the Election To DAILY NEV THE DAILY N*WB PRINTS MORS LOCAl NEWS THAN ANY OTDKK VAPElt IN THE STATE. WASHINGTON, N.. C., MO: .Y A FTERNOON, JANUARY 3, 1918. -V. * DO MUCH HARM taw Written to the Mir Cimlalar View, of Th? U ???<. D ?MH^r Voter* ,,? o< the twadil? Tomorrow. ??"i* ? -f .* ? ^ Washington, N. C.. Dec. fl. Mr. Editor: . .. ; j Since my return home after ttje Adjournment of the 8upreme "Court I have been naked my opiaton M to the wisdom of thle city voting to issue fifty thousand dollar* |n Wash ington township bonds fd?; the Im provement of the township roads. In view of the apparent fact tftuU a very large majority of tfre cotantry people are against the fcropertMoa I think It la a great mlstafce for the buslnee* men and citisens pf the city to attempt to force It on the edim try. Aa a rule the roadjr.ln thin township are vory much hetter tftaa in the other adjoining twwjifhlpa. Besides the city has far greater Med for money to. improve its streets. A walk around-, the principal back streets and some cross streets will disclose that they are in mQch wor? condition than the country roads. It wl\l,do the business men of this city more harm to force this bond Issue and ita extra tft? npop the country people than It will Jfe t ho. city good, 1 have voted for-tttf various bond issues of thle cfty.t I Cannot vote for or agalnj^^ijj^>s 1 did not get home in time to rtogl* tur. If I was registered I would vote sgaitist it., GEO. H. BROWN. ARE PLEA5ED WITH THEIR NEW PASTORI l ance ( owe I m?tlo?w W err Present | at Christian Charrh VoMtmlay to Hear Mr. S?cfcnt>rc. Hev. Mr. McBntyre, of Chatta nooga. Tenn.. who has b^en called tt> preach at the Christian church during January,' conducted eervleee in the elty for the first time, yester day and made 'a mosft favorable Im pression upon hta congregations. A' large number were present yes terday mottling to hear the new pastor and at. the night services*. 14 was necessary to refuse admission to the' lale-cpmers, evry pew and chair Ih the church being filled. Mrs, McRntyre, who accompanied hpt' husband here. Is a singer of exceptional ability and will greatly add. to the efflci hey of the choir. It Is 'bdjileved tb?f Mr. McEntyre -will be retained permanently. -He <M a r nisi man of plfltslng apptantsnce artd'he and M ri. JieEntyrc^fcaire kl rHftf madf mrtoy friends since their J arfftcr in Washington. ?. '? -i i, ?. J.t .WAIitlNGKORn '' ? " MAIN TONH1MT ] The New Theatre opens tonight with a Ave reel program, In which they .yrl II offer their patrons the seoond series of the J. Rufue "Wal llngford adventure*- TBIs plctpre a greet hi flast Monday night wl*en U*e first was Ahor.n. Tfclfle jrUl ?l'?o>n tjiree #'elfc of sMvnxu* UCH DAMAGE Ifii: - ? Xltli Prr*oM Are iMh l-vni.rt)! Dm ?"****# $?? i, ' I Columbus. O., Jan. t. ? Beveril Hundred persons Are homeless and rnMMfrable. propfrtf damage V* dnfie by floods tttrfiTiVhout OU? u dlnr. No ^ of life Vfigi hut <b. as series (DAILY NEWS GETS PRESS REPORTS I OVER WIRELESS U Plrst Paper fas State to OiXaia It a 3few? Direct from the Wlrdm. It Is believed that the Dally Newt tablished a precedent today a the papers o( the State when Iveda number of apwa dls yia wlrslasa. It mjft be seen 7naJ article* bear tbm head, [log, "J* Wireless," Sad " h hat some ef omr JWl kpatu art 1 wisatoee , MlJ' the thlel he l^P*^ m0r?l^jW' of the |t*V?i*r !<ptaet -sheet" which the cutter reoelvfe dnlly,. It la through n^..^Wln dallfiSueh with ?^iWhrM. > Aa far aa (a known, the Dally News Ur the 11 rat paper to receive its preset report! direct from the wlrsJe?*. NATIONAL WATERWAY Or>MMlWnO?f IS I'RGED j Presu- Hays There Haa Been it?ada?j lous Waste by Pork lUrrH Method*. V*, Washington. Jan. 3. ? Kepfesen.-.j tatlre Prear, of Wlaconaln, haa pre pared and i will Introduce on next Tuesday a bill providing for a na tional waterway commieelotfc.' He ran ten da that the present 6'ystetn promot?? scandalous pork .har^rl methods and haa been responsible for a waste of two-thirds of ^h? 1850.000.000 already spent on our waterways. Concerning the proposed bill Its I of Inspection and approval by subor dinate army engffaeera haa been thoroughly discredited. Of the $50, 000,000 on the average and annually appropriated, two-thirds la for rivers which In the aggregate carry a frac tion of the waterway commerce bandied at any one of several lake or sea porta. He say? the entire sya toro thould be thoroughly overhauled and a elenttfle comprehensive plan adopted In. that Important waterway projects may be cctnplr.t d to he ex . .union of ec>rii of wasteful pro jects, which now monopolize every river and harbor Mil. In order to place such appropriations In a bud get with other legitimate govern ment expendlturea the bill proposed | the control and presentation of wa. terway appropriations ahall be plac-| 'd In the hands of the appropria tions committee. To overcofto present evil he pro- 1 poses a commission smlllar to thel Interstate Commerce commission, i that shall have control over all wa- 1 terway. improvements and shall pre sent Its recommendations to Congresa | at the beginning of every aesslon. His bill provide? for a commission Of, Ave members, not more than three to be x>t the same political party. w,|th teriqa of extending seven years. It is authorised to employ civil en gineers and other help and upon re quest the secretary of w^r Ji per mitted to detail army engineers to aid the commtsalon whenever /apefr detail does not Interfere wl^fa fagw la^ military duties. . 7. . , MANY INJURED & ; , IN BIG $pfc Bell?vue AparUneata la Philadelphia ' r?mpletWr Destroyed by Plre Kariy Today. . (By Wireless) [ Philadelphia. Jan. 3. ? A woman and -f.jfo children ere mlsalng end | two other peruana are expected to die before morning following a Ore which destroyed th? Bellevue Apart, jments here early todey. and resulted i In Injuring twenty persons. 4|o the People w?u Better Reads?! I "I em In fevor of good roads,] j but" ? And then he proceed* to makel ' some kfed of an objection to eny tnlng that le proposed. Do yon think such a man Is really In favor i of better reeds? We to tot. This county le going to stand ab solutely stM nnttt U begins some sy*4n*t1c road improvement plan. J Nay, Jt >U1 not stand etlll. It will 'fo b?ckwtrd. -Monroe Journal. SEVEN STARVING AND ONE DEAD AT LIGHTHOUSE SUPPLY SHIP DID NOT VISIT TRIANGLE LIGHTHOUSE FOR OVER POUR MONTHS. RESCUED BY SHIP H4cwm?hjp Picked Up Snrvlroni Af ter They Had^c^n Without Pood, Except for a Few Flab for Orer Fifteen Day*. (By Wireless) New York, Jan. 1. ? Two men, two women and three children, all starv ing, who had been without food for ^ftiore than flft'?n days, except for a ?few fish, and the body of a woman, it victim of starvation, were found itt Triangle Lighthouse, near the Yucatan coast, in the Gulf of Mex ico, on December 23 rd. by officers of the steamship Mexico., which arrlv. 1*4 here today from Mexican ports. ta*he occupants of the lighthouse, ac cording to the ship* officers, had not IM4&* visited by a supply ship for Emore than four months. fv- / ' i : RESCUED ?LQ0? Uttttcr Pamlico, Airlved in Port La*t Vlfcht, WlAVrr^Jked^Slooii In Tow. veThe coast guard cutter Pamlico arrived in port last night for a briof stay In Washington. She will sail thlp evening after replenishing her stores. When seen this morning and (juorl'd regarding any incidents that might have happened on the last cruise of the vessel. Captain Cant well replied that the Pamlico had towed the sloop Spindrift into this harbor and that the vessel had been plated on . t jje marine railways for repairs. The Spindrift was found by the Pamlico ashore near Mldd!eton, iu Hyde county, and .was half full of water when the cutter sighted her. She had been caught in the recent storm and sprung a leak off Gulls shoals. When the craft was in dan ger of sinking, her master, Captain Peurson, ran her on the beach. The crew of the Pamlico assisted in pumping the sloop dry and by keep ing the pumpv working, succeeded in keeping her afloat while she was being fowed by the Pamlico to Washington. Captain Cantwell also mentioned the fact that one of the dogs, kept on board the cutter, had disappeared during last night and asked that an item be inserted in the paper urging whomever finds the animal to return it to the cutter at her next visit here. The dog I* a red female set ter, lame, in the hind quarters and had on a yellow leather collar with a number of tin disks on It. : i CHOCOLATE SOLDIER L" Thefl'are few things so enjoyable a? hearty laughter ? fr?w things so i&tich deal red as an opportunity to Kd|fh. ; -A splendid opportunity for Oyer tWt> hours of continuous laugh let wllf 'trtcur when "The Chocolate Sdldler^* accompanied by an army : oY tonfltf 'opera aoldiefs and soldier, esses Intranet at the Naw j Theatre on Thursday. Jan. 13. 1916. While this army la eortpowed of Bul garian and one lfttte Serbian, ths only defensive " prepared neas" nec essary will be some protection a gainst exhaustive laughter. With the comedy Involved In a whole some, consistent story, l? the de light of hearing . some of the most exquisite music ever written Into a light opera. Oscar Straus has writ-* ten the music and the twenty or more musical numbers Include the famous "My Hero.*" "Sympathy." "The Letter Song." "There Never Was Soch a Lover." "The Tale of a Coat." "The Chocolate Soldier." ote. The famoas Whitney Opera Com I paay presenting this plec* for the sixth seaaon retatftt !*? high at an not. ? Tijnifr** .0(1. . ???ptuow CMtamlof of ?*? IS CHARGED WITH STEALING $40,000 OF DUHWTF PLANT K Mt Mo ow, AH* ?. W. fa?ti. u field at Rockar 'Mouc win Fi^tu spaOiftjai. (By Press) Hock/ Mouat.uea. I. ? Allying that he is a partfjto and sharing the loot of toe trortpy of the Dupont ; Powdar plant at jiopewell. of which his part ie eaid B have been |40, 000; a party of Bve yesterday cap tured F. M. Scotti alias V. W. Pugli at Croatan In CriiVen oounty and hilted hare last 'night. 8coti has been lodged in the local police sts. j tlon and Pugh bts engaged Con gressman E. W. >on ob hl? counsel to fight extraditMs It is stated that Pugh was em ployed in the all iillog department of the DuPont pli at "until. several weeks ago. fllncd then be has been on a hunting trl ' through Eastern Carolina. He defties having misap propriated any funds and state* that the charge against him Is the work of others higher Jjp than he Itt' the powder plant, wh# are using hlifi as a> means for detracting suspicion from themselves.; Pugh. when seen thl* morning by | a- local newspaperman, was espec ially bitter In bis charges against j the detective*, headed by Joe M Dallon. who captured him. He charg es that they made blm drunk and drugged him in the attrmpt to carry h)m back into Virginia without his consent. He is a well-dressed young man, claims to be s graduate or Washington & Lee and Is of pleasing speparance. The DuPont plant claims to have I lost between one hundred and one | hundred and fifty thousand dollars, PRESIDENT- IS TOLD OF PERSIA] DiHpatchr* Acquaint Him With IV- j tali* of Tragedy. Will Leave Soon for Washington. (By Wireless) Jlot Springs, Jan. S. ? Dispatch*. ? I received by President Wilson from | the state department today are un derstood to have Included a report of th? torpedoing of the British liner Persia, on which an American consul 1* believed to have been lost. No eomment on the news was given out. The president and his wife are pr paring to return to Washington. MARKET RE-OPENS Central W'arehonw In Again Helling ( Tobacco After lining Cloeed for the Holiday ft. The Central warehouse re-opened I today after the holidays and will ] continue sake as long as the farm ers of the county have any tobacco o- bring In. Practically all, of the bdyers. who were here at the be ginning of the season have returned and the farmers may be assured of as good price* as thty received be fot the holidays. HTATK SATlOXAIi OtJAIU) WILL MKKT THIS WKKK Association. It fc Said, Is Oppoeed to the (VfeHdi of a Ootitinfti tal Army. *? A good delegation of officers of I thin Mir ?nu Attend ?? Natlo'ial Oimrrt Am'ffrtfc<lofc of l?k?Utv which win %a**t Mr OrwwrtwflfSfnii nesday j and ThurMay. Thfre will probably be about 150 officers at the meeting. The association will take up the matter proposed legislation by the federal government. The gaard (n this State, It Is ssld. Is opposed to the creation of a continental array Its position Is for tho government | to furnish additional money and facilities for increasing and making stronger the National Guard branch of Uts service. If fund* were avatlabls. It Is said, thft Ouard In North Carolina could he materially Increased aa there are oa ft lie applications for tha forma tion " companies"* the State and tf'tbe* were mnsMtW In the BUI* tllro. u MtlN'<brt(?d? l> Mm #*ir'for Mtln MTTlWt^*?c 3 FORD DECLARES THAT HIS VIEWS : HAVE PEOPLE |N THE TRENCHES .YRK | HRSPONHlltLE FOR'SE OP WAR IJf El'ROI'E. TALKS WITH BRYAN Cunfmnrc U Hold in New York. Bryan Came to New York Upon Special Request of Ford. Detail* of Meeting Are Withheld. (By Wireless > ' New York, Jan. 3. ? William Jen nings Bryan conferred for more than an hour here last night with Henry Ford, who returned on the stearuvr fjord from his peace mission Europe. Mr. Bryan declined to reveal the nature of the discussion, bfot said be had come to New York from Washington on receipt of tele graphic dlrpatches from Mr. Ford. Ford's Views Changed. Mr. Ford declared his views re garding the causo of tho war have undergone a change. When he left, he said he was of the opinion that bankers, manufact urera of muni tions and manufacturers of arinn ment .were responsible, but he re turn* with the belief that it is the neopie themselves, those now being laughtered. who are responsible. Th - men doing the lighting have been too rontent to let those that rule them do thelf thinking and they have not taken advantage of '.heir di vine rights to say for themselves what they shall do and think, the | pacifist 8t?ted. JUSTICE LAMAR DIED LAST NIGHT Paaeed Away at HI# Borne In Waah. j hi gi on, D. C., After an llltiem of Several Mouths. ( B%wi relets) Washington, DVi^Jan. 3 ? Jo seph Ruck' r Lamar. asaSN^te Justice of the supreme court of ihVlJn'.ied States, died at his home h^rVlast night after an illness of sov^yal months. He was f>8 years old anil had be n supreme bench for over five years. ANOTHER POEM RECEIVED. R. A. Jordan Joins Ranks of Poets Over fKxxl Road* Movement in the Township. ^-Another poem on thp goorl roads mov ment, in which Caesar and Marshtll Leggett play the leading parts, was received this morning from R. A. Jordan and reads a? follows: Not what Caesar did In Home, But what Marshall doeg at hom?* la what tho people want to know Just now. He roams and ponders both day and night; And he haa wand' red far frotn the right To stir up a mighty useless j row. He has sat and peeped into the sparkling ashes, Until his eyes have leaped clear through his glasses. When nothing Is sren and nothing Is ?=n'd. We can Ihen be sure that old Marshall 1? dead. MBS. C. J. STRICKLAND, OF WILSON, IH EH VKRY Bl'RRKN Wilson, Jan. 8. ? Mrs. C. J. Btrlck land, of thi* city, d ed at h-r ho n on I*ee street Saturday afternoon, following a severe attack ' of pnen. monla. The end came suddenly, her family and friends hoping that, she would survive uoill a few hours be fore her death. She was a devoted member of the First Baptist church and Identified wilh Its every fea ture. The funeral servl<* was held ai,the Baptist church Sunday after noon, and the service was conducted by the pastor. Rev. T. W. Cham bliss Interment was at Maplewood I cemetery. The members of the board , of deacont acted aa honorary pall NEED EVERY VOTE TO CARRY BOND ISSUE TOMORROW Itnull VVIU O Kwnnrlr (W. Voter? Ar ^ ? to to Poll* Ei. "Trow. ~ </y If those who favo utB| Of bonds for good road* jO,"?**6 the election carried tomorrv. . it will be necessary for over)' Voter to cast : hi? vote. An estimate of the rote In Ihe township indicates that the election will be extremely close even If all thoac who are In favor of the bonis turn out aud rote. Therefore it wlli be abso'utely e""'(ittal for every man to go to* the polls and caat his ballot. If a fi w of those who favor hsulnp the bonds do no* -vote, it will moan thtft the election wilt not go through. F very man who fails to vote, votes ax* n?t the bond issue. As matters now stand, it Is the Fame as If 846 votes were cast AGAINST THE ISSUE, (that being thr number registered.) In order to carry the election. It will be neces? sary for more than one-half of the above number to vote In favor of the bonds. VOTE EARl.Y! ! ! ENGINES ARE FOUND Schooner Mary K. Arrived in Port Saturday With Fn-inc* of 111 Kutod Vacht. Monarch. The schooner Mary S.. Captain TIL Willi n:?. arrived in port last :gh* wit i valuible cargo, con sisting of tbo two engines b longing to the yacht. Monarch, which was destroyed by lire in Pamlico sopnd a month ago. The yacht aamli after tho Are aktf about all that was '.eft were the en gines Captain William*, being ln foram d that the^ craft had sunk In low water, sailed to the sci ne of th* accident last week and caught the engines on hie anchors. They wro hoisted on board the Mary S. snd brought *nto port. Their value Is estimated at several thousand dol. lars. They were in good condition. MR. RUSS VERY LOW Is Critically III. Condition Today Itcportcd as llcing Much Worse. R port of the condition of Oscar Russ at two o'clock this afternoon wan to the effect that he was very low and that grave doubts are en tertained as to his recovery. He Is extremely weak and Is said to be gradually growing weaker. Physic ians have not yet given up hopes, however, and are doing their u'.moat fo keep the spark of life alive. Later Rnlletln. Information wan given out at three o'CiOCK th;H afternoon that Mr. Ru.?* had died. ArranRfinents for the funeral service* had not b'-en made up to tho tlmfe of going to press. KANSAS IB A STATE UtT OF DKRT Ti)l).U Topeka, Kan , Jan S.- -Kansas got #ut of debt today. State Tr*a? urer Earl Akers took up the last outstanding lords lotallnK I1R9.000. HCF.RTA IS KERIOCH CONDITION j El Paso, Tex , Jan. 3. ? Oen. Vic- j toriano Hiierta, former provisional j prosid??nt of Mexico, who underwent I an operation hore yesterday, was 1 ?^rnnou'-c-d In a serious condition j last right by hit physician, Or. M. [ P. Schuster TIUK?P8 OF CENTRA I, POWERS ORDERED TO INVAOK ORRKCH Rerlln, Jan. S. ? The Morgan Post { today publishes a report that orderfc-i have been given to the Oermhh and* .Austrian troops In M'-rbla to allVahcoj Into Oreece and attack the French and British A Bucharest dispatch to the Morgan Post credits thla statement to the Outro of Sofia. It la ?a1d the German minlaer at Athena told Premlor Skouloudls lhA] best interests of Oreece demanded j the removal of the French and Brlt-j Ish Inasmuch as In the existing tlr rumf^nces Greece would be exp6s*d to danger froitt the troops of tht central powers, which have been or dered to pvsne tho allUa op Qreek territory. IKK WHS LIS IN IDE HI, NORTH CAROLIHIAJI OJt BOAKC THB PERSIA IS CERTAIN TO H A VK LOHT tlFK. ? LAND SURVIVORS Over IftO Surrirors Tra^tsdy LmkW at Ale Offirw on Ship Haw Wake of Mb. marine and the Torpedo. (By Wireless) Washington, Jan 3. ? Advices from the state department today concerning dispatcher fr?n Ameri can consul Carrels, jj \ ilexaaxdrta. Egypt, Indicate that Robert W. Nee!y, American consul al Adet^. \rnbia. who wi* on the Keamsl^jr, Persia when sh" was torpeftpl^iap suuk In the Medlterra%?aatb%(M toft. He was last seen In the ihs Persia had aunk. report* that Charles Do?W^, another ge r was saved. Persfl saw the marine and the wake which sunk the ahlp, rjne ItFplf was not seen by l>aefteng'-rs or crew. ..i4 . Survivors Are Larded. London. Jan. 3. ? UncJlciat dla patches from Alexandria atate that tha Pt ?la was torpedced without ?Aorrtn, and tank in five, nalnutea aft r 1 *lng struck. Between 160 and 1 6 survivors have b**a landed at Alexandria. Egypt. The SUTVIIOIS comprise tha chief xmcm, seven ouglneors, peamen, sixty-three mr.e pa*seng?rs. bi? campaign BEING WAGED One ami Half Million Men Knga^j^d in Warfare in I U-nn Arabia, ftjus* alann on the *<s (By Wire: ear) Lor. don, Jan. 3 ? Russia's cam paign in Beeaarabla cootiaupa to be ihe moat Important war *fUTt!?L Along' the Roumanian frontier, a front which ext nds for three hun dred miles, a huge RuafHuf' force with a great appearance of eon ft* # dence Is hurting sledge haxntxtat blown at the opposing force, which, arrording to all account*, totals at leapt one and a half million men. MUST PUT STOP TO U-BOAT WARFARE f'onirnwi lo Take I>nwUc Action te See Tlu?t l'w*x?t ArOrlUN of Rubrnarlm- Warfare "E^d Washington, Jan. 3. ? There is a ?tmng Intimation here that drastic a<::nn will b?! taken, by Congran when It meets tomorrow to stop for all times the submarine warfsre which has resulted in th? loss of millions of dollars worth of Ameri can property and llvea. It Is ?aid at l^am half a dozen congressmen Wit Introduce resolutions in tye bob** (liking that an embal^o b* plarM on all arms going to the ?)llot other Europron powers no* at *?r. It U also Intended to take anch 4? tipn. It Is saTd, as to fofbf both Ow msny and Au?!rla to alwi^or 000* ,in-l for all the InhuiwiSfftpiAlf

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