DECEMBER 7, 191S. NEWS STATB. =3 Xl'UBER 1IL PLAN TO KIKE IMPROVEMENTS II Gill HULL WILL MOVE OKKICKS POW.V NT A IKS A M> tepVipK HK8T HOO.H l<UK VHtCMKI. ? ALDERMEN MEET MAPE MISTAKE IN ADVERTISEMENT Krmtlar tit-wing of Board of Alder Mien Held Lm( Kfcfcf, WW Wliteo Market Street >Wut?i JCiHhth nod Ninth Street*. The Board of Aldermen at ' their regular meeting last hlght decided to take steps toward* Improving con ditions at the ctty hall, a motion fTM made' to have Architect "Miller draw plane and specinactioos. for re modeling the city ball annex sn.1 submit samp -fee a committee-. The committee, immediately recelpt of same, will advertise for bids and these bids will be taken up at a special meeting of the board- It in planned to move the city offices to the ground floor, shift the Are de partment and make a rest room for the firemen where the present of fices are located. \ < H. 8. Ward appeared before the board and asked the alderme^ to authorise condemnation proceedings relative to condemning the property the width of the sidewalk on Market street between . Eighth and Ninth streets, A motion wag passed to the effect that the ctty attorney be autb-i prised to /tart condemnation pro ceedings unless an agreement is I reached regarding the removal of the houses and widening the street,! said agreement to be satisfactory to Che board. The motion was carried that Of ficer Hodges and Hay be paid sixty dollars a mopth and that Officer Nye! be -reimbursed $*.60? far ^-doctor's \ bills, due to injuries inflicted on him ; In arresting a colored woman, Maryl Cooper. The board decided to borrow 000 to pay a' note for $1,600. due to the Bank of Washington* and $500 tor necessary expenses. The motion was made that the mayor and the city clerk sell to G. j C. White one bond for $1,000 at par, and accrued interest. No further I business being brought forward, the I board adjourned. North Carolina Congreamnan Given "Rebel Yell" as He Blue* in hie Seat at Opening Session, Washington, D. C., Dec. 77^? At the opening of Congress yesterday when Mr. Kltchin arose in his seat to offer a resolution notifying the eenate that the house had been or ganised, he received an ovation equal to that given the President himself the last time he appeared in that body to deliver an address to Congress, assembled In joint session. ! Under the enthuslsstic snd aero-' batlc leaderhip of Representative Heflln, of Alabama. Mr. Kitchln's colleagues favored^him with some thing cloaely resembling the "rebel yell"; Indian war whoop, and other demonstrstlons of explosive affec tion. ' In their advertisement In yester day's Issue of the Dally News. Jaw. 8. Clark carried an announcement rof a Kale of $1.60 (loves for cents. This was an error, and should have read $1.29. Aj a result of the mlsfrlnt. Mr. Morris, manager of the . store,- was forced to answer innumerable tele phone calls this morning a&4 tell anxious customers that he could not lay the gloves aside for tb*m at the price that was mentioned la the ad vertisement , . ; ' / V They are excellent values, bow at the $119 and among bargains that are being r Ihl. rtor. during th?ir , k. - GERMAN PORTABLE SEARCHLIGHT ... A??n?,lh<' ""?? <>?"?? ?Uh which/ the German inn; I. equipped l. thta portable MaJJWlcht, small but powerful, which, when not In use, la taken apart and distributed among flve men. JURORS DRAWN FOR TERM OF COURT BEGINNING JAN. 3 The Jcounty com ml >m1 oners held tbeir regular session at the court house yesterday. A number of im portant matters were brought up and the proceedings were highly In teresting. A resolution, referring to the ex penditure of the money from the road bonds, was the principal matter of Importance and was discussed at length. The resolution will be found on another part of this page. The following named persons were -drawn to serve as jurors for a spec ial "tern^j?f__th? Sqptj-ior coum of Beaufort county which convenes January -3rd; First Week. Henry Waters, W. H. Rubs, J. T. Henries. R. L. Winfleld, Rnfus Bar rington, W. L. Selby, Charles Bay nor. John H. Dixon, R. M. Gaskill, G. G. Bonner, I,. R. Hardy, John N. Paul, J. B. Everett, Anderson Wa ters, Charles ' Ferrsll, W. H. Von-. Rberstcin, C. 0. Cayton and T. M. Smith. Second Week. J. T. Hooten, J. W. Hallowell. Wr H. Wsst, A. L. Johnston, Guy C. Harding, W. J. Lewis, C. A. Little, A. L. Bower?. Bonner Waiters, O. D. OayVord, J. H. Brantley, E. W. Latham, W. O. Lupton, J. H. Bish op. J. T. Dixon, J. P. Buckman. Sr.. W. L: Judklps and Elijah Alllgood. It waa ordered by the board that ;no Jury be drawn for the term of court beginning December 20th. This order was amde upon, the request of the Bar of Beaufort county, as the date of the court includes Christmas, making It inconvenient for witnesses jurors and all concerned. S it- appearing that- -there ? isa con- 1 flict- as t6 whose duty it is to make out tax receipts and stubs, it wasi yesterday ordered that the bill of' W. B. Wlndley, sheriff, for 11500 for filling out receipts and stubs for taxes be refused. It waa further or dered that the sheriff be allowed $150 in full compensation of said bill In consideration of his contin uing to fill out tax: receipts and stubs for all property listed in May 1915 and for all property subse quently ordered to be listed by the board. HRfflV HI MMO.VKD ItEFOKK /f SUPREME COURT JUSTICE I New York. Dec. 7.? William 1 J. ' Bryan, former aecrotary state, has been eerved at his hotel here. It was announced today, with an order aigned by Supreme Court Juattee Glegcrlch requiring him to appear Saturday for examination regarding transact lona connected with the sale by the United States government to I Greece of two battleships. Mr. Bryan Hr to be askbd whether ; sny secrets of fire oontrol, aiming i or other control of the guns of the j war vessels so!d were eonflded to the Greek government. PI NEVILLE MOON MONT SCHOOL FARMERS MEET AT OLD FORD Community Uplift Meeting to be II rW There Thursday KJght. Large Attendance Dew i red. V On Thursday night there will be1 a farthers community uplift meet ing at Old Ford school houae for the purpose of discussing osme of the farm problems of that soction And to organise a farmers community I Or agricultural club. Jt tar expected that Miss Emily Otillford, the can ning club ageflt, aad a lady from ? Goldsboro who la assisting her will alao be present to talk to the women j and girls relative to the canning club work. All the farmers and | their TanUlet specially Invited to be prttofl t and participate in the meet i i g. Tell your neighbor* about It and doSlot fall to dome. Tours very trnlfr, J. F. Latham, Beaufort County, i. L. HoTTTday, Martin County. NOT "MOO" MEAT BUT "BOW-WOW" Indiana Knlighteaed Dr. Hpillm&n ns tu Nature of Palatable Dish. Klnston, Dec. 7. ? Dr. B. W. Spil | man, fleld secretary tor Sunday | school work of the Southern Baptist I convention, is telling another joko on himself. It Is said. The doctor was powwowing with Indians In the west. He was dined, and "heap fat man" enjoyed the repast. One par ticularly palatable meat aroused his enthusiasm. "What* 1? it?" he ask ed his hosts. They did not compre hend. "Moo-oo?" Interrogated the Sunday school worker. Head slTakei. "Quack-quads?" More head shakes. "Baa-aa?" The Indians began to get hltr meaning. The bom of the tribe's ' yes widened with understanding. "Bow-wow!" he said. CABARET SHOW PLEASES CROWDS New Venture Opened at the Palm* I** Night. Will Continue Kv ery Night Ifertag the Week. The cabaret show at the Palms last night attracted ft large crowd and furnished a high class and tal-{ entsd entertainment from 9.30 until It o'clock. Evelyn Reed and Joseph flitter j aro the entertainers for this week. They sang a number of selections last night and will undoubtedly con tinue to draw big crowds while they are here. Miss Reed is a dainty and attractive little lady with pleasing manners and a good vole*. Mr. Rlt ter Is also a singer of ability and was forced to give a number of en cores. | Tonight, on account of the show I at the New Theatre, the cabaret will {not start until 10 o'clock. 1TERDAY ' CIVIC CLUB OFFER MB AS TO IM ?NTH NEEDED. < Kwellmi Idnrn Arc Will AU1 fJ'jm.'j i|?i Organise m Junior a greater work for |*aa the principal topic ol diaoqjbl^ taken up at a well-at tmd?it lulling Of (he Civic league yesterday afternoon. At a^rerlous meet-tug the mem-! bers wcr* Jhuested to write tug-' geatlons, Udfclng forth their ideas a* to Whuf the League should take up. : "phfene suggestions were read and commented on *at yester day's meeting. Borne of tbeui were as follow*: \ Kfff Cblrknis Home. "'The Board of Aldermen should] be asked to area te a law forbidding] chickens from running at large." Help the Library. "The Cf*I<J Club should help to I create a more active sentiment for | a large library building." Th* Servant Probleaii. "The Civic Club should ask the Board of Aldermen to create a law compelling -pll women who take in washing to-*r^gister with the proper person and have the health doetor nee to the home oondltlons." Ataiat Wayotne Club. "The Clflc Club shoald take some interest In; the Wayome Club, the nmnai.M? ?falib that has recently been organised. " Clubs to Aid Library. "Let us start the four clubs in I town to work towards improving the| library." , - Literary Work. "The Civic Club should psy morel attention to literary work and de vote certain nights to literary meot Ings." Put Traali in Boxes. "The chairman of the press com mittee should write something each week asking the people to put paper and trash In baskets instead of throwing refuse loose in front of the houses." A Clean-Up I>ay. "We should try to better the con-| ditlon of our town by having a rep J ular clean-up day every Spring." Help Canning Clube. "The ladles of Washington should try to co-operate with the Beaufort county canning club and buy all of their canned food from them through our local merchants." Sell Cook Book*. "Everyone ought to try to sell cook books for Christmas presents. Tell yotir friends about this." Moonlight Hchool Work. "I suggest help for the moonlight school work. It Is an excellent movement and we should endeavor to assist it in any way we can." Keep Street* Clean. "We should try. to have the city provide enough carts to keep' tbe streets clean." Help the Library. "The library is established. It Is for the public good. It has made a brave struggle for life. What bet ter work could the women's clubs do thsn all co-operate to keep this splendid opportunity alive and make It flourish. Try to buy a lot, erect * building and show that we are broad-minded Intelligent women. 1 have seen fourteen children In one afternoon doing reference work. Most of these children had no ref erence books at home. Let us make 'Library' our slogan." Organise Junior Oub. "Let os organise a Junior Clrte Club and teach tbe young children elvlc pride and how they can keep the city clean." "Upon motion it was decided that the club assist In the organization of this Junior club and that Mrs. H.j Carter be appointed leader She children SUGQESTS NEW PEACE MJIN Dr. David St jut Jordan, president of Inland Stanford, Jr., university, called at the White House aa a representa tive of the American Peace society to ?uggsst to President Wilson that a conference of neutral aatlona be called to act as a voluntary court of arbitration to receive and consider any plans that may be advanced looking toward -*eace in Europe. This Is a part of the program agreed on at th? international onventlon of the society held in San Francisco. URGES FARMERS TO OPPOSE THE I AKMER CLAIMS THAT METH OD OF EXPENDITURE IH TOO INDEFINIE AND VAOFR. ? ? WANTS THE FACTS i'laim* Tliat County Cowiulseiouere Would Not Appoint * Committee or Tell Where They Are Going to Evpend the Money. Mr. Editor: 1 am a farmer and live in Wash ington Township and 1 was present at the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners yesterday and I want to say a few words in your column about what occurred. The first thing 1 found before the Board of Commissioners was the representatives of the bankers and lawyers. 1 soon found how things were going. 1 would have been glad 1 11 eovry farmer in the Township could have been there to see how [they were itrying to n*anage the thing In their own interest. We farmers of Washington Township tried to get the Board of County [Commissioners to say how and where they were going to speud the money that they get from the |60r 000 bond Isaue and they said they [wtuld not appoint a committee or | say bow they were going to spend it until after the election. For one farmer I do not want te vote taxes on myself and my chil dren to be spent by people that I do not know how they sre to spend it or what they are going to spend it for. It the bankers and lawyers of Washington want to carry this election, why aren't they willing for the County Commissioners to say now who Is going to spend It and on what roads they propose to spend It so that the voters ean know what they are voting for. Unless they Ac this. 1 think the farmers of Washington Township ought to vote tgalnat this bill. Very respectfully, L. L. HODOKB MASONIC MEETING. I Orr Lodge No. 104 A. F. * A. M. w.ll hold a regular communication this evening at 7: SO o'clock. Busl neas of importance and work In the Third degree. All Master Masons fraternally invited to attend. W. B. Singleton, Master. O. M. Wlnfleld, Secy. TODAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS Utri?lt 7-1 MOU. 8EBD COTTON? -*4.7*. COTTON BEKD ? ???.??. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - WILL APPOINT COMMITTEES TO ATTEND TO flOAO WORK SPECIAL THAI!! TAKK8 NHK1NERS TO CHARLOTTE The "Sbrloera* Special," a special train on the Norfolk Sontbern, pass ed through Washington this morn ing at 4: SO. bound for Charlotte. The train had a Jolly bnach 00 hoard mod expect to have a royal good time. There will be an abun dance of "fre?h meat" awaiting them. riSTir DINNER TABLE Mm. T. F. Huitth P?wd Away Hod dealy Tlii? Afternoon. Dvath Du?* to H(?rt Failure. Mrs. T. F. Smith died suddenly this afternoon at the home of her niece, Mrs. W. D. Woolard on East Second street. Mrs. Smith was at the table eating her dinner, when ihe passed away. Death is attrib uted to heart failure. Announcement regarding the fu neral will be made later. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH . FRANCE WILL MAKE PEACR Paris. Dec 7. ? France will not make peace until Alsace and Lor raine are won, Belgium and Serbia restored and "German Imperialism ?nd Prussian railtiarism are put b>* ond the possibility or resurrection. " Alhert Thomas, under secretary of war said yesterday. The declaration of M. Thomas is attracting wide spread attention as it is one ef the Orst statements from a responlble cabinet official concerning the atti tude of the government in regard to peace. MR. SNIPES AND MR. REED RETURN Rev E. M. Snipes has been re turned by the Methodist conference as pastor of -the local church dur ng the coming year. C. L. Read will also serve again as presiding elder. Following are the appoint ments for the Washington district as they were made yesterday at Wilmington - C. L. Read, presiding elder. Aurora circuit, W. E. Trotman. Ay-den circuit, Daniel Lane, Jr. Bath circuit, J. J. Lewis. Bethel circuit, H. E Tripp. Elm City, L. B Pattiahall. Farmvllle circuit, S. T. Moyle. Fairfield. J. P. Bros*. Fremont circuit, J. L. Rnmley. Greenville, Jarvls Memorial, J. M. Daniel. Mattamuskeet circuit, W P Con stable. McKendree circuit, Ivey T. Pool*. Mount Pleasant circuit, U. R. Perry. Nashville circuit, J. W. Autry. Rocky Mount. First cbttrch, R. C. Craven. South Rocky Mount and Clark. Street, to be supplied. North Rocky Mount, to be sup plied. Stantonsburg circuit, D. A. Fu trell. 8tokes circuit, to be supplied. Spring Hope circuit. W. T. Phlpps. Swan Quarter circuit, R. R. Qrant. Tarboro. H. 1. Glass. Vanceobro circuit, W. J. Coving ton. Washington, E. M. Snipes Wilson, W. A. 8tanbury. | KKSOI.I/TIONS TO THIS KI-TECT WERE ADOPTED AT YESTW* DAV'8 MEETING OF THE COUNTY lloAKD. PLAN A~G00D ONE Believed Ttuu Action Will Meet wit* the A |>|tfobt- of the Voter*. Mw Tlnrt' Not Yet !i?*en \ anj<-d Hr? ?. ?n for Tltiw r? Given. At the called meeting of tU? Washington Towuahlp Good Roads Association held at the Chamber of Commerce Rooms, on Thursday night, December 3rd. a committee was appointed to appear before the Hoard or County Commissioner* at their regular'meetlng on yesterday and introduce a resolution adopted by the Association, and which in the opinion of the Association, should meet the inquiry that has been raised by several voter> as to how. aud by whom ths work Is going to be don* In the event the election carries. The resolution which fol lows. was adopted by the Hoard: RESOLVED: That In the event the Dond Issue tor Good Roads for Washington Township shall carry at the election called for January 4, 1916, this Board will retain gen eral supervision of the Issuance of such bonds in compliance with the provisions of the law relating there to. and expenditure of the proceeds from ihe sale of such bonds, and thai this Board will select aud ap point a commission, which shall be .'u!rly tuid Justly representative of ihe Tom i. to i . '0'.. rn?nd what roads shall be improNcit and htm, and the amount to be expendod ou each road ? said commission to liav# general practical super^'slon over and direction of the work, with the assistance of a competent englne> r, to be selected by this Hoard after consultation with the Slue Highway Commissions: The aald commission to have the benefit of the co-opera .ion of fhe mon-parttsau advisory committee referred to In the reso lution paused by this Board at lta regular November meeting. It is confidently believed and ex pected that this position on the part of the Association and the Board of Couny Commissioners will be en tirely acceptable and satisfactory to all those who profess a desire to tfupporr the election .but have been, as they say, deterred from doing so heretofore, because of their Inabll Ity to ascertain definitely by Ju*t what method it was Intended to car ry on the work. From this resolu tion It will be seen that the law under which the election is called, makes it mandatory upon the Board of County Commissioners to retain and exercise general and final su per vis! on and jurisdiction ov<t the ssl* and issuanee of the bonds, the -i-.?ug of the work, :.nd tin- ??xpendl >ire of the pro<>c;l derived from thfl salt of the bonds. Uuder this resolution, the Commissioners go on record In advance of the election to the effect that they will appoint a Road Commission that will be fairly and Justly representative of the Township, to RECOMMEND what road* shall be improved, and how and the amount to he expended o* each road, said Commission to have gsneral practical supervision over the work, with ths assistance of a COMPETENT ENGINEER, to be a?? lected by THIS BOARD, after con sultation with the STATE HIGH WAY COMMISSION In addition to this, the voters will recall that, at their November meeting, the Roard of County Com missioners went on record to the effect that, regardless of whether they undertook to do the work In Its entirety themselves, or, appoint a Commission, as they did on yester day. they would, nevertheless, ap point a non-partisan advisory com mute* from all sections of the Township, to sit with the Commis sion in an advisory capacity in the selection of roads to be worked, the amount to be expended on ssoh road, and In the determination of all other matters relating to the building of the roads. Thla gives the people from all sections of the Township an opportunity to bg heard through their representatives on these committees, and tassres a double safegaard to a wise, J?*t. and economical expenditure of ths fsais. (CoiUtasI os pegs foar)

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