WoHb Matter ki&fcfc. Apply W. a Dit dley, City Market. UlMwe. WANTED: HALBSWAN TO . MfaLL lubricating oiU and speclaltle Big profit*. Champion Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. l-MUMfil*. t Under and by ylftna of a D-ed o' Aaatgameat mada by the Jeiferaor Puraltar? Company, a corporation, to the nnderslgaed Trustee. dated January 4th, It li. and of record 1 ? Boa ?fort County Records, tha ,un dersigned Trustee. will on Monday, February 14th. If 1#. at tba boar of IS M. at tha stord of ttfe Irffifwr Furnltul-e Company, a corporation on Ma'n Btraat In tha City of Wasfe '.ngtou. N. C.. offer at pnbtfc aala. tr the highest bidder for caah. the fol lowing property: AH of that stock of furniture etorea, merchandiae. fixtures, sup pllea. and all stook of said corpora tlon located in eald store building and also all atawk of aald corpora tloa Ideated In (be warehouse on thr Sot*0 side of Third street, In thr City of Washington, N. 0.. together with all team, accessories, and fix turee. together with all book to connts, notee, chose* Id actions and title retatalag contract* of the aald corno ration. The right Is reserved to fix a first 1 bid. aid to reject any and all bid? made, and to eell the stock la part and la bulk, and to accept that bid aggregating the moat, whether it b' In parcel or In bullr. / '? I The purchaser will- be required tc deposit 10 per eent of bid at time ef sale, in cash, or bid will be re jected, and next hlgbeet bid accept i ed. Balance will be payshle apor delivery of bill of aale. ^ Time af sale Monday. /February 14th. at Twelve M. at thV store of file Jefferson Furniture Company, or Mala Street. Washington. N. C.. terms of sals caaft. ??.. .-'J.. Thin January fist. ltlft. NORWOOD L. SIMMON?. . Trusts, 1 jefferson furniture oo < A corporMMi. NOTE A complete and detailed inventory of all stook la store and wehoase of all aeeeseorlee and II* tnreg. and s complete detailed state* ment of all book aeoopfets. contracts. 9 * ;?? _ VulliffcD, Ju IS. ? la Mhh or th? Muni Foal Road bill thick was brought up Id tin Houh tkie ?Mk, Representative Aawall of WeftMaoa. put* forth a itfoBI kTfv^ ?eat and urged th. pu?|? of I he bill it tb? earfleat >oa*tbl< date. Ha MM la part: Mr. Chairman, Is ao other war can our Ooraraamt add ao rapidly to the proaparltr si Ufa Nation than kr contribution to rokd building, thui aarleg million* la trene^orta tion and making oar avarsklr kettled ? actions ao dealrkble that the Inbab. Itanta will not Wlak to leare them. If tt la wlaa aad beneficial for the State to ralee a ianaral fund. A dkaa the State of Louisiana, out of vbtch a portion of tha "coat of' con structing our rood* li to b? paid. It would Mem equally Just and equi table for the Federal" Government to cotftrfbutrf a" portion toward the coat of constructing highways .In each aad arory State. It is a fundamen tal principle of -democratic gor?rn ment that for thecomasoa gpod and la their own iatoroat the atrong sec tions shall cintribute their Just part In aphalldiac the weak. It la a fsct that nearly all larg* appropriations made by the Federal Government la the past have been expended In aad near great cities, while but little, aad generally nothing, has been ex pended la oar rural sections. "" Tie time has oome to right this wrong. In the past for their taxes otfr fa* | mars hare received from the Federal Government a f?? itrdu im4. a (limited number of rural mail routes, and an occasional prom 1m, not yet fu tilled by l he Government. Thfs bill. proVMhig that th? Federal Gov ernment aha n pay not leaa than SO >er ??? aor mora than to par cent or road construction aid road main tenance. U the flrat direct proposi tion to give tha farthers of the coun try a square deal. Roads aVe local concern., and pri marily It is the duty of the States K> provide them for their people. On the other hand, it shoald "be noted that no' syettm of permanent high ways was ever built or maintained lp any country without tha subetan. 1 tial aid of the general 'government of that country. Onr great rural population 1 pro duces this wealth that makes our cities great and perpetuates the pow er of the Federal Government. They bear the burden of the Government In tltaH of paftce, and in times of war the country boy and the bby from tW smaller town fsarlossly follow the flag where "thickest falls the red rain or human slaughter." He re ceives little of the bfetetags of Gov ernment beyond the post office and the rural carrier, but in tlmea of need he forgets all this and gives htm self TreeTy, if need be. In tha csiuse of his country. This bill is I tor him. You are for him. The Na tion shov!d be fbr him; for the Gov ernment depends upoahtm. Pfcwe giv* m# th? ruU ?f few to flntf y 1^4^ r 8uiidsye Eaater day la alwaya th* ant Budday attar the full moon which bappeu% npon or nut ?fur the Zlat of Mirch. and if the full moon happeuii en ? Son 4*7 Mar (1*7 U the Sunday after. There la alao an old taylnc by which Eaatar day mar be found: "Kirat cornea Candlemas {Feb. J) and then the tew moon; that teooh ottt and the nut the Sunday aft* la If Kin? Menellk ie really d?d.<eu ?no, Mint*. THT" will be ob served toward the national air of an> 1 ?<l?r ootmtry When It la pUyVxr u * om? pltaent to official rtpreecntattvea of that ooootry. When played by a naval band anlsr Uy circurtietapoef contemplated b> hi UUstl of any pert not to4u&t4r to be re peated to xnAke the air complete. Haw do? tha government issue poet aga ate ne pa? ie there a value beelder t ha paper and labor in making them before they are put in circulation? Poetage stamps are nrpparal in tbt fcwr?an of printing anil engraving li Washington, and that bureau Is tbt only one prepared to furnish detntls con oernlng the cost of production of post age stamps Genera lly speaking the money value Indicated by the-denomi nation of a stamp Is an ebtlrety arbi trary value, since in itself a stamp it worth only the value of thspapfcr and tha coat of labor enterisg into its pro dnctiou. . Pleeee tali ma eomething about the) ialand of Portd Woo, 1ti Sc4a, popula tion, distance from ?oma points in the United ttatee, reeouroea, etc. Haw ||iag hae it belonged to the United Potto Hlco become a possession o? tha United States following the wni with Spain Oct. 18* 1808. It contain*, about 3,000 miles. A census taken ir 1900 Showed a population of 053?48, oi whom 680,420 were white and MS,Jn" were colored. The popniHttou in 191< liraportMlaal.118.012. Tha Island la nn usually fertile, and Its principal indux tries are agriculture and luittberldg There are more than 500 varieties ot trees fotind tn the forests, and- tbt plains are full of palm, orange and oth ?r trees. The principal crops are sugar, coffee tobacco and corn, but oranges, hann nas, rice, pineapples end many othei fruits are Important products. The tar < fast expbrt'is sugar and the next la to flacca Other ** ports tn ordsr of i mount are coffee, fruits, molasses, cat tie, timber and hides. San Juan. th? capital of the island, is 1411 miles frmr New Yovk, 1,20 0 roDea from Chariea ton, 8._0.. and 1.060 miles from Ksj To The of the JeffeewOti * Oorponuhn. wnrsonos Ih* '???Mon Kiirnltor# Company a corporation, oti January 4th 19IS* , . *? creditor, of |?, 'iZu-^lC Zl?"6 10 'Mr ??< <!?lr .?rilled, - h th. O*,,, , IT FATS TO ADVERTISE Sattoel FieW From the SWOmM Play by ROI COOPER MEQRUE WALTER HACKETT owvuht. uu-iat. w, *01 cow IMmk %a? wuur Uuliu SYNOPSIS CM Cyrus Martin. ths head of the Xmn - ijt,, ? bet of co, 000 With Ptk. a rival mpmakw, 9 son Rodney would b# i money at the end of e ye*r than Cl&rk'i mb EUsry. Martin tmfcse hU pmty secretary. Marr Orayaon. Intohls confldencs and enlists her uu S^fatluii.' Rodney baa bMn a spendthrift and the father vanu to make him reform and go to work. Mary meet* Rodney, and the ion pro poses marring* "to her. Rodney telle hie Bather about proposal. and the old man pretends great anger. He telle Mary he will dletnherlt Rodney. Rodney deflee hie father, and Mary la ! deeply touched at the lad's, genuine affeo- . tied for her. Mary makes a financial bar rels with Martin to encourage the son to | so to work. Ambroas Peale, press scent. meeU Rod ney end agrees to go Into business with the lad on s aalary baala Rodney haa resolved to so Into the soap Industry and buck the trust. Rodney, Peals and Mary go Into the soap trade together. Rodney then en deavora to borrow flO.OOO as capital for hie newly t ? n?? of the "11 Soap company" are opened, and they adverts It as "the most expensive soap In the world." Psale talks advertising continually. The IS Hoap company finds lis expenaea very heavy, and financial rocks loom Their chief business seems to kaVe been to spend money for advertising under Rale's directions An allseed oounteee. who has appeared so the soens. desires to pureHkss the French rights for ths sale of "11 8oap" I and produces a draft for 930,000k which ahe desires to have cashed. "WbfTfou cheap grafter!" she cried I IndlgnabUy, with a real Bowery ac cent "She spoke English !" cried Rodney, and the countess suddenly covered her I month with her hand, realizing for the first time that the had given herself j away. "Suffering cats! She's a faker Rod ney added. | The counters agreed, shrugging her ahoulders. - I "So Is the draft Gee, you were wjr ' J "Well, you're frank anyhow," Rod ney said to her. % "Why not? It'a all cold now." ??What jvas the game, kid?" Peale asked her taking a profeasional inter- , set | "I was going to trim you for the $5, 00Q change from that draft," said the countess. ? j "But why pick on usT" "I didn't start out to. You wished It on yourselves," said the countess. "I came to trim your' father. You re-; member I wanted to see him. But I looked no soft you thought yoh'd grab me bff and sell me the French agency1 of your 13 Soap. I didn't think yonr father could be as big a boob as you were, so I changed my plana" "Now I'm going to get the cops to get jbuT snkl Peale kternly. I *"I should burst into laughter!" cried the countess. "Why, you pikers, I'm on. Yoti're busted. You haven't got any money, aud you have got a phony company!" "Now. see here,** expostulated Rod ney. ' "Preserve It, preserve It." the count- 1 ese lbfsrfupted. "Don't forget I've uu. derstookf everything yon two guys were talking about." To Rodney she said: "Kiss her hand; It's French stuff." To Peale: "Ah, there, you little lifo sarer." To Rodney: "The money wllb you? I'argent avec ?onst Gee. your French 1? rotten." ! To Pesle, who moved away from her: "Shan r kiss her*" Then she added arter a pause: "Sehd'for the oops snd 111 hlow ths. whole' thing to the papers." She" rested her gloved finger* coolly on hdr umbrella handle and surveyed the two boys. "Wtol, I guess we're quits. If you had rfhy money I'd ask for s piece of change to keep me quiet But as It Is I esn'f waste tuy time." "You're not Frcpcb at allT0* Rodney queried. "I was educated over there. Im mense, wisn't I? You never tumbled at all." "But why the foreign stuff f* PeaK Inquired. "WeB. I can talk good French, bnt my BngllAh Is punk," explained the conntdds. , "Yod wou't say anything newT" Rod ney pfeadeU. "No, 1 ft>n't bit a fellow -when he's 1 down. Ahybow, we're sU In the same elddg. Thfee fakes. I'D keep mom if y?u do." Oh, money, money] ' . ' So much for the $10,000. The $2,800 Wde no seerer. as wsi presently to apreer. when Bllery Clsrti stuck his hand In the door, grinning, and asked I to see Rodhey a moment Peale could 1 hot help itettelng the change that kad come over the countenance of Bllery. ? Too seem very beeatiy pleased, Bl- 1 lery," he aaAd. "Is ererythlng all right about blhfrr . "Oh. ft*. ao to K>Mk; tn ? mEI*' SDar r, .till trlnalst. "Whit do JO* mmo to <pMk. In wjr PmI, demanded, ndd.nl; i i tffc TOar^*e.eTa&*i' wm eC <m I LMC UUn? eoUMi KMMVlMn vkn f Mi and woeldnl be beck till I MKIlij. Apparently EUery vm re . 1Wt?1 by this onaroldable ment. and ao he grinned ud thought 1 It wm all right. Poor imbim thinking of tto tlono. thought It waa all wrong. The coontew, taking In the gmnl IppMitnce of EUeiy. thooibt wn? thins might be doing, tor ah* eagerly and promptly dropped her handkar chief. BUerj pounced upon It at once, handing It to ber with a flourish. "la tbere no one to take me to my taxi?" abe cried next It waa a gen eral Invitation, wlikh Ellery accepted on the apot. I "Theie American building* are ao big I am loat," abe went on. wtth a more marked accent tLan abe had used a moment ago. "Eliery, you take the connteaa/* aog geated ttodney, Willing now to get rid 1 of them both. * "Oh. I'd love to," aaid Ellery. "I any charming, what?" "Mine, la Comteeae de Beaurlen? El lery Clark," aaid ltodney, introducing them. ^ . '? "Thrtt Ukti. I'll k??p mum if you do.* ^Dee-lighted." cooed the countesa. "So mn 1," mi id Ellery, adding audi bly, "Hipping llule filly." "You Hp?*ak the French?" the count ess puned.ua they wont towurd the door. "No, Dot at all." gnld Ellery. "A pltee." "But I can spcuk German." "Aber pruchtvoll ? lch lie be das schoeno Deutsche." "lch aucb"? "War urn laden Sle tuk'h nicht turn Thee elnr "Mlt dt*ui groesstenS? . "Verguuegeu?" "Yes," suld Ellery, relieved, "that's the word- Vergnuegen." "Au revolr, Mr. Martin," aald the countess, look lug back at Rodney over her shoulder. "Voum etes trop almable. Je vou? rcmercie beau coup de votre polltessc. Au revolr." Then In her American accent ahe added to Peaio In an undertone. "So long, kid, call me up sometime." And cliatteriug a stream of Germnu to Ellery, she went out. In fact, Itrull went, the $2,.V?0 and $10, 000 together. I'eale viewed the two depnrtlug figures sadly with mixed emotlous. She was a ripping littlo Ally indeed, that "countess," as that silly was Clark had said, but the silly bbs was having a ride with her now in a taxi, and the clever man, Ambrose Peale, was staying behind worrying about hin advertising bills. Oh, money, money! CHAPTER XI. A Visit From Father. DURING this trying mouth old Cy rus Murl In. the soap king, bad sat in his library in Fifth ave uue. or in hla swivel chair at his office, aud wondered how tblugn were going with the boy anyway. From such information an reached him, be waa not jo eucouraged as he would have iiXed to be. A mouth waa not long cuough to tell, of course. In Ue normal course, of things, but thai fool advertising made another matter of It Those huge billboarda and electric signs and balloons and sandwich men ? piffle ' all of it, but Martin knew what such I things lost, and was sure that Rod ney's company could not possibly stand | It. lie was worried. And bo was an- 1 noyed too. These abominable sand ! wlch nc-n; he hnd had ^e aet of tbem | arrested that afternoon ^Th the avenue.' He couldn't stand it. People might know who were in this ridiculous 15 Soap company, and he should be well laughed l Another and contradictory thing waa the rumor he had befi*d downtown yes terday that the An trover Soap people were backing Rodney's company, go tnfr to build n plant for tbem. fn fact puiiii,^ ljio I'M.* I'll I ttjuit lier |o^e1!? ?. he deckled he would drop dowu ami give the boy n call at his office. It wouldn't be bad to see him again, and Mary Orajson too. So he presented himself at the new soap company's of fice, on Broadway, and was kept wait ing for hla pains. A Miss Burke took In. bis uame. and he guessed that It caused some excitement, for be could hmr Rodney's voles and another chat W Inside while he cooled his heels, tfcien be was st last ushered In the I'lneO^cd like a real office, on the wlAle, fl?>d there at a desk sat Rodney, talklnrtbrougblbe telephone. Hla f*. U?er caught something about "not con sideling it," and "not having any stock for sale"? "quite out of the question." ?jLceters, et cetera, aa he took a ebalr. | "Well. thought Mr. Martin, rather pleased and proud. "What's thtor Rodney In a moment dropped the tele PtaRfe and v<l*ed his father. (To ba Continued. ) ?aWltt M lk? D?ll* Neva. YOU CAWflffYlNfefJfcAfiCE TOMORROW Get It todly. EVfcl tr^fo till Mbfedky. Your "holise &ty~barn on Sunday. Win. Bragaw & Company, First Insurance' Agents, Washington, S. C BIG EATERS GET HJPLE Tibaiba of BaUi btfaf Wmkik* if jvor Back horta or Bladder | totfeKlfOV. The American men ud vnnn malt jpaBPOMBPfcWB* b?M* we eat too much ud all our iood la rich- Our Vtbod to aged *ltfc .urU ?cid which the Vidhrfys etrire to titer out, they weaken from urw wOijfc.qft?nc - sluggish; the ellmlnatlve tissuee ologand the result it kidney trouble. bladder weakness 'and a general decline in health. When jour kidney* feel like Iwpe of lend; your back hurt* or thr^nrine ia cloudy, full of sedftteat or you' "are obliged to eeek relief two or thr<M timce during the night; If you suffer with aiek headache or aitzy/ nerroua pnetla, acid stomach, or you have rbaumatiam when the weather is had, get from your phar macist about four, ounoee of Jld Salts; take a tablespoowful in a^ilaae' ef water before breakfast for a it w days and your kidneys will then act, fljia. : Tbia famous salts ia made frbm the add . of grapee and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and liu been used for generations to flu*h and stimulate clogged kidneys: to neutralize the adida in the urtne so ii no longer is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. J ad Balta la insxpeaaivej eanaot ia luse, makes a delightful efferveecent lithia- water beverage, and belooga Mi every home, ' eeatfse nobody can make a mistake Vy having 4 good kidney flttkh ing any tiros. Flowers! Flowers! For AH OccauOonji Rosql, Vallies, Orchids, Violets and Carnations a specialty. Woddlng Bouquets and Decor ations. Floral Offerings ar ranged In latest art- Write us for prlec list of your needs in Ct^ Flowere or Plants of all kinds. All communications promptly executed by V ** "Our BiulnM* Is Growtej5M Pl.ooe 149. J. L. O'Quinn & Co.' RALEIGH, N. C | NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of Cornelius Black ledge, deceased, ate of Beaufort County, North Car olina, this U to nptlfy all perilous having claims against the estate of ! said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before January 19, 1917, <or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. Thla January 19. 1916. JONATHAN HAVENS. S Administrator. 1-22. two. Penalty of Fame. A famous man can't Lave a oold without the w hoi* world finding It ?t ? Toledo Blade. WL-i c-J?j: J w nai optenaia Light the RAYOGivfes! ITS glow if to toft ana bright thatyou ?n read all ere*ing without tiring yoor eye?. The Lamp is the most popular kerosene lamp ever made. ? because it (ires a claw, powerful, mcllow-iifcht ?because it it eujr to clean and light ?because it is durable, good looking and economical Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best rtrulti in OH Stoves, Lamps and Hedters. The Rayo is only one of our many products that bring comfort and economy to the farm. Matchless Liquid Glo?a Standard Hand Separator Oil Parowax Eureka Harness Oil Mica Axle Grease If your dealer does not carry these, write to our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY iarxr) BALTIMORE Wa?hin(toa. D. C. CWarlert.N. C. Norfolk. Va. Cb.rt.uo., W. Va. R.eh??HU. Va. Chari.*..^ ft. C. Job Printing That Pleases If Our Work Is Not Satisfactory It Cost You Nothing Send or Telephone Your Order* To The Daily News Office J. I -BO If WOOD JAMM w. com } j. leoiT woodTgo. j BANKERS mdllRbKeRS. , ?took* ?????, OMa, gita Uil UiMl, T? Pin Mmt OwfMur Norton. v? < MnU %tn? W MMr Y?rt Tr*l? ia itka OmtatntaM HMlilttll? \ PA1LT NEWS WANT ADS GIVE GOOD REBtnLTS

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