W. ? J" ?' ? V 4 O'CLOCK EDITION Y NEWS 8 PAGES TODAY VOLUME 7. ? WASHINGTON, N. C? WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 5, i?i?. NUMBER 158. : NIT MIKE PEEI nnn 1 I PEISII USE UNDERSTOOD TEUTONS WILL f DBOLAIUC THRY WERE JUHTI j KIKI> l\ BLOWING UP SHIP. 4 | CARRIED GUNS General Impression In Entente Caj> lt*ls Ttiat Incident Will Iteaalt In Stwiou* Cljuih Bhwm Central Power* and United State*. London, Jan. R. ? -Tha opinion la ezp recied here that the central pow ers are likely to plead a* Justiilca % tion for the reported failure to give warning to Meditorrsneao liners, that theae boats frequently , have carried a hiary sun for defensive ^ purposes. There aeem? to be a gen eral impression In the Entente cap- 1 Itala that the loss of American life aa the reanlt of the sinking of the - Britaih steamship Persia inust inev itably reanlt In a serious clash be tween the central allies and the j United States. Iluwliuia Are Making Gains. The most complete account yet | published of the new Russian cam paign north of tho Rumanian bor. . dcr reached Loudon last night from j??etro2rad. This indicates the evac TtratTotf of CsernowTts by the Austrlans ? aa among the probabilities as the re sult of tho Russian successes while tho Russlhn u >vemeiit In the direc tion of Kovel threatens one of the most impu .-tit points of communi cations botwotn the Austrian and German /ronta. / Situation ft Salonlki Complicated. The aituati^ at Baloolkl haa been complicated tnrough the arrest by the Entente offlo rs of the eonaula, not on'y of the central powers, but also of one n> utral country ? Nor way. Swift roprisala by Bulgaria and poealbly by othera of the central allieb already Is Indicated. The ar rests appear to have been part of a campaign begun sometime ago 'aim ing to p.urg* Salonlki of spies or aaspected spies. The number of persons arrested In the course of. thl? campaign already runs Into three ? figures. TO HOLD* BANQUET Bararae Will Make Big "Bplarge" at Elk? Hall Tomorrow Night. All Member* Expected to Tomorrow night at eight o'clock at the *Ik*? Hall the Baraea class will enjoy the banquet which ends the menaoeraklp campaign conducted by the elaes during the last year and / which is to be given by the "Reds," J the losing side, to the "Blues," who were declared the winners in the oontest. : v ; The banqnet promises to he a , grand affair. ? general massacre haa been made ameof the turkeys and the epolla of the' slaughter will furnish one of the ohlef articles on the bjll of fare. Thqre will be ? plant r of "trimmings, and eren with men of suc/h appetie aa Claude Gardner, R. G. Bklmxr^/<. A. Squires HArry Kkt Vprtwday Evening un. Darnel's in 'Jum* AgainidVWUItchurst. Brought Up' fn OBCH'Ti^ji'filtv -fur Trial. In Superior court yesttrdry Mi r.h caso of J. H. 'J lav.-. Wliltehuret, a verdict va.- ; 3. d 1 n fRvor of th* plaintiff to tu? /? ir.ount $f $200. Th'3 case was the result of Wli.ti hu-jt's borrowing u mulo from Clftrk'a stab'.o without the owner's ^corsent. Tho mul-1 died while in Avhltehurst's possession and Clark t.uod for the amount which he claim, ed the mule was worth. i "PRO." BILL IS UP CongreaMman Wf*>b Brought Mm are Iteforo tJjo IToiwc at Yent*^ day AfU^ruoon'a Seas I on. Washington. D. C.. Jan. 6 ? The nation wide prohibition bi!l waa In troduced In the House yesterday af ternoon by Kepresentative Webb of North Carolina. The bill Is very little different from tho Hobaln bill, which was Introduced In the last | oo.-gros W. C. T. U. TO MEET. The Women's Christian Temper- ! anee Union will meet tomorrow at- j ^ernoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. O. B. Carmalt. All members are urged to be present a? this will be the Irst meeting of the new year and there Is oonslderable work of Importance to be brought up ' I BALE WILL LAST THROUGHOUT MONTH lr? yesterday's lusne of the Dally News It was stated that James B. Clark's sa'e would la*t for ten days only. This was In error. The sale (will continue until January 31st. CARRY BOND ISSUE IN TOWNSHIP BY A MAJORITY 50 VOTES 469 Vot?s Oat of Maximum Regis tration of '$45 Were Cast in Favor of the Is&iie Yesterday. . The elect !ci. held yesterday in Washington township to decide J-w? other l&C.viCi) bonds should be Issued for pf-.d roads In the town, ship, result, u .1 an approximate ma jority of flf 1.. votes for the issue. The exact .jority cannot bo as certained unii'. it is known how how many, if any. votes were chal lenged. It is ftuawn. however, that !0a votog wero ;.?st in favor of bonds an& Hot S in favor of bonds in ireased with pleasing regularity. When the polls Hosed in Washing ton and the result* of the city wards made known, it was found that i>4 votes were still lacking to carry the Issue. Tills meant that Old Ford, c'.v k aud Plnevllle would havo to produce the necessary bal lots. It was extremely -difficult to get an> authentic information from iht-be places until after Ave o'clock. Thcwi ii was learned that Pinevlll.) had run true to prediction and that Old lion', had als-dPcast ar-t >he bondn.it would still r'.vo Ihb .b>ti.: a majority of about ?3 vat-*. Lot last night word came from iiui '\:e k that 13 votes had been caat in favor of good roads. This settled it for good. WIRE FROM FALLIS .St icUi <'o>^rratulAtkm8 Over the | Oulcomfl of the/ Kleotion Held in Tvwrutiily Yesterday. | A wire of congratulation over the | outcome of the good roads bond Ibsuo election held h- the sale and many exceptional bargains, will be otferod to the buying public] of Beaufort1* county. C. M. Barnes, of New Bern, spent yesterday In the city, attending to business matters. FIRE AT SIMPSON Home of 8. P. Tucker and All of its Content* HeMrojed by Fire I?to Yesterday. I By East' rn Press) Greenville, Jan. 5. ? Fire yester day completely destroyed the home of 8. P. Tucker, one of the moat prominent cltiitnn of Simpaon, In Pitt county. Nothing waft waved with thA exception of a piano and a suit of clothes. The house was a | In ft frame etructure and cost rpt I eral thousand dollars. The amount of Insurance carried Is not known. I l? I (3. R. ADAMH VKRV ILL. O. H. Adams Is coaflned to hCs I home on East Second street with a serious attack of lllncsB. His con | dltion during the last few day* has been critical, but physicians have not given up hopes of hla recovery. J)ont Fail to Visit Lewis Calais' Big 10 Day Cost SALE Both Stores. Sale begins Wednesday January 5, Ends Saturday , Jan. 15th.