WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS FffBT.TBCTP ETJUT ATTttNOON KICEFT BPyPATS. ??111 1 I m MMikliM matter, Au^ut 5. 1*0*. at lie poetaBee W Wi^iagtea, K. 0, act ?f Mtreh ?, UTt. y SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oh Until * M '* Feur Uaath* 1.00 | T Six Hoatbi 1.60 Cm T ear 8.00 i . SnbnriptMns most be paii far la idvuet If paper U not re ceived premptlj, tglapWone at writ* thii office. Sabecriben deeirin? the pape. iiauontiaued, wfU pleue notify this office, ethenrise It will W ?tfc'urd >t regalar subwiptlaB hla' JAKES h. MAYO PaopawroK CAUL QQjmuyi. a .Bmtok WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, JAN. 15, 1016. ? ? : ' v ? > ? We arc evidently in the "gjip" of anotlret cold spell. ^ Carra&xa announces that i he will punish the bandits who slew Americana. He'll, have to catch them first A woman in Illinois killed her husband because he "was "too ugly for him to look at." If the' women as a whole considered tho looks -^f their, husbands as sufficient cause for murder, it is safe to say that tho slaughter in "Europe wouldn't begin to compare with" that o^r here. ' < S Tire' BEAUFORT COUNTY FAIR Last year there was ? KEPEAjL THE WAR TA^fc C \^he Democratic memberis of tl?e fcaya aiid means committee are working upon a plan for the Repeal of the war revenue* law, which has been upon the statute books slneo-Octohpr 22, 1014. In its ?tead. and for the purpose of making" up the deficit in rev enue. whi *h would occur if the tax were repealed, they are consider ing imposing a heavier tax typon incomes of the wealthy residents of 1 1 1 < mmntrv. " If their pluii is carried out, it will put the "burden of taxation where it l>elongs: ? upon the shoulders of thoeo who can afford to l>ear it. The war tax has served its purpose and_it should be re pealed. It wns an emergency measure and at tfie tinife it was in auguratd it was the only feasible plan in sight. Tho poor of the eouiftrjr already Jiave sufficient taxes to carry. If nwrre revenue is needed, a tax should' 'be levied ? net upon those* who already have more than tbey can do to support themselves ? but upon either our wealths citizens or upon those luxuries of life which we can do without. ^ LOOKING FOR A POINT OF ATTACK. " When the newp of the slaughter of American citizen in Mexico wns received this week, thefre was an immediate uproar in Congress. , Stirring~BpeechPs were ma<4e, urging the T^itcd States to intervene and "protect American lives and property." It will 1*5 noticed, however, that all this agitation, for the montr part, came from the Republican side of the fence and that, they were the ones who were most insistent that we* intervene in the affairs of the country across the Rio Grande. The Republicans are beginning to get desperate. They evidently realize that they will have a strenuous tight to' make any kind of showing against (he Democrats in this years election. Their time is limited and they are therefore ready to resort to practically any meanB in order to cast sortN^. smirch upon the party now powor. Should President \Yilson and tho cabinet decide to intervene ami send troop* into ilexiro, the Republicans would use it as one of their strong cards in their fight during tho coming presidential race. They have been unsuccessful in finding a strong point, of attack in the affairs of the administration so far and they are doing their u^nost to locate one TIIE SHIPPING OF AMMUNITION." J ' According to a t^ifele compiled by the department rvt flfimmerco, ammunition to the value of $121,743,947 has hern shipped to Enrobe from the United States in tho fifteen month* ended last October. j From those figures, is it any wonder that there is such a strong sentiment in this country against an embargo on arms? Certainly1 not. Let tho war go on indefinitely ; we will-.be well satisfied. Let! ?s do everything* in our po#er to egg on the prions nations, bo that'' there will be no danger of An early peace. J It is true that Wo are supposed to be strictly neutral, but\with such a large sum of revenue pouring into the pockets of our million aires, we can afford to take some chances. No wonder we Scoffed and ridiculed Ford and his party for at tempting to bring about peace. Who wants peace if it is going to deprive us of this large smft of money every year? rfcLP YOTTR NKIOIIBOItnoOD. The Progressive Farmer, in its last issue, seta forth five Excellent rules to follow in bringing about better conditions in a community. 1. Help get a better sch6ol. , 2. Help got better roads. 3. Join the local Farmers' TTnion or other farmers' clubs. 4. Encourage your wife to join a club of farm women ; and en roll your boys and girls in com club, canning clnh, pig elttb, etc. 5. Resolve to have som* neighborhood picnics, baseball gsmep, and a community fair in the fall Just * Arrived From St. Lourn ? ? ,H'- ??-? ' N ' ?? ~ ^ 10 Head of Mules? Young, broke. 20 Head of HORSES? fine yung animals, broke to harness: 2^ / \ _ ? L- r 'j ? ? jV i^-r.iVn.iA ^ r. Wti*#-"'- 1 SOME OF THE FINEST ANIMALS EVER SEEN IN. WASHINGTON Come in and see them and buy. Terms to suit. . ' " ^ ? r W ashington Horse Exchange Co B. L. SUSMAN, Prop. * : , GAS ? ' ? ? _ A ? The Perfect Fuel For the Home . : . . .. -gjDvii Economical - Convenient - Sanitary > / ? GAS the perfect fuel and light . for the home. Economical, convenient, sani tary. ^Thei'e will be new mains and machinery-installed so that we can furn ish a service 100 P.C. efficiency. If you are not getting good service let us know, for service is our Motto. / ; ? WASHINGTON LIGHTING COMPANY Successors to Washington Gss' Company WASHINGTON, N. C. * !? ?????????? ? ?. 4. Dtntei. It. 1. s. Kuala* ? ? L. C. Warren W. Kltcbln ? "Daniel a j?j#rek, ? t. MANNING * KITtjfilN ? ? ilKruiHtUl ? ?^Pracllea Is Bap*rltfr, ^Ktril ? ? *n4 loprni oonrta at UU MU ? ? A.D. DiiLw, W?hU*to*,N.O. ? fc' W. A. ThompM^ Aurorm^N.C.'* ? McL?^^?QMP8?N ? ? Aurpra ud W?rtln?ton, N. C. ? ? ? ? ? ? *l+* ? ? ? ? B. L. Stewart F. H. Bryai ? STEWART b BHYAN ? At toraejr , f WASHINGTON, K, 0. >?????. . si u : ? * ? WA8H1NGTQN, N. 0. ,? ? ? ? ? ? ?* JOPN'h. bonnes Atlorn?y-at-L*w WASHINGTON, H. 0. STOCK OF (toons TOR BALK ' I I ha?? tor nli nook of food* ant * ??count. In atoro on Stl Wwt Mam ureet I hat I re-entljt bought under '?on*.*. Ml., wilt mil* ter*.v reaeonabia lor good M?arfll iJfc. JJ low to, make 4r(i ,,, or jj^ >1*, B. R? MIXON 11-f 1-tfe. i t' , 'iibeerft. to th. Daily n,,, for cHiuiRan-a copoh Too Mnnot nao anything hotter for roar cbl'.d'l conilh and cold that! ' Dr King a Vaw niaeov.ry h prop* red from Pin* T.r ntlt^d with ' h?iin? ,nd aootblng talanu. i, tSTu riljifn "Tthlng hftrinfpi ?nd l,., lightly laxative. lu.t enoneti {4 > polmna from the ifHt' JhiA.i , *?M ?rrm?^ -ratMa th . J phlegm? looaea. the congh ami ?ooth.a the Irritation. Don " ?Ht o^ reatment. nonghn and Cold, off, lead la aarion. long troekUe. it ?leo good for adult. and (be aged