THE DAILY N1CWS PRINTS MORE LOCAL NEWS WASHINGTON, N< O., TUESDAY AFTERNOON TOO MUCH TAXES Waahlagton. N. C.. Dee. 1<, fill Editor Dally Neva: 1 ask space in tout paper to ?x press my views upon tbe good roads boad Issue. 1 hare read with much interest the many expressions for and against name in your paper for j the past several weeks upon this Important question, apd while I am In flavor of good roada and other public improvements, yet 1 am op posed to bond Issues, because 1 am Is favor of Preedom and Liberty. Bonds mean Bondage and Bondage means 81a very, and I do not believe J* single, orie of the lesrued and able lawyers, bankers and corporation representatives who are advocating the bond Issue will deny the above facts. -I admit It ie?ms to bq an mit job for a shrewd lawyer to flgure out that It will cost each Individual a few cents or dollara at moat by sec ting aside a sinking fond for the redemption of thoae bonds, yet I want to say that before thoae bohdo with their lnteraat are paid, many poor man's heart will ache, with house rent Increasing every year, with cost of living Increasing every day, with prospect of >belug out or a Job any day, with a mortgage on the homes of many of us. With all the above facta atarlaf as In the faoe how. Qfc! Jm?? can you, Mr. Lafryer, Banker and -Corporatlonlat. hare the heart to wsk ua to add more t>acdeas to (be load we are already carrying? U looks like adding in ault to injury for yon to do so. I want to aay to the poor laboring men of the town and township thut It Is our duty to ourat-lvea, our fam ilies and conntry to see that the last one of ns who are qualified to do so. see thut our name* arc on 1)1 registration book*. The v. rjr frf ? that a new reffatration is ordered for the bond Issue, ahowaathe "nig gers In the wood pile." "Oh," says the lawyers, "the law requlrea It." I admit it may b? law. aud 1 sub mit that many frauds and r^acally tricks have -beeu committed la the man of the law. There la a great difference in law, as It Is sometimes practised, and in Justice. 80 the only thing necessary to kill thia and all other bondage and alavery moves **le to aee that wa it's properly reg latered. I want to aay to the poor taxpay er of. thia township that when ac cident or misfortune overtakes you 'aad for one cauae or another jou are unable to pay your taxea, that thia claae of men who ait urging with you to vote $60,000 bonds will not come to your relief but will have their aganta or repreaeataUvee standing at the court honae door to take advantage of our mlafortuae or poverty abd buy our land by BberHf aale through main force. Behind this move are lawyere and you ill knOw they are no better th*an they were 1.000 years ago wheil It wag Mild of them by one wbo knew what be w?" talking about: "Woe be unto you lawyers for you heap bnrdeas upon man's shoul^prs, grev loua to be boraa you toueh not one of tfcafla With your hands" Are . tiey any 'better now? 80 ,lf we should naglaet or refuse to qafcllfy auraclvee against the evils that I have referred to and the disasters aad mtefortunea of whleh 1 ,havo spoken should overtake ua then we will have ao one to blame but our selvee 9J ' ' 80 let aa wotk while ItTsjyet day for the nlftrt oometh when do man can wor^^od that alfht li .pot far dletant in rase We atprake fr*fc our alumberi W?d> prepare ouraelres far the batfl* fhltoi la sure to oome. I,et da ha*a*o?r guoa, In the term of white ballots, ready so at to ward off thl? battle of bondnga and alavery wvhlle we hav# th? oppor taaiiy Too all knew of thoae manirpeurtlon on tbelr ?p?ed. end we all know who It la that owaS| the buttffc?pttftolpslly lawyer*, I bankers, corporations, wealthy mar cbant* Once lb a great while s I poor farmer owns one but f will ven. tare the assertion some of thta class are under mortgage for them. There 'are tome notable exception*. There (Continued on page 3) HUE POE Ml! ENTER HUE FOR GOV. ? UliUKVKD THAT KALKIGH EDI TOR CONTEMPLATES THROW ING HAT INTO THE H1KO. CAUSES TROUBLE Dr i**? and the 8t*te Farnmr? Union Gtrtng Democrats Good Demi of Trouble and Anxiety in Stand The j Are Taklnc (Bjr W. T. Boat) lUlelgh, Dec. 14 ? Dr. Clareaco Poe and the Farmers ' union are glv ing the Democracy a good dual oi trouble. They bare been at it a long time Fps Is the chlcf >ffender. And r "there Is a teason" i.s poet totftler ' and Frank McNlncb vrlts In the ad-' vertlsements. Poe's paper wh ch U the official organ of the Farmers' union is aga'nst this ponderous pre ?w.duesn business at Washington, supposed to be backed by the statr and national organisations and Poe ? paper is much In favor of som? measures upon which the party had been a trifle aubsequent In taking a positive a?and. The trouble Isn't immediate. Ev erybody understands that Poe has no unripe aspirations They have keen accusing him of casting furtive eyes in the direction of the gover nor's office .several years, but each time Poe was able to prove each ramor without basis. More recently bfctter credentials have been fur nished. Ho has been pursuing a line of thought, indirect as It is, that looks much like a move In the gub ernatorial direction. Where Poe Trouble*. Hut here is where Poe and party trouble: The Farmers' union has talked much of rural credits, town ship organisation, a juster system af ?asartim - segregation be tween the rac?K. The Democracy made n pass at a better tax system :ast veur. but that indisposition to amend tb? constitution that express ed Itself in stand putism upon the word "rebellion" In the constitution sod against a six months school law, asserted itself vigorously against an uncertain tax system. The farmers were overwhelmingly against any change. In that, oue set of leaders who bell' ve them the most favored of tax-payers, think the farmers were wise. Since the union believes the farmers are dis proportionately taxed, infinite room 'lor argument comes in. The juster system of taxation needed is the puxxle of all the dominant party politicians, while the Republicans are planning for a terrible assault upon tho Democracy for raising tax. es and running in debt. So, while the taxes trouble the Democracy - and the farmers are taught that they are too burden comely handled by the system fn force. Republican politicians are go ing to promise a tax amendment that will exempt m?-rt from th* pay ment of the- poll t?" and assail th.? Democracy 'or not taking care ofj the "fello'wi back n the gt'.eto." Kfghty one per ceit of the North i Carolina population dwells -'back' there. AID MR. ALLIGOOD TO BUILD HOUSE Hubucrlptioa Iii?t Circulated Vwtcr ilaj. Oyc*t $lOO IUI??I in tbf City. Mr. Widjner. one of Ueaufort county's farmers. yesterday. circu lated a petition about the city, ask IBK the business men to eubscrlba to a fund to aid Ab. Alllgood to erect ?? new hotss?. Mr. Alllgood was burned ont last week and sav^d but very little o( his furniture. i The btitlnees men subscribed lib. ?rally to Mr. Wldmer s list and In h short time he r*lssd over $100. htokka to kbbp opbn BmilMIIIHl MOMMV The principal atorea of ike city Will on DMt Monday b??ln keeplutt opin until a 1st* hour. In order that local rnllMll, who ?? unnbla ??' do thalr nkopptnx darina the day, may fee able to do ao ofMlnca. Pram Monday noraut until Friday, all of the atorea wilt be op*a alary alfkt tlttil ten or eleven o'clock. CROSSING THE GRODNO ON PONTOON BRIDGE Tl|ls photograph sbo-,76 a co'umn of German Infantry advancing across the Cro? v.n ri_ver on n Uurrtedly coo strncted pontoon bridge. The Iron bride* *Jovn ux? fc" th ? 'tuft-siuiis Is joon in th< La.-ki;*>)tin4. MASS N\m hi iEEN CALLED TO DISCUSS BOND ISSUE We the undersigned vo'ert and taxpayers of Washington To^neblp request tbat a Mass Meeting be held in the , town of Washington, N. C., at the Court House, on the 18th day of December, 1915, at '* o'clock a oi., at which time the trua senti ment of the voters can be expressed as to whether they will vote for a bond issue for pood roads or not. All the peoplo should have an op portunity to hear the Issue discuss ed, and be ' made acquainted witbj the real Issue that confront* then: In this matter. J. C. Latham A. L. Crisp. W. M. Powers. Jim Uaker. REGISTRATION SLOW IN CITY No One Will lie Allowed to Vote at the Coming Election I'nkn They Have Rejirtfrwi Aih?\t. j Registration for fha bond !ji very Blow in the city wards. Only ^ a very small percent age of Tvobtrx have registered There appears to he mistaken idea regarding the registration. Some appear to think that thfty do not have to register because they regis tered under the Grandfather rlause. Others imagine that if they register ed ut any previous election. tliey will be allowed to vote y have registered their names on ihe bool:*:. (which opened December Ilrd ai?il I which will be op??n until ('hrlstma*' | night. Every voter cv>*? registry If he wants hid volt- to ???". | ANOTHER IK'ILDIXC; N ) LOAN A 3 :iATIO> I According to inform; giver, out this morning, piano r.-e unc|.*r 1 way for the forming of another i Building and l*oan /.'?oclatlon !n ? the city. It is ?xp r'f. t. nt definite j Information regarding tbea rrnn?*-i ments will be made public within next few day*. Paul. .'.V. J Hollaed. R. !!. Hudson '.cm Jenjtlcs. " sy I,. Uosgettc H. T. Cbaui:f*?y. A. A. Moore. A. M. Paul. J. Hodges IT. E. Hodgd* r? 1, Perry A. T. Perkins J. :i Qi>ddcrd. *r. I. Durrought. Wiley C. Rodman V.". M. William*. John T. Hell. J. J. Civil*. M. n. L g?e?t PAID OUT $20,000 IN THREE YEARS Ciirlaiinn* ("lull Members Arc ll??ap Jiij; H?np!S| nt the Rank of ' U .vliln-r'on. | Saiieft- ii pa rnns arc Keltic out ofj the- Hank of AVnshlnjjtoij : hcs? days with a broad in:l!o and a n??nt littl ? roll of bill* in their hand a. They arc 1ho*if v !:u I .is i Chrlx'me* joined tb?* V^iii^a Christmas *;?>.? Club. aa<> Wi.ft ;ii?nk has pa'd out over 520.-1 |r-C0 in the three y^ar* ;ha* this club) ha been in existence. h j* sniningj in popularity evary year nrd it is xpvctid thai a larr;#- number v^i !1 Join for n?xt year. Tlier** 3? ::'i i-ost connected wJrh Wiling ;he j'ub. and ih? bank makes the first dap-'tlt. CRT, SCALPED BY 1CT WATER j Jla rvnon. 'he young daughter of j y. and Mr?. George Tyaon. wan yninfully burned yesterday when ah* d- d with a tub of scalding v;. jtT, which poured ovejr ^ r. a -f i ? r. ... ??? i ?; si J , MADE ATTEMPT TO BREAK OPEN SAFE Hur^lnj Caught In Williams' Mint Whop uu (>ladd<'u Street. Wu* Frightened Off. A thief broke into *. .e .shoe shop of (J. E. Wiillanis ou Gladden street Sunday evening, attempted to break open th" safe, was uusuccessf ul in his attempt and dud upon the ap proach of the proprietor of th?j *h?p. \Vt!liams Lapp-tied to be in the iciniiy of the b!.e iy o.OOU per-oim: will attend th" big barbecue at Old Ford, which it; bciii^ bcid in con nection with lhc good r^ada ti'ovo ;aint In Washington township. Sev eral huiidid attend iryiu Washington and ??wry pprt of U<-au fort county will lie reprcM-'fued Many will be there I'iti uu<] Martin couul.t-.H. No mean* are being pro. "..dull ror iikirg tii?- people to I he oarl:ri:i;.!. 't'bf?Bo who rend-? in tlie ?*oiiiitry wll! hitch up their team* and drive 10 Old KorcJ und those In iho city, who own automobiles, will take aa many of their friend* an pon I '!Mo. ? ii eling will be called to or 1 1 30, at which tiuie the .-hodtlled to besin ? ? '1 from one o'clock LMT'H IRIj.O N uASHIXUTOX r I'ARK. 1 0-22-tf- Turn. Sat KMiri.AK MKKTINfi OK ( II.WinKU OK CDMMKKCR Member?; of the Chamh*r of Cora merce ?r* ?-?njeo1ally reipieMted to be j?re*eru ?i the regular ni?eMnr of I the Chamber thm .v to be held to uighi, beftinninp a' <- li* ?: t o'cWk. IhI Temp'innre Legion. The Loyal Temperance legion will meet (tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 at the home of Mr? 7 X. \m% .ffctt. All members urg'd to be f?re?enf. OWIXd T<> A TOWN OIU?IXAN?*K reran tly passed thin will be the last Chrtetmaa fire work* of aHJ* description will be permlttejl^for aale Only have a fejir ?4 offer. T?ett?fr buy now n* they will prob ably all be none bx Christ raaa eve. CHA8. M. U19U. 11-14-StC. BULGARIANS PREPARE TO MORE A L ViU.h .\ KM V IS NOW WITHIM A FEW MILE8 OF TUB (?IlKKK FKONTIKR. / . NO RESISTANCE Grctvrs is Withdrawing Hep Amy Into the Interior. Plan* to }fe main Strictly N??utral. Hltoatfo* 111 SMTbl* l? I)W|MTSU>, Sa.ouikl, Greece, Dec 14. ri* Loudon ? The n^wspap^r L'Opinioa averts that Bulgarian troop* at* orepariuj; in itohb the Greek fron. tier and that Greek troop* are mol ing toward the threatened point, ap parently with the object of dlaputlng a Bulgarian Invasion. nulgATh Par nut Alllm. I.ondou. Del- 14. ? The SoJonlkl orreHponder.t o I Keuter'a Telegram ornpnny Ir. a despatch dated Sun Jay relative lo the lighting in Soutis ?a*um Serbia Hays: "The evacuation of Boiran and 'llevgeli wa* completed today and the Hulgartarib are r*>ported to fee within five miles of the Greek froa tler follow. ng ?*ry slowly la the wnke of the ullies " Situation in Serbia Drxpmite. Parli. Dec 14. ? The Athena cor respondent of the Havn? agency sendb the followine uudt r -itr.da)' dat?: "Member* of the diplomatic corp* Here describe the situation In Serbia as learned from reliable source* There i? the greatest desolation over the entire territory occupied by tha German* and Bulgarians. The Bul ?;ariitn. Austrian and German aol dJera and uier chant a fefuite to to*# Serbian money except at a discount of fifty per cent or more, In apite of pouters officially deslaring t,hat Ser bian paper money and colna retain their face value. ^ "Aurttralian, Bulgarian and Ger man merchants already are over running the country and boosting that Serbia never again will be a free nation Their procedure if increoa Ing the misery of the Serbians left !n the country which in becoming in | dt scribable." Greece Not in Kealat Invasion. London, Dec. 14. ? The difficult effort of Greece to maintain neutral, ity in the face of the allied retreat | on Saloniki and the pursuit of Bul garian* and Germans oontinues to be the chief matter of Interest at the entente capitals. The latest dec.bioH of Greece, ac cording to Athens dispatches, ia to ! withdraw all Considerable bodies of n r the future holds for Oreer? her * pori to i.lear her poai . ion *ow?r?l the hplligerents seem ?ng]v dispone* or arv idea that th? ? 1 1 . d forces on Greek territory are ocmipj ?. O".'. ileg-d pr?'iltlon with anything in the nature of ope* ? I . ? ? k *upi>ort r.u:r> ??i- rtnvK*. W" 4l??sir t'i ro tb* publir our aiiif-rc* 'hank." for Ihnir klnri n*?#i In n* >u our roc?ni herf*?** nent. T K- Hmilb. Mr urxl Mr*. W. Woularrt TODAY S COTTON QUOTATIONS LI.V7~ 117-8 ?Bti. 3KPP rOTTON S4 7Ii. COTTON SF!FI? I4R 0? BEGIN YOUR NEXT Merry Christmas Now If you had started waving ? ceaita A iiMt * T9AT ago to- ' day, bow muoh aaaler would it be to buy tfcla year* And how much menier would the ChriatniM bft with more and better gifts to hand to father or mother, Abtw or eweet heart. wife or daughter, or to the little klddlea thfci' ih?m | mofrt? Join Our Hobday Savings Fund i Which Starts December 26th. And be ready with a nice anug bank arcount when ChrHtmas oom?* again The plan la simple, easy and nallsfacory in every deMil. Every member in the family may loin- -your friend* and neighbor* ire sure (ojoin. The Fund Stnrta MONDAY, Dec. 26th. Come Into fh? bank and- let oa tell you all about the plan. THE SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. TO-NIGHT I'nthe > ?'KOH HKK PHOP1-B" Jn 4 ;wb ' Mil is Korwd to Wotte** 1 K?*1 COOKMJf Vrlco?6*l*