VOLUME T. THE DAIEY- NEWS^PRIVTS MORE iiScAL NEWB THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THE STATE % c<^8? J WASHINGTON, N.-C, FRIDAT AFTERNOON, DFfrFMRfW ? ion NUMBER 12S. MOST in TMMTIE moni registration boors in the TOWNSHIP WERE THROWN OPEN TODAY. , OPEN UNTIL 25TH i No On? WO* Bo Allowed to Yoto at' the Coming Election Unless They Have Registered. Registrars Have Been Appointed. The registration books, for the ?* 150.000 bond election In Washlog ton township, opened today and will retrain open until the night of Sat urday, Deo-mber I5th. The fol lowing persons have been appointed registrars In their respective dis tricts: First Ward ? W. K. Jacobton. Second Ward ? T. W. Phllllpa. Third -Ward ? W. W. Leggett. . Fourth Ward ? H.' H. Davis. Tranters' Creek ? I. P. Hodges. O'd Ford ? Ben Bishop. r Plnevl'le ? Jas. H. Corey. "*AdTocatet of the bond flection ?, sre urging that the voters of the tdirashlp register rarly. In order to >ote at the coming election it Is nec essity to register snd no one who does not register will to permitted to votn either for or against the proposed bond issue. The Toting strength of the town ship is estimated at about aeven hundred. FOUR MONTHS' TERM FOR PICK POCKET Wini?m Caffee Had a Slick Way of ReUaring Hit Victims of Tfoelr Change. , ' (By Eastern Preaa) Ellrabth City. Dec. 3.? William Caffee, a white man, about 40 years old, married, was sentenced to four months on the roads of P&Bquotank county this week. Caffee wa? coiv vic'ed of picking the pockefa of ??CharM* Baker wh!le Baker was tinder the Influence of Thanksgiving toddy. In Albertson's restaurant, on Matthews street. Caffee 1? sa'd to he a profes'lanal pick pocket, and Is eald to have a ?Vck way of feigning drunkenness while p'ylng his trade, tn a pre tended Intoxicate^ condition he staggers against his victim, clutches h'm as If to keen from falling, and then deftly empties his victim's *>ockcta. 0. HENR? CLUB Mrs. Geo. T. Leach Was H^?tew? to Club at lntrr<*tln* Mfftlng Yesterday Afternoon. On* of the most d?*ll*htfu| me*t lnpra of the O. Club was held y-atrrday afternoon at the hon?e of Mra. Geo T. I^a?*h on We** Main ?treet. Th* reart'nr of Act* 3 and 4 of "K'nr John" wan followed by * noit loter^at'nf n*n?r. a of th? rhar^fteA ot Ktnir John. Con atanee and Ar*hor, waa read It Mr*. A. D. McLean. Th* paper thowed extreme careful tprenaratlon and w*a thoroughly enlorrd by tho** who heard It. ? A delicious aalad courae fol'owed the bualoen aeealon of th? e'ub. In addition to a good attendance of membera, aeveral rtaltor* were praaent, amonpr them belnf Mr? Dr Wtndley, of Belhaven; Mra. Stephan ?00, who la ?laltlnf lrr alater, Mr*. Charlea Brown, and Mra. Mueller, of Phllada'phf*. who la life gueat of Mra. B. W. Ayen. ROANOKE ISLAND HAS A HOMICIDE CASE 1 - (By Eastern Press) Elisabeth City, Deo. t. ? Old man John Woodley who wm assaulted and robbed on Roauofce Island )avt October, died last Wednesday night, affr surviving the sssaalt nearly a month, lie was II years old and his frail body could not wlthirtand the severe beating up. The boy, Charlie Gregory, whom Woodley accused upon hie return to > % eoneeiousness after the aseanli. Is la Jail, at Ma'ntro, to be tried for man slaughter. The boy >ad confessed, but otalmi that hie nncle Bam Hc Cleeee, told him to commit the rob bery. McCleese ha# b##n arrested DISCUSS WATERWAYS AS MEANS OF DEFENSE *" . * , . . 1 . Will Be one of the' Principal T'vpics at National Rivers and Harb&vs Convention. Waihlotioo. Dm.T? Watei*??r? as a meant of National Dafense will be a keynot" struck mt the next con vention of the National Rivers and Harbor* Congress, which meets In Washington. D. C., December 8, 8. 10. This topic will be treated by Congrssman J. Hampton Wo ore of Pennsylvania, who has studied the subj&ct thorough'y and is well qual ified /to f peak with authority. With preparedness the crucial issue be fore the country, thle discussion "Is eap'claKy opportune. It Is expect-, ~d that Representative Moore wl'.l stress the value of Improved inland ! Waterways as an aid to the speedy mo'.lb!*at!on of American forc e In event of a threatened Invasion. The National Rivers and Harbors Congress plans to hold a tremendous convention, as a " strong protest against the hltfr attacks imtt's re cently upon waterway appropria tions. "The proper improvement '-f the Nation's worthy water course*' will be the battle cry. Among the prominent men who will addr fs the organ'zatlon wll". be Governor Edward P. Dunne, of Illi nois, whose subject Is "The Illinois Waterway!." The -west's latere* In waterways, will be championed by 1 the new Senator from California, Hon. Jam s B. Phelan. The Missouri river, vrhlch was so caustlca'ly crit icized by ex-Senator Burton, wi'.l be the sfcfcject of an add^ss by Senator "Jim" Reed," of Missouri, who will fire the opening broada'.dcjn Its dc 'f n?e. Moving pictures, especially pre pared for the purpose, and uho^l^f the work' of Improving the Mississ ippi river, will be a novel auxiliary to the address of Congressman Ben Humphr ys of Mississippi. The program will Include Mayors Bohramm of New Or'canst and Pres ton of Baltfmorey^resldent Town send of the Mississippi River Com miction. and a Representative of th Administration, whose name has not yet been made pub'lc. Senator Jos. E. Ransdell, of LouIh 'ana. President of the Congress, will d liver his annual address, and when Interviewed declared that "the con vention will be a great success, and will voice a tinging protest against the slanderous assaults made on wa terway Improv ments." ?? JEWISH HOLIDAY BEING OBSERVED FcMt Began Yesterday and Will Continue for Eight Days. Observed by Local Jews. The Festival of Hacukkah began yesterday (corresponding to the He brew date, the 25th day of Klslev) , and lasts eight days. It was estab- ' llahed for historic reasons and cc'.c brates the Victoria of the Macca bees over the 8yrlans. After sig nal victories, the Jews achieved their (mancipation, and re-affirmed :he pious practices of thel^- fathers and, true to the spirit of Judaism,' :hey proceeded at once to the re dedication of their temple. A legend says that, at the r~ dedlcatlon of the te*nple, a cruse of oil filled every lamp so that the great edifice was resplendent with 1 ght. In a lusion to this, the Jews s'gnalize the festival by lights *n ? heir homes, ' incr aslng them pro gressively every evening of the fes tival week, culm'na'.ing with eight lights on the eighth, it is the sym bolic ' xpression of the truth that self-respect, moral stamina and loy-l a!ty spread and enthuse everybody. Each can be an examp'e and influ ence for the manly faith. This revolution brought about also the 'stablishment of the dynasty o' I the Maccabees^, whose achievements during, the course of more than ;i century were epoch-making in the history of th~ Jews. The Hanukkah Festival Is one of the favorites in the Jewish Calen dar. Besides Its high .significance for men and women. It is a'so it children's holiday and the religious | reboots c lebrate It with elaborate festivities and great heartiness. In j the homes rongs accompany tho klod'ing of the lights and the rlt-l ual of the synagog Is enhanced by the rectfal ?f sel cted Psalms, Th* social amenities of the week aro happy and cheerful, and, in accor dance with the genial spirit of On festival, comprise entertnintoent and benevolences Iff the homo and | the community. CRESCITE CLUB Met at the Horn# of Mm. E. 8. glm- ( moiu, Mr*. W. L VaBRhan and Mn. C.,B. Ken am Hooteaa. The Creseite Book Club . met at tfte borne of Mrs. E. L. Sltfimon* yesterday afternoon. Mrs - fa. L Vaoghan and Mra 0. B. Ball bo'.UK ttan boateee. Paper, "The Natlon'e Undeveloped Resource*," by Mra. J. Elllaon. Paper, "Conaervatton of Our Na tlonal Reaourcea," by Mre. Claude /> > Reading eelected br M1#a Mary Cowell, Mrttln* In tne nnporta&t Rraootce* ef North Caro'lna. I Refreahmenta in two courses were The CTVb w^s Yerjr glad to hare | with them Mre. Trentfaaim, of Rocky Mount, and Mr*. B?*t?r Bell, of BRITISH LOST 510,230 IN WAR Figure* Show Military and Naval Casualties. Many Ships Also Been Sunk. * London, Dec. ? 3. ? British casual tics, military and naval, from the beginning of the war to November 9, last, totalled 510,230, Premier Asquith announced today. The na val casualties were 12,160. Of the total 103,923 were killed, 6,940 of there being officer*. *" Bulgarian* Occupy Monastir. Apparently the Bulgarians have r.ot occupied Monastir, in Southern Serbia, although Ita evacuation was reported several days ago. Mor^ re ccnt reports declare Serbian forces are still in the city. The Bulgarians, according to Athens advices, are suppos d to be waiting for rein forcements. Arrival of further reinforcements for the Bu garlans before the French font In Southern Serbia la reported from Athens. I. It lie Doing in West. Artillery exchanges continue on the Franco-Belgian front, but with lessened In'enslty, the French war o flic 2 reports. No Scparato Pcace. Definite armour cement Is made that the Ital an government has given Its adherence to the agre - mcnt of the Entente powers that rio separate peace, had be n signed. It Is reported that Ita'y's action was rot taken until Monday. ' almost olccidcptally with the rumors tha* A us ria .was endeavoring to regotl Jte a separate p aee. Many Hhip* Sunk. Fifty 'hree British steamers and hirly-flve sailing vesse's were re .-ortPd sunk In advlcas rsc lved by the Board of Trade at London dur ng November.^ Th^ total net ton age was 66,049. Lives lost num ?*r>red 652. Only twenty of the steam rs are shown by the flgnret ?o hav? been sunk by German war ships but of thb lives lost 4 95 arc declared to have been of persona on steamers a nt to the bottom by Get man war craft. MORE ACTIVITY ON ft U'MHER MARKET Many flkwrnllU In Knwtern Carolina Now Wprklnfc Day and Night, (By Enstorn Press) New Ber*. Dac. 8. ? -0? particular Interest #b this section la the fact I that the lumber market Is showing rrarked activity and that the ml'.U all ott Eastern North Carolina, as, wellVq other point* In the State are working; day and night in order to nit the many orders which theyj has*, oa hand. m A well known local mill min stat ed today that hjs plant waa working a capacity force, going full blast rlay and night and that the finished product was being shlppltt ? away Just a? rapidly be possible. During/tire past week more than a dosen barge losds or lumber hare gone to Northern port* from New .Hern and severll are wf port 'f*Uo| 0* carfoea. PROHIBITION! MEETING TOBE ; IEWTHEATEB HON. B. C. DIVWIDDIE OP WA8H-I I.VGTON CITV WILL MAKE ADDRESS OF THE DAV. 1 GOOD PROGRAM Will Be Special Music by Choir and Iv^mackn by Major Kllcler, Re*. E. A. Dan. (|, Jr., ncak Owned by W. H. Mayo of South Creek. Ha authorities to take measures lor the protection of the works of art In tht' cities. The photograph shows how tbs religious monuments In Verona hate been encased in piaster and canvas until they look like mummies. hiakfs Plea for Spiritual State of Preparedness Former Resident Whites Interesting Article Regarding , Variuus Forms of Preparedness. *jr What hove you sacrificed for Christ ? Have you any scar* received in fighting under Christ's Hun nrr Against the power* of Sa (By Geo. R. Shipman) Many men living today are proud' of their Bears, received in fighting for their country and in defense of their carth'y possessions. Men who fought In our civil war have be n . proud to say that they lost their, fortunes or lost a litnb or received j one or more serious wounds in ijght ng for their rights; and men have died by the mill on in such wars, ind moth ra have sacrlflced their husbands arid their tons in the cause >f freedom from earthly nppressior.; and whole nations have be n de* i'.roycd in, defending '.hems Ives a-; gainst an earth y foe, ard whole temetarles have been dedicated ar.d thousands of monuments t rected tal he memory of such heroes: and; heir deeds have been tmmor'aliz^d r. h story, to Inspire others to valor nd patriotism. And men wlM er. 'ur hardships and privations and hyslcal suffering of all kinds and ven fac? death willingly, for the ?nke of scientific discovery, or In he discovery of wealth, or evpn in he pursuit of pleastir* or fame, la ome chosen field, which cou'd only esult ' In bringing transitory glory j r physical happiness to themselves or others for a few years or a shorter or longer period h re upon this planet that must some (Pay pass away, to say nothing of the brevity if a single hitman life. And the vorld will applaud such sacrifices in the part of the devotees of ad ? entur- or of p easure. and say thai the game was worth tho effort, even at the cost of life itself; and yet A-hen some man or woman Is willing to give themselvrB and all that th*y tnsses* and undergo hardships and privations and even death itself In he pursuit of the teachings of QoJ,' and those thing* that pertain to a future life and final salvaion of th" human race for all eternity, and for tho eatal/ishment of a reign o' "peace on earth and good will to ward men." by tb? peaceful and hu manitarian golden rule laid down for us by the Christ ("whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you. do ye also unto them'"' ) ithey are ibought to be fanitlcal and unbal anced and undaly enthusiastic and self-sacrlfi^ng and Instead of being uphed and admired by the church-, going christians, th-y are often idft to aflffer alone, and unaided; they often have to succtimb to the low standard of christians about them and endusf the suffering of seeing t their high v Idealaf of tho christian (life uaatialned by them, and receive , no sympathy for ,the wouftds they have racelved from fighting the en ra^ot men's souls, and so besr ! their burdens alone, except for the | oJ Qy4'? tad of the grace Df God given there through the Holy Spirit In such nn houru of need. IJut noble men and worn n have suffered and died fur the cause of Christ, and many are today sacrificing t:me. money or thought, in some kind of personul service, for the salvation orf heir fel'.owmen, In response to the ra2] of Christ, to "go pr ach the Gospel m all parts of the world to every cren*' ture," instead of listening to th?; ca'l of science, advetnure, pleasure or farr.e. It is sa.d ol a eel braced Indian fighter who was ergagfd in constant warfare against the Ind'an* In the western part of our country, tha: th re was not a place cn his holy large enough to lay one's flng r, that there was not a scar of some kind. Inflicted upon him by the Tn d.aii9 in those batf.es. by bullet, saber, tomahawk, bowie-knife or arrow. An arrow In one Ins'an^e had pa=s d c'.ear through his b^dy. yet he still lived to fight o:j. Have wp any scars received In our christ ian work, since we enlisted undAr Emanuel's banner? Have w mad* a^y sacrifi ?'s of time, money, ta! - i nts or eari.ily comforts and pleas ures for the advancement of God's ! cingdom upon earth or in heaven, or for th iivlvatlon of oi|r own ?oul* or the souls of others. In prp *>ortlon to the sacrifices that njany are making for their god^ of pleas ure and Bo'fishnPSB and sin? Moil today risk their lives in a fooli-h j flight through the a!r in an a^ru i plane, p'fformlng stunts that even ?? bird does not find either u**ful or necessary. Just to please a few thousand people who are wPllng so be amused, and willing to pay a big price to s e a man m*ke a fool o? himself bv doing something for | (ContHIued on pa?e i- "*) VILLA PLANS TO RAID A..IKR1CAN TKRR1TORY Mexican Chief Attrlbn|fa Prrsfiit Hit tuition to Failure of United SlalPR to Support Hlin. Washington. Dec. 3.- ? Attributing! his present situation to the failure of'fhe United Sate* govrnment to support him. General Villa Is plan ning ra!ds on American territory n'ong the border, according to In-] 'ormatlon reaching Major f?ener:?1 | Funston. commanding the American' horder guard. fn reporting thla to the War Department today General Funalon said he could not believe faeneral Villa actually contemplated any such N hazardous undertaking.! General Funston Indicated that the preaent whereabouts of Villa's main body wan still a mafter of conflict (ng reports. An additional machine gup pin* toon and four troops of eavalry haev been a nt to relnforon the American garrison at Naco, Arls. General Funston aald the nther bor* d*r garrisons ar? strong enough tor II17 prm&t ?mergancjr. "i. ' ? - j DON'T BELIEVE THATWHEOBEE IS IliTHE RAGE KRPWtT* THAT 1IE IS TO 4>I? TUSK SM % I.I, is SAID TO ns XKWSPAPFIt TALK. NOT HEARD FROM Frli'nd* nf the .Incise In Nmt Firm Ktnte Thai if Mr Kmiill Will Hare ()|i|>o?|(|iinj it Will Vol Come from WlicdlK'c, (By Ea?lern Prpas) New Hern. Pec 3. ? Fr! nds In this c:ty of Jirdre H. W. WhedbM ere placing nn credence In the rtH -mors tha; he 's to be a cand'dat? for Congressman from th- First District aca:.nst Jnha H. Small. and ere of ?1ip op ! r !nn '.hat the rpport emanated from a "apace killing" rtory wr!*t' n for ?nm? newy-papor and which lias no foundation what soever. .?-idgp Whcdb"c Is apparently well ; a t ! ? f* ?? s2 his sea* on the ben;h md ha? never bepn known to Intl ma!ii that lie would like to have the offce of Concr ssman. In recent In terviews he has dec'ared that the# Is r.othinc to the rumor and the gen eral opinion here Is that If Con gressman Small has opposition it wlft not be from Judg- Whcdboa. PAMLICO STARTS ON \VINTER CRUISE lln* Ilwntly Horn Overhauled at ilultlmorc, AV ill Ibvr Plenty of Work Aluti^ the Coast. (Py Eastern Press) New Bern. Dee. 3. ? Th- United States Coast Cluard Cutter. Pain ico. locatod a: ? : '.s port and wltlf Cap tan J C" Cantwe'l in command. be ?un I'.a winter crul>-3::g season yes terday and lor the next few month* a.'I be continua'ly on th go pa 'rolllng the waters of this section. The Pam'lco returned a few days am frnr.i li.i !" ri:i :: p wl ore she sp<ady for a 1 sor'g of adevntures. The winter cruising season of the Pamlico is one which Is ? rough lo try the fortitude of even the moat hardened sailor. The ofTcers and r w are at all times ready to an swer cal's of distress and. no matter ' . o w serious thp rasp or how bad tho weather, they must go when duty a!'s. Prediction are tha? this winter will h?- a sever on* along the coast >nd the crew of -he Pamlico are an ?.icipatit g Foms trying experiences. THIS IS lUKF.lt TALKING. (3 t this by all means The East man Kotlnk Company is spending this mon'h on" m' 111 on do'.'ars ad '.'?rt!e!re for wo photographers. th? Ansro company quarter million. Alt 'hp photographers in thp north are advertising h^avy for butlnera. I see air ady New York fljty In the last few days has ordered every ihlld to bp photographed that go's ?r? school, and the picture be ae pompar'e.'l with application. Also ^prn-.any has order d In ihe last fpw days tha? two million soldiers bring In new phonographs. This Is th*? f'hrUtmaa to have npw photographer and don't be caught i applng For tf you have a friend In the north h" Is iro'.ng to send you i. new photograph and pxppr*? vours In rrtum. DAKRR'S STUDIO.