Opportunity is at HandFor 7 'hem to Ifififrrove Road Within their Limits. DELAY MAY FRUSTRATE PLANS After Bonds Have BcenlMcd and Sold to Washing toll Township* May be too Ule legally fordOjr^ B*K4. a? Utility g?*UH ^ the meeting to. tofc-^ejd th? flrat Mfctday is FeWufc^p/JWia thue pave the jtkf*fGf theni to g*t their share ofithe town t?? | l??a>'4?opf? of Che' to*r? ere thoroughly la favor of 8?h a plan, and will aid In every way poudble to faigfpipllah It. I kttow till a. ChocaSlHp3Qd Long A<r? and #m nJH^E*Batfc and ean^ >y ob On the other hand, delay la das-1 g rouv If tbe cttlgeai of tfcaae taernahlpa do aothfpc wptil after the honda have been leaned and sold. It may b? too lata legally to provide for them to participate la the fu&de M' t *xee in. W* * None Ub deny th? *q?d far good f roads in the entire county. Each [township. by this plan. determine ' *vm*r It will join in this ImoTtmMt. J Let the Washington *" Township mtBb w >ads Association continue its ? a*#" efforts under a more name, and "co-operate with eh township which will signify its wish end purpose to start a good [road# movement. Conversation with member* of the board of CoQQty Commtseloners cosrlnccB me of their readiness to respond absolutely to the wishes ot i the people, but the people most ex y? Let petition* be started at once jad let tke feoals szkms them Wim | wish to come Into .the movement hao?. ACT AT ONCE. Do not *Vmais Idle untU too late "and'then complain if the opportun ity Is lost by delay. Bids hare been Mk?d on . theee bos d?, and what la lo.jy 4ene at #11 present to-ihe" Cenwirisaioners on F<bruanr 7 th Its petition % signed by SI per ?^g| jot Jtt qualified ' voters, asking for an election, and that the sale of bonds be postponed until such elections can be held. ? STEPHEN C. BRAQAW. HAVE ARRANGED THE PROGRAM FOR FRfUfelHIGHT - ? OWmUw at LmJUiw BlithdAjra to W Mtl .Mr Amp taw The eelebiatlmTJ-Oti LM-iut een blrtMV uisMrurlH wul W bald 'hi VtiklMUtil ntttr lb* *? ptoee oj POMUea Cfcptea. il J -B. C . i smorTow nlgbt at4ka~JDart koute. ?e lnterenlU? and entertain! e? prj? (real. <*>nel?tln? o( . m?le*i eelee? tlane. rMdlnc* elyi .eddreeeee. .Wlfl be rendered eed*It). befjp pro*p(J[T at elckt o'eloofc. ' Tfc.o public ta cor JUIIy : lo?JK4 -W b* preeent The Urogram ?U1 be u i?IIojr?: *?*?*?: ?Mcffjt/fi. *?pw. 3o??. ?"T*t, 9\4 NodH _.*?ale." Children #! the CnUdt^mef Remdlpu; Mee. H*rol*^?ebbamc. ?elo: Ml.. Bee? Coewftl 7 letrpductlon of ipeaker: Freak ?r*aa.- - ... *i W T ; AddreM: H Q. Cartefe it. Role: MIH Olnxl^r. .K ' Htm*,. br fte okolr. ' Henerttetton. Ren. N. Kardlat , ???<?, ot mremognle., Jlr- Call, rt. ? ,?"? "< * " , PMA1FHM MKWTI?<; tpSHIHT. Affrayer ee.vlce^wlll.k* k?M at Ike Parae Meaioejjj. ekafek tonight, k'ik?MB( ?l Tiifca'clMfc. Rev H. R. Seartfbt will, conduct the W yoSIGHTi BfJXdwty-CnlWMI rMUrM MIM8 MABIK TKMPBBT ?ntWBd'a mom ?ot?d eomwll ?une IB ? wcnd?rf?l i rtm I'turt ^nad) ^OM'SiPU&DipQ" Kd4U Li w u< Uf Mm* . . "'?ii11 1 ^v, ^ 1 1 " 1 * MATtKEV EAnt? I r. M. u ?OB OOI. < HIU>HCV !?? PltlCSS Se nd lOr iMM , DREAMS COMES TRUE AT NEW THEATRE Play at Local Houm Toaigfat b One 16i ih* Bm t of IU Kind o? Um> BosmJ Today. When' the curtain goes up prompt iy'tt V.'SO tonight on the big mini da) comedy, .'When Dream* Com? N?w Thwure the v-t roai "of thl^.houie' will so* the beet oatWltyj? eomedy^that has ever been -o &Ja city. ' The company coming her 6 1? the eaitao pile that has mads all pf.'&e larger cltlee of the south during the past ave mouths, and the &0lng and dancing numbers are 'beyond the average that are '?angily ren In the beat musical t<*>ou?dlec. The mannfenest of the Me* theatre statee that i^my do not hesitate to full? guarantee that ev ?ry- one pr^eeni tonight will go away after the \ performance feeling that thejr hiVo' seen the beet ehow of the Mason. It ts hoped that they will ,ha?e a full house, tonight. ?t<4 Is hard to Secure 6fher good attrtftfiona 'mi,i h?"w . Mr^kjk." t: >',.*!??* ? , T W??Wi?(on. J?i?. 10.? ? ?unity, .in pr*?m4aeM "uMMN' bety**a WlllUm of PruMl* ud Item of N^braska^' was advocated ca the senate floor todfcy by Senator Cummins, apeak lag on his resolu tion Iqx a government monopoly tn munitions manufacture. . la thti cone, he said, the great "WHEW a VILLA NEEDS A ER1EM0." : U. Si -Fltx?.r.ld in ??. Lout* Post- Dispatch. WONT OPERATE SPECIAL TRAINl Wwehhigton Only1 City .Hong Nor- | folk Southern Willing to Bend Bufflck-qi Number to Raleigh. Norfo^t Southern, railroad officials annoujreed today <?at the proposed epeplfcl train to Raleigh on the 24tli ^^mf^wjilch time* tJefaiaine Farrar will" sing at the capital city ? will not be operated. * W&rd was received In this office this morning from the general pas senger agent to the effect that only very few of the cities along the linr had expressed any great desire to co-operate in the matter. It would cost 9200 to run the train and Washington 1* the only city which was willing to do its part, over twenty persons having signified their "ttntion of going to Raleigh from ;ero. Those who deslTe to hear Farrar sing will have to leave here on the early morning train on the 24th and retuqa home the following morning. THREE MEMBERS CREW KILLED London, Jan. 20. ? The liner Ryn dam. damaged at sea, arrived today carrying" the bodlea of three atokers killed and four injured persons. ARE ARRESTED FOR RIDING ON WALKS! Cfclaraa Who Oatiy Pumped Th#ir| Hlkee Along Skkm-alks Are Brought Into Ooort "Riding sidewalks" wss the prin-' clpal charges against defendants in the .recorders' court yesterday after noon. ^he following eases were brought' up afflTdtspOied of: Randall' Brown, colored, riding 'dnwalk^ costs. Joe Cherry, colored, soliciting for passengeA; eosts. Henry fcarr, colored, riding side walks; ootfs. Tom Dpfts, riding sidewalks; costs E. L. Roper, riding' sidewalk*; ostn. V""' J. H. Ackl< y. allowing dog loose 1 the,#U|j?U; costs. mmm snougn Any My. Omar-1 say. old man, you are not suparetltloua, are you? Parker ?'J should say not Bnt why do you aak? Omar? Because I want yoo to lend mo ?13 until next Friday.? Indianapolis MftHllfO CRAFT SUBMARINED. Loads*. Jan. IS.? Tho UwMtoft .shine have beea submarined. but their crews reseued probably. In the , North Sea. ?< ' V * k Y I i / ' t 1 - j nTr^r ,,' TWO ZBPPOMNA DAMAGED. * Ajneterdam. Ja?. to.? Two ?ep ELECT BOWERS PRESIDENT Meeting of Stockholder of Wash ington Building Mid Loan Asso ciation Held J-ast Sight. At a specially called meeting M | Washington Bonding and L,oar. | i natation, vblfti ?rarttir?ll7 all. ' <h K8"lt was represented, officers and dlrectota -Trere eltcted a? to!- j j ows: President: B. F. Bowers. 1st Vice Pres.: J. Q. Bragaw, Jr. Jpd Vice Pres.: W. H. Ellsworth Secretary: John A. Mayo. Tr asurer: A. M. Duruay. Attorneys: Simmons & Vaughan. Directors: Capt. Geo. T. Leach, A II. DuniAy, W: H. Ellsworth. D. T. Fowl?, p. S. Worthy. Lee Davenport. B. F. Bowers. C. F. Harris, C. M Brown, Jr., James A. Hackney, F. T. Woolard, F. E. Mayo, N. L. Sim mons, John H. Bonner, J. O. Bragaw, Jr It- was decided that the Initiation f<"e be paid In and due* commence on the first Saturday In February. Over 1.000 shares of stock have been^subacrlbed to the association, and it Is expected that this amount will be Increased by several hundred by the time the organisation It started. l?RO AD WAY-UNIVERSAL FEATURE AT BELLMO Miss Marie Tempest, the most noted comedienne on the English peaking stago Is appearing In a su perb 5-reel feature comedy at the Bellmo, this afternoon and tonight. "Mr*. Plum's Pudding" la the tlt\e c?f fchla feature, and Is one of the ?erles of Broadway features od the program of the Bell mo avarj Thurs The story was written by Al. Christie, -director of the^famoua Nes. tor brand of comedies; and ' Miss Tempest 1* given excellent support by Eddie Lyons and Lee Moras, two prominent comedians of the same company Regular prices will prevail, with [a special school children's matinee at 4:00 p. m. I IXC7RKARK IN OATTLR AND HOOS IMPORTED Washington, Jan. 10.? flaw De partment of Agriculture's annual es timate of farm cattle in the eofcntry January t, I aimed today, shows Il? ?8,000 nllk cows, aa Increase of if. 4 per ?^nt over itlft; Jf.4M.000 i other cattle, aa increase of S.4 per cento 4 1. 141,000. sheep, a decrease | of l.i par oent. and 41,047.000 swine, an laerSaae of l.t p m 4*nl TURK* HALT MJMIAXS. London, Jan. fO. ? The Rnssler ausus was halt Turkish rein a* STRANGE ASSYRIAN MAY ? BE WORKING FAKE GAME r r i 4 Is Raising Coutribuiions for "?Jiphauage.M Refuses to Have His Credentials Investigated There are probably a number of business men In* Washington Triref, | ? ltber yesterday or today, contrrbut- ( ed to an "orpbange fund," petitions for which were circulated by a j strange Asayrian In the city. Wheth- ' er they have thrown their monoy j lway or not Is a matter of consid- . rable speculation. ' \ Lt la stated that an Assyrian. who taUcs broken English, arrived here yesterday and visited a larse num ber of tpe merchants here. He bad | :r: dentiaia signed by men in vario-.:* aru of the country and also phot-v ;raphs of the "orphanage" and the ^?hjldren in it. for vtiwiii bo claimed o be j-als^B funds. ThiB inaiTITvl?lf*d one of the mer chants on Main streot and explain d lis proposition to him. The mer chant looked at his credentials and then proceeded to make a note of signatures. The Aee;- r!an imme. LEAP YEAR DANCE GIVEN LAST NIGHT A leap year dacce, co'iipllmontar ' to the a nbers of th* Iiulc>jn elu *nd iii\:.u4 gucs s. was {rivet by th >oung iaJks of the city lasi night at the Lika* ball and proved to In ,jue of the luoat uucccbsiul dunces of the S'aton. A? the couples lined up for the grand march, shortly af or nine o' clock, the bpectaiors and chaperons ' ?vere treated to as fine a spectacle jf stalwart womanhood and sweet and dainty mauhood an ever gath- ; ered In one place at tho same tlm\ l he >ouug ladle* were stared In jonvenilonal evening clones but ill I attractive, handsomely designed au-: I beautifully p; tternad garments c. .he men cal'.cd forth titi&nj cxclawa- j i'ion-: of d*.ight cd' the 'part of th>l witnesses at the handsom- aaaem- 1 b'q. Some of the eu&tome. '?re ;>eclai!y worthy of mention; Mr. Albert Willis was attired la ' Mack, with the coat cu? away In' rront and drooplrg "rac M'y :n lh. ?*.r. Ic u, a V l.v ;!nv r*?: COi.un.O. Anct'itr leaut.iul stilt was thut o* Mr. J. D. Cain. a. A Bilk facit.g over the bodlnf added a dle'.inctl . e anu aristocrat . fouch 'O the "feet. Mr. W. ;J. Redman's att.ro a'so caused mi?ch comment. The coat was daringly cut away ia front, bat jtherwlae the costume was . most -onservatlve. Mr. William Bauhgam wa^dalnt '.IT clothed' In black broadcloth. Ar original feature of his attire was a handnom. ]y figured white vf at which was cut low in front vlth a row of pearl buttons holding It !j j lace. Mr. Llnd ay Wsrren's costv.me wr?. exceediug'y striving and s^vereiv simply. There wm absolute'y r crcpe d-? chine, mr^alinn or chiffon used is the trim-Rings. Others wore equally beautiful garments. A striking feature of th;tr attrfe, nnd one which noticed generally, was that most of tbe attractive men present had scorned the use of any superla'ive trimming to their g irme:its. There was very Uttl? laco or embroidery in evidence. R. Carter made a most evident and capable floor managrr and saw to 'It that the dance was run off smoothly and without a hitch of any kind. Among thoso who wJ*r? present were R. Carter with Mr. Oormon, ol New Bern, E Berry with Mr. Ed Ayerw; M. Nicholson of Path with Mr. Wll am B^ichm. I. Curt r iwlth Mr. J. D. Calais, E. Harsh w?t? Mr. Abrams, I. Warren with Mr Francis Charles, R. Tayloe with Mr William Ellsworth. Mis* Hornthall of Plfmouth with Mr. Thomas Eth eridge. M. Carter with Mr. J. Hodgtfff. 8. CarroW with Mr. Henry Jackson. H. Shaw with Mr. Roy Kear, E. Jones with Mr. Thomas Laughlng hotise. M. Burbank with Mr. Jarvls P- Harris with Mr. lister Savage. E. Harris with Mr. Llhd?ay Warren. E. Braswll with Mr. Albert Willis, M. rowle with Mr. J. Wll llama, R. Simmons Wfth Mr. P. S. Worthy, L. Branch with Mr. Jesse dowers. C. Powle with Mr. Henry vfoore. M. Ellsworth with Mr. Carl looreh. M Blount with Mr. Allleon Iray. E Carrow with Mr. Donnaa iny. W. Wnrron with Mr. Mldcnp, M., Ruasley with Mr. Joe Mayo. A. rayioe with Mr. Herman Carrow. A. L. Ellsworth with Mr. J"* dtately snatched th?* papers awejf and asked what ha meant. TM merchant replied that he merely de sired to write -to the men who ha4 signed the document* and find out whether thoy were r?*"1- Thlj at?* . n lft ex thai ?Men investigation wm entirely un necessary and that If the merchant did ncK desire to help him he couLd say so. He then went out. This afternoon, another merchant on Main street did tho same thing rnd the Afeyrlao again became very, my c-s^I'td and angry. He left, h 'a Lu.-ry. \. ^ ;-r? !s a- HI In town or not 1? nr . k owrn, but th residents of the ciiy are warned that they a ra rurn'rg ct miderable risk in con-; tributing to his "orphanage." for the man's ai'.una evidently speak for th* aisolves. TO TAKE CRUISE ON THE FOOTE Xnral ?? il?!a In Planninj? to Run 1 mn i ? Ocracoke Saturday Night on 1 rjHOd# Boat l>e?troyer. v crts. * to Ocracoke is being | . un:?e:l ./ the local naval mllltia They exp: "t to leave hero at 10:30 o'c'.ook S -tarda? sight on the tp*-' pedo boa1 destroyer, Foote and re turn late Sunday night. The trip will be or. ? of the longest that tl)f militia hare ever taken In the Foote will b*>an excellent test of sea manship and their ability to ward off seasitftc rt. as the sound will I T?robab> kick up considerable fpaa. XhcT crf.ft will be In charge of Com mandei C. L. Morton. tfftC MEETING Wm Held Yesterday Afternoon at tin Home -of M1m Mar i- La Myers. .Lu ;nt< rcAiIng Scission. U D C. m t ye? ? ? :. ?vM8-cia Myors and liii.d a ires Interesting and enjoy | Me iiftHlnf 3<*vpra' new members t re ^le t' ?' ! \t tfc< ? .er inoe'lng of the C*. pV a decided to bold all fi? -.ire T. . l at the homes of the diff r:?nt members. A number evi den.ly did not understand this ar rangement yesterday and were not prsr.enL \ speaker for the Memorial day ix rciRes, which will be h?ld on May OtV was decided upon. His name ?aril: be withheld from publication until it . id known whether he will] arcep'. . he copter alio ordered a BJinbur of n^w books for special '.uciy. Miss Myers served delicious ! *" hm -nts .nfl an en>oyable so ial "lie fo'.lowtd the business i -.J. :n ming The aext meet eld ai;h Mrs. Henry ?".It ???.!. Pi ?'! aiM'nriw Advocate* Moet. Wash In art on, Jan. 20 Prepared ness advocates from many Btatcs gathered here today to attend ttye irnt congress of the National Becur. ty league which begins a three day ? cation for discussion of th? nation al defense. NEW OFFENSIVE MOVEMENT INAI'GURATED BY RITB8IAN8 Tterlln, Jan. 20. ? By wireless to j -a will#. ? A new offensive movement ' - r ' "'??n'rn,rd by the Rus sians to the of t zerhowlts. near he F'ea -arablan frontier. The offltilil Austrian statement of today says the Russians made four suocesetje at tacks at several places, but were re pulsed. Smith, M Watson with Mr. Wtyllaa Patrick. Mr. J. M. Hgven*. M. kv Is of Wilson with Mr. B. KiflMl, M. Myers with Mr. Frank Mm, Mrs. and Mr. Harold ^aahbniS V. Haneoek of New B?hl witb* Mr Charles Moore, B. (hamons with Mr. Hugh Phelpe. If. Will with' Mr. WiJllsm Blount, Jaeet Wbetsaore ?1th Mr. K. SaoadeA*. Mtee Braawell with Mr. Marry Bfert. L. HU1 with Mr. r. S. Burbaak, W. NJcMoleoa with Mr. Detty el New Ben. Mrs. aid Mr. Oe&rge Hackney, J. Whet more. M t. Oarlani Hodgea. fta**, Utk Orlffa, L. llouet. R. W?n% M, j McMul'aa of Bdealoa. pifflTBW ?imnaani FBDPOSEfi TRIP v Amors keahoMk twani K)B HIS DBCUKMt TO ? TO THB PEOPLE." A POLITICAL TRIP Hoatm Thlmk That It WUl Btf mm Preparedness C'uuptlgi. Otto arm Btftieve Hint Preparedness Pro? gruui la To Be KtpUiaed. .... Washington, J a a. 10.? Til# U< AUl*irai.ua program of eatlanM d? ("?? i? tsllcved In danger. The ao tiv? Opposition of th* paciflsta, lad by Brynfffl^lua the wide difference* of vis* among those who think aoma Mepa 'for national d fenaa should be taken, .are said to be Jeopardising the administration's defense propos als. The continental arniy, u pat* linsdf. , by Secretary Garrison. ItjJ ma tittg with strenuous opposition. That one of the purpoaea of the Prealdent In making his cnntemplat v J trip throughout the country to to fortify his legislative program, fta* eluding preparedness, rcveaae latlon, and other matter* la aooqplM here. When he was governor of New Jersey, h" usoj to go otU and appeal 10 the people on state teatl are. Be has been told, ao it laeald, Uxal in the present situation the people of the eotntry are looking for lea^ar*^ ship, and that if he will go out' and talk tor them he wiii snoot an eetkn. slastiC r apoose. But the political wiae ones tare refuse to believe the President <a going (to tour the country solely for v ! glslative reasons. They think big politic! is wrapped up In the newly tefeloped plan. aee in It, flret, a direct chal- ^ !OTNTT W Bryan, a -cbaflpsge t<?the' nomles of the Prealdent within the Democratic party. They aver that President Wilson Is going odt to "mop the earth" with Bryan and all D-mocrata who ar" trying to stiek a in'fe in him 'as a candidate fo? re uominatlo^, and thus to clinch thla renomlrat:on. Further, they take thaNvtew that In addition to making a' prscoirven Mot compa.gn at this lime.the pres ident Is going to make *,iarfe sfeere of his pre-election campaign no*. It . thla viewpoint is correct*, eyery calif . of the Pretfdeptje tour is expected to possess political value. SCHOOL NOTES ' Prominent M?*n M?<le Addressee. Htwkmta Are 8 Landing Mid Term Exaiaa Thla Week. Rev. John R. Matthews who haa been holding a mission in the Epic copal church made a very tntereatr ing addr ss at the morning exer cises on Wednesday. At the close of the address Mrs. Wolfe sang a very appropriate solo. 4B grade carried on the following pxercla ? on Friday morning: Reading of the 23rd Psalm. Hymn, ''Wake Sweetest Strain. '? "The Windmills," a part of the grade. . v "Dolly and Her Mother?' Mamie Ross. Hymn. "Praise Hi appeals* Him." "The Night Wind," Lauise Bhel burne. ? -v?. Hymn, "Waking Out of Bllsnce." On Monday morning, Rev, Mr. Jenkins, of the ftapilet ehtfftfc of AsheVllla, visited the school and made a short eddrr** The who)e school 1? standing the mid-term examinations thla week. --iid

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