IN THE 8TA1K NTTMB2R lei. YOUNG GIRL m LIFE Qofcfcfllrur Tmkem bj Do*I)a C ommty (Mrl YtMiitby AftmoM. Dvwth Followed Boo. Aflrr. tnnn Praaa) Kln.lgn, Jan. ? Daiajr, Wltaop. whlta. snlclilad It the homfi of a lamlljr unl William ion la Duplin county lata raatardar, aan a raport which urt few ot tba datalja. It la aaid qulahaflvar waa takaa br tba tlrl. who ?u about X .or It jaara or at a. and that aha Aai attar pby nletana. wha ?a tm halplaaa la th? caaa, had arrtaad. 8h" waa a aattaa af Wajaa ooutHr., Pafaoaa id Pin* Hill. tha aaaraat tow* (a tha aea?a ol _th<| auppowad xuiolda, haaw Uttlo about It.ta day. Thar atatad that tha Wllllam aoa family raafdad from Plah Hill. Tha oaaaaa for Mlaa WUaoa'a act haa lot 4Mb ascribed ?a far aa la known. IUhlMilac Compwj Woe OwNt]r. Jopllo. Mo.. Jan. li. ? A vardlot of aat guilty waa rftnmad today by tha Jury la tha owa ol tha llaaaaa Publishing company of Auram. Ma. and (our of Ita allaf'd oOcU'l. who wara chariad la fadaral court hara with mlaaaa of tha Wall* KWRIOAN la -a ?nw? IllVLI." / ? Haahor OawH LU MOHAN !? s.',-. ???OMK ; MANY EXPECTED #lae than with the MSNBt or oar alllea to whom wft'ire bound. aot |>7 Mpw but by a eincere friendship and the tie of blood." Emperor Nlchelaa in three words addreeaed to one of hlanrmlee on tie Ruaelao Weetern fro at dirlni be week preceding the Roaaiaa Cfciietmae, once more replied to the maora of a separate peace In Rae *hleh from tlm?> to -time have run throughout the country and etea reMbed the men la thy tranche*. )RE WAR ORDERS FROM THE ALLIES SIDEWALKS 1aV<n><l?IC Kfffflmx, of (III (B r hm/' ? An mkrronic ordltwjpr^i rvnuUn Ml tk? ubla the . o.mtfld ttiirtr a?n> 4r*fwxl >t but ntgbt'i ?prcl<|. mwtlBi of th. CUr IN CRAVE& JAtt < ? -Vi.- - \ y/(Pi -~v* shKKebter* ^ ' wmccpu* - (By Eatin Frees) ' ^ "w B*r?. J*?- M-^Fpr the Ant time in many years there are sow confined te the Cr?T? 'tonnty }*il two thJU men jrho in charged with capital crimes. Thee^arn Claude 8ugga. of Ona!6w county, who i* charged with shooting* down and killing J. Jamca, his aged fathar-ia law. near Jackson vills. on thaevea ing of Chi*tma? Day and W. R. Hopewell, of B rid rot on, who in char sad with poisoning his wtfe. Rifcecca Hopewell, laat J una. Biff*, who ha* hero confined In the Craven- no an tjr Jalletttoe the day following the filling, claim* that he it* Innocent of any Intent to slay. The he are4rt? fatal shot whl!e In great fear of bodily harm and white he wm running away from J antes and his son, whd ware panning him He wlil he placed ?o trial for his Ufa at the next term of Onalojr county Superior eourt. The crime with which Hopowell Is charged is, if proven to have been committed, even more heinous than that o fthe Onslow" county man. The evidence said to have been preeentej to .the grand jury wlo lnrestlgated the case, showed that' Mrs. Hopewell whs poisoned with earn# deadly drug, supposedly arsenle. This esse bids fair to be one of the most aensatlon. so ever tried In the history of the oonnty. .Also confined in the. county Jail tfi two HB?r4oreri. both colored. w?o have bean, tried and sentenced. One of theae la Dava Bryan, who ? shot and hilled Clarenoe Kennedy at ? Jamee City on Chrlatman evo and who waa given a aentance of thirty fears and Joseph Rhodes,' who shot and hilled Alfred Bryan, also color ed, Jast outsldh the city limits sev eral months ago and who waa sent op for twenty yeara. Both of theae j men will he carried to the State prleoa today. wm<" *> ' f ~r. . - -r H Lf ty ?? a >r- ,>VT._ WILL START CLASS IN BOOK-KEEPING . WHk.umiwt.nktiiM. ? + 0?uu?n. Aria.. U*. 1?.? How WO?H rw Uk* to W*+ f?rt? mllon t*?rj tllo? you too*. ? botkt Tbtfa ?J?t itb? cltlatoa of (kit llH> hart to doi Bilker m?t. or po^l* cuti .? K.lfc* tar w.tar Tk?;W(m?, boo?.l*>at<k<A( lh? lo*? itof ?( tk* r?u ol About too ptrtout OvdAy. Tko local ??tor ?u? pl I k? li X 40UMA from Noodle. Col., 40 ml 1m tgnj, Odo antarprlt lug eltlara boa a loot that brlnfa htm la t?I0 a month. Ho bu Inatalt M fl(kt cot? wklth ha rnnta at II ?Cb nl?ht 1 Scotland No?*, Jan It. ? lit. I* L. Brrokloy. roprtatototlto tho Man Da^trtmtot ol Atrleolturo, and Mr B. Hardlaon. raprtatutlnf thl ''lliflM ItaM DoportmoatAf A*rl I culture. In hot* for tkt ptrpotn ,< New Chmm to b? Started In Nljl.t School on Monday Nlfht. Tench- {.| m Hits Been 8w?td. yj A class in bookkeeping will be organised at the night school Mon day night. If enough men are pres ent to justify the undertaking. Messrs. Buckman and Ayers "have consented to teach thl? department and It Is expected that a large num ber will avail themselves of this op portunity to acquire knowledge m. garding the latest methods of book keeping. It will be necessary to purchase; two or three books and the cost to I each student in the class will be about 91.00. A special request Is made that ell those who dr sire- to enter this ciaSa be present at the school house Monday nlfTTT at 7:30 o'clock. Entry of. sttifdentc aft a [later date will be an~~TnCmrre?lfnce to both tcaehere and pupils. MUST GO 40 MILES TO GET WATER WAYNE COUNTY SHERIFF TO QIVE OUTSTATEMENT HiniSThat'PeopTe of County Had Good Ptas< n i Be lieve John Richards Would Escape Dea.h For tes Horrible Crime Goldsboro, Jan. 15w-*-"Yo'u might Hate f to your pafe< rs." aald> Sheriff Edwards this morning to*, a local newspaper man, "that \ am prepar tag.a slRtMMBt t6 WVMo eau^ cernlng this horrible lynclilftg,\ which when C0mpl9ted,fjrilty be a sennallon Ittlla of another nature, and will give those, editor* throughout the > state who seamed disposed to cling to their bloods-thirsty cry that 'Wayne county has pdaced.a black mark, up on the fair name of the state,; some thing else to talk about. "1 haven't forgot my experience fn Mt. Ollva. when 1 went to ' that 'own and pleaded for the llfa of a negro there, assuring tlie food peo ple of that 'section that the law would avenge to the fullest extent a horrible murdej^a^n^gro^i^ com mitted In taking life of V. yoiyjg marrle^whlte m^/a that^tpwp, who was deliberately y,a^urdcred in cold pUiiod-' ? - y . ' J With Which to Do Work. The charter for the Wtibttitn Building and Loan Association. with headquarters at the Writ, Hatlooal Ban*, boa boon executed and soot a*. As toon aa It is returned, a meeting will be bald and tbo organisation will ba pat on aa active working NEED HELP FOR CHARITY WORK Associated Oharfttct Are Ibadlmp pod Because of Lack of PoSda | An argent plea for flnanelal aid 'is being made' by the Associated. Ofaar Ities of Washington. Daring the jiecent spell of slckncss, tbo treeoury of the association was abaotatelj 1 'drained and the members are greatly handipa^ned because id their laok of fund?. /xhero are' nveral families J that ace lp need or help and moger ? Is needed Ao prortds them with med icine, a^d; food It la hoped that the J citizen# of Waahlngton will respond OVPf 1,000 HAVE BOUGHT STOCK "Now vhat happened In this cas< vrhen prevented thi ne^ro from being lynched? Everybody In the Icounty kuows. # W>?n thc negro was farfod ho got only U jptrs la the | penitentiary. "?this Is only on?/ caj? In man v that hag happened in\\Va>nfe county and we are not giving you thlB In formation as a . comment, Lut sim ply stating farts. In other woru it 1b a vanguard to the .s;a' mcnt I atn prepai ?ng. ' which also vUl cow tain a paragraph of a lt1t?& hisu-.v conocrnlng the actions of Goverr Crate and a nc.i-o wit> a sori* t all of nhich 'griU ;hc ' araRiul >6 >.] pie of this efjunty soiu 'reas->TJ ; f ar iJin? th . nnr<JPrcr, Jolin PicV ards, wou'.d escape death for hla crime at tho hands of the law whMe hie bloody work would soon be fbr I gotten, bat not by a heart-broken widow and eight children dependent | upon a father's labor." BUCKMAN BROS. WILL SELL OUT V?vn*?? Th .*1r 8(oi> on Februnry Will Ik* Otxupird by Mcmhi-h. . I ? liobbins and Davis. / According**"?* jnforrantlon gtvf-nj out thi* nwrulng, a chango in tius'.-i nesn will occur on the first of Fpb-1 ruary. wherein Buckman Brother*' will vacate their store on Main street and Tom Robblns and J- C. Davis will start up a clothin* store In the same location. CRESCITE CLUB M?l Thursday With Mm. K. L. Brook*. Next Meeting to be a Sodjil One. The meeting of the Crfscite Book j rM. ***. held Thursday, afternoon . Iwif^Mrs. K. L. Brooks, , Xfter the regular business meet ing a d llgfctful Utecary. program fallowed coiyUst Ipg, ,a( .two very In teresting, papers. 1st. ;,Rod' Croas fyofk at ^dme and Abroad," by Mi?3 Mif,- Bel'e Small Jnd. "Myths and Legends yf Ouf Country-," by Mrs. Frank Bpjrera. After the roll call a delicious salad course was served The club bad as their Rueat Mlse) Pagan of Arkansas, and Mise Chris, j tine Ty?on of Oreenvir.o, N. C. i The next meetlftf wilt be a social cn?. at Mrs. 0?.K Hackney 'a on Tllttredv Jat. tt. 1 Better not ml* the opening hill et the Bfllaao Monday tflgfct. HO PUNISHMENT FOB MESS SOW APPEARS CERTAIN THAI i murderers otyimts rich. N AR03 WILL NO* BE KNOWN. WORK GIVEN UP Oo VM.UIYWW IKMlt of the 1 ITN 'b? brought to Justice now seems an aa?ured-fact. Absolute'y oo progrode has be? n made so far 01q secuii^ any evidence and work on the case has practically been dropped by officials. The investigation ? by the coroner's Jnry, which. It was believ ed, tf'ould result in sotoe action, has been indefinitely postponed. : ' Thai a mob of over one hundred men could come Into town and com mit the act which thoy did and then isot be discovered, seems almost lm ?losslblo. but as far?6* the county ?lilcials are concerned, such seems ? o be the acse. There is considerable indignation ^pressed by some of the ettltens ;ver the unsuccessful results of the nveitlgitlon. It is generally be '?.evod that the Id ntlty of the offen ders could be learned for certain of the party have been doing conMder All* talking since the lynching was I 'Or . 1 BAkACAm 10 IiA\ t "PICTURES TOOK") onvw Morning . for ricturo TTvkt U to Appear in Hudjnmi Booklet*. Members of the 54. E. Barjtca class will have their "pictutes took" to morrow morpUig Immediately after .ie meeting o i the class. All mern . rs are urged to bo present In or k* tfc-it their physiogonomies may be on record for future generations to adm'/e. The pictures are to be ir.. In a handsome booklet, wtU^tho tlase Is planning to Irsu*. >ein'~ proir'^e ha: boon given that a ? bo '<]&? _? w!H not be sent to jii ?ir ?* -nl.cry in the country. m-. and stalwart mem Nary" will be in the ' i-: i. ? . .. Jo ho lees prepoBeso. .n^ mm m:?f a of the "Army" will be gc it'.y t-ot firmly shoved into the i background In ord*>r that a wrong impression of the class will not be , formed by strangers who might hap pen to see the picture*. The quartette from the Vanguard class of the Presbyterian church will be present at the meeting of thn Caracas tomorrow morning and will render * voral selections during tho Sunday "chool exercises. fa IN PECTING NAVAL MILITIA; NsvAVfi in New Bern Are firing | \'.HUffht Fine Point*. (By Eastern Press) New Bern, Jan. 16. ? Lieutenant' E. H. Conner, Inspector-Instructor of the Naval Militia of North Caro lina, arrived in the city yesterday morning and spent the day conferr ing with the c/"~?re of the 4ocal dk vision. Recent change* In the system eon fro'Hng thn natal militia of this1 r r v r i i- ? ? ? -fi It n f'nr'ery for the olF.^ors to be thoroughly versed In rait tsry lore and It Is Lieutenant Conner's duty to quls thcita along : Tt?t* ? ne. . ? . ?*? ? ? CUT OFF TOES WITH AN AX WlMiamaton, Jan. IS. ? ?' TcM?rd?y the eeven-?jear-o!d boj of Mr. and . Mrl. Javab Rodf ercon at Bear Omar [was playing with a companion on the woodpile, dnd In handllac the ?xe, he cut four toee off hla left foot. It la not definitely known wb'etV r he did It hlaeelf or it waa the aecldeat*l atroke of fclft llttl% oojnpaalon. Dr. Saondera waa veil ed 'M ldtnltitat* <?. <M H ?W ill MIME FOB FlflHERS MEET1N08 TO Bll HELD AT ft*. aO AND PIHBTOWN ON (EB Kl'ARY 4th AND Sth. * FOR ^VIVES TOO Ab9 Bprmk er to bo Prwrot at Meet, lag*. Topics of Intcrrvl to bm Pi? wed. Public Invited to b? Prpmu and Spend the Day. auspices or the State Department of Agriculture to ro-operation witW-tfee Farm re" Institute Committee of Utaufort county, will be het^- at the Jiang 3 "schoolhouse, Pike road, Fri day. February 4th, and at Pliietown, Saturday. February 5tb. The Insti tutea will open at 10:30 o'clock and will be conducted by W. N. Nutt. S?at4 horticulturist; Dr. F. D. Ow ens. v terinary Inspector; J. F. La ham, county demonstration- agent, "* tftd others. + t the eam^tlmi/and place, there ar'.T. aUo be held a Woman's Instl lute, conducted by J^ra. W. H. Natt to which women are Invited to come :ind Join Id the dlscunion of Jecta pertaining io household ?eoc nomics. home conveniences, heilth f in the home, the education of chll drrn and other topics of infttsst to no'.bora and home-makers, ^ Everyone in Beaufort ^(AlUi la - ?r.rltfd to thesp .meetings and- are requta.ed to c?n!e rsrly, brtfcg their lunch- y r,ud sped the day. a qn*s. ?T-V. " J!t will uu opened And the ,,ctt'vne arswrfcu la a round tao'.s ??cu:. ou /in tu" afternoon. A Farmers' _ jte, un&r the 5500 IN tt Verdict of Jury for WOO Set A?kk. N'o A|>peAJ to be Talun from Final Agreement. After the Jury brought in a ver dict of $300 Id the case of C. A. Ormond, administrator for B?a Or 'iioid, vs. Joshua W. Mills, counsel 'or th*. plaintiff moved that ttte dictVo set asldo and sBggeifed thU an auount might be agreed upon and a Judgment entered to settle' the caee so that foe appeal would fee taken. After a discussion by both eldee? it was moved that the Terdjftt J Jury be a^t aside and that the aum t toOO be paid to Ormoad in 0ha! eat' tlement of the affair. HsaKtott, flood Prvdi<4M. Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 15'.- ? What was predicted would be ttifc moat dangerous flood In the history of the White Rlrrr gottoma was forecast Id Little Rock today to a 'Srarning liuwd by (he local United States wrath ht bureau. The While rtver will rearfft a stag? ef 24 to *30 feot between Saturday night and Mon. day. The )eree? which were de stroyed In the floods of last August have not been replaced entirely. FINE WORK I? the foundation of j#> putatioo. . , 'v- y\ Cleaning, preuJ&g anA rat*to* in* clotfcaa la ottr besttUee. CAN WE 8BR\ K YO#f WniflHTg STBAM PRESSING WORKR Phpn?: SSI '

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