DECIDED TODAY Wtibla?toB will bars its fcsnply 8tecklng Fund" this year u _ike has had In the past- This fact waa set tled by a prominent reeldent of tfce; city, who TldM thU offlce today and aakod for a list or thorn who had aL ready subscribed to the fund. **Td rather you wouldn't mention any namee in the paper." he stated. "but Mr. and I talked the nutttrr 'over Uet night and we de cided It would he a shame hot ii have the Safety 8tochtng proposi tion carried out this year. We're going to gut busy this morntaif And going to give It ourselvoa. \ -We're going to oall on #*0tt bualneOT man of the city and I be lieve we'll get up enough money to provide a happy Christmas for those who are- too poor to buy a oy luxur ies." WARNS AGAINST HOUDAY FIRES ChT?f ot the ore a m winu.ta, &*. mi i^uarv the resident! of Washington regard iLg holiday flree. * ? He urgee particular care In Gferiat maa decorations; thai they J>e not made of Inflamable material and so arranged that they will *ot come In contact with any Same. Numerous fir-a occur eVery year, due to Christmas decoratlona catcn Ing Are.. Cltlsena are urged to he rery careful In this matter and aroid loss of home sod belongings. MISS GRIFFIN PASSED AWAY ? . w? Ttmcbnr la CTtjr Schouli for , Thinr Van. Fucral hnM. Tomorrow Wneatog. Mia Hatty Ells* Griffin. uged ?T, died at til* ham* of bur cousin. Mr. W. E. Jonee. lut night Although dofiBltr arrangements bare aot jet been mad*, It W ripaetod that the fuaera! eerrleee wlU be bald from the rtaldence of Mrs. Jonee tomor row morning at alarm o'clock Mlsa Griffin waa born In Hyde county on December >. 1841. She lTlfcf? of Ur. Ill fan aM ?4ft Grlftln. both of whom hare paaaed away. Ska lived lb. Waih togton since the wag eighteen yean at age. She obtained her education In Thomas ri]!a and taught echool In tVa city t RuHrtlng on Washing- : ion Htrfrt Entirely Dcgtr?)'<><1 By Fire. A small frame house on Washing:- , (on str> et. owned by Charles Orlst. colored, aod occupied by Henry Clemens, was completely destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. The Are department responded to the alarm in quick fashion but the dried wood of the house burned like tinder. Very litt'e furniture wan saved. No insurance was carried. OARD OF THANKS. To our friend* In Washington, we Setlre to excess our most'' (Afccw and deepest thanks for the sympathy knd kindness extended us d urlft tfce illness and death of our fathdt. Wo appreciate il?*plj the many ajgy Of lilndnees before and after his death and use this method of attemp>J^t ta 4how our gratitude. The Children of J. D. O'Neal THE CHRISTMAS CLUB PLAN ) AT THE SANK OF WASHINGTON ' Ttit re are- four clus^s ? A, B. c and X. and the corre?pondin|r weektv depOMttt are 10c. ?c, 50c and $1 00, making tbe depos t* in fifty week* of $5.00, $12,50, $16.00 and $50 00. START YOUR ACCOUNT NOW H costs nothing to join and the Bank makes the first deposit to your credit? in other words, it gives you one week's deposit free in which ever class you wish to Join. Remember-F lrai Deposit Free N EX iTh?U? AS yOU WiU h8ve READY MONEY FOR YOUR OF WASHINGTON LIBERATE PRISONERS ' DURING THE HOLIDAYS All "Trusties." Will Be Allowed Three Days' Freedom In Which To Visit Friends And Families. Not only the poo# and needy bu: also the prisoners In the jail and on the road force, will bo remembered at Christmas time. -toovornor Loclce Craig has issued ijroclair.Hii >n? ??) the sheriffs and officers in charge of tonrlct camps and f^rcee authorising certain prisoners to" fie liberated dur-j ing the holiadys. Sheriff Wndlev received one of these proclamations' this morning. It Mads as follows: I You are hereby authorized and i requested to allow each and every prisoner who Is and has been a t tf*ty for tan days qxlor to this dato, Ycf refllrnlo his lioine or otheT 'place] WILLIAMS-CLARK Well Known <'ou|?l?> Were initial In Marriage I^aat Night. Will Live In Washington. M. N. Wt'.liams and Miss Julia j C!ark wore- united in marriage last night. Rev. H. B. Searighr, pastor of the First Presbyterian church offici ating. The ceremony was performed at the bride's home on West Third srtrept at nin^ o'clock in the presence of immediate relatives and a few intimate friends. Mr. Williams was for pome time an effic!ent member of the city police fore and is now a deputy sheriff of Beaufort county. His bride is also well known throughout the city and both have the wishes of their many 1 fr'.ensd for a most happy and pros i per o us married life. *tthftrr?h? In rh* OallV N?w? chosen by him, and to remain away from the camp or prison during Fri day. Saturday and Sunday, the 24th. 25th and 2t?ih of December; Pro vided such trusty p:cdge liia honor liiid satisfy t!i? oftlrer in charge that he will return by twelve o'clock on Monday, December the 2V;h. You are furthermore directed an-1 requested to report to me on or b?* lore the first day of January your action In accordance herewith and the results, and the names and con duct of each prisoner paroled. I.OCKE CRAIQ^ _ Governor. STORE TO HE OPEN CHRISTMAS .MORMNG J. S Campbell announced today : that his J- welry store would remain' op??n on Christmas morning, due to the fact that he w?s forced to c!n*e his establishment during the early part of the week. Mr. Campbell has made some big reductions in prlc n. His advertise ment appears in a: other part of to day's paper. MI MICAL COMEDY COMPANY Vr NEW TlffcATRE TONIGHT | The Harry Steart MuslcaJ Comedy Company will open a three night's I ; engagement at the N*w Theatre to-i , rfght. They will offer three up-to-! ; date mu?iral comedlrtr. glvfng a com-! plote Chungs of proRram each night.] All pr- as reports give this company! very high praise, and no doubt will I pack the house every night. i THE LITTLE STORE WITH THE BIG LINE OF EVERYTHING FOR SAKTA CLAUS Be sure and see our fresh line of Can die*, Nuts, Grapes and Confectione ries of all kind before placing your - =? ,< Christmas order. ,W. *J. RHODES, JR. BOND ISSUE IS CHEAPEST WAY W. H. KUnrill Eiprrwn Hlm*rif am the Good Koed* MituiUJun la tho Ttovraahip. When interviewed this morning regarding the good roads situation, VV. H. Stancill, one ol the prominent nnd pi jgressive farmer* In the coun ty, staled that he believed the oppo sition on the part of certain of ** farmers was due to the fa-' ^V* ild not entirely u"J -VO "Ever. w county with >oesibly ? _ w exceptions." said Mr. Staaclll. "Is in fa\or of good roada. At i be me ting la?t Saturday, t&e ?,pt alters usually began their talk* oy saying that they were heartily la favor of Improving the roads of the ownahlp. But they complain about taxes going higher all the time. It .s true that the taxes are high, but ihe taxeg on property are very little ?ligber than they were ten years ago. The special school taxes 1b what has raised the taxuB to th,holdB all pant tradi tions. the number of ebauteoua belles and dazz! ng damsels will be greatly Ircreas'.d within the coursc of a few >. ar?. ATTEMPTED JAIL DELIVERY IX WINSTON. SALEM PA1LA Winston-Salem, Dec. 23. ? An at-, tempt by about a dozen prisoners, among whom was Ram Christy, of "Muddy Creek murder" fame, at a jail delivery was frustrated last night by Jailer Blackburn. All during the afternoon the pris oners seemed unusually cheerful. ?s*g!ng continually with efforts loj quiet tliern proving futile. Jailer! Blackburn noticed that the prison- J era took turns , spending a certain I amount of time in one particular cell] while the others remained 1n the roT'Hn* wt"*rc th^y ar" allow rt ench afternoon to exercise. An investi gation was atarted and It was found that a bar In the cell referred to had been sut in two and could be lifted fro mils p'.ace with ease, leaving an opening largo enough for a man to get through. A BParch of the pris oners revealed two small saws on the p rson of one. From The Savings Account to The Christmas Stocking" How many stockings are you Koine to fill on Christmas morning ? In how many of them would you like to put bigger, better, prettier things ? pon't we all wish every Christmas that we could give father a nicer house coat, or mother aatiner dres?, or the dozen and one other members of the family, something a lot richer than our pocket book allow ? To help all who have such worthy desires we have opened Our Holiday Savings Fund Which Starts December 27th < This plan is so admit able that saving becomes an easy matter. You pay only a few cents a week for SO weeks and ihen receive our check two weeks before Christmas, for all your savings, plus 4 per cent interest. Come to the Bank any dqy between now and December .list, and start' your savings account in our Holiday Fund. It is the one sure way to "fill th? stockings" with the thina* you waut? the one sure way to have the kind of Christmas tl at make* os Merry. THE SAVINGS & TRUST CO, ONE MILLION MORE TROOPS FROM ENGLAND IIHNGfi THE TOTAL FIGHTINO STRENGTH OP BRITISH I'P TO ?-Ol'K MILUOK MKT GERMANS LOSE Suffered Lmi?s oa the Wmi cm Front. Claimed That British lktre?le(l in DUorder from tial UpoU. London, Dec. 23 ? After an all night debate the House of Common* earl? today granted an Increaee of 1,000.000 men In the Drltlsh army, biloglng up Its ?trength on paper to four million. Gfrmang Suffrr Heavy Loaac*. Along ;ho Western line, according tc British official reports, the Ger mans suffered heavy losses whllo exposing their forces In an attempt to occupy craters which their mine* had opened along the front near Armentkreo. French operation* at tome places are hampered greatly by bad weather, but a considerable portion of the German works on Hnrtmanns-Welleritorf has been car ried. British Retreated In Disorder. Berlin. Dec. 23. ? Advices from Constantinople reiterate the asser tion that the British force* which quit the Dardanol'pp retired In groat disorder "According to Constantinople re ports," says the Overseas news a. .oncy. "the British left their sick and wounded behind. Their retreat, which they pretend waa carried out -ysteniatlcally. In reality was a head ovt r-heels flight." FORD REALIZES TRIP IS HOPELESS In Deeply points! Over Cool KeeepUoo. One Deatb ou llounl of Ship. Christiana. Dec. 23. ? Henry Ford realizes the hopelessness of oMaia? Ing concrete results for hi* pe*q? mission, a .'id plant to r ? tire from the ven fire an soon a a pc slble, It la re. ported. He i h deeply disappointed at the lack of warmth In h j reception m Nor . ay. and the opt .1 hostility In Denmark. Lkjyd HinKh*ni Di?i. Christiana, Dec, 23. ? Lloyd M. Flingham, husband of Amelia Dint ham. the actress. a member of the Frfrfl peace parly, died of pneumonia here *.oday. He vbi one of the first to Join the pf-ac- delegation. ('Alt It. \ N'ZA'H TKOnFS CRI'AH IU5.MNAXT OF VILJiA'H ABM Y Laredo. Texan, Doc. 28. ? Carramn troops under (ianeral Trevlna en gaged what remained of the Villa army In battle yesterday and today at Maptila, 10 mile* outside Chlhua 1-ua City. Inflicting a severs defeat | Nine hundred Vll'.a soldiers were killed, wounded, or taken, prisoner*. I according to advices to Carranra of .it-'r't :;.i X'i.vii Laredo today. I'l lie Carranxa Icssos were Said to have been small. GENEROl'S CITIZEN* AID UlfFORTTN ATFM All of the cases of poor and n*edy faml'.lea. which have been published In the Dally News during the lart r roral day*, have been provided for The following ca3? was repor; ?d rhls morning an being % worthy one. f'aw No. ?. Crippled widow, with one ran. who Is also crlpplfd. TO-NIQiT HA'RItY BTKWAltT \ and hf* % ? MUSICAL COMEDY XX). ?i5? ' *?' ? "A CALL TO ARMS" Pr1c*? 2 Be, SBc.?R CufUIn ?:!? ,