U. LITTLE. IXMT ? BETWEEN MrHOME AND . reeldeace of Mr*. A. M. Dumay. a pearl eaabvat Finder pleaae re turtt to Mr*. C. M. Campbell and receive reward 12-3 1-ltc. * FOR S.VLK? ONK NEW FORD] touring car. If you want It see me at once Price 1459.00 (Maude L.. Carrow. 11-SO-tfc. VOVSO MAN, lll'SINKSS COLLKUK j graduate, desires ofllce work. Caa | furnish beet references. Address Box 295. Washington. N. C 1 S-29-3tp. A LIGHT RED H1LK lOW STRAY-] ej from my lot Saturday night Finder please report to J P SPAIN. 225 East TWrd street ar.d receive reward. 12-28-5tc. | TO 1IE SOLD AT ONCE ? THIRTY, four Rhode Island Red Chickens, one incubator, onti brooder and feder Must be m>UI by Jan 1 Apply to thf Daily Newt office. 12 28-4 tc. STORE FOR RENT? IN IIA&SELL Supply Co. building. Corner loca tion. Apply to E. R Young. M^.r. 1 2-l-tfc UWT ? AUTOMOBILE Phone 119. 13-28-tfc. POSITION WANTED 11 Y VOI NCJ married man. perlecrly sober and not afraid of work Addre?.? " Position." fare Daily News 12-28-tfc. n THEHRY Fl*R NTTTR E CO. U>TOERTAKERS ? and ? EMBALMERS Day phone, 4n8-L Night, 256 Furs Bought For Highest Prices lirewry- ? 4 7 W 2 5* Si N-w York i.uwi li. Ma-> . Hic-hmtnid. V.i. KWerenre- ? Norfolk Nat. Uank. Back of Commerce. Need 30,000 Coons, 3,000 Grev Foxes, 5.000 Minks, 10, 000 O'Potsums. Ship ai once at our expense. If not satisfied with pric? will return goods at our expense. II notified to hold will hold for 5 days Norfolk Tallow Company NORFOLK, VA. P S. ? Money Paid t'ntil 3 P. M. Every Day. Are more valuable than you might imagine. To have them properly cleaned, preas^d and repaired tueau* they will last a longer time and we make them look like new one*. We aterliie them too? that helps to prolong their life, ('u *f call for some of your old dothce? WRIGHTS STEAM PRESS NG WORKS PHONE *31 Country Correspondence Ill YER ROAD STATION \K\VS. | H?v. J. J. Lewis, of Bath circuit, j conduct' d services at Asbury church Sunday morning and night of De jcember 26. The Asbury Sunday School OhrUi j ina? entertainment Monday night i Has magnificent There was prayer land exhortation by R L. Wooiari. [Sweet music was rendered by the choir with Mr*. J G. Mixon of Buo >on. presiding at the organ There J wer?* two irwa splendidly adorned [with farj'-y articles and heavily la. den with sacks of fruit and confec i (ions. There were one hundred | uanifk enrolled oud each one rrcclv ? ed a nai-k This correspondent re rcelved one of the sacks and it Is ver> much aprpeciated. .Mr. and Aire A It. Alligood, of Hath roHd. desir* to tender sincer* thanks and appreciation to their many friend* for sympathy and as sistance in regard to their loss by Are Mr* J X StuL'b and child and | Mrs. David lleapes* and child of Pi net own. were quests of Mrs. J. B. Alligood of River Road, one day of the holidays Mrs. A J Sheppard. of Uunyon. ' made u> a very pleasant call one day during the holiday*. j Mrs O \V Woolard and children | iif Broad Creek, have been spending i the holidays with her mother. Mrs. [Mary Boyd of Siieston*. We were pleased to P. N. I Sheppard of Bunyon. in our Tillage j one day of the holidays. Mrs. l.ouisa Harris, of Hunter's Bridge, who has been visiting frlend> on Hath road, spent on- day of the holidays at River Tioad the gue.-t ot her brother and ?lster, Mr and Mrs. f H. A. Aliigood. 1. 1ST OP l.ETTP.HS Remaining uncalled for in thU of | tie- for the week ending NOTICE. North Carolina Beaufort County. In the Superior Court, before the Clerk. Stephen C. Bragaw and Maude A. Rragaw, vs. Bryan Moore. Harvey Moon* and Edward Moore. Edward Moore, one of the defen dants above named will take n:>tlce that a special proceeding entitled as ibov , ha* h*?pn commenced in the Superior Court of Beaufort County for the partition of real estate de scribed in the petition and situatprl in the *aid County of Beaufort. North Carolina; and the said de. fendant Edward Moor'4 will further take notice that he is required to appear before t^ie Clerk of t ?? Su perior Court of Beaufort County at hi* office in the Courthouse in *a?d coun'y on the first day of Fwhru.iry, 1 1 Q . and answer <.r demur t'> th'1 complaint or petition in said ac?!on '?r the plaintiffs will apply to tiie Court for ?he relief demanded in said complaint or petition. Tlsia 22nd day of December. K?ln GEO A PA 11.. Clerk Superior Court. lS.2J.iwc HELLO. EVERYBODY I'M "TIGE." I'M MERE TO TELL YOU WHICH IS THE BEST HARDWARE STORE IN TOWN. IT IS HARRIS HARDWARE CO. THEY SELL GOOD, RELIABLE HARDWARE. THEY KEEP THE PRICES THE HAMMERED DOWN LOW. YOU'LL CET A SQUARE DEAL ! YOU'LL SEE ME EVERY WEEK Harris Hardware Co., WASHINGTON. N. C. Washington, N. C , Dec. 26. 1915.1 MEN? L. E. Allen, Leather Berry, W. W. liar net t , 11. B lJarue*. D. it. Cutler, W. 1. Carson, Dave Coney. H. C. j Cochren. Jim Davis, B. Fagerm, P. H. Farrow, Dr. and Mr a. Galloway, W. H. Ilodgets, Walter Hines, Gar ' Ion Morgan. Mr. and Mra. G. H. Mursh. II B Stgall, Joyner Walface, W C Woolard. Richmond Wall. WOMEN? Mr-. Zipher Kills. Mim Mamie Griffin. Miner Sarah Harden. H?!en Lilt)**, Mary Owens. j These lett?*Ts will be sent to the dead letter othce Jan. 10, 1016, Jf not delivered before. In railed for the above, please suy "Advertised" giving date of list. N HKNUV MOOKK. P. M ANOTHER WASHINGTON CA>E It Prom That Th?o'? A Way Out f??r Many Suffering Wash trig loo Folk*. Just anolher report of a pbkc lu I Washington. Another typiral case.' K'.dney ailments relieved ?n Wash-' ineton with oDan's Kidney Pills. , Mr- F R Lewis. 725 N. Market St., \Vati.iti?Son. says; "1 had a r.agigtig pain be the 'arorite way of raiaiub money, arii the royal Jewels used to be In pawn most cf th? time. At the time of the coronation of George IV the crown was In pawn, and wan hired out for the occasion at a cost of $;?5.000. The king wanted tr. buy It. but Lord Liverpool thought It an unneceBsary extravagance. Fi nally they browbeat the poor pawn broker down to $.45,000. although tliu crown was then valued at $T50.'>00. pnd In celebration George IV had to anarch through the strer-t* fnr mllus wee ring a & VI pound weight on hlf head. Subscribe to the Dally News. WON COAT SI IT. A k*en and interesting mm petition, ill which t.ho prize was a beautiful r?i3t suit, liac ju?f been closed al th" st'ire of Jaine* K. ("lark. Th** prist '* nl to The saleslady wlui could show tl:? largest number of sales during the month of December. Miss Ma< lllount was adjudged the winner yesterdsv. PERSONALS Miss Olivia Lamb, of "" S. a. Is v?Ulng Mrs. W. B. Mortonf of Washington Park. ? ? ? ? C. A. Flynn Is spending today im I Baltimore on a brief business mis-| slou. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Ida Albrltton. of Klnaton. is J the guest of her brother, C. F. ] and family. ? ? ? ? C. W. Graham, of New Bern, was I anion k the out of town vlaitore In | the city yenterday afternoon. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Carl IMchardson la confined | to her home with Illness. ? ? ? ? Ml*s Llda T. Rodman has return ed home from New Bern aftor apend iug the holidays with her Bister, Mrs. Owen Gulon. Miss .Mary Clyde Haasell, who Is 111 with pneumonia, is rabidly Im proving. ? ? ? ? l.ai'ey Kiddell and daughter. Tlip'ma, ho* returned from Carthage. wha1ooiiK and liquor stores, to b rlo.si-d by law after tonight, enjoyed t-n-at and llnal prosperity torlay Cuatomers wnr? taking honio sup plier for tlie expected long dry spell Tlur' werp many joblot bargains of b'er. wines and whl&H'.e*. A,ft?r today llriuor can be bought in Col orado only on u pbyulclan's prescrlp * ii*n or imported for private home c onaumptioii. Tlie State had 1.600 -noon*. Monro of Stwhlwlrtem Meeting. The annual meeting of the stock :iolders of he Flrsf National Ban> of Washington. North Carolina, wil held on Tuesday. January lltb. twelve o'clock noon. 1916, at their banking house A M. 1>UMAY. Catrhier. 1 2-2-4 wc. Parents Should Know this Splendid Refnedy Siinpli* l4i\utJv<> Onmpoiiml Help* to ( Virritl Conatipnllon in Children. \\ ith nil children there ?r? tlmea when th? bowels fall to act natur nl y and It become* neresaary for the !?? r??n r ?s ?o administer a remedy. ? 'athartira and purgative* should n"vr hn n?*ri an these agents afford only temporary relief white their violent action vhorki tlie syirlem uii dnlv Mra Kva P. Caff. 617 1 0r It K" Washington, IV says that her little girl. Marie, had Keen auhert tu constipation, and that she found Dr. Cn!dwe]|'n Syrup Papain the beat remedy because of 1 t?r mlldneaa, and now always koeps a bottle of It In the hou?e. I>r. Caldwell'H Syrup I'apaln la a ruin pou nil of slmpl* laxative herbs, ire" from oplatea or narcotic drug* of any It i nil, and la an Ideal remedy^ for children becaune of Ita mild ac tion and positive effect Ita uae lends to strengthen the Impaired bowel action and fstor# normal regularity. MAKIK <*AFF | It In important that parent* ahould know of i d?^ndibl? remedy with no unpleMnant after effect*. griping or "train Dr. Caldwell'* Ryrup i Pepsin coata only ftfty rente a bot ,.tle and can be procured at any drug More. To obtain a trial bottle, free of charge. writ* to Dr. W B. Cald w?fll. 4f>4 Waeblngton St.. Monti cello, III. l*HUUTl Kail i\>8 TO TH1 SOTTVI; TORAOOO mm show it There are uaj also* of r?tura M prosperity throughout the >uthsra 8t?(?. Southerners have ore money to spend, and are spend g ft. which la one of the Barest ens. When the saohers of ths joth start la iajrlag more tobacco, lonth after month. It la a pretty ire Indication that' they have more loney to speed each month. Here > one brand of tobacco, Tuxedo, lat ha? Increased 145 per cent, in s Southern sales during tbe past ?e months. This lncreaae has been rogreaalve. abowlng a larger par entage of fain each succeeding tonth, and Tuxedo sales are still olng up. Tobacco aalee show the general pward trend of business in the outh. While not ae accurate a auge as cotton or steel, the fact re tains that men do not Increase their moking expenditure unless they sre taking money. | IANKH 1'KCJK HAVING IX VKRSR. Mother Goom* Bank Bookn" On ; Thrift Art* Iklox Distributed. . (From the Duluth lferxhl) . . . There Is much urging of thrift i heae days, and It Is timely. The war hat Is crushing human lives and lopes in Europe is destroying more han lives ? it is destroying the hings that lives are nourished by; ind the chanc a are that $1 saved oday will be worth more than S2 aved five years from now. Savings banks are distributing a 'Mother Goose Bankbook." in which he appeal to thrift is phrased in nerry Jingles that, in imitation of he original Mother Goose rhymes, rip musically from the tongue. ' Maybe It isn't good poetry, but it*a rery sound sense. Here are some of he jingles: The King was In Ills counting honae Adding up his bills. The Queen was in the market plac" Buying lace and frills. The maid was in the savings bank. Blushing like a rose, depositing her savings Before the bank should close. Another contains practical help for th?? saver and a perfectly good moral ~ Sing a *ong of sixpence- - Just yourself to thank ? Four and twenty dollar? In the savings bank. When the account is open*?d Put a dollar In ? That's the way to get a start It you want to kin. Jack Grimes could save his dime*. Ills wife could save a penny; Betwixt the two. they richer grew. Vet lived as well a* any. Start a Ready Money Account .nt '3ank of Washington Now. 12.3 1-ltc. NOTICE OF 8.1 I.E. I'ndT ond by virtue of the power of Male contained In the deed of trust to L. M. 3cott, trustee, by J F Lynch, dated January 24. 1914. anri registered in the Register's office of Beaufort County In Book 180, at page 398. the undersigned trustee will sell for cash at the court hous? door in Washington, N. C.. at 12 o'clock noon, on Thursday. Jnnuary 6. 1918. the following described real estate conveyed by said deed: Lots No. twenty-one (21), No. ?hirty-nlne (39). No. forty (40) and No. forty-ofte (41) In the town of Royal. N. C-. as In shown on map of 'aid town which Ib reRistered in the Register's office of Beaufort Coun ty. In Book 163. at pag?- 278. This December 4, 1915. L M. SCOTT. Trustee. . 12 6-4wp. STOCK OF (."001K4 FOIt HALE. I have for sale stock of goods and j accounts in s'ore on 24 4 Went Main itreet that I recently bought under Mortgage sale. Will make terms easonable for good security, ^nx- j ous to make d?al on or before;Oec. j list. 1915. E. R. M 1X001 1 2-2 1 -tfc Subscribe io the P*lly News WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Rending Standard, Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cash or on time We also have the most complete repair shop in the city all work guaran teed' D. R. CUTLER Phone 28S Extra Special For Friday and Saturday All Ladies and Misses .Shoes that sold up to $4 00 SPECIAL $1.95 Choice any hat in our store, values up to $7.50 SPECIAL $1.95 . James E. Clark I ? ? =g= | DAILY NEWS WANT ADS GIVE GOOD RESULTS Job Printing That Pleases If Our Work Is Not Satisfactory It Cost You Nothing Send or Telephone Your Orders To The Daily News Office Bowers Bros. Co. Washington's Big Store. At Clearance Prices Children's Dresses, new designs and attractive patterns 69c & $1.25 Serviceable Waists, SOc values 25c Night Gowns reduced to : 50c Aprons marked special at 50c House Orestes, exceptional values at 98c Bowers Bros. Co. . Washington's Big Store.