Thara are a few cuta oat or ouch baef that an BETTER thx anr ?than. It tout atwara poaalbla to lira 7?u than particular cats hut If you ORDER THEM EARLY we'll ha plaaaad to mto them for jou. It pays to cot your order Is early, and IT PAY8 TO TRADE at a market wl(ere they . look after TOUR IN TERESTS. ' _ Pkouaa ?T?? ?T0. OOaBEXS A PORTI8CUE *. K. HOYTR JANUARY CLKAR ance Sale now on. Ken'a and boy'? clothing at great reduction. 1-7-ltc. WANTED? 4X>LORSD MAN - TO work In log woods. J. F. Lynch. Sim peon. X. C. lS-S-tfc. '?'OB KENT? MY FARM ON RIVER 4 miles below Waahington, food lend, food dwelling boat*. MRS. W. A. MIBH, R. F. D. No. J. 1-1-4 tc. J. K. BOm JANUARY CLEAR ?nee Sel? In fnll tilt. Any ladle* ?ult In the house up to 930.00, now $9.98. 1-7-ltc. WANTED ? GUM LOOS, FROM lO Inches up. Pamlico Cooperage Co. 1-4-tfs. POSITION WANTED RY YOUNG married man. perfectly sober and 1 not afraid of work. Addreaa! "Poeitlon." care Daily Newt. 11-tS-tfc. n Furs "Bought ' For Highest Prices Agency? 47 W. 29 St. New York Lowell, Mass., Richmond, Va. Reference ? Norfolk Nat. Banlf. I Bank of Commerce. Neea 30,0. 0 Coons, 3,060 Grey Foxes, 5,000 Minks. 10, | 000 OTofiumi. Ship at once at our expense. If not satisfied with price will return goods at our expense, ? If notified to hold will bold for 5 days Norfolk Tallow Company NORFOLK, VA. P. S.? Money Paid Until 3 I P. M. Every Dny. The Qrestset Historian. By com won consent the greatest of' all blxtorians is Thucydtdes. the Greek 1 contemporary of Pericles end author | of the history of the Peloponnenlan ' war. One of the greatest tributes that can l?o pakl to bim la that, according to the estimate of a very able critic, we hare a more exact account of a lung and eventful period by Tbucyd , hies than we have of sny period In modern history, equally long and event ful. and yet all this Is coinprewwed Into a single volume. For concise. Vigorous and yet intense (iresentatlon Tliucyd Idea has never been equaled. He Is rssUy the king of historians. ? New York American. Quits Appropriate. "I would like to bring some of the benefits of oirr movement ?o the coo vk-ts In this prison." "What is yonr specialty, tnndam?~ "I am presklent of a ahoMn aocWj." --Baltimore American. Peer Frees asts. 1 "She told Tom she simply could not uisks op her mind to be the wife of a poor men." I "But Tom Isn't s poor man." 1 "No, hut he soon would he if she married him."? Boston Transcript. - STOCKHOLDER# MKETIti.. Tks regular annual msstlrg ef the Home Building A Loan Associa tion will be festd nt the banking room of tbs Savings 4 Trust Co. on Thursday, January 10, 1919. at 4:10 p. m. Jno B. Sparrow. Sec tile*,#:* WOULD REDUCE ARMY OF U.S. TO 50,000 MEN 7 l Washington. D. C,? Jan. T. ? la his talk on national defense before l be House yesterday. Congressman Sherwood of Ohio brought oat nome radically different views regarding this Important topic. He said: "In at cad of Increasing our stand, lng army, already costing the tax payers orsr one hundred millions a year, I favor reducing It on?-half, to 50,00ft men. This would probably spi% close to fifty millions per year. I would use an adequate sum \o im prove snd strengthen our National Guard, which, should war ever come, win p>rove our chief raiiancq. I would set apart, say. ten million as a starter for old-age pensions to the worthy workers, the wealth pro-' ducers in our busy hive* of indus try. Nothing would do such val uable service in healing the constant I conflicts between cspltal and labor as a humane system of old-age pen sions. such as Prince Blstnarck in ai gurated in tho German Empire. N t only would this benign allevia ti n of the woes of the workers heal tl e antagonism now so apparent In it jor. strikes, but It would be an fo sjfcrstion of patriotism to every worthy worker Id the United State*. Our flag would th^n be * hope end a symbol of helpfulness, saying to every son of toil. Be true, be faith ful to your truat, and when old ege comes on apace this flag with the chining stars will be your protec. tor, and a grateful Nation will help you to make your last days on' earth 'comfortable and full of gratitude. AB a matter of national defense it I would be s cognate Inspiration to every worker. Under this proposed system of economic reform and patriotic preparedness we could use ten millions to lnaugurste a humane system of old-age pensions, and spend fire millions In perfecting the Nations] Guard, ard then save tblr ty-flve millions of our present Army budget. This would relieve our weary Ways and Means Committee of much wearing worry and prove a balm an^ a sweet solsce to the great troubled army of overtaxed taxpayers. And the ten millions would give 100,000 old-age pensions at $100 per year. This money would, all go Into circu lation and prove a potent element In the education of the men and women who do the world's work that this Republic Is not ungrateful." m inm 1 IRPOflTAIVT BE DEGLECIBD Greensboro, N. C.. Jan. 7. ? At tlie I meeting of the officers of the N. C. National Guard In this city. Major Coleman, president of the associa tion ,ln his annual address, spoke in part as follows: "Probably at no time in the his tory of the National guard have there ever been more vital question)* questions coucrrntng the vejy exis tence of the National guard' as we have come to know It, that are now pending. When Congress recon venes there will be presented the socalled national defense bill, which will be along the lines of the Preei dent's preparedness program. Just what form this legislation will take and Just what, changes it will bring to our prosent military system is to ? uu. a question of the gravest im portance. There wag recently held In Washington, a conference between the chairman ' of the senate and house military' affairs, committees and the members of the executive omnilttee of the National Guard Association of the United States. General Young, our adjutant gen ??ai. is n member of this co;j?rn!tteo and atteLdtd th'*' eonferrnc and N therefore in position to tell us at drat hand what has been agreed up on In reference to the National guard. It is, I think the feeling of every officer and every enlisted man that what we really ne^d is leglsla. tion whtbh will make it po?fcible for us to maintain the National guard as now organised, well equipped and well trained and ready for instant service. It fs obvious that to do thin It will be necessary to increase considerably both the service and the pay of the officers and enlisted men. When this is done we can avoid the cec salty of reorganising the Na tional guard after war has been de clared, or after the necessity has arisen foj- taking the field. It Is es timated that with the help of ault able I'glslatlon the National guard can place In the field for Immediate service at least 500,000 well trained and well equipped officers and men. "The National Guard of North Carolina during the last two year* under the administration of our present adjutant general has accom- 1 plished more In ?he way of efficiency, organisation and discipline, and ha* advanced mofe rapidly, than at any time since Its organisation and i feel that we have the right, and in fact It la our duty to demand that we re ceive the recognition due us and I am convinced that this recognition will not be withheld." Washed Qaaollns. Wash the gasoline before using It to remove apote from garment* and then* will be no more unsightly circles such j as are ufteu seen after the ck. being I In achool together, hat were rep areted by the war. and had not aeen each other lor more than nrty year, paal until last autumn Advortlw la tka Dally Neva. 1. .. .. . .. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Novelized by Samuel Field From the Successful Play by ROI COOPER MEGRUE Ud WALTER HACK El T Copyright. by Rol Cooprr Mied and kissed her respect fully on her white forehead and could not resist the tem|>tatlon to let his hand linger a moment on the Arm roundness of her upper arm and shoulder l>eforo he released her. **A bargain." he re sumed. wllb Buddenly returning gruff nesa. "80 now go to It." Bodney Martin himself, an lack would have it, opened "tLe" front" door with bis pass key and came In Just as Mary was descending into the lower hall from liia father's library. "Mary." tie exclaimed delightedly, "you here? What In thunder's the matter with Johnson?" "One question ut u time, please." said Mary, collecting herself as rapidly as poRMlble. "What's Johnson got to do with It?" "Why. 1 left my telephone numbers with him," explained Rodney, "so he could call me up the very moment you came In." "You sound like a doctor going to the theater," said Mary. "Same principle," echoed Rodney; "S O 8. C ? Uut to ?a y," htMlta i ed the girl, fwllu* her ground. I "Buy ye*." ? rk?d Rodney, waiting fe . verlshly to beur tier answer. i It came at Ubt ?iiyly . "V?t,H wbere upuo Rodney cried. "You angel T Joy fully and tried to Krai tier. But things must not go quite m. rust. Mury thought 1 ut tiltl voir, and drew away a little from him. though, to tell ths truth, she would willingly have let him catrli her ns she felt now. '"So. uo; wait a moment," ?he said. | "We'll he married right away," went oa Rodney uual>a*bed. "But supp4?se your father dlsap-j proves?" said Mary. "lie won't know anything about It until wijfre married, and then what could he do?" ob,'e<'te?l Kn"i ?u want to work?" asked Mary anxiously. "1 should say uot." IbsJne.v nuswer ed quite seriously, ?imagine pilng to he4l every night knowing jou'd got to p.-i up in the morning aud go tt business." "YouM be happier. Mould n't you." queried Mary. -If yuu hi d u lob?" , "IMc.iSe dou't talk like father," pro teste4l Rodney, "lli''^ p;eaeh?*4l a Job at me ever -duve I left coiegt. Way should 1 wm k ? Father made millions out of snap an I U forever eomplulnlug that he's always had ld< n>S4? to tb.? grindstone. he's i;> 1 er known what fun w.'s. that It's all made biui old before !ils time. I ?%an't see the sense of following an example J'ko that? I really eau't. lie's got enough for yon and me and our children and their grrindt'lilhlreu. I've explained nil this to In :n. hut 1 can't seeni to luaks him umhrsi.nd. Rut It's simple? why work win-ii tin re's millions In the fum lly? And why even talk of it when you and I qre In love?" He lenifed humrrlly iownrd her. stretching out Ills arms to h?>r, and An IshisI on a note of genuine nppeal: "Come, Mas me. Mnry." Rut Mil.) drew b.o-k from hliu qu|--g> ly. "No. you numtu't." she said tlrtn ly. "Not I i! I you've spoken to your fa ther." "You won't even klaa me till I tell him?" "No." "And you will when 1 do?" "Yes." "Then I'll tell him right away!" cried the VHliiiut lover, striding to the door. "Oh, Rodney, von're spVndiil!" np p lauded Mary, "and don't ) e afraid." "Afr.-ild!" er-l Rodney seornfiilly. But h" paused a liniment at the iloor and siilfl: "You don't think I'd better wait till the morning?" "No. I don't." said Mary. "And don't be Kill v about Ins gout. He really Ih a very patient invalid." Rodney stooi a moment with his hand on the knob, phn-l-lm; up renoln- 1 tlon. As ho lingered rli.?re n violent knocking sounded oti the oilier side, and Ills fjifhcr'n voIcp rouhl be dlitlnct "You ?ng?ll" I y heard crying "Oncbr In nn erxtra loud (one In the hull. I "Rpeakiug of the patient Invalid," I whloprred Rodney, looking back at the 1 ITlrl for whom he vii eo greatly dar , tn*. "If yon Aon't Rik him now 1*11 oarer marry yon." whispered Mary, forming her word* aa dtetlnetly as waa poaalble stoMf It's Written Right ifBragaw Wrote It. YOUR INSURANCE Wm. Bragaw & Company, Vi< ' Insurance Agents, Washington, N. Q Bu^y jwi/r 7oo/s /rom (/s ; you w/Z/ get gooc/ Too/s !>0 NCT TAKE "ANY OLD THING" WHEN YOU BUY TOOLS. BUY OURS. WITH OUR TOOLS YOU CAN DO MORE WORK AND BETTER WORK, WITH LESS LABOR. AND THEY LAST LONGER. WE WON'T PINCH YOU ON THE PRICE, BUT GIVE YOU THE BEST MAKES AT A LOW PRICE. ECN'T YCU NEED SOME GOOD TOOLS R1CHT NOV/? COME IN. H?.rris Hardware Co., WASHINGTON, N. C. THE SERVICE GARAGE & SUPPLY CO. *.Ltomobile end Gas Engine Repairing AUTO SUPPLIES Oi all kinds. Gasoline, Oils and Greases. All work guaranteed. Ford Parts a Specialty. A. Complete Stock. OPEN EVERY DAY AND ALL NIGHT MITCHELL BROS. Opposite Post Office I'hnns Washington, N. C J I KON WOOD JAMBS W. OOLS Monitor* Now York Cotton FCichange J. I >V)N WOfH> * CO. BANKERS and BROKERS. StocKP, Eondft, Cotton, Oraln and Provision*, Tl PI am* fKraot Carpenter Building, Norfolk, V*. Prtvit* wlr?* to Now fork Stock Kich*nj*. rkl*MT? Bo*r4 Trad-* and oth<*r fln*nc*i center* Corrortrond?nc? rMp?etf?Uj solicited. Invr^t*ri*nt end m*r*ln*l toonunii e*r*frai ittMtlot, ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESUlfS 1 1??* !"* ? m-<1 tin* ? Mm tin niisrll.v In th tlirtwh old. "Why *"? tliat door looked?** he d^ tanndrd. a?-owllnsr. "Wm II lock?1T" i?knl Rn>1n?>y In nocently. MYon young fool. Ton Just tfn locfc ||T* roared hln father "So 1 did." mW liodney nfrvonaiy Mary In ?!??* meanwhile had retreat ed to her typewriter, and now began trplfrtnf Molently. Moat Pa??a?ia Rlvar. Ka*1ft1on. hlPtorjr, and naturt nam ipir# to maka ?ha Jordan tha anal fan, on* ri?pr of tha Mirth Ac rot H th? bouts of f?rx*t wara lad Into tha X'romlaed I And; In tt* w atari tba f?h> It-dan rlpetit at haptlam had Ita birth; up and down Ita rallay \4mmf ? lvirt?Uona In tha morning of hlatory rone ani^foll. I'arhapa tha strangaat th'ng about thli famous rWar la thai none of tha anelaata ?r?r guaana* that It* mouth was balow tha torol of tha aoa. !l was not an til 1174 that a oaf rata maaKuramanfi traro malt ana the mouth of tha rlrar w tuaai lJH I than alxty nllaa away. ' f -- ~ ?uhacrib* i* f*? M NmH t t .. . . ?