aolataly nothing to do wj?h Ws lynching The BOO who ItoiaMn nm? la from tk* eea* tn war* evidently netgbkor* at Gurley. the fnnrdered farmer, who Bred about eight miles trim the ?itjr. -i . ' :?} Reports of excitement and aiet aplrlt !? tk* stty are abaolntaljr wltk Mt foundation. Ooldsboro had i* more Interest In tko lynching' LU< to y other city tn tbe State .'y Another sensational chapter wai ?Med to the lynching when >t te al duetlng an Investigation at tk* agane Of the lynching tkle altar**** re ported ttpon their letnia to Dm' etty that lever*! IO-f*Uber atael )sekat kvllata were dug o?t ef the -tr^e opera v kick John Richards waa left baag k>g by tk*,)y?ch<*s, and If traa. lends ?D strengthen the report (* ti)l? eltf today that **?jjal gorerwaanl >prlng??WMacs belonging to the . aillttary cameanlet of tkls c?t* war*' daring the katng-fraeW NEW PASTOR AT BAPTIST CHURCH Rex. Edward B. Jenkins, of Bllt nor*. will preach at the Flrat Bap list church Sunday morning and, tight . Mr. Jenkins haa travelled extensively and hla disco ur sea will he unususlly interesting. While In, the cit> ha will ha a guest In the *2# 'n/ n Yesterday'# inclement weather had 90 effect on the attendance of arm h?rt at the m rating of the (). Henry Pook Clafc and a moat delightful and enjoyable session waa he'.d with Mrs. W. H. Williams, who aptar tained the organisation at JMf.fcame to W eat Main atreat. Mrs. Horace Howlaad aad Mrs. W. A. Ryann, daughter of Colonel Wllllama, wara gueats at the meet ing. The study of Ihe thirt|'nftt of Jtlefeard HI waa greatly enjoyed A fa per oa Bui war a novel. "The lAfl Of the Barons," which waa irrkta* )y Mra. John H. Small and rand by Mrs. 8. B. G ary, proved a delight-* fnl feature of the afteroooi. Re freshments. consisting of foare* and fruit, were aerved^B|p Herbert Bonaer aad Mlas McCleea assisting in the ggrvtag. BELLStt > MONDAY MET Clll NttttWf Coagreeri Adopt* RmoIbUom Auth orising WU*oa to Cm Army aad itawy fa Mexico. Washington, Jan. 14. ? Further l-eridence that Congrese la not dis posed to alt quiet while American ctt.seua are murdered by Morlfan bandit* was ^iven In the donate to. day wbeu 8enator James Hamilton i Lewis of Illlnofar, prominent Demo cratic loader, Introduced a resolu ttdjB which would authorise the President to use the army and the riaral forces to make secure Ameri can life and property In he Mexican republic. The resolution was" deemed the more sign I (Scant because It came from the Democratic aide. Hither to It has been reported that Repub licans alone, for political reasons, were insisting upon Intervention by foree of arma. Senator Lewis asked that the resolution lie on the table and fee will discuss It later. Senator Lewis' resolution la brief land to the poidt It provides that 1 4BJ President of the United States skull be suhoris'd to order the army Or kiy necessary part of It to Mex M to cooperate wffh any focee ex isting there to protect the dtlaena and property of the United State* and o punish bo*e rloUting^hu se curity of United States citlseas; aad further, that authority ** ftfreu to uso the military and natal f<Wc-?*r of j [lie United States In Mfriklco to the) frame extent as now by ^w promoted , Hn Nicaragua and flaltl ^dr the ftftctlon of American right*. f; ADDISCO CLUB The Addlaco Club met with Mr*.' Junlua D Will WMrftf after-' m. The iKlUlliiqr or tkt weath er did not deter the member* from te(n? prraeat. The paper for the efternoon wee "fteme Feefcloo, Thrafe" b 1 Mrs. Geo Laweoa ThU I pe per wu unique IB ooaoeptlou tad In plcturaaaa* vigor, fcrllllent end foil of humor. tenia* ?? trot* the be ?lonta? of Tlm? that tha aula waa J the "dfaay" e?. _ ... After thl? moat lat. JUNIUS GRIMES | CLAIM *GADf ST f news The followinf 'letter *u reoeatly rehired from J. V. Orjtaee and gtro# netiee of a claim of damagee agalnat ft Mb paper. The ddjfKfe referred to Is tbo letter wu the one to hare been givn br the Corner member* k?* flttr Halcyon 'Now Year's Ere. V ^ J | ? December Si. 1?M < iMlly News, I City. Gentlemen : - ?. ?. ~j For the past four days no ^aper Man besfe - received a t my . real dence, and I frUffffred gso^laeonren ( lance and mental anguish by reason thereof, sad ?have s rood en It against yod for at Vest flO damages for I making arrangements hy baring my I hair oat, my' drese ahirt blled, my Sunday shoe* polliheA attd my white shirt w~tSMt.'*Il In preparation for a dance to tale pUce tonight, which has been continued and so announc ed In your paper, which. If proptrly i circulated, I would hare known a bout |t My damage i? not lese than 910. .Please send me a check for that amount, atf* 'don't let this mis take occur again. Yours'truly, JUNIUS D. GRIMES. MR. KITCHIN.TO CONFER WITH PRESIDENT WILSON Washington. j?q. 14. ? Chairman Kltchin of the ways and means com nlttM Intends to have a conference with President Wilson within the next few days, when it la expected he will point oat the situation exist, log in the house at the present time. While Mr. Kltchln has announced himself as opposed to the adminis tration's preparednes# program, he realises that. additional revenue must be raised to mrt the increasing ex penditures of the government. It is believed he wilt urge ^po?~ tha President the advtaabtltfy of secnr lag whatever additional money Is necessary through the imposition of increased taxes upon those who csn best afford to stand the harden. COMMISSIONERS MEET MONDAY Will Canvass the R?4urna of the R?c?** Bond Imm Election at Specie} Meeting. A special meeting of the county commissioner*, "for the - purpose of csnvaasin gthe returns of this recent bond Issue election, will be held Monday in the court house. The registrar* st the different polling places will also be present. A dis cussion regarding future plsns for road work will undoubtedly be held and It Is expected that seversl sug gestions will be msde to the board. RAVE REALIZED OVER M<> PROM THE SALE OF RED \ CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS A report of tha reault of the sale of Red Cross Christines seals fn Washington, msde yesterday after noon by Mlse Adeline Msyo, chair man of the committoe which bad the sAles In charge, shows that the sum |0t 141.8? was realised. This amount will be astfd to aid tubercular vie ft " <n th? State and to fight against this dleihse. 1IKIT1SH STEAMER OLKNOYLE , WAS SUNK WITHOUT WARNING I London, Jsn. 14. ? The British steam? r Olengyle, sunk In the Asd Uerranean on January J. was u.r Itedoed without warning, according to a Havas dispatch today froifr'jj^r-; settles. / The same dispatch re? the steamer Tafna. which arrl vof^ jU" Marseilles from Phllllppevllle. *e caped for the aoiotft time from ' a submarine by speed strfl clever m?V ewers. Wn.L Rim EVERY VILLA LEADER OUT OF ML PASO Bl Paso, Jan. 14 ?Miguel IMaa T.ombardo, minister of foreign affairs la the Villa organisation, was ar rested hers today charged with vag. rnncy end held in 91.000 ball. General J dee Prleto also pas ar imted and charged wU K.jmr lo M IU Of towd.", optxn W. I) (WW, * WHO IS GETTING THE WORST OF IT? ?Evan? in Baltimore Amorican. CHOC'LT SOLDIER ORE OFJEST YET PUjr Wm Well ReoMved at Xew | Theatre Uat Night. One of the Beat <of the Seaaoo. "The Chocolate Soldier," at the New Theatre last i Ight, proved to be one of the beet attractions of the season. It made a most favorable impression upon the audleiyze and many laudatory comments wero heard. The singing was of the highest quality. Not only the principals bnt | the entire chorus were possessed of excellent voices. Miss Raband, In '.he part of Nadlna and Andrew Hlg. glnson, who played Lieutenant Buin-I erii, were the decidcd favorites. Th"! latter was particularly well received. Mis* Remley, as Marscha, was also <xtfemely good in her part. Captain Massakroff, with his expressive moustache, was always greeted wltn laughter and. with his army, fur nished a good line ol comedy. LAFAYETTE COX DIED YESTERDAY WHl botm Farmer PaMod Amy Bndde&iy. Dead) Wm Due to Pneumonia. Lafayette Cox, a well kivown far mer, who resides a short distance from town, died suddenly yesterday after a ahort Illness HI* death !? ?aid to be do* to pneazfftrala, which he contracted * few days ago. Ho baa many frlende in the city and )? also known In other lection* of the county. AMMUNITION HHIPPKD RUIUH'K IN FIKYKEN MONTHS WaablnftoB,. Jan. 14 ? Ammunl Hon. o?t Including dynaralt*. u> tb* rtl*4 ot Sill, 74S, 947 hu be*a ?blp. u?!d to Europe from the United Stat*. In (ho It moatha *ad*d Ooto fc*1* l?m-?eo?rdln? to a t?bl? pro ved bjr.tb. department ot eom rajre. and kmiM to tb* Maat* todagr b? Sanator stoua. chairman ot tb. foreign r*l*tlsai,I^nmltt**. ol cartridge. w*?S*t?*d at |U,1T(,1I4. caapowd*r ?t |K, 171.1 OS; otbar axploalvaa lit. III. *15. and lire arm. ?1S.<H.?K T<> ARK PfUMIITONT >????> ,i> I TO APPOINT tl.l.KN Waablaatoa. Jaa. 14. -J Tha NWrt* Carolina dale?llo* la CoHrwirill ?m tb* Prealdent la babalt ot Jvdf* % ?. A 11. a Moada? attaraoMi. The ?**???? add Hon. member* will *> toiiatbar Hc?ra*aat?U?* Brill, Mribllean. will b* aakad to aceom pttf tb* Democrat*. B?pr*a*atatlra J IJoaibtoB m.r not tak* pan In the MM* float*- *oti fori* tic* a* <MI> a. wt: ? -in MUST KNOW HOW MANY TO RALEIGH Railroad Officials Want Information A# to How Many Local Itealdcnt* l'lan to Hoar Farrar. If local .residents desire to obtain] the special train to Raleigh on Jan uary 24th to hear Geraldlna Farrar . sing at the Auditorium In bat city, I Jthey must at once let tht<r lnten- 1 lions be known. Should thre be twenty persons who make the trip from here. to Kaleigh on that day. a special train ran be secured, whirh will leave here on tb ufiernoon of th* 24th and will re-turn the same n;ght. All those who contemplate taking the trip are requested to let thi? Dally News- know liiimofdiately. Rail road offtc. .la must be advised during the next ay or two. WILL MEET TONIGHT TO DISCl'SH LEAP YEAH DANCE Voung I.ailien to Hold Meeting In ! the Parlors of tlio Hotol I/ouixe and Arrange Plan*. ? All tho ladles interested In th<^ Leap Year dance, which It is planned o give at the Elks h^fl next Week, ire requ> pted to meet in the parlors of the (lot^Loulse tonight at elgVit o'clock, when arrangements for the dance will be made. AM those wh ? attend are also ask' d te kindly bring contributions with them. BARBER ENTITLED TO PULL HAIRS Po Dfddcs Klnstop MixclHtrnle, when "Victim" Ilrlngw Suit lor Fifty Doll am. (By Eastern Proas) Klnston, Jan. 14. ? Magistrate D. J j Oettlngor. after having the matter , undrr consideration tor some tlrai, , has decided that when a barber pulla a broken hair from a patron'* neck , he in "doing bis duty." A. Paris, a 1 Jewish tailor, sued Richard Oredti, n .K.WIfc street qf^frc barhev. for $r> ? elalu?. ug that oq,c L/trjIf. In t la em ploy of Qreen. "eat" him on the ?eek, "endangering" and "seriously iifiarlag" him. Jt developed In tes timony at the hearing that the only damage sustained by the tailor was from thq extracting of \'a$lt hsir" b> the' barber. Magistrate Oettin ger today announced his finding for the defendant and taxed the plaintiff With the coeta. Counsel tor Paris gave notlqe of tppeel. M18N NARQARRT W1L801V UtfDBKTJORS OPKRATION Philadelphia. Jan. 14 ? Miss Mar garet Wttooa was operated on at the Jefferaon Hospital b?-re today, ade noids and oalaiHed tonsils being re moved. The operation was pro nounced hiflfely successful. Do yo? know where the BeMmo it" 1-1I-4U IMF. OFFICERS *N8T.' * L%T*Ulf O^V^\fD BY GRAND SL?'^C aXD WAS v HELD Vf NIGHT. MANY ATTENDED E. L. 8tcw*rt, Hcott Frinel mad . .Grand Maater Thooui L Graefia Made Talks. C- G. Morris Inatall ed tut Noble Grand. Thoma? L. Greene ,of Wayaesrllle, Grand Master of North CaroHna Oddfellows, was present at the{ mcotiDg of Phalanx Lodge last; nifcht and installed th? officers for I the new year. A large cumber of members w re present and the ln-j st dilation was most successful. Wllford Whitley retired as Noble. Grand and became Junior Acting I Past Grand. C. G. Morris wm In btalerl bs Noble Grand. E. L. Stew-* art as VIc.i Grand, W. H. McDerlttJ us Secretary and T. W. Phillips ast Treasurer. The subordinate officers Insalled ! were G. M. Marshall. J. B. Edwards. Thomas H. Davie, S. D. 'Selby. Eu gene Harris, H. M. Thomas. D. T. Davis, F. H. Harrle and Jarvls Al ligood. Mr. C.;eene made a highly lnter ?f\g "i'.k on Oddfellowshlp. Ho .? \s In.' educed by Scott Prlirel. E. I.. Stewart and W. M. Kear also made excellent addresses. -NEW GIFTS COME TO HALL OF HISTORY There has been added to the great jcoli ctiou In the North Carolina Hall of History a nword captured by Cap Lain James T. Williams, of Pitt county, of the Twenty-seventh regi ment, North Carolina State Troops, from ac oT.cor of the United Statos Mar!nc Corp*, during the Civil War, ItitlfiYory %\\t, the blade being of Tlno iWigaV It- la presented by tiro widow of the^ofllcer who captufed It: ArfOt i;or gfft" la the flag of the ??iiau.'o.. Plow Boys," mado early in vi, ard pr seated to a company . ;nrni:d for ^ervlco in the ct>,; \ m' 'ula'.ifcrt. , ..TMa is a gift tros i F. 0. Hnrdir.g, of Green rll'e. Ancher si "t Is a photograph of the fcro. ?.'? plate wMch marlc? what was kio'vn ''ir n" -he war as the "Con-j ftderat .Navy Yard," af .Charlotte, where '.ho naval matorlal was moved . ter the ^noture of the various coast io.ntB. Miss Vlolot Alexander.1- of Charlotte, gives thla photograph. \| DARE COUNTY IS MOST UNIQUE Only One Farmer. Principal Indus try I* Fishing Yet Many Boxe? of Fifth Are Mcnt There. I>aro county, North Carolina, is Inhabited by a seafaring people, ?om? 5,000 all to!d In the census y or. They nro settled In smsll Ash ing colonic* along the banks from Kitty Hawk to Hatteras Inlet for #5 miles; on Roanoke lslan?, mainly 8nd more spfcraely on the mainland ponton of the county. Fertile soils are abundant. The trucking advantages are wonderful. When the Inland "Waterway from Norfolk to Morehead City is com. t>*etcd and regular traffic la estab- , lished. Currituck, Dare, Tyrrell; I Hyde, i'fcmllco, Beaufort and Car t' ret will enter upon a new era of pi ogress. So far the Influences of the sea have side-tracked attention to agrl rn'tnro In a'l these counties. In Dare .. s .. . v .v. U.-.'ief; that Is to Kay only one mau, so they told us the other day, thst derives his living fnora the farm alone.- The 1910 , census r ports only 126 farmers and (ewer . than 1,500 of the 240,000 acres of land under cultivation. These people make their living by j Ashing; they farm a little a* a side , Issue. Th"y raise corn, potatoes, peas, co Lards and turnips, and a few strawberries ? less than $9 worth of (arm and garden cropa per Inhatol tant In the census year; and lees tfcao a dollar's worth of pork, beef, mut ton. pouluy. eggs and butter. S venty-four dollars worth of food per inhabitant mutt be taken from the tea or Imported from abroad, on the wharf, at Elisabeth Oit* w? . found twenty- pound botes of boae I inns ftsh from Gloucester, llaas.. ad Jdrotvd to a pOtnt In Pare. ^iM^aats sit I Miwa Letter. UNDID SETS aiiniws SUIT AGAINST iOemVA^Mt ""JJ DECIDED IK III I MSlI COURT VE8TKBDAY. ASKED FOR $15,000 Suit Wm Civil Action Again** Mill* for Dmimcm Duo to the Killing of Bon OrmomL Brought oa by A. C. Ortnond. In the ou? of A. C. OrmodlS, ad m'.nistrator for Den Ormond, Joshua W. Mills, which vu tried In Superior court yeeterday. the Jury brought In a verdict of $tO(f dam ages in favor of the plaatlff. The suit was a civil action against Mills for damages due to the killing of Ben Ormond in thle city over two years A. C. Ormond. as ad m!n?*tratur, brought cult for $15. 000. The law considers the averafee life of a man at slightly over thirty-four years. The verdict of the Jqry yes terday awarded Ormond ?b3*t no a year for hia brother's life/ MKTOHEPEH THEM Democratic Leaders Plan to Ohange Metitod of Raialog 8uAlctant Revenue. Washington, Jan. 14. ? The Dem ocratic members of the wan and moans committee, art working upon a plan for the repeal of the war rev enue law. which has been , upon the statute books since October 32, 1914. .Pro testa hare come to the committee ??on sgembera of Congrfi# in all <eetlorle of the xxmVtrj *g?ln#t thV rotlnuatlon of this law. Democrats argue, that they cannot afford to go before the country in the next cam paign with this burden saddled upon their fHciuldere with any *hope of convincing the voters that Ach a tax is'mrwonab'.e id view of the fart that we are at prace with all the world. ?? While the gastter ha* reached only ' the tentative stage, it li known that most of the member* of tho^ ways snd means eemmltt<-? favof'Mch a eounm. pr^imbly lnclu^Jhg Chairman KltchUfT^ In lieu of the' revenue that would be lost if this measure is wtfed off the books, it Is proposed to bicreaie the rate of taxation upon Utiffee in comes The emergency revenue law produced In the neighborhood of | $90,000,000 during the last fiscal year, but it is estimated by msanberir of the frays and means com&ittMi that by increasing the tax upon in comes, at least $100,000,000 addi tional can be raised In this way. which will more than offset any de ficiency caused by the repeal of the war revenue act. It is not proposed by the eammlt :ee to apply the law to Income* be low $3,000. the Idea being that the wealth of the country shslt talie care of the addltlonar expenditures re quired by the government, trhether rihey be for prepare dnaas ftr tor any other reason. ? 1 '-'frjri I 8AYB BARER. ; Load your Kodalt with ? H&wkaya fllm. Thar? n arrr hM beeo * kt?K f agalnat. the fllm. Mad* and aold by thf Eastman Kodak Co. ''*%? HAKER'8 STXTDIO.' Better not mlaff the opinio# bill 6t the R?1)mo Monday night. TO-NIGHT 10th tplftodft of 'NmI ?( th? ??vy" B1o(rt?k ' ofform "muttbr piOANifrt" i rwH ?* ?; IKUIT KWMU -DREAMY DVD COWBOT" 1 r?\ com*4jr PrloMl*!#

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