wld*. kmown tr*r7vh?r?. 10 yard* to c?tloa??r. I J. K. Hoyt Ji' KHOYTS BIG VALUES AT GRE A T REDUCTI v /, ? . n 5 ?ay Ladle* Suit In the boose up to $10.00 ? 99JS BOYS CIOTH1XO A "Widow Jone." Bull will lut htm. FIG REDUCTIONS. GREAT VALUES. CMtHISG ; Ai ? K*pv*ob?lB?r Suit at ?r?tlr ndiMd prleM. Gabd p*i tero.. Comet 8UIm. For all lia family Ladlfa | Bt?m? Boot and Black Oypw Bool, bvttoo o t laca. . ,*L*0 COMFORTS M BLANKKTtt Oratly reduced; Wool or Cot ton. rmll tlftes. good oolorr 8o? th e gpoeial ?t . . . . . . ... 91. ?? Country Correspondence HAWKINS NEWS. The public s?hoo4 here opened last Monday after a holiday pertad of ten days. The. atendance is pood notwithstanding there la tome slclc necs among th? pupils. The Christmas tree here last Wedi^eday night was a sucesa. Thore was a large crowd In attendance and the llttfe folks wem^n to be de lighted with the occasion. Miss Jennie Woolard returned to Fredericksburg. Va.. Monday o I last week after having spent the holidays with relative* here. Mr. and Mrs. James 1*. Woolard spent Sunday with their mother, Mrr. Mary C. Baynor. Mr*. H. T. Hawkins and children were guests of friends st Slatestone Tuesday. O. L. Sparrow has returned home after having spent the past month In Richmond. Va. Mrs. Frances Lewla and Miss Patsy Woolard visited friends at Alllgood last Monday. Little Mtaaee Irene and Kdna Hawkins have been on the stek Hat for the spst few days. Miss Mice Woolard spent Tuesday wltta Mrs. Ben Alllgood- and family at SlatMtone. NEWS FROM R F. D. No. 4. Mr. and 3#rs. George L. Alllgood. of Pungo. have moved on Routh 4. Mis* Annie Congleton spent the week end In Washington as the guest of her brother. W. H. Congleton. We are sorry to note the illu^ss of Alex Alllgood's family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Alllgood visited friends at Pinetown a few dayg last week. Mrs. Mary A. Congleton was tho guest of Mrs. W. A. Congleton Sun day. Mr. ani Mrs. W. H. Hodgers vis ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Alllgood Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. William A. Conglo ton were Washington visitors Mon day. Miss Annie Congleton visited Miss Venla Alllgood Sunday afterno >n. Daddy's Bedtime How Johnnie of the Northland Spends His Time. Story w^^^ItlTE star? nlgbt! ' shouted F.velyn an Boon as ilatldy sat down. "Way up in the far northland called Labrador," daddy began, "is M a little boy by the name of Johnnie. But he doesn't live with his parents and* many brother* and sisters, for his poor bark is bent, and he lives In a hospital Years ago, when he watt a baby, if his papa had done as the doctor said and sent Johnnie to the hospital then, his back could have been straightened. Now nobody quite knows whether all the doctors in Labrador can make Johnnie a well boy. but bis papa did not mean to make a cripple of him: Ele was only neglectfuL" "Who docs take care of Johnnie?" asked Jack. "The kind nurses and doctors In the hospital and the teachers who go to Labrador each summer to leach the people how to learn trades. It Is in the summer, you see, that Johnnie bas'the beat time, for these kind people pet him a lot, and their cook bakeB the nicest cookies for him while he' stands all bent over by the kitchen table. Johnnie Is Just learning to write letters home. WbHe his friend, the cook, makee fruit buns' on one end of the table, Johnnie ?? :lie Mher end writes tools father. 'Dear pop, I am having a nice lime." ".Sonul iuie.-?r especially Sunday*, the teachers lot Johnnie play hi their trunks, which hold toys for (be little Eskimo children who have to stay frozen in all the long, dreary winters." "Oh, there are flags of many nations for the boys in the trade school and whistles and pictures of rabbits and bears and chickadees and flower gardens and Bible pictures. Bot Johnnie likes best to whistle. 'I likes d' whistle so well, miss,' fie tells his teacher, that I can't keep It out of me mouth.' Then he also passes lots of 'time visitlnig with the folks in the hospital who are al most well enough to go home. One day what do you think he did?" .The children guessed and guessed, bo daddy told them. "He got the Are extinguisher that the doctors keep in case the hospital ever gets blazing, and he nquirted it right on Home of his friends who were sick in bed." "What did the lady nurse do?" grinned Evelyn. "Johnnie had to stay in bed two whole daj>? until be promised to tie good," said daddy. "Bo poor Johnnie of the bent back passes his dnys sampling the cook's buns, writing letters to his papa and hugging his papa's letters to him, waiting for the "doc-tor's operation that shall make him straight and strong and crying after he goes to bed nights when the little ship Prospero comes each autumn to take his kind friends back to a United States winter," daddy finished, with two big hugs. Cook Bakea tho Nioost Cookies For Him. TWO DRINKS, TWO YEARS. Local Option Law Violator of Fort Worth, Tax., G*t? Limit. Fort Worth ,^Tex.? Charles Pettlgrew defendant In the first cane tried In Tarrant county under the Inw mak In* It a felony to sell liquor In local option territory. FT? wan conrict??re*t and stream, and nothing tba government *?an do fot i W? can reconcile hi m The automo- ' b'.le and other thlnjra have helped him ? ?long In fcla reokleca career, but to fcerculnsls ban b^en the tuoet dantroy element In the Ufo oi to# Am?rV I REMNANTS t 'jK* . r At And Below Cost We. have placed all of our remnants on two tables with the number of yards and pricc on each piece . They are marked way below theii actual value. A good opportunity to make a big saving. JAMES E. CLARK . J w Either Way. Brokely? Great Scott! I're been try In* all day to borrow $2 and can't do It You'd tblnk the people round here had never heard of me before. | Jokcly? Or that they had.? Pittsburgh I Frcsa. A Good Reason. Miss Oldglrl? 80 you are flr? and a half, are you, Etbel? How old do you think I am? Etbel? Sixteen! Ml*a Oldgirl ? Oh, you quite flatter me? E tin I ? I can't count any further then that ? Philadelphia Evening Ledger. Encouraged. 1 "8o you want a Job as office boy? Well. I wont lo Inform you right now that we're bad lots of office boys, and 1 they were all worthless." "Yen. fllr; that's why I thought this was n good place to apply."*- Wiscoo ?Id State Journal. GEARY'S POPULAR SCHOOL. It Boasts Seven Pairs of Twins. Claims Record For Oklahoma. i Geary, Okla.? The Geary school lays I claim to the unique distinction of linv ! Ing more pairs of twins attending the school than any other school of its size In the state. At the present time there are seven pairs of twins enrolled and anotlK-r girl attending who has a twln?br other. who will probably start after the new yenr. This will liriuK the totiil munber of twin pairs cnr-iTled up lo eight. These twins are scattered all the way through the school from the piiiuury to the jenlor class. OLD-TIME COLD DURE DRINK HOT TEA! Get a pmnll packn?e of Hamburg HrpaRt Tea. or as tno German folk* call it, "Hamburger Brunt Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tabfespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it. pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It in tlte moot effective way to break a cold and cure ' grip, as it opens the pores of the akin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the ! bowel*, thus breaking up a cold. Try it the next time*?yotl suffer from j a cold or tho grip. It is inexpenaive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe ^ and harmless. RUB RHEUMATISM FROM I STIFF, MING JOINTS Sob Sorensss from joists diuoIm with a small trial bottls of old 8t Jaoobs Oil 8top "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one ease in fifty require internal treatment. Rob aootb fng, penetrating "fit. Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the time Jon aay Jack Robinson ? out romss tho rheumatic pais. "Ft, Jacob's Oil" Is a harmless rheumatism cure which nevsr disappoint* and doesn't burn the akin. X* Ukss pain, soreness ami stiffness from < sehing jointa. muscles and bopsa; .tops of old thn., hon.it "St J ftoob* Oir from ?bj dn>f .tor., and I. * mount Wll b? It? from p*ii., ulx ??d atWwN. IWt Mff?rl Rob rtttonu- | tint mj. PERSONALS 4 M S J. 8. Feci, of W Ue on. le spending] today in the city on business. ? ? ? ? * | MImm ttmrj tad OltrU L?mk. of Henderson. ere the guests of Mrs.) W. B. Morton, of Weshlngton Perk.! ? ? ? ? A large number of local residents] hare elreedy announced their Inten tion of journeying to Raleigh on the 2*th to heer Oeraldlne Par rer elng. It le believed that a special train will be secured. ? ? ? ? Arthur Boyd and B. J. Jarrotte. j of Plymouth, both prominent resl.j dents of thet city, were In Washing ton yesterday on business. t ? L. A. Armstrong, of Qoldsboro. I was among the out of town visitors | here this morning. ? ? ? ? J. Z. Humphreys, of Columbia, who ie well known locally; spent yesterday In the city attending to buslneee matters. ? ? ? ? ^ - - Mrs. C. 3. Warren .of Elizabeth | City, who bee been spending e few days in the city on a visit to friends, , left this morning for her home. ? ? ? ? The naval militia is planning cruise on tb^ Poote to Ocracoke a week from Saturday. Miss Sallle Carrow, who was con-' fined to her home with a slight at tack of Illness yesterday, is reported greatly improved today. ? ? ? ? John L. McMurray, of Greenville, was here today on a brief business trip. L ,-???? Fred P. Hale, of Wilmington, the new manager of the Bellmo Theatre, | arrived in the city today. L*ft All 1 6 Employe*. 84oux City, la.-^The good and faith ful servant of ancient days fouii 1 u modern example here when ChurleM Ornbel, twenty-five years old, a clerk, received nearly all of the $50,000 es tate left hy Otto Mowits, a grocer for whom Grubel hnd worked six years. Ifs a Hummer. Pine Grove. Ark.? Kotherlne I,ucy boast* of being the possessor of the only brindle Bosco foment In these part*. A few days ago tabby hrought In n black snnke thirty-nine inches lonjc. You feel flue in a few moment*. Your cold in bead or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged no^triir-will omo. The air paiaagm of your bead will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dull nw?, headache; no hawking, (muffling mucous di ?charge# or dryneas; no strug gling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a email bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of thia fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed muooua membrane, and relief comes Instantly. It? is just what everr oold and catarrh sufferer nneda Don t stay stuff sd-up and /miserable. Come to the Hellmo opening Mon. clay night. "? l-13-4tc PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Cloned Not trilu sod End Head-Colds. Sand Springs Okia.? This town was but# for widowa. They compose mora than a fourth of tba 8,000 population. The town was founded by Charles Page, multimillionaire oil producer of Tutoa. His earlleat recollections were of his mother's effort* to raise her large fam ily unaided, nixl he reed red that w Urn ha grew tip he would take c.iro of all the widows. When he made his fortuue Page founded Saul Spring*. II* built ?! ox ens of oo.-ufortable cottages In which gaa, fort and rent were free. Facto- 1 rlee he bought so the widows mUbt j hare employment. j He built a l'ftr Una to Tulaa upon j which "widows ride free. There are a I day nursery, free medical attendance and a vocational school. If n widow wonts to get married Page helps her do that. He likes grandmothers too. There are a score of them here, with nothing to do but knit and rend and reminisce. Page probably has more -children" than any other man in the werld. An orphans' home In* a nearby town" re cently went bankrupt. To pro ride bet ter for the little inmates Page le gally adopted the whole Institution and moved it to Blind Springs. WOMAN KILLS EAGLE Pulaski County Resident Wins Reoord , by Not Using Qun. Holla. Mo.? Mr*. J. H. Arthur, who llres near I-aquey, Pulaski county, probably enjoys the distinction of be ing the onl.v woman In Mlraourl to km j an eagle without the aid of a gun. Recently she heard a nob*e In the chicken yard and saw a large eagle swoop down on the flock. A watch dog nulled upon the eagle and knocked it to the ground. Mrs. Arthur .grabbed a long ptecn of wagon tire and struck It with all her might, breaking Its neck and right wing. The eagle measured *tx feet four lucbea from tip to tip. See J. Warren Kerrigan at the. Hellmo Monday. l>18-4te will rec#i?# In return * trlal'pack.Ko containing Foley's Honor u4 Tar Coai pound, for oou?h?. cold. and croup; Fol?r Kldnfj Pill., for pain 111 ?ld?a and back, rhauutlam. bark ache. kidney aad bladder ailment#; and Foley Cathartic Tablet*, a whole nome and thoroughly cleamring ca thartic, for constipation. biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels Da*/ en port Pharmacy. ' 'w Z*.r% t Working Girl ? "Say," Maa*, * A superb program at the Bellm6 Monday. V l-lS-4to 1 Fred Smith. SIS Mala St.. Green Bay. Wie.. sayc: "I ? uttered a long time with a weak hack. Foley Kidney Pill? completely relieved me of all soreness aad pais and 1 sow am atrongTftad well aa ever." Winter aggravatea aymptome of kidney trouble; cold ireathar stake* aoblag Joints, Bore maaclev. aad Irregular bladder actloa more unbearable. Foley Kidney Pills help the kldneya eliminate pala-eanalag poison*. Dav enport Pharmacy. ? " Flowers! Flowers! Foe All Oondoo* ROMS. Vallles, Orchid*. VlotaU and Carnations a specialty. Wedding Bouquets and Decor- , a Hons. Floral Offerings ar ranged In latest art. Write us ! (or prise list of yonr needs In Cot Flowers or Plants of" all kinds. * All communications promptly executed by "Our UoMbcm Is Growing" PLooe 149. J. L. O'Quinn & Go. RALBIGH, N. C It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvanla Woods, of CUfton Mills, Ky., In rr/Miy c5 ? Mpti limn wMh Cardul, the wonuui> tonic. She says further: - "Before,! began to use Cardul, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardul, 1 began to feel like a new woman. I sooa gained 3j pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. v I wish every suffering woman would give CARDUI The Woman's Tonic a trial I still use Cardul when 1 feel a little bad, and it alwavs does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, wom-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble: Signs that you need Cardul, the woman'* tonic You tannot make a mistake In trying Cardul for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty yean. Get a Bottle Today! ,M The Rotary <$lub of Raleigh W sting A rtists ADA SASSOU Harpist ' REINALD WERRENRATH : baritone RICHARD EPSTEIN : : Accompanist At the Auditorium, 8.30 P. M., Raleigh, Jan. 24th Seat Sale Starts Tuesday, January IS, 10 A. M., at Boylan-Peerce's Store PRICES: - Arena $2 AO: Drtt? CircU *. $2 00. $1.50: Batcony $ 1.00 Mtll ord,r, *1" 0* '? or411 (rmii in ptnon *t th. eitr Urfool. Nt llck.u ?III b. I.ld uM* '.nd.ll o( Ib.rn m?.l M Mid lorji C^l ?bm dollvrnd. Orfl.r. tor HU>. ? m??ll4 t> ctltcuor naW ord.r. b? .elUlo How. rci Whit.. 8?cr.Ur7, H.I?I?h, N N. C. = = ? 01 BIG SALE OPENED TODAY ? . - a And is now attracting many customers who are eager to take advantage o f our many re ductions. i-* ?0 .1 $30 Coat Suits $12.48 $22.50 Coat Suits $10.9$ $1.00 House Dresses 82c $20Efewng Dresses $9.98 $37.50 Hudson Seal Fur Set $22.50 $3.50 Ladies Shoes $2.85 $4.00 Men's Stetson Hats $3.00 $25.00 Men's Suits $18.50 $15.00 Men's Rain Coats $10.98