FOOL PlM SUSPECTED IN DEATH OF MRS. m/EN; IBM BEING MADE l'LYMOCTH WOMAN WAS MCND BtRNKD TO DIAIt UffSKR _ KLOOR OF HOt'SK. Jkr BODY EXHUMED Mdeaeo Folate Towards Martler. Ho licll or Van B. Martin Hm Bo jmm. UrMtigMio*. Tracer of Um af Kkomm H?Tf Bmb Found. Wymouth. N. C . De 11? ?olio iior Van B. Martin ha a begun an lnveetlgatlon of ti>a death and burn In? of (be body of Mr*. Mamie Bowen, wlf? of Jameo Bo inn, be fore Justice W. P. Ambon and a cor oner's Jury. The body war exhumed and the evidence began. Almoet the exclusive topic of con versation during the past week tn Plymouth and the-uurTOundlng coun try hse been this caae. Mrs. Bow en'a cbarrrd and frlaekened body waa fonnd under tha floor of bar home at It: SO o'clock Friday morn ing, November If, last. Circum stances pointed to foul play, bit re." piles received from inquiries indi cated that she had fallen In to the Are when overcome bjT an attack of beert disease and had burned to death. Later It developed that the body was too nearly consumed to have bean subjected only to the burning of her clothing and socb fire as would hsve Men the Are place. ? bole had been burned la the floor aad tha body lay on the ground under the bouse. On It was a pile of ashes, and around the burned floor were evidences that kerbeene bad -frees plentifully used. The con dition of -the room showed that in tent* heat had- resulted from som? aort of fuel, and iheA*|ro lndica 11 op 3 that the Are had' been carefully ko*L frpa?.?*mpi hwud .Mplrol untlt evldeaee of murder should hp*e boen destroyed. That the crime oe fnp14fl Wng hour* or iabor wsa evi dent from the condition of the body, aud that It was done in the night fa the conclusion generally arrived at by thoae who have examined the premises and who passed the house during the morning and early fore noon hour*. Up to Wednesday evening no ar rest bn<l be*n msdtf^ in coun^c'lnn with the affair. But pub'.lc !>u ti niest Is so aroused now that there is Kmall room for doubt that 'twere will be vigorous proeecutlon of the Invr stlgatlon, and that the murderer will be discovered. Several things In connection with the crime are not to the credit of the oounty or state. It Is three weeks ? this morning since the discovery of the body.. Until the detslls were] published and attention called to j the laxity or the connty officiate, there bed not been one step taken to dlaeovcr whether It wae an aocl- j dent or a crime. Some days aftsrj the horror. Barman Oulrkln, father] of the murdered woman, sentMo the State chemist at Raleigh a piece of the flooring and parts of the mat ting and linoleum bearing traces of kerosene, sad ssked to have the chemist determine definitely whether the samples had been saturated with kerosene. After eevaral days hs re ceived a reply that no report would be made on the matter except In at*, swer to a demand from ? county of ficial. Solicitor Martin then wrote requesting a jj^ort. anfi in time re ceived a rep? that the samplee seem'd to sl^r traces of kerosene. K/iow !h? flow a? Mvara. Mo m itirti lo knM a km ant* ?ut kitovtni how null raoa la uit a4 or kov mmaj paopla in nptot^ lo OCCVP7 tk? bouaa. Tha MM thlnf ?bould ba una at powot plaata, Mn aupplf mill pUati. Ittu, flood ooutrol mrk*. tr rijatloa warka. u4 toad drain**' m Uiaa. If auah ooaatmailoa *ark U u ba dona aooaomlcaOy aad aaoaaaihill. a kaovlad?? of tka aaoaac of walar >a?o>va<l la <?>??! Ual TRY TO BEAT PALMER BILL Cotto* Bitterly by* poo?l to It Have Retained KxXJomaor KJtchia. . . W*-hin*ion, .Dec. .11. ? Cotton manufacturer? tr? going to make a determined effort to- defeat the Palmer child labor hill which. It passsd by Congress, would prohibit the shipment in Interstate commerce of any product of a factory that wae manufactured with the aid of child labor. That the cotton men are determin ed to defeat this measure b. came evident today when it was learned that former Qov. W. W. Kltchin has been retained by the cotton mill people to look after their interests and that he had been before Cob greuman -Lewie, of Maryland, chair man of the house labor committee, to ask that he and the mill men be given a hearing beforo the bill it reported out of the committee. Mr. Kitchen baa been here all the week. It la understood that practically ev^ry member of Congress and both senators from the state are agslnst the Palmer bill. The measure would he especially obnoxious to the cot. ton people of the entire country be cause It provides that federal in spectors may enter any cotton mill or any factory, the producta of which are to be shipped out of the state, and demand that the books and any otber papers In the posses sion of the mills be liasned over to the federal agent.. Should he And that children under 14 years of ag are In the employ <JT the concern, the goods would be bsrred from shipment Tn Interstaali Th?.artU pfopf* contfiad the/ do not object to the la^~ trfca'T *tate measure Instead of a federal measure.' r They *'111" do thelf ?t* most, however.'1 to defest any legis lation ^ihat will give the federal au torifles the right to inspect and su pervise state insltutlons. MR. SEARIGHT H(\S RETURNED Held Highly Successful Meeting" *< Kdcotoo This Week. Will Cow duet Service* Here Tomorrow. Rev. H. B. Searigbt returned this morning from Edenton. wbere be haa beta conducting a protracted ; meeting. -during the past week. Meetlnfs were held dally and sue- 1 c-essful results were obtained. I Mr. 8earlght will conduct regu lar services st the Presbyterian [church tomorrow morning and night | at the usual hours. WANT OHL'RCHKB MOKK LIBRKAL-MIKDKD NOW "Churcfl HertarLui and IR-uonUna Uoiud Bully Can No lx>a?er Kqinawt "Christianity in this Country Columbus, O.. Dec. 11. ? "The nar row offensive church sectarian' and ilcpe mutational bully can no longer represent Christians In this coun try, whatever their chdrch adula tions. Growing co-operation among churches will at once rid all com munities of such Intolerant men." Tbla assertion by Eer. John M. Moore of Nashville, Tenn, as vig orously applauded today at the na tional conference of the Commission on Church and Country Life. Rev. Moore waa one of several epeakers who attacked the spirit of aloofness maintained by some churches, and who urged further federation of re ligious organisation*. Hoary Wal lace. Dee Motaes agricultural editor and former Member of RooeereH'a country life commission, in an a*, dress deplored the system of ten antry and urged longer leasee for farms. The conferences will close tonlyht with aa address by r Resident Wil son. Business sessions 6f the exec utive committee of the Federal Council of Churches will end then HA -^7^ ? ' r*'Stki Subacribe to the Dally News. ARE MAKING A h PERSONAL ISSUE Letter, KrcHv<Ml from Colonel Rod. u??n and V. H. V? Kber?tr*a. Publication is Refuard. We are today In reeelpt of two 1< tiers- ? one from Coloael W ( Rodman and the other from Von Eberstein. Both of them are on the same subject, and are purely perirenal. We have declined to publish these letters for two reasons: First: They hare nothln* to do with the good roads movement. Second: They make certain mis statements which would, require an swering and contradiction. These contradictions would probably bring u? more letters from the two gen tlemen. which we would probably be obliged to answer again, and our readers would have a tiresome and dlsguf :ing serks of personal attacks to ^ade through daily. IX either Coionel Rodman or Mr. Von Etorsteto had anything to say regarding (he ;ood roads movement, wo would 4?av* been only too (lad to have publi^ed their view*. The colonel, however, appears to dave entirely lost a'sht of ? or forgotten ? his objections to the bond issue and Mr. Von Eberstein brings out no pointa either in favor or against It ' ? % We don't want to give the Impres sion that we are "afraid" to publlaii the above-mentioned letters. How cver.awe scarcely believe that our readers will gnin that iinprtfslon. W? do not wish to muddy okr col umns with a series of personal at tacks. We have both of the lettere on file in our office and those of our readers who desire to see them, will And them here. Should either Col. Rodman or Mr. Von Eberstein desire to enter into a* controversy with me concerning legislative mattera I shall be glad to accommodate them at any time whenever th*y will distinguish be tween such matters and the good roads movement in Washington t township. - V J AS. L. MAYO. ? ? SI m WlHC WHO GOT "I, AST DIME "\"oji Murker, Vou Helens 1? Xnt itbiiHs" ( liirafo Worann ' Wrote Husband. Chicago. Iil., Dec. 11. ? An origi nal style of "loving wife" to "darl ing husband" letters has found its way Into the Circuit Court record through 9ig. Antonio Caramusa's attempt to free himself of an alleg ed unfaithful cabaret-singer wife. "Darling husband, you are an in sect." is a rumple from the letters cn which Caramusa bases his di vorce plea, scheduled to come up for hearing before Judge Kersten Mon day. ? . He will ask the court what can be done toward restraining his wife from Rending him photographs of | the men to whom she plans to be married, the photographs bearing taunting inscriptions, according to | hib attorney. One of the letters, written after ! the wife had left her home and set- j tied In Kansas City. Mo., follows: I "My darting husband ? Rectlveul 1 lyour d- ar letter and was so surprle- j ed to k'?ow thst you did?'t marry m? tor lor \ It nearly broko my heart to knoA- that yoti didn't lovo me. Ha! Hh! "I would HLo" to know what you think I married you for. You know I never did loVfe you. Why, you poor insect. 1 married you for what I could get out of you. And I got It too: No#, didn't I, dear? Tou have always b' in a sucker in my estima tion. "The reason I lived with you in Chicago, was just to matye you pay the rent I owed. T got t^?iaat dime you had and then I left you. "You always thought yoUw were a smart man. Too bad you couldn't see through that. "Good-bye, lost love. ]^! Ha! Bay, I think you belong li^ lh<> nut house. Please do not botbe?.ja4 with any more letter". Your !ovi?f wife. "VlftOfNlA." Most Kameus River. Kstlglon. history, and nature co? jpire to mako <M Jordan tk& ifbosi famous river of ftkeeafth Acroee it the boots of Isnufl were led Ujto the Promised Land; la Its Waters the Christian right of baptism had Its birth; up and down Its valley elvillTstloas In the morning of htstori rose and fell. Perhaps the strange^ thing about thia fanoee river Is thai none of the ancient ei?r gu^ofl thai Its meuth was below the level of th? eea. It was not until 18T4 that aoc w rate measurements were made ani the mouth of the river was found 1JW feet below the Medlferraaeea. Veai ? Uan sixty ssllee sway. CZAR AND CZAREVITCH REVIEWIN6 COSSACKS A aplendld review of Cossack troops marked the czar s w3aumlng ol suprotue lOiauinnd over bis armies Dres??d In tba rnlforin of the regiment. the "LUtle Fathrr" of nil the Kuttafans and hia son aud hel{ reviewed th< Caucasian troops 1i :be ar**a of t:.e fighting linos Thev are *oen tiorc aocotnraolHd by one of the comhi&ndlQi officers BOARD OF EDUCATION HOLD REGULAR MEETING At tke regular mating of Tho [County Board of Education this | week a special election for dlaty:U . No. 5, Long Acre township. wai > prevented. Th# board deferred ac-| tlon on aame ai I: appeared to v. y materially e fleet the suircundi:>g district* and considerable objection ,waa raiaed by the patrons ao eff?? l ed. Notice waa given those object ing that the election would be Al lowed unless they availed them selves ox the opportunity to vote the ?preial tax. ' A deed for a ?shoo! site In distrirt No. 2, Washington township, waa prevented but not accepted because ill contained a provision that the school house would be used for rel lgious purpoeea. The pairona of the ftcitOQl. were given permlasion to move the old School house aa so:n aa the therms ml the deed were ac ceptable to' tra Board. The chl!dr q^of F. F. Taylor, Ed watd Paul arflV. Danrala were given permission to attend In dis- ' trie!' No." 11. Ruth township. ? .? I It waa ordered that district N)/| 11, Bath township, should be put on! the preferred llat for an offaet of : >$250 from the building fund The) chairman of the high school com mitt- e at Aurora asked the board , to pay the expenae of equipping the :hlgh school building recently erect ed which will amount to between $1,000 and $1,200. Ibis request | wag also placed on the preferred list! | to receive aid as soon as possible I A petition for the division of dia*| trict No. 12, rhocowlnity township, | was presented. 'As mosi of tho( signers of the petition were preernt and expressed a preference to have one large building e.recfd iu tuel renter of the district. If snch could | be done, to having the district ?!!. j vlded. No action wa* taken An J offer was made the board for Lhe use of the Holiness church in paid I district for school purposes for the remainder of the school term and ii I was decided to put another teacher . BARACA CLASS HELD MEETING Regular RuslncaS Meeilns l,*M j Night. Expect f.nt-ge Niimli?r ?t CI a mi Tomorrow. The M. R. Ha't.i bc!d regular businc^ in o?i(ig In Mi*1 ? ? I ? - rooms last night. ?o *'-? ? ? ' numh?r of (meTiihors preheat. ? ? ?. .. decided Ln^t not to have the tectum by Mr. Daniel. Thla will be glvi-n ct ? !at?r date. when a larger num ber uiay ha*e an o<pport'|alty of hoarlng If. Tb? clans will me*t tomorrow morning at the usual hour. A large attendance of member* la looked for. Th?, new quarters tor the cl** i provide am^l? accommodations for many more members. RNTKRTAIlfKn AT UflIIX;K. Mr*. Bijnund Harding was ho*, toss jrt a bridge party yesterday af ternoon. which waa given In honor of Mrs. Harry Harding, of South Carolina, who ta visiting friends in the city. Mrs tt. K. Willie made high score and waa awarded flrat priae. Dellclou* refreahments fol* feared the gamee. Thbae preaent ?ere Mre. Harry Harding. Mra. B. K. Millls, Mlav Marcls Myors. Mrs. *J. O. BtSurit, Mra. 8. C. Bragaw, M4*s lane Myers and Mrs. Cgjab Hell Id charge. It Appearing that tho atioudaace I at th<k Kau?oui\ Hie rcUosl n ai too . iatge for two teaclter*. th?- comiult-[ t?e was a-it. iorlfed lo ru 1*1 o) a ' third. Thf employment of a leacher for tinea month* fur thy xcjooI in the vicinity of Mr. Sandtirion'd. in dis trict No. ti. Uaih township. was authorized. Mr. R E. Tr'.pp came before" the Hoard and r.-uuoated tome aid In Jr-fraylnK the evpense of a mission I school operated in district No. 13.1 Richland to?usht4>. The Hoard a I- * lowed $6Q.OO. The foilowin* nr mora nil um was ordered to he written in the minutes ?f the Hoard: ~ "The honda of the Aurora graded bchooi district of $1,000 each this day delivered to the Hoard of Education of Hoaufort county by the Board of County CoinmUaiom r?. and Ty -the Hoard of BUfnrartion -delivered to the Hoard of .Trustees of the Au rura^a/aded .Acliool tas| f to sell the same at not Iowa iiian pur K..d to upply ihe proceeds accruing therefrom to the tfi'ectlou and equip ment of acbool house* In aald dis trict. " An o!T-vt of $175.21 w;i? mado district No 4. I.ciik Arte towr.ahip. to be applied on building. The board alluwr-J r. K. Hotiges $10. >5 for services rendered and money hiIvhuc d in the ererfon of a school houte In d'atrict No. 6, col ored. Wnahlnglon township. | U'.Ftrict No. 14. Rlculand town , ship, was allowed $20-21 as obs'.t for 'abor and money furninhed by i 1 atrons in erection of a school ! building. ; The board authorised a loan and [approved an application for lh" loan , tcr the .Small ?<hcyl district No. S. i Richland township, for $l.J0!t from 1 1 lie State loan fund for building ifcehoo1 bona*. I No furthw/ M?ines? foeinp brought [ up.' the board Adjourned. 7,257 SALES WERE GINNED TO DEC. 1 Crop lu IJeaufcrt Count) Wtll Show i Dfrferi* Over 1011, According to LatMl Rr>|M>rt Made. Up to Dacembrr I. 7.2 R 7 1 ?' ' "o*?r?n vrrri* 1 - 1 ji. 1. cotton left an indication.-* j . nwnrdu * |b!g decrease over last yoar when th?? j total crop haa boon ginned. Th* 1&16 cotton crop amounted to 5. 33D. 588,000 pound* ?? xcIuhIvi. .nod la equivalent to 11.161.000 flvo hrndrod pound bale* the Department of Agriculture announced today in Ita filed estimate of tbe season. That in 2,300,000 lew than last' year's record crop. The value of tbe -tint this year, however, in approxi mately 578.000.000 more than laat year'* great crop. Cotton was being Isold by farmors December lat, at 11 8-4 centa per jpound, while laat y'ar on thai date they were getting six ami eight cents per pound. At the price thia year tbe crop 'a yrttrfh ' |40&, 210,000. while last lyear'a lint ww worth $828.8834,. 000 * M. 9. WfcUfa, of Greenville. wi? among the out of town victors In [tba aity today. ' 4 BURLESQUE WAS FAIRLY GOOD Omly Fair-MI/rtl Audience (irmwl I'ei-foruuinc'i* of "Mr, llixii and I" l.uot Night. Me. Him and I" played to a falr ^ized audience a: the New Theatre l?*t night. Thar*1 was much to bo oeeir d in the ueiiug of the princl pals, but the play wan not without lu goyj points Tlin scenery *** the most beautiful that ha* been seen here ih>J season and (b? work or the chorus was above the aver age. These was very little ' naiut" brought in. It can at lean; be said that tiic tro'ipe tried hard to From the gallery rher*' came occa sional h.sses and during tiie Ui-t' act a few rub*s in :he peanut roo.-t irh d to break up the tthnw with! virenuoiih < 1;? -<i> i n^. 1/ they didn't like the s>.;o?.- war. their prlvUeg- | to U'ttvo but instead. it wa- evident ly their desire to show the rest of the audience how extr? niely bright cuI cl'-ver ?#ie-y were and whai dar. Sag. (Uvllt iftffr -could be when they /;r>- stu! ieil. So^jt; of them prub nJdy cv n hHiiike cigarettes aud p-:r jufcic lUv-.r handkerchiefs. TO ItKltl' I I.I ) HOI'KWEU. WITH IIHH'K nriLDlMirt Pvtorrbui'g. Va.. iJec. 11 At a ...ass me ting of resident* of Hope w.'ll today it wa.? decided to ask Governor Stuart :o permit the mlli ila to remain lu control of the town until h city or town charter ran be ?ra;.u-d the community. it wa* aiso <1 fndn^l al t;ie meet ing. attended by over 1.000 people, that a commission should govern the city ii'-rtding incorporation, pro I vided Novernor cov.ld find would confer ??? h authority. The rum mission w a ?? elecied at lite meet ing. I was th- unanimous d*elsion o? the meeting that wh!le 30 day* per mit.* should !?*? granted for the erer-tjon of temporary frame shelters on lh?> rear o i lots, only brkk or concrete nhou'd lr. uf-d in ppnua. neat buildinga. The work of relieving ;li ?> Hiiffer fr.?: 1 lop' veil is l.olng cairlfd on '?.?> roii?:: -it l o! ??:?. .* d for t:?v ^arpo1-"' by Mayor Caoanih* of Pet f ruliuric and citizens of I he city. Several carlOHd* of foodstuff* have been sent to the burni-out town to day. It la esliniat'-d that 500 or : -nre of the de^tPute are being fed . lodged in P?-f r?bur? and th? 'iib.-r i* lucreasinr ?s the semi-monthly pn> y r> ? when KVKItKTTKS HCIIOOI NOTKS. Tlu? first month of Nfhool cini" to a close December 3. I'hn enrollment for the month l>ein* forty o!ght wfrh an averagr dally attendum--* of ft 10-19 There ar?* 27 children In th.e'dl'i trlct between Hie agf?s of R and 13 al lof thf?HP have bewi inrolltfd/ Til average daily attendance w?s I ?' 2-19 We underntfnd that It hn* bean reported that our teitrh is nr? re' telving pay for th? moonl^pt k< liool work. Thin I* fa!**1. There l? no charge whatever. Anyone Iii the district who la Interested in the work" and who dealr> a to acquire more knowledge In to attend Tho achool hae been In progress three weekf. Ik men and boya hare enrolled, only one of th?ae being ai< Illiterate. We have claa??ji !n arllh nietlc, writing and apelllng. Only thoae who attend realize what thoatJ who iUy at home are toning If. HUES HAVE ~ BEEN DRIVEN FRDMSERBM BKKL1N HK1DKT STATES THAT imtTlSH AND FREXCU iUM IX KI LL KETRHATT 1,000 PRISONERS Vk-tinn Announce* Capture of Over 1 aOOO Serbian* and MoBtPoepiB*. Battle Being Waeed Ap-alnat Iht IlallaA*. Loudon. Dec. 11. ? Unofficial re ports from Berlin any the Alii** have ? unruly evacuated S'-rblan terri tory l.otidou press comment indicate* ?.hut the British capita: considers the situation of the allied armies in the Balkans as fuve, following the rei-ont daub** with the Bulgarians, which have rebulted la the with drawal uf fioth the French* and Brm?h line*. Direct advice from Vienna are '.biit t!u* C'ectrul powers, according o e*pr- ?slo:;s in authoritative cir :eH, are confident of being able to meet au< cessfully any move made 'y th?* Entente allies In the Balkans, l'iie Teutonic > m pi res have pat ne upon Greece. It 1* de :lared. ill- Ir one wish being that Jio remain neutral. <'*l?turr I. (MM) IViNonera. Yelnna annnun:. ?'??? 'Ori-wiful o;muuance '?i i.;.-: ? ?oil: the Serbian* a : .e Moato. s iir iif wjt h the capture of nioro 1 .Ot'O priuonern. . \ a - 1 r 1 a i ? troopn have been heavily i',iCit*-r-ait tu-k'.ng the tlaMann and i.t v ?? captured part of the Italian n?sif ?<>: ?? near Dolje. northwest of iolmiiiu Vicuna reports. Renewed 411uck? by (.itueral Oadorna's fores --gains; the defense* of Ooriiia liave ?ten ri ul'.leiH. it is declared. < JfYcr Limm lleelstaucr. "V onsuntlnoplo gnuounces that the !Jrfli"h ?x petitionary force in Meso is ofrprSnp jljtse vigorous re to ! he Turkish attacks, ?iriiifch -KirtiOH have been repulsed with Iivnvy lohees, it is claimed. A ii'i'tnt British official announcement was aiHib- that reinforcements were arriving at the front for General Townsoiul's army, which retreated ilrwn ihe Tigris from Bupdad aft*r f 3i r batt'e of Cteslphon CREDIT GUIDES BEEN ISSUED ! HKVf I Ih-liveml Among lioml I SuhwpJbrr*. ( uQLain Nubcm of \I1 Who Hktc AntinnlN, ^ The Credit Rxperlenc* fluid*. con taining the rating of pcrnons in iJriufnrt. I'itt. Martin and Hyl? f 'luiijtii- 1, ha* bean d^llvMwl to tit*1 ? m ri<> 110 pubBfrJbor* in the city The I !v extremely wrll gotten up and ari ^xii -i nt ptyc of work flnp 1 1'trn'Otit* will li?? iHsii?*d at wp?r1fl??d tiniFi In- !? .lo -l <Lfi?l:uu ? nf?*r rhrltrtiniiH i? r iir ln>p?i? t?ia; uici^y mor? ' ??. i- ?-!4/| wit! iif ;> pVn> ft Kv*r??i* ??? ??<?! rhnivl?y night. Uf?. 1 ?. V r<4 rlie nctiool | V y Kilt b?Mp * l'OI>A Y'S COTTON QUO I ATIONS f.'NT -11 7-8 emit* .<nri? '?<) I TON? |4.7i. l-orr.ix KKKT1? >45.00 .

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