DAILY ANY OTHER JrATEK IN THK STATE. 0., TUESDAY AF TEK.NOOX, DECEMBER 21, 19ir.. Mft MiHIElffi I MILITm FUN milt Will'. it ? bwii sun 1 '? i OOIONBL HAH JUST RBTVB*M> FROM OOKPBMBHCB tml ? AnmAIMUNllUl IK RALKIOB. LOCAL COMPANY If MUM* PUa wins Out, Nuntxr of Coneuim ta 8t*te win *e Doubled. Wmahimctom Win PNbJ ?Mf Reorganise OonpMf That the continental army plan will be abandoned and the various ' State militia companies put on a more eflf&nt basis, was the opinion | voiced this morning by Col. W. C. Hodman, who has just returned * from a visit to Raleigh, during which J time he had a conference with Ad- I jutant-Oeneral Young. The a4 Jtttaa t _g ? n era I recently at tended a conference of National | guard . organisations of the various] States and the Congresaional com- J ? it tee on military affairs. Should * the militia plan be euoceasful. the bill will probably be pa need by nut July. It will probably be Introduc ed by the fifteenth of next month. If the b!U Is carried. Waahiogton \.twiJ improbably obtain a new military co mpany. It 1? expected that the Boater of companies in the State wlj be doubled. T#fcnty-seven ap plia. lions for companies' are already on fl!e from various towns of the 8tute with the Adjutant-General. Under the new ruling, which will go Into effect after the bill ia patt ed. captains of companies will re ceive $p00 per annum from the gov ernment and abotit $200 from the State. The salary of the First Llent ouauta will be MSO from the govern ment and that of the Second Lieut enants, f 400 Privates will receive tweatjMU* per ceat of (he YegtfTir army pay. This will make the total salary far a company several thous and dollars a year. ''Colonel Rodman also seated that there waa no foundation for rumors relative to the location of an aero.' plane station at Morehead City or > at any- other pohit l^thit section of ' the State. It Is triff) that Aasistant ^"cretnry Roosevelt spent a few days . HT he vicinity of New Bern, but h* made' the trip solely to enjoy the excellent hunting ? that ia afforded here. . In speaking further of the militia plan. Colonel Rodman stated: "The plan, as 1 understand It, is for leg islation which will make It possible to maintain in the National Guard an organised well-equipped, and weH trained force r-ady for service. It Is wished to avoid the necessity of reorganising ^be National Guard af ter war has^been declared. It is planned to have/it ready to take the field immediately upon the declara tion of war. To do thla it would be neceeaary to train officers snd men for service *ln war', and in my opin ion -thl# cannot be done without pro viding pay for 4he members of the National Guard. "It Is the 6plnlon of those who have had long "Service in the Nation al GTmrd that if Congreee Will pro vide the neoeeeary funds the fore? csn be brought up to a strength- of 250.000 with the oolors and IfO.OOO In a reserve. In sddltlon to Fed eral pay there should be approprla tlona for longer trrme of field ser vice. For years It has been realised that the National Guard was not getting sufficient field service. Thla part of the legislation is as impor tant as a pay bill. If Congresa will provide sufficient funds and peas the . nece eery legislation . the National Guard In time will give the country half * million trained eltisen sol. dierr." C ABB* BROUGHT UP HKPORR KKCOK.1JK 11 The following ohm vers brought up and tried in the recorder's couit yesterday afternoon: A. S. Wallace, throe cases of speodlng; fined $5 and costs In each of two cases and fovnd not guilty in the third. Dr. J. T. Nicholson, no front lights on cer; fined costs. Tom Bland, riding on the side walks; fined coets. / Gene Smith, colored, soUcitlng at the Norfolk Southern station; fined coets. Prank Moore, colored, changed with having more liquor than the law allowst Jury t^lal on December 30th. Joe Hardy, colored, carry con cealed weapon; $10 and costs. Sam King, vtolatlng traffic ordi nance; not guilty. T PIM: WON'T COME TO "THIS SECTION HUMOR THAT NEW PLANT 18 TO | UK LOCATED IN CAROLINA 18 DENIED. LETTER RECEIVED WMurinjcton Rotary Cllb Urcelve* j l)?dnlte Annoanrment. Number I *+* CMt Offrml Valuable Sea*] lions of Land. (By Eastern Press) New Bern, Dec. 21.? Several de nials have recently been made of the rumor which has been going the rounds in regsrd to the erection in Eastern North Carolina of a branch , munition plant to be operated by the DuPont Powder Company. The Rotarjr Club, of W!:aingtou, look *tb!s ulster .i|i w'th the DuPont people and have received Irom them an aeeertion that there Is absolutrly no foundation to the rumor that they' will erect no pUnt in this sec tion. Concerning this letter the Wil mington Dispatch sa^s: "A letter from the chief engineer of the DuPont Powder Company hits been received by Mr. J. B. Rice, chairman of the manufacturer's committee of the Rotary Club, whi^h has been communicating with the DuPont people In regard to the e-* tabllehment of an auxiliary plant in this elty, stating that at no tlms has the munitions plant anticipated placing a branch In North Carolina. Many cities In Eastern North Carolina were busy communicating with the headquarters of the com pany and offering* free and valuable sites Cor the erection of a powder plant, among which was the Rotary Club of this city. Thanks were con tained in the letter, for the interest la the matter." After tomorrow, the public library will be closed until Jsnnary 10. this being the time the librarian usually baa her vacation. Tboae wishing books to read during the holiday* will be allowed Itwo books In each borrower's card. | All of these books will be returnable January 10th. Clarenr* Meyo, of South Creek, wae In the city today attending to buaineee matters. ? Are You Interested In a HOME? A new S?riw of the Home Build ing uatid Loan Association wilt open on January Slh, 1916. SEE W. fc SWINDELL, Pres., or J. B. SPARROW, Secy. RESULTS OF BOMBARDMENT OF WESTENDE Coincident wtth the main drive of the British force* in Flanders In the region or Luntt. the Britlah bald- ?hip? appeared off the coast of Belgium and heavily bombarded the German positions. This !r the Bret picture received Id tkfe oountry showing the reeults of the British bombardment of the Belgian coast TU* picture was taken at West eude. a small village near Oitende. FIRE DESTROYS BIG WAREHOUSE Gum WMfhonM at Grwnvllle Com plete Ixmm. Other Building* W?W Endangered. (By Eastern Press) Greenville, Dec. 31 ? The fire de partment wu call d out this morn ing, at (oar b'clock In response to an alarm sent In from box 72. The Gum warehouse was afire, and burn-' Ing all over when the fire fighters an^e.l. There waa uo c ance to \ 'he warehouse since 'he root waif ft> .ling iv hen ti e alartr went In.j r&l dwelling houses. JCCUpietT by pfr red .p- ople, i nd situ ed near the v..rehou.ie caui ht and >ne was burac.j down, though It m t ht have j bee i saved If the fighting ci the fire j hi^d b?en properly conducted, ac- ! cordlns to the statement of many ' Iocs 1 men present. While tl?<* Are was at the highest a Inrgt- storage house just a.ross the acreet from the Gum warehouse ; caught and would have probably 1 burned, but for the efforts of Mr. 8 T. Hooker, who induced the flr?_ ?melrHar ton? a xtreahi of water from the big Arc to the front of It where It. hnd already caught. So far It has not been determined how the fire originated, but some firm.y a*sen that they smellcd ker often*. and It is thought that the fire might have been Incendiary. ^ The Gum warehouse was owned by M- .-em. .1. J. Laughinghous*. H. L. Coward and others. The lo^s could not be dertcrtr-ined today. The warehouse was operand this year by Messrs. Gibson and Faucette and is supposed to have had a large amount of tobacco in It. BLANKET OF WHITE COVERS THE CITY Tlnw Inches of Know Fe*l Laat Night. Fir?t H?n*y Mnow Here of the Seuaon. When the residents of Washing ton crawled out 6f their beds this morning and took a peep out of the windows, they beheld trees, houses barns and th?? ground covored with a layer of snoV, three inchcs deep. When they left their homns It wax to find that the sldowalka and steps j were extremely slippery witb-a cruat of ice where the snow had beeih shovelled off or trampled, down. There were several mishaps. The postoffice steps were particularly allpprry and there were a number of very clever steps executed by tho*e lost their balance. It is tare to say that there *^ere quite a few "who performed strango Terpslchorian foat? before they got to their places of bU4lness. GENERAL VILLA HAS MADE PEACE indication* Are That War* In Mex ico Are at End. Carrmnaa I* at Head of Affairs. 91 Paso, Tei., Dec. 11.? ^An a greement was reached and papers signed at noon today whereby ths Villa factloa In Northern Mexico concludes pegce terms with the de facto government of Mexico. The Conference was held betaken Mexican Consul Garcia and fortfter lieutenants of General Francisco Villa, at the oonnlate In El Paso. ^ General Pranoftco Villa la report ed toNbe In Jnarts. W algning of the peace agreement eliminates him trow Mexican affairs. CONGRESSMAN SMALL WILL INTRODUCE TWO BII.S.S One Will Be Certain Exemption of pilotage; tl>e other Issuing Licenses In Dry Territory. Congressman Small, who has Just returned from attending the open.ng 6|-a?lon of Congress in Washington City, stated today In an Interview that there were three principal ma*. teaktng o? the first two, 1 ?\ Hrjiall ntat d that it was t.ot 1. uovvn jQt when they would be brought up ior discussion but that (there bad been considerable agitation by advo cates of the measures. [ Regarding preparedness. Mr. Small* remarked .( BARACAS PLAJH TO TAKE TRIP Will Ylldt Richmond and Hopewell in the Early Spring. ? iiiicr Fea ture* of Entertainment A re 1 'Inline <1 . The M. E. Raraca cln*s have two enjoyable coming evenis on their program. One of those will be "pulled off" in the near future and will be a big dinner, given by the obi ug Side in the membership cam paign to rho winners. The o'ber is . a trip to Richmond. Hopewell and other opinta in Virginia, which will be tak- n some time during the ear'.} , spr'ng. The Baraca class now boasts of a large number of members, which 1 number is Increasing every week. On an average of ten new memTPPTs are added to the list every Sunday. Photographs are Richmond and o( the burned city of Hopewell are on view at Worthy A Etheridge's drug I store. rbai It wa? hard to state just what 'the ner.t.tuunt of Congress. w,ts. ait- ' though he te'.t confident that the I ; majority of the House were in favor | of a cerin'n increase in the naval 1 PDd ar;: ? ; Co:ik'- . '11*. i Snail e*r? *.? to in trc.lu ? . L.ils C:;.;-eas re 'open* : ? hclld .a. The first I Ml! *' .. 0'. Mr t.?r e . wmption j of an . *n tow .?f tugs froai | j :hc pi ? ?iy r?f auy iVatv law pro- 1 viding ior uompu'.-.ory piloinpe. The. | strond b:- v.: 11 forbid the Issuing a licc-noc- o. ?t?i!?riirig j.uy license tax for the it manufacture of In I toxica ":nt .Iquors In any State that j *.e wholly . ? :* ?r r. dry territory. iJ.T. CAMPBELL DIED THIS A. M. FuHrr.il F cvlrrw Were Held TliL Aumiuxii Fiuni tlit* MKliodiiil ? Uureh. Jauu-s T as Campbell. aced 6l?. tired this morning at 2:30 ilia de&::< is attributed to h -art trouble and Hrifht'a iI'.sum. The funeral ser. f vices ww >c!d this s?ternooa frotu | the MttboiU! church. Rev. E. M. ) Snipea oflicintlog. IntTmenr was j In Oakdale cemetery. Mr Campbell ha? boon a reader.* r of the dtjr of Washington for th ? I la.*' flv? yt-arB, although he ha* llverl t 1 -ractitally all of his life in B?? I'lXiTldtfd Needy in Washington. The announcement in yesterday's ue of the Daily News regarding | the helping of thone families in i need, has uiet with considerable fo:nin"Qt and Interest. Two cases were cited where assistance would be appreciated and these will be at tended to, according to assursnces given over the telephone this morn ing Two more cases were reported to-j day Ca&r No. Wife works in factory, husband if* feeble and unable to work Ons child is convalescent from pommon ia and another Is suffering from the sumo mslady Cane No. 4. A widow with four children takes in sewing In order to provide a liv ing for her little ones. We sincerely trust that iho*'' who csn aid in the above cases will call this office on Die telephone. The tH'iirs of the parties will he fur nished them. If any of our readers know of ar.y other worthy rases we will appreci ate it if they will let us know HT4M K OF liOODS KOK SAI.K. I have for Rale stock of goods and accounts In store on 24 4 West Main street that I recently bought under mortgage sale. Will make terms leasonable for good security. Anx 1 loua to make deal on or before Dec 31st. 191 It K R MIXOy. 12 21-tfr WHITE* LETTER I* RKTL1' TO ARTICLE which appearkd IX KEH'8 AJfD OBSERVER. FALSE IMPRESSION ??U ys Tti?4 AnU-ProhiMOoaUu Am to l * Tb?*?e Mrmma im \rotuQD? A gala** tlM AaU-MaIwd K. L. Davis, Stale Superintendent Jf the Aotl-ttaloon League. has is ?.aeci * reply to an arUela which ap peared In y?'?terday'a New* and Ob ?>-erTtr regarding his alleged attitude towards CoogrcumeA Small and Pou His letter Id part read* n follows: To the Kditor ln your Mouday's ;wue roe ear ned a new8 letter by lir. Asa Bigg* j of Graaarllle, which statas that the Anil-Saloon Leaiue, la its oampaiga lor national prohibition in the First laud Poarth Districts, i? making aa attack on the congressmen of thoaa districts. The artlole ssys, "The al ack on Small and Pou by tha Anti aloon League has frown oat of the act that these two Congroasmea .tiled to vote for a Constitutional amosdmenr which would mean na tional prohibltloo at the last session of Congress 1 waut to stuie mo*i positively '.hat rlie Antl-Saluon Leaguo h?* made an attack on Messrs. i'ou jnd Small, or any other cou Krecsmaa from this State. What tha ?*. lit ..Saloon League is doing In lta itfucational campaign in these dls rlcla, Jh to give the people the facta touching national prohibition, tha - voto of their congressmen last time, 11 ttd I heir promise to vote for sub- * uo the States, it a majority of their con ?alilu'nry 50 desire*, the Anti-Saloon I. vzufi has oeen at work to get their . oriHiituency to lai^ them know, by letter and resolution, that tbey do do-lre It. I want to state, in cancluaion. that ] know soiue antl-prohlbltlonlsts are iryirg 10 make the impression that the AntJ-Saloin league Is fighting these two congressmen and are try ing in make this impression for the jurj.ose of hurting the Anti-Saloou !.? iKue; and, therefore, 1 take 'his opportunity t.o set ths people of .North Carolina straight M *? wb-' ?!?>? ;? . <1 tu ilw. ,^att?r. U L. DAVIS. Supt. N C Anti-Saloon League. December 20. 1916, HAVS BAKKft. If you can't ko to see your m?. "'cr. Bister or brother this Cbrlatms* end a fr??b ehotogrsph. Tou flvtt'l know ho* much th*y will appreciate ' <-s I' wi I almost be like a po.' aonal Visit. MAKER'S STUDIO. From The Savings Account j to The Chris Fr as. S-irkins i i ? i How many stocking are you to fill oa Christmas morning ? i In how many of tlier.i would vo ?? liko to put bigger, better, prettier things ? Don't we all wish every Christmas that we could give father a nicer house coat, or ( mother a finer dress, or the dozen anil one other members of the family, something a lot \ richer than our pocket book allow ? i To help all who have such worthy desires we have opened i Our Holiday Savings Fund Which Starts December/27th , This plan is so admirable that saving becomes an easy matter. , You pay only a few cents a week for SO weeks, and then rceeive our check two weeks before Christmas, for all yoilr savings, plus 4 per cent interest. Come to theJBank any day between now and December .list, and start your savings account in our Holiday Fund. It if the one sure way to "fill the stockings" with the thing* you want -the one sure way to have the kind ot Christmas that makes us Merry. THE SAVINGS & TRUST CO.