^MKmoytr IS NOW ON. DOZENS OF MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITirS ALL WINTER STOCK MUST BE CLEARED. ALL GREATLY Local Organization KnOiUfil&Atic Over Prospect for 2ilg lluM. Till* Year. Formal ratification has reach* d| this, city of a contract whereby the I Maxwell car is to be handled here by C. L. Carrow. This ratification was the conclu sion of negotiation* which had been Informally closed some time ago. By the terma of this arrangement, bringing as lit does an active and ample organisation to the Maxwell army, adequate representation for this- popular-priced car Is assured here. While the present contract run# for one year only, the solid per manence of the parties Interested gives ground for the belief that rela tions will be of indefinite length of time. Such 16, In fact, a character istic feature of Maxwell agencies all over the country. The entire organization of the new local Maxwell store is enthusiastic over the possibilities of the alliance. "We took our lime and looked over the whole field," said Mr. Car row. "We were out to pick, without the use of anything but cold com-! mon sense, the car that would make us the most money during the sea son of 1916, and Indefinitely into the future. We believe we have got ten the best one in the Maxwell. While the dealer a margin of profit on a 9656 car Is very small, the market Is Immense and the volume of sales assured, In case the car car stands up and gives satisfaction. We know that the Maxwell will do this. The Maxwell cars of last year and the season before gained the reputation for beauty, power and] efficiency eecond to none in the light car field. This year's car is hand somer. larger and more efficient than evrr before, *?* we thoroughly con vinced ourselevd before signing the contract. Best of all. It fulfills In a gratifying way its legitimate herl. tage of sturdiness ? a quality for which Maxwells have been famous for many years of motoring history." Maxwell demosstratlng cars have already arrived at the local sales room and considerable shipment will' be made soon from Detroit to take j care of orders already booked. | loebarg*. Iceberg* ennietlinca lant as long an 20ft yearn before they mnlt entirely ? way. Twins. Cruaty? I hear jrjiu have an addition to your family. Parer- Yes; put down one and *f It Is sentiment that makes fris girl tie bsb* ribbons arotiod Ms fove r^nd save tliein. But ft Isn't. THURSDAY, JAN. 13 , 9 6o ADVANCE IN PRICES. Sale Opens Tuesday 10 A. M., at Worthy & Etheridge's Drug Store Orchestra $1.50, Family Circle $1 Balcony $1.00, 75c, 50c. Ill WHITNEY Opera Co. presenting the great Interna tional Comic Own; Success. The entrancing music - by Oscar Strain. Superb Cut, Famous Singing Chorus. Gorqeous Costumes and Company's Own Orchestra UCID THE IMMORTAi ntAK SONG HITS "My Hero," "What CM We Do Without a Man." "Tiralalala," "Never Was There Such a r. Lover," 'The Chocolate Sol dier," duei; "The Tale of a p> Coat," "Falliijg in Love," "The ft Letter Son*"? A dozen other*. % A Composite of Meiody and Humor. " IT WILLLIVE FOREVER." Indian Farced to 8uo6?mb. The whit* man and the Indian nevar j tould mix. and the indlan baa had to, saccomb. AH of nsf^mlre the Tnitaa j and would like to aaa him survive lor all time ; hut It appears Impossible that with advancing civilisation he can continue. The Indian almply will not submit to the changed condition#; he ?till dreams o.' the tiappy hunting (round/ and the rrraet and stream, and nothing the government ran do for! bios can rueondle him. The actomo bile and other things have helped htm along In his reckless carecr, hut to hercnlnels haa been the D-oit dm.troy lug element In the Ufo oi to* iaart I ?SP Hg!issw nu ?WI T,I?H^| ^ : ?afcerta) trimmed with a worsted at mt U. Many of t&eae latest model* bar? the scarf end* embrokleral with wool OoweVb? daisies, rosea tnd quuttu Dresden patterns. Apple Crumb Pudding. -i Chop six or elgbt large apples, add to Ihem the same balk of dry bread crumbs or crtckez; crumbs, and stir together In a padding dlsb with a pint and one- half of milk. Add three well beaten eggs, sugar to tasta and add a rery little powdered cinnamon. Bake oae boar In s alow oren. . Eat cold, ?rftb rich cream. New-Way Wood^r * for Corns, "Gets-It" ?71JuL2?r7toe ?? ooi? ??"? ""p*. aimpto, hh. ^4 m't .k f*."*4"*1 ?ra ?* ?- ? * "hori ctory, ? only about r?.^,M*r7 h"> * "'?? w It and corn. OPOI1 her M n. try tlm. >b? pm o, -Oets-H'. th. GREATEST VALUES IN Ladies and Misses WEARING APPAREL And Dress Goods At JAMES E. CLARK'S BIG SALE NOW IN PROGRESS. ?nssawtsssrssrw com wai ?ure to go." . Mary, Ilk* thousand! of othor*, uaed to bt ? heroine, suffering martyrdom, naing painful bandages, irritating salvra. sticky tape, toe-harnes?e?, blood brlnilsg rasors and scissors! She ?eye now there's nd sense In tt. Use "Oeta-lfMwIied In t .eeoads laar * ?Imple, new war? Just painless sotn mon sen sol Millions art doing It. Never fall#. Yofl eon wssr smaller ?boes now. Ton don't have to limp aroand any more, or wtfk on' the side of yonr shoes to try to get sway from yonr corns! Ton know for \ ?are before yon eee "Oeta.lt" tkiit jlhr corn or ealtas is gofnir sway, a For coras, eaUnaoo, wart# as 4 ban- ?; lone. 1 "Qets-lt" is sold by all drnffglsts. tBe a bottls. or sent direct by W. Lawrence 4 Co.. Chi???? Co., Chicago. it ? ?UI)\ ) f ? to mr+ up tar I /amy day don't wslt until the cMs i*?tn to anther. -TVtmtt Journal. HUDSON S, B WILL HAVE PLENTY OF THESE CARS ON HAND IN A TEW DAYS TIME, EMBRACING THE LATEST MOD ELS OF ALL THESE MAKES. CLAUDE L. C ARROW, : Washin^ N-^ l