JameS E. Clark's Big January Sale Now Going On FURNITURE ?* BUY IT ECONOMICALLY SAVE YOUR MONEY Let Us Tell You H ow WE KNOW. v JEFFERSON FURNTIURE COMPANY. WALLA WATT A NKttlKy We ar* having some fine weather now for the beginning of a happy New Year Rev. N, H. Harrison fl-ij/d blf reg ular appointment at White Plain Sunday. Mies Gurtie Waters, of YntesviUe, N. C\. is the turn of friends at this place and Plnetonn. Mi** lte*?le Jordan i* spending some time with her cousin, Mrs. J. O. Pel. near Ol<! Ford, Martin county. Lewis K Boyd spen: part of la.st week %v ;u his grandma. Km. H. H Waters Mls? Mattie E Boyd spent Sunday nighf with Misses Casgie >1 aud Lyddle B. Water*. Miss Lydd.c D. Waters spent a f- w days last week with her aisier, Mrs., J. B. Boyd. Mr* T. I Waters is visiting her! children at Broad Creek. Mr*. J. B. Boyd and children spent a while Sunday evening with her mother. Mr*. I. 11 Wallace ar.d children werr* the guests of her mother Wed ih-Mtv. Mi.-s L:?.2?? l.aiham. of Broad Creek, spent the holidays with friend* here. Knowledge Flrtt. To know what should be defended Is the first condition of suoceesful de Una* ? tiowelL \ NOTICE. North Carolina ? Beaufort County. 1 In the Superior Court, before the. Clerk. Stephen C. Braguw and .Maude A. | Bragaw, vs. Bryan Moore. Harvey Moor* a:.d Edward Moore. j Edward Moore, one of the defen-| dants above named will take notice I that a special proceeding entitled a?, above, has been commenced In th-' Superior Court of Beaufort County for the partition of real estate de scribed In the petition and situated in the ea'd County of Beaufort. North Carolina; and the feaid dp. fendant Edward Moore will furth-r take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Sit* iperlor Court of Beaufort County at ) his office in the Courthouse !n said county on the first day of February. ( 1916, and answer or demur to the ( complaint or petition In said action. | or the plaintiffs will apply to the I Court for the relief demanded in sa;'! romp'aint or pM Hon. Thli 22nd day of Dec* ruber, 1915. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. 12-22-4 wc. Get Buay. If yon >? i ?? suing to wvejtp tor^jk rainy day d???n wait until the clouds oegtn to gutl"" I'otmli Journal. Anjldeal Remedy For Nursing Mothers Compound of Simplr Lavntlv# Herbs Kttf* for IUh)' and Mother. Constipation is a condition that, affects the old. young and middle, aged', nd most people at one time or another n^{l^?elp in regulating th? action of "tho bowels. Ilar?h cathar tics nnrJ purgative* should not be em ployed to relieve constipation, their effect Is only temporary while they shock the system unnecessarily A rented v that can be used with perfect tafv'y for the tlnlstft babe and Ihni is equally effective for the atron&cst constitution is found In tli< combination of simple laxative herbs known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pap ain and sold in drug stores every where for fifty rf?nts a bottle Thl? in an Ideal household remedy and ahoiild bo In every family medicine chest.. Mrs. F. I Oarsolow, 18 Leslie St. flnlyoke. Mass . wrote to J)r. Cald well, "Syrup Pepsin certainly is fin* I gave It to my baby, Bvelyn, and also (pok It myself. It Is the only medlcltip I havp b?*<n able to take r.VKI.l V it \l(S0|,0\v without ?Jfertinic ttuby in tin* imr* Inr J hai-H ukp<1 it for nil four children and tr t* fin#1. rTi??y Tike !( ? of Dr i'dHahH'ii Ryru;?"^f?p-!n ran hp obtained. fr?f or i ImrK*. by writing to l?r. W ft Caldwell, 4 r? I Washington Ht . Mon tlcollo. Ill PERSONALS C ; r. ora Harris. of Bclhaven, is auuug the out of town visitors la the city today. ? ? ? ? P II. Johnson, of Pantego, whol Ik well known locally, w#h a visitor] here this morning. ? ? ? W. Collins, of Delbaven, a proui-l inent business man of that city, was| here on business today. ? ? ? ? James Haugham has return d tot Itando'.ph-Macon College after hav-| i 11 k *per.t the ho.idays at home. ? ? ? ? A. I.. Alexander and Van U Mar_ lln, o; Plymouth, were local vlsi-| ? ??: . ; sterday afternoon. / H. T. B rry. of Swan Puarter. was ^?n on It.. . "reels of the city yes terday. V-s 1.. w. Crranson. of New Hern. I who has beet: '.'siting friends in the| city, return* d home yesterday. S. s> Mann and Olive Matin, ofl Swan Quarter, were Washington | visitor* today. ? ? ? ? II. I. Carr. a well known resident] ? ?f UreenUlJe, was her*- on business] ??-!?? May. I.' s Jones, or Plymouth, was in] ? lie ejfy y*?--i-rday attending tj bus j Samuel and Ja'iies It Kowle. who hnve spending the holidays at home. have return- d to Davidson | -oltoge. ? ? ? ? Mnn\ y Curtbs and family, of Oliuskle. are new residents in Wa*h ! 'iig'on. having moved here recently. 1 W. Graham, of New Hem. sp nt , yesterday in the city on a visit with Aoproprlats Response. Tn * certain co?:r.trjr town tber Ittvd at. old French. nan ticraed Bltno. One night some of his friendi ';av*? him a surprise party and pro tented him with a watch chain. Thai week the local paper printed an ao count of the affair, saying that in ao knowledglnf the felft Mr. l^e Diane re ] spouded la "a few well-chosen words.' Curious to know what the old French traa said, someone asked the reporte> * ho wa^. present what those "well | chosen wotds" were. "Well, I'll tel ' Ton," he answered. "When Charlit | dnl'hfd his pregeiitatlnn speech i_. held out tbe chain, the old man ? win aao been eying it greedily all the whilf -suddenly snatched It from h!s hand and exclaimed. "Py chee. dat wo* toed one!" ? Youth's Companion. MOltT?;A(iK 8AI.K NOTIC E. Ily virtu* of a power of sale con | tallied in a certain Mortgage l>eed | executed by N. T. Dixon anil wif? Sarah PI Dixon, to the undersigned, dated the 9 1 h day of November. I ft 1 4. and duly recorded In Ftook 182, page 7.1, Register's offlre of I'.eaufort County. I will offer f-?r sal* to the highest bidder for rash nt j labile auction, on Monday. th? 10th; dsv January, 1916, the following t.-.ipf of In ii J as If described in niort pare: -v llocInninK 'n the fl^in road lead- j Ing from Aiircra to Oregon, at fh??j foot of the Bonner road. Abe nee with! ?he Houn^r tob ! 2."? pol<-s to a stake,, 'iien-'e R'liitll 7-lA K-i-sf nfilno ' the run of Lit l!,- lh?tir.- d??wn l.irtle Cr*eK to i fi *? Main ro.->d and vy-UJi Ihe Main road to the beginning, containing five acres, more or less, ?tnd bein^ what iw well known as the John Harrl n* place. Default having been made In the payment of the d'-bt secured by said Mortgage Deed, gale Is made lo sat isfy same. This the 4th day of December. 191 r. M n WILKINSON, Mortgagee '.V A THOMPSON. Attorney. 1 1 6 4wc. SET UP FOR WINTER. * Bit DrM?i?r Than Her School Coal li Thie On*. At this dltil cult age a girt ueeds ? serviceable cu?t. even for beat This one li nut too dreesy for hnrum ?wrutn comfort and yw presents Y* OOtMO TO BTJVDAY W'HOOU vet In the tnodlsb stripe of navy blue and pray. Plain blue velvet Is used for the collar, cuffs and belt, which fastens with two novelty buttona, while the blue velvet hat to match has a tiny oatrlch tip above a ribbon rosette as appropriate trimming. Baked Crab With Remove the meat from one or two crabs, crack the claws and take out the meat also. Flake the crab meat. Butter a bilking dish *nd spread the bottom with a layer of white snurp then put In n layer of crab incut and *ea?on with suit and pepper. Next aprlnkle over with fresh breadcrumbs, grated cheese and more sauce. Con tinue this until the crab meat Is used up. Cover the surface with white sauce, then sprinkle over with bread crumbs and grated cheese. Put hore and there a few tiny bits of butter and bake In a fnlrly hot oven for kbout twenty minutes. Penalty of Fama. A famous man can't have a cold without the whole world finding It >ut? ? Toledo Elude. HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG Don't nay grayl Nobody c?n tell when you darken gray, faded hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur. Grandmother kept her hair beautifully darkened. gloany and abundant with a brew of Sage 'lea and Sulphur. When over her hair fell out or took on that dull, fii'lul or streaked appearance, thin simple mixture wa* applied with won ilprful ??ffw?t. Bv anking at any drug ftore !? r "WyetVs Page and Sulphur Compound." you will get n large bottle of tftirt old-time recipe, ready to use, for about AO centa. Tliie aimplc mixture can be depended upon to restore natural rok?r nml^Wijutv to the hair and is nplMirlid /or damtopff, dry, itchy acalp and fallihg hair. A well-known downtown druggist i?ay? _ everybody u?c* t\yctl/s Hi^e and RuL-^ phur, beeauna it tWirkenn so naturally-. And evenly tliat r^itoody can tell it lias t(e*ij applred ? it'n mo easv (o uae. too. You almply dampen n comb or aoft brush nnd draw' it through yonr hair, taking "w strand nt a tim#, By morning 4Ks.-. rr?v hair d'i?appean?j after another, ap plication or two. It li restarted to its nat- l] oral color nnd looks glossy, soft and | Contradictory. Patient? 1 get lumbago awfully, bad. doctor. Do you tbluk you cnu do anything for tut? Doctor- Well. I ought to know something about IL I've been a martyr to it all my Ufa.? Lon don Punch. Showing th? Way. Friend (to guide) ? Why doea your wife always go round with the parties that you take orer the castle? Guide She always gives roe a tip at the end so as to Induce the other* to follow suit. ? London Answers. Certified. Customer? An* these ewe* fresh? Clerk? Tbey are poeltlv'ely Imperti nent,? New York Sun NOTICE OF ?ALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained Id a mortgage ex ecuted by Fred Sutton to the under signed, W. R. Edwards, on the 19th day of September. 1914. to secore the debt therein rerited (default having been made In the payment thereof, is provided In said mortgage) the undesigned will, on Monday, the ?th of February, 1916, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at the Courthouse door in Beaufort County, to the highest bid- 1 der for cash, the following described! real estate: A certain piece of land lying and being In Beaufort County and In Chocowlnlty Township, and described and defined as follows, to- 1 wit: Adjoining the land known aa the Jno. S. Mcl.awhorn land on the1 North; th^ land of Mrs. Lydla Annl Hudson and the Public Road known a* the Grimesiand Road on th*-? I South, being the same piece of landj conveyed by the said Fred Sutton , by deed from W. R. Edwafds and wife, dated S^pt. 19. 1914. and be ginning at a point where the old lam branch crosses the Grimesland road and runs down eald branch to he dividing line between W. R. Ed. ward* and Mrs. Lydla Ann Hudson'; :hence North with said lino to a high water wtob with pointers; thence West with a chopped and blazed line to the said public road; thence East wardly with and along said road to the naid old dam branch, the begin ning^ containing by estimation 40 acres, more or less. This 6th day of January, lrl6. W. E. EDWARDS. H. C. CARTER. JR., Atty. 1-7-4 wc. SALTS FINE FOR . ACHING KIDNEYS ; ? ' W* wt too Book mat, which olan then Bxik hurt, uid Bl*4der both.n you. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowel*, vet sluggish and clogged and need a flushing oeoaakmally, else we have backache and doll misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheu matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplesaneee and all sorts of bladder div order*. You simply must keep your kidnsys active and clean, and the moment yon feel an ache or pain in the kidne/ region, get about four ounoe* of Jad Balta from any good drug store here, take a tableapoonful in a glass of water before breakfast (or a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapee and lemon juice, oombined with lithla, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutral ixee the acids in the urine eo it no longer irritates, I thus ending bladder disorders. I Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive t makes a delightful effervescent lithla water drink which everybody should take DO* and then to keep their kidneys clean, I thus avoiding serious eomplleatlona. A well-known local druggist says be | eells lots of Jad 8alta to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. Peat. i calorific value of peat freshly dug and untreated Is eatluiated at oue tenth that of coal. * Still to Be Considered. I "What are the facta on which you base your conclusion?*' | "I haven't bunted up the facta yet," replied Senator Sorghum. "It waa. hard enough to think up the couclu alon."? Washington Star. ? A Colony of Roof Dwellers.* ' I To keep the roof of St. iVter's at Dome in proper repjilr in a tiiak that j employs a permanent force of work men. who actually live ui>on the roofs! and whose families have beeu there foi ' genera tiona.? C'hrlatiuu Herald. A FEW CENTS Will work wonders for you in the way of remarkably im proving the appearance of a >m?? -garment you may have fast aside. GET IT OUT And let ux ahow you what we ran do with it and how reasonable our charges are for cleaniuj;, pressing and re pairing. WRIGHT S STEAM PRESSING WORKS PHONE 231. 4997 The First National Bank \ Washington, n CM. BKOwVi-Fnu. J IV FOWI.F, V. Pre.. \.M. DUMAY, Cmhlrr.,, TO THE PUBLIC; Our Pin Money Savings Club has been a great success. We have a few Do.'e books that we would be glad to put out. If you are interested come to the bank this week and secure book of ooupons for lOo . 35 50o or $1.00, payable weekly.. YOU WILL Nof RSeMij IT. FIRST NATIONAL BA^K . HUDSONS, BUICKS, MAXWELLS WILL HAVE PLENTY OF THESE CARSON HAND IN A FEW DAYS TIME, EMBRACING THE LATEST MOD , ELS OF ALL THESE MAKES. CLAUDE L. C ARROW. : : W ashing ton, N. C. WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Rending itandard, tuibtem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cash or on time We also have the most complete repair shop in the city all work yiarun teed D.R. CUTLER Phone 299 MORTGAGE BALE NOTICE. By virtue of a power of tale con tained in a certain mortgaged/deed, executed by C. ?. Nelson and OUve 1. Nelson, hit wife, * to the under- _ signed, dated the 12th daj of Jan uary, 1914, and dulj recorded In Book 180, Page 143, Register's of. Ace of Beaufort County. 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction, on Friday, the 14th of January, 1915, the fol lowing tract of land as is described i&mortgage: That tract or parcel of land lying andU?lttg~m Buaufort County, State ofPtforth Carolina In Long Acre Tdtfnfchlp, and described aod defined as follows: That tract of land upon which Tbaddeue Whitaker formerly reaided and which was conveyed to him by deed from Matilda S. Congleton, dated Dec. 4th, 1901, duly recorded In the register's office of Beaufort . County in Book No. Ill, page 231 and devised to Matilda 8. Congleton by L. O. W. Congleton by his last Will and Testament, recorded in Clerk's office of Beaufort County In Will Book No. 1. page 235. and be ing the same land upon which Ma tilda 8. Congleton resided until her death; known as the land lying on the east side of the Potts Pond road apd containing. 38 acres, more or less, adjoining vyje^TsndTN of John uongleton. Augustus Congleton, Major Congleton, Samuel >AJligood and others. It being the s4me tract of land this day conveyed In a deed from J. F. Buckman, Jr., 'land wife to the edld C. A. Nelson and wife, which d^ed 1b duly recorded in the Register's office of Beaufort Cou?. ty. v SECOND TRAdT: A eertaln tract or parcel of land lying and being in Beaufort County, and In Long Acre Township, ^described and defined as follows, t^O-wlt: Beings on the north sldeiof Pam llcor'rlver and o* the west side of Beaver Dam swartp/ being the lot of labd Absalon Alllgood drew in 4he dlvUlon of hie father s land, con taining 36 acres, more ofr lesa^ and being lot No. 3 in eald Ml vision: Beginning at Hie fourth corner of lot No. 2 running south 28 West 124 poles to a pine; then North 67 West. 100 poles to a pine standing In a small branch; then North 35 East 110 polee to a pine, and then to the first station: It being the seme tract of land conveyed In a deed from J. F. Buckman, Jr., and wife to C. A. Nelson and wife, which is duly re corded in the. Register's office, hi Book 180 and Psge 140, reference to which is hereby made. Default having been made in the payment of the debt secured by said mortgage deed, sale Is made t,o sat 'lafy same. " This the 14th drfy of December, 1915. J. F. BUCKMAN. JR., Mortgagee. 13-14-4 we. 1m ??*. ??far ink strtnrr er ?** We to oms?1 by the action of t im d*. %A few drops of vinegnr pat I n? toe ink will make it usaN* again b* *e bettor rtoa la to kaee the W *" Wltheut Hep*. Jjv** 4otng anything ?1th a 'he# you find a bright side for hlr* ? wont look at It Tor fear the light Jlght bliaji hiss,- -Atlanta <??*u?? NOTICK OF HALK. lly virtue of the power of sale con tained in n Mortgage Dred executed 'jy Solomon Ore and Mary Ann Ore o Washington Horse exchange Co.. lated nth day of January, 191ft. and luly recorded in Book No. 182. Page 164. Register's office of Beaufort bounty, which Is referred to, I Will offer for sale, to the highest bldd r, at public auction for cash, at the Court House door. In the town of Washington, if. C., on Thursday, the 20th day of January. 1916. at 12 o'clock. the following described property, to.wlt: Adjoining the lands of Joh?, II. Leggett, Jessn flow on and others and bounded a* follows: Beginning at a pdst at th* Inter section of Jno. H. I*eggett's line with the Tarboro road, thence North 81 East 8* pole* to a black gum es tablished for a corner by Jno. H. Leggett and Jne. H. WhltAker, then.:e South 89 East 38 poles to a markrd long leaf plnfe, thenee Booth 87 1-4 Bast 21 1-4 poles to a marked long leaf plfie, thence South 85 East 56 poles to a post a corner with point era around It, thence South 26 H West 108 2-5 poles to a post on the Tarboro road, thence Noyth 82 1 4 West 118 3-g poke to the beginning and containing 33 1-3 seres more or lesa and being the same tract of land deeded to Solomon Ore by Jno. H. Whitaker arid wife by deed dat d Jin. 4th. lr08. and recorded in Hook ItS. para 291. This Dee. 21st. 1915. Washington Hbrse Exchange Co , B. L. WOMAN. Pres., Mortgage*, 12-2 2-4 we.

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