BNHUI MAKES M:' t(N?M JUDOB UPUIMl HOW MKAKi I'KK WAS PASSED IK GlII FOKD COCXTY. NOT PERSONAL IMM-Ia Kurort cioil Klwuld Not Be rfWe ?MM Bat AU Hlioald VoM TocmBot ta tba RmI Intcvcati of the.Courty. Jtt ?n Interview this morning re garding the food roads movement, j Judge Stephen C. Bragaw stated! thajk* frftefoi recollection of tbo loyalty of the - people of Beaufort | oouSty to him and of hli ?obligation to them would not permit- htm t6 let the opportunity paaa to nr and do >*:bat be could to help In a cause which be hollared, to be of such great importance to the people of the county; that within hi* recollec tion no movement hss been started in Beaufort county which, in his deliberate Judgment, gives siifch promise of permanent good to all the people of town and country a llke as this movement fur good toads, with the possible exception of the movement for better schools and more of them; that he had hop ed no controveray would arise wbich would be calculated to prejudice so worthy a cause. That every man who haa expressed himself at all admits without reservation, that we ought to have good roads, and no man de nies that they Will be worth what they cost; that the benefits to fol low to the people of Baaufort coun ty are too great to permit politics, partisanship or prejudice to inter-, fere, and that every good cititen ahould be willing to work for good roata, shoulder ^o ?houlger with kls bitterest political or personal oppo nent; that there should ba no ques tion of town and country, that each will share In the benefit; that If dif. fi-rencee exist aa to methods, those who differ Rbould try to conie to gether ^4o get the bent results. wftb no thought of permitting the move ment to fail because of different opinions as to how the end should be aceomy'lshed. He staled, that Guilford county, about 1902 or 1903, was the first cwnty in North Carolina to lasii Kood toads bonds. Those *?!?? fa vored the ui ?asure di-cla'cl ".it a: :t would result in a great increase in the value of property. Those who opposed the Issuance of bond* de nied tbia claim. Property In Gull ford was then assessed at eight and a half million dollars. Within nine years from the Issuance of bonds and the' building of good roads, the assessed value of property in Guil ford county Increased from eight and (Continued on page 3) BARACAS WILL MEET TONIGHT Feature of Meeting WUl lie a lac tate by R. A. l>anJ?4 Jr. on Interesting Hiibject. The regular business meeting of the Baraca claas of the M. R. church will be held tonight In the class room. A feature of the meeting will be a lecture oh the subject: "Is the manhood of America dee'.in log?" by R. A. Daniel, Jr. This Hubject was to have been taken up In debate, but owing to the Inabil^ Ity of Ending anyone who was will ing to take the negative side, it was decided to hold the lecture Instead. The members and the public are cordially Invited to be present. I NDRIIWOOO TO OFFICII THB RAILROAD BILL Washington, Dec. 10. ? President Wilson's railroad program; outlined 'In his address to Congress will noon be Introduced In Congress and purfh . od by administration leaders. Sena f tor Underwood, who first suggested the subject to the President, said, after calling at the White Home, that ho would embody tha sugges tions In a bill If some one else did not do It first. Rate-making rpowers of the Interstate Commerce com mission should be broadened Sena tor Underwood thought, end the jrallroads protected from conflicting state and federal leglalattoti. ''In my opinion this subject Is one of the greatest before the country today." h? raid. m, . >l- t ?OTHER OF MWS CAVELL A "grand old lad?" la Mra. Cavell, the mother of Edith Cavell, the Brit ish nurse whoso last words before her execution were. "I am happy to die for my country." To perpetuate the memory of her diaghter. there Is now a plan on foot in Great Britain to organize the Carol! Memorial fund. DENY REPORT NEGRO MM No Lynching Occurred at Hopewell Ycartttrtlay. Work of Ckwin* Away the Kuiuq Ha* Hrf?un. (By Eastern Press) * Hopewell. Va.. Dec. lo. ? Hope" well la today taking inventory of the damage caused by yesterday't destructive tire All of the princi pal building* iu the city have be n destroyed. Worn of clearing away the ruins has already begun. -Tho report ?#? g?**n- fnrr ycfrpffC day that a negro had been lynched by th? mob. Thii report is today contradicted. The State militia are on the :<cene and everyfhlng la qupt | and orderly. MR. HARLOW AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Virginia Milliliter Will Preach a: Uotti Morning and Evening Service* Sunday. Ilev. Frank E. Harlow, of A?!i. laud. \'a., will pruach morning and | evening at the Christian church j Sunday. Mr. Harlow romts to this i city highly recommended a* a min ister and a speaker The public is' rord tally iuvited to be present and < hear lilin. KIHT OF LETTERS Remaining uucalled Tor in thla of lief* for the week ending Washington. N. <*., Her 4. 1915. ( \IKN ? Hope Archie. Jetse Alllgood. W. W. Barnett. Allnon Bailey. F. A. nibble Co., J. W Chappell. C. W. Clark, Stanley Elka, Mr. Fayette vllle, J. X. KuMen. Levi Holiday. G. Hooker. Archie Holiday, A ;uoa Jwiner. J. W. Kelly. Latham Wn?. Linger. F. M- J- Mashmr, F. Mashaw, J. G- Mllou, Dan Morgan. J. B. Peal, O. Powell. Thoman RuY nh, 8prulll. W T Htainbeck. Larry ' Spelman. Alexton Peal; Handy WaHerr, Joyner Wallace. J. O. Woolard. WOMEN? Mrs. E. C. A damn. Mrs. C. Bl^ke ly. Mlaa Lucy Bluchmr.n, So phia Boenifl, Mrs ,M n . y June Blount, Mr*: Cora Edward*. Mrs. E.Hamel. Mra. Hlner. Rose Allen Holden, Mra. Nancy Jude'r. Mitt Mlrtie .lone* Mytrle Jonew. Mlas Roae E. Lane. . Mr*. R. McRae, Mra. M. (kartell, Mra. C. W Owen*. Mlas Addle Parham, Mra E. Proctor. Mia* Duron; Powell, Sudie RlchSrdaon. Mia* B. Btokes MIm Xlary A. Wat era. ' V Theae letter will be aont to the dead Better office December 20th. 1916, if not delivered before. In cajl for the above please gay "ad vertised" giving date of list . N. HENRY MOORE. P M. Subscribe to the Dally News. IS ELECTED ? mm , ON STATES IMt. D. T. TAYLOJC IH HONORED BY DOCTORS OF VIRGINIA AND CAROLINA. to meeF here Seahoard Medical Society. at It* Meeting in Norfolk. H?lecU Wash ington mi Place for Holding the Next. Meet lug. The Seaboard Medical Society, which ban just closed its meeting at Norfolk. unanimously decided to hold the next meeting In this city. The Seaboard Society is composed of the V^g.nia and th? North Car oline Medical Societies. "With its large membership, it in expected that a large number of medtcoB will visit Washington at the next session of the society L?r. 1). T. Tayloe, of this city, was the unanimous choice far president and was elected. Dr. Tayloe has held ivery bonor that the North Car. olina Medical Society could besto*1' upon him. He ha* been on the examining board of the State so ciety for six years and also hi en on the Bonrd of Hert'ib i'or the ?aiu length f time. He wns also presi dent of the Society. Hh election as president of the ,wo ^'ate usgocia-i cion? 1h another tribute of the high esteem n which he I. beid by the doctor* :n thlR action (if th? coun try. PRAISES DR. TAVLOK. (By Eastm P.'t?ss) Kinston. Dec. 10. ? Dr. W. T. Parroit, who has returned from the meeting of the Seaboard Medical Society at Norfolk, in referring to he election of Dr. D. T. Tayloe of <V?Bhlngton. N. t\. as president jf lit- society, stated that the society ? an to be congratulated upon hav ng Dr. Ta>:oe as its cliief execu-! ?ive ami that he <Ur Parrott] cou jJdered D*i Tayloe withmrt a peer aa n surgeon in this country. iKCHKTAfiY* DANIELS TALKS OF THE NAVV Delivered Address Before the South* ern Society of New York. New York. Dec. 10. ? The United States navy ItaB a waiting list at its recruiting offices and accepts only ore in six of th.- men who apply for enlistment*. Secretary Daniels told members of the Southern Society of New York speaking at the society's inr.ual banquet on 'The Navy." When Ik- took oflice thg secretary said. ther* were 4,?j53 vacancies in the authorized enlisted personnel of 51.000, hut as a result pf the steps taken to make the service more at tractive to young men of proper qualifications, this has been over f-opic and in addition the proportion of reenllstments has" arisen from ill per cent to 92 per C'nt, "which means the sei-urln# of men of long training for the service." The secretary dwelt upon the mil itary necessity of continuing the building program recommended to Congress by President WilsAu and outlined the need of the various type of ships proposed giving particular attention to the battle cruisers. To show how the American navy is regarded abroad th- secret.-* r. quoted the following from Braas-ey's naval annual of 1915. who he said was ih* recognized world's authority on naval matters- "Whatever pari the United States navy might b** called upon to play, there is reason to believe tbtit it would be reaily a demonstration of the all-round cf. Iclency *-as given when the orders to Mex ? o were Issued. Hear A 1 nlral Br dger, com man ler-ln-rhlef recelve? hfs orders, he pa.d: 1 "I dt not know what we will be called upon to do. *>ut are ready." Within 24 hours, the ships ,w -re ready at.d hurried to the gulf It wag a subject of congratulation that everything was so smartly done?" l'I?A*M KOK ITIONKKV OK TIIK FORI) PA MTV | On Hoard steamship Oecar II, via Wireless to (Tape Race, N. F., Doc. 10.? Tentative plene for Iho Kin err of Henry Ford's peace pert/ were Announced today. At Chrin tlanla, Norway, the party will re main three day*, and Norwegian delegates will be selected by pend ing out Invitation* broadcast. ? ! A speclaTfraln wtU be dispatched MINIS f IT OlD Fill IH'II-MKG axu CKMKNTS A TOXJp, loss. I IKE ISROKK OUT AT II I. VST xk;iit. CAtJSE UNKNOWN M'- x TS**fllory Struct uiv and Well Puni^^d. Uri- (,aln, ,l t'onnld rrablfe, Hrudu^t lUftm It V.'hh by IVopIr >\-ip Hy. Fire l^st ctmip'.-tely de -t'?ye<rjn? OW rord grad ,1 :?cU.jn! ?uildiojgy, Ai: of ? h<.* d?a>" i and o'h er fruntture in :.?e bu'H'rg vnu np la imoko snd |iru';t.< ?!l> o1!: ; -was^vuu. Tin- oi ti?? lire la iHriuiown Th$ bl^ge atairi rj r.- ab tit vi- \r-i o'clock iatt ulpl'.t i! A gained r'ir ^.ld?-r:ible Wc ?re i! v.ns ill ?ov?rcd. Bj lh?* that in'-ii be f!*.n to utrtrn on the *c ..s*. impossible to cbt:..* the au-i nothing uMftu bv done to ?av?> '.he building'. / ? The sMrttctur^ ?va<- iwo-s-or and a roomy ar.d coiuiuod."us bui'.i !i?k It w.ta well '. u.'Ui.-iu"" . wl!l amoudi to fL'vorn. tiu ". do1 iars. . No arrK^* union's b ? *>ee^ announced i Cc:r ti:** cc i*t the w hnol l ut j- VI. "wd that temp' y quart*: t"> >;? ? ured nt o ?.e. COXTflAC FOR T\\ i ltATTIJ?.<I.*!*S ARK A . .Ul.'EH Washington, D< t\ 1" ? Cccjv. nry DanicH anj^Qiicod to:lii> '.ha! c.)rt un.'ts for the eonstructL.r? wi bat tleships Noe| 4 3 aud 4 4. n"'hi>r{*? d by the last \ Congress. had b- -n a. warded tlie New York Mr.-.? Trland navy yard* respectively. mot bids being N w iorlt. I 7. ; Mare Island. 5T.4lE.li6. The dccUlia to ouiid (lie ship* In the goverainftnt yards was ic\<bod a> a coilterMcp bctweeTT ;P?p?Id#u* Wil'on and ?*?:?! tnry l^lo's. All bids si:bmin*-d by private Prtu ex rtwkd the rust fix"d by Por.grtiM for i-onsrrvi'f U)n of liu* V'-tsul. ?The becreiary announce, -t thnt ? h wijiiM ask ('.>aFjr ha *n authorize i be equipment of the wvy yard at Philadelphia for battleship ronstruc ii<m a: a c: ?i of approximately S I <>OQ,0?:f?. in order to be prepared lor the incrcnsed building program contemplated in the ednil. i-tr..,ion d fen#e plans. RAISE FUNDS FOR "EMPTY STOCKINGS'' ! Wa-liin^ton Will I'nuidr lln|>|iy ( l?i*l*tinu* fop Tliosc Who \ir . tnnlilf to Itut (rift*. Fund* are being ruined f^r ih "empty Ntuckini;" moveiiieiit *?)< Washington In piist yearn tin* mer ciiani!) o; tin* city linv.? u]v.\i.v* ??(??? i United ll"l)Brji;y to s-ti+ pi., p: nviil'nc ('lit iitiii.** fur 'h?* pfwr ntirl it l? h'lpetf tiiut '.her will ?] ?-? ih* ramp '.hh? year. Cnrl flichtr !*oii. nrlio hn* . r?1l ?I ? ? I >f,f tltiF^ pu?-pti*'f? du-Vg th? i;< |n\v v c:i i , !p -lnii iV ??* devo'?* !i?> t'trx- Ti? v>rh "'i >>ar " .1 Y J.. ? "*? ' ' w,? :? j *t ?, pirn pl.ic-. !;-.n*?r i? ?.?.'f'.nr "" I !??? r.uwlr.*' -? 'ii'* ? * ? s'1' *n ili?* r. m. .MM l*Kf>r*.K !>!\ll.t <??? '.n ir?- nl the f'"i1 i-r Hai.or'r. SuiTo H -? hap a i. ? ? (tinrc. Kveryihlng * . up*to?d if ill he late*? . ' r ii pho ..pi ? lij to Stockhn < o l?<crul* a ' ^r<?n?i I or*. 'ii d4d<-ga<'? O-jnmli A* w .1 j iln t lit* par:* at (.'.irl* tinnln i The party purjioaes go!n? <1 -r'rt t'? (h? iii'tuf by rail, pro ided Mr Kord rru p?*rnn?*loy to p*?:? through Germany. lie* irt'I cgr?e to n t?">! slop trip ?At the Hagu?*. Dutch. KpnnSrtt nnd Hvlsa member* are exported to join th' party and wflth their orvlval permanent organization wril b* at templed trtth a view to bringing pen re ;o :ho warring nations. | After a .Udrmy start which canned | much dalay. the Onoar II wm mak ing good progreta today, though nh? r%l!l prnbably be four dart lat* Ik aching OhfU.ianla. WAR IN THE DOLOMlTEALPS" '!'-!* i:1-.o'okt:m !. i.Unu: i- ? l:n?- 1 1 . Italian advance m;o Au tria. |? interest uu as .;houl:-R tli? ? nature o# ill- country ar.fl the reason fur iht? vivw i?rnsrr?-s? ma U- n> tin- iv^hUt* am-cioji soldiers ure hero aeeu a !.. '.:.l 1.; j..l.-r it? Ii ll.ii.:u:s. WILMINGTON IS AFTER CAMP < . Ill id \V?t*-tlitll;T<'ll 1 a I \ "l". !??? .? ? '* Ui-lirt' 'Kii.*i;t!? ui llillilia I'ori i ii j Ih'^.uaMNl .!?? Wiif \i. < t>-. 1 - 1 r:*. >;i i.-. L-uiiii: -.i a ? C'MU iii' j ?*iior: i?? tiiiv.- i u i' ptMtuix* ??d rhiEwi* iiv.luiuj' iv. w.i; :i :.s-' i\ ??;? d* :?;??*? uit-i.l ujmoji.i-i would t- ? tiabll-l??>'l in vw ^outli. ?* 1 1 .* ? * r :i r \Y!3mini;:oii of A j ? ?iti>un ol t L> ;i?os; !:.:hi..iui,il;* i?* iht ?????* ?.or.*t ri;;. ? it n ? c* here today prepared .u. i?i?a? ii?y- 4"tiiand- tnp ,"??,crofft<'y :* v .u i . order ih.u may be * uiMUliod a-..r W iLsuiaf :i>u. Yii?- ?v!iii*L! run:#* .i^: ? li.iy .n-liul-- < mi. v.v :i*r T.: ? ; ?<<r oj ca :uu.?: it. <' M> - in 'i?. ?? i ? i-J *:i i *'n- Mur?-;iir<i!i T i i'l ! . M .1 < ? >V. J. *TttSf an.! J. ?i. ;r: 111-. ? in ?Yrr? d wit". S*iiai#*r- Si;;i:r.?v ? aa 1 )?'? .'III rt.i i: ? 1 I i < pit * ?? .i '? J ' ; ("rod* .i ii *1 u ??,'!; *??<:? r?*l a t'y .:;f War (iurr Tim si*r<Mr\\ i io u!vi? \Vii..i'iw;i >:i i elm fO4ti'd?a:4t!0Ji i> for*, a !i;ia'. L. >i is r?*arln*d. in.tli w'!l i!.*i r !*? he*? t!> have iti? .amp r-vijbii-'.'i* I '.n Norn > '?irt>;!na. "ii.y wi.3 r- :?.*>#? . lr?wever. to int?*r ?? -i f<?r nay ??ily "r ;>i?n IUpr?\ 1 .?! ? .si ;v Cjuihvtii. ? ? ? i ii - - *.*. tli-' i :i ii. p in hi* 1 1 * - : r : ? ? ? . ui!<! ? * lii'taliii!; wiiU rltv Wkhi.lujrt 'in i*<?wi r '? t:.e il?*Lvaa*?'4 from ? <?..-< ; t - .SJli*. J?*it'. >> ttii.ia an- 1j n?l 'u.^ *.vc:j ??ffs.r. ui hi- can p. P ; iM'ii.-r.i: ? ii n .1 ? ii. ? i :o* ? J . i.r<?-n-hA-o. \V .3::iu*r . ? U'i'#*;irli. I'ay ?< '??vji iv. Ili.*k<iiy. *?:: i :?t. I Ij.iv.- ?.!/?*rr *1 rnci . : :? : ?? r "v !*:? ?? ti and K-p :? "i.trilvi* a k?'d "li#' W.ii* rl.'?8r"? "i: -? x^nd nrnv ? " ? r? n* th?* < l est I IU' ? c *r lain ofT*"*- ? iar?>* *:ir ? )i i?r >? V III **l \!* V. i.l \Sl K4*? \ Jtn. Ifn v.\ ' ii,. Mnsifrn I :*y J Kiii-J '* i r lo V n? -riilmsil ' ? ?? ir r ?? mi f r i ni I'dirsliiirB, V'a V"*. ii. 'li ? ??i'y yr< <Tfli> an-l "rip* In Ipiim* fhi' ne* Hi?i?**r balhl'nR fit ')Vi* " "1-r*'. wit'tli )? J>??5 ?? if U'lii ? hj l>" ?. -lardy f ." !?* .??rtoun ! ntnn'N 'fiti>:it.nn io r? ni tiu? ihr*1 ? t'p "iitir* for r tioi'd. Iff ?*nto< ? i r?r? : #nii' 1 b?? wiiiimr to pay [renal nf ti.RAO j?<>r min?.n. H" K?r 'af lil* for d^liiitt rti It'aK [ lht> buildlnfr, (lir f?#! I hut li r#?l cerla<n that llio l>upont J*(?wdi?r C!. 1 mould 'Hit up lU.:!r a* *" u .u?. .i Klnnlou BUCKET BRIGADE I SAVED HOUSEi' H? us?* . ii I- in i.l Ju?. K. Clark. Jr. S;i\?i| !-j V\iuk isl Cill'lll timid*. >? ri;t> kmu paniiilly .j "ICJ'il " --'?.lilt it Hi. 1 1'? (l \. . .,L! m. Th*? l/.az-J ?: .m- i i ?. v t.fJU ;u?:sil f a l#i:t i.i?i Lr rid- aim U* mnj.' i>* i* K'-jj: i!n* -.i.m-i- 1 1 o tti lM-lns io i',v i|vv?'\i\>i] T.if r^??1 of i he i'i lis-: v.'iis tiara- .1 rjfi Ii u;*l Ur a linusr in iii>< i*. i- . i > to ;>?? siisid It) ttils *cy. The n.viffTijr ir>i;ra>n-' Tl? l.w,< ? ? ii ji i ? iS Jiavi- b?< i! : to 'piiiK u..:it :.??? i ? .i jj -I: i V.-' ? ISI'V UN IIKKIl* '! i : i : \ MKIU*. \ N I'llO'l KS J \y.n ? ... 1 1 isr- v fx :'?;ri a v. .-| "| Till fllltv.J null - Jip I'. - ! ia :h- -Ji ... .?? A!?i-rir.?i: . r,i:-.-.A'- J ,.sr;M ? <-i. ? iiii.v . .) r- r? muj itioai } ? i.y Hi. ;:;:.- in;L ii.3 ]<:? '? tr ? 1 y :>. .. prix ? eo'.srt :?j ???? ?i' ? . Iriru"* lit- . um- j > i .i? h '."-rv .iti-fl?i,. I ..v? ?j ... v. | r!i:i'U cfili !???.'-- Wi :: ? . :i ?i ?! ? ??" '??? " !> ? i* k tl aH?l <;??! ??- | .... < i .. v iii 1.( n ? :!u- iiuti** f ? rr?t?* ' -.1 I'.l w.i] ),*? ' ?raii"f* rr I i'ri?i;i tlifax aa-i S I I.IS.'IM ?? l.'H 1 .. t 1: it(* ?!-?- ? ? l*.v i'* Vji' ? r--.!ii *v.'?or i'tiii'i" r I X ' ' ' ' ':r ' j ca ti iv in S?'T"*nr> i. 'lMkv ? mill. It j.<:r i , ? : .?V' -' k-K ?. Iritis. .im*?;:s?.t:|.;r sr. ;...d \!ii?i. - -i 'I ?r TO!>AV S COTTON QUOTATION.5 , i w i f/i i o\ a I I f OT'I lit. -KKT .ff.?.iMi V J TIC I ?" :il| ' f t'.r 'f'jiN l'n>i i'K of I *j? lit ?. J II| <I.I(I < '1 11 . . fir I I'UII'TO It i \ ?-l* j ? i'.viiii'iiUkJilMi'iclK: | > ? .ii ? >-. Ji- r. !>\ lmljlifd ;i i; I lis- | ? il :? !<!??? : ti?* . I i*r? til .v iin.l , ???.?-.ill" Hi- ll'iil ill <llaiti;iK?? if"-- nii'i" >??" iJJ'I'l or 1 h.1 ' ! ija> I ? -i ?miii" (?f ' iicli i:' if ail ?\ i fai! I-; |t v nil or iM'fojv 1 I ?? ' K" 1 ' r: rd isi .Inn ? ! ? . ?] ^ > l .ii i Monday in 1- I ? ; " i:< ii. '1 V" K'l !?? ? . . <? ilr iC?' lav. . an ? I .,4.. .... '? I W .5 WINli: .KY. Sln*r j IT. n I ? ? , . II v. ? vTi:f? ? ,.i?\RiiTiHiN<; *\r? '? j j !?. ? <ar?l? 'ii iiralnt Rull) llm! ' | r.p I. "'?l BlreH. , M in I ? SIT GERIW 15 READY 10 TAtK PEACE l'KD|t?SAI.K MI ST < OMK PttOM KNKMl. HOWKVER, ACCOHD l\<. T<> STATEMK.VT. MUST END WAR Will .km* only u? |V?r?* Th*l WUl INinh l\rl> Vhsurv III, TfrmllUltiOM "I tilt* Wur \\ Hh No I 'luiir? at tiling It. Ji rh:-., liet . 1 <? ? miany *'111 I lo peace prnpottnU if they are >a'h a- s;n- consider* reasonable. ?iu: * * . uui propose poare, ?-u.- i :;?? i vftiot' ui a *laiemtnt made I ?r \ on ann-Hollueg. - ??.;*?-: ';i ! German chancellor, Id tb* Unc today Willi public opin io;] :u the allied nation* mUiruld?d, ?? hi- declared tt to be. it would b? . u' > iwi- (?? rmany to advance term* tin* chancellor declared. ? uu'.rj .1..?cu*> peace proposal#. Ji if %?. ?? ?? .-?r. ir ill- v w*re compatible uiiii (i-r:na*i>s dignity and safety. With ronjii'.ouatiMss of h?r ailll ?.?r> *uvce*v?, Germany de<M>nid ii" juifiMblhty for further rontinu* .? :i j: iii?- wjv faid the chancellor. tl??- Mar <*ouid be terminated . ? .i ?- ,nv which w LIS give a i <? that war *ill nut return." \ no' fiphtinj; for ?*i'i .? - tvittonn. but for ui.l *.h.- i *. '?nd ^rspji',. ?.? wiTv an ;?if alii. J -. r i; ;'i ? :d? .-. that e;i?- lould 6? "THE PRONOUNS" HERE TONIGHT M? . 1 1 ini mill 1" W ill Provide l'l?'n l> ?T I '(IlllfJ). CoiimiIuidx IWnI iiial lUu* Vrt llwn Hen*. H?u. iind I. u jeiusjiiil eoni : ;:..i*?h1 a Ion? run :n Npw . hookPd :?i iIjp Now ? jfti: ']?'??? >u.T' -?e of ..?.in. .? *?i be baaed on : >. ? nu* fhiesi kind of 4v. : x u : 1? a:i<J < Lever \ "hoiK u * i:..-. I..- nerouit niusi ! t-rr. . 1 1 j. 'kt we?*k. if is px ??i5 ?:.,!! lam- audience will o? li'J ! - * itn??ss 'onighi* prt? : ' ? >. < Thi..;: :? rt-nain ? if ?i laujfh. for tbp coiu v> si,, '.ii- 8m s yui?-'ilJi4HH that ? ? n Washington. ? urMi.ii it |> iii ft: 3 ii. G*n .?< r; a ho Impptu to ba?0 ? seat ?: In<l >- v..;i:;:ip ;i lnrap liar. iu'i>\ ij-i] wj'h peritcopeg by I >l<- l St. KM \ \V \l{ TAX IIIM. Wil l. KK IH'SIIKI* Til IIOI OH W;i.h:ii8*?ir. l/fc. |f? ? Chairman K.ri;.,n. of !?,#? hull-*' way* anrl ? ? li.Iii'r *f. a fpr ft <*onf renre ? ????us** MiArt'Kt ?nri(iunrfi| '! ?? (>**nir>f rat* would put ?; ? iii.'i r-?ri-r?.4 before tii* Cbrlai .i ?>sr '<1 mntlnup the ?? ?! ri-v? imp law which 1 ?N|ilr*> by limitation Decern - ' ;l 'I >i-< iv ea:imr.teil tr> rni-p f > \u oon.orin annually. * ? -ill n - . 'I re pen! of the fre? i :i =i . ??' ?' h?- I'tidi-fwood (ir i r* rnli'V b- ???UMiiJorPd at th<* ;?!'Vn'if'h !? hn? heen un ????- ? <i >' ? ' h*> nflir.iuSmraUon'i ?ii'ril ?? ? ? nil. 'ii- *?ur*? might not i'. ' v, mi 'in; ', after the holiday*. T? . ?ii'ti'1 *ri?" y i n i>? ? orobablj h?- ??v*?nrl??l for m vrnr - -- -*??11 !? ?????? ? H HI T? ? %

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