1HE DAILY NJCWF PRINTS MORE LOCAL fiEWS THAN ANT OTlIKic rAl'ER IN THE STATE. volume 7. ' - ? ' WASHINGTON, N. (-., NVEONKSDAYAnrp.MXJ.N, DECEMIiEIi ?. 11.15. NUMBER IS*. YACHT SINKS IN SOUND; CREW RESCUED ENGINEER DIES OF HEART FAILURE IN SWAMPS COLONEL RODMAN REPLIES TO EDITORIAL IN TFF DAILY NEWS MONDAY IGNDAANGE OF EDITOR RESPONSIBLE FG9 TIE VIEWS AGAINST COLONEL SAYS THAT 18 MOST CHAIIITA IIIiK OOXTSRL'CTIOX THAT OXK CAN PLACE ON MONDAY'S BDITOHIAL. GIVES MORE FACTS Upholds the Article Which Wns Published Ln TlUa Paper Sutur day. "If They Ik- Wrung, Prove It and Don't Muddy the \Vater," Hays Colonel Rodman. Washington, M. C., Dm. 7. 1915. Editor Dally News, City. Dear Mr. Editor: The most charitable construction Ujet one can place upon your edi torial of Monday, i? that: (1) You are not familiar with any of the* provisions of the law of 1911. 12) You are entirely Ignorant of the law of 1918. (3) The owner of the Dally News (Mr. Mayo) has not called your at tention to the letter written to him by myself on February 4, 1915, while he was representing this county in the General Assembly. (4) You failed to read carefully article, to which you attempt to make reply. -I would not chargo you with attempting to dUtort It. You charge me with the follow ing: That I am mixed up on my facta as to the revenues; That 1 have some ulterior motive In opposing the bond issue, and. you either display a lamentable lack of information or else seek to creaf a false Impression when you ask "Why didn't Colonel Rodman express "his views at the very beginning of the movement " In answer to your first charge ? 1 ask you and the peop'.e who read my former article to say who It wrong. 1 say that the figures I gave are absolutely correct. The road taxes for Washington Township. Including the city of Washington for 1915 are 95861.41. Of this amount the city pays #2982.80. Isn't that what I said? Hereto fore, that . sum has been supposed to be divided isquaVr between Ix>ng Acre, Chocowinity and Washington. Isn't that a contribution? If the proposed bond Issue car ries the city of Washington taxes will be exactly doubled. Twice 12981.80 makes the sum of 15965.60 which the <*,lty of Washington will contribate exclu sively to the roads of Washington 'township each year. Isn't that exactly what 1 said. Again. I that this sum ($6966. 60 It to tba poopl" and I challenge yon to dlapnte the | "'it thoy ba wrong pro,. It. Do not try ta mu83y tba In lino to row i?*4 charge wherein yon aak tbe-^ueatlon *' to "Why I m' *?*" at tha beginning of the ?oiemeat. and wbaraln fon ?????? that I Ha? eon* nltarlor mot"" In oppoalng thl* bond tuna, V aeblng "mo tion aa to "What waa my trna Ob jeet lt? oppoalng the i?eue at this late heart" - /? i For your information, let me say. your brief sofcurn in^tbls city is. pci Uaps, sufficient excus" for your tKDoxanco on this subject. As far back hs the fall of 1910 F took and successfully maintained the tame position thnt 1 ftow liold. 1 drew the act of 1911, and the net of 1913. These acta incorporate in them selves every principle for which 1 am uow contending and every prin ciple for which you say you are con tending save only ? the id?-a or prin ciple. if you ca!l It that, of allotting to Washington township exclusively nil the taxes collected from the city of Washington. To this idea. 1 have always ob jected. it was unauimously decid d that 1 was correct in 1911. I have uol changed. Some otherB have. Why? There was no ulterior motive then. Is there on ? in asking for the change? Early in January 1915, after the "meeting," so called, to which you refer, 1 saw, with others, the "hand writing on the wall." At the request of citizens of both I.ong Acre and Chocowinlty town ships, 1 wrote a letter to our Rup rusentaUve (the owner of -the Dafly News). It w*s written and mail'd on the 4th day of February 1915 and was duly received by Mr. Mayo. This, letter correctly states my position, then now. and in the be ginning. 1 enclose a copy of it herein and 1 respectfully ask you to publish It as a refutation of your Implied accusation that 1 have re cently assumed my present position for reasons other than those stated. Mr. Mayo never honored me with a r< ply fc this letter. I have been told by Mr. Von ttbersteln of Chocowinlty, who was familiar with this letter before it was mulled, that he subsequently saw Mr. Mayo In Raleigh. I ask him to state in thes<> columns what was aaid. With reference to your charge that there was a meeting of the citizens of Washington. Long Acre and Chocowinlty Townships and that they unanimously asked that the townshipa be divided ? 1 ask you. Isn*t it a fact that there were not more than 20 people all told prosent and that subsequently and as soon as the people from Chocowinlty and hong Acre who were present had been advised of the purpose of the meeting that they unanimously repudiated It and so advised Mr. Mayo. Will you deny that? If you do - ? produce one man from Long Acre or Chbcowlnlty. I have been Invited to be present at a meeting of the Washington Township Good Roads Association fomorrow (Wednesday) night and have accepted with pleasure. 1 will be glad to have you print what 1 have to say and I think they will cover your other propositions an laid down on Monday. In conclusion, permit me to say, that I am glad my article hap caused discussion. It was intended for that purpoaf. 1 do not think any reas onable man objects to my stating my views on a public question, iu a respectable manner, especially when I have entertained those views for -five years or more and have not hes It at d to express them whenever th-? opportunity offered. No one is asked to do by me other than his own Judgment dictates. Very resptct fully, WILEY C. RODMAN. KltKOK IN INITIAL8. In yesterday's Dally News an ar ticle was published, which was sign ed "L. L. Hodges." This was a ty pograhpical error ard escaped cor rection. The article was wgpten hY J J. Hodge*, artl should have been signed that way. - , ?- r ' Subscribe to the Dally News. GETTING THE WAft MOVIES This la a ^rench official cinemato graph operator at work tn the Aral line trenches. In making moving pic tures of the fighting the operator has to take as many chances as the sot dler WILL DISCUSS RIM PROBLEMS WET MIGHT WASHINGTON (iOOD ROADS AS- j SOC1ATION TO HOLD IMPOIt- [ TAXT MEETING TONIGHT. RODMAN PRESENT Colonel Hm? Accepted Invitation to K\pr<>HH His Views Regarding Ex tension of Work into Long Acre and Chocowlnity Townships. A meeting of the Washington Towpship Good Roads Association is to be held tonight. Thin will prob ably be the most important meeting that has yet boon held by the asso ciation. Some sensational develop ments are expected. The fn^wing notices of meeting have been sent out: "It has been thought best to caII a meeting of the Washington Good i Roads .Association for Wednesday , niRlit, December 9th. at 8 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, j Discussion will be had and some action taken relative to eztondlng the Good Roads movement into Chocowlnity and Long Acre town ship*. Please arrange to be pres ent. E. L- Stewart, Secy." Colonel W. C. Rodman, who lias recently expressed himself as being In favor of Including Long Acre and j Chocowlnity towsnhlps in the good roads movement, ban announced his. Intention of b^lng present at to-j night's meeting and discussing the situation. " 1 SMALL APPROVES DEFENSE PROGRAM rnI?KX DEATH. BODY IS HERE I . I \\ III lie Sent FYoui Hm* to HI* Former Home In Chicago. Whm ??? Hunting Trip. Death Occurred Motuiay Night. Body Found Yea terdaj. Walter K. Clark, engineer In charge of the pumping plant at lake Mnttamuskeet, died of henrt failure iu the swamps of Hyde couuty Mou day night. His body was brought to this city this morning iu the launch, Koaetta, R. E. L. Daniels. captain. It will be shipped from here to Chicago, Mr. Clark's home. In company with a party of friends Mr. Clark started out ou a hunting trip Monday In the Rosetta. They landed at East Point Bluif. The other men in the party b*gan build ing a goose blind while Mr. Clark started out on a hunt for ducka and gteue. Until fpur o'clock Monday evening, Mr. Clark was constantly In sight of the other hunters. When dark came, and he failed to arrive, guns were Qred and a search made, but no trace of the missing man could be found. Finally, at about rlne o'clock, the searchers gave up their hunt and returnrd to Swan Quarter. Yesterday morning, reinforced by a number of other men. the launch returned to the point where Clark hud* b'en lost. At four o'clock yes terday afternoon, I)ave Patrick came acroEs the body, lying among the reeda. One hand was on the gun stock. the other on the barrel, aud 11 ie weapon was cocked. The entire position of the body indicated that dt-ath had come just about as Mr. Clark wan getting ready to shoot. It !b supposed that over-exertion, In milking his way through the reeds, brought ou his death. Mr. Clark was 52 y?-arg of age. He married Miss Maude Slgmon. a prominent young lady of Hickory, a little over a year ago. A three months old baby, a Bister and his wife survive him. HIb wife arrived here today and will accompany the body to Chicago. The deceased has hi>en a resident of North Carolina for about eight years. He was a mechanical englncr and associated In business with Thomas Whltted of Charlotte. He wan a 32nd degree Mason, a member of the Carolina Consistery, a Shrlner and a membr of Oasis Temple In this State. SCHOONER HIGH AND DRY ON SHOAL >1*) ami Anna Iteawlrk" Ooen Ashore While ('oniinK to New llern. t By Eastern Press) New Bern. D^c. 8. ? Lying high ami dry on a shoal thirty Ave mils* below New Bern la the schooner "May an Hnve Hefjih Anew. The importance of registering ear !y for the coming bond in due election, cannot be urged too forcibly upon the mind* of the voters of Washington town m!iI p. Advocates of the inane no matter whether their names are on th<* old books or not, cannot rast their ballot at the election unless they have reg istered anew. With Christmas coming on. and the usual holiday rush. It will be far more convenient to register now than later. The books are open. PLANNING TO ! BUY BALL PARK Will lie LocattMl on Charlotte ftirret l*ropo?itit>n BHug WorkMl mm A Stock Company. A movement Is under way for ihe pure-base of u pall park in Warfhins ton. The following account of the proposition was received this morn lug: We, the undersigned, a committee ou organizing a baseball association w>h to announce that we have se cured an option on four acres of land on Charlotte street which la a* close as we can ever hop? to get a ball gronnd to town, or in towu. It will be convenient and accessible, for w ? have been assured that Fifth street will be extended and if It- will Intersect Charlotte street right at these grounds. The lot Sr one whole block, and may be used by the boys for a play ground, and we surely need a place for such. Owing to the purpose for which we are buying thin block the men who own ]t made tin a mighty reas onable figure on It, and to prove the worth of it all of the men have taken stock in the association. It is to be a stock fompany of the young men. young ladinn and all who want j to see good baseball in Waahlngton from now on. The Investment Js I not speculative although we are I buying property that will increase J In valu^hll the time, and we will have three years to pay for it. P P MAXWKI.I. fl R. CLBARY, C. R RF.1.1., V.U'HT MONARCH CACOHT KIRK 30 Mil. KS FROM IIKI.HAVKN AND WAS OlMI'LKTKt.Y IIK STROVKD. VALUED AT $15,000 CaiiM-f] by Kvplonion In tnflno ltoom. Nenne] Sunk luim?dl*t?ly After I rrw Were Iteacucti. Owaeri Were in llfilinvro. Ilouiitl f. The Arc waa caused by mii f-xjilo iiou in the engine room. The tug and choouer saw the yacht's plight, happening to be only a few miles distant. The Monarch was to have put lu at Belhaven and taken on board Charles D. Richard and Howard L. Wadley of Elizabeth City, who ar ?jvetl h- re by rail Sunday. The two men were going on a hunting trip to Halteras When they learned of he destruction of their yacht, ther immediately chartered the Neza Pearl and left for Hatteras on ttle'r trip. TO GIVE DANCE AT ELKS HALL Taken Place Tonight. In Under A aspire*. of <>riu)uatinK CUhh of High Srli(K)l. The member* of Ihe graduating class of th* Washington High School will give a dance at the Elks' hall tonight. Music will be furnished hy Forbes orchestra and It Js expected that a Intae number will he present. Kefi <-AY. Thetfio will be a haaket. party at Highland arhuol hou*e Friday night Fund* realised will be uned for the benefit of the basket ball team. The public Is cordially Invited to be present. * good time Is a**ured to all who attend "YOU TOOK THE FARMERS; NOW TAKE THEIR WIVES" Kdltor Dally New*. Hoar sir: A nnmbi-r of the farmer* of thin section enjoyeri the auto trip Friday afternoon. They all report?d a fin? time on their return and everyone heartily enjoyed the day** outing 1 don't think that the city people have yet done tttalr full duty, how ever. They have given the men a free auto ride and now 1 think they should give the old farm woman a trip too. Whllo she cannot vote the oan do her ehare of the talking, and wa know that a woman can aay more In one minute than a man can In ten. If ahe could have the pltaaure of seeing the difference In good road* and bad onaa, the conld aft right down d in ten rolnntee ahe coyld eaaily talk "hubby" right Into tbe notion ?( voting for bartter roads. Now the thine for th? city peo ple to o. if thpy want *ood roadt. Is to rom? out with their nutorrnv bi|p? Attain and glva tha old farm woman a daya outing and than thay can jjo hark home and raat aiaurad iliat th? Rood road? ara a guaranteed fact. COIt RESPONDENT. TODAY S COTTON QUOTATIONS I.INT? 11 7-* ? 146.00. ?akMrlk* to tka D?llj Nm.