6 WAKlto? (X*iORBD to work lm lo< arooda. I. F. Lyark. Stmpaon. N. C. -V aiifi ? ?? . ? C - V :? 3 WAWTOP Q^X LOOS, FROM 10 ^ t?rh? M Cw>?mi Co. 1-4-lf*. ,? ? ? r_ ^?-*3$3B3?SU.t. ? |M IM? bright Hi. for kic | TVaH <* flW'fetf Tmytf Of Mtn?, Br^d CifA adPwi t lUm Dratea* IM.tricU, Van art barabr notlBad and dt r???d ond.r -?h. drala^a lav and It. ame&dEB'*u. that all dralaac* t.iB. nut b.rpaid on of tefol* th? lltt du Of D?e?arbs hi Waftfclngton, Ju. I?? Cotton glnnod prior to Jwatr; 1 totalled lO.fO.til running bnln, u ma. ?.r.d with 14.44i.un teloo prior ts JiDdirjr 1 of lilt, counting round M bolf t?lM >U ?xolidlog Hntwa. tk< Ocuai to4?r momH CiKRALDIXE FARRAH. Nted American prima donna so- i prano. who sings in Raleigh 00 January tUh. Other artist* at the, same concert will be Reinald Wer-J ran rath, baritone; Ada 8aaaoll. harp-j 1 at ; and Richard Epstein, accompan ist. k is expected that a large num ber of Washington fans will take this opportunity of hearing the cetsbrat <*d Farrar. if as many as twenty persons consent to go. a special train may be secured, which will leara this city some time in the af ternoon and return the same night. [ The career of Cteraldlne Farrar. reads almost like * fairy tale. Juat In her thirties, thia American girl, haa been one of the reigning prima donna* of the age for fourteen y.^ars. 1 Failure hae never oome to her. When as an lnexpferlenoed girl In her 'teens ahe made her operetta debut in Berlin ahe was at once#acclalmed one of the naoat extraordinary sing ers of our time, and as years have gone and with them Increasing ex perience and skill, she has atrength. ened her hold on the publics of all countries. nu issn ins n a Will Hold Annual Convention at Now IWn Thla Month. Man) "fWula Expected. The sixth annual convention of the North Carolina Forestry Asso ciation will be held at New Bern on Tuesday *nagrtoni'IVl C| Jw AS DO NOT TAKE "ANY OLD-tTHING" WHEN YOU BUY TOOLS. BUY OURS. WITH OUR TOOLS YOU CAN DOJMORE1WORK AND BETTER WORK, WITH LESS LABOR, AND THEY [LAST LONGER. m WE WON'T'PINCHrYOU ON THE" PRICE. BUT GrVEiYOU THE BEST MAKES AT A LOW PRICE. DON'T YOU NEED SOME GOOD TOOLS RIGHT NOW? COME IN. Harris Hardware Co., WASHINGTON, N. C. Vlw?f?r In I Ml +wr ?ine Of kia friends 7&to tain: a nurprl: > party and prw ?en ted hiin with a ?dnd BROKERS. Stock*. ?*??*, OMtoa. OmIb M PniMw, Tt PIwm MraM CupHtar Ballttec, Norfolk, V*. Print* wlrw to M ?w *?rk 8 look Biotttnc*. Ckioeee RmH TfUi U4 ottat BmhW ommti Cwtiil-n na^MHallr ?Minn.