THE DAILY NXWB PKINT8 MORE KDCAL NEWS THAN ANY OTBmt PAPER IN THE STATE WASHINGTON, N. C., 'MONDAY AFTERNOON. EC'EBM^ER 13. 1#1&. GOOD SPEAKERS > < PKACK TO OOMK NOT PATCHWORK HAYS WILSON Columbus. O., Dec. 13. ? Presi dent Wilson today expressed t^e opinion that there will be no "patch ?d-up peace" following the European war. In a comprehensive and fdrce-i ful address before the Columbus Chamber of Commerce he urged American business men to mobilize their resources in order that the Vnlted States might be prepared to play a more important part in the world's Affairs and bring about jus tice after the present war. s The President spent eighteen hoars in Columbus, during which he was active every, minute. His recep &was enthusiastic and pleased ?- greatly. In addttlon to the Chamber of Commerce speech he de livered an address Saturday before the Commission on Country and Church Life of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ of AtnaT ?oa. ' MR. MARLOW MAY 1. BE NEW PASTOR Cosgrtigstion of Christian Church " Anticipate Calling Him. Will ittresch Tonight. ltev. P. K. Harlow, of Ashland. V'a . will preach at the Christian church tonight. The congregation of this church Is anticipating -calling hj.m hare aa their regular pastor and all members of the church aftp tha, pubwe at largr^e lntfted to hear him tonight. Mr. barlow comes to Washington well recentasaded and is a preacher of wondeaftfT power and earnestness. If aelectrd to serve this church be will add great strength to the min isterial force in Washington. He preached at the Christian church yesterday morning and again la?t night, "feoth-of hl? sermon's wer masterpieces. His delivery is most impressive. F*o?taeot Bwlfcau of Ptu mm! Bewtfcrt Camatf W1U Tmlk art Um Subject of Good Road. M Wed mtmamj: Big M?*ing .t Old f?rd. | Although the weather outlook ^ rather dubious, there are o*?ir 1,000 persona in Washington township and outlying districts who are hoping that it will clear up before Wednea ^ day morning, at which time the big ' barbecue is to be given st Old Ford.' Arrangements for the event have been practically completed. Tha hogs hare been bought and Will be killed and there will be over a thousand pounds of barbecue, with all tha ??trimmings." Among ' the speakers at- the~4a y will be Sheriff Tucker. Sheriff Xo Laughorn and J. O. Taylor, all of Pftt county, and Hugh Paul, Judge Stephen C. Brags w. H. S. Ward and E. L 8tewart, of wlahington. Oth ers will probably be called upon for a taw remarks. 1 . j ISSUE BONDS AT BRIDGETON Will Hold Rfootton In Jmoatj r Veto grt.OOO rkmda for ravin* (By Bafctern Pr eee) New Bern, Dec. 18. ? An election] has be?*n called at Brldgetftff, acrofe* the Neuse river from here, for th? purpose of Iffsulng $5,000 Honda, to I b? hwmJ in pevlng the atresia of the ? city. The election Will bej^eld in V January. There in an overwhelm-. ? )ng eentimont In favor of the lanue ..'attd It la believed that it wilt, be carried without much opposition. Brldgeton has alao r^oea^l#. lu lled ao ftttatric light plant. TMe :hta will be turned on for the flrtt Wednesday . town of PoUockavllle, In coonty. la alio anxious to se light* end 9?+pt system. Both proects ere being agtt*ted t' la believed they wi)l be ;? rt -? v . ^ SI6MN6 CHECKS BY MACHtylERY rnuik j. r. the L'nttod 1 ??? Aram ? ??? !?no>t.lto4, xid tte o(b?r* ' llw clMdu tm 64 H Ini Bachfiib ? Mr. Thlel PINETOWN NEWS LETTJ# Items of Interest From Nearby City. Want County Debate for- All Schools. Other News. Plnetown. N. C.. Dec. IS. ? Here, as elsewhere, Christmas Is of course thft absorbing topic, but occasionally ?ome other events step o*it upon the stage. These, for the benefit of those interested in our welfare, we shall now record. To begin with it behooves us te? express a regret ? not that we are especially fond of regrets, far from It ? but they have a way of showing Ui> now and then Just to let us know of their existence. We record the Reaving of a member of the faculty of (ho Plnetown Graded school. Miss Neva Harrison, last session and pert of this one connected with the pri mary department, who resigns at 'the beginning of tlje Christmas holidays. We trust that her work in her new field of activity may be found pleas ant and congenial. She carries ourj heartiest wishes for success. The monthly roll system of the school seems to be meeting witty sue eees, rech month shewing an in crease In the number of Mnifs-'-ia jeiving mention, ^For the month Ending Deesmb** S--rthe following pupils m?4e the. honor roll grade: in Miss Odom's room, Evelyn Wa ters. Irene Harrison, Allen Waters, Ronald Kespass, Marcla Waters. Nel lie Boyd, Delma Respaes,1 , Eldred Keel, Helen Cooper, Lucile Kesphss. in Miss Harrison's room. Oeorge W. Respass and Ja?per Boyd made the honor average. In Miss SpruVH's room those on last month's "honor Brownley wUll^ood and Russell ni'cOm;>auied ? this month by Pattle R. Huuter. While the past month's work In the princi pal's room resulted in a slight de crease in averages, the following pupils deserve mention for the type of scholarship shown: Lydia Dowdy. Mary S. Parker, Elisabeth Parker. Sarah Morris and Howard Harris. We remark In passing, the enroll- , ment of 129 pupils for the past j month, the largest number attend ing the local school, we believe, ; since the founding of -Plnetown. The challeuge of the boys' basket ONLY 45 BARACAS WERE AT MEETING Had W?tber Wm Cause for Snuill A(triHlaDc? at SfMton of the Class YertwUy. OwIdi to the bad weather yester day. only forty-five members of the Raracs class were present at tho meeting of the claws. Th:?se who st t< nded enjoyed a most* Interesting lesson, which wai conducted by the' class UacBer, Mr. Kear. ? The werk of Increasing the mem bership of the class la being tedi ously pushed forward and It li ex pected that the one hundred mark In attendance will be reached next Sunday. The Bltfee "till lead the n?da In thfc number of members ge-, cured. H<KJ KILllNfl TIMK. it la hog killing time in BegUfort and, adjoining counties and during the next few weeks, hundreds of porkere Uiat have been fattening since last spring, will fall $rey to the knife of the butcher. v The farmrs of this section have this yesr raised a larger number of hogs than has been the caae In years and In consequence the amount of meat Which they will be able to diepose of will be much lamer than has beea the ease before In a long while s The demand for meat la large and the owner* will dottbtlcss receive a good price for the same. ball team has/received do answer a s yet, much to our regret as we are ?omejvhat of a "fan" and had hoped to see at least two or three Rimes. We can't help thinking that If the Fame were better known it would he better liked in tills section. We hear ylth much regret of the barning Friday of the building of the Old Ford school. Mat there rise from it* ashes, as from those of the phoenix a ktructurc surpass ing the lost one and may the loss sustained bo the gain of V.fb future, If the misfortune of the present. Some unknown scribe Id the "Progress" suggests that a certain sleep has settled over our town. We hadn't noticed It Now we had never thought Pinetown th^ center of the universe but we do claim to be "alive and well and atill on the map." If the unknown has any doubts hs to the latter part of this ?;atonunw let him procure a map (Suggestion; select a large! fnough map) . - -We ffiftt he may And 1:1s own little "burg" on the tamn map. - We have been wondering if iomo debates might not be arranged be Iweeu the j"*hools of Beaufort county. Certainly the value of any acquired knowledge depends largely on ability to express that knowledge, and debating as much 'as anything we know of, helps facility of expres sion. The local school I would be glad to take part in the j stnrtlng of an enterprise of this kin 1 and weu'd be pleased, to hear from other teacher* holding the same views. We have heard a ruinor to the ef fect that the girls' basketball team will shortly play Washington High School. We hope the rumor is cor rect. ! As writable material hegiti% to grow scanty, we think that bringing our remarks to a close would be ad | visablo. Thinking it advisable, we hasten to put our thoughts Into J practice. Oood-bye. I The Pinetown Paragraphs. AB. ALLIGOOD ? BURNED OUT JIoium- Kntlrcly Destroyed ?nd Hnl Wry Little Furniture / Wan Saved. Fire Friday evening destroyed ' the home of A. B. Alllgood, near Beaver Dam. Tho blase started at about five o'clock. The house was completely burned down and but very little furniture wan saved. The amount of insursnce Is not known. * \ ttt'LMAKM FIFTEEN MILKS | . FROM fHF. GRRFK USlS London, I>?e.x 1*. ? li.ilgsfta^l troops sdv^nclng against tha Anglo French expeditionary force In Son tit er ? flprbla, have reached a point "bout fifteen miles rrom the Greek bolder on the 8aloaiki railway Une. according to a statement issued in 8ofla and received here by wireless ( from Berlin. Heavy loose* hare Ibeen inflicted upop Britieh and French la the coarse 6t their re treat, It la declared. ' V . U GREEK GOVKKNMFNT FLAMS TO IHfttOHlLIZK ITA AR>{Y AthSni. We. 18. via Paris thd Greek government has mad? all ar rangements for demobilisation of tlie afmjr. tl \? expected decree to this* gtCcct Will be le?u*d shftttty. FICHU BE OFPDKIT TO CONE, cram IlKPOItT OUT THAT WI LHO* MAX MAY MAJUB.&ACE IN ' SBCOVD DISTRICT. IS STRONG MAN l-Virnrt? Belle*? Tiut*1tilclilii'* Op. position to the DcMle Plan Has Weakened His Standing Among | Voters of the DUtrtci, (By Eastern Press) Kinacon. Dec. 13/^-The r- port that P. L. Carr of WJtlaon may op pose the Democratic ?fouae leader, Claude Kltchla for hU? beat in Con gress la nf>t being taketf veryaerious ly In the Second dU&rict. Carr's friends say that 4he~ would give Kltchln a good run. Mr.; Carr Is popular In Wilson coujty. and might possibly poll a good vote there. In the other counties of the district lie probably would not- save strength i unough to make the cdnteat even in- 1 terratlng for the incuti|betrt, Kit<-hiu| adherents say. j "J Mr. J. B Dawson, a local travel ing man well-known in; the city, who has Jirat returned from* Rocky Mount Scotland Neck and other places (hat fcection, stated today that he believes aentlmcnt Is* again t: t.i? Reader In his immediae jielgbb?-! 1 un a - ouat of bl6 opposition ? Prealdjnt'l defense program DawVon said he heard fault >v. d vith Kitchin's stand feV^n in J< and Neck, where the Coogre n Mve*. and the Kltchln fair. <> nroiulnent In all phas^ of the uo.u munlty life. l| That Kltchin Will not oppose 1 rea sonable preparedness,'* he has said, .oats of members of-CongreHS aud other notable opponents of the pre puredne?5 propoganda {who have not tb courage to tipe*k 4.ut 1,10 *>??-. <ief of a lot of local admirers of the outspoken Halifax statesman. 'Kltchln is a leavening infliien'-e again a*. a mear of jingoism:" Is the way one man who unheslratlugb' de clares his admiration of the Con gressman's stand -puts it. A rumor ia going the rounds 'n the district that reports that, the luPont Powder , company would o. rect an expioalve^--pla?t^hefa^ or in Rocky Mount or Tarboro were start ed by interests opposed to Kltchin. [This Idea of Rome of the followers ??f the Drmocratlc leader causes I he J more conservative of bin friends toj smile. The sources of the report* have been all too apparently Inno cent. PERRYS PLACED UNDER $300 BOND At'eged Dktlllm Were CJiveq Hf?r Inn Uf/orf I". S. <.'??nnuh?Nloner Hunk Friday Afternoon. Ralph and Floyd Perry, who were recently arretted on th? charge of operating an illicit 'still in the woods m short distance from the city, were given a preliminary hearing before ir. 8. Commissioner W. H. Russ Friday afternoon They waived ex amination and were hound over to the next term of Federal court to be he'.d In this city. under >1 "?> .?f throe hundred dollar* earh which they gave and wt?re releaae.l froin custo^jr. . t YOUNB VICTHBS OF THE 6HEAT WAR A ycuttft ?M?> .un. girl ur?? r.olng miulstored to by u?-<l Cross r.uroPH :? France aii?r heing |wtny.?s-ij by Cerman ?hell*. Surh srcm-a ar? rr?*qu?iu. 'or ruiuiy rvrw<-? a arc L.i uuior* it???y can e??t oui of the zouu o( tir?i. DR. LAUGHINGHOUSE A PATIENT HERE! \Ya> Brought ?o I.ih-uI Kl<r*-,|ilt?l Ye*-1 tc>\l*jr. U SufftTing Willi Trnuklo, l->r. Cliarl- i O II La'.iztiiugi)Ou&tf of Greecv^l" was brought 10 V.'ash injrtoa v. sterday, aufTering *itli a uwI.odb 'l>-oat trouble. He a a* tak tn to i :ie VVa?hinTion :.0"pliul. wher i. 5 i.ow urn' -r J' - cu~" of Dr?. P. ~ T^ylo? a>..: II. \V. Car ter. Dr '.f ? -;Uiiighq^i!>e * o ?? of the most *>r? in -it pliy- iaii of ntt, i-ount a a'.'J h ?? i ny ..-tend? m - Wa?h"-fi a. C. OF C. TO MEKT , TOMORROW NIGHT Iniporiau. Matter* to be drought l*|? | Ht lle"'iUir Meeting of Chain- I i*r of ('omniem*. Th* r?.?:u.Rr monthly mi*et.:ig of the Charter of C&ni'nert-c will be held tomorrow night, beginning promptly M $ o'clock. Tberc ar?' several d> w mailers or civic devel opment to 1?*: brough: up and ii i* hoped time every member will be n attendant'*-* STRONG TALK FOR PROHIBITION I Rev. II. f .. f..iy I'li-arlifd tu l.aruc | I'lintrrrcntiuu at BHIiuven Hefore * large congregation. Rev. H. Ii. Gay, field secretary of lh'* Anti-Saloon l.eagne. delivered a; | niokt forcible addre? yesterday af ternoon at the llaptist dumb in ! Belhaven. Mr. Gay brought out many strong points in favor of National prohibi tion- Ile.'diiu ref- rrrd 10 rongre** ? man Small'* attitude on the qu???tlon 1 nn3 ihe btand taken by the l>allv N\?wg of thin rlty. KI.Y|\(j TUB .\?IKHM'\X FI.AV HF.IJI UP BV JJ-'RK.VC'H New York. Dee. 13.- Tlii' ht^nin I <ftip Son Juan, oi ilie New York and i Por'n Rlro Hue wu? hHd up and {searched by a Frenah cruiser whilr I (lie Kteamer wax boi-ud . from New r>r??n: - to '>'in Juan, l'orto Rico, ac .LOi'tilui; io .i ineMtaKP received by tV? Im'9 today. T iv? so.-ru'l c'*?" .Juan STORES ARE READY FOR HOLIDAYS *?t. ??| l.i*mliux HMAlili'iliint'Dlk I In* Vi \it n un ('out. pit it as .it I ho hwrnl Ti!l?C. i:.t' i "Is r.r.? i? ms diopplUe trade Ih (ii> :r \Vu>hi:iKioj:. A i nt 'h ? ston-* liavo ur^il * !iHr <"!irisi iriiiv *rnek Hnd tin: f^op up iu d !ia -.:rpa*:?rd 1 bat i ?")' previous. j"ir. The slogan of "Hay \\ a; Home" !?, L-oiu. carri> .1 tat t?v ?\.>r> one, and! wry lit 1 1?? money i.s bnins sent to ih-? Uf?r-by or the mail order NYv.?r before have'th" stuck of Ui? local stur." b?en as complete as at present. T'.ieir good* offr?r an en.l'.css variety of appropriate plfis a; p; iu?:> that are ex? ?*p:loually asonablv. No announi-entHit has b>-en made as yet ri'^ardiii^ keepinR the store* open evening*. bus i*. will probably btr n?xt Mond:?y niKlit before this i-racUce is begun, In the nvantim-: Do Vour Shop ping ICarly HURT SELF IN FALL FROM STEP! .Mr. Fi-eenian Met with l*r*>iif nl Ac* ridrat aNttirdnv AflerntHiu. Shoulder Pi>locutnl, Ui.<irg.' F r-eman met with a pain, i ut accident Saturday when hp fell frcjm the gtep? in the rer.r of hi home and--*fTVloca,? d liis -hotiV.i r. The bone w*n set vesture]?, v an J Mr Fr etnan 1? now re^tlnfj eas ily. NO HFVKI,orMF.NT* IN Till; \\; t>\ \ KIT! \Tftt* Wa-hlnfttou. 1) e I t "Their v.*?r?* o develop. ncnip to. lay to r. ? ?he scoria"* siisutiou ?lint t h -uni a rup'ure of diploma' ic rolailunn If iA'crti ihe I'n'tel rfi .ii?rt- and Aus tin ?'?ingarjf. i! ?' id'auiilj r - fcent, but word the Ani**<rni. not r? on the sinking of the lla' an liner Anrona wish In*? of AmerVa * liven, had reached the fur '?Ikii 'dfice yesterday 1 d to a fueling thai Th*? oimstlon would rc:fh'p !?' I self or.' ? -ir the ot ikt without , delny. u"df>r?;:ood . oander. aii>. ... . . .. *?%. ' inerienn liven lost: and it l as been I cliiarl* flndlraHNl "that the i d I States ?>x|iPf1.s that these hJne* b' done proniptly. Thi re -will he no 'enethy dl?f:u>Kl?>r> of the piinrlplpx I in vol. ?1 It iw Mid. ?mi- !? as was roil I dueled with (iennanv afn-r the l?unl | ranis tragedy * ?,50A l'lUSONKIIS/40 til .VS TAKKX |IV Al'STIU.lNS llerlin, life. in. via London. ?The Anglo-French force* that have k?n I under attack by the HuiKarSana *n J ^(inthorn Serbia ar?? retreating at [dace* over the Ur-i-k frontier, it la announced In today'n German of ficial report. Their lo9?ea in armn and equipment of various aorta have l?en extraordinary heavy. it la da dared. ? TU< capture of 5.600 prisoner* and ??rty Runs In the M ontcuegrin aod A^bunian campaign by Auatra.Huu ;?irian foteoft Ik reported. pra mih Ml SITIIH) I'm. l? UK1HT. O.VE OK TUK MOST CHOMINE.NT KKHIDBNT8 OF tke c6Vntv, in dead. WAS WELL KNOWN \ Hi-sidrut of Up an fort C<xuitf for Sixty If cars. Wm Held La Hlfti Kbteecu. Funeral Nenieea >?Hif4*rdn> Afternoon. Samuel I-. Griat. of Chocowinliy. ajied 74. died at his home Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The fn. neral service? were held yeaterday ufternoon. Bishop Darat and Rev. C. D Malone officiating. Interment ? us at the fatally burial (round is ('Uocowinity. The active pall bear J-?rs were Jam'* Faucette. Claire Faucette, William Von Ebersteia. J?s^c Turnage h ltd Mr. Proctor, of ? Jrinie-iand. Mr. Grist *a# one of the moat liijiisly psteemed residents of the county. Me w#n born In Wilming ton. hut has been a resident of floaufort county for the last S# uari*. Hh nerved wit* distinction .iruln* the ci vt 1 war and shortly j'fu-r its ciow tie marv.ed Miss Gil tcn of Hertford. Five rhildreu w?-ro boru. all of whom are living: Wiley Grist, of Florence. S. C . Mr* ?V Faucette. Mrs H C. Rravnw. Miss Aanle Grist and S. L. Gr.?\ I is ulao survived by two fci. f r>. Mr-. II. 11 farrow and Mrs. E. 8 Slsr nuwi*. and orp brother. Jam * U Grist. His wire pa?s?d away u>'hc > ear* ago. There is probably no other eltizeu ' she ceur.i> who has ?*> large nura !>tr of friends or who Is more re spected than was Mr Grist. He was always genial, courieous and ready to lend a tuns', an ce to those in need, ?lis death is sincerely mourned by -11! Meho knew htm . - ? -? The honorary pall bearers were .1. J. Laughing house. oi Greenville, .1 G. Hragaw. :>r.. Lawrcnce Proc*-1 ?. or, of Grime aland. F. H. VonEber u?'n U. 11 Wsrren. S Fleming snd ?. R Fowlf. WILL REBUILD SCHOOL HOUSE <>? In' I.UlUK'll?'<l WotbltMI Cll I /tni. Ehkit (? ? KHiutld \t (hiw. At ih-"' wotiiie i.ha' 1* to be held J ; 1 Old Foul Wednesday, a project ! :1: If Utiin li<?rt f?r ?!??? rebuilding , : .!?? 'Jlil ?,morr; d school, wliirta ?an tn.ritfd down hint week. The Mif- o* thru cef.!on arc* eager u? * -p -lip l?i; ld:;i)f as coon us po*? and ?'. I* *xp-*c;ed iliai stop* r.i ?s t. esd will In*. ?a\?-n Wi'dnMdijr. I U'.iYOMK ?M H MKi:TS. I Ul Mr 1 1 inn ifc ?" ,H' Held To. v F?'rl?l n < Inch. I Wiyo f'lnh *ill hold * Hpi?fial^in<#tli?K ^ "?eir room* to ii'frbt. a-, whi-h ?very memtier i? urj" il In JO pr ?n' Nnr.:?- 1j?por ?.?1 liitslrv. rOv ????? to fh?? existence. ? .1 i>* ??1> ?*'* j ' 1 ' i'J^AY S COlTliN QUOTATIONS I. INT 1 J 7 S cent* < iTMiN 7-'. I'')i N .'FID >4 u? BEGIN YOUR NEXT I Merry Christmas Now: * 1 If you had started aavlng n fmt- ?mts a .eek a year a so to- 1 day. fcow much easier would 't |?e to b<iy tliift year? ' And how much merrier would^he Chrlatnica be with mor? < and better gifts to hand to father or niotVr, Muter or *wrei- j heart. wife or daughter, 'or to the little klddiea that want thorn moD? * . * ? Join Our Holiday Savings Fund / Which Starts December 26th. And be ready with 4 nice snug bank account when Ohrljtnvi* conn again The plan It simple, why and sniisfnAory in every net all. Every member la the family anay i*>ln- your friend* and neighbor* nre ??r?? to jolfV The Fund Stirl? MONDAY, Dec. 2Mb. Cone Into the bank and let a* toll fou ell about the plan. v THE SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. TO-NIGHT ?'.asl eplwitlt! ?f Y ?r. tVANCK or Kb \ INK" ? | ' ' A'*" " I, 3 -OTHKK HKBI-S- 3 II V ' Ji

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