VOLtTMB 7, WASHINGTON, S. C, THURSDAY [ UTTENDED n IMBEJHBWD BIG EVKXT AT OLD FORD YES TERDAY WAS 8l'(X'E88Fl'L IN EVERY WAY. GOOD SPEAKING , Barry McMulLan and OUim Dl? coated Good Road* Situation in tl* tfimaafaip j^d Urged Voter* to VOCe for Bond Imuo. A Ions wire table ? over a hundred feet Ions ? covered with the Jlneat barbecued hog that ever passed be tween man's teeth, a big supply of "trimminga." including pickles, corn bread, peppers,- ce^er y, etc.. and a hungry -rmy of' several hundred men. That was tie barbecue at Old Ford yesterday. heb) In the Interests of the good roads campaign or the township. It was SOME barbecue Under the supervision of TJiad Hodges, assisted by an able body of ascatanta. everything was on the table by twelve o'clock. It took al most an hour for the crowd to get ant. ugh of the good things to at an?> when they finally backed away fro n the long table they had mad* an^ awful inroad luto the viand*. Thire was plenty left over. how. eve-, and a number of the city folk bought some of the m^at and took it tack home with them. After the dinner. W. H. Standi!, president of the Washington Good Roi d'g Association. Introduced Harry Mc.-fuJlan to the gathering and re quested Mr. McMullan te make an adlre&a relative to tho<bond issue. Mr. McMullan to6k up 'be work of (he Washington Good lloads Asso ciation from its start to the present He went into detail as ta the nature of t^e bond issue, how the mo.iey would be spent and what the tax on each Individual person would be' He laid special stress on Uie necessity of confidence in the men "who would b^ appointed to super vise the expenditure ?f th? money and urged the township not to let other sections in this part of the Stare get aht>ad of jLbenf. !!* also ?.xp'ained what had been done iu Pitt and stated that the plan would work Rs satisfactorily in Beaufort1 as It had dolne In t'.ie neighboring couny. Mr. Cobb, of Pitt county, 8. F. Preoman, J. D. Kborn and C. A, Flynn also made brief talks, favor ing the issue and urging the voters of the township to see that It was carried. After the conclusion of the apeak- t Ing, the meeting broke up. There' were flftet n automobiles from the] city and a number of wagons and . buggies. It was a highly successful j event and was thoroughly enjoyed i by all those who took advantage of. ... /?- . AURORA NEWS 'Women's Mlnsionury and UdleH' Aid Hocietlc* id Huld Meeting!*. (Special Correspondent) Aurora. DeC. 15. ? The Women'a Missionary Society of Aurora will meet In the Methodist church, Mon day, December 20, to ekot officer* for the next year. It In dwslred that ev ery member tre> present. Tho ladles aid* society will also tne-)t at the same time and place. On Sunday, January 2. the pastor. Rev. W. K. Trolinan. will preaoh a mlf'tlonary sermon at which time tho 6 ins al'.s'.lon of the women's mla sJo- ary society will take p'ac*\ < Owing to the bad Condition of the wires, we were unable to get the rest of tnis fepori. ? K^Htor) tJRKKCtf ORMKH HKI'OKT. Paris, Dec. 1?.?- The Qreek gov-, ervm r.\ officially denies that the Htl'garUna have entered Greek ter ritory and it is considered Jn com petent quarter? here that an entrance of the Bulgarians into Greek Mace* dor-ia is improbable, says a Havas dtftpaicfc from Athens. TQDAY'S COTTON QUOTATIONS MNT 11 1-4C. ' SKB>1> (JOTTON ? $4.76. COTTON 0EBD? $45.09. NAVY RAD'tf" SERYICE~HEAI Capt. W. H? Bull&rd, chief of the radio service of the United v States nary and superintendent of 62 wire lees e^Uone in the Cnlted States and ita Island pottsessions. who co-operated Mth the civilian engineers in the recent >?*>* distance pbons teeu. COUNTY ROADS CAUSE COMMENT Travelling >|on in ?w Bero ?xprau j OptnloDn on Ruo<Sn In Tlila .Sec tion of the State. On.; of our local prominent busi ness men tells an Interesting story regarding a conversation he heard at the Gaston hotel in New Bern Tuesday. Hi thai he wa? leaning over he cigar counter nd cou'.d not help but hoar the conversation of two travelling *men. who were - standing rloftvi by In the hotel lobby. They vv3r?i dtacussrirg the conditions In this section of the State. Doth of iMjein, Judging rrnmjhair convrrsa [tton. Vtf^grSJT "tlieTr"" fo a tes in auto mobiles. ? s; "You can ir.ake it all right ?hrough Pitt county," remarked one of the knights of the grip, "for the roads are in' prr-tty fair shape." "How about Martin county?" ask ed the other. ?"They've got pretty good roads 'there- too." replied the first, "al Uoui'h tlioje are one or two parts where it's rather rough going " "Kfo vv anything about . Beaufort ' ?outiy?" - * ' 1 1.? roads are rotten. I was over them a week ago and I hope I'll never have to go over them again." NORFOLK SOUTHERN THINKS PKOPLK WILL KKADILY MOVK t_ K Inst on. Dec. 1$. ? Cof. W. K. Hodman.' head of the Norfolk South em raiirotid's legal department, here yesterday, Indicated the company's ub-yrtute confident* of fcs right to many thousands' of dollah^wortb of rial estate in the eastern part of the city wnicb has been held by individ ukIk for ? neratious. He denied that hin visit had anything to do with the dliuiltlon which recently arose. Col one' Hod-man declared be knew of no ''dispute" over the property. The j railroad'* ownership is proved tool indisputably, he thinks. He assume* i Chart tbe gentlemen, referring to the individuals who have, some of them, threatened to "fight to the last ditrh" the carrier's clalto.* do not Int'bd tfl resist the Norfolk South era's request that they vjfrate he property. The rallrord ha Allowed f!i u to "u B'.1 :1: "and ' until' needs it," he *?ld. at.d dismissed the aub Ject with an air of finality. The awyef had not heard of any threat. ?Ued litigation, he said, and pro : cased ignorance of the fact that th?y ev n so ?much .as resent or at tempt to refute the railroad's claim lor Actual ownership. f ' ' Jsu. ' BUSINESS MEN MEET TONIGHT ? p. liu|H>rtiinl >.<U>>mton 19 n?; RfiM 111 Jtooins of CliamWr of Commerc*. Members I'rgtMl to be I'hiMat. d An important meeting of tbe Bus Bies* M?!n'a .AssOcUtl/ap will be held tonight at tilft of Com merce. beginning fct eight o'clock. All members -are. .especially urged to U* present as are several mat Mh, la conheolion with the f?ta? ?wrtV? of i tic association to be bT^Oftttt up ' . I - \Ot*l? PKKMtlNU AT TM? 1D*XL PHRSdiKO CLUB. CONSOLIDATE k THE SCHOOLS IN TOWNSHIP NBW STEP IS BEING PLANNED BY VOTERS OK llEAVEK DAM TOWNSHIP III PITT. CALL ELECTION Plan to Du Away Willi Poor School* and Hutp One Rig Central School, ltolicvcd That Gfcange Will B? of Benefit in School Work. (By Easterh Press) Greenville, Dcc. 16. ? The consol idation of all the schools in Beaver Dam township and the voting of a special tax for the support of the central school, is the step being taken by the citizens of' that town ?hlp. An election, to decide this iseue, has already been called, a petition having been 'signed by a majority of the votrra and endorsed by the board of education and the county com missi oners. If the elect inn carries, as i: seems that it will, one sch >ol will displace tour f> hools now operated In this tow ugh p. This will give, e district with c census of 2 2 chilc : en and w^l* i iuVre -probal-ly dive or six teac le: B.-lt will ena' le the : hool to be tfatied and will make it Tossible lor the teachers to give the cbiL dren that individual attention that is so necessary. It. will al.'o mako1 posv!b!? work in agriculture, do mestic science and music. No child will be required to walk an unreasonable distance. The board of education will arrange for trans portation of those who live more than two miles from the school. HAS ItETl-RXED FROM B.1HWT CONVICTION ? lt?T. Mr. MrKrnzie is Back from Chuilotir. Chur. h Work in Clioco trinity. Rjy. and Mra. J. M. McKenxie have r-turn-U from Charlotte; where Mr MdCenzlc utteuded the Baptist jTiiovuiition, held in that city last weak. Mr. McKenzie also preached it Kuiff'.s Mountain Sdnday He and il u MrK-uzlr sp nt a shore time at Hock lllll, S. C.. where they vlalted Mr. McKenz'.e's mother. Thirteen new members were add ?<d to the Baptist church In Choco winity last Sunday and intereat In the church work is increasing stead ily. The church Is growing rapidly In meniberHhipi The Bap: Jut Sunday School ' planning for a big Christinas -'tree, the date of which will be announced I later. AUSTRIA WILL , PAY INDEMNITY I l.j*rue intcrrrt* In TIiIh Country May Austria to Koply | Hut lit factor II y to Nut?. Genera, ria, Paris, Dec. 16. ? A dlspntch from Vienna rocelved by way* of Buchs. Switzerland, states that President Wilson's note to Austria regarding the Ancona Incl d nj has prodac d a profound Im pression in government and politi cal circles. ? The hot? is *ald to be rest >ted by a It I* enera'.Jy bel >*ed la .'i^nna. aays t!>- dispatch. tl at Ann la ^rill give * risfact*on anl will -ay an inde nr tjf, especially an Hf has larg; interests in America. Brroj Von Burlaw, -the Austrian foreign minister, baa called c special council to dUcpss the natter. ohhct YOfR xmas "srvyinjricv Fruit Cake to be delivered hy X.nnu eve. E K. WILLIS. Ma<n ?street. Phone 508. # 1 2-1 6.2te. CHRISTMAS MONEY Wo win take pleasure In furnish ing gold and new crisp $1 o bill* to anyone desiring same Tor Christ man. Savings * Trust Go. 18. 1 |-4tc. ? . ? ? ? ? r ? Z 7V*: KAYS RAKKR. Onr studio will be open Saturday night from 7 to 9 p. m. Come and tW our new lighting ?yst?m. Some what a novelty for a town of thia size. No mora dark days or night et Baker's Stadlo. . '? DICUSSES THE LIQUOR LAW Judgv Connor. In Superior Court, Kxpr??wwi -Opinion on Jurt | Caum? for Arrest. (Bjr Eastern Press) Kington, Dec. 16. ? Judge Ocr^? Connor in Superior court Tu- :Jtr r'cked he threads apart in th< a ' Iric of .ie North Carolina prohl! U ?. I jliwa, a d put them all back 01 ?./' one. Tlie texture of the legal t j iiig w.v; found by him to co..?a?u i some weak points. Judge Connor, as is well known, has long held libera! view* of the anti-liquor law9. He baa ai form -r j terms, for Instance, cautioned oD".-| cera that they have no right to go ? to extreme measure* in nearcliing i individuals' baggage and the like. Tuesday evening he so construed Op J statutes .as to hold that a person' may heve in his possession *4^1 quantity for his own personal uqj.J The Slate muirt prove that the dV-j fendant has more than the law si- ? lows, and that it is for an unlawful ? purpose, that of selling, said tin* ? court: l ZEPPELIN PASSED OVER THE CITY! Hundred* in the City Winched I'aaa. ' ing of Strunge Air-Craft Over ) Washington Last Night. No, gHUJle reader, that wasn't a Zeppelin i?r a hostile aeroplane that ! you saw In the travens at about 10 . o'clock last night. It was only a tov balloon, sent up from the river shore. We hasten to give you thrs information and relieve -your anx iety. Podeatrlans on the streets of the city la-Jt night were suddenly start ed by P' rceiving a moving light in the skiffs. They watched It in si lence for a few moments and then the cry of "airship!" went up. In a few minutes everybody was look ing h' avenwards. Many conjectures! were made as to the Identity of th? ' strange craft which proceeded rar> I Idly over the city. Some thontrht I that it was a stray Zeppelin and nth- ' ers hat it was an aoroplane. A few j | could even "hear the noise of the j engine." Several hundred persons! eagerly watched the strange light until It disappeared. This morning, we wers informed, ' on good authority, that tigs' '"light wts j that of i toy balloon that* was mtu | un from near he river. ? ST KHOI1DJCR8 MKET1N7 The rgulsr antraal me?tin: f t..0t H- ? e Building A Loan Am ^it t i-n f be held st the .hunc'i room o< the Savings * 1 rust Cj. *??# fThursdf\jr, January 20, 191^, at 4 an p. m Jno. B. Sparrow, Sue. l,2-16-4wc. TAVENER BRINGS TO LIGHT v SOMfc SECRET SKELETONS # Tells of Activities of the Navy League in Connection With "Big Business." (V .-?.rkcr R. A- !?? '-n) Wa.r *f m, Dec. 16 -A *v. days ago, It !i diet j? fron t?r - bureau. It wii .cl^ ov tt bad .??en pUunt-.L, in cor^r Lor .si circles, wo bring tome flkeienns out of the clouts of big busings for the edification of the pla'.n .'Opje. It w flfl *o be done by those r??*!s!!u; the t ..ctleahlp pro pram cf i..* i?dmmlstr:i:;on. and r>y c,a.y of c ...v-rja4i.ig i'.u- eSorl) of the pr-'pa? is- n piop, .card In lise 1' >M*e today r :?se al"*tcion? were bro; he out with a migiity rattle. C'*te Taven^r, tiio Dom'o cratic mei..bcr trom Illinois, told of the tatim~to community of interest ? JTlllcJi Jtfjl 8o.at<nxtiS btten denied ? between he arms manufacturer^, the bis bribers aud t.ie Justly cele brated" Navy '.eagu , and he showed, :oo. how ilie arms traffickers had rnmb.red zruict th?!r cat. govern im?n?. dur!r;i; tu? Spanish-Amcrlcan war. by ??*Mlng armor plate to Ftu" ?:a. during that period, fcr vfcrtlyl less, development was highly j Int. resting, and it wan so r^gard-di b> ? crowded house and gaKoriex. J Cyclone Davis, of Toxas. shiulef*! and orudi-ri eu:hu*lani a: every! ? visible porf, cfiored b fervent 'am^n'j every time Mr. Tavener droppt-d a IS-inch slioll into the camp of the rich enemy. It wa? Interesting bo can?e the Navy league fairly de manded of Mr. Bryan that he prove the uncomplimentary things lie bad s*ij and intimated about that ex .t'-.ucl) p?ir5r?tif ornaxi'.eaiSon. or make retraction The league bad .irimaieJ. too, that ;? tnlgut bring "lad action for libel against Mr. Ta verier It suspected that Mr. Kltchin, majority. leader, will undertake to .tiled flomf further light on the act'v.l lie." of the leagu- when the time | arrives for recording bin objection u the hattleshfp program which the ! Pre :ident has introduced by the ur ?ny n d uavai experts to j-e?'uumeud. Mor' is known, and it iua> be told. There is much speculation a s to the probable effect of these reve'.ationa, .ind others to be made. Should the Navy leagu<* rail to ; 'iritis suit against Mr Tav ner, now hat he has come into the open with1, lis charges, and make a defend* that la convincing, it fs truapected that the people of the country wili hate a desir ? to know more about ItiHpiration of the preparedness eam-j | palKU. it is hoped, by the growing I number or Democrats opposed to I ! preparedness, as now proposed, that the country will want to inaugurate h season of r flection before de manding further action by Congress, when the people are made to realize whenc" the passionate demand fr*r bar tie* hips, and how all sorts of Fp?Ttal taxes must be added to tho-e I already Imposed, if' they are to be built. IS DIRECTOR OF RIVERS & HARBORS1 A. II. Oumny Wiw to Im portant I'uM at Kiittj and llur Ik>? h t orture*** I.n*t Week. A' the National Klver* and Har ' bore CorgrwR. h?rld In \Va*htag*o?i I City 'ast wr i'k. A. M. Duniay. ca*a- j tier ol the F^rpt National Hank of; I thi$ city wiu> unanimously electftd a, direc'.or of the Cnngr< for the | year endlu* Dec?mb??r t?*h. lfclG.i Mr. l'u ui a y r3coi?cd notice c. Ii... ?lection todny. ? LOCAl. YOINO LADY IN LEADIM. ROI.K Prei- " ; ort s of th- p>y. "Thei Gr?en J'.o; nr " whlcl- ra-. ? *eer.tly I given ry ? &.ud?nt9 * IV >I?ry * jcollcge a* h.vhlr c or lentary end iitat tao pi* one ?>f ibn h?*tr. tl ... h.v? nv?ir >ipen Riven br .'1,1 cni!:j;f M!?s Rol?f'i|i of; this city, who plsy d the >ndsm? part. ia hi rtiy pruised through tho paper* fO' 'he talent she dlanJayod. GOOD PAPERS AT CHAUTAUQUA CLUB| Meeting Was Hrld l.nm Xicht. In- \ in Organization SlemlJIy Increasing. An 3nier?-ating meeting of the! ("1 .nit annua Literary mid Sc*?'nt;fiel Circle wvi held .at the Public I. hrary yeaterday evening and ??< well at tended Mr* A I.. HhIIh r?*iii| an euc? !4 ?ently pr?*jmr?*fj paner nn the life m il ? If': l"'-l ? ' H I <ar ly i.uthoriiD pastor. TJiih vs.tdj followed by a atudy of the western j Stales, whlr:h wan mad" more Inter- I ??stlna by the brief deKcriptiona of J Mrs J. W. Da 'ley and Miss Lida T Ituduian. In.'li of hoin have travel | j 1; d il rough tiif wrest and are ac-l C.uainted with conditions In that, auction o' tiie country. Mrs |I%U" <'art??r r? ad two Ivn* |ia ,ier?, on* on tbp lif?* of R1- i vaid ..v?>re?t Pale and the other ??ij ? 'J li<? il nlo.y of t'okr, the Pu?*" One n w n>? in her whs added to t ho Circle Interest in the nifetlnRft in Inrreafilbg steadily and mueh bene, lit la being derived from the cnur?L?? of atudy tliat ar?? being taken up. MIMTAKK IN AMOI NT. It wa? stated In Tuesday'* lean# of the Daily New* that over $100 had been aubacribed toward* re building /4??? home of Ah AlUgond. The amount wan an error. A little over <50 in money and lumber hat been pledged for Mr. Alltgood'a aid. IOKOMl YflVlt XM.\H ??urNHHIMfi" Fruit Cake to be delivered by Xmaa eve. E. K. WIULI8. Main ? atreet. Phone 508/ ? ll-llltc. Are You Interested In a. HOME? A new Series of the Home Build ing and Loan Association will open on ?January 8th, 1916. SEE J. B. SPARROW, Secy. AUSTRIANS CLEANING UP TOWN OF JAZEBOW Effective work is I>eiug done various sections of the b-ittle-cvept regions by the Austrian Tble photograph graphically portray* the condition of the town of Jaeebow jrat after the battl littered with ruins, and !n trany plats were fouuu the corpse* cf de:??n<iers. ranquleliojj and t_? ? who wiixo cot combatants, eager to flc-c from the. scene. A detail irom the Austria* sanitation wrpa Is si-en setting off oa us 'cleaning up" work. Behind it is a group of returning refugee* ALLIES HAVE RETREATED INTO GREECE HAVK 4AKKLY KSCAPKD PUB. Nl'IT OF THE BITLOARLMB '? AND TKUTOBflC ALUM. NO GREAT LOSS , ugu?l? !*rr 8av?1 Mom. of Ttx4r vfil' *??*?**??. Gtrmmam aad ^orlon* Halt on the OrrcijM h'roMlW. I.ondoa, Dec. 16.-? The Bulgar ian* are now definitely declared to have stoppr-d their pursuit of the Anplo-French forces at the Greek boundary lines An official state ment by the Athens government de nied reports that Bulgarian troops ha\ trenched on Greek roll. Newspaper* in Athens express the bullef that neither Bulgarian nor German troops will croea the Greek tron'.ler Tho allied front is ?ald Ron- to extend ae far a* Kukoa. 'Greece, about 2 R miles north of jsi'.cnlkt. ' Accounts of the allied retirement that continue to come from allied source at Batonlkl and Athens de. dTtbo it as orderly and generally ??*11 conduct Ad. the skill of the lMn?nch !n effecting their withdrawal being especially praised Virtually all t?f th^ allies' war malerial waa preserved, it ia declared CUTTER PAMLICO ARRIVES HERE Aiilitl Thro* Vc*wel.s la Dirtem* ia the Hound. Will D? Her. UuiU Tomorrow. The coast guard cutter, Pamlico, uir!\?d at Wa>hmgton thi* noon and will remain here until tomorrow uiorring. The Pamlico haa been doing con siderable cru-.hing in Pamlico anrl locestly relieved three vessels in distress T'.ie schooner Auriii aud Mary Demwirk w in ashore on a *hoal and although vigorous attempts were made to drag her off the cutter wan ??inubie to do so. The recent south <aatcr drove the >l??8"1 up into Ce dar Island Hay. where she now Ilea. ? t i> believed that when the water lire lilies son) what higher than it* present stage, she will be pulled out a "rsj,hi. The lumber schooner. I.mzle A Williams bound for tt&ftlmore, went nicround on the J,ower Middle Ground shoal. The Pamlico stood by and nftei gome effort lowed her into the Neu-e river. The schooner wun heavily loaded and had she been Wt in h r predicament during the storm, she would in all probability ..nv?' pouiided to pieces. The schooner Jessie Irving wont a-h ire on the Standard shoals. She r." -i'red lightering, after which she an., towed oft without any difficulty. ( nptain J. C. Cant well Is the new ollirer in charge of the Pamlico. !*;;?? - tir relieved Captain Joynee. who '? '? d Thi* 1* Captain Cant ' ?% ii r ? > i .t 10 Washington unri h" expressed mmself as great'y sur. priaed at the attractive app^urwnra of the city. He extends a cordial Invitation to the cltliena of Wawft ir:jr,nn to vlsft the Pamlico while bh? ;* in harbor here. imtXM I I' FOK CHR1HTM18 TMK , ri'KAL PKKBRIN'O CLUB 12 16-ltc (INK OPFICK ROOM FOR HKN'T fit ob p. W M KEAR. 12 16 2tc TO-NIGHT Put h?? Offen "THK UAI.MIPKR" In & Rm!? A Splendid PMtuw

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