DAILY NEWS THS DAILY KKWB PRINTS MORS LOCAL N?WS THAN W ASHI NGTON, X C., THUl^AI^A^ JAMTABY 18, 1916. IB KNOWN AS YET KB a DMnvTtTY or mob WHO tlNCHED KBURO WORK WAS QUIET riwimnlLd With IV* nth the Beaa r-4l< ao oat ol Idle carloelty aad not ?ftk tho InteaUoa of doing aa; bodily harm to either tha officers or m wmn, '', v'' - - j No cine haa been obtained aa rat ? Iwt might lead to tho dlaooTorr of tha lyftchara. Police officials. whoa s*a thla morning, atatod that thar had hothlag to give oat. It la gen erally believed throughout tha attr thai tha perpetrator* ol tha lynchlac *U1 fterer be broaght to Justice. Nothing waa known of th? track ing br raaMaaU of Ooldsboro aatll iter daylight yesterday morning, ao qflet waa tka mob la Ita. work. Theft' a^peara to ha rxrf 'Tutlt sentiment agatMrt the maa. ^AT NIGHT SCHOOL llrce Tboaa Who Do Hat Although lk* night achool la pro gr eating in a moat aatlafactory man-j ?*?. .11 UK been obaerted that but far T- faw illiterate* are taking a take nottoe of this tact. 1*h I Dally Wewa la today ta re o?lpt of aararml copie* of "Tha toon li Lot." a weekly newapaper II ublt had br tka undent body of LoM |a Inatltote at Wlndaor, Conn. The paper la an aUraetlTa ahaal and wall sot tan up. Bath Bangham or |hla 4ty. aon of Mm. W. P. Baugham ? bnilneaa and adnrtlilng manager fi ELLMO THEATER UNDRR NEW MANAGEMENT Formal Opening MONDAY *J0P. M. "Universal" Program Exclusive \y Matinee Daily 4 P.M. WERE RESCUED I After betas carried out Into Pim \ Moo Boo ad la a row boot wltboat any Md fiMor4 (a- vcf a4 the entire t aad part of the next day at the mercy of the wind nod *?tm. Hardy L. McEnroy and Jamas McClnre, ? two resident* of Richmond. Vs . who bare boon spending fbs last fd* day* to. Hyde county on a fishing tirttf, were picked ap by a lumber schooner yenterday afternoon and put ashore near lflddtotot, from which point they proceeded ? via automobile to Plymouth aad returned to tbelr homes. . * *" The two men were out gunning Tuesday afternoon alone the shore of .the Bound. They oeme aeroe* a bit flock of birds and both of them biased away without taking the oars out of the locks. The oars quietly slipped off into tbo water and when rhe hunters flrst became aware of their predicament tbty were over n hundred yards from the shore with the oars floating on the water twen ty-flvs?yards from them. Neither lldbture or McMiwoy being able to ?wim. they werw bslplaas la doing ssythlng to save |be? elsse. The wind gradually carried them further out tato the Sound and ae night fell, they were out of sight of land. Burlap .the entire alght. they were Vfept busy bailing oat the water that the waves dashed Into their craft, which threatened to fill up frequent ly. A heaVy rain did not add any thing to tbelr comfort. When day. light Anally broke they were ?om Ideftalr wots o4i 'fpiripir i^frofoay The day brought tliera relief, how jeYer, for they sa^'ja' three-masted schooner only a mue distant. Their signals tor help wepe seen and they wera taken on board. . The captain consented to take . them back to shore, about six miles distant. He s'so provided them with oars aad when they wrre close enough Ao lend MeCluro and HcEnvoy climbed bsck Into tbelr row boat again and rowed to shore. - " BELLMO THEATRE REOPENS MONDAY The Bellmo Theatre, after being cloeed tor some time, will reopen on Monday night; Fred r. Hal*. of Wilmington, h as been secured to manage the house. Universal Film Service will be need, including the Universal "AntSMted W?*ekty" and the famous . Broadway-Universal features. The Bellmo will be thoroughly re modeled and renovated, and put In first class shape for the opening. on Monday. MRS. WARREN TO DIE IN CHAIR Raleigh. Ja?. If .?By ? Che Su< premo court's fallar* to find' error in convletlon of Ida "Ball Warren and Samuel Putnam Christy and their ?stance to death f*v Ihe murdar of Mrs. Warrrn's husband, the reopm slblllty fella upon ?o*prji?r Craig and he must detegmint %MlW 'A woman llve? by commutalldn w dies In the electric chsiK Chief J nation Clerk 'writlns the Opinion of the coufl offers no qua** ter for the Ivoman and the chief juatice ha? a reputation as a friend of the feminine. The judge bap con tended for womafi'a full .right aa oltisena and In n*Veral recent opin ion* baa reprobated the Idea of pro Ueflif womea In sasea where tech a'.caMtles alone aated them from re URGES FARMERS TO DIVERSIFY COt NTY AGK.VT W VKXH THK.M AUAJK0T INCREASING ACHK AUI OF TOBACCO AND OOTfOV. GIVES ADVICE TcOa of Dest Crop* Wall Which to Plot Dmrtrng th. Bart? Sprite. iVnwt Mm M?j !????? then be put to some other crop, like [soy beans, qow peas, sweet potatoes [or even late torn. You can perhaps with ' a good degree of success sow spring oats with red or alslke clover' t Mat would furnish fine late spring and/early summer graslng and then ma ae a good hay crop, or you can pj?i ln red clover on fall sown oate about the last of February or first of March. Do some or all of theae things. ' But don't be a flopper. If t can berve you oall me. Tours truly. J. y LATHAM, County Agent.. TO KILLKD, 40 HURT IN ' AMMUNITION BLAST ] Berlin, Jan. VL. via London.? An ammunition, ?n thfu southern s-ctiOn ofl4ll|?%< France, IHN blown MP Afc bfncl*r#hnoufice meat sa/e thai sweaty persona w*rc killed an* f*rtwfaliired. JtaffllAftr-j able dam^ t#??p*Hy w>s dene, Rev. H. B. prayer servtoc^ *? ^ lal Church tonight. The " cordially Invited to be preheat. nitirr HtmoirLHM ta rum, mm TELLH COURT. Plttatttrgh. Pa* Jan IS ? Buttoo leee co*U. battonloea ahlrta ? In feat, ?1) of hie wearing Ipparel button leee ? rulnefl the aortal oareer ot J. Dalla* Stewart, a proapectlre raaL 4aat of eicloHre ??wlekUy accord ing to the *tory he told Jodie Ken nedy la Deeartloa Court. Stewart waa arretted 0*1 hie wife'* charge of deaortloo. "I* thirteen rear* she only tewed three bat ton* on ray alothe./' -HI Stewart. telltOf hit wOae to the mart ;'P?r i"?)r ?lf? HV.a.wMk ?M net ??tW ?Wt button* In lh? r*Wr?:" ??? iitdir* (nHiir'i wlu tto*. 'W^,' jWCMISEE, iUT wY WONT. ? wi*i ?ms in Indianapolis News. MISSION CLOSED I LAST NIGHT .\aval MI1UU Attended 8crrk.* ?t Kplwopal Church. Mr. Matthews With a particularly strong and impressive sermon by Missioner John R. Matthews, the mission at St. Peter's Episcopal church, which has been in progress during the lsBt week, cloaed last night. A large congregatlop was present. at the ser vices, includiag about thirty mem bers of the Washington .^^Ijnilit la, who attended upon a special invita tion. During his stay in the city, Mr. Matthews has preached some excep tionally fine sermons and there is no doubt but that a large amount of good has been accomplished. BIG SALE STARTED THIS MORNING Miiny Bargains to Be Had at Aanual Omranc MM KM. D artag 1M *eer. !f? te Jforth Carolina. I.yni rights he should- be punished but .on account of his mother he was going to give him i chance to do better. The aentence of the Crfurt was | that DeLaney he sent to the county roads for two l>*y th* costs of the ciffT This sentence does not go into effect for ten days and If DeLaney Is oat of. the State by that time he will not have to lerve It. The coata were mttled a nhort time later bjr the raung man> mot? er end thlB morning "he end her eon tatt, returning to their home at Schenectady. DaLmwr'a ?lf?. ? ahaac girl ?hotn he m err lea at Kin Hoa a law