in the March of Progress. Vote For Good Roads "Next Tuesday. DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NfWB PRINTS MORE LOCAL NEWS THAN ANY OTHEK PATER IS TEE STATE. ???' ? ' -TT- ' ? WA8HmGtOK, N. C., TUESDAT AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 2S, 1?15. ' NUMBER 149. RKPORTS PROM THK lUOGltmtA TION PLACES 1* OOUXXgY ' KKCEIVKD TODAY. ;'^i WILL BE Outcome 1 ? M?Ucr of Cn?aM*r*b?e, Cunjfctir# on Part of Ttaoe*; WJkj Apt Arqiuinted With but aft] <>ut? of Proportion. Complete returns from the coun try iihow that the total registration for the coming election la MS, figures given in yesterday'* New*, which stated thit 'the regla i rati on wa? 805. included* all city and was an estimate Of thethree country registration places. ,l?e|* rate information as to the <? Infeft number was available this mdrrilnfr and shows the total registration to be 845. Following are the figures (or each polling place: Pirst ward: 190. Second ward: 164. Third ward: 83. Fourth ward: 106. O d Ford: 117. Pineville : 70. Tranter's Creek: 105. " How the vote will be east at the election la a matter of considerable conjecture on the part -of tfcose who are interested in the outgjt|pe. It is Kenerally believed hat the flty boxen will glve.^ majority in favor of the Issue. It is also believed that, the country boxes will pile up a rait her Mrong number of votes against the project. However, there pre a num ber in the city who ars opposed io the bund issue and theyMHtfibBiy In the country who fa^|P|HHKe liialnary estimates of (Xfi <11 cute lh?t lll?r elMtkm *llf ' B? ex remcly close. CRITICISES WATER; WRITES UP DOORS Kinntnn Nfwspaiwr Man Bellerts l>am Will Hate to be Hui?t to Kcei? River Water From (ining l.'p Creek. One Item, criticising the condition of Washington wat'r. aud another article relative to the doors in the Federal court room, appeared in a Kinston paper under a Washington date line yesJerday and were evl-j dcntly written after the visit of a Kinston newspaperman to this city j during ChrlMtmas. Tlie Articles are. a* follows: Washington. N. C-. Dec. 27. ? The' cltlz- ns of Washington are hoping; for niorr rain. Tranter's creek, new ' source of the public water supply. Is lower than ueual. The water from , Pamlico and Tar rivers haa crept up into the creek and tbat which the housewives now get from the tap* tn i their homes la salty like old- oc ean's. The past three months have seen little rain, and Tranter's creek, usually a swift-running stream, la like a pond. The officiate say th? trouble might not be repeated in many years. If it is a dam will have to be constructed to keep the river1 water out. Washington. N. C.. Dec. 27.? The | most expensive pair of doors in North Carolina are In the Federal courtroom here. Made by a special; contract, a Federal Inspector turned them down. The doorrf are of .pig- 1 skin. Bound deadening, with glass windows through which the mar . ahal's messenger looks to be ready wHen the clerk beckons. After -the doorg were cond< aimed another COP; tractor went to New York and se lected more thaft a dosen pigskins i?ltjbiQ; which to get^he cover for the doors. When Unally aceepted the pair of doors, smaller than the ordi nary dooc*. had cost right around ft 500. according to the custodian. I HEATH* FROM I'NKOMONIA IN RICHMOND THIS MONTH Richmond. y?? Pee. 28. ? Forty one persons having died here this month of pneumonia, the )}enKl>;'de part men* today published* warning ?cilnt lip ktotat. ' bo*o?" drink ing. damp or wld f?t ??4 ?Itailw ?III. u> ? hl?li?r dMtk rat*. A <t?lly Lbfcib of lh? moutk tad M*4 It ^psBitr miauiM. WOULD H A VB .IT APPLIED TO VOtI.HO MKN BKrWKKN m AND SI YEARS OF AOK. EXPLAINS PROJECT VKwwr loMat Bfwtary ot Wu B?U.Tr. Wd.1,1 IU Mot Effective tn lwprorlu* Military Streegth of nfirnij . W ashing ton.^bec. 21. ? The Army kague Is uxgixjjr upon Congress thai universal mllftjM training of the young men of {$* country ? 18 to 21 'years of age? -U?sW only solution of tne question a? To realizing a force of citizen-soldiers other than the or ganised militia. Oen. Robert Shaw Oliver, former ^ Militant secretary of war, president of the executive council of the Army, league, today gave out the following ' statement In explaining of the. po- j sit Ion oPtJje- league: L HN^-A^aSy league of the United Slates has Uecided that universal! military training of men from 18 to' 2i years old is the only true solution' of the questV>n as to the method of ! raising a force of citizen-soldier* j other thaBUfe organised militia. The' executive council has passed a reso- 1 lutlon embodying this policy and I recommending a general plan whlcn j avoids the demand for a large ' standing army and disposes of (he j bugaboo of militarism In a moderate, and reasonable Increase of the reg. ' ular army. Th* plan Is generally, conservative and tn line with the tarloua recommendations, both of the secretary of war and the gen eral staff. The method of obtaining j the necessary nun for the citizen | army constitute# the principal dlf-| ference, and this question Is believ ed to be fundamental. "A careful study of expert ?opin- 1 Ion would appear to require for th* defense of our overseas possessions j s regular army of at least 60,000 ' men. Such a force, when divided between the Panama canal sone, j Alaska, the Philippines. Hawaiian1 Islands. Porto R!co and o?h"*r navyj could Ha/rilr ??uuaidered - exceaHve ev?u b> the extreme 'little ? army' men-. "The regular army at home would consist of thft coast artillery of one relief, and the mobile force (i. e. cavalry, artillery, infantry and spec- 1 is! troops) skeletonized to train the cltlz#n-!M}ldV?*. and. for that pur pose. dhftMbuted In a number of division districts. Every branch of the mobile army constituting s di vision would be included In each of these units. About 700 regulars would be lno'uded in esch district. A complete division would be built up In three years by enlisting each yo?r about 7,000 , young men 18 years old In each district. Twenty five divisional districts would then supply a force of SO. 000. J "For the last three years of the six year enlistment, these troops would pas# Into the reserve, subject to ca'l by the President, and then b ? given full discharge. Thus there would be always 500, 060 of the re serve This would mean the training | and cost of 167,000 men each year with the colors and in the school*. These men should re?ei\?* army pay ior that number of men the first year, two week? the second and third years, or 13 m-onths In all. The plan of the secretary of war calls for pay two months a year for three year*, lor six iponthft In all; therefore the cost of th* proposed scheme will he a little more than double that of the secretary. "It la hoped that a sufficient num HtWAS FOUND ON ROADSIDE NEAR GRIMESL'D UNKXPBCTED CHRISTMAS PltkS KNT l-XIMRH TO I. L. WHJTK OK NEAR GKKKNV1L1.K. PARENTS UNKNOWN In/ant Mu Only a Few Day* Old wid Him! Bwn Placed on Koad u Short Time Before Mr. White'** Car Canu* Aloag. I An unexpected Christmas present j was given John L. White, of near I Greenville yesterday morning as he was driving his car from this city | lo hi* home. The present was In the i form of a baby. *nug!y wrapped up I in a basket, which Mr. White found 'on the roadside a short distance from Orlmesland. He stopped his [car, picked up the basket and took the infant to his home. If no one comrs to claim the child, it will probab'y be sent to some charitable Institution. The baby evidently about four or live days old. It was wrapped in a good quality of linen. A five dol lar bill was found tucked in one corner of the basket. The infant was not suffering from the cold and the person who placed it on the road bide had evidently done so a few minutes before Mr White s car ar rived on the spot and had them r?p away. MAY MAKE MANY IMPROVEMENTS AT PAMLICO BEACH Heportcd Trial Itesurj on Pamlico ICivcr Will lie (in-ncly Added to Next Summer. Thai Pamlico Beach, located near the mouth of the Pam'.ico river will undergo considerable improvement and changes text summer. Is the b - Ifcf of several local residents, who aie interested in building up that lo< aiity It is reported that the hotel is to b>' enlarged and accommodations in ml* or more guests, mat new cot tage- will be bui'.t, a dancing plat form erected, hatn houses put up and various other improvements made If properly advertised, local in 11 believe tiiRt Pamiico Beach can be made into it re-tort that will draw a large number of vacationists from litis section of the State. The bath ing beach and h<* llshing is excellent ii nd the locality possesses ninny ad vantages that cannot be surpassed by any of the other well known re sorts in Virginia or North Carolina Several hundred visitors from Washington and oilier points ,n iieaufort county spent soni" time at the beach Inst summer and all hear tily enjoyed their stay. If the con templated improvements are mad<\ many moro will undnuhl illy ppend their vacations there. ber would volunteer for active <*r ?Ice; but failing that, the quota re,, quired would hi fi led fro mthe en rolled list in each dletrlct. "The organised militia would not be interfered with In sny way. 'Orf the contrary as It Ii proposed , to exempt men In that service, young men would practically hav a choice of service in that body or the ptffr- 1 posed continental army." Are You Interested In a HOME? A new Series of the Home Build ing and Loan Association will of>cn on '? 'January 8th, 1016. SEE W. E. SWINDELL, Pres., or J. B. SPARROW, Secy. GREAT FIRE IN BETHLEHEM STEEL PLANT . Outusriipfc uk?D durtnj th. prosrem of ibe cuoMutr.i u?. u.n. ..n.-u, au..| company plant at Sou in li?? laOem. Pa The machine ihoii waa deatruyrd, lumMlicr wllii machinery a?j huinlr...!.. ?l , . ,B? ,m tn ??" of MUluUrt tor (be lnlt.0 #??,.? .1: li. a'li *. r.llinlmc up prob *!..>? 1.1 m ,,M WANTS COL. LAMB FOR DELEGATE TO NAT'L CONVENTION i J. K Tii) lop Rtju tr^ I>?*ni4?craf* ofi Thl? District .Should Show Col. I on?i This Courtesy. TiiRt ii Tvoutd be an act of cour tesy and appreciation of past cervices to elect Col. William G. Lamb of j Williamston a delegate from ; first congressional district to tl National Democratic convention dt St. Louis next year. was the opinion xpressed this morning by Jo**ph F. Tayloe of this city. "Colonel Lamb I. as uo; mid auy thing about this matter to me." itatfd Mr. Tayloc, ' and 1 fesi sure .bat h will make nu personal effort m Ills part to secure the nomlna ion. lie we* a cftehgate at the Bal .:inore convention four years ago and helped to nominal'1 Wtredrow Wllsoi), ^nd lias alwayg taken a keen lnur-1 it in the welfare of the democratic' riariy. contributing greatly to tho; success of the party in this rectl<?ui >f the S;at? "1 do no know of any oilier ap-! pllcants for th" office of delega'e at| .Ills time ard I feel that It would b-* an act of courtesy to again allow1 ? ulouel Lamb to represent us at St. Louin. I be'.leve tbat he will accept the -office an<l will attend th*i con % em ion." | t OKI) I'KACK IWKTY MAY do H(?MK good vptt Warm (.'ic^tlnB 'or (Hcar'ii rWipnn) nl Stockholm. Trying to Clowe I p UrearliPh in Itnnkv Stockholm. Dec 28. ? Th- new I management of the Ford party Is. j Piideavoricf to close th* ranks to prevent succession* following tho withdrawal of Governor Hantia and Mi M Inez Ml holand Boiasevaln. It Is bellev d thore I* a chance for the mission'* partial success luce thi warm greeting In Sweden EAST CAROLINA HAD GOOD YEAR I Year Hm Keen Mwi Ib'm-fldal Uu>', I Say Kadml Er,*rl*. Faruiluu I J (a* llern DlvmUlrd. t By Eastern Pro??) Kins'.or.. Dec. 28. --The year 1915 ha* been an exceedingly ben- flcinl one 10 the farmers of :he t-istern | part of North Carolina, in th.- i ?' lof er. perjenoe, according to i no. Ftration erperts of the l*r. i ! ?. t? * j department of agriculture tec. tion. Few parta of the aovh asrto uch radical d partur.-s from the nwcsalty" of raising "money cropa" as did the counties 09r.1pr.sing the Carolina bright leaf robar.o belt and thoce adjoining the belt on the eas'.. An a rutuli. aay tne government B nta. atock raising is coming into :ta own The number of hngg rais ed during the paat summer. if ac curate statistics w era obtainable, would prove a revelation to the av erage city man. The attestation 1 ??v n to fruit was gratifying to 'the ikperts. Grain other than ?h^n re ceived earnest trials. Many thou*- ? tnd more tr>-<*a -wf re planted Within ten years the hundreds of thousand* of pecan trees planted during the pa*: Ave yeara will make this sectioa the world'* center for that finest of temperate tone nuts The paper shell product of eas:ern Carolina is euperior lo any other p"* oan grown Neighborhood which had b*en /drifting" toward cotton and tobacco again cuHlvat'd corn and truck, with excellost results, the growing Reason having been Ideal. Just about a happy sufficiency of rohaivo was produrnd iu the eaal crn counties and. wary aft*r 1914> disappointing celling n uson, the I planters treated cotton as ? suspic ious character, with the result that the uu'put wai well below that of the prer ding year in some of 'h ' counties Use That $5.00 Gold Piece i TO JOIN Our Holiday Savings Fund Bring the $5.40 Gold Piece you received a monft your Saturday to open an account in our Holiday Saving Fund. Or any other moitcy you rece'vfV !prf>e or small--will open a savings account in the new Fund starting today. The Fund. has inel with tremendous su ess hundreds are joining hundtedswho will ha\ r more money next Christmas than they had th.s year. TIip pavment* ar? mat)* ?*?f h wwk or may h* marto In ?'l vttnre Von do not hav? to <-ome yourself a child may br!*i? your depmiitft K very thin* about tlia i>lmi in oi?y, km re, ronv?nlr?l Come down today and Join *?*? your friend* and neighbor to Join ? ?*t ev?r; member in th* family to Join Make today the Martin* point for next yar'* M- rry Ohrlat mai The Savings & Trust Co. THREE FIRES IN NORFOLK-SOU iH'N RAILROAD SHOPS 0? rurrcrl at Kin?t"n. Arr liolicvcil | to Have llc?*n of Incendiary Orl"in. 'fly Eas:?>rn Pr?u) Kin cn. D? c. 2v ? A no of Pres c ? the No-folk Southern Itali ? .?d > r " -n the central part of the 0 ty ? i ndoubtedly of incendiary n -in in ? '< 11ns to Firp Chief Tom Mosele... > has no clue. how* ver. T ,%o. ti' k Southern ? men n t l.i rjp of ihe loca". offices entertain* belief a* Chief Man ley, bu*. >ay :b''v !ia Te not the slightest o% d' jjc?*. Ar pm^o; e had been la the fr !gh( station, the *c?r>e r.f the llrn blaze, about an hour before thai d? partmem was ca!N from i>ox -G2 j to etUngulbh a burning desk, wood'- J work BLd valuable records which ( u.r? burning briskly at 6 30 o'- j riork or thereabouts. There was n.i'. e'gn of a flr<? when the employe, a ? rutted mau. vm In the building. ' TV dnmnge wai probably |lvO. by. i nblef's estimate. j About S o'clock p. in., the fir ? nu-n wore ca'led. also from ho* 32. I to a car containing hay, which was' binzing near the freight house One; company handled this fire, but be fore lr was well extinguished tlv East K'.nston company, waiting on thp Fcene, had to be sent to the vl c:n'ty of Heritngo and Ra.lroad read sireers. where a car of at raw wis afire. Thla was quickly out. Th? damage in the hay . fl re <? brut ISO, an<l to the etcaw about $.10. This abnul 7 o'clock, ar ?''M ding to the official record. th* department was railed to Mnr.nn street to put out a blaze, of un known origin. In the home of E. K. . Patterson, colored. Parrerson said ] th?* fire occurred around 6 30 o' cU"'k and hat th" damage was about covered by Insurance. The fir? 1 wan In h sleeping room, Chief Mose I lejr put the damage at ahour 150 ? sl<l? frtim hrok'.n furniture WILL FOLLOW UP DETECTIVE WORK Havl? I* Now K.niployfxl a* n fainter in Now York hut Will Take f'p HlriillilnK Again. Krlnnda of II 1 II Davie, <?f l?f*l "Sh' rlock lloltti'-s" fame, were given pa\vk ?>i V*- ? r n i?nu is and aetiv I'ls* l>y a residen of this c ty, who r turned* from N'w York City yes t tday He f s ?>d ths ? Davie wa? now em f oye?] i ? painter in New Yerk but t at 1 i *n?r awaking an appoint ment 'rum one nf the big deteo^ve agonMen ir New York City ?nd would ud'uiblndly a cure a job In the near fu'ure David Intend! to f t. low up i he detect lev liuelneta and is confident that he will inak* a Stirceaa of l? l ? ? i C'll XNflF IN HOf'R OF VIOOK CM II MKKTI VCi Th? O. Henry Book Club will meet Thurday gf'ernoon with Mrs A M Dumiy Of Weat Main Street .The meeting will start at thrfte o" 'clock, Members are request ad to {not* the ohange In the hour. IMIS RlltSllll FORCES DE V0RI1IZED lifvl'ORT FKOM THE CAlCA8l'S HIKIW I1IO DEAR ARMY IH IN WRK1VHKD CONDITION. OTHER WAR NEWS Moiiti'tw'tcrlnfi \rr Continuing Offen sive Against Austrian*. German* Are Active Along the Won tern Front. I flerlln, Dec. 28. ?"Reports from 'he Caucasus received here from Constantinople state thai the [tut ?lau army in demoralised as a result >f rohi. hunger, cholera, typhoid and poor equipment," nayj the Overseas \"e*s Agency. "Pcles lu the Russian army i-ome* are in districts 'occupied by the German* sro de serting or begging :hat they b3 .'eat tioni"" >1 wiiti-iifKrlu^ Continue Offensive. Paris, Dec. 2 8. ? The Mon:eneg '.nt are continuing their offensive .-.r.d have faln^d considerable terri tory In the Banjak taking numerous . IIIsr.pb and inflicting largo losses upon the Austria dp, according to an official statement gl\*n out by tho Montenegrin consul J ere today. The statement, dated De? mbcr 26, foL law? : ? -ur troops 1m tho Ranjak con tluu 1 Jlvelr offensive and captured svv- ? villages from the enemy, in i!u(i ? Gondouche, Dou -vo. and : ib. r?. The Austrian* sustaJntJ looses in thi \ioieut strucgln '?jt C-e p."?s: ::onf " li' rnianit Ml nil"?. Reri.u. D.-c. 2*. ? Or.l> minirg op erations along the Frinro-Beigian front arc r*cn;lon d in today's of II fin* s?ni"i3?en? by German army head garters. Quiot prevailed a!ong the other fronts, accord. ng to the >-t a t omen t which follows: "A crater marie by a Fr-'-nch mine ? xplosjon t:i front of our position* northeast of NeuC.lle has bec-n oe ciiVled liy us. An enemy mine ex plosion ch I'ombres Kill caused lit tle* damage. Oih rw'se i Iiere have ?<?a no 's?c ilea's of Im^srtance. "There ;s nothing to report from th?? Eastern and Ha'.fcan theatres of war " VAUDEVILLE AT NEW THEATER Sporial Fiiftagenieia Made With Vaudeville Company for Per formance Tonight. Owing to a disappointment in run , tracts has been s- iected for to n;glit tit ih? New 'Theaire one of ? the beet musical comedy corapanln* on the road. The Flnnlgan 4r Dean company mines hlrh!y r ">mmended. It censihtK of ten high cla** arii*t*, I featuring ihn I"?aa trio. In popular laud high r.lass Ringing selections. I M r nrd Mr" Red Mnc.k are ai*o i r j t.j'itny, introducing their I'-t.g'tial coumjiI.v creation, "The Hu man Joho." Mr. Rilly H. Flnnigan, the Irish comedian and voo alls' Ia n of the Lilliputian Extravaganza is a'so one of lh? '-omedy features vir. Irwin llamptos. the alitor tenor, Jn high cla?a selections, aong. dance, music, comedy. with sp-Milsl senary and pretty girls. Five hlrh <ln*s va?1 vllle arts will be 1n'r"1? M 'turi- g the a<-:!on of the .-onindy. "Motel I)e R/yal," H which 'if eu'.Ire rotnpiny will apt-Mft A -Ivert in the I ,l!y N'-ww.

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