Seen* Prom th t Tuneful Comic Opera. "The Chucohie SoUier." at the New Theater Thursday Night, January IS II to Htu? wonder. th*t the Bnl rooe In wnut -wfcda "Th? Cfrocol.t. ?oMtor." Which < ill be at ?* Now Thoatre gut toured. y <^nln?. came forth to sake great Adlencea all over America and Eu rope tomb at their ?*uteattc idMi ?or war and warllha .The Chocolate Bol4t?r. who [rank-, 'I. admit. that he cfcrrlw ahocolate cfcama to hi. cartrldga-bm. becaaae he never tnterda to Ait u? for bol. leta, and who aara that h? atari out of; battle that he mar live o, draw a salary hrougbout the war. U equall ed ?y the pompous Alexius at the head of vttM Bulgarian ca ratty. who' made * vlctortOu# charge against the enemy because hie horse ran awe 7 with him 4nd carried him Into the thick of tile battle wHh the heroic feelings surging up within him as soon ae he found the enemy cooM fnot Are a shot. Requeets for reserved mats hare been many aa9 local managers an ticipate a complete sell-oat at the performance of the beautiful comic opera. ' ' * Hovs Trieete ami Un Tr?tiN r?f Ink imdor Italian rule? If ee? whan 7 Trieste and the Trent Ino ware. after the oonqnaet of the Lombards by tha . ! Franks (7T4>, part of then kingdom ' ' .M Italy until 1027. a^hen tl>e emperor, Conrad II.. beet owed all temporal rlfhta ou the biabop and trauaferred - than to Germany. Wim fliv? an explanation ae to tHe1 meaning a# freedom af the eeas, J! be ing ea- often atatad that any peace af ?at tone (n settling the present war muet be eaupied with a guaranty of freedom , of the (Ma. - The expression has reference fo the uee of the ocean aa a highway of cotn ?>fCl and to the arbitrary raatiictlon of lta free two. Aa a matter of fact, bowerer, abeolute freedom of the aeaa doea not ex (at. aa tbnt woakl imply a right of the ahipa of all nations or , * eren of plralM to roam the eea? at pleaaure, Independent of all law, whereas In reality certain principle* of tatartttitoal law epply eren to the high eeas. The exprenakm "freadotn of baa growu out of attempts at tfReretot times to define tlie rights i-iantjula in cVj .rm. sard, and it* meaning Is not alto gether deflnK<\ I ?**?? * A ?ontands that OrMM and gorvis f aught againet Bulgaria. C oontenda that Qf??K Servla and Roumania fought againat Bulgaria. WHah ?a right? Both are. Greece and Serrla first attacked Bnlgarls after the first Bal kan war. Then a little later, when Ron man la aaw that Bulgaria waa la dlfllculttet. she, too. attacked Bulgaria. la Ahyssinis an Cngliah depondaneyr No; the agreement of Dec. SI. UKM, between Engl and. France and Italy cannot be construed as snaking Abys sinia a dependency of any of the sig natories. . ' What waa tha arigin of tha mast fa mous phrase In Llnoelft'e Gatty?burg addreae? "government ?f |he peep la, by tha peoptf and for tha peoplef la IBBftflfciiiifflfeti Parker, addressing an antMlaatftijr convention at Bofton, spoke p f die American Idea as "a gov ernment of an the peoplr. by all the people, for all rhe people." Twenty I years before. In fhejgotiree of the reply Permanent Relief for Chronic Constipation RM?rM(B MMl Practice of Correct Mir A***. the Ores* ftsmttal. Constipation li a co&dltion affect Ins all classes of all people and can be permanently relieved only by qttlrlng habits of regularity. The moot , nataral time for the p* - limlnativo proccss la In the morninK when both the muscular and Moroni* . system* are relaxed by stptp and ?- re?t. When relief does hot coine ' readily, It i? an excelkut plan to ? take a mUd jlaxntive at bedtime. Cathartics and purgatives, that by the violence of their quick action shoch and disturb the system, should aot be etnplpyed An eff ^tlve laxatlv# remedy that l? very dependable and wWeh does not gripe or otherwise disturb the organs involved. Is found In a com bination of simple laxative herbs known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep. sin that can be bought at the drag Store for fifty cents a bottle. tors C C. Allen. US Foam ?t . New Monterey, Calif., wrote to Dr. C?M?reJ! tjpl >M "fonnd Dr. c*i* ***& * ".r x j -.f , . *? "V* ?" i-'. '-is - MRS. C. C. Al.l.RN 8T"? Papain Juat what w?? Ki>?(fftd for -#omtlp*tlon sad dlntrxo* of th? atomach attar aatlaf It sboaM b* In ?rrry hoaukoia." i C>?( ? 'bottla of Dr. Caldwall'a Brrup Pap?i? and top it t? th. ho?a? to rn when ooeutom mum. A trial bottle, fraa of chart*, out be obtained bj writing to Or. W. B. Cardwall, 4(4 WaahlngKni Street. MfUtlMIJo, 1)1. > . ?> " hi I- ? - W Hayne. Da2M "Webeter rolced Um hum thought, "*ba people'. sown, roent, made for toe people, mode br the people and adawerable *> the peo ple" li the form la which be exprea* ed It. BtlU earlier the gerri or the bUtorfc pbraae til be found In Wnilam Wlrtfa "UU of ratrk* rui nr publlahe? lo 1818. In the political Uneu <t the Republican party, of wfclcb Jef fereon becama the leader, he Mid. Tfcej declared tbemaelree * ? ? Brm advocated of a government of Up people, by the people," etc. Ploess inform ms what i* MMnt by the w*rd "Htifpoww^ and Hie origin of It* UM. When horses were used to turn tt?? wheels of machinery, many years ago. by means of a treadmill the horse came to stand for a unit of power, ac cording to the size of the machine he could work. When steam engines dis placed horses U waa natural to refer to their capacity . on the hauls of the horse power unit by speaking of an engine ss being able to do the work of two, three, foor or more horses. 80 the custom waa established of using the term as de*crlptlY? of power? The fact la, liowe*er. that * horse power really means a greater powerl than is expected of d horse and greater than s horse la capable of. It weans the power to lift 30,000 pounds one foot in one minute. But custom keeps- n'Mre the old term to Indicate the unit of power for an engine or electric motor. I should like to know ths language* ehisfly, spoken in th* business Motion* sf South Am* pica. The business language of the South American countries is Spanish. except In Bradl, where Portuguese Is spoke u. There are mauy English and Oermah arms In the South American <cities, and It is always possible to find place* where English is freely spoken. But a knowledge of 8fianish is uece?ssr# fhr business dealings with the people '*>r the osqntry Eroa fn New York <*y Booth America a Arms and agenda employ men wlio speak Spanish In ?lr rylng on their business. ' Whtn did ttumboit navigation be gin an waatarn rivara? Whan *aa tha firat ataam navigation of tha Miaeouri river? Tha Ornt h team boat on any vrewteru rlrgr was tbe New" Orlenn*. built at Pittsburgh In 1811 for Nicholas .?. Roosevelt. This boat wu 116 fe*r long, twenty feet wide -and drew seven feat of water. The New Orleeua made : her fliat trip from Pittsburgh to New Orleans with dlficulty, being obllitad I to tie op fbraome time at Loiitavtlta on aceoont of low water. Rhe ran for two years on the tower Mississippi The first steamboat navigated the MUsotirf river In 1819, ctrrylug United Rtstee troopa to a poet which bad been estab I In bed at tbe mouth of tbe Yellowntone river. The flrat ateamboat a seen -led. the Wrffeah In 1823. An enntern paper of Ma> 22. 181ft. -aid. "An Meoclatlon la fottaed tn Indiana for the parpose fw taMsit a ateamboat to ply on tbe water* of tbe White rl ?er." ' . * ? . b there a CmMwH? crgenie.tion in thfc MUth ??rreep.*l4<ng *? that of the a. A. R.I If M, ?l?aee .IV. the ad- . draee w4 Ma lieailnnartlN. There M M organMitlmi of VilM C'onfaderMe Veterana. dse of the Amjr ?Dd N?tt of tb? Confederate HtalM and OB. of Worn* of Cdhfederat* Trier , ax Tbe headtinrwra of Uw DM hud to In Knr Orteana 1 MM D?r Luke -Can Bloii. Were of Don. aldaon, La.. be foreman of tlM chili* VJUtrj department? ?a. p. I Dew Lake ? What baa become of tbe eld fashioned bo, who saed to aaj,' "*?? ?irree bob fall boaa tjr-C. E P. i Namee I* Namee. j JM Ogw herd llrga at UptoS Httl. r'f' '' THE MATINEE GIRL vr to rum Mini) ib. This beautiful afternoon frock com** In wistaria satin with a slight drapa over the hips. TUa bodice Is fashioned of creamy georgette crape, daintily outlined with hand embroidery in sm pits offer t. while tl^f cm* ftrdto t* gold threaded. The collar conforms to the dictum that, no matter- what the etjle anterlorhr^the back of neck a j must be coined. The crape sleeves are alao strapped wltb narrow fur, while the cross band on the front of the neck la novel and pretty. A wis taria crown with a fur stlckup tops the fold lace brim of the modish hat. THE MELLOW GLOW. tugfeetive Notea About ths Charm of Lamplight and Mirrors. Somehow or other the idea of select ing a lamp aa a symbol of magic pow er waa a good thought on the part of the tale teller who invented Aladdin, for there la a charm about lamplight that Is bard to resist. A a one woman Who la doomed to high gas brackets In 4 boarding houae alwajs says: "There are two things whicb are going to pre dominate iff my houae if I eter have one of my own, aud they are lamps and mirrors. There will be a low shaded lamp in every corner snd a mirror to reflect It." 8urely tbe searcher after enchant ment will not have a hard time of It In the modern lamp store. Any period, color scheme and decorative theme can be matcbed up In a lamp. The newest additions to these gloom dis pelleni are tbe Japanese lacquer laiupe with shade* to match. Tbey are rath er tall, but very graceful, and are in tbe familiar black lacquer ware, wltb Its gold and red traceries. The shades are of heavy prepared paper, echoing tbe same lacquered patterns. This matching of shades with stands Is not limited to the Japanese lamps. There are very pretty pottery bases in black and whjte of colors which have the designs repeated upon tbe paper ahades; Crackle war* ntandards are unique In their pebbly colored simplicity. Tbey may be low and bulging or high and tnpering. but they require Alt effect a bla<fc an<r white or bright colored shade on simple line*. Wicker lam pa are pretty for tbe wicker living nonstable or for the bedroom When they are enameled In white tbey often show dainty silk or chintz flowered shade* Mahogany stands are very popular for more formal use Often they are wired for ~electr|D||yr aa are alt the other* previously teentloaed, and eve ased with colored sTlk shade*, shirred and fringe trimmed, or with a' high colonial glasa ahade on the order of the large glass shaded candle* tic ka of bygone days. One of theee mahogany randleeflrka has a tall glaas cop shade lacerated with ? small landscape In teaee of aepta. Floor lamps arafomlng in again for aaors general use! Tbe standards are often mahogany, oak to match the fur niture, baaae or bronse. A novelty In theee lamps to a email smoking tray | and accessories attached to a standard ?heat halfway to the floor. SHORT ITEMS FROM Neighboring Cities. Store to Bobbed. Xmr Berm?A bold thief or thieves last night broke Into th^ store of J. D. McCoy on Pasteur street and before depart log ransacked the plaoa tc tb*tr heart's content. The ma rauders selected from tbe stock tbs articles which struck their fancy and in departing they carried these with them. The police were notified of tbe robbery early this mornlns but so far no arrests' have been made. Robersonville to Hare Waterworks. I j Robersonville ? Thle town la to) install a waterworka system. A hot ter equipped fire department will be ur?auUrd~amt jtn^tjprtgtjfog wOl be aooihqr advaiiUflg-jto acera*. - Ktre Oe cum In Oil Mill*. From 'Whitakc-ra there la received a report of a 2 re In the oil mills of Woodard and Whitley, occurring on Saturday morning. Four balea of llntera were destroyed and some'ol tbe machinery damaged, but to no great extent. The "ttrigin of the fire ti not known. Town Lights! Up, Wilson ? L.aat night was the "big night" at Stantonsburg. a live town, ten miles from Wilson, on the Nor folk Southern, and the residents of the town enjoyed their first night1 With electric lights, both In resi dences and on he streets. The town well lighted wKh 25 arc lights and over 500 incandescents. It is a municipal plant ariil a bond issue provided the money for construction. The people are discussing the build ing of s water and sewerage system. Farmers Meet In Pitt County. I Greenville ? Pitt county is to have j three Farmer-sr* Institutes during tbs mlnth of January on he following | dates: Bethel, Friday. Jan. 20; Grlf ton. Saturday, Jan. 29; Greenville, Monday, Jan. 31. C ' o n fl hc juk 1 Liquor. Now Bern ? Some travelers com ing in to New Bern from Norfolk ySBterday afternoon lost forty-nine pints of whiskey which they were ondesvoring to smuggle Into the city. The man plscek tbe whiskey, which was In two suit cases, In charge of the porter on the Pullman car and had asked him to set It down on the atation platform. When "the porter deposited the ttquor, N 1 Iceman I pock swooped dpwn l^tt him and confiscated the Wose ?b4 placed him under arrest. . EducatJow Expert a? Mt?W. Kin*?on ? Prof. W. C. Nowbold of ? he State Da pert pent of Education ?rrlrod this morning to |d*r*M * meeting of the colored teaofcart of Klnaton and Lenoir county, about It In number. Profeeror Nowbold 1 m supervisor of the colored leboota In the 8ute. ? ? > ? *-? Chlckesas Are Wlifl Rocky Mount ? D. L. Christian all *.Jfc Mara. (MKi^ra ?C OfcaTfcr Eiw Poultry fax*, ace lastly ed ower theto recent 17th atrnual poultry show M Madi son Square Garden, New York City. The local fancier* had two birds e* tere.j In the dark Cornish Class and have just been advised of their win. ntng flret prise. * >* Will Hold lUnqurC New Bern? George Green, secre tary of the local Chamber Of Com merce rtated today that arrangfr menta aro under way for the holding of (be annual banquet by thd Cham ber of Commerce. The exdCt data for this event has not been belefead at the present time but It will prob ably b? held some time durlag the flrst part of February. May Lone Mill. Klnaton ? Klnaton sts^ids a chan6? of loaing one of lta foremost manu facturing enterprise*. Rumors were circulated laat night to thS effect that the big lumber plant kno#n al the Klnston Manufacturing CoApau? miff' In Southwest Klnston had been ?oped down permanently. OUR JITNEY OFFER ? This sad fte DON'T MI88 THIS. Cut out this ?Up. enclose with Ic and mail It td Foley & Co., Chicago. 111., writing your nam* and addresa clearly. You will receive in return a trial psukage containing Foley's Honey and 'Tar Compound, for cough*, colds and rroup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, back* acjie, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tableta, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing ca thartic, for constipation, blllouaaaa^ headache and sluggish bow?ft-4)?<r enport Pharmacy. ? v No. 4007. ?! JSFORT OF THE CONDITION OF Tlilt FIRMT NATIONAL RANK OF WASHINGTON AT WASHINGTON, IN THE 8TATB OF NORTH CAROLINA. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 81, 1015. Resources. 1. a Loans and discounts (except thos fhown on b) 94SG.7SS.58 Total loans 49ft, 739. 99 2. Overdrafts, unsecured, $1,523.92; 1,525.91 *. U. S. bond*: a U. 8. bonda deposited to secure circulation (par value) $ 25,000.00 Total U. 8. bonds $1,060 00 6. Subscription to stock of Fodersl Reserve Bank 99.000.00 a. Less amount unpaid 4,600.00 9 4,500.00 4. 100. ft 8. Furniture and fixture* 2,100.00 10. Not amount due from Federal Reserve Bank 11,411.49 11. a Net amount due from approved reserve agents In New York, Chicago and St. Lonls, $1,167.05 b Net amount due from approved reserve agents In other reserve cities 6,059.77 7,116.12 12. Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than Included In 10 or 11) 41,501.41 14. Other checks on banks In the same city or town as reporting barrtt 10,7 69.50 35. a OntBtde checks and other cash items $210.00 b -Fractional currency, nickels, and conts 541.07 771.07 16. Note's of other national banks 1,500.00 18. Coin and certificates 11,094.79 19. Legal-tender notes 5,000.00 20 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and duo from U. S. Treasurer 1,260.06 Total 9011,792.49 yirtimiw 24. Capital stock paid In 9100,000.00 25. 8urplus fund 50,000.00 26. Undivided profits 996.l24.87 Less current expenses. Interest, and taxes paid 9.409.55 26.929.88 27. Circulating notes outstanding 25,000.00 Demand deposit*: 82. Individual deposits subject to check 218,292.00 88. Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 dsys 99,281.80 84. Certified check* 950.00 86. Caauler's checks outstanding 884.40 Totsl demand deposits. Items 32. 83*. *4. ?S. 81. 37. #n<1 ?? $251,640.80 Ttiiwi ricpoftitn (payable aTtrr 20 rfn-* ?r Subject to 80 days or mor^ notice) : 40. Ctrtlflcatae of tloposit 69.117 14 US. Other time deposits 01,844.40 Total of time deposits, It*ms 40, 41. snd 42 $128,981.00 46. a Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank . .. .986,264.71 26.254.71 Tout $611.788 48 STATE Or NORTH CAffOIJNA; COUNTY OF BEAUFORT. M: I, A. M. Dumay, Cashier of the shove-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and betlef, A. M. DUMAY. Cashier. Subscribed snd sworn to before ma (Ms 10th day of January, 1910. W. L. VAUOWAM, Notary Fablle. My commission expires February 80. 1010. Correct ? Attest: ?. M. BROWN, W. E RWWDILT,. J, B. FOWL*, "lUt! ' 1

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