tih! DA nT NXTT8 PRINT8 ?tOKSl-OCAl. T*AH OTHKK *APBB IX THE STAT?. WASHINGTON, S. C., MONDAY AFTERXOON, JANUARY 17, 191?^ - NUMBEH 16*. ril. " " r'?. v ' ?' 1 ' . . -1? '? o*?ui? ?. 'T. Mm#; x?l 'it. t*. ChMbwuu th. o|d?*l 74trla* ?t*d.?t M Trfnjty *W%J M kis T?t?rd?jr ?tut mfmtk. h?d fr ?gu ? " nnfa Krtw ni ' IHirt?, Hyd. ooanty, 1*1. a# u??d V t Oqracok. for BU| ?tick tlxn ki ?1 * * ?* 7m.r% Hm orftttmc ?c. ? m*ml- ?? **" ??r. but rifttHtf to " ?* e?puJ#?i+-rtUli w, V J*- H. ?*?1 1 -?? oM?p??jr ud/ntod 1* liuuroli ioun.dhrt.Ij apoa th. *l?.b auiM Wm *" u? i* im. on. .'MM *r?. f. a / it)?dl?ln?. H yd. J^SI piwm *t th. dMUh-lwd i ?* feStMW ? ??? *W, capusi _ J M?t?. t?W|j *?*!. brl4i;ltl?r Hvj WUK?r Cnlh. of Uib Ut^ Ctpttlo ?uro? wak ? j t III UMkodM church. I ? MkMr1 at tk. CCX CLASSES MAKE NEW RECORDS ?"3 New Record? Id tke war dp ?w wai established tar tl , claas or lb* >. X: ckor. Van^aard tlili of the ?*ar?k reet?rd?7. Balk tfilNi ara continuing to !<>. Tka y?Bgeard?|*ae <4 tka two to put ob a ?ampalgn bat %ky fw'l a jppldlr i? moonflreklp r %act tir outstrip thy '^ ??oWik.w HI . , , \ Tka Mmh Uml Nlaetj^oight members?if o* tke rfsry .-Saji.d'Sl o* tha-Arfcj?=lo?? ' "Neutrals" and" B?e jVMU tag a tola) of 107. rfWe ) ?h? Meeting of th. I jfMirirtif.. Tka Armr-> I ^ Jp tb? number of o?W i - ?ured *nd in aUndaoe? ? Wavr made ft allffht (sla v ' After th? meeting oi l t ?rMka? poeM tor tk?W .; . ?Ik? outside ofc the - dkutek. -tka photograph, providing* th'at^the'Tea.' lores of th" marabaii of tk* '4f?7 faa ba nwaifiUr eliminated. will k? used 1? so attractive ? budklat' which It w plaoaad'to Issue T*. Vutnaid Claas. ft A aaw record X attendance *waV * gVao g.abilsbed br tha Praabr)JklM flass yesterday, forty membere' be |ag praacnt. Robert Fowl? hi ^1? (deat Of th? .organisation and ;?u gsne Harris secretary. i. M. row la tke taaoAar end Mrhrth lag lefeofis'ara. a big factor fa daua |ng a large percentage of the toata wra to tara bat ararr Suddsy *?? ' ? 'J C BELLM 04 TONIGHT^ 1. WARREN KBJUtlO*!* 1? ?a kMmcKr mn.u . n'li ap miufARi rwirAiu!,ui>L? WILL COST\$3.20 PER CAPITA flfpre Would be the Cost Per Annum for Keeping up Secretary Garrison's Proposed Army. Doe? No? Include Navy. Waahiagtoa. Jw.17.?If lha oM to 1? distributed par capita, ?vary m t?u and child coin? '(* mfta 'fp tba 10#,???.??? la tha United BUtaa, would kal? to eoatrl-l buta 11.1? a rear (or tka npkeep ol tka atUta?r torwa oljke country. U tka admlalatratlen'*' prapaiadnaa* program, baaed upon tka aatlmataa 1 Of tli? IMKal naff of Ik* armr. ta I ou-rHd out. Aeeordla? to tka aitl-1 BaU. Mkr.ubmltad to Coa?r*ea by ! tka war oaO? lu^compllanoa with Oafrtaon?''the Upkeep at th. uJted stataa an?y. lneludtaf tka nUU^ " oqettaroUi "iMalc lll^lt flrat 71,??0 tka aaooud raar; tka third yaar and per year tberaaftar. ooat at Uaela Baa'i lent, which daaa IT aa much mora V and bullilnj praoam i k^Vr. for t ha flrat raar aider ' adilalatratlon'i preparadaaM , wokW *? |?6?.??0.000 for tSa' Oar army; $7,000,000 for tha or ganised alllUa. and ??7,500.000 lor tk? propOMi continental army. ? .The wioad year ud each year thaiWler. thm itlwihl mmt DEATH OF INFANT Pfr ?St'f**' *? H- cw*'" B^r bM li Ouloml* BaH? "K Tfeto HonU(. ss DtBTtr,, CaIO. , ol lb* ??flow. lUa?a? cl,. Mi?. tovJnoKJi? ?nd th, ?oond .WW, o( .h?, child > A: mik at U4?,L a. tod?J. Dwth 1? attributed^ pneumonia. The In fant wu 01 tor about threo J"***' Ward I^m not been ' received aa j?t tftftardlnff the funeral arranjr n?ents. Mr. mi4 Mr*. Clark ar? wall known in Wa?ht*Kiv* >ir. Clark left here about tkTfr jwri *to to accept a poaltloa In the weet, while hI? wife ha? ob!j y?n awaj fro? t hI? city ?Inoe Ma#- tL'ben'.H becam: ova thai tbeM.Md ?ai crUleallr .11. Mr* inl tO locate bar h?a band. *fa*waa o? on tba coaajU .W; elllng. bat ?p to the hour of tki *ti?'a death b*4 beca .unable to. lo-. /Ote. Mb. Mrlv Clark waa alao III raaaoUjr tt|>- hoapttal at, Boiaa, JugmVGreat Ambition U to Become a Oirfk? ilor Nation *..:v 1" f " ir-.-jsi fr ? at when thia ?ar certain Ml? for maeh I. 0(*T* ANP entorron NATION b* J?td off. Tf|* next important i?,to becon* t bin indoalrial I Awuitly. Ther? m peaaimiata ?ho . faf that tbf preaont bnaini-? proa pwitj it toItfy dm? tg Uie eircura *ar and m J and Euro normal con ?ip?> bMUn coat at prodttoiloi tha war vfll b* a inerMMd ?porta from Mia manufactured art i KOSU THE TRADE WILL COKTljfiji .v??? maintaining Um regular arm* '? fS4t.97S.000; organised militia #7, 000.000; continental army 170.000. 000. The third year the appropriation* required Cor the regular amy and the organised militia would remain thrf same. 1150.073.000 while the appropriation* required for the^Mu tlneutal army would Jump to 9?6, 000.000. After the thfrd year. fhe general ataff ?at 1 ma tee that It wopld coat 9S10.47l.000 a year to main tain our military foroea. The general ataff eetimated tkat the United Stalee ahould hare a no ble fotua of 600.000 aoldiere avall *We At home at (he outbreak of ?v and that the army, with the regular reaerve. ahould amoMt ? thli air+ugth. It la alao pointed ant that In order te develop the necap aary regular reee^re with thf-truy at the etreugth advocated In thU policy, tnfleAfcepta would have to be for 4bont eight yeara?two with the colore and air In reaenre. That would. It la eetimated. In eight yea/a reeult Is approximately the follow Ing mobile foroea at home available at the outbreak of .war; mobile reg ular troop* (combatant) with the colore, 191,000; the regular reeerre. 970.000, or a total of ?40.900. . CHANGE DATE OF CELEBRATION Lee and Jackson'* Birthdays to Be . Celebrated in Washington Friday Vlght, IMcmI at Wedneaday. ^ . The cefehratton of I.ee an* Jack-j so?>- birthdays? .whlc^, wan (o hayo be?*u observe# in Washington ftmeday Ulfptf. has been postponed until Friday night, due to the fact that many of - the Children * of the j Confederacy,* who attend school, ar? taking examinations this we k aDd would be unable to attend if the ex drclse? were held Wednesday night.' They are rspedally urged ^*s.be in attendance at the court house Friday bight at eight o'clock. H. C. Carter will make the principal ad dress of the evening. The complex program wllF be published later. Arunery mt Antiquity. "Engines to s boot great stones" wore Ml doubt the progenitors of the "<*sta pult"'of Greek and Roman tlmsa and Che derlces In ase toda/ for hurling "hand grenades." In a recent rislt to the Island of Rhodes I was amsied at the great number of stone balls in the edge of the sea, among the ancient | tower? end battlements and Indeed alt ever the Island. Tbey ranged In alse from Are inches In diameter to more than two feet, and the largest most here weighed it least e tOft> Tf^ ?aching power of such a (nas? mu?t here been Very great Such stones ere foond about the wslls of Constantino pie and other cities of the orient.- - Christian Herald. * t Men bow before my scepter Ilka f slaves of the light. And women, their Jh* fixed my spell, follow wheit I p*ay be by la the nursery and r-n to mj maj?tflb*oice. 1 pels! U edrtb wtth dlvere Colors, and the adafc., Ust, the doctor., all the Mlete? tdaa, i '-?itoiir monarch < I am the rsel ruler of the unireree. I corer with dust the masterpieces of* the earth. Ancient forms shrink be-? fore my e*er awakening presence. j novelty^-Ufe 1 Me "jmab n?t.n." Tbfc waktfrrotn-l Sfchadln 1781. II. ".WW m tut tlaay lio longer gave lb* pblloaopbar of IWM Tba Magaatu? of An?rtrao.H>a ,* Taaehlog a Parrot Dta't try to taielt Poll/ to talk no In* ah* la parfactly taw and quit* ran Odlog Baffin M a on* ajUablad Word wlthont "lk~ or ~ck" la It: than lit bar paononnca bar nam?, Hapaat Tou'r* trying to taarb bar l to aiactly lb* ARMY AND NAVY TO Mnetttn Officers Will Retire at Age Limit Id 1916. FAMOUS ADMIRALS TO 60. B?-a3f?y A. Fi?k?, Ow Wintlow and T. B. Howard Head Lilt?Eight Naval Captain? Will Be Pfomoud? Wilson Will 8?lact tha Sucooion of Army Generals. ?? | Waablngton.?Nineteen of tbe hlgh aat ranking offlcera of tbe army and navy will b? retired from attire hctt ice at tbe age Iliult filed by Ihw In 101a Included In tbla number are one admiral, four rear admirals and four brl^adter generala. Tile naval re firemen (* Include t bat of tbe com mander bi cblef of tbe Pacific fleet! "H?e^?rr?Mi0^nt of tbe nurol war college and a division commander at tbe At lantic fleet, while among tW*e wbo will cease to be active offlcera of tbe army are tbe cblef of corps of en glneeru and the firealdent of ttie army war college. *? The first of titetbkvnl retirements In 1016 will be that of Bear Admiral Macomb oopyrt?htM by CltMdlnat Tin I athara ar* phato? by th* A*>?rlo*a ptm* I . Vlnk.9, with the poaalbta at Frank F. Vtetckci ofBrar of tba Anket K a i fair monttia a#d Ad iMd ?br oiKsnitlon^ I i rt mailt Fa loarw H Julio 13. * The qecoud officer to rrire win b? Rear Admlnl CnBieron M'.ltae Win* !ow, the commander In chief of tb? Paclflc flwl Admiral Win d6w U an. Sther distinguished oKJcer of the navy' [e leaves tho acrYli-e on ?? ?13* 'JO. Flea? Admiral Thomas B. lluw.ird, Admin" Wlnalow'* ^rcdeceasor a* conimandv: la chief 01 the Pociflc flee', retires*??1 Aug. 10; Keur Admiral Clifford J Boush, who commanded t ie mthdJ di vision of the Atlantic tleet at Verfc Cruj:# rcru-bep the age limit on Aug. Hi Rear Admiral De Witt C.tfTman. com mandlnc the Third dlvlxlun 01' tho At lantic fleet, on Nov. 29. while lirar Ad miral AdAii >1. Knight, president ??f the Navy, War college. at Newport^ Iwrer-tbtrwrrtee-on Dee. W. -V - ? - Eight naval t-aptnlns will be pro moted to a result of the ahov^rptlrcnteuta. Those "6ZD- or* arc H. McL. P. Iluse who waa A'dmlnil Fletcher'? chief oil stuff nt Vera Cruz: William R. Ku.-h. who '-ommnnded the lauding force during the fighting that marked the capture of the Mexican port; Jame* I!.. Glennon, who com manded tlx- tiugxlilp Wyomlus at Vera Cruz; Clih'f Engineer Robert 8. Hrlf flh. Harry S Knapp. Ocorge W. M? Klroy and W i H ui m L. Podmen. The orray sonernl officers who rrtlr? In JOin nre Pan O. Kingman. the chlo' of the corpM of engineer*: J.din I*. Wis Kor. now coiuinuiulintr the rirN^J,rig;id In Hawaii: Montgomery M. Macoiul prealdeut of the War Collfge. and TI 8econd hrltvidc j>n the Mexi'-nn fro* tier. All of (htne officer* arc brig diem, Klnprnnn Xlll retire Mari'h WWcr .Inly 10. Macomb O' t. 12 'air. j Evan* Nor. 1!). President Wl'aon. t?nd?+ the Ivw. n5' ??elect Ihf "?nccejtiorM of Oenerals Tvln roan. Wicker. Macomb and I'mnfi. "P naval promotion? are bv'???.;.*orlty Doctrine of Public Ownership of Property a Menace to the Nation By JAMES t. FERGUSON, Coy. ernor .ol Tex*? WE luivo bom almost stnrtling t ^tlarmcd at tliat school of I political economy m this nn tion which stands for the pulilu iwnersliip of all property and the I withholding of private ownership i of any. Let me em phasize bit alle giance tl?<* doc trine of | aii property. That right should nev er be ifittd|d n? leaa it 1* clearly in the exorcise of tome public act ar noine public, lecewity. But vre must hot dceeif? onreelre* ?bout the condition w/yrfi I confront# us. We *re niV?iatlf Ap proaching one of the greatest cri?o? | m ?tir history. We are bcact by tn flaencea and ore. face to face with [conditions that may threaten u* I fr6m afar and at home. Wt MUST PROTECT OURSELVES AO A INST THOSE WHO MIGHT AT TACK US PROM WITHOUT. RUT WE MUST SAVE OURSELVES FROM THOSE WHO MIGHT 0?-' STROY US PROM WITHIN* ? ?tbteribs to tts Dailr *??? ENGAGEMENT . IS ANNOUNCED Approwl.lnf M arrive of MIm A yen ud Mr. Uiukaej to Made ft?b. lie At Bride? Partj. ?t a bridge party, which was glr?n Friday afternoon by Mrs. ? J M. Harrington, at her hoax? . Pierce street, the' cngaegment HIH Mae Ay era and Jame? Acre Hackney wai announced and the iate of marriage. March 7, alio igade pi \ lie to lb? friends Who were assembled. There were fo\ir tab*??' of brldgo. at which Miss Elisabeth Warren made high ecor?. The prtoe was a; r d heart, which contalnod a notice of th- engagement and was read by; Mies Warren. Refrc-hm^nts were' served In two courte?. Those p res nt were Mlnea Mary Cowell, 8allie May Tillman, Mary Hill. Elizabeth Warren, Mae Ayerr. Mary Tankard and Mesdames Ed muud Harding. Waller Wolfe, Geo l.'.ickney, Jr? William Rumlcy. Sam Ethcrldgc, Lee Davenport, M aeon Smith, Jaine* Eiliaon, John Gorhaut, E. K W ':?, Ed. Malliaon and Har old Washburn. SMOK NG PIPE BECOMES FAD 1*i)?e 1? Fu , Itopljtclnj? <'lffar ?n the Siiiokr'xf TliotK.- Who Detdre f.? Bo In Style. I ^ Paris, Jan. 17.?Th< war of 1814; nought the cigar to Paris with tho' !?::glieh, the war of 1914 brought ?Tommy Atkln'e" pipe. Shortly after ?Vaterloo, Roger de Beau voir declar. d: uTlie cigar ia the laft. w-ord of andyUm, the final detail by which he rtnidh d gentlemen of our time may he identified, li la pt the tame time the supreme e'.cga^ce and t?e supreme lnsoli-nce of our generation. | One cannot too highly recommend to would-b^ IJojjs to i?ee An^even to mbvae ? ttr"'? Tommy Atkln'a pipe "ha? pot r**ei:-: ed the distinction of th<^ cigar of rtic' Ri-eioraMon, and la atM excluded from amoklng-dons of exclusive so ciety, bat It 1? teen with far greater frequency Iq the street, and when the rough-beard tl soldier? come home'from* the trencht* It ill likely to get atiyrhcrc, for iom'3 millions of Eng'.ish p'ptk? hav* been distrib uted among tb m; by *wnj of reci procity some hundreds of thousands of eiegint French briars have beRKT>. \t .?Iter t'redle & Co. will be Moe ~d until 4 p. m. Tuesday on account >f the death of Capt. W T. Farrow, ather-ln-law of Mr. Cr- die. oraClAL MASONIC MEfCTINO. | Orr Lodge No. 104 ?t. f. k A M ! will have emergency meeting Tee? day. Jan. 18th, mi 2:00 o'clock j>.. | m. for the purpoae of paying ?or I last tribute of respeot to our deeeas d brottoef, W. T. Farrow- All Matter Masons are urged to atteatf. W. B. Singleton. Matter. O M Wlaflald, Secy a*tt?r net mix t h? opMtM kill all .h. Hcmbo Moadkr alikt, im! iuws ?m PROVE FINI K , negro?* uf aarma ?? ^ WOl'ITDED. . - I ARREST IS MADE J Pop? Four TIbm By Major EllJauii. Doctors Fear He Will Not Recover. KD1*ob Oot Drank Wa? Guffat by Ptflc*. A serious mil:ag affray occurred .-?B'UMUy evening and may result In :h. de?.'.Ii of one o f the participants. Mujcr ami Jo? Pope were the ones ir>ca?,.d In the fight and 1111 Buc's o so of the knife proved tp ef fective that the doctors fear Ellison wil! b?> uuau'.e to survive hla wo?td>. -le was stabbed three time? i?, the head and once In the back. Immediately after the affray, El Mson ran away lie evidently pro cured a liber*] potion of monkey rum from someone out In the coun ry and wh??n he returned to th#clty at 8 30 o'clock, h* was vrrj smch *..r.Jc r be woatb .r. Officer? arrested -.ai ir.d weer forcjd to use coMid* -?able moral kud physical persuasion !n briucng blm to Jail. He wia h? held there' Por trial until it 1? as certained whether Pope will Us* or not. ('??i Bfcfore Recorder. The polic- muJl> two other areata Friday and Saturda^i-""* W D. Woolard. charred with al lowing fr.s dog at !ur#e on tue streets was fined ooets of court. Hugh Phelps. Rag. Fulfard and Waltrr Goddard wptb each fined 96 and one-third the cost for "throw ing tbr- una." Their trial was held before Recorder Vaughan Friday nigh\. SHOIIHRU THIGH Wtiatur'e (Jjn 611] !*ed, Fidl on R*IL road Track and \Va? Discharged. Shot Went T> rough Tl.igh. Jack Whelton accidentally ahot himself Saturday evening whilQ out od a bunting tli*.- He and a friend stopped alongside of the ?. C- L* tracks and Whelton took up the other's gun to examine It, rating his own at hW side. *As be wjpi (ft th< art of returning the weapo|, his run slipped, fell on the railroad track and was dlschafgfcd. The shot entered Whelton'e thtfch. He wan brought into town and at i fud.-d to by Dr. Jack Nicholson. The voiiAd has be.m dress d and it Is ? rpec'ted he will redo ver without any ,-?rfou* c#ect?;. * - ?_ CARD oy ritAXKd. Wt w/fli' to rex|[r rt? notk* Q| _ Ik* ?horUf't Yil lih? '?M ?HiigM* f la IlU lhl