MR. FALLIS PRESENT VowMhlp Owd Ro?d m which OT.T thirty i MMI iaat ' Dijbt. i auu M(k?r ?dBMi l?t?rr?Uni u?. .aluafi *ardlng road work tm'< Wrta .,Ja,?u ?W at him l#raold ort?r 1 b*ra prMMt, who deal lUbtened retarding t o* the work. Mr. rants . was tut r la. Stewart, mrctv} -( your road condition* till Iwv* ta be thoeoughly Investigated u< leoked fnto. I am ready *to -do this Ad everything elee that might he <* assistance to yon. If* there *e any questions which eomp of the gentlemen here topfglii ^Wotifcd like to eik, I would be gUUfl*. answer Wr. Warren? I would lH^to-ask, Mr. Fallls. whether you fofe gone iArer ell of the toade in ib^town Mr. Faille? I've Just driven over them in a car, but have' Aot fpade a detailed observation^ ' Mr. Wdrren ? iWh?t dfc **nr M'lnk would be the but to build? 77 t* Mr. K.m? *m ? - Mr. Faille? Yes, Mr; an eteo fjt. : SS>- K if: Judge Bragaw ? He ifce territory himself ti&v flffak'e? pre tralnary InveSTTgatlonsf ! V Mr. Fallls ? Y^s. " ".Iti? "? Mr. Arihbell-tAnd #oe* M*. Faille? Yes. And th*tt t will come back and |ook over the situa tion again with aim. lit pot a man here ' who Is thoroughly afeqealftf*d ? 1th the oaster^ part of the State And competent to do ^the work. Mr. Warran-*-You would then strongly advise jhe township to em p'oy an mglneej|? Mr. Fains ? AH. the tine. I would Have the entire work done under fcle supervision. Mr. Warren ? What, salary woold Me draw? bellMo today BILUB R1TCHIB I* m l-twl IrKO Com?4y "ROOM AMD BOARD -A DOLLAR AND A HAW JANS NOVAK la a !wo-r??I drun* THK ORBATKR C0HRAOE" Mr. Mora* ? What la the cost of | maintenance per mile per year? Mr. Pa) It* ? It runs from 95 to| 160. - Judge Bragaw ? Woqld ?)ie prob lam of proper drain age evolve more | MrTTralHa ? Tm, to aom* extent. Mr. Stewart ? What would be the beat metkod-of operation ? for the "Bttfe highway commission to work *ith rbe en glower? Mr Falll#? Tfce beat plan would Ve fe* jolt to appoint ^a committee ef -threO' ta?n to act M an executive 'wMtnHeei l4t>,?lfct#?rt ? Would it be nec aery to pajr them a salary? ' * Ifrrkllta ? -No, it is not euatomar ,w; z\-'J \ ' L. Mr. ?tewart ? If we apend 150.000 here. ihoyiM we (hen employ a com petent man to look after the roads r| Mr. ran>a?Br>i! re? Mr. atfw^rt ? What after? would] we hare \o pay kim? Mr. Faille ? You would not Hare to be* the same kind of a man aa you dtd for yo4rr eonatructlon work. Iffa irark would be largely dragging and keeping dttcheaopeo. Ton ought to get hfifi for aboet II# a month. Mr ParrUher ? Mow Wtte wooHfc you ad rlke building the roads? '? j Mr. rattle? Thirty * ' ttf eh ? you'U hare a right of witfjftlnMt/wtll be there for future work. It 6oet?j little mor?*o bnild a wide road Ckeo; Mr. Qrlmea? How mrfny men are uauelly employe* In a gang? . ? Mr. Pallia ? It *ip00j| ^ vtt? nu fiber of B>?les. If >Ou ?2.~-Hum4r?d? of families ha?e been drivatl from their homes; man/ IUt? bs?n ? hss-of fa^arto? sro closed .ajj^ibtotatult-tfcm fft?d |irhlcl)r is sweeping through Illi nois and Fox river valleys. v Ottawa Jg In darkness and thare is no street csr traffic. FEDF.RA' T * - iS or." ?< .lj ji SMALL Washington. D. C., Jan. 22. ? Con- I gressman John H. Small, of North 1 Carolina. loday expressed himself as being very much opposed to the Hughr.s-Smith bill, which provides for Federal censorship' of all motion picture - films. In speaking on the subject this morning, l*o had the following to say: "The Hughes-Smith bill providing for federal censorship of all motion picture films Is only one of the many activities seeking to have the fed eral government take over the Iocs , police powers of the statos, and su pervise the moral of local commun- 1 ltles." said Representative John H. . ?mall, ot North Carolina. "The State i of North Carolina and all other 1 states are ampler prepared to sup?r- ' vise the morals of Its Citizens a9 any I commission appointed by the Prel- 1 SPLENDID PROGRAM AT NEW THEATRE ^ The New Theatre will offer their patron* tonight- a splendid program, In whicl^here will be a fine three reel feature by Essanay entitled, "The C^l| of the Sea." There wUI also^tWo single reels of good com ?dy in a drama. For Monday night thla house will have a seven reel program. :n which th *y wf*! offer thr; flrat episode of what they bel.ev. will be the beet serial that they have yet had a chance to present. Francis Ford and Grace Cunard, those two great characters that made such a l^t here in "Ladle Love" will take the leading parts In this new serial. "The Broken Coin," which wlfl run for fifteen weeks, with two reels every Monday night. It la predicted that the house will be crowded Mosday night. . AT THR BAPTIST (THt'lWTH. Rev. Edward B. Jenkins, of Bllt moro, will preach at both morning and evening service*. Subject or morning sermon: "The Maaaage froqfgthe Early Church to tlA 16th Century Church." Subject of evening r'Woii "The Mttaton of the Menetah." i ent or by T'V.ijreas. \ "I fre?-.. 'lit t the popularity of m. tlon . c.*v** aud their perman esry as educational factor. Like tho preas ;nd the drama moving pic tures may be obscene or may violate good morals but they will be regu lated and controlled by the force of public Hentiment through the aeV. oral communities and the Btates for med by such legislation as may be tec BBary. So far as I can obnerve this agitation la mainly advocated I by a few ultra enthusiasts who are acous'oirted to look to the federal | governrn- nt for the rectification of any public evil and to hang around WaAh'ngton instead of deleting their 'nntlvtin* to. thy t?etterm?pt? it their r?spt" communities acd states. I wll! d/jdI assuredly vote against the Hughes bill." CANNING FACTORY FOR ELIZABETH CITY Movement l)errlokson Veneer Company, are behind the movement, which means that If definitely un dertaken the plan will be put through. These gentlemen nay that they are ready to erect a cannery if Paa quotank farmers will oo-opera%? with them by undertaking email ?? perlmenu la tomato eultura tkla year. If for lnetanoe, one hundred and twenty-fivs farmers will agree, to plant an acre in tomatoes thlsl year, the matter of erecting ? can.) nery will be begun at once. SUED POTATttBS. 05JOK i*I?. iiidn mwi ni hm o?u ?t a. I: WIU.18. botfc iCOTM. I MTIft.W TO HIVE WILSBN nijiM. AH INVITATION HAS BERN KX tfcNDED HIM BV TUB CCR KJtNT TOPICS CLUB. ' THINK HFLL COME A a Cttj I m LargMt is Kltchia'| DU Ml mm MaJm Mf Lm&t to OppoMtf to TUM. BellMrf'Wtt. ?on Will AeeepC AY8 LKKT TO BUY at cost. Buck man Broe. 1-22-llc. SHORTER HOURS, And more pay to the man regards Ills personality as an asset. We. want to ke?p you looking "spl? and span' ,a#w we? <1?antmt. tuff, WRKJHTB STBAM PRRBBING WORKS Phone 211 A8T?TttM la tn? D?!lr (few* TO-NIGHI r Eniannf pr#??nt? > ( "Tb* Can of th? S T?\ f?t?M "Tkft VfcnUMni Of OBW 1 T?\ "Tb? Loom of Cb*ne?" ? 1 r*ol Momdar HUht : 'Tke Brok?a CoM^ PrtootsftiO