Mm HAI.K ? CAIIUAUE ri.AUT?, l#e p?r loo. ate ptt loot n MOO lot> H. A. SWINDELL. BIovdU "Crook. 1-ll-lwr. WANTED HKXISIHD H1T.I. housa or rooms for houMkMpiag, In (oad locfctlo: cIom 1b. Bent rpftr?ace*. IMrni Tornl.h?a." c n D?llr Nowi. 1-10-SU. . ? - ?ANTED ortcd tUoihee? Why do they tide In French automobiles? Be- 1 caose they're better? No; because ' they're expentdvo? Itewwae they <'o?t more 001:17 tali i!k* - thir.u they ??u<; lit to l>? bvfler. Sly boy, listen? 'the most expensive soap in the world P M -My boy. I could kiss your cried Psale delightedly. "A pupil after my own hesrt? GO cents a cake!" cried Pssle. "A dollar, and we'll make it -a warm. ! delicate old rose," sang Rodney. "Each cake in a separate box, with a m? fathar My* I ?an*t Mm |4 a WMk." pap<-r TOM ra*nt. "Sottati? doMn't jimn Rnithlpf." v "Lefi think." said Rodney. I "I am thinking. I never stop." said Peale. | "The soap that made Pittsburgh clean." said Rodney. "Too long. You need something catchy." "I bad an Idea awhile ago." said Rodney? "the People's Soap." "Not If you're going to catch the rich boobs," said Peale. Then suddenly Rodney remembered tbe legend lit the old cookbook and cried out: "Walt, wait! Listen! Listen close! The 13 Soap. Unlucky for Dirt** "8on," said Peale Jojoualy. "lt*? all over. The old maVII be on his knees in a month." * "We open the office Monday." Rod ney sang oat. "Where's the office?" Peale Inquired^ "Let's get one." iuild Rodney. "With furniture and everything," said Peale. "and. say. you'd better call up your tailor and order a couple of business suits." After this manner bepan the busi ness of the great 13 Soap Company, which was to bring tbe Soap King Cyrus Martin to Ids knees and make Rodney a rich man In his own right ?d be coufd marry Mnry Crayson. The office of the soap company was opened with Mary working for the concern. ? From time to time an undemeoretary or aubtypewrlter stuck her head through the door and announced some one. This young person opened the door now middonly and announced with mingled glee and cariosity: "The Countess de Bowreenl" M6ney. when jou are chasing it up to the form of capital, is a real will o' the wisp. Now you see it within your grasp, and ugaln your gaze is quite blank. None of the three conspirators In ths room realized what was to come of the French and titled lady's inter ruption and only looked upon her a* an Inconvenient bore, to bo disposed of as beat could be. "Oh, that dreadful woman again," sighed Mary. The countess entered and came over to Rodney at once, speaking to him in French: "Vousetos Monsieur Martin V she cooed. Rodney nodded. "Ah. cher Monsieur Martin? J e sols enchanfee de vous voir." "The dame's loony," said Peale In an aside to Mary. "No; she's French." *ald Mnry. "8he wanted to *ce your fnther, and she doesn't speak English. I snw 1?er up at the house." "Well let her talk to me," Rodney announced, ivmemberlng that he bad takeff a course In elementary French at Harvard. "Say. can jou speak French?" asked Peale. surprised and Impressed by his new partner's accomplishments. i "Not very well. Out 1 can under stand It," aakl Rodney Then, going i over to the couutess, he said blankly In English. >4Fire ahead." "Kb?" ssid the countess. "Let me see. Ob. yeo? paries," st ot tered Rodney. "Ah, inon lUeu? enfln? vous? compre nes Franca Is ?" begsn the countess de lightedly. "Oul." said Rodney. "You're immense, kid." put to Peale. Tlie one French word was enough to ?tart op the countess at her best gsit "Je sale Madame la Oom tease to Beourlen? Je defltre parler a Monsieur I Martin apropos des affaires du aavon. Jo voodrals obtenlr l agsnre da aavoo Martin pour la Francs," sbo rattled off In one bresth. "Walt s minute? wait a minute," ?aid Rodney. "What did eho ? sy?" asked Mary. "She's a speedy aplelsr, all right," said Peale. | "Would you mind saying that over, ?nd ssy It stowf' ssked Rodney of the "M?r aald that tody again. "Oh, pepetes ca a'tt roos plait- lento ?tvon Martin pour la France? le peax! donmr ciaquAaita mllle franca poor: catte agence," ?*Oul." mild Rodney, qulfe pleaaed with himself, upon which the counteaa waa off again: "Bt enfln ? vonicE vcrns arranger cette affaire poor mol? J'al beau coup de reference*. Je buI? rlche; Je aula blen | am sin him ? ?? ? ? la Xw in tW Middle WrM amd 1> iVedicted to be Du?. in the F?rt Tonight. I Washington, D. C.. Jan. IS. ? * * moat wpfiv.-V * ?#? t#!t ro. of lb- v:ci< -r t* ? u- nv Rive: tiuu eastward. Temperature* th!g nvorning, the Weather Bureau reported, ranged trom 68 decrees below zero In the Canadian northwest, to aero In the Texas paa handle, and In southern Utah, and northern Ariaona, It was from 10 to 1? dvgr es below. Snow and rain are predicted for tonight and Friday a* the storm inoves UTthward and a severe cold wave, the weather bureau says, may be expected through the upper Lake region, the lower Ohio Valley, and the lower Mlaatsvlppl Valley tonight, and In th* Eaat Gulf states Thurs day and Thursday night. By Thursday night, aud Friday, U ia probable, the cold wave will extend to the Atlantic coast. ebnnue al'sris." "Walt a mlnut?? wait a minute," pro tected Roduey. Then, tumlug to Peale, he Interrupted plausibly: "She wants the agency for father's soap for France and la willing to pay 60,000 franca for the concession." "How much is that In real money?" asked Peale quickly. "Ten thousand dollars," aald Rodney. "Had I l?etter tell your father?" nak ed Mary. But Rodney had an lnsplra | tlou. "No, no! Why not tieep father out of ! this? We'll sell her the agency for the 13 Soap. That'd be another ten thousand for us. Peale, ahe'a a gift from the.usda!". (To be Continued) SOU) BY D8UGGISTS EVERYWHERE "Coffee Don't Hurt Me" Can lie get away with it ? The drag, caffeine, in coffee, alxml 2'/2 grains to the average cup, hurts many coffee drinkers, at somo time of life, and often hurts them hard. Caffeine is a powerful irritant that un^teadics the nerves, races the heart, disorganizes the digestive organs and plays havoc with the health of a large proportion of coffee users. Of course, there are some who go on drinking coffee for years, without apparent harm, at least they don't sus pect it, until the cumulative drug, caffeine, has got in its work.' Isn't it the best plan to play safe with health ? quit coffee and use INSTANT POSTUM This pure food-drink made of wheat and a small por tion of molasses tastee much like mild, high-grade .lava coffee, yet contain* no drug or other harmful element. Postum cornea in two forms: the original POSTUM CEREAL, must be well-boiled, 15c and 25c packages; INSTANT; POSTUM, tfce soluble form, can be made in the cup, at tablo, by adding hot water, 80c and 50c tins, lioth kinds are equally delicious and the tiOQfr per cup is about the same. The better health that follow# quitting coffee has shown thousands "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Send 2c tittup for 5-cup Mmple of INSTANT ppatam C*r?U Co.. Ltd.. B?ttu Cmk. Mich. You Have Reliable Insurance If Your Policy Bears The Signature Of Win. Bragaw & Company, I v !psi r?r? Agents. Washington, N. CT ? YOUR FIRST DOLLAR Deposited in a bank marks an epoch in your career. From a worldly point of view it Is the "beginning of life." II star's you on the road to saving, and naving means the eventual accumula tion of a competence. Start Life Today By Opening an Account With Us. Sayings & Trust Go. I/I/IIVU I 1 llll iifiFEST Ki As "necessity la the mother of Invention," the gas companion, when forced out of the cream of the light ing business by the invasion of the electric lighting companies, succeed ed In cheapening the cost of produc ing gas so that It could be used for cooking purposes. This use has greatly Increased, so that today, in stead of the greatest consumption of gas being on Christmas Eve. as was ihe case twenty-flve years ago, It Is r.ow on Lho Fourth of July; In fact. If the gns companies had not been ar>:e to reduce the cost and increase the rfnc'.er.ey of that product so as to make !t practicable for rooking purp"os, there would have been re. organizations of a large percentage of our nation's gas co mpanies since the Invasion of the electric light. Instead, its the gas companies have been able to adapt their product to oooklng gas, th*lr output ha* con- 1 tlnually Increased and gas securities bav0 a most enviable record for sta bility and strength; In fact, it :s claimed that no other class of bonds nhows such a small percentage of defalcations as gas securities. 1-13-ltc. WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Reading Standard, Emblem, 'Hudson Dayton and Great Western ? Bicycles sold for cash or on time We also have the most complete repair shop in the city all work guaran teed1 D. R. GUTXER Phone 888 STOCKHOLDER* MEETISU. 1 The regular annual meeting at the Hops* BuUdlng * Loan i^ao?la Uoa will be held at Itae banking room of the Savings ft Trnet Co. en Thnrsday, Jannary SO, 1916. at 4:t6 p. m. Jno. B. Sparrow, See. L2-16-?wc. Subscribe to tb? Daily Neva. Job Printing That Pleases If Our Work Is Not Satisfactory It Cost You Nothing . t ? Send or Telephone Your Order* To The Daily News Office J. I.RON WOOD M ? >i m* Im Twk Va J. LEOtf WOOD & CO. . BANKERS and BROKERS. Mb. BaaM. OMN. till u< Pllrtu? . Tl Pint* MrM Otl?HM BalMing. Norfolk. V*. Print* ?tna M Kn T?rk atook Kutuat Tl??? ul otk?r i?i mm OuniiUfii rMvootfatij himm. lanrtuit m4 a?i|lnl mnM ilna aandi iltunn 19U.191S, by R*4 Cm^m- and W altar Haokatt.