Section 1 VOLUME 7. WASHINOTOJf, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON. DECEMBER 17, 1915. -MTMBE| 140. MDTDREDHEHE FI1M FLOHHM TD SET UNO PARTY TOOK LONG AUTO TRIP TO 1NHPBCT SWAMP I.AXDH OP THIS SECTION. MAY LOCATE HERE YbhhwI la Kerlautloi Work la the BtctiMm. lmprrewd With Hmtl Tract* la Tkie Sec tion of lb* State. f In a huge tu*i> five horsepower automobile, of the strap make and Bite a s the Washington Are truck, Peter Wfenaad an J family arrived here Wednesday from L*ke Worth. Pla. They left their machine in New Bern, being unwilling to tackle the bad roads of Beaufort county. Mr. Wienand came to this section for tbe puryutft: oi i>il>iu? up some undrained swamp land. He wm greatly impressed with several hold ings of the Waahington-Peaufort I-and Co. and it u highly probable that he will purchase a large tract of land .In Baa u for I' county. It took Mr. Wienand and his fam-, lly, six weeks to make tbe trip toi this city. They carried their own tent and cooking utensils with them j / and spent the night wherever dark Iound hem. The trip was arhigbly enj6yablo outing and was competed without accident. Wienand ha* been engaged in de. volopratni v ?-* '*? fY- Florida .ever glades an'1 is hv ?? : ?It* itlvg tb^ Un drained laifdrt of tii.g section Vith a view of continuing his reclamation work up here. In an Interview yes terday ho rt^-J ?t"!t i? msiderablft | work hp.s hoeti du"?* .n reclalmtng tho sv-am^ 1 .<u . r .uc ?-v<?rfclada and that he was confident of belli? able to du efltctfv.- work in draining and reclaiming lotne nf the swamp: land of this section. Work in ' ? -n-rlr-*-i "Vi i ii inYVMhitlg traction enplne* Mr. Wienand returned to N#w Bern yesterdr.y. ) The Wj.ViSngion-Beaufort Land Co. has al*o recently sold land to a party of people from Ohio, who have located a short di9tauce from town. Beaufort land is becoming widely] advertised and indication* are that several new settlers will come herei In the near future. CHECKS ARRIVE FOR VETERANS OtfT Srt.(MM) to b? I'm Id Out to Old Vrt(tnnn and Their Wives Id the Form of Amnion*. Checks to the total anTount of $8, SSI have been received by Clerk | fit the' Court, Oeorge A. Paul, for distribution among tbe war veterans' of B'*ufort county or their widows J There '?re flfty-aeven veteran* of j 'the fourth class, who receive 132 1 each, four of the third class, who re. celve $48 each, one of the second elaia, receiving ^860, two, who are totally blind, receiving $120 each and 46 widows, who receive 938 each. < ' Samuel L. William*, of New Rem. I* -ependlog today In the city on business. k i - .. ? " ? , AUSTRIA'S NOTE UNSATISFACTORY Advance Report* ladinta Note la Ml?t ud that lirtartOMB WIU Be Br?kM Off. Washington, Dec. 17. ? Austria's reply jo Secretary Lansing's note on the Adcom la regarded on the basis of the unofficial report received to. day from London and Amsterdam as wholly unaatiafactory. unacceptable, and diaappolnting to the United States. Diplomatic relatione between the two countries may be safely de scribed as standing at the breaking point. ARE TRYING TO FILL STOCKINGS More Contributions Are Needed to the Empty Stocking Fund in Washington. | The Associated Charities again !a*k? the question: Will there be any i empty stockings in Washington ; Christmas? There la no doubt that Washington people will not allow such a thing to occur. Por tb? past several years blg-bearted cltisens 6f Washington have seen to it that not one of the little ones Is forgotten. iTIiey have respond* d heartily every year, and will undoubtedly ilo so this year. But this season, more money than usual will be necessary to accomplish tliiit happy cause. There are several families with small ch.idren, who have come under the care of the Association, who are finding It difficult to keep the wolf from the door, and fo make their h arts glad at this Joyful time. Washington people must come for ward with their usual generosity and adtl their gift to the Christmas i'und. Mbney. fruit, and confection eries will be gratefully received. Mr, L. Roper, who Is giving It's , undivided tiiu- an 1 attention to t'?e collection of this fund, will be Klad to call on any one who wishes to contribute to same. 3o far the collections arc much' smaller than ihfeX^were last year* . llavft you done TourT pa^f? '? <<? -r ADDISCOS MEET WITH MRS. BRAGAW Knjojablo Meeting Held Vt?(onU) i Afternoon. Inten-Ntiiig I'kimtn Were KraiL (Contributed) The Addisco Club enjoyed the jbnunteous and gracious hospital!. y I of Judge and Mrs. Stephen C. Dia gaw yesterday afternoon. The spa. j clous and handsome home vb? ap propriately decorated for the Yule tide seaHon and the chill of the stormy, day wan dissipated as nne jomered by the *low from the cheer ful Arm in hall and parlor and the air of elegant southern hospitality made itself felt with the first cordial greeting of the hostess. As 1916 is the ter-centenary of Shakespeare's death, plans were formed for Its fitting coramenora tion. The' papers for the afternoon were *'The Revival of the Greek Open Air Play." by Mrs. Jane My ers, and th* "History of Opera," by Mrs. Justls Randolph. These papers were wonderful, showing much care and research work In the prepara tion and wer# most generously ap plauded The form of entertaln XalDment called opera had Its origin more than three centuries a*o. Thftt music has become successfully, link Are You Interested In a HOME? A npw Seriea Of the Home Build ing and Loan Association will open on January 8th, 1019. " ? ^uajj * SEE J. B. SPARROW, Secy. Che Boy JUbo Dtdn't Believe Re didn't believe fn Santa Claus He the hing o' the Christmas crowned; "Row can he come down a chimney, Hn' he ao Tat an' round ? Hn' where'e the reason an' w here's the proof 'Bout reindeer runnfn' acrost the roof?" Hn' bo ft came, on the Christmas eve, Re built the biggest fire Che chimney ever had known, an' said He the red flames climbed up higher: "I'll find where your 9anty Claue fe at ; I'll b'lieve in hfm if he comes through that I" Hn' Santy Claus, he came along Q0.(tt> a merry laugh an' ehout, Hn' be called to the JSorth GBitul, brave an' strong: "Come! Blow that ffre out 1" Hn' down he came as the JSorth (fltnl blew, Hn' tl?e little boy said, "I b'lieve. in y(ou!" ed with poetry and art thus creating , "art form" which in time became j "opera." After the conclusion of these very' interesting papers, delicious re ! fresh men ts were served by Miwren Margaret Rragaw and Mary Martin fCugler. Beautiful and unique fa vors of the approaching holiday hps-' | son were given each one. SAVH RAKKR. I la Kodaks, we have them. I If it la Films, wo have them. If It is Plptureg you want, we fian make them. RAKER'B STUDIO. TODAY S COTTON QUOTATIONS I/INT? II l-?c. t 1 " BBBD COTTON? ?4 75 COTTON 9SED? 145.00. .. ? OIIIIKH TOUR XMAM "HCfftlinMr' ? Frill; Cak? to ho dr-H v?ri*'1 hV " Xn:i . .?v?. Will. IB, m?i? i- ss?r- '?' ; W. \j Oodley. of Aurora, wag a mohft the out of town visitors In Washington yp?terrtay. TODAY'S PAPER FOR SHOPPERS o C ontain* A?JVertiwinenl? of leading Local Store*. Three Sett ion*. T?e?t>-fuur I'afM. The Dally News Is today issuing lt? Annual Christmas edition for the! benefit of Beaufort county shopper* 1 The advertisements of all the lead-! in* atom* In the city. may be found j In the three sections of the paper. There are tw< nty.four page* in all. We earnestly urge our readers to' ?o??k over all of the advertisements 'his eiS tlon. They ure of especial as#it>:uiio, in deciding what gifts to give for Christmas ORGANISE NEW BUILDING-LOAN VIII Sturc < >? crHticiti on ?ir \l*?ut the l-'lrst ??! ilw Year, (lltlrch In llank iM \Vji-Siir<t??n. The Beau'u: County Building Ac, l.oun Assoc! ii ???n i< the nsme of ih?.?l >n tieinp lormeii in 1 !he following are| *"j? T J Lewiti. (* I Ellison. Harry Mi iiu.u.i.?;. ... J. Cox. | !ti Havens. Willia:u V John G. ?y Myers. Jes??e B. ? rh. Frank H Uol \yers. 8. !*. Willis, i .! Iivorge A. Paul ?>n will ?:art opera out ih>- first of Hie GASOLINE Vn - ANO'i'htK ttNT Now Kclailir.C ..t for Tvvi'ii'j t ' f* ? (io H f>e"id;;ig >ha< ihe ci>ni?"iner would not rais. ic- > rnm n of .1 howl >1 an t*'1ir r ;>or uj'llmi wac i;n to the price of gusowiic. ju'.u L>. .?nJ h'ls a "social ?-.}< >'?? t?. nn other one o: tht c?pp^r ?p*v-i:.uit* of the coin of The realm or. to tl.e prlue of this commodity and today the much usetl fuel 1* reiai'ing lo cally at 21 cents per 1; a 1 1 < ? 11 and in dications are thai this price v. i I . g.i higher during the next wf*k. Local dealer* a r- of the opinion that before th<? latter part i-f Jan uary. gasoline will b? celling for at least twenty-five cent** per enlloul and may reach the thirty c nt* p r gallon mark Of coprae the local ponenniTs of gasoline are raising an awful howl but that lan't helping mailers on" lit tic* hit and if they g -t the fuel the; must pay the price. It \ KRR'H STI I>|0. Open 'omorrow night from seven to nine Everybody Invited to ?ee our nB? light us make your pierure at night Maker's Studio. OR1IKK VIH R TM %S "HIWSniXK" Fruit fake to he delivered by Xma* eve K. K WILMS. Main atreel. Phone lift*. 12-I0 2tc WAGE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE SIIEZJM IlKFOIITKI) THAT WILL UK NKXT l-OINT OF ATTACK HV TCRKtMJKRMANH. OTHER WAR NEWS 34H>,(MK) Turk* Heady for tht* Cmi paljfji. Anglo- French Fortr* aU Salonlki Now Total Otct '.HKJ.OOU Mcd. London. Dee 17. ? Report* have reaches Kunic thai exieosivv prepar ations have been made fur a Turko German campaign against the Suez Canal and Rpypl Only fifty mlletr of the ra.'way from Damascus to the Sinni peninaula remain to bo liuilt and all m?-a?ures have been takeu to iiifure -uppliea of water for jru\ersinM : lie desert. It Is declared rhat 3UU.IMH1 Turkish troops already lirt.o been concentrated for the op eration*. Turkish pains aj?ninsi the Ilritiah at Kiit.el-Amara on the Tigria are report fd by the Constant luopli* gov ernment I; i* rialmed that Turkiah artill ry tl r?- sank a British monitor on the river According in London advice* from Salonlki the Anglo-French force* there now total 200,000 men. The opinion \ * expressed that the ullietf forrea will not he d'.Hturh d by a Hilluar.M) Invasion of Greece, but t'i::n In a: > -tent ilie Kutente force* ar- nr?'|i:n, : ..r n Hand on a forli i.e:l luie ill Northern Gf'ere which .11 tr> i 1 1 hold un'il the posi tion* at ?rtalonki are well protected y fortlil' .n:f:|ts BOUGHT MULES AND HORSES I'arl'iml Arrivi*d Tfii> from St. liiiiiU | ir ili?- WiiMliiujftvu K?rh?in^r. I?. I., Sit-uia:. ri turnt*il ib's snom iii.? iroiu St 1 .011 in with a Carload r>f -4 nni.iw unrt Imrso The Ani mals rans?il quite a .-"?n&utiuii as . hf-y k?I)oH'(I up from il??- N?-r:*ulk Southern ?'at'.on to the Washington Hor.-ir IS.v litiuji*- ???t'dbles. Mr. Sj.-nuin If ft St Louis T m-sday niitlir aul got iiMo ,\Va?h1npion mi i he iraln froai Norfolk early tUix morn nit lO-NlfillT 5th and 6th Episode* <?f ? "MEAL OF TirE NAVY* , 4 ltH?ls o OTHER It E K 1 .ft It v J I'rh-wr&ifc 1 0 From The * Savings Account to The IChristmas Stocking How many stockings are yon going to fill on Christmas morning ' In how many of them would you like to put bigger, better, prettier things ? Don't we all wish every Christmas that we could give father a nicer house coat, or mother a finer dresj, or the dojseo and one other members of the family, something a lot richer than our pocket book allow ? To help all who have such worthy desires we have opened Oar Holiday Savings Fund Which Starts December 27th This plan is so'tdmirable that saving becomes an easy matter. You pay only tffew cents a wfek for SO weeks, and then receive oiii check two weejis before Christmavfor all your savings, plus A per cent interest. Come to theJIlanlgAr day bettw een now and December .list, and start your savings account In oufr.Holida^Pund. It is the one sure way' to "fill the stockings" with the things you want -the one sure WSJ" to have the kind of Christmas that makes us Merry. THE SAVINGS & TRUST CO.

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