NUMBER 161. NEWS WILL BISK BEST PUN LOB WORKJN ROIDS Washington good roam as i JIOCIATION TO HOU> MEET. . ^ WO THURSDAY NIGHT MR. F ALUS HERB Huoc tlghway, gii^ian r to Im Pm eat it MwHig and CM*e HI* OptaftOB vm Dm Mr got Pro c?dw? on Road Wor' VMsmM*. "tjpil ir h*s b ? ht to W. 9. FatfJ* 8Uit? Highway Bafiiieer. ukta Mm to ba prevent at the meatfg. It la ?pectfd that M will aitaad and b? able to gl?a the aaao rlation tome excellent aogfaatlona rocargja* tha methodc of pro Ona.o^the moat lo^artalM matters to b^braurht vp will b? the belt metbaf at having tha ?ct*?l*work oa ba raide done; whether HtttKt or d# Tabor. Mr. ralBa, whs is aeaaalated with all tbr' datalla or road work, and who haa bad Kt?o aal taper vision of operatMM In Mar lowe parts of tha Stat* ?m ?erj likely be able to offer that aaabala tloa aome excellent adrlca along lUa Una ' f The mealing haa haao' calfad'far eight o'clock. All memberi ?ra es pecially arced to ba proaa**. Noa metnbart are also la >1 tad it attend ?*d aid gUft Wulr-Tlajaa ?? JESSIE B. CALDWELL TO GO TO foWA Hm B?m Tfdwwl and Has Accept - - M liajMNimi *'?* *? Mtaktcr. U (Mhv M Dae Mu tot I. . The following I fem, taken from . lite Reg lUtf and Leader of Dee | Moines, low*. Will be of Interest to1 near of oair feeders: "Jeaae B. Caldwell. president of the Atlantic 6ifcr4tttaa College, Wil son. N. C . for the last nine year* ha? been elected dean of Che college of the Bible of Drake University. We will come to the local tftfhoc^at the 'beginning of a<Aoo} next Septem* ber. '-'The annonnoenent of hla elec tion and of hie aeaeptaaoe of the poeltlon waa made to the etudent* of the ministerial department In their weekly convocation yeeterday morning. Mr. Caldwell has become such aa Important factor la the Uf# of th? so nth , that one of hi* eo. wor^rt has applied to him the title of The Blahop of all the Carollnae.*, "Mr. Caldwell Is a western man with wide ednortlon and experience ?both in the ministry and aa a teaeh er. Probably ao man ever haa come' to Drake wlh higher recommendation ; from the men with whom he haa { worked than President Caldwell." CASES OF GRIP ON THE INCREASE I Wntto Make* ( viAm mm* ' Ori|i Mow Prevalent In WMtefloa. f Local weather condition* are mak ing the epidemic Of la grippe in [ Washington Vorae and bbe number of eaae* are increaaing every dav. there now being In the neighborhood of one hundred within the city limit*. I Local phyuteiana are warning the| rltiaeaa to bb carotui. to avoid going into unventilated place* where their la a crowd of people, to keep their foot dry. to avoid alooholic bever agaa and to take care of themaelve* ia other waya. , Reporta from towns around Waah. tngton ere to the affect that the mal ady at theee place, it also graving wertb. KEEP AMERICANS OFF BELLIGERENT SHIPS SATS BRYAN Editorial la Um Com mtmrr UrfM COMTM to Take Actios Km gmrdlng Ate Matter. Washington, Jaw. 11. ? -Former Secretary of State Bryan iriU nrga Congress to take drastic action to keep <s?erteen pomn|w> from salUngon lingered ships In an ed itorial which will be published oyer )fr. pryan's signature In thle month's issue of the Commoner. The editorial will urge that bel ligerent ships -be denied clearance or entry if they carry Americas paasen. j fers and that ehlps of nentral conn tries, Including onr own, should be denied clearance and entry lr they carry contraband. The editorial, a oopy of which hae been furnished the Washington cor respondent of. The ?alfy News, will say: "The of the 'Persia' which I has brought to our over-burdened President a new embarrassment and to the Jingo press a new opportunity to ebed their red ink on imaginary baAtlefte'.ds, cells for Immediate ac tion by Congress ? not a declaration of war, but a measure of protection ' agaihst war. "Amerlcaa citisens should not be, permitted to travel on belligerent ship*. Whir should en American, by his fool-hardinasas drat hi a oouotry Into war or erea to the rare* of a diplomatic break? If bo has bo con sideration for his own safety or for hia goreramebt's welfare.' he should W restrained by law. "What wouil we think of a ottK ^11 who. in times of riot, insisted on minftll&ff with the mob while the mayor we* trying to restore ?f*er? i iiiu -ai Brtukt bisdS to Mm tight to. walk the street, et such a time; he Wovftf be reminded of hie dnty i^'^sslst his government and his fello# men. "And ?o today, when the world >s h> riot, when Burqgf* Is a slaughter house and when the blood of the slain redden# the sea beyond the three-mile limit? this is no time tor Ani'rlcans ,ti> ta!k about the abor tion of rights in sach a way 4s to meoaoa^the nation** pesce. h is I lime tp oooBlder dnty to country and 'a follow -oUlsmp; and. It is thodn y |.df Congress to act and to act at once, .before new complications arise. Does lit impair a mayor's right or power to suppress' a mob. If he keeps cltl *?n* off the street while he does so?' No mare would It keep our Presl. dent's right or power to deal with pending problems, If Congress pre vents new implications. "The captain-^ a belligerent ves sel may at any moment forfeit the lives of the paasengsrs by trying to escape, or by making reelstance. Why ahould American citisons ? be permitted to take such risks, when they risk their nation's peace as .well as their 'own lives? This nation is not *stek1ng a cause of ww; then why permit a few cttlacns to supply materlst for sensational papers? "Belligerent ships should be de nted clearance orentry if they carry A bier I can peaeengere ? that will keep this country out of any controversy that may be hereafter raised by sub marine warfare. But to make cer tainty doubly, sure, clearance and entry should be donled to thl pas senger ships of neutral countries - Including our own-? if they carry I contraband with passengers. Pas sengers are entitled to the entire attention of the ship's ofl&oers at a time like this ? the thoaghte of the o floors should not be diverted from oare of paawngers to care of a con traband cargo." CHANUK HADE Df DATS OP MBKT1NG tfitfatrra of Ooafederary to Hold Meeting Tomorrow Afternoon ' Insfead of Friday. I In yesterday'* issue of the Dally News It was announced that tfce Children of the Confederacy add those eatttled to belong td this or ganisation woqld meet at the home Of Mr* H. W Carter Friday after noao This date has been changed and thf meeting will be held to morrow afternoon Instead It wlfl stait at three-thirty CITY WATER IS - IN GOOD SHAPE 1 ?an 1 fhkmtmm Hm Bee* (*rt?U) Redwvd. Win Be S?r null at Next ExamliuUoa. The city water appears to be is c*c< Il#nt condition a gala, practic ally all of the ?alty tkate harinf dis appeared. The last report from the State laboratory shows that them Is no sediment, odor or colon bacilli and that the chlorine has been reducod to 2 62 parts. At the time the most complaints were received regarding the water, there were 2,760 parts of ch'orlne ' In It. Superintendent Charles expects that when the next ! report Is received from Raleigh, the i chlorine will have been reduoed to 10 part*. Chlorine 1* found in the water of pranttcally all of the cities of fftts section. Is Elisabeth City It ranges from 400 to 1,600 parts all the yeprr round; at Edenton it averages 62 parts, at Wrlghtsvllle It runs from 121 to 670 parts, and at New Bern It Is In evidence from 40 to 9C*parts. Washington consumes on an aver age of close to four miltloe gall6n? of water every month. ? . .Mi ; .1. i : ^ INTRODUCES BILL TO PRtiTECT GAME Cp?p?p nan Mmall Offer* McaMrc Up Before the -Howie Yesterday. Washington, Jan. 1 1.? ~Represen. tative Small Introduced yesterday % 'bill which authorises the President ?to set aside a part or the whole of the Jand* purchased- by the Upited Slates la the-1 mountains of tforth Carolina aod kirtnrn sa the Appala fhtan -wly isaaiwtan tot the onu t?ct1on o7 game>ird* a^d^to*. The bill further authorises --the Secretary or Agriculture to make roles and regulation* Cor hunting and fishing on the lands in snch re?-? -er ration, to the end that such game and flsh shall be properly consorted and *ven Increased. , '? This legislation by Congress is particularly neoessaty. and appro priate at thla time, because the gov ernment is about to come into pos session of thst valuable body of tywd recently purchased by the Vandor-; bilt estate, sud which had been lib? erally slocked with many varieties of game and 'birds and gtreams stock ed with fish during the life time of Mr. Vatid^rbHt. Writes*- "tuch a law is enacted there Is' a strong pro|pb ltHy that huntsmen and fishermen may destroy this game and. thus sac rifice the foresight exercised by Mr. VsnderbiH. The Legislature of North Carolina at its la^t session passed an act flv. ing the consent of the 8tate to the enactment of such a law by Con gress. Not only the people of t$e State, but of the country, have an interest in the preservation of the forests and also of 'the game upon this reservation In our North Caro lina mourwtaina. HAVE LEFT ON HUNTING TRIP * . .. t MuMfl <m ?h? <Ora for IWIw Soajad. WU1 Br (KM l!?U Exl of Hila Weak. A hu!d1n? ,partr lafe HondCy .l*h' for Roaa! Bar. on Panlloo Ho%?d. 0.1 . >Hk> oMi.g. ll?r MM, l? rotorn la WftaMatto* about1 Haturv *?T atoning. Tho |?Ir MOCIala ?t W. r. Clark, carta* DUnn, Dak? Kuw, Mr. Thompaon.MV ?A^'WIIklll aon. Lrnwaod Hanell an*' Capiat Dii* HH1. Thar t? makiag tha crulaa la (Iw racht Cora, and agpact to brtnc back a Ma Load of blrda. hummxci mnixo. Ij0?al IrgUm to Bold Iterator Mert Ing Timhiw Jltnaoon An aiambrra of tha lxral T.? paranea Laglon ara aapacially r? qaaatad to M praaant at a meatlog which la to ba bald tomorrow artar aoon at toar o'flock ?|tk Mlaa Oladra Alllgood- oa But 8?cond atraat. THE EUROPEAN MAGICIAN. WAYOMTCLUB ELECTS OFFICERS V- ; ? KlerUon Hcid LMt Night. Hubert SBII* Elected Impor- | t mat IIuaIucm Transacted. The Wayome Club held an impor- ] taut business meeting last, teWf ne^?5oms. TBI vu the first meeting of the year and the time for the election of officers. The follow ing officers were electeda Hubert Ellis, president. Clay Carter, vice president. Walter Garner, secretary. William Campen, asst. secretary. Joe Wilkinson, presg reporter. As the treasurer holds office tor one year David Whitley still holds that 'position. After the election of officers the new president took the chair and several Important topics were dis cussed. Some committees were ap pointed and several young men's names were brought up and voted oa fo become members Of the club. There was much Interest shown at thlc meeting and most of the members were present. More Inter est is being shown each day, aud I boys a rr working hard to make the club a success. FORTY BARACAS ATTEND MISSIO^ Mr. MaUh?WR Preached GxctUegL Hwmon to Large Congr?g?tlon at Kpincopel Church l?t Night. Compared !? lattfP* aft With that of *t? many people In the world to day He showed how mea will' blaapheme God while they are In good health but how entirely chanc ed their attitude will bocome when they learn that they ere to die wlth ta a abort time. There la ao queetlon but that Mr Matthew* made a deep Impreaalon KM* cewrefat'fW Waited hi* t-ext with aeveral teucktag lad den t? of real Ore aod bit hearers gave him the ctoeaat* attention' throughout fets dlaoowi^i,. , .J- \ Oyer forty membera of tha M. E. Baraca clMf w< re present at the Epltfoopal church laat night and lla vnod to a moat highly interacting aermon by bev. John R. Matthews, who la, conducting the ralaeien there The c'gaa met at the poatoflcc cor. ner and marched to the chare* la a | "'T iwii *? f1 ?$?33$#**. ' v J# -Ma ? ln?Hv>om?M of St A4r?rtlM la tk? D*llr N?w?. ? Laman In 8?. Louis Po?t- Dispatoh. WILL LECTURE AT METHODIST CHURCH | Public Invited to Hear J. M. Way ! Talk on Suuday School Work Tonight, | J M. Way, divisional field secre tary t.o live general Sunday School Board of Nashville, Tenn., will de liver a lecture tonight at 7:30 o' clock in the Methodist church on the' I graded Sunday School and Its work. I Mr. Way is a most interesting talker and those who attend his lec-: turo tonight will b" botf entertained and Instructed. The p ;.lic is cor- 1 dially invited to be present and hear r him. COUNTY AGENTS TO HOLD MEETING - I Member* of the Eastern District Are to Mwt in Elbalidh City on , I February Kilt to 11th. [ 1 The County Agents In Demons! ra (tion Work will have meetings in j their three districts as follows: j ! Western District, at Waynesvllle, N. C., February 1st <9 4th. 1 j Eastern Distrlet, at Elizabeth City, N. C.. February 8th to llih. I Central District, probably at Pine hurst. N. C.. February 22d to 26th. ?4^1 datfa Bisfusive. ^Thftfe Important meet *ffcgs for thefe/Workers. Inr addition outside to a few g neral lectures, we will spend most of the time in relating exporlence* and discussing ways and means of conducting the work. Ono of the Important features In the Eastern District will be to pro mote the swine industry and to em phasise the handling of hog cholera. At all of the meetings the problem of rural betterment will be upper most* FRENCH AEROPLANES DROP BOMBS ON CITY OF ftOVU London, Jan. 11.? -A dh-patch to tho Exchange Telegraph from Salon Ik! ays that a fla* Ilia of French a'roplanm ha* dropped bombs on Sofia, oauslnft considerable damage and an Indencrlba^le panic among the Inhabitants ' of the Bulgarian | capita*. LITTLE HOPE FOR HL'ERTA. E) F>so. Texas. Jan. 11? 81l(ht hope for the recovery of Gen. VIo orlano Huerto remains today, ac cording to Dr. M. P. Schuster, his physician. Dr. Schuster said his patient was gradually loelng strength and that bis liineas find reaohed a critical stage MANY "IFS" IN SAD TRAGEDY OP YESTERBAY . IK CHARLES POWELL HAD USX TWO MINVm LA TKK, AOCI DEJfT WOULD MOT HAVM NAlTIXm to repaIr wire Hoth Mr. Chtrlei bJh] % LtnaoM Were on Their W %j to the 8 mm to Itepalr the Wire Bat Arrived T?k> Late to Prevent Kl?vr?c?. tlon of Uoy. The fat's played an Important pail lu the electrocution of Utile ('hallux Powell by a live wlrft y?? terday afternoon. The startling ar ray of "Ifa" that fcnter Into the caae tire Komewhat staggering. If H. B. Charlea had been fifty yards ahead of the boy, instead of that distance behind hiih; If o&e of the business men of the city had Dot stopped to talk to Mr. Charlea; if the lady who called up tho light atf'cfe had only done so a few mln* utes earlier, or if some of those who saw ihe wire had stood by until a man could have arrived to repair It. the boy would have been alive and well today. From Information that wa* obtain ? d today, it was learned that the wire could not have 'been down uiore than fifteen minutes at 4h4 outside. One of the business man of the city, who paaaed by the spot, states that it was not down whea he went to dinner but that he noticed it wtyen on hie way back to wfttfc -r1 Thla same gentleman stopped Mr. Charles, superintendent of the else trie light works, and told him of tli wire. Mr. Charles, It Is stated, was going down Main street at the Lime, and was only a short distance lichind youtg Powell. By the Umfl ho arrived at the corner of Main and Academy streets, however, the acci dent uccurrod. i: vraj! a'.ao learned today that at i-btaliiw time the tragedy oc ?i.i . .1, & au/ called up the light .?(. auj .nljrwcd ih.m that a wire ? u "djwa a_d that it had better be >.? Lj?oro bomeooo wan elec . ojul.d. At Hi? *amc moment the M'^scge grrlveV one of tho linemen ca.sie into the office. He was Imme df-UCly d.ipatchtd to the place, but arilvod too late. The entlro case was evidently an unnvoldfble ccldent. The wire, It l? believed, was subjected to some strain, which broke It off at one of the pegs. It was not acrdea ^he sidewalk and the boy had to atep to one side In order to rtaoh it. He was probably attracted by the spot, wring of the end touching the t. ground and did not realise th? dan ger. The funeral of Charlea Powell will ho h*ld tomorrow morning at ten o'clock from the Christian church. The pall bearerg win be Milton and Oonner Jefferson, Jack Oden. Roy Mayo. O. BuUry and Fred Tatter ton. Anil -Prohibition P? llwttoi. Denver, Colo., Jin. 11. ? A mtn meetlnr followed by a demonstration on the state capitol grounds and a parade, was held here today by a*r eral hundred people repreaentlnc persons unemployed an a reault of prohibition. ?oa ? 1 re?l . rnc??BAii TO-NIGHT "Her Slight MUUk*" 1 reel K?1wb offer* "A QIRL'8 QUIT" 1 r??l VKagrnpb off' r? The B?tt?rfljr'i L*s

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