VOLUME 7. WASHINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON :<? V DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS PWNX8 MORE LOCAL NEWS THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THE STATE. NUMBER 14*. WD ICMPHEffiSS: miMMSMTtlWK BIEI 1*1 BIG SUCCESS ?*,K* 0** HtlDBKD MEMKKRg ""Wot PRK8K.VT AT ?MIS HALL LAST NIGHT. ?. HAD BIG TIME B?n^r ?tw-t """-a "r l?m? AM g?rie?7. Go^ M.rfc Enj?rrt. M"V' hr J . ? U * 'i!**1' Impressive speech at the Baraca clan, banquet last night. ?toAri eapresaed himself a. <?""" to the proposed h?*e ?J.-nd^?Ee of fands for largrr ?rmy and oar). \Bi BrfK, ,he B> raca c!.m. together with oth?r sim <?-*?"ImUob. throughout country, to msk, their Influence felt ?nd endeavor to stop thl, uncalled for and extravagant eipmdlture ?ar war. "It la against the doctrines of Peace and the teachings of the Bl Me." stated Mr. Ward. "It l. pro! poae<t to drag oar young men a?a, from civic work and put them be hind guns and on board of ships to alajr other men and to destroy ?prop erty. Should not a claw, such as li ** tonight, do everything In Its power to chock such a work and do Its utmost to prevent this lasueT "I believe In protection. I believe ?hat there should be stneag ^ort. b*l***n boundaries of (every country. Bat they .hould be\such for t, a? are between Argentlne\nd Chne in 8outh America There, high in the Andee. (here la a fort that hit. proven most highly effective In call In* a halt to all possible warfare between these two republics. It consists of a huge base, made In oc tagonal ahape end of the /purest on U ther^ST? st.tuo of . the ChjinU. one hnnd raised to wards heaven and the othejfltfrfsru lug a croat. That Is the kind of a fort thki Hhould be placed upon the boundaries of other countries! ' If there had been such a fort between; Germany and Belgium, the latter] country would not have be n devas tated by conflicting armies. If thcro had been such a fort between <Jer- 1 many and Russia, there would -not today be over a million men in Po- 1 land. It la towards tftablishliig moro of the*e forts that the Baraca classes of this country can do the most effective "work." Hpemks on Oily Moral*. Mayor F. C. Kugler, wh.o also called upon for an sddre*a at the banquet, apoke on the moral con ditions In Washington. "When I first came to thia city.** he stated. >Uh?r? wrrftr twenty -on* I saloon* In Washington. Bach saloon was a place for drinking kind loafing ! on the art of our young men. Ten or fifteen years ago there were rronr ten# to twenty arrest* rvery Christ, ma^because of drunken'Aefts. This ChrlsFTbas there were only three. There is^ess liquor druhk in Wach I Ington at preent time than ever before. An^? -man? who say* there I Isn't, does t?o because S* Is against 1 our present laws' and Wants tb see the bar-rooms and old condition* re> turn. Our moral condition IS hh- j proving; of that there lir no qurs- , tlon. There is still much llqpo.rl brought Into the city, but what we, should especially guard againit and try to break up Is the manufactnre of liquor In our own county. There are many moonshiners here. and our lawful citizens aro not doing all they might do towards breaking up thia practice. Some of th#m are afraid that they will lose some of the country trade If they become work era in the 6a use for temperauce. But I tel! you. my friend*. If every mer chant and cltlsen of Washington would do hla utmost towards break ing up this violation of the law, H would not oo long before the entire country was did of the practloe of dlstlllli^ liquor, and we would all be better off for It. tlanqiset a file Karma. Thf*Bareca class b4A*uet proved a big success in ever* way. Over ?_ona hundred members gathered at tho Elks' Hall last nlgftt and enjoyed the excellent repeat that had been prepared by the members of th' ladles' Aid Society olfthe Methodist church. Throughout tfee meal. * -number of vocal and Instrumental aeleetlofis were rendered. Among those who sang were Ml** Mabel Dalley. Krs. O M C.atW. .rJfi*tt Lewis and n quartette of young la 4IM- A vole sf ibaabs was to the ladles at the conclusion or 'lie banquet for their kind assistance. Goofl Addri?rw Made. After the supper was over with, Toaatmast'r Harris msde a brief Introductory speech and stated therein that a letter had been re ceived from Congreaaman Small, who va? unable to attend the ban quet sod which would be r ad by Mr. Prlvette. The latter read the mlaslve, which proved highly inter esting aad expressed the writer's regrr 1.4^-40* being able to be pres. banquet. Among the dther speakers called upon were J. H. Perctykl of Petersburg, Va.. Itev. H- B. Sebright ud W. M. Kear. BEGIN MISSION AT Episcopal church Mr. Matthetvg Regan W'wk'n Ser vice* Last Night. Large Congre gallon Heard Discount. A large and Interested congrega tion attended the first services of the mission, which opened last night at St. Peter'e Episcopal church. Itev. Mr. Matthews, the evangelistic preacher, who Is conducting the ser vices, delivered a most impressive s rraon, taking as his text Matthew 1:10, "Whetf they saw the utar they rejoiced with exceeding gTeat Joy.** Mr. Matthews dwelt upon the char, actera that 'were about the manger at th" birth of Christ. The lntellec- j tual characters were the wise men < "Who rcached Bethlehem by the mean* of astronomy, the simple characters personified In the form of the good bhepherd who adopted the bavior by the act of simple faith, and the motherly character, repre sented by the BUssed Virgin. L/ Settrtoai' trill continue for a week. The 'nightly services will be held in ihe future at 7:30 o'clock Instead *(. eight. Bible r adlngs will be held every afternoon at four o'clock. The public Is cordially invited to attend 'all the services. ?'NATIONAL KMKIU1KNCV" I.N ABOUT A YKAIt New York. Jun. 7. -Re ?o'u)!on?? callin* for luIlKary pr< jrr.Uuea?. U? meet a national emergency which will arise "within the next twelve or thirteen months," were passed today at the first meeting of the advisory board of the Arocrloan Defense So ciety, attended by Col. Theodoro Roosevelt, his cousin, Philip Roose velt, Hudson Maxim, David Jayne , Hill and several other well-known j advocates of prepar-' dness. ?HIP RKK.MH TO HAYK RRACHKI) ITS HRKaHT That the grip epidemic in Wash ington has about reached Its height l*>tbe opinion at local physicians. One doctor sald'^today that from In quiries he had made he had be^n j unable (jfe find that the disease was increasing and that he felt sure that there are. no more casrs In Waah ington, Is as many, now as there | tfcfre ??'J**1 day" aR0, PHYSICIANS WARN - AGAINST KISSING Oeculation b, Help Ln Caunlng Hpread of Lagrippe, II la CUlmrd. If kissing fives us all the grippa. The beat of salve, we think Is "Lip" bo. tearless of the harmless worms. We have the nerve, brink on tlie germs. To kiss or not to kise Is of the important questions now being, dis cussed ln Washington. Since the "wave" of lagrippe spread over the, country and scbrrs of Washington. ( isng in order to be "ln .style" have ' contracted the malady, local physi cians have warned against practic ing the gentle art of osculation, claiming that this is one of the worst methods .of spreading the ailment. However, this Is leap year and. as might be supposed, kipnlng, is said to be a popular pastime and to re frain from stealing a few smacks ro* and then Is, so it is Bald, a pretty hard matter. ; Of courBe, everyone who Is afflict ed with a case of sneezes and wheezes d!d not contract It through indiscretion along this particular line, but there are, probably, a few "who can trace the origin of the at tsck -back to such and to these the medicos are pointing as a horrible example and urging others to be ware. "THE CHOCOLATE SOLDI EH." "The Chocolate Soldier" is enjoy ing its fifth season of unabated pop ularity and has broken the old rule that "familiarity breeds contempt." ln the case of this masterpiece of Oscar Straus and the Viennese school of music, the familiarity that the American people possess of "The Cho<?>late Soldier." with its capti vating melodies and tts scintillating wit. has only made them more eager to repeat the experience of an even ing in the company of the Chocolate Soldier. This explalnB the* coming of the ? xquisite opera bouffe that Oscar Straus and his associates fashioned from George Bernard Shaw's Ira. mortal comedy. "Arms and the Mau," to the New Theatre on next Thurs day night.' Not content with the strength of the companies of pre vious seasons and he widely remark ed beauty of the scenic equipment, the producer of "The Chocolate Sol dier" has sought to surpass former achievements and to Increase if possible. the power of spell that the romantic Bulgarian atmosphere and the witching music casta over every udlence. SUN DAI 8 IHtY OHIO CITY TOPPLES OFF "WAGON" gteubenville. Which Abandoned Liquor After Revival, Goee "Wet" Aiculn. Steubenville, O., Jan. 7.-? This city, which went dry In 1911. fol lowing a revival held by Billy Sun. day. returned to the- w t fold this week with a majority of 271 votes out of a total of 4,653 voles cast. I The election, one of the most ex citing ever held, followed a cam paign of bitterness that has never been rivaled In the State. Attorney Ira C. Blackburne. coun sel for the Steubenville Dry League, filed many affidavits charging voters with frsudulent r-glstratloii and II- 1 legal voting. The election overturned a dry I regime In the city for the second time In the past ten years. HOLD "MASS MgpiNG TO DIS(|USS BALL PARK Meeting to be Held at the Cily Hall Tomorrow Nght at Which Project Will be Brought Up. A mas meeting, for the purpose of deciding upon the purchase of a park for Washington, will be held at the City Hall Saturday night. Th?r*com mittee in charge has sent In the fol-. lowing notice for publication: "8hallr,we have baseball In Wash ington nnxt cummer? "You. the cttis' as of Waehington. are the onoh to answer this question right now. We have the mo?t promlslnr material' for a good team hat we have ever bad and to de velop It we must have 'suitable sronads. ."We ha>o an option on a w^ole 14 y block at the corner of WttB and Cbarlottp streets on the Hudnell property, which option will expfre at midnight. Monday, the 1 Oth. We are laformed that we raanot renew the eptlen. We can buy fr#p ?*rty. a whol* Work, four Keren, end J buy 1^ right. You all want good baseball and by buying these four seres we will not only havo a base ball park but we will have a fnur scre plot of lend for a play ground for ti:e boys, sod girls. "D n't we need guch a playground? "W wsnt to form a baseball as sociation In Washington and w? want as many of the residents as csn to meet us at the City Hall Sat urday night to discuss ilia matter. We have o make a oaah payment of 9500 as J 1 ave one and two yrATa In whloh to oar the balance, whleii Is $1,000. "B? sure Mnd come to the meeting Saturday night. We will have to get ai once or It will -be too late. "P. P. MAXXVEU.. "?. R. CLABT, "e. ?? nu/' UttskUfMiOttiisiA&ii! . SLIDING IN THE BALKANS. ? tv*,u in Baltimore Amjcit.-rt GARRISON OUTLINES HIS MILITARY PLAN Secretary of War Would Have Congress Increase Stand ing Army to 140,000 Men and Create Con. menial Arniy of 403.000. W..hl??.o?. Jan. 7 ?Americans ntus. .dep. volua.a^ mimary ualn-, log or face conniption. Thi. ?a? i Secretary ot War Garrison', warning today when he opened .he array na tional d tense hearings belore the ,ioure ml itary committee. j Ho declared a largo standing ?rm> ' , undesirable and "utterly tu.il. Vjnd ,m?rrc? "r?U?noe upon ..ate nSMKta - utterly uaw arrant d" and *n sUbl. foundation." HI. continental irmy plan, he aald. was the only e.-ouable . ternative It compulaory Jllllury training and conscription j or service la 1o be avoided. . "??It you adopt a system based on oluntary .don Uh. -rmy p'.anl ot th- people and .ha.) .lis, then policies based on imiv.r al service or some torn, ot compul ,ory service will be enacted a? the i 3?1, remaining rtrordy." "Id Oar- 1 tson. The .'cret.ry Ot war read a .ong statement to the commltte..- In op ? ning his examination o?tl...lng Ih administration army prepares ?rogr.m. Including Increase ot ho standing army lo 140.000 ??? ">e ror'ln ntal army .t 400.000 vo - a incrpBRo of munition *up teera, and Increase 01 nileg and strengthening ot coast tor 'ideations. HI. grilling by coromit member, will follow. Garrison did no. argue .. length he ceceMl'y tor .he pr parednes. program. ??The people are no- Insisting >ha. such proper measures "lor v)!ry existence may depend !ipon whM la done thl. r;r;?r,rrr7r.orC.. " Iof .necessity tor such action, "-ay not .owe our problem ay "gu'?; """T' ntLAtDOtiCK UBP of er.We>.?b^ of .olunt-r. would ?SiXt? I. ? disposition among UttfekM we are now facial a Th-*W ?? XT ah?oM ? common s?r..me.. th.t we an h.,e 5M.?00 men .ubl.ct tt ma"" call." impossible. ..rwouM be enormously expenslv. ?..i. . .landing army ?' nam her. declaring -"O". T" Th""h '.t ot . halt d?".uVi!l?"lmpo..lbl. uad-r P?a* 1 C, demoersc, th. nation'. zrssr. ssr 5 h. * <n%t cause the government lack* author ?:y over th? states' militia. He dU- 1 approved the fed ral militia pa. bill. That the mi'.itia be given the rig.; to eater the continental army "grade | tor grad w&s recommended. "Thus fre discretion and choir would be a:?orded. either to stay In the national guard be aaserv. J and built up cn an even more liberal sc^le than at preso. f>r cnt r the continental army w. jut any lu.i* of rank," Garrison ?a-.'S lie de nied tha: the militia would be injured by the continental army's atoan'^aion. Recruiting cf the continental ar r.y ri in private military fchojl pnd high fhoot'l can be expected, fiarrlfoc pr dieted. That all United Slates military experts were united in endorsing the eoniiueutaf army plan was ast.erud. "There Is a>solute*ly nothing new | iti this suggestion," said Garrl?' "If is mcr ly a system of fedcra! j vo'uniters, raised, organized, cquip ped and Jra:nnd in time* of peace. I "The occasion calls for a wide, sensible, adequate military policy on pcrinan' ut lines and for definite end*. j "If compulsory service is now do. ?sired for th? country, th-n a short provision in the act will accomplish it "A small, highly trained, hiph'.y | effective regular army expansible In j e-haraclir, f d ra] volunteers, rals*"l j yfTlr? red and rained In time of J peace and the national guard for \ state usns in the be*t solution. "1 IhlcV it Is our Imperative duty to justify the expecaioi ? of th peo ple on this great subjot." GAVE BRIDGE PARTY I Mr*. ^'ortlilnKton Hn<i!r<i<i Yesterday Afternoon In Honor of H?*r Sis* t?*r, Mr*. Itowlnnd. I Mr* M. M. Wor'Mw'nn on'w |tuinod at Lr.uge >?:-lir.'.i/ a?'?.rsir>o. ,i In honor of her sister, Mrs. Horac* | Rowland. of Sumter. S. C. There < wora seven tables. High score ^.'s made by Mrs. C. M. Ca npbell. Jr. A de'lrthtful salad course followed the card playing. Among those who worn pr*sen' were Mesdamea D. T. Tavloe. A. M. Duiuiy, Jonn Gorham, AA D. Mc l/as, W. II. Williams, B. F. Bow ers. John Hodman. Harold W??h | burn. Walter Greene, C. M. Camp ?bell, Jr., C. B. Bell, Jack Nicholson. !a. C. Hathaway, Harry McMnl'.an, ' Waller Wolfe, Carl Richardson, W. 1A. Blount, J. G. Blount, N. L. Blm. noni. Ed. Malllson, James Rlllwon. E. Ij. Brooks, ffenry Hrldiceman, 11. G. Mom. Tom Prltghafd; }(lsses .Hill, Unle Hill, Julia Hoyt, J01IM ? Taylae, Tinman Mil Miss fa m GtifllG CONGRftTUUIES 110?? FOR CJIRHYIMG BOND E1ECTIBH" IN WASHENGTON TOWNSHIP CYCLONE DAVIS MAKES SPEECH I'icturvequt* Texan Dmounovi PIm of I'rvparcdncas Which Calls for It g Army and Navy. Washington, Jan. 7. ? With pro** ml pooay Cojigresbinan "Cyclone" | Javiji, picturesque Texan. today made Is maid- 1: bpewh In the home, a o!?>nt assault upon prepar dnen nd tuilltatlcu:. The veteran Popu ?t \*u.hor/o 501 a Jig "hand." He aad< a u.ii-.uv app nrance with h.a teard. Mack collarless -i.. t. a: J vehement Gesticulations. hU; ;j rporation was the follow f . all g'.n thunders never cease. \nd dv;np millions moan, ;.j. we fei d the dog* of war, On hi.. nan flesh? PJosh and boue?" Aftor vigorously denouncing ail ? ar and rpeparatiun for it. Davis ilJ: "It is sa'd that when the war in 'u.'opo shall have end'.d most of he world'* free wealth will be in his cour.try Do sot be deceived; hat little squad who constitute leas '?~n a mtll.onth part of tho couu '* population, but control a tenth ill its wealth, when the crucJal ! Sour strikes, will again touch knees | around that famous table at Judge j (Jarys and lay out the plan., and ! neci".cat!onR . 'or making Bure that; ot much or that wealth will reach; the common than. "It la a well roncelv d plan of j ho protected Interests to Join In the '?lamor for preparedness. "A commercial conscience is war mad ? mad for great world power, and the millionaire magic of our ' ountry Hre holding conclaves and ojvmlx^ cab'ea to torts upou tho town try a stupendous program of nilStnry preparedness, hoping to pu: : the Wail* House a dictator to X'-tu it. Give th'tn an Imperial srmy and navy, reinstate the Repub lican party In power, put a man at 'he head of the nation of the roat. 5* and ambitious spirit of Rooae .vl: and w- will have reached tho beginning of ihe end of the rule of h- people. These war traffickers ,r- lined up for a billion dol'ar raid on "he treasury In the sacred name of national defense " NEW PASTOR AT . BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. Ilifmer of South <>ro|lna. to I'lvarh at Local BaptUt Church Sunday Morning and Kvoniag. j Rov. A. E. Rlemer. of Allondale, 8. C.. will preach at the First Rap es* Church Sunday morning and ? cnlng. Mr. RJenirr cones most hit,; y recomuionded nud la said to he a most Sal nted preacher and era lor. A full attendance of the church roc-inhera la requested at Sunday's *<2Y:r?9. Tiie public is a. so rordial Jly invited to be present. LIST OF LKTTBR8 Remaining unrft'l rt for in this of fice for tho week onding I Washington, N. C.. Jan J. ll?16. MKN Rrooks Studio. O. D. Hroan. l<fl .vie Bryan, Robert Brown, John I'vwcl' f'nhh, Nirk Carroll. A. H. no. dm, C. 1. Hluka, Jos. Hun tor. Charlie Ks'.ng, Arthur J. Lewis. !(>. lie Ma-leay. L D Patterson. jC mi nee Rupert, Charlie Smith, iRtonkn Wingard. Jr. WOMEN ? Mia* Minnie Clark, Mrs. Anna Cheiry. Miss Radio Davidson, Mrs. .. F Ford. Mrs Nora Green, (2) Mr*. K. K. Hardin, Mrs. Katy Hii lon. Miss Lular Johnson, Misa Jan ice Leary, Misa Fanny Loyd, Mlsa Mary Latham, Mra. John McGay. Miss R^ba Morton. Mlaa Mandle Pluminer, Mrs. Mary J. Robinson. \ Mra. K. J. Sparrow, Gertrude Selby, Mrs, Mary Spencer. Mra. J. H. Tar rar.t, Mrs. Dave Wlllia. These 1' Iters will be seAt to the d^ad letter office Jan. 17. 1916. It 1 hot delivered before. In calling for the Above, please say Advertised," flivina date of list. 1 N. HBNAY HOORB, ?, X GOVERNOR WRITES LETTER PRE8HISO ma DELIGHT OVER SUCCESS OP MOVEMENT. HIGHLY PLEASED SlMOH TlUK No Conunnnlty !? t|M State Ha* Ev?r Yet runiiii j R?-^crr< [t^ciuiH Ronda Wen la su*<l for Improving th* Road*. I A letter from Oofwnor Locks Craig, cor.gratulatlng tha voterg of , Wwhingtoa township upon hav.ng , carrlod tbv bond election for good , roadb. was received this 'morning ' and reads as follows: Slate of North Carolina Executive DcfMUtttcnt RaieSgb January r % sixth NUxet<ea sixteen Mr. Carl Qowftfcf Washington. N. C. My dear 81r: Wa.Hhlngteji Tawnshlp can' oa Loihlnj that wftl contribute more to its proBpr-rlty and to the walfara of lte people than the Improvement of the roarla No community In North Carolina ?o far aS I know has ever yet xpresaed any regret at apendhsg money for the building of gtX* roada. In many places good paqtfa have opposed the Issuing of boudtfT but after the bonds were iasned and tho mads were built, the dlfferenoo lioiwcn 'he new foad and the old n>ad made such a vast Improvement 'for the we'faUB of ftll the people that iu:i diksatiafftctloti disappeared. 1 notice that yod have voted $5Q, 000. for the improvement of the roads of Washington Township^ 1 do not know the oaoditfcms on wtlc* these bonds have b<en laeued, b#l I luume that they are to be Issued about as tthar r**1 bonda. aui ?f. ?o,'l am Farlsflcd that the lmp'rovod -?.nd win demonstrate the wisdom of the bonds. Y ourg sincerely, LOCKS CRAIO. IIR1DGK PARTV WEDNESDAY. Wan Give? in Honor of Mr*. Wi burne and Mine Tillman. A bridge psrty. consisting of eleven tables, was given by Mrs.-/.' L Nicholson a&d Miss tygBJ HUi Wednesday afternoon in "l*$uor of Mrs. Haro'.d Waahburne aid Miss Salil" May Tillman. High score was made by Mrs. James Cordon. De lightful refreshments, in two court**, followed the games. ROOSEVELT GOING TO TUB WEST INDIES Now York, J aft. 7. ? Col. Theodore Roosevelt will start on Februarj 16 on a trip to the Weft IndUa from which he w'.r. not return until April 1. It vad announced today. ' He wlU [be accompanied by Mrs. RooaavaM. CARD OF THANKS. We want to thuuk the neighbor*. I doctors and nuraea and all others who so kindly aasleted ua through , ihe alckn' sa and death of Oacar Raaa The expressions of sympatbf flW so many are a great aource ?f com fort. Father, Brothers. 8s tot era, Wtfe and Sou. Ha* H n a man says "i doat want *>mpl*ln." It m*ao* that he t?<? plain* nrwi o j Cia ????*? ? n rnhlaea Vols

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