DAILY WASHINGTON, H. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 19, 1916. let, log U ? unit te buildfes Our poople tW hare *t? O?eow**ijy would prefer to go it with Wdkllr taa iWBihlp. 1 believe, u it wo?W Impose a heavy kardea on ?M of thorn, If Dm tbwnehlp. endeavored to lea lie bond, hj Uaalt. ' -The thin* to do now la for all th lonlUw IB *0 county to XrM whether (key want tin eoontr U> be forma dldto one road ijatrlal 'and than Instruct oar representative to lha next fef lelatarotur *ct accord roost 4mIC*4 ut bis pl.n. LUhA O WIGHT J-R-R-R! 40 DEGREES BELOW! WRITES FORMER RESIDENT l. H. Phillip# Tells of Condition* in Montana at the Preaent Time. "Slight Touch oi Winter." I I; ll en lateraatlng letter from *nreka, Hoaleaa. A. H. Pbllllpe. a former realdeBt of Waahlagtoo. gives ? hfchly aatartalplo* la Im Uou regarding p mailt coadltlone la I th?t part of tie country. Ba tan I la *rt : H ar. harlng a little touch of | winter now. althoagh It la aotMac. aarera. K "*aa tort/ lams below aara Tueeday aifht at twe ?r aad toelfht It aaaaaa a Ut I bare baao oat all da* a Mil acraa o'clock tfaW araclci It naw tat ibex twentr-tour decreea below all day long and n haape a fallow pratt y busy trying' to " ke*? trim fraeelng. "I wieh 79a coald aaa ay horaaa. (M eight they vara coveted with iroa} idclaa ?*a*l from their noirtfla. Ikree and to [inches Joa?. Bona of my neighbors, | ho wear moaetachea, are practical 6 aaraaacalaabia w?ea one maeta| >em entaMa bacauae it the aaay I little lclclea that, hang from tbe hairs. L- *i three pair at wool len HI and oaa pair of Oeraxaa aox with rnbbara, thraa pair of florae aatf two toboggan cape, la addlUon I to ettra bea*y endenMothln* and a thick aalt. I'm kept pretty baay during ? *e day, >tor t hare forty dmrtkp^U ' weitier exper .nnl li' ltiWlk tW# winter awalt lac an opportunity to acrehw* aeata. A |rMt rniar null ordere were Oiled All mornlnf and a lane etaff or ticket aalcampn Till probably be \?flt fur to r (erenl da/? bendllnc iriiri'"' The Rotary Club, under ahoee direction k(l?e Farrar and ai .ootate aftWa'wltl appear on next >1onday. l-ru^d a Wetemeirt toduy aaeuricK all .pafcuH tf ar jr?t ord?ra opttld be ?Ufjl wilb utlKactlon. The gfM?b auditorial baa aaerly Jtoo iMTand mora wW be prorlded II I WW} WUI b? attended J people at n Uw? Uron?h. .jnku^n: *#*rr X3l*k la Hi for a *ery elaborate dance lmn.eJj?ttl?< ? '1* bbaor ef the die after }ke eoaeeri in honor ef tbe ?e tlogalahed artl.u. ic w.' 1 ? r ? ? ? KEEPING PIPES FROM FREEZING oat of vaete bole, la atop tt it Mo? anf wa*?' la la bo: of Bona* aee that water di ?f bed quickly ? It U?V ttt.aader pipe a'lU Oil a?W cows, calve*, colu and boreee to car* for braldee mor? than one ha&dred chlckeae and a doaan kO|e Wa- aU menace to keep pre*y well, how ever, although the children have; contracted a alight cold. "I wl?h tome of 7M people would come oat far a while and- enjoy lira or aU (eat of enow a&4 fino roada to ! ride 09. , Kany of oar. nelghbora era baa?y fnfa^rd at the preeent time putting op lea for neat lemoar* V wiah I could aee the . thlcknete. I won't tall you what they told me It wm? because I know you would not believe It. "I sold Are Jbuadrad do!tafs jrorth of butter laaf summer and 1 nope 1 will be abla tio doable thpt amount next ?u tamer, when (be greet will took creeper than H Aoee *t preeent. I hare a fine Hunch of young dairy helfera coming two yeara old. I hare Ave work horaee andtheyare nice oaea. At the preeent writing timothy hay and alfalfa are eleven dollar* per ton, oata eell for one twenty-Ar* per huadred. Give my beet regarda to evexjoae In Waah Ington and tell the^r lhat X ofteq think about them alL "Sincerely. V "A. H. PHILLIPS." raenHGtFiragg 1 ? WAY0ME?LU? IP Held Lift Night. Committee* -.held a business -in their rooms ltx *o4 ?M caOM io JUbtrUfcK w*s called, tho constitution to the new members wi* read: Then the President appointed all the standing committers (or the ensuing t??m. Among these was the finance committee and a purchasing committee. A committee waa then appointed to draw up a ' suitable symbol and have it engraved on some stationery for the use of the club members. The boya decided by a unanimous vote to let Mis# Sadlo Wis wall teach a 8unday School class. .This class Is to be composed of the club members. Miss Wlawall has been worklng'eernestfly in behalf of ,the club, and the boys appreciate what she has done. ft was decided at the first Tuesdnf night each month ehall be the regu lar meeting nlhgt, C. O. Morris and F. J. Berry, who are members of the beard, of directors, were present. ^(9 gentlemen made very in teresting talks. They pr%leed tfie work the boys have been doing and gave them som? good advice. Mr. Morris likes their constitution and he said if they followed Its rules and by-laws he >Srould 'he satisfied. Mr. eBrry also gave us some good advice and cautioned n# to he very earefu! in the aeloctlon of new members. The boys appreciate the advice, given them by these gentlemen. They i hope that not only Mr. Berry and] Mr. Morris bnt nil the other direc tors will come up In their club | rooms at any time they desire. The ??*h . ts fa*t coming to the front ff the beys kfcep up the work Rhry have, been doing, no doubt It pUl be ? very gtrodg organisation. FKATUfrtC COMEDY AT BBLLSfO TONlcnt'C Lovers of good comedy are assur ed a rare treat at the Bellmo tonight Miss Allen Howell, one of the most famous at screen comediennes, Is ffeatuc^l In a howling I*-Ko eonudy in t*5TreeW entitled. ??Undec Ne* Management." Yon will positively roAr at Allee Howell. If yon have already ec<w her. yon will come any way. and if yon have not. oome out and. .single reel* of good dramas. There will hot he any fhfrj toplays at this house tomorrow night ' on seeeunt of the preeentaUon at B.5K.xsr?cri? |Tr??." T?w .Itmctlon (rot. HI , h. lb. erowllni ? .utti .oMofM ? rd tb* tOmft MM M>?n? I miim BITTER ARGUMENT OVER THErMEXICAN SITTUATION Washington, Jan. .19. ? After an other fftriLlml'Aj stormy debate yesterdsy the senate referred to tho foreign r(HalioM 4^nmltte<? a reso lution offered by Senator Llppltt for armed intervention In Mexico, and the resolution of S*cetor Lewis for use of the land a&4 0#fral forces In conjunction with those of Carranzn oo restor? peace or order. Again there came to the surface In today's prolonged discussion the foiling of reeentmdbt and criticism which is widely entertained at the c?b Uol lor.l^wJt^BUimUonXMsx Senate -Llppltt declared "that it he had been Presldnt when the news of the Chihuahua massacre come to Washington he would have sent troops over the border to ha at down the murd<rers. He asked Sen ator Stone, in view of the newspaper report that this country would aewk northwest smitten *Y COLDEST WAVE 131 YEARS; 44 BELOW ZERO Seattle, Wuh, Jaa. 19. ? A cold 1 ware which haa ,hovered over th' J Far Northwest for a week damped , down again today; The temperature here at 8 a. m. waa 14 degrees above zero, the low est mark In six year*. At Walla Walla It was S degree* below, the coldest la four years, with six Inches ! of snow. Intensely cold was registers far ther east. Prince Albert, Alberta, reported 44 degrees below aero; Havre. Mont., >4 degree* below, and Spokane, Wash., 2 degrees above. HELL-KNOWN BROADWAY STAB JOINS UNIVERSAL CIptw London Comedienne Bljrni Contract to Become A Film Star. Marie Tempest, the famous Lon don actrees, will appear at the BelL mo Mutf^e o? Thursday p? the big Universal Uln* feature, "Mr?. Plum's This I? but another in the loaf* tin of well-known celebri ty s who has left the glare of the Footlights to play for Jhu tliejt drama. Miss Tempest eom menaced her* ca reer as a musical student and played In the Paris Opera Coalsue some years ago. Since then ghe has sutrred . In many eomlo opera* and finally gave up the singing stage to fedoome "one of th? foremost comadlenAei of the present ag?. This clever alng Ing actress hs? to her credit the! starring rotes In nearly fifty big ouo- ! cersee, her biggest fcHfe being Kitty Carrot la "The R'd Hunter/' Nell Owyn In "English Nell." Polly s cles tn a revival of Taste/' Klt-y Silver ton In "The Marriage of Ktt ty." Peggy O'Mara la "All Ofe-flud den P?ggy" Becky Sharp In ?'Vanity Fair," and tn the all-etar revival of "Loadoa Assurance," given fh aid of Kjlng Oeorge's Actors' Penklon Fund, In London. Slnoe renouncing musical plays, Marie Tempeet has won feaao and distinction aa one of th* leading com ?the connect of I.atin America b-ioi the Bolt d S'accs could by Itself tak< action to de'^nd Its peoj le. Resentful of the impl: d crit'cl-ijc jSonu'.cl* Stone called the question pucril and beuoaih the dignity of a senator. Son a tor Stone eald tho Pres'dent would be subject to 1m peachnunt If hu ordered the troops Into M -xico wi.Uout authority of Congrcra. S?.'ra'or Xew'ands, recalling how MoK.alcy. was forced i?ita the war with S^alr., pica l??d. v. 1th hfs c ? 'aag lugs jiot tc p'.aca In tho amo fpinftjotrT I "It. you 1/1 ajo ^asyltor. thii ooun ' try to.set'lix'a war.jucy." aaldhe, i "lt V(ould to r nsy .to^fji. * :iio .war Jn. I Mexico ar;d to go'u^Jn.*' war with 'Europe. If tlio war -s arched If the io?d:rr mvn of th*1 na .' u cou .a'a:i !>- HclJ ' - '.o -h \;z\ WALTREN MADE A BAD BEEAK Rctmed to Judfre A-lcn as a "Good Politician/' Hurt the Latter'* Chance*. . Washington, Jan. 19. ? Whor. ver tWo%>torth Caro'inlana mot tod*} the first subject discussed was the a ate. mem made to the Pre3id nt yeati-r day by Thomas D. W arret che'.-m^n of the Democratic s:ato ojmm ".c^, j that Ju^,e W. R. Allen, of Ur d? toro, was a good politician. It Is certain that Mr. Warren could not have said anything that would *'9 hurt tho cause o? Ju'?e Allen r. u?re nor mbjirrasitd tie 'S'o ' h Carolina congressmen to a pr-'atcr ext4.n:, thac he did by connecting his name with &olUlca. . "** Mr. Warren, of courso. Intended his statement to Vlp hi& North Car olina friend. Bj' poiiflci la the la^t thing monMosed by men who have! gone to the White Houoe In the pan to recommend a man for a Judg - ship. To suggest the subject about! a man under consideration for the! Supreme co-rt of th* United States has never been hoard of until yen- j terday. The luctdenUls being wired, to all parts of the country today by ; j Washington correspondents. About Fishes. Fbh are nearly the >ame weiarht aa I tbe water la which th?y live. ?<? triat , tber cnn more in It with err rat ec*?. , | Tho majority of them also hare au air I bladder lnaUe of the body, which ra? > able* them to go ap or down In the ' Water at wllL When a fluh dealres to go down deep- It oan (>re?M the air ont of thin bladder by menna of tertala moaclca and thus inrrenac the weight of Ita body, and when It wlafcee to r1*ia Again K tanea ofr the preeao re, the , bladder f.Ila with air n;rnin, and Ita body boeome* it*ht enough to rW PHONE OIRI/R W1TR fwur rt\th BAimm | 8t. Paul, Minn.. Jan. It ? A poaaa of cltls na rouaod by a tol 'tone fifl at 4 a. id. teda^ routed several rob* bars ftCtar a batt e at tha pottoffloa at North 8t "Paul, a ?ub?rh. Bereral shew were e*ch*nf d. glare fr'ght-"* *+*7 lf?*r rlhey f ji only abofet ? i REPORTER HAS -J "GOTTEN m BAD'* . i in "Mentally l"r Him. Childrui v .'??* &^X4U Sentence*. r? Yiaisrday'e "mentality tost" 1{| the Da !r New* bu resulted la * , ?ronjr wb*' unpleasant aftermath (of tht . ? :or wiio Interviewed the pr_u..:a: cltltne regarding th? "lit. e deg acroM the street." Oi.e of the lawyer* the elt* i-tau'd this morning that* when wife aaw In the. paper where * - V runted In the teal, >he b' V* If indignant over hi* ' ^ atal efflcfoncy. ? *i loat moat of her reipect for ?ia learning. S rot her of thoee who failed In the te- mde~ the ctatement that when be ej't heme last night, he read the et. nf? off to hla .little 10-year old g'.rl?acd the rattled them off ? 4 f u . ii t'ti hetltatlon. lie' . *3 ?> undergo conelder *roa uOth his wife .. v g.rl. i)?" ?Ail of the whole affair. -? r p j. :ed this morning. Is that whv?n t'.ij parent* read tha ?~-ntencei? ? off to their children, the larger per centage repeated them word for word And yet, (here w.re only two grown up tnea ,of those seen by the r*. j porter yesterday, who could do the [same. TEACHERS MEET AT AURORA 1 .lob ? id Tuonshlp Tejichrr*' Aseo C'j 1 ?n la ronuAily Organized, inlet eating Mooting Held. Th? Rlch'.and township teachers met bv order of the count/ superin tendent at Aurora Jan. 13 th, h? the auditorium of the Aurora Graded School. ? ki Tte or. lor of program u planned was: Observation" la AttTora ?th-Mil, morning!; lunch; dlecysatow of ho flruflH chapter* of the Baad T irr-lg* lext, ~Howtd Teach UiV Co .itioti" S^tidhey'' Jkftfrnoon. m' Tlfi' V'aCflSall V fmpagsablV cQn'dl >n if'fHi' rCi<i i^iwee's Washing tin uad AuVora prevented Mr. f?rl 'ifl? 1h S'Jpt , ffom bMng pr$!en.. 't 'Z.r- Principal of the Aurora z: i *'Wu' 3cb6'c19, presided ?f 't- >tc?lWt e<;ulp * ' hsol -ud tie ? Glcleucy a. -il .g corps the observation , x or -: : lu- morning was both p.eas- 1 u -sable *nd profitable. In the af t 'noon, rh* cbapt rs on tprlling and writing wferc thoroughly discussed. It sc- to be the sentiment of the body 'nat^'.hese eubj et* are of pri mary tportance and should receive re ore attention than is often given tl cm. Mr. Qaultney. Principal of tho Small school, gave In detail hisj m thod of teaching 19011108:? a' method which recommended Itself to many of his bearers. First In Importaace of the work of ho day waa the organisation of the .eachrrs of Richland township Int6| an association for the purpose of jromoJng the educational Interests ot the township. The work of this *'*ocn*lon *ict3. of courae, as a sup m \c *he work already being ho county. 4 h fv.!l:w!ng officer! were elect ed: Pie.< ,? Mr*. Katla B. Bonner; Vice Prea., Mr. H. Bmlth; Sec., Mr. 'laul'.ney. The abov* were named ulso a committee to draft constltu. 'Ion and by?laws to br* eubmltted at1 'he next monthly meeting which wlHj convene in the Aurora school audi torium Saturday, February 11th. Aurora by lt? central location to the townahlp will be the principal meeting plac* of the association, but for ob* lous reaeons the ssaetlngs wllf be held a* often as possible la the various districts. Pr< ram for P^rosir Mffttaf. T*i nvisJeaf numbTir by Mis* ,i wry it a: her of music la the Au o a school. Dlfccueslon of chapters S, 4, I, la 'How to Teach the Common Branch es." Treat meat of the problems brought out by the question bos. It Is hoped th* teacher* will ase freely this question box m a mear.a of bringing before tbe aaaoHaHoa their perplexlag problems. The eessloa cloerd with a plea far the county high school at Aurora by It* Principal. Mr. taaltb. POSTMASTKR-DBrOOMT pinwnt mm mm,* Alff< aqatn. 111.. M. W.-*.' D. Coopw, K drngg lit. >-afac*4 Im * r* lolrar ???! fro*, hta wl???w wKh ??o bMdiw HrKM to 4k# Mt ol m?Mac th. (Mtsflfe Mt* tmtlf U ii?y. Tko hu4lt? ?M?p?d la u, ??. i K.iaabii* vitkrai utr mm. >' ? en mint is iiit w OF IMS _ . nnvr>PKD? or iu-ixiiiOAjfa kit DF ? AT IAHM or Mxca Tosa vehteJKat. jTHER war news ,"Ko AiU?J Troop* Said to Have Laad { e< Kmt AUxm. AoatHfta Arts 1 tor* Bombard Aaron*. | Intoreata Watch Albania* ' London. Jan. 19. ? Hundreds of I Bulgarian sc'.dleri were killed and tA groat many wounded ia a bom I l-rdcicnt of Petrltal b j a squadron t of tw nty-nve French aero^ttfefcs, jtfccoiding tfe a despatch receive* 'ttr Athens and forwarded by tbe.eer rfspo&dbnt there of the atinftrt. tv--v . * No Troop# ?t Atheda. ? - Little attention so far' lias boon ~ paid la Entente suarter, do the^W* ports that allied troop a Mave boas landed near Athens, its Oeriian press Ut' ranees Indicate.' ? From German < source# como the -additional report that a las ding of Eoteatla^lfn^4M#?, been mado at Plraaua. the seajya^t it Athens, as well aa In Ok la^^f Phalsren, east of tbe Plraeajpenift suia, about Ave mllea from Athedej** ? Austrian* Drop Bombs o* I a snip Romb, Jan. 19. ? Four Aufllaa aeroplanes dropped bombs yesterday **? afternoon on the city of Aa*ona'r*0&e ^ person was killed. T&e material damage was unimportant. ' Wat riling Albania* "London. Jan. 19. ? Entente later* ' s ts appear to be watoblnf Closely i the situation in Albania and rooeAf F:fctffl?s from London declars that attenuate forces are new eft hand to defend that country. Tbe belief1 Is indicate I9 &ese. ed rices tibat Itffljt precaution ry ' measures In Ajtelan ^ territory .have gone far toward safe guarding the future Interests of Montenegro, whose military collapse r eiSB to have been considered well ( nlLht inevitable after the ^rpobiftg >1 Serbia. . ; . ' ..' . ARE INSTALLING ALARM SYSIEM ' ?'"*? Twent j-tix Boxes B*in# P?t Up* Fir? Alum. Will Be"*-.,' Moit Com plot* One. , Mr. Lambert. rftpreseutlaff \hi Oameweli Fir* Alarm Co., 'itf lteWk0j city Installing tho new are alarm I system >!pr Washington. Work ku already commenced and Mr. Lam bert yesterday gave the Muru?l tbat It would be complete^ as-'faaif a* possible. , .. The tyitr m will lnclada the In stallation of 26 boxes, located on ike eornsra throughout the clty.^.t&fl^ will be eo arranged that * pereon ean never be more than two or tbjji<l. blocks away from a box. . Bach wil' be of the "break-ln-the-glaaa" type. When a person turns In an alarm of Ore, all he will Jiave to do -will br> to "smash the glass at the nearest box, turn a key ant! the In dlctaor at the flrehouse will Imme diately abow which box wm broken into. " It is expected tha^? teduetlon IK ? the k^y.ra^ of lniprjirt|. wljl follow the installable?. of you n. piomwt mam Fit inc. Only to the Ar?l youAg lafly secur ing some a Id tlmey pair of cotton carda. brloglng a sack df eotton; when r^ady. taking a sefct, begin cArdlng till big drops of prtkplratlon begin to ftil and ih"refl? I ( ^Mfj-roll upon the cards. The picture la ?Ui*> free. BAKER'S . jr

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