HI GOLDSRORO i ' TITE DAItT XKWS PRINTS UtfRK LOCAL j?EWS THAN ANY OTBKH PAPER rN THE STATE. DAILY NEWS Washington; n. c., Wednesday :$iternoon, January 12, 1910. NUMBER 162. FILUS NIMBLE 10 IE PRESENT MEETING OF GOOD ROADS AS SOCIATION FOB TOMORROW NIGHT CANCELLED. TO BE HELD LATER 8tat? Highway KatbMT Had A?. other bmnni. WIU Be la WMhl^Ua at Latrr Date to Dla caaa Had Work Ifff, A letter waa received this morn la gfrom W. 8. Pallia, 8tate High, way Engineer, notifying the Wash ington Township Good Roads Asso ciation of his Inability to b? present at ths meeting that was called far tomorrow night. Mr. Fallls ex plained that he had already made an engagement at Wilkeshoro for tomorrow night and 'that It wonld he utterly Impossible for him to 1m in Washington. He expressed bis tlnc^rs regret and the hope that the' association would call upon blin Vhansrer It needed hi* services. . J i Due to this 'act, It has been da- ' tided to postpone the meeting until items future date when Mr. Pallia may be able Xg attend. A letter has been sent him. asking him to adTisa the association whan he will be abls to git bars. As soon as his reply is received, another date will be set, for the masting. The members of the good roads association, and others^- who were planning tc W -present at the meet ing tooanrroy^ -night, are requested to take note of the change of plana. No meeting will be tw Id tomorrow night. ISSUE DIRECTORY FOR WASHINGTON Chamber of Conmerco fl??f Kn doreerorot to Project at Mertiag Which Wm Held Lot Night. At the meeting of the Chamber of! Commerce last night, a representa tive of the Piedmont Directory Co. j of Ashevllle was present and asked the Chamber to gtre Its endorsemen t to the issuing of a directory for Washington. After some discussion, the Chamber did so. The directory will constat of a list of nam's of all the resldests of the1 city, alphabetically arranged, a ?treat -guide, the census of the city ' by streeta and houses and other val* ueb'e information. Work on it will probably be started within a short time: Bevr rat other matter* of business were brought up before the meeting awl discussed but no action was take a. <1 VANGUARD CLASS IS ENTERTAINED Met laat Night at the home of the New President of the Class, R. B, Fowl*. ' Th? member# of the Vsngsrd claim, the bible eland or the Presby terian Sunder School, were moat de lightfully entertain* d lust sight at the home of the new president of the clue* R. B. Fowle. Mustc, both in Rtrumehtal and vocal, wan followed 6y dellclou* refreshments The pe? caslon proved a most enjoyable one. A revival of Interest In the Sunday School work has taken piece recent, ly. At last night's meeting plans were discussed- for still further in* creasing the membership and a mem Lerahlp campaign was decided upon. Last Sunday the regular attendance at Sunday School waa double the usual number. - ?-> <?. {M ovtm Kicr.v thousand / HA LION I1KKN (JIN NKD 1* HKAl'ROftT CXHZffTY A report of the amount -of cotton g'.uned In Beaufort county up to January 1st of this yes r, shown thst 8 Oil betes have been ginned a* compared with 10,418 bale* at, the name Uflie Isst year There Is only JUDGE MIEN'S CMCES.G1! WU^OK WAVERH OX HIS DECIS ION' TO APPOINT MR. DAVIS TO THE OFFICE. ANEVENRACE With DrvU Out of the Rnnning, North Carolina Judge Stands Ex cellent Chance of BHn? Appoints) m 8uec?fd Luur. Washington, Jan. 12. ? It was learned from a highly authoritative source today that the President la wavering on his fermer decision to appoint 8ollcltor John W. Davis, of West Virginia, to the Supreme court bench to fill the vacancy caused by J he death of Justice Lamar, of Geor | gia. The President'? present attl | tude la caused by the fact that he has already appointed Charles R. Mc 1 Reynolds, former attorney-general, ; to the Supreme court, and should he now select Mr. Davis, he would ser iously handicap the oourt by having two men on the bench who have ap peared in eases br attorneys which will sow come before the highest court of the land. Neither Mr. Da. via nor Justice McReynolde could appear in asy of the cases in which I hey were Interested, as solicitor general and attorney-general, re spectively. , ; ,k* late as .Saturday night it is known that Mr. Davis was nearer ibfjog appointed to this high place than any other m^n who bad been juientfe&Fd to the President. He may. | yet g+t the place, but his chances "are ntii near so good now as they >M?4tat?- w?"k. n with Davis out of -the rice. Jus tice WliHam R. Allen, of Goldsboro, would -Stand about an even chance with the veet of the candidates. The friends of Judge Allen have been j active and if he fails to get the place it will not t^e because the North ^Carolina delegation In Congress has i sot wterted v.very efTort In his be-, I half. 1 R. R. OFFICIALS IN THE CITY President Yoaag and Colonel Hod nun Hpit. Mixtion la Unknown. Left City Thin Morning. I President Young of the Norfolk 8outhern railroad and Colonel W. - B. Rodman, attorney for the rall jroad, were In the city on a brief bus 1 insss trip yesterday in Mr. Young's 1 special csr. j What the object of their visit was lure is not known, although It <s ! hinted that they were looking over the scene with the Idea In mind of putting on some important work in Washington. They left early this morning. BELHAVEN NEGRO TRIES MURDER Attempt* to Kill' Thonutn VniiKtutMf Proprietor of Pr-emlng Club In That CHy. (By Eastern Press) Belhaven. Jan II.? Chief of Po lice J. Mack Paul has landed behind prison bars Joe Edward Hardy, col ored, said to be somewhat of a des perado, "Yesterday afternoon Hardy went Into the pressing club of Thom a* \'Ri?Khuu and starfd n "rough house." Vauglian told Hardy to get out and the negro refused. Vaughan then proceeded to pet htm out. H*r dy at ouce went asd got his doable barrel shot gun, loaded with No. 4 i shot. Juat as Vaugjiftn stuck his head out of the front door of his j place of businrse. Hardy up with his gnn and fired. Fortunately Vaughan was not hit, but the aide oi, the door In which he was stand ing was peppered by the shot. Hardy, as was expected, imra ? dlatety ?ought other parts aad al though the poltc" have been on hfa tral aince that time he was n6i ?p orehendevj nntil early this morning GETS 12 MONTHS FOR RETAILING . 2 (>reen?10f Mu ReceifM Long Ben - ' tcoc?? for Violating 8 tale v Liquor LAvr. (By Eastern Press) ' Oreenrllle. . Jlp.j Iff ? Spenor Williams, the defendant In the . li quor oase that occupied the best portion pf , yesterday vsf 4fr6ught to a close late In the afternoon, the Jury 'finding: Williams- gjaiUy of re , tailLrg liquor and Judge Woolen this morning Imposed- a sentence of 12 months on the count? roads. I ' ? ? MISSION WILL CLOSE TONIGHT Sir. Matthews to Prradi Concluding Sermon at th? Episcopal Church Tonight. Tonight will mark the conclusion of the mission at the Episcopal church, which has be n In progress during the last week. Mr. Matthews has delivered some exceptionally flbe sermons during his stay here. "He gets better every night," re marked one of those who have h6ard ail of his sermons. It is expected that a large number will be on hand to hear his concluding message to' the residents of Washington. The servlco will start at eight o'clock. The public is cordially Invited to be present. yvo GOOD SHOWS ARE COMING HERE "CtiucoUle Soldier" Here Tbmurrow anil "Wlira Droning Come True'1 1 Next Week. When "The Chocolate Soldier" is presented hert- "tomorrow night, and a'so "When I>reams Come True" Is presented here on the 20th, the many patrons of the Now Theatre will have ae^n the two best attrac tions that is touring the road at \.v aent. Every "one is well acquaint ed with the light opoia. "The Choe olat? Soldier" and it is useless to praise said attraction, as It Is known as one* of the best comic operas that lias ever buen played. "When Dreamg Come True," the next at traction nfter "The Chocolate Sol dier," is ranking among the best musical comedies ever prosented. It In to be hoped that when these two attractions come tr re that each will have packed houses, as that Is the ?only way that* the New Theatre will be able to secure other good attrac tions for Washington. AIJi HA VI? BIRTHDAYS OX S.\>l K DAYS AH DID PRESIDENTS OF U. ?. A peculiar coincidence In the way] of birthdays is recorded in the Bra- 1 gaw family, three of whose members were born on the same day as ljresi-; dents of the United States. . J John O. Bragaw was born on Feb ruary 12th, which Is also President Lincoln's birthday. ( William Bragaw was born on, Ap ril 28th. thd* natal day of President Madison. Stephea C. Bragaw was born on February 22ttd. which Is alsp cele foratad a* President Washington's birthday. < ii \\< v in KACI OF THfl II? II WO OF MISSIONARY SOCIETY Tho Ladles Missionary Society of the Methodist church will meet Fri_ day afternoon at four o'clock with Mrs. F. A. Nicholson. Members of the F->clety are requested to note this ohange In the place of meeting. As many a? possibly can are urged to attend the meeting. NKW SUNDAY ftOHOUI, 8UPT. | II 0. Mmi has been appoint*'! j euperlntendent of the Pr??byterlm Sander flefcool. to aucceed C. N. I Brown. Sr., who bu rariKDMl Mr Mow baa b"?n mtereated In Rondar , School wort for the mat eevaral jmra and la a fa gable ?oece??c>r jo_j mi the wiiw pTfa Mr. BrflwmT WryOUT MOVING THE HAT.' KMRON ESGiPt PIECE OF RAIL, EIGHTEEN IN CHES J.OXCi, BROKEN OUT OF N. 8. TRACKS. HAPPENED TODAY I Warn iiis CJlven to Engineer on Train from Knlelich and He Was Able to tiring HI* Train to Stop Uet'nro Striking Ureak in Rail. What might have been a serious railroad accident was narrowly av rted on tl?e Norfolk Southern this morning between this city and Choc-| owlnlty when the train from Delhav en. going to Cbocowlnlty. broke a rail, taking out a piece about efght eni Inches in length. ? The engineer jsn this train, upon his arrival at Chocowinity and not knowing that the rail had been ac tually broken, warned the engineer o? the train from Raleigh, which ar rives in Washington at 10:55, to "watch out for a bad p:ace in the road." Whep th" passenger train left Chooawlnlty for Washington. th?i engineer proceeded -cautiously and upon coming to the break in the rail, wan able to bring his train to a 'stop before. striking it. How the train from Belhaven managed to g^l ove? the spot wlth jout being ditched in romethinff which [the railroad men cannot understand, unless 1 fwja the roar wheels of the l*?t cAt jfhto broke* tto.rall. If the cnghifecroti the train from Ra leigh had not been given warning he w ould In a'.l probability have been unable to etop his train before hit ling the break. LARGE NUMBER HEARD MR. WAY Miide fntftrcffUng Talk at tli? <xliM Church L?M Nlffht. Itarara* Turn Oat. An audience of ov?r one hundred] and tktiy persons heard J. M. Way, divisional jPpUl secretary to th* gen era! Sunday School Board, of NaAh rllle, Tenn.. make an address on the graded Sunday School and It* work at the Methodist church Hut night. I Mr. Way's talk waa highly MTterest - Ing. He told of the progress that | Sunday School work was making and offcrod a it umber of suggest tons as to how Interest eouULfte kept up la ike work tUlUJ-OlXfl wAhina nl the. Harare claas were pfwent to hear iko lecture./,; ?.;?? V ? 1 ? Harding in Brooklyn Eagl*. SB piSt OlISOBESiiMAS H.IV STAXDS OP POSED TO THK lilli ( OMIS. KNT.ll. All.MV |>US. INCREASE MILITIA Conference With President. H#y Will Slund by the Provision* j of !fls Hill llcgurdiiig lncreu.se in iU'^ulHr Army. Washington, Jan. 12. ? Evidence of a break in the adm oistratSo.i fore s in Congress over tL question ot national defense cropped out to ' day when Chairmai James Hay. of ? the house commit* ee on military af jfn'rs. lo :-?w:nc a eor.f ronce Willi I 'lie Frr-?:dCht, an: ounecd li.s Inten tion of urging th ? building up o' the 'national guard instead of the admin istration's continental army plan, j At the name tirnt? Mr Hay ind - cated that hf wPl stand hy the pro-' vision* of his bill regarding nn in. j creane in the strength of the regular army. Whereas Secretary of War Garrison's defense program, an In dorsed by the President, provides for ?the addition of ten regiments of lo-, ' fan try to the authorized strenuth of llhe r gular foree. Mr. Hay will In sist on .limiting the Increase to rais ing tho sise of the present army to iwar strength. The Garrison plan would give the! regular army an authorized ntrength i of about 150,000. The Hay plan would limit It to its present author ised war atreiiRth of 102,000. At the conference with the Presi dent today, lasting nearly an hour. Chairman ilay laid gtreui or hli na- 1 tlonal guard plan. It provides. In brief, federal pay for the national irunrd. ar.d a n?w ?yst m of enroll- 1 Vad-'.-r w&lcV pi:. l- -k ?r o Kuard would obligate themauhes to. oAmpulsory ^errlre In or out of the tTnited States in time of war when ever the President, by proclama lion, ohonld decide to draft them j Into service, Under thin plan, Mr ' Hay believes. the national guard, now | numbering 130,000 men, would in | two years time be increased to 4ft0. 000 or the number proposed to be created in the eontlnan/el army. Commenting on the^. cost of his national guard gcheme, Mr. Hay nays that In addition to making provision for the thorouflf equipment of the militia and their training h^^-e*u lar army officers, the fe<foral pay f atur* would call for an additional sum of f)8.O<$O.O0O a year. The total -cost would be approximately flil^ NJd.OOOO. The Garrison p'an mere. for the stale foroea from $7,000,000 to IIMOO.OOO. the money to be used NEGRO ACCUSED OF SLAYING FARMER IS HUNG TO TREE AND y R^;fo WITH BULLETS Two Hundred Men Engaged in the Lynching Party. No Arrests Made WAS FIRST LYNCHING IN WAYNE CO. Took Keys From Guards and Strung Up Their Man Wli.-re Murder Occurred. Two Other Negroes, Charged With Crime, Released .by Mob. ( By Eastern Prens) | GoliUboro, Jan. 12. ? A mob of 200 ma?k' d and armed men this mom.iig shortly after midnight, I broke Into the Wayne county Jail, J seized John Richards, the negro ; charge dwith the murder of Auder- J >on T. Ciurley. a- Wayne county far- J jv.er, carried him two miles from' Guld>l?jro. wiier the murder occur-! red, lynched him to a tree and then riddled his body with bullets. After j the act. the niob quietly discerned. , So art sis have been mad'1. Richards. together with Ben Coley i .?.lid I: Vuu Sr.iith, were confined in] he j... sit.ce lasi Thursday, when' urle> was murdered. Since that I in , 1..0 feeling against them grew! ! .ladil; a:no*g a certain element in j ,?:a cit" and theft) waa iroquent talk f lyiK'Jung. A crowd gathered u-' bout th jail during the early hou-a of yestf-uay 'evening, but upon th%j arrival ol officers, they dispersed. 1 ERECT BIG MILL AT VANCEEORO Of?!? n Mf? fir en Scctfrd on Land lor O'U' of i'io 1 are it 1 .umber M.Hh in IIm' State. .lolm Itft-'reon. n wr!l known cit!?. i or Va:vet2re, frrvrn cnunty. who !? s^pju'ibj ! lie day in ih? city, :ii ;>< .ijt'iulslic manner of the] :.nt "tic bt*i !? (, made by 'hat little i Mr Robinson states that plantt arp on fooi for the erection at that plrre -of on#* of th' largest lumber mills in the state. Options on a valuable trnrt of land which will be used a? a Bite for the mill, have been secured and it in expucted that the plant will soon b - erected. Outside capitalists are the leading factors in the n?* enterprise. There is also som* talk at Vance b:>ro of holding an election to vote a bond Issue, the money from th* sale of which will be used in pavinc t.jft in-'..: i?l t 1 of Ihe town and :i branch street leading down from the nia!n slrpet to the depot. Noth ing d- finite has been done in this matter at his Ime. GETS BOOK CLUBS MEET i ?cVI'.ro rnd H, Henry lUiok CIuIm Yv i 1r Mf-Hng* Tomorrow jilioriMM'ii. The following places of meeting jhave been announced for the O. Henry and the Addlsco book clubs tomorrow. O. H?*nry Club. The O. Henry Club will me?t with Mrs. W. H. Wl'llamg at litres o'.j clock. Aridliro Club. Will meet at the home of Mrs. J. D. Orlmes at 3:30 o'clock. The?o meetings will be the first to be held by Ihe &lubs this year. Some Interesting papers will be retid and discussion* held. | only for equipment And training. | Mombors of the utlonal guard under { t OtirrlmB plan ? woul d tbciI'I bo (federal compensation in time of i peace. | Returning shortly after midnight In >,reu;er numbers, the guard# of the jai] wore overpowered. the keys tak. ? ii and entrance to the cells obtain ed '1 ho thre? negrooe were brought xut into the jail yard, but a deputy sheriff who had been 8ummoll4it,*^ttf uh,o was powerless to do anything acainst the mob. sw?re that Cotey jnd Smith were Innocent. These twa jwere then returned to the Jail and laking Richards into custody, the mob proceeded to the spot where the aged aad well-known farmer had j U?un murdered. Arriving there, a rope was quickly strung over tho branch of a largo 'tree and Richards v .ih strung up, tthrleking and pray iip for mercy. After firing over a hundred ballets into the body, the ct*jwd qulrtly separated. Excitement In the city today Is at ft ver heat, and the lynching is the iole topic of discussion. It is the lir?! lynching that has ever occurred in Wayne county. BANK OFFICERS ARE ELECTED Kir** .National llunk Stockholder* Hold Yratrrdaj and Klected Officer* for Vrwr. At the tneetlug of the stockholder# of the First National Hank, which van held yesterday, officers for the t-mtuing year were electfd kr fol low*: President: C. M. Brown. Vic*.' President : J. B. FoW.e. Cashier: A M. Liumay. Asst. Cashier: L. A. Squires. Bookkeepers: J. A. Mayo and S. C. P- Krom. Collector: W. H. Morgan, Jr. Directors: C. M. Brown, Geo. T, Keach. F C. Kugler, W. E. Swindell, J F. f'owell. W. H. Whitley, J. E. Proctor. A. M. Dumay, J. B. Fowle. A Bumi-annual dividend of five I??-r cent was paid. A report of the busln<*s? of the hank during tho past year showed It to be much hotter than the year before. It Is expecteW that the pres I ? y ?- w|i ?'?? r-vr n mort succ ?r ful. The condition of the bank as a whole Is more than satisfactory. Excellent Report. Since the organisation of the First National Bank, the accumu lated surplus ha? reached 160,000. . $1 2.1,500 hns b'en paid out lp divi dends and the undivided profit ac I fount at present la (20.925. Daniels (iow to New York. Washington, Jan. 12. Secretary Daniel* Roes to New York to epeak before the Democratic club on pre paredness Saturday night. TO-NIGHT Sell* presents wplendld 8 RMl fott'ura Meath Calvery*a Shadow Tomorrow Night The Chocolate Soldier" rrlt.*?oftlO

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