, vis: to take care of the buildings and grounds. Our flrnt efforts wl!l be for beautifying the Interior of the building, the second the grounds In various ways. We asxed our patrons to asalst us In getting aorae curtain, etc., for the different rooms. They helped us to tho amount of near six dol lars. Thus far, 'we hare a large at tendance. We are badly Inconren Icnced In the lack of desks and blackboards. We are doing our best to make our school one of the best la the county. We feel that ew have the co-opsrstion of OUT progressive County Superintended. Board o; Education and our oommlttee and patrons. Such cooperations are all that progressive teachers want or nead, glneer^ljr, J. J. Clsmmous, Prin 0U47I Carr, Awt SCENE OF BITTER FIGHTING T.b* yU*M? of T*Jiur?. rruc*. whlot. wltk Um Urrtuwr KU?c?nt. ti? boon Ui? seen, ol tremftodoci SrHttaf Mm m. <J?rnnn. uj th- - A? tba pholompb (bow*, the ?UU?? la bo* kst ? ? o' - i,^1 ???????? ? CLOTHING NEK DED ? TOR MANY CHILDREN ? IN WASHINGTON ? The cold weather has brought * to the attention of the local ? Aesoc'.at d Charities a number ? of caseB where children are not * provided with sufficient clothing ? to keep themselve? warm. Two ? or three cai?ca are rxtremely pit ? lfu! and It Is absolutely eesen * tla! that they be given ase'.ut ? ance. * The president of the AmocI * ated Charltl s Issues an urgent * appeal to the kind-hearted clt * Itecs of Washington for help. ? If anyone has any clothing - which their children have out * grown, will they kindly com ? municate with the president In ' ord- r that the suffering of some ? 'of the little ones may be ro ' lleved? \NOTHER HOLD-UP AT GREENVILLE V. P. Clark Robbed at Point of Re volver. Hlgbu'B) men Mode Good Their Escape. (By Eastern Press) Greenville, Dec. 2. ? W. P. Clark, a local citiaec, was held up about a .nl'e from town last night by tw<? logroea, who relieved him of nine tollara. The hold-up was similar to tha* which occurred Tiight before last, wh n Jordan Wilson was robbed of 59.20 In the same way. It is gen ?ra'ly believed tha'. the same h gh waymen committed both robberies. The men ypranp at Mr. Clark from ho road aid . pointed their revol vers at him and took big colli. W. C. T. L\ MEETING 1)K EN POSTPONED On account of the absence of Mrs. O. n. Carmalt from th?. city, the meeting of th" W. C. T. U . which was to have been held with her this afternoon, has been post poned until Wednesday of next wo k, when a meeting will be held at the homo of Miss Bettle Fairow, at three o'clock. At four o'clock on the frame d*v| the Loyal Temperanre Legion wll'.i ho'd their regular m'etlng at the same placo. A full attendance of] both organizations Is requested. I TO INCORPORATE | AURORA FAIR! Will Ifaro Authorized Capital Stock of 110,000. Finn to Hnvo B?g(for Fair Vent T?>ar. Aurora, Dee. 2. ? Pan* a.? un der way for Incorporating the Au rora Fair Annotation, enlarging the capital Block and putting tbft aa*o clatlon on a ' more bu9lnen*-'.!ke ba sis. It l? Intended to Incorporate with an authorized capita) stock of 110,000. v Aurora expect* to have a bigger | and better fair than ever next year and It la with this In view that the ibove arrangement! are being made. '?J.I DK A RECORD CATC H OF ?'ISII lurora FliliPrmMi Crnight 1M Pound* of Chob I if Pour Hour*. Aurora. D?c. 2. ? B. H. Thompson. | B. B. Thompton end W. h. Hooker, . prominent rwldente of thle cltjr. I caught 168 pounds of chub In four houra' time yeeterdej n.'ternoon while fleblov In Durham'* Creek. Th? flehlni In nil of the -'ream* In thle lection It excellent end bis Mt<k? i? wr LIGHT imuW FELL THIS MORNING Flr?t Know of th* Samoi. Efc Earl iest That Hm Bpfo RwurtVr* in U'uriUn^Uto for a Num ber of YcArn. It mow d t fa It morning In Wash ngton. The fa!! WMn't heavy fnough for slelgh-ridlng or for snow-balling but t ?&s heavy enough to be notice able. This is the earliest snow that ias been recorded In Washington .or a numb r of years. With lowering skies today H Is probable that more snow will c iin? either today or tomorrow Tho con tinued cold weather also jr.vos promise of skating on th? Pamlico. BEST OFFERING AT LOCAL STORES L>nly IP Mere Shopping Day* Until Chrintmaa. Early Shopper* Will lie tlie Bent Suited. Do your Shopping Now. Shop early! Ouly 19 shoppltg Jays let until Christmas and. If you ioa": b gis on those 1 ists at one, ,-ou're almost certain to be shopplui. I ae week before Christmas Re | member. the 19 shopping day* iu-( .lude Christmas Eve, which, by/ ights, should be as much of a holi day as Christmas Day Its If. Resolve this year cot to be caugh n the shops after the Saturday be are Christmas. The shopper wh? nakes this resolution aud sticks t It will not only call down blessing ja his head from hundreds of sal t people, delivery men, and bundle joya. but will enjoy Christmas twlc its much as he ever did before, li >tead of rising compl' tely wo; n ou and out of sorts with lb-:- rush of tin preceding days. Chrlsti-.a* mor: itv wll! find him rested and refreshed and with cvai ;* ner ??? In tune che spirit of tb happy holiday. Remember Shop fllrl*. The underlying thought of Christ mas l?r "Peace and goad-will." I Is not the mood of a person who ha> spent the day before In feverish buying In erowd d and overheate. shops from salespeople who ar i pad? to drop from fatigue and ex haust'.on. Ar.d the last minute shopper r.ev ft gets the satisfaction of his fore handed brothr or sister All th thopg put In their Christmas st-ick fully a month ahead. The dainty Christmas toys and nove ties, n we. is morn substantial g!fts demanded y the "Spugs." are on the counters iow. They are ffsh and new, end their variety Is large, so that all :as:es and purses can be satisfied. Farly Shopper Beat Suited. Later on they will he picked ov r It's the early shopper who can mnke the best selection, ar.d who gels iliej most attractive gifts. The lat" on* must be sntlsfled with what h? ran ;e. and he han no one to blnme jut himself Because everybody can shop turly If he wants to. On'y a fry Utile, will-power (a necessary to make ou I the list of things you Intend to give | After that. It's easy, because one you begin your shopping and get In to the Christmas shopping mood, you are not likely lo shop until the las' bit of red rlbhon has been tied about the last package. Begin today. Make Chrlaiini"' shopping the fun that It ought t-' be. and lat your friends sen that your gifts were not the haphazard choir, of a moment, but the result of lov iitg eare and thoughtfulneas. Rhvi tariff ?tttotrlfct to tfca Dally Mtwi AVSTRIANS CAPTURED PRISREND IMPORTANT POINT NEAR AU BANIAN liOllIIKU FALLS INTO HANDS OI TKITO.VS. BOMBARD BELGIUM Fleet Aiuck* G< ruijuui is 'iai Country. (.recco Wuu uriiiucxJ Neutrality. UriUth HfUttl La Callipull. B<?r!!n. Dec. 2. ? The captor* of i'rlsnr.d. Id Western S rbla. near he Allaniac border, was announced oday by ;ho war otKce. lirltihb Klcoi Homtinrtl flplglnm. l.ondon, j_>ec. 2. ? German poal loss or. the Belgian coast from ".o brugge to Ostmd were bombarJ d fjr irro hours yesterday by a >ri:ifh squadron. accord. ng to a :ieu:T dispatch from Amsterdam. I'rcnch UfThlul Communication. Pari#, Dec. 2 ? "There is nothing ?' importance to add to the com uuuica: on cf :as t night," the war >:.".c.' annoucc d today. ? ir- oce \Vu:>ta Continued Neutrality. Ltig.lon, Ij?c. 2- ? "The basis of jl!tc? reply 1? a neutrality which wlil crntlnae benevo! nt to th* en :*.ntt? a- .oug as lite sovereign rights if Cre-.: iir,- not infringed and no : . atrlc'.Jor.r o J a military character *rn impos J." lelegaphs the Ath ns ccm&poKdrtnt of Reuter's TM g:atr. Company. l$riti>h i uiitlnue Ilftroat. Per' Is. D'-c 2 ? Official advices . ? vi .i x f:.n Constantinople state that hi British farcei in Mesopotamia re continuing to retreat, fo'lowlng ho la: etc on November 23th, which - snid to have resulted In a victory ir thp Turks. Amnng the British i? a cavalry commander, kill . d in the haul'. ENTERTAINED AT DINNER PARTY Mis. Ilraunu Wns I lost cms lit Party iu Honor of Her Sister, MW <irist. At her !iomo in Chocowlnity Mrs. I. C Br;: paw ia?-t n'.gh: was hostess ' an oi'.Ju} dinner par:. , v. van i liunor of her sister. Mis* Annie T ho home was attrartiv ly \ ?- .-.nod fur ihr occasion with ! u . and rut flowers. A five-course n v was served. Dancing wa9 rijoj :l after the repast. Thos?? esoj.t were Mi?ses Annie Grist, 'l.iabeth Simmons, Sallte C'Hrrow, : izat<i::U Carraw, K'becra Simmons, aiharn Jon s, Messrs, Jaracg Jlnclc py, TTush I'helrs- Henry Jackson, om Laugh inphouse, A'son Gray. >ona'd Orny. William Baufiham and iiigh Williams. 5ENT TO ROADS FOR SIX MONTHS fury Found F.ilw>rds Gnltty Yes terday nl Trinl Hod Hefr?r? the flwonli-r. Ben Edwards, colored, rharjred with retailing ll'inor. was tried be f,re tho r<v-ord' r yv'erday sft*r jnon. 'he Jury rrurn'ng a Te-d'et f v. liity- "" M>nt?r.c<*d to tha on:!' f ~r a term of f-Ix mmths. i;<?vard? has 1" ? Ir* the toll* of the law on s^vera". previous o^cat ?ton?. and -h's Is not hl? first term on ih? roil" ai a for vlclatin* the State liquor law TO-NIGHT High Clan* Photoplay* 6 ? Splendid Reel*-? ? Friday. Dw. 3rd NKAL OF THE NAVY" 5c and 10c

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